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IRISH RADIO ARCHIVES: The files below are historical off air recordings from past Irish radio stations. Some of the links may take you to separate pages, required by some of the stations of which we have a high volume of recordings on line.

These archives will be continually fine tuned to make navigation as simple as possible. Due to the restructure of the audio downloads, it makes it a whole lot easier in some aspects, to check for broken links and orphaned files.

Enjoy the memories.



The audio files from Radio Stations in Cork are now compiled in date order on a separate page



The files for audio from the 1983 raids are on a separate page



The files for audio from the 1988 closedowns are compiled on a separate page



1981_12_13_sun_abc_1385am_2025-2128_berniecarroll_grahamtalbot-gh1136.mp3  New Nov 2023 Bernie Carroll followed at 9pm by Graham Talbot on Sunday 13th December 1981.  The station had only been on the air a few weeks. This recording is not great quaility, as it was on a chewed C120, and made from 1385kHz in North Dublin which was suffering from a whistle as the station was mid channel and it was a winter evening.  Graham Talbot hosted a phone in with the subject being mainly about pirate radio. 58MB
1981_12_13_sun_abc_1385am_2130-2233_grahamtalbot-gh1136.mp3  New Nov 2023 Continuing the above Graham Talbot show with more phone calls about pirate radio. The audio is still poor due to the old tape and winter interference. 58MB
1983_05_23_mon_abc_981am_2338-0050_garyhamill_signoff-rw.mp3  New Nov 2023 Gary Hamill with a late night show on Monday 23rd May 1983, a few days after the raids on Radio Nova and Sunshine Radio. He signs the station off at around 0045 early Tuesday, and mentions about the march in Dublin on Friday 27th May in support of pirate radio. The recording is courtesy of radiowaves.fm. 65MB



1982_03_29_monday_abc_729khz_1246-1310_andy_ellis_kate_davis_c90_433_kb.mp3   13,917K
1982_03_29_monday_abc_729khz_1330-1350_andy_ellis_c90_433_kb.mp3   17,868K
1982_03_29_monday_abc_729khz_1355-1440_andy_ellis_c90_433_kb.mp3   35,614
1982_03_30_tuesday_1143_729_abc_very_short_clip_tuning_from_suirside_c90_438_kb.mp3   944K
1982_03_30_tuesday_1200_729_101_abc_driving_to_tramore_c90_438_kb.mp3   23,024K
1982_03_30_abc_tramore_tues_101.3_1234-1406_andy_ellis_abe_nathan_news_lol_c90_431_kb.mp3   68,210K
1982_03_31_wednesday_abc_729khz_0749_stuart_clarke_inc_news_from_dublin_lol_(c90_436_kb).mp3   36,379k
1982_03_31_wed_abc_tramore_729_0839_stuart_clarke_rec_waterford_c90_439_kb.mp3   35,307k
1982_10_29_fri_abc_101fms_1348-1429_nigelroberts-ght2.mp3 New Apr 2022 A Friday afternoon show from Nigel Roberts. At this time the station was on 1008kHz with their new 1kW transmitter, although this recording was made in Tramore from their FM outlet on 101MHz in stereo. News at 3pm is read by Andy Ellis. 96MB
1982_10_29_fri_abc_101fms_1430-1517_nigelroberts-ght2.mp3 New Apr 2022 A continuation of the above programme, again with Andy Ellis on news and recorded from 101MHz in stereo. Some of this was recorded on the move in the car so there is some crackling in places. 107MB
1982_10_29_fri_abc_101fms_1530-1615_nigelroberts_clivederek-ght2.mp3 New Apr 2022 The last part of Nigel Roberts for this Friday afternoon and Clive Derek follows at 4pm, sitting in for a Stuart Clark who was apparently 'under the weather'. Andy Ellis again reads the news and is recorded from 101MHz in stereo. 116MB
1983_04_10_sun_abc_1012fms_1140-1242-ght4.mp3 New Dec 2024 Sunday lunchtime on 10th April 1983 when ABC were still operating from a base in Tramore. Not sure of the presenter at this time. Recorded in Tramore from 101.2MHz in stereo. 143MB
1983_04_10_sun_abc_1012fms_1650-1750-ght4.mp3 New Dec 2024 Later on Sunday afternoon 10th April 1983, this is the end of the Top 40.  Then there is continuous Eric Clapton for an hour, although there are plenty of adverts between the tracks. Recorded in Tramore from 101.2MHz in stereo. 137MB
1983_04_10_sun_abc_1012fms_1801-1844_robinross-ght4.mp3 New Dec 2024 Following the continuous Eric Clapton from above, Robin Ross takes over at 6pm. Recorded in Tramore from 101.2MHz in stereo. 99MB
1983_04_10_sun_abc_1012fms_1847-1948_robinross-ght4.mp3 New Dec 2024 More Robin Ross takes over at 6pm. Recorded in Tramore from 101.2MHz in stereo. 142MB
1983_04_10_sun_abc_1012fms_2143-2240_clivederek_stuartclark-ght4.mp3 New Dec 2024 Clive Derek followed at 10pm by Stuart Clark. Recorded in Tramore from 101.2MHz in stereo. 128MB
1983_04_11_mon_abc_1012fms_0734-0834_clivederek-ght4.mp3 New Dec 2024 Clive Derek with his breakfast show on Monday 11th April 1983. Recorded in Tramore from 101.2MHz in stereo. 138MB
1983_04_11_mon_abc_1012fms_0845-0947_cllivederek-ght4.mp3 New Dec 2024 Another hour of Clive Derek on breakfast, Monday 11th April 1983. Recorded in Tramore from 101.2MHz in stereo. 141MB
1983_04_11_mon_abc_1012fms_0955-1032_cllivederek_robinross-ght4.mp3 New Dec 2024 Clive Derek completes the above breakfast show at 10am and hands over to Robin Ross. Recorded in Tramore from 101.2MHz in stereo. 86MB
1983_10_30_sun_abc_tramore_0100-0300_tony_morrell_mike_gates_gh_1012.mp3   203,059k
1983_10_30_sun_abc_tramore_0700-0750_dave_windsor_gh_1012.mp3   70,741k
1983_10_30_sun_abc_tramore_0758-1025_dave_winsor_gh_483.mp3   207,029k
860930_1708-1755_101_abc_waterford_stereo_(rec_steve_west).mp3   65,383k
860930_2043-2130_abc_101_waterford_stereo_(rec_steve_west).mp3   65,910k
861001_0010-0055_abc_101_waterford_stereo_(rec_steve_west).mp3  68.367k
861001_wed_0810_abc_101_waterford.mp3   34,641k
861001_wed_0900_abc_101_waterford.mp3   34,814k
1987_07_04_abc_waterford_0300-0839_saturday_morning[via_steve_west].mp3   311,103k


1988_08_01_monday_abc_waterford_1026_0800-0930_nova_relay_daraghcorcoran.mp3   89,031k
1988_08_02_tue_abc_waterford_1026am_0728-0900_daraghcorcoran-gh665.mp3 New NOV 2020 GH   86,574k
1988_08_03_wed_abc_waterford_1026am_1147-1230_kevinmcarthy-gh665.mp3 New NOV 2020 GH   40,241k
1988_08_03_wed_abc_waterford_1026am_1242-1328_kevinmcarthy-gh665.mp3 New NOV 2020 GH   841.867k
1988_12_29_abc_waterford_last_day_1107-1307_c120_231kb.mp3   164,081K


1984_10_07_abc_1026_0400_0300gmt_rec_scotland_c90_1309_kb.mp3   383k



1978_10_24_tue_ard_257m_1300-1330_doctordon-gh.mp3 New Aug 2021 Doctor Don with the first half of his hour long Tuesday lunchtime show. News is read by Dave C. The recording has some electrical interference. 28MB
790908_1152-1229_1161_ard_dr_don_c90_26_kb.mp3   24,335k
790918_0759_ard_1161_mike_moran_c120_25_kb.mp3   16,013k
790923_ard_clip_steven_rhodes_c60_27b_kb.mp3   2,187k
790928_ard_tony_allan_clip_1529bst_1161_c60_27b_kb.mp3   883k
790930_1053-1104_ard_paul_vincent_mike_brown_c90_29_kb.mp3   7,287k
791021_1447_1161_ard_john_clark_steven_rhodes_c90_32_kb.mp3   19,481k
791027_1325-1403_ard_1161_pete_williams_irish_top_20_john_clark_c90_32_kb.mp3   21,159k
791028_1245_gmt_ard_1161_mike_brown_david_kelly_c60_43_kb.mp3   18,987k
791100_ard_1161_tony_allan_interview_olly_reid_via_marc_bolland_c60_59_kb.mp3   19,065k
791100_ard_tony_allan_airchecks_1161khz_via_marc_bolland_c60_59_kb.mp3   10,176k
791231_1161_ard_closedown_airchecks_via_marc_bolland_c60_60_kb.mp3   26,805k
1980_01_08_tue_radio257_1152am_1702-1728_jasonmaine-gh213.mp3 New Nov 2021 Jason Maine on a tea time show from the recently opened Radio 257. Recorded from 257m in South Dublin.  The exact frequency is not known, but maybe 1143kHz as Radio City had taken 1161kHz following the closure of ARD on 31st December 1979. 22MB
800104_1152khz_radio_257_airchecks_first_day_via_marc_bolland_c60_60_kb.mp3   20,262k
801114_1230_1143khz_radio_257_dave_c_poor_c90_147_kb.mp3   11,736k
1981_03_25_wed_radio_257_99fm_1756-1858_davidlyons_tonyking-gh388.mp3 New Dec 2021 The last couple of minutes of David Lyons up to 6pm, and then Tony King takes over. Recorded from 99MHz in Dublin 86MB
1981_03_26_thu_radio257_99fm_1457-1528_mikemoran_davidlyons-gh991.mp3 New Mar 2021 The last few minutes of a Mike Moran afternoon show followed by David Lyons. Recorded from 99MHz in South Dublin 42MB
810607_0752_1134_1143_ard_inc_freq_change_derek_jones_airchecks_rec_sco_c90_292_kb.mp3   4,545k
810607_0752_1134_1143_ard_inc_freq_change_derek_jones_rec_sco_c90_292_kb.mp3   16,357k
810730_0620_1134_ard_dublin_victor)_ryan_dave_baker_inc_carousel_s_on_rec_sco_c90_327_kb.mp3   31,755k
1982_01_07_thu_ard_993fm_1315-1401_aidencooney-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Aug 2021 Aiden Cooney at lunchtime until 2pm.  Recorded in Dublin from 99.3MHz in mono. 63MB
820608_0704_1134_ard_dublin_louis_hart_rec_sco_c90_475_kb.mp3   34,598k
820608_0833_1134_ard_dublin_louis_hart_rec_sco_c90_475_kb.mp3   31,864k



1982_01_26_tue_alternative_radio_west_265m-1130am_1050-1225_tommymurphy_eamonnbrooks-gh393.mp3 New Jul 2021 A recording of ARW morning programming from Tommy Murphy followed by Eamonn Brooks. This was recorded in Ballina from 265m, announced as 1130kHz, but may have been 1134kHz. It is understood this was the same transmitter as WABC used in Ballaghaderreen a few months earlier, and the similar modulation quaility would seem to confirm this. 80MB



1983_11_01_tue_annabel_944fm_1230-1430_petermadison-gh490.mp3 New Feb 2024 Peter Madison with over two hours of his lunchtime show from Tuesday 1st November 1983. This was an early transmission as Peter was announcing the station as 'the new lady in your life'. Recorded in Dublin from 94.4MHz FM in mono.  The levels are a little variable, especially towards the end. 42MB
1983_11_03_annabel_fm_1200-1230_petermadison_test_transmission-gh1026.mp3 New Aug 2021 Peter Madison with what seems to be an afternoon test transmission from Radio Annabel. At this time Peter only mentioned broadcasting on FM, identfying as 'Annabel FM', although the station had been heard on 981kHz and 1035kHz AM in the previous weeks. The actual frequency on FM on this day is not known.  There are some adverts and Annabel jingles. 42MB
1983_11_03_annabel_fm_1300-1415_petermadison_airchecks_test_transmission-gh1026.mp3 New Aug 2021 More of Peter Madison, this time partially airchecked, from the above broadcast. There is a commercial for The Ivy Rooms, Parnell Street which is possibly where the station operated from. 42MB
1983_12_00_annabel_1035am_1200onwards_peterrmadison_airchecks-gh1021.mp3 New Aug 2021 Another airchecked Peter Madison programme. This time he announces as 'Annabel AM' from an unknown date in December 1983, and recorded from 1035kHz. 42MB
1985_02_03_sun_annabel_92fm_1825-1830_gerardroe_frc_show_last_5_mins-pt.mp3 New Nov 2021 The last 5 minutes of this FRC Show.  The final feature was an aircheck of Downtown Radio in Ringsend on 305m from 1980, which would later become Dublin Community Radio. This recording was from 92MHz FM which would have originally been re-broadcast via Westside Radio International the following Sunday morning.  Many thanks to Prince Terry for this original recording. Annabel was also on 1323kHz AM at this time. 4MB
1985_02_10_sun_annabel_92fm_1700-1800_gerardroe_frc_show_airchecks-pt.mp3 New Nov 2021 An airchecked FRC Show from Gerard Roe. Featured on this show are old recordings from Sonic Independent Radio, Radio Dublin and Radio Leinster. Thanks to Prince Terry for this recording from 92MHz FM which would have originally been re-broadcast via Westside Radio International.  Annabel was also on 1323kHz AM at this time. 48MB
1985_02_17_sun_annabel_92fm_1700-1800_gerardroe_frc_show_airchecks-pt.mp3 New Nov 2021 Another airchecked FRC Show. Sunshine Radio and and interview with Chris Cary are featured on this show. Thanks to Prince Terry for this recording from 92MHz FM which would have originally been re-broadcast via Westside Radio International. 55MB
1985_02_25_sun_annabel_1323am_1050-1155_alstevens_mikedoyle-gh533.mp3 New Feb 2025 Al Steven with the last few minutes of his show, followed at 11am by Mike Doyle with a lot of requests. The show includes a Tony Allan jingle for Annabel announcing both 1323kHz and 92 FM. As received near Blackpool on 1323kHz.  The signal from the station was quite good at this time. 60MB



The files for ATLANTIC 252 , are on a separate page.



1984_05_06_sun_atlantic_sound_1107am_1400-1520_cont_music_ads_jingles-gh501.mp3 New Oct 2021 This recording was made from 1107kHz / 273 metres whilst passing through Galway City.  Sadly there was no presenter on at the time, but spread though the continuous music there were some adverts and jingles mentioning Galway, 1107kHz and 273 metres.
1984_10_27_sat_atlantic_sound_954fm_1640-1725_seancostello-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2021 Part of a Saturday afternoon 'Atlantic Sound Survey' Top 50 with Sean Costello.  Recorded from 95.4MHz in mono.  The format of the station had changed by this time, seemingly after the arrival of several staff from the recently defunct South Coast Radio in Cork.  Atlantic Sound had changed their AM outlet to 1026kHz by this time, but were advertising a future move to 846kHz.
1984_10_27_sat_atlantic_sound_954fm_1800-1930_mikeboyle-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2021 Mike Boyle presented a programme between 6pm and 8pm on Saturday evening after the chart show. Recorded from 95.4MHz in mono.
1984_10_27_sat_atlantic_sound_954fm_2157-2220-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2021 A short extract from around 10pm on the same Saturday as above. The name of the presenter is not known. Recorded from 95.4MHz in mono.
1984_10_27_sat_atlantic_sound_954fm-late_evening-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2021 More late evening programming from the above Saturday. Mainly continuous music, adverts and jingles, again, the name of the presenter is not known. Recorded from 95.4MHz in mono. This tape had a lot of dropouts, especially towards the end, so the audio levels are a little variable.
1984_10_28_sun_atlantic_sound_954fm_0100-0145_barrywilliams-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2021 A programme from Barry Williams during the early hours of Sunday morning, when the clocks changed. Recorded in Galway City from 95.4MHz in mono.
1984_10_28_sun_atlantic_sound_954fm_0759-0930_donstevens-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2021 Don Stevens with a 'Solid Gold Sunday' oldies programme. Recorded in Galway City from 95.4MHz in mono.
1984_10_28_sun_atlantic_sound_954fm_1131-1228_donstevens_lauralanders-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2021 The end of the Don Stevens 'Solid Gold Sunday' followed at mid-day by Laura Landers (hope we got the name correct). Recorded in Galway City from 95.4MHz in mono.
1984_10_28_sun_atlantic_sound_954fm_1232-1301_lauralanders-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2021 A continuation of Laura Landers on a Sunday lunchtime. Recorded in Galway City from 95.4MHz in mono.
1984_12_09_mon_atlantic_sound_1026am_1430-1516_seancostello_keithyork-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Oct 2021 A recording of the station during a week of raising money for the '1026 Mayors Appeal'. Sean Costello starts off the recording with Laura Landers reading the news at 3pm after a bit of dead air.  Keith York follows after the 3pm news. We are not sure whether this recording was made from AM or FM, but the audio distortion sounds like it may have been done from 1026kHz AM, close to the transmitter.
1984_12_09_mon_atlantic_sound_1026am_1520-1606_keithyork-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Oct 2021 A continuation of Keith York from the same afternoon as above, with Laura Landers back on news at 4pm. Possibly recorded from 1026kHz close to the transmitter.



1985_11_23_sat_bfbs2_1065fm_1300-1400_gerrycarroll-gh08.mp3  New Dec 2022 This is an interesting recording from Saturday 23rd November 1985.  BFBS actually stood for Blanchardsown FM Band Service. Gerry Carroll was announcing as BFBS 2 on FM, whilst he announced that BFBS 1 was on shortwave 38.8m and 48.2m with 350 watts and Dave Cash counting down a 'Heavy Hot 100'  metal chart until 7pm. The recording was thought to be made from 106.5MHz, although 104.5MHz was also announced.  It is not known what exact frequencies the BFBS 1 shortwave service operated on. 84MB



790513_1150_big_d_radio_dublin_sunday_morning.mp3 (Mark Boland, Bernard Lyons and unid)
Thanks to Kevin in Eire who supplied the recording (new October 2012).
1979_07_29_big_d_dublin_1116_0712_via_ds.mp3 New Feb 2016   28,591k
1980_01_09_wed_bigd_1116am-273m_1433-1450_simonyoung-gh213.mp3 New Nov 2021 A 15 minute section of an early afternoon show from Simon Young, as received in South Dublin on 1116kHz, 273m.
1981_03_26_thu_bigd_1116am_1325-1347_jamesdillon-gh991.mp3 New Mar 2021 A short section of an early afternoon show from James Dillon, as received in South Dublin on 1116kHz, 273m.
1981_04_14_tue_bigd_1116am_1625-1645_hughbrown-airchecks-gh755.mp3 New Oct 2021 A few airchecks of Hugh Brown, as received in Dublin on 1116kHz, 273m.
1981_05_09_sat_bigd_1116am_1315-1355-airchecks_aidencooney_top40_soundsurvey-gh741.mp3 New Nov 2021 Part of a Top 40 'Big D Sound Survey' with Aiden Cooney. This recording is partially airchecked and may have been recorded from FM, although the frequency is not know.  The tape was not very good quaility and suffers a few dropouts.
1981_05_09_sat_bigd_1116am_1448-1518_aidencooney_top40_connorbrooks-gh741.mp3 New Nov 2021 The end of the above Top 40 show with Aiden Cooney, whos is followed at 3pm by Connor Brooks with the 'Magazine Show'.  The tape again has dropouts, and may have been recorded from the Big D FM outlet.
1981_08_15_sat_bigd_1116am_1704-1807_tonyallan_johnkenny.mp3 New Oct 2021 Tony Allan finishes his Saturday afternoon show and is followed by John Kenny. Recorded in Dublin from 1116kHz, 273m.
1981_10_06_tue_bigd_1116am_1000-1045_hughbrown-gh754.mp3 New Oct 2021 Hugh Brown on a Tuesday morning. Recorded in Dublin from 1116kHz, 273m.
1981_12_17_thu_bigd_1116am_0932-1017_petermadison-gh.mp3 New Dec 2021 Peter Madison with oldies on a Thursday morning. Recorded near Blackpool from 1116kHz, 273m and suffers from some crackling and winter interference.  Peter mentions he was once on BBC Radio Derby, which ironically is the station causing the interference on the Big D channel of 1116kHz.
820406_bigd_automated_1018_airchecks.mp3 Some airchecks of when Big D was operating in an 'automated' form. Recorded in Dublin from 101.8MHz FM in mono.



The files for BIG L are on a separate page.




1982_07_26_mon_bigm_1359am_1538-1626_juniorwalker-gh108.mp3 New Dec 2023 An early recording of Big M Community Radio from Monday afternoon 26th July 1982.  We are not sure of the first deejay, but Junior Walker takes over at 4pm.  The cassette notes the frequency as 1359kHz, but announcements are for 1422kHz / 211m. The tape is not good quaility and there is a lot of warbling on the audio in places. Recorded local to Castleblayney. 42MB
1985_04_15_mon_bigm_1035fm_0830-1030_airchecks_gerrydee_frank-ai.mp3 New Jan 2024 Airchecks from the breakfast show with Gerry Dee on Monday morning 15th April 1985, followed at 10am by Frank.  Recorded from 103.5MHz originally by kind courtesy of Kieran Murray.  The station was announcing 1400kHz, 88MHz and 103.5MHz at this time. 64MB
1985_04_15_mon_bigm_1035fm_0959-1045_gerrydee_frank-gh110.mp3 New Dec 2023 Overlapping the above recording from Monday morning on 15th April 1985, with the last link from Jerry Dee at just before 10am and followed by Frank.  Recorded from 103.5MHz originally by kind courtesy of Kieran Murray. 64MB
1985_04_15_mon_bigm_1035fm_1510-1556_alanhayward-gh110.mp3 New Dec 2023 An afternoon show on Monday 15th April 1985 with Alan Hayward.  Recorded from 103.5MHz and originally by kind courtesy of Kieran Murray. 64MB
1985_05_29_sun_bigm_882fm_1928-2040-ds.mp3 New Dec 2023 An extract from a Sunday evening show from 29th May 1985.  We are not sure of the name of the presenter.  Recorded from 88.2MHz local to Castleblayney and is courtesy of Dave Small. 34MB
1985_07_07_sun_bigm_1413am_0905-1000_dave-ght31.mp3 New Jul 2024 Sunday morning with Dave up until 10am on 7th July 1985. As received near Blackpool on 1413kHz. 50MB
1986_05_06_tue_bigm_1413am_0900-1035_overnight_tape_owenbarry-gh601.mp3 New Jun 2021 The last part of an overnight tape, and then following a large number of commercials, Owen Barry takes over live at around 0950. Recorded near Blackpool from 1413kHz, whch was putting out a good signal at this time. 85MB
1986_11_20_thu_bigm_954am_1245-1415_juniorwalker-gh857.mp3 New Jun 2021 Some early afternoon programming from when the station had moved to 954kHz.  Junior Walker hosts until 2pm and announces that the phones in the area were broken. News is read by Elizabeth Porter. Recorded near Blackpool from 954kHz.  The audio is a little distorted. 85MB
1986_12_01_mon_bigm_1037fm_1354-1529_juniorwalker_patrice-gh460.mp3 New Jul 2021 The end of the Junior walker show, who is followed by Patrice at 2pm.  Recorded from FM on 103.75MHz. There is some crackling and a bit of distortion on the recording which is in mono. 105MB
1987_02_25_wed_bigm_105fm_0726-0903_gerrybyrne-gh675.mp3 New Jan 2025 Gerry Byrne with his breakfast show on Wednesday 25th February 1987 from 07:26am until 9am. Gerry also reads the news.  At this time Big M was announcing 954kHz/1413kHz AM and 105MHz FM. This recording was made from 105MHz FM in mono. 126MB
1987_08_12_wed_bigm_99fm_0845-1022_gerrybyrne_gerrycallan-ai917.mp3 New Jan 2024 Gerry Byrne with the end of his breakfast show on Wednesday 12th August 1987. Gerry also reads 9am news, and Gerry Callan follows straight after.  At this time Big M was announcing 954kHz/1413kHz AM along with 99MHz and 105MHz FM. This recording was made from 99MHz FM in mono, and donated by Paul Davidson to the Irish Pirate Radio Archive at DCU, and forms part of the 'Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project'. 134MB
1987_08_12_wed_bigm_99fm_1022-1110_gerrycallan_juniorwalker-ai918.mp3 New Jan 2024 A continuation of the above Gerry Callan show until 11am, when Junior Walker takes over. Recorded from 99MHz FM in mono. This recording was donated by Paul Davidson to the Irish Pirate Radio Archive at DCU, and forms part of the 'Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project'. 67MB
1987_08_12_wed_bigm_99fm_1139-1227_juniorwalker-ai918.mp3 New Jan 2024 More of Junior Walker from Wednesday 12th August 1987. Gerry Callan reads the news headlines just after mid-day. This recording was made from 99MHz FM in mono and donated by Paul Davidson to the Irish Pirate Radio Archive at DCU, and forms part of the 'Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project'. 67MB
1988_05_18_wed_bigm_864am_1653-1955_864_alanhaywood_john-kb-reel8.mp3 New Jan 2024 Four hours of Big M late afternoon programming from Wednesday 18th May 1988. Alan Haywood hosts until 7pm. John Kerr(?) carries on after 7pm. Bob Lee reads the news at 6pm. Recorded in the West of Scotland from their second AM transmitter on 864kHz.  There is some electrical noise towards the end, as well as some night foreign signals creeping in. 183MB
1988_09_18_sun_1359-1820_954_big_m_reel_15-kb.mp3 From Sunday 18th September 1988, Junior Walker signs off at 2pm, and is followed by the John Mcann country music programme. Recorded in Scotland from 954kHz.
1988_11_02_wed_bigm_0905-1528_954am_pauljones_boblee_junior_johnmcann-kb-reel17.mp3 New Jan 2024 Over six hours of continuous programming from Wednesday 2nd November 1988. The recording starts at 0905 with the end of Paul Jones breakfast show followed by Bob Lee until 11am. News is read by Eileen Carroll. Junior follows the 11am news and John Mcann is on at 2pm. Recorded in the West of Scotland from 954kHz.  There is are one or two dropouts and some slight TV interference and splatter from an adjacent station but otherwise good for the distance. 294MB
1988_12_19_bigm_954am_0935-1141_boblee_juniorwalker-gh780.mp3 New Dec 2020 Bob Lee followed at 11am by Junior Walker from Monday 19th December 1988. Recorded near Blackpool from 954kHz 118MB
1988_12_19_bigm_954am_1141-1351_juniorwalker-gh780.mp3 New Dec 2020 Recorded near Blackpool from 954kHz 122MB
1988_12_19_bigm_954am_1351-1551_juniorwalker-gh780.mp3 New Dec 2020 Recorded near Blackpool from 954kHz 113MB
1988_12_23_fri_bigm_99fm_2142-2312_brianjones-gh799.mp3 New Nov 2020 Recorded in Monaghan from FM 83.3M
1988_12_29_thu_bigm_954am_0806-0938_brianjones_boblee-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 The penultimate breakfast with Brian Jones, followed at 9am by Bob Lee. Brian also reads the news at 9am.  Thanks to Ian for this recording, made from 954kHz in the West of Scotland. There is small amount of background interference and an unknown station underneath at times, which could have been be UK station Radio Wyvern on a winter skip.  Otherwise good signal for the distance. 85MB
1988_12_29_thu_bigm_954am_0806-0938_brianjones_boblee-ib.mp3 New Jan 2024 Late afternoon programming from Thursday 29th December 1988.  As received on 954kHz in the West of Scotland, where the signal started to deteriorate due to uk foreign interference and becomes a difficult listen. 58MB
1988_12_30_fri_0929-1100_954am_big_m_last_day_reel_23_kb.mp3 Recorded in Scotland from 954kHz 73,813k
1988_12_30_fri_bigm_954am_1345-1425_juniorwalker_johnmcann_final_afternoon-kb.mp3 New Dec 2020 Recorded in Scotland from 954kHz 44M
1988_12_30_fri_bigm_954am_2000-2130_final_night-gh799.mp3 New Nov 2020 Recorded in Monaghan from 954kHz 83.3M
1988_12_30_fri_bigm_954am_2130-2215_final_night-gh799.mp3 New Nov 2020 Recorded in Monaghan from 954kHz 41.8M
1988_12_30_fri_bigm_954am_2215-2300_final_night_to_closedown-gh799.mp3 New Nov 2020 Recorded in Monaghan from 954kHz 41.9M



1979_07_29_lrd_drogheda_1300khz_heddy_eddie_enya_via_ds.mp3 New Feb 2016   25,734k
1979_07_31_lrd_drogheda_1300khz_1035-1135_david_brown_heddy_eddie_via_ds.mp3 New Feb 2016   28,608k


1980_04_03_thu_boyneside_225m_0730-0930_petermadison_ericvaughan_airchecks_station_rundown-gh.mp3 New AUG 2020 GH   59,820k
1980_04_03_thu_boyneside_225m_1203-1310_petermadison_brendan_kieran_motor_show-gh.mp3 New AUG 2020 GH   59,820k
1980_05_27_tue_boyneside_2000-2100_davejewell-gh742.mp3 New Jul 2021 A studio recording of Dave Jewell hosting his weekly 'Big Band Bandstand Programme' on a Tuesday evening.  Peter Madison starts off the programme with a promo.  Mention is made of a new transmitter on 225m. 140MB
1980_06_17_tue_boyneside_2000-2100_davejewell-gh742.mp3 New Jul 2021 Another studio recording of Dave Jewell's 'Big Band Bandstand Programme' this time from June 1980. 138MB


1981_03_26_thu_boyneside_981fm_gavinduffy_lunchtime-gh991.mp3 New Mar 2021 This lunchtime programme was recorded in South Dublin from the 98.1MHz FM frequency. At the time, Boyneside was announcing 225m and 280m on medium wave. 56MB
1981_10_04_boyneside_98fm_rec_dublin_stewart_scott_nial_c90_366_kb.mp3   34,163k
1981_10_24_1528_boyneside_1323_stewart_scott_rec_scotland_v_poor_c60_150.mp3 New APRIL 2016 KB    


1982_04_07_wed_boyneside_981fm_1243-1346_owenbarry-gh409.mp3 New OCT 2020 GH    
1982_04_07_wed_boyneside_981fm_1358-1403_owenbarry_saying_hi_to_tv_viewers-gh409.mp3 New OCT 2020 GH    
1982_04_27_boyneside_tv_ch_3_vhf_taped_with_mic_12_midday_c90_447_kb.mp3 New APRIL 2016 KB    
1982_05_02_boyneside_crd_merger_ann_only_0120bst_1305khz_c90_454_kb.mp3 New APRIL 2016 KB    
1982_05_02_boyneside_crd_merger_ann_only_0318bst_1305khz_c90_454_kb.mp3 New APRIL 2016 KB    
1982_05_02_boyneside_crd_merger_0318bst_1305khz_c90_454_kb.mp3 New APRIL 2016 KB    
1982_06_19_sat_boyneside-crd-combined_1305am_1229-1316_dermotfinglas-gh416.mp3 NEW 08/20 GH  
1982_06_19_sat_boyneside-crd-combined_1305am_1340-1505_dermotfinglas_mikecluskie-gh416.mp3 NEW 08/20 GH  
1982_06_19_sat_boyneside-crd-combined_1305am_1540-1639_mikecluskie-gh416.mp3 NEW 08/20 GH  
1982_12_06_444_boyneside_north_1233_06dec82_1000-1100.mp3   56,233k
1982_12_06_wed_boyneside_1404am_1401-1451_headyeddie-ai823-658.mp3 New Jan 2024 Part of an afternoon show from Heady Eddie's 'Afternoon Delight' on Wednesday 8th December 1982. This section includes the 'Golden Hour' between 2pm and 3pm. The signal was received locally from the short lived Dublin relay on 1404kHz, which was believed to be located in the Whitehall area of the city. There is some background hum and clicking in places. This recording was donated by Paul Davidson to the Irish Pirate Radio Archive at DCU, and forms part of the 'Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project'. 46MB
1982_12_06_wed_boyneside_1404am_1452-1542_headyeddie-ai823-658.mp3 New Jan 2024 Side 2 of the above 'Afternoon Delight' on Wednesday 8th December 1982. The end of 'Golden Hour' is followed by news at 3pm read by Shane Harrison. 'Teatime' follows the news. There are plenty of adverts for businesses in Drogheda. The signal was received locally from the short lived Dublin relay on 1404kHz, which was believed to be located in the Whitehall area of the city. There is some background hum and clicking in places. This recording was donated by Paul Davidson to the Irish Pirate Radio Archive at DCU, and forms part of the 'Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project'. 46MB
1983_05_20_fri_boyneside_frequency_promo.mp3   367k
1984_06_16_sat_balbriggan_breakaway_radio_1260am_1335-1402_brian_jimagnew-gh496.mp3 New Jun 2024 A short recording of Saturday afternoon 16th June 1984 on this festival station in Balbriggan, which was operated by Boyneside Radio. In fact a Boyneside Radio jingle can be heard at one point  Apart from some splattering from an unknown adjacent station, the signal was quite clear on this recording made near Blackpool from 1260kHz, announced as 240m.  Brian hosts until 2pm when Jim Agnew makes the on-hour station ID, but then the tape runs out. 24MB
1984_07_11_wed_boyneside_north_1233am_1223-1327_boblea-gh510.mp3 New Jun 2024 A lunchtime recording of the Boyneside Radio 244m Northern service on Wednesday 11th June 1984.  Bob Lea is the presenter with the news from the main Drogheda station at 1:15pm with Áine Ní Ghuidhir.  As received near Blackpool on 1233kHz. At the end of the recording, the radio is re-tuned to the main Boyneside channel on 225m and that recording continues below. 59MB
1984_07_11_wed_boyneside_1305am_1325-1505_dermotfinglas_headyeddie-gh510.mp3 New Jun 2024 After tuning away at 1:25pm from the above recording of the Boyneside Northern service on 244m, here is 98 minutes of the main Drogheda service on 225m. Initially with possibly Dermot Finglas is on the the air until 2pm, when Heady Eddie takes over starting with 'The Golden Hour'. The recording finishes just after the 3pm news with Shane Harrison.  As received near Blackpool on 1305kHz. ERI from Cork can be just about heard in the background. 90MB
1984_07_11_wed_boyneside_1305am_1740-1815-gh510.mp3 New Jun 2024 More of Boyneside Radio from Wednesday 11th July 1984. This time part of the drivetime show between 1740 and 1815. We are not sure of the presenter. The main and local news is read by Shane Harrison following the 6pm Angelus. As received near Blackpool on 1305kHz. 32MB
1984_10_21_sun_boyneside_1305am_1436-1521_declan_chartshow_davec-kb1009.mp3 New Oct 2024 The last few records from the Chart Show hosted by possibly Declan McGowan, followed by Dave C.  News is read at 3pm by Gerry Malone. As received in Scotland on 1305kHz where at times the signal had ERI from Cork underneath and occasional splatter from the huge Norwegian signal on 1314kHz. 43MB
841031wed_boyneside_981_0650-0815.mp3   77,336k
1984_10_31_wed_boyneside_dundalk_1260am_1250-1352_boblea-gh527.mp3 New Jun 2023 An hour of Bob Lea recorded from 1260kHz during a visit to Dundalk on Halloween 1984.  There does not seem to be a full station ID with frequency or wavelength, but it was believed to be the shortlived Dundalk Service of Boyneside Radio. The studio was possibly located in the Fairways Hotel on the Dublin Road. News is read at 1:15pm by Tony Fitzwilliams. 57MB
586-boyneside_1260_fri050485_1300-1410.mp3   51,941k
1985_05_26_sun_radio_greenhills_1494am_airchecks-gh.mp3 New May 2023 Here is 17 minutes airchecks of Radio Greenhills which broadcast between Sunday 26th and Friday 31st May 1985. Radio Greenhills announced as broadcasting on 1494kHz / 200m and 99MHz FM from Our Lady's College Greehills courtesy of Boyneside Radio and was the Voice of the Creative Youth Festival. Broadcasts were daily from 1245-1315 and 1700-1900. All these airchecks were recorded near Blackpool from 1494kHz. Sadly there is a lot of static from a local electrical storm and the old fashioned tv interference which happened in those days on AM. 16MB
T31_boyneside_1305_mon080785_1745-1905.mp3   76,799k
1985_08_09_fri_boyneside_1305am_1730-1955_elainetaylor-gh553.mp3 An early evening show from Elaine Taylor as received near Blackpool on 1305kHz. The signal is good, but there is a hum towards the end.  News is read by Shane Harrison. 130MB
1986_04_01_tue_boyneside_north_1233am_1029-1143_big-o_boblee-gh587.mp3   69,266k
1986_04_01_tue_boyneside_1305am_1155-1330_davec-gh587.mp3   86,448k
1986_06_14_sat_balbriggan_breakaway_radio_1404am_1430-1600_dermotfinglas-gh113.mp3 New Jul 2022 Saturday afternoon on this festival station in Balbriggan, operated by Boyneside Radio.  The presenter up to 3pm and the newsreader are not known, but Dermot Finglas takes over following the news.  Sadly, there is a technical problem with the audio from one of the record decks, and half of the music is very low in volume during Dermot's show.  The signal otherwise is very clear on this recording made near Blackpool from 1404kHz. 90MB
1986_07_04_fri_boyneside_1305am_1513-1647_headyeddie-gh1061.mp3 New MAR 2021 A Friday afternoon show with Heady Eddie. Recorded near Blackpool from 1305kHz. 86MB
1987_02_17_tue_boyneside_1055fms_0809-0945_mikeahern-gh513.mp3 New Dec 2021 Mike Ahern on breakfast. Recorded in stereo as received in Dublin from the station's Dublin relay on 105.5MHz. Of interest are some adverts for  candidates in that days general election after the 9am news.  The recording is a little distorted. 216MB
1987_02_22_sun_boyneside_1055fms_1205-1340_headyeddie_mikeahern_double_top_10_show-gh042.mp3 New MAR 2021 A Sunday lunchtime 'Double Top 10' show with Heady Eddie and Mike Ahern, with Kieran Murray reading the news. Recorded in stereo as received in North Dublin from the station's Dublin relay on 105.5MHz. 215MB
1987_02_25_wed_boyneside_1055fms_1439-1611_ianscott-gh193.mp3 New MAR 2021 Ian Scott fills in for Heady Eddie on a Wednesday afternoon. Recorded in central Dublin from Boyneside's Dublin relay on 105.5MHz in stereo. There are a few audio dropouts on this recording.  Not sure if this is was the receiver struggling with the signal, or processing at the transmitter. 173MB
1987_02_26_thu_boyneside_1055fm_0725-0901_mikeahern-gh671.mp3 New SEP 2020   89,796k
1987_02_26_thu_boyneside_1055fm_0901-1037_mikeahern_kieranmurray-gh671.mp3 New SEP 2020   89,796k
1987_02_26_thu_boyneside_1055fm_1037-1214_kieranmurray_davec-gh671.mp3 New SEP 2020   89,796k
1987_02_26_thu_boyneside_1055fm_1214-1348_davec-gh671.mp3 New SEP 2020   89,796k
1987_02_26_thu_boyneside_1055fm_1610-1758_headyeddie_kieranmurray-gh670.mp3 New NOV 2020   154,414k
1987_04_17_fri_boyneside_1305am_0815-0900_mikeahern-gh826.mp3 New Dec 2021 Boyneside Radio were raided on Wednesday afternoon, 15th April, and this is a recording of Mike Ahern on breakfast from Good Friday 17th April when the station were thought to be operating from temporary studios for security reasons. Recorded near Blackpool from 1305kHz / 225m. 41MB
1987_04_17_fri_boyneside_1305am_0902-0947_mikeahern-gh826.mp3 New Dec 2021 This is a continuation of the above Mike Ahern show, starting during the 9am news. As received near Blackpool on 1305kHz 43MB
1987_04_19_sun_boyneside_1305am_1209-1501_talking_about_raid_headyeddie-gh.mp3 New AUG 2020 GH Heady Eddie talks about the raid, the previous Wednesday.  Unfortunately the recording starts part way through the show.  Recorded from 1305kHz near Blackpool. 156,164k
1987_04_20_mon_boyneside_1305am_0850-1017_neil-gh773.mp3 New AUG 2020 GH   80,615k
1987_04_20_mon_boyneside_1305am_1142-1400_neil_kieranmurray-gh773.mp3 New AUG 2020 GH   124,591k
1987_04_20_mon_boyneside_1305am_1400-1643_kieranmurray_jimagnew-gh773.mp3 New AUG 2020   153,307k
1987_04_21_tue_boyneside_1305am_0710-0908_mikeahern-gh773.mp3 New AUG 2020   109,174k
1987_04_21_tue_boyneside_1305am_0908-1028_mikeahern-gh773.mp3 New AUG 2020   74,060k
1987_04_21_tue_boyneside_1305am_1041-1342_davec-gh773.mp3 New AUG 2020   169,390k
1987_04_23_thu_boyneside_1305am_0617-0757_mikeahern_eri_interference-gh626.mp3 New AUG 2020   93,537k
1987_04_23_thu_boyneside_1305am_0757-0936_mikeahern-gh626.mp3 New AUG 2020   93,537k
1987_04_23_thu_boyneside_1305am_0936-1115_mikeahern_davec-gh626.mp3 New AUG 2020   93,537k
1987_04_23_thu_boyneside_1305am_1115-1245_davec-gh626.mp3 New AUG 2020   84,810k
1987_04_24_fri_boyneside_1305am_1200-1335_davec-gh626.mp3 New AUG 2020   88,774k
1987_04_24_fri_boyneside_1305am_1335-1545_davec_kieranmurray-gh626.mp3 New AUG 2020   130,754k
1987_04_29_wed_boyneside_1305am_1010-1211_davec-gh638.mp3   111M
1987_04_29_wed_boyneside_1305am_1212-1437_davec_kieranmurray-gh638.mp3   130M
1987_08_04_tue_boyneside_1305am_0843-1015_mikeahern-gh634.mp3 New NOV 2020   88MB
1987_08_05_wed_boyneside_1305am_1110-1314_kieranmurray-gh664.mp3 New NOV 2020   112MB
1987_08_05_wed_boyneside_1305am_1314-1523_kieranmurray_headyeddie-gh664.mp3 New NOV 2020   115MB
1987_08_05_wed_boyneside_1305am_1523-1740_headyeddie-gh664.mp3 New NOV 2020   128MB 
1988_04_28_thu_boyneside_1305am_0845-1130_mikeahern_dermotfinglas_robbieburn-gh.mp3 New NOV 2020   150M
880608wed_boyneside_1305_0845-1025.mp3   93,537k
880608wed_boyneside_1305_1025-1205.mp3   93,537k
880608wed_boyneside_1305_1205-1345.mp3   93,537k
880608wed_boyneside_1305_1345-1510.mp3   76,648k
1988_06_13_mon_boyneside_1305am_1330-1750_yvonne_headyeddie_teatimeshow-gh756.mp3 Updated Jan 2022 Four hours of afternoon programming from the main Boyneside station in Drogheda, starting with Yvonne Lennihan and following at 2pm by a complete show from Heddy Eddie. At 5pm is the drive time show. Recorded near Blackpool from 1305kHz, which was one of the best signals received in Lancashire at this time.  There is some background interference from what we think is ERI in Cork. 236MB
1988_09_28_wed_boyneside_977fm_1527-1613_headyeddie-ai7001.mp3 New Jan 2024 Part of an afternoon Boyneside network syndicated show from Heady Eddie on Wednesday 28th September 1988.  The signal was received locally from the Navan outlet of Boyneside Radio on 97.7MHz in mono. This recording was donated by Paul Davidson to the Irish Pirate Radio Archive at DCU, and forms part of the 'Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project'. 63MB
881206_tue_boyneside_drogheda_1305am_0915-1230_mikeahern.mp3 Three hours of early December morning shows starting with Mike Ahern as recorded in Blackpool from 1305kHz / 225m 174,880k
881213_tue_boyneside_drogheda_1305am_0925-1245_mikeahern.mp3 A week later, some more morning shows from 1305kHz 175,080k
1988_12_21_wed_boyneside_1305am_0848-1202_mikeahern_dermotfinglas_yvonne-gh778.mp3 Updated Jul 2022 Three hours of midweek morning shows from the week before Christmas 1988 including plenty of festive advertisements. Mike Ahern finshes his breakfast show and is followed at 10am by Dermot Finglas. Yvonne takes over after the 11am news for 'Peoples Choice'. News is read by Mike Ahern. Recorded near Blackpool from 1305kHz. 176MB
881222_thu_boyneside_drogheda_1305am_1245-1600_heddyeddie.mp3 A pre Christmas Heddy Eddie show as received in Blackpool. 176,810k
1988_12_29_thu_boyneside_1305am_1730-1805_news_about_cooke-gh.mp3 Updated Jul 2022 Part of the final Thursday drivetime show, which includes a piece on the news at 6pm about the Radio Dublin challenge to the upcoming Broadcasting Act. 32MB
881230_fri_boyneside_drogheda_1305am_0920-1230_mikeahern_heddyeddie.mp3 Three hours of the final Friday morning shows as recorded near Blackpool from 1305kHz 174,800k
881230_fri_boyneside_drogheda_1305am_1250-1620_heddyeddie_dermotfinglas.mp3 Three hours of the last Friday afternoon shows with Heddy Eddie and Dermot Finglas as received on 1305kHz near Blackpool 174,970k
881230_fri_boyneside_drogheda_1005fm_1850-1935_michaelgerrard.mp3 An FM recording of the final show from Michael Gerrard 41,890k
881230_fri_boyneside_drogheda_1005fm_2015-2100_michaelgerrard.mp3 An FM recording of the final show from Michael Gerrard 41,830k
1988_12_31_sat_boyneside_1233am_then_1305am_1000-1045_heddyeddie_final_green_scene-gh419.mp3 New NOV 2020 GH Start of the final Green Scene with Heddy Eddie.  This recording was made near Blackpool and starts on 1233kHz, moving to 1305kHz during the first 30 minutes.  
1988_12_31_sat_boyneside_1305am_1052-1226_heddyeddie_final_green_scene-gh417.mp3New NOV 2020 GH Second part of The Green Scene recorded from 1305kHz near Blackpool  
1988_12_31_sat_boyneside_1305am_1223-1310_greenscene_into_final_broadcast-gh.mp3 New FEB 2016 GH Final part of The Green Scene recorded from 1305kHz near Blackpool, and into the final show on the station  
1988_12_31_sat_boyneside_1305am_1300_final_announcement_with_all_frequencies-gh.mp3 New FEB 2016 GH A nice on the hour announcement at 1pm, giving all the frequencies on which the final show is broadcasting, including shortwave.  
1988_12_31_sat_boyneside_1305am_1310-1357_part_of_final_broadcast-gh.mp3 New FEB 2016 GH Part of the final show recorded from 1305kHz / 225m near Blackpool.  
881231_sat_boyneside_1005fm_1337-1505_final_day_signoff.mp3 An FM recording of the final 90 minutes of the Boyneside Radio main service 211,653k
1988_12_31_sat_boyneside_1305am_1405-1500_final_show_and_closedown-gh783.mp3 New DEC 2020 An off air recording from 1305kHz / 225m of the final 55 minutes of Boyneside Radio, as received near Blackpool.  54,243k
881231_sat_boyneside_drogheda_1300-1347_final_show_studio_copy.mp3 A studio recording sent to us back in 1989 of the first 45 minutes of the Boyneside Radio final two hours featuring a history of the station and many staff in the studio. 90,232k
881231_sat_boyneside_drogheda_1347-1435_final_show_studio_copy.mp3 The second 45 minutes of a studio recording sent to us back in 1989 of the Boyneside Radio final two hours featuring a history of the station and many staff in the studio 89,905k
881231_sat_boyneside_drogheda_1435-signoff_final_show_studio_copy.mp3 The final 45 minutes of a studio recording sent to us back in 1989 of the Boyneside Radio final two hours featuring a history of the station and all staff in the studio.  The station then signs off for the final time. 52,836k





In late 1985, Boyneside Radio began operating a new breakout service from Kells on 1323kHz and 100.3MHz, broadcasting to County Meath and South County Cavan. By 1988 Boyneside had moved into Navan and were on 1332kHz, but following the closure of Radio Carousel in June 1988, took over their former 1386kHz frequency.


1986_02_15_sat_boyneside_kells_1323am_1412-1547_kieranmurray_tonyjohnson-gh592.mp3 New Aug 2022 Kieran Murray with the last part of his Saturday afternoon show up until 3pm.  Gerry Malone reads the 3pm news and is followed by Tony Johnson. A nice promo for the new Kells service is heard just after the news.  There are a few crackles and a bit of a whistle on the recording which was made near Blackpool from 1323kHz, but is quite good for the distance involved. 87MB
A recording of Tina Anderson from the Navan breakout from Boyneside Radio as recorded near Blackpool from 1386kHz.  The end of the recording suffers from interference from East Germany 182,877k
1988_12_31_sat_boyneside_navan_1386am_1430-1502_tina_anderson_to_closedown-gh783.mp3 New DEC 2020 A rather poor recording of the final 30 minutes of Tina Anderson on Boyneside Radio Navan as recorded near Blackpool. Tina talks about her times over the years on radio in County Meath. At the end of her show, the station linked to to the final minute of the main Boyneside closedown.  Sadly there is a lot of interference from the East German station on the same channel. 29,905k





Boyneside Radio Northern Service was a stalwart on 1233kHz AM and operated from around mid 1982 until 4pm on Saturday 31st December 1988. The station was located on the border north of Dundalk, and beamed towards Newry and Belfast.


1983_07_16_sat_boyneside_north_1233am_1350-1515_davyhamill_martydonnan-gh470.mp3 New Oct 2024 Saturday afternoon 16th July 1983 with Davy Hamill hosting a disco chart show, followed at 3pm by Marty Donnan. As received near Blackpool on 1233kHz, announced as 244m.  There is some static on the recording due to a local thunderstorm. 77MB
1988_06_14_tue_boyneside_north_1233am_0827-1245_terry_deedee-gh756.mp3 Updated Jan 2022 Mike Ahern starts this four hour recording with news, which would have been a relay from Drogheda, and then following several minutes of local commercials from the Newry area, the local morning show continues from Boyneside's Northern Service with Terry. Dee Dee then takes over at 11am for the rest of the morning as received near Blackpool on 1233kHz.  There is some background noise, and occasional loud local electrical interference. 236MB
Three hours of Boyneside Radio Northern Service as recorded near Blackpool from 1233kHz / 244m 182,888k
1988_12_31_sat_boyneside_north_1233am_0930-0955-gh419.mp3 New FEB 2016 End of the final breakfast show on Boyneside North as recorded from 1233kHz / 244m near Blackpool  
Boyneside Radio North Carrickcarnon 31-12-88 Final Programme From 1.22pm.mp3 (Courtesy of Rodney)   144,824k



1979_11_20_blb_360m_signon_joebolland_morning_mixture-gh213.mp3 New Nov 2021 Although a short recording, this is a nice one as it features the station signing on, when it was operating daily from 11am to 11pm.  The exact frequency is not known, but could have been 828kHz or 837kHz, announced as 360m.  There are a couple of airchecks of Joe Bolland hosting his 'Morning Mixture' programme.  Recorded in South Dublin. 5.4MB
1981_05_10_sun_blb_828am_1116-1200_terrydaniels-gh1081.mp3 New Apr 2022 Terry Daniels with a Sunday morning show.  An address of 'The Music Machine, Unit 1, Bray Shopping Centre' was being announced.  Recorded in South Dublin from 828kHz with slight crackling. 43MB
1981_08_13_thu_blb_828am_2050-2135_dennis_terrydaniels-gh364.mp3 New MAR 2021 Received on 828kHz during an evening visit to Southside Radio.  The recording includes a 9pm changeover between Dennis and Terry Daniels, and suffers some night time foreign interference. 42MB
1981_08_14_fri_blb_828am_1105-1210_joe_with_morning_mixture-gh364.mp3 New MAR 2021 Recorded during a visit to BLB on a Friday morning. We were amazed to see that with a little help, 'Joe', who was blind, was was managing to cue up the records.  The nicely racked transmitter was in an adjacent room to the studio. 60MB
1983_01_22_sat_blb_1047fm_1744-1815-ds.mp3 New Jul 2022 Saturday evening with 'The American Music Special'. News at 6pm is read by Peter Carroll.  Recorded from 97.8MHz and is courtesy of Dave Small. 14MB
BrayLocalBroadcasting--19830626--1700--Wicklow_MA.mp3 New Nov 2021 A recording of BLB from a Sunday afternoon in June 1983 by kind courtesy of Michael Andersson via radiowaves.fm
1984_05_10_thu_blb_978fms_1045-1130_mickduggan_joebolland-gh.mp3 New Jul 2021 Some morning programming from BLB with Mick Duggan followed at 11am by Joe Bolland.  Recorded in Dublin City from 97.8MHz in stereo with a little bit of hiss.  108MB
1984_05_10_thu_blb_978fms_1935-2020_thomascaine_marknevin-gh.mp3 New Jul 2021 Evening programmes from Thomas Caine until 8pm then Mark Nevin. Recorded in Dublin City from 97.8MHz in stereo with a little bit of hiss. 108MB
1984_10_31_wed_blb_978fm_0940-1258_chrisconway_joebolland-gh539.mp3 New Oct 2022 Here is a continuous three hours of morning programming from 31st October 1984. Chris Conway hosts until 11am, when Joe Bolland takes over until 1pm. Recorded near Sandymount from 97.8MHz in mono. 272MB
1985_05_30_thu_blb_978fms_2150-2320_briangraham_franceshalpin-ds.mp3 New Jul 2022 Thursday late evening with the end of Brian Graham, and following at 10pm is Francis Halpin.  Recording was from 97.8MHz in sterero and is courtesy of Dave Small. 83MB
1985_12_06_fri_blb_978fm_0930-1030_adriankennedy-gh247.mp3 New Jul 2022 Mid Morning on a Friday with Adrian Kennedy. Recorded in Dublin City from 97.8MHz in mono. 82MB



1985_05_29_wed_breffni_1170am_paulross-ds.mp3 New Nov 2023 Paul Ross on the afternoon of 29th May 1985.  Recorded in Kilnaleck from 1170kHz and by kind courtesy of Dave Small. 21MB
1986_01_09_thu_breffni_1161am_1256-1344_seanwhite_seanbrady-gh447.mp3 New Nov 2023 The final link on the Sean White show up to 1pm when Sean Brady takes over for three hours.  Recorded in Kilnaleck on Thursday 9th January 1986 when the station was on 1161kHz and originally by kind courtesy of Sean Brady. 43MB
1986_01_09_thu_breffni_1161am_1347-1434_seanbrady-gh447.mp3 New Nov 2023 Continuing the above Sean Brady show from Thursday 9th January 1986. Recorded in Kilnaleck on Thursday 9th January 1986 when the station was on 1161kHz and originally by kind courtesy of Sean Brady. 43MB
1986_01_09_thu_breffni_1161am_1438-1525_seanbrady-gh448.mp3 New Nov 2023 The third part of the above Sean Drady show.  Recorded in Kilnaleck on Thursday 9th January 1986 when the station was on 1161kHz and originally by kind courtesy of Sean Brady. 43MB
1986_01_09_thu_breffni_1161am_1527-1603_seanbrady_paulross-gh448.mp3 New Nov 2023 The final part of the above Sean Brady show up to 4pm and the first link from Paul Ross.  Recorded in Kilnaleck on Thursday 9th January 1986 when the station was on 1161kHz and originally by kind courtesy of Sean Brady. 33MB
1986_10_31_fri_breffni_956fm_1241-1415_seanbrady_jacko-gh455.mp3 New Nov 2023 From Halloween 1986, here is the end of the Sean Brady show, with 'Jacko' following at around 1:10pm.  There is some crackling on the signal which was received at a long distance in Dungannon on 95.55MHz on Friday 31st October 1986 and by kind courtesy of Brian. 130MB
1988_12_26_mon_breffni_657am_0850-1005_seanwhite_co_channel_interference-gh788.mp3 Sean White on the Boxing Day morning show, just days before the station was forced to close by the impending legislation. This recording was made in Troon, Scotland from 657kHz. There is a lot of interference from BBC Radio Wales and BLB in Bray on the same frequency which makes listening difficult. 68MB
1988_12_30_fri_breffni_956fm_2225-2400_closedown-rw.mp3 New Jan 2021 This recording of the final 90 minutes of Breffni Regional Radio taken from their FM outlet of 95.6MHz, is by kind courtesy of radiowaves.fm 38MB



Recording of Capital Radio heard in Scotland, 17th June 1978, around 1331kHz  
An old airchecked recording in wav format of Capitol from March 1979  



An early recording of the new Capitol Radio which had an album based format. Tony Gahan with a late morning show. As received near Blackpool from 1017kHz / 294m, so with some crackling.
1983_11_01_tue_capitol_958fm_2050-2405_davekelly_tonygahan-gh490.mp3 New Feb 2024 Dave Kelly on the evening of Tuesday 1st November 1983. The show includes a concert section and he programmes until 11pm when Tony Gahan takes over. As recorded in Dublin from 95.8MHz in mono, although 96.1MHz as well as 294m MW was being announced. 274MB
1983_11_02_wed_capitol_958fm_0045-0200signoff_tonygahan-gh490.mp3 New Feb 2024 Continuing the above programme with Tony Gahan with his show after midnight on Wednesday 3rd November 1983, and up until closedown at 2am. As recorded in Dublin from 95.8MHz in mono, although 96.1MHz as well as 294m MW was being announced. 107MB
1984_10_31_wed_capitol_941fms_0839-0924-gh520.mp3 New Oct 2021 A short section of the breakfast show. We are not sure of the deejay, but Ann Hamilton reads the headlines and news at 9am. Recorded in Dublin from 94.1MHz in stereo.  The station was still also announcing 1017kHz AM as well as 95.8MHz FM at this point. 105MB
1985_10_22_tue_capitol_96fm_0750-0945_signon-gh562.mp3 New Dec 2022 The end of overnight music, followed at 8am with the Capitol Radio sign-on as 'Dublin's Real Alternative'. We are not sure of the breakfast deejay, but Anne Hamilton reads headlines and news. Breakfast show includes newspaper headlines. The station was still announcing 1017kHz AM as well as 94.1MHz and 95.8MHz FM at this point. The recording was made in Dublin from 96.0MHz in mono. 163MB
1985_10_22_tue_capitol_96fm_1410-1730_steveryan_leedavis-gh541.mp3 New Nov 2022 A three hour continuous recording from the afternoon of 22nd October 1985 featuring the end of the Steve Ryan show and followed by Lee Davis.  Recorded in Dublin from 96.0MHz in mono. The station was still also announcing 1017kHz AM as well as FM at this point. 271MB
1987_02_24_tue_capitol_958fm_1050-1250_steve.mp3 New Feb 2024 Live programming seemed to start this morning with Steve (Ryan?) from 11am announcing 94.1MHz and 96MHz. News at mid-day is also read by Steve. As received in Dublin on 95.8MHz FM in mono. 111MB
1987_02_24_tue_capitol_958fm_1250-1510_steve_davecairney-gh672.mp3 New Feb 2024 Continuing on from the above recording. Between 1pm and 2pm is the evening's gig guide at 1:30pm followed by the 'Capital Countdown'. Dave Cairney follows the news at 2pm. Mention is made of some technical work meaning the station would be off the following morning. As received in Dublin on 95.8MHz FM in mono. 125MB
1987_02_26_thu_nitesky96_958fm_1800-1924_nickcarney-gh670.mp3 NEW 11/20 GH
The changeover from Capitol to Nitesky at 6pm. Dave Cairney reads the news at 6pm and then Nick Carney presents the first of the evenings shows on Nitesky.  Recorded in Dublin from 95.8MHz in mono.
881227_tue_capitol_958fm_2230-2400_tonygahan_finalshow.mp3   173,850k
1988_12_31_sat_capitol_958fm_1303-1436_mattdempsey-pt.mp3 New Aug 2021 Part of the final afternoon of Capitol Radio with Matt Dempsey and others in the studio.  Recorded in Dublin from 95.8MHz in mono.  Thanks to Prince Terry for originally supplying this tape. 122MB
881231_sat_capitol_dublin_958fm_2240-2325_closedown_night.mp3   43,700k
881231_sat_capitol_dublin_958fm_2325-2400_final_closedown.mp3   35,120k



1982_06_28_mon_capitol98_977fms_2251-0023_test_nightmusic-ai1523_via_ib.mp3 New Sep 2021 Part of the test transmissions from the new Capital 98 FM. This is late night and mainly continuous music with some id's from Tony Allan and occasionally what sounds like someone in the studio doing a live announcement. Recorded in Dublin from 97.7MHz in stereo 204MB
1982_07_01_thu_capital_977fms_1442-1528_petermadison_test_transmission-gh740.mp3 New Nov 2021 Peter Madison in the afternoon with a test transmission. Recorded in Dublin from 97.7MHz in stereo 107MB
1982_07_01_thu_capital_977fms_1530-1615_petermadison_test_transmission-gh740.mp3 New Nov 2021 Side 2 of the above recording of Peter Madison hosting a test transmission. Recorded in Dublin from 97.7MHz in stereo 106MB
1982_08_14_sat_capitol98_977fms_2300-0030_petermadison_nickymoss-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Aug 2021 Capitol 98 was a short lived station which broadcast in the summer of 1982. Peter Madison hosts a special show to commemorate the Marine Offences Act of August 14th 1967. At midnight he is followed by Nick Moss. Recorded in Dublin from 97.7MHz in stereo 204MB
1982_08_20_fri_capitol98_977fms_0657-1000_petermadison_airchecks-I739.mp3 New Nov 2021 Airchecks of a Friday breakfast show from Peter Madison, who mentions that the station had been relayed overnight on 1513kHz. Recorded in Dublin from 97.7MHz in stereo 202MB



1984_05_08_tue_carlow_1038fm_1035-1121_seamusbulger-gh502.mp3 New Nov 2021 This was recorded from 103.8MHz FM during a short stop in Carlow.  Radio Carlow was announcing AM and FM at this time and there are many commercials after the news. We think the presenter was Seamus Bulger.  News at 11am was with Bob Gallico as relayed from Radio Nova.



1986_06_27_fri_caroline98_1306-1406-gh011.mp3  New Dec 2022 A Friday afternoon show from Caroline 98, also announcing as 105MHz. This was the time the frequencies were apparently being shared with Radio Zodiac the other days of the week The recording was thought to be made in Dublin from 98MHz, although the exact frequency is not known. 138MB



Radio Caroline Dublin was one of the new station which appeared on the air in the year following legislation. It began broadcasting in 1989 to North East Dublin and continued through the 1990's increasing power until around 2000, when it changed name to WXTC with a frequency change to 91.6MHz. The FM service closed in 2001.  More detailed history and memorabilia from Radio Caroline Dublin can be found on these pages at pirate.ie and radiowaves.fm

1992_09_20_sun_caroline_dublin_102fms_1755-1840_brianwilson-gh285.mp3 New Jul 2022 Brian Wilson on Sunday 20th September 1992 starting at 6pm. Just after the start of Brian's show, there is a nice informative promo for the station, listing the schedule for the entire week. Recorded in Dublin from an announced 102MHz in stereo, although the exact frequency is not known.  There is some hiss on the stereo signal.
1993_09_00_radio_caroline_dublin_1025fm_peterblack-pt.mp3 New Aug 2021 A short recording of Peter Black with promotions and an address in Dublin.  Recording in Dublin during September 1993 from 102.5MHz in stereo.  Many thanks to Prince Terry for originally sending this one.



1978_11_17_fri_carousel_1800-1830_entertainment_show_kieranmurray-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 The 'Entertainment Show' with Kieran Murray. This show went out at 6pm on Friday 17th November 1978, and this recording is the first 30 minutes. 29MB
1978_11_17_fri_carousel_1830-1900_entertainment_show_kieranmurray-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 The second half of the above 'Entertainment Show' with Kieran, which has the changoever at the top the hour at 7pm to Hugh Hardy and his 'Country Call'. 29MB
1978_12_18_mon_carousel_265m_1415-1455_ericvaughan_airchecks-gh47.mp3 New Jul 2023 A partially airchecked 20 minutes of Eric Vaughan from the afternoon of Monday 18th December 1978 as received on the Lancashire coast on 265m.  There is a lot of noise on the signal due to the distance, but it shows how far the signal was travelling in those early days. The exact frequency was not noted on the tape. 18MB
1979_01_03_wed_carousel_1134am_1240-1326_hughhardy_mikeahern-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 This is the first of several recordings originally made by Radio Carousel's Kieran Murray, on Wednesday 3rd January 1979 and donated by Paul Davidson for the Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project. This recording starts at 12:40pm with station owner Hugh Hardy hosting his popular 'Country Call.  The 10 minute long news bulletin at 1pm is read by Ray Stone, after which is 'Lunchtime Express' from Mike Ahern.  Radio Carousel was broadcasting on 1134kHz / 265m at this time. 43MB
1979_01_03_wed_carousel_1134am_1327-1414_mikeahern_ericvaughan-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 Mike Ahern continues until 2pm, then the Eric Vaughan with the 'Afternoon Music Machine'.  The last part of the tape has some issue with warbling. 43MB
1979_01_03_wed_carousel_1134am_1427-1513_ericvaughan-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 More Eric Vaughan with the 'Afternoon Music Machine' including the 3pm Birthday Spot. 42MB
1979_01_03_wed_carousel_1134am_1516-1602_ericvaughan-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 Eric Vaughan continues with 'Afternoon Music Machine' from 3:16pm until 4:02pm. 42MB
1979_01_03_wed_carousel_1134am_1605-1636_ericvaughan-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 Continuing with Eric Vaughan and 'Afternoon Music Machine' from 4:05pm until 4:36pm. 29MB
1979_01_03_wed_carousel_1134am_1640-1711_ericvaughan_raystone-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 The last 20 minutes of Eric Vaughan's show, who hands over to Ray Stone at 5pm. 29MB
1979_01_03_wed_carousel_1134am_1712-1800_raystone-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 The last 48 minutes of the Ray Stone show up until news at 6pm. 44MB
1979_01_03_wed_carousel_1134am_1810-1825_kieranmurray_entertainment_show-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 Following the 6pm news, Kieran Murray presents the first 15 minutes of the 'Entertainment Show'. 14MB
1979_01_03_wed_carousel_1134am_1833-1902_kieranmurray_entertainment_show_hughardy-km_via_aii.mp3 New Mar 2023 The last 30 minutes of Kieran Murray's 'Entertainment Show'. Kieran then hands over to Hugh Hardy at 7pm for his 'Country Call'. 27MB
1979_01_03_wed_carousel_1134am_1959-2002_hughhardy_shanemullen_changeover-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 A short aircheck of Hugh Hardy handing over to Shane Mullen at 8pm. 2.6MB
1979_01_03_wed_carousel_1134am_2036-2100signoff_shanemullen-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 Shane Mullen programmes up to 9pm where he does a nice sign off announcement. The tape continues after the music ends, and then the transmitter can be heard switching off, with the foreign station appearing afterwards. 29MB
1979_08_22_wed_carousel_1134am_0700-1700_airchecks_various_presenters-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 A nice sign on at 7am from Wednesday 22nd August 1979, followed by 49 minutes of airchecks taken throughtout the day until 5pm. Recorded off air from 1134kHz / 265m. 45MB
1979_08_23_thu_carousel_1134am_2000-2100_airchecks_studio_recording_kieranmurray-km_via_ai.mp3 New Mar 2023 Studio quality airchecks of Kieran Murray hosting between 8pm and 9pm on Thursday 23rd August 1979. 16MB
1980_07_06_sun_carousel_1134am_0800_sign_on-kb_c120_36.mp3 New Jan 2011 Recorded in Scotland from 1134kHz with a few crackles, here is an 8am sign-on from Sunday 6th July 1980. 3.8MB
1980_08_01_fri_carousel_968fms_1800-1900_carousel_tonight-km_via_ai.mp3 Aug 2023 This is another recording made by Kieran and part of the Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project. The 'Carousel Tonight' magazine programme with Kieran Murray from Friday 1st August 1980 begins just after 6pm following the news with Ray Stone. At 6:30 Shay Breslin presents the 'Sports Report' and at 7pm Kieran hands over to Hugh Hardy for 'Country Call'. Recorded in Dundalk from 96.8MHz in stereo. Radio Carousel had introduced this new stereo FM service during 1980. 142MB
1981_01_28_tue_carousel_1125am_1705-1755_budgetspecial-km_via_ai.mp3 New Oct 2023 This is an interesting recording made and introduced by Kieran, and is part of the Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project. The tape features a 'Budget Special' from Tuesday 28th January 1981, which may have been unique in 'pirate radio' at the time. The recording is partially airchecked between 5pm and 7pm and almost all speech. Also interesting on the tape insert, is the reference to 282m, the wavelength later used for the 'Northern Service'. This is in addition to 265m and 96.4MHz which were the main services in Dundalk at the time.  During the programme is a jingle from Kieran, which also references 282m, which suggests the station was testing additional outlets even prior to the start of the Drogheda service on 215m a short time later. 43MB
1981_01_28_tue_carousel_1125am_1705-1755_budgetspecial-km_via_ai.mp3 New Oct 2023 Here is a continuation of the a 'Budget Special' between 6pm and 7pm. Towards the end, Kieran can be heard conducting interviews in the street. 43MB
1981_05_29_fri_carousel_1125am_0825-0857_mikeahern-gh.mp3 New Oct 2023 Thirty minutes of Mike Ahern hosting breakfast. There were plenty of adverts on the station in those early days. Recorded possibly in Leeds and suffering from some crackling due to the distance travelled by the signal and some tape dropouts. 22MB
1982_04_07_wed_carousel_navan_1386am_1448-1505_tonyfarrelly_stuartscott-gh407.mp3 New Aug 2023 From the Radio Carousel Navan station in the network, this is the end of Tony Farrelly and start of Stuart Scott from Wednesday 7th April 1982. Recorded from 1386kHz at the Navan Shopping Centre. 216MB
1982_04_07_wed_carousel_navan_1386am_1505-1603_stuartscott-gh407.mp3 New Aug 2023 An hour of Stuart Scott between 3pm and 4pm following on from the above recording. Again recorded from 1386kHz at the Navan Shopping Centre. 54MB
1982_04_07_wed_carousel_navan_1386am_1603-1706_stuartscott_mikeahern-gh407.mp3 New Aug 2023 Continuing the above recording, here is the final hour of Stuart Scott's show from 7th April 1982. Mike Ahern follows the news at 5pm. Recorded in the car at Navan Shopping Centre. 58MB
1982_04_25_sun_carousel_1125am_1430-1610_davescott_ericvaughan-gh409.mp3 New Aug 2023 On the main Radio Carousel Dundalk service, here is Dave Scott followed at 4pm by Eric Vaughan from Sunday 25th April 1982. Eric had just returned to the station after a couple of years away, including time at Boyneside Radio. Recorded near Blackpool from 1125kHz. 90MB
1982_05_08_carousel_dundalk_1125_eric_vaughan_sign_off_0047-0100_c90_456_kb.mp3 Late night with Eric Vaughan up to sign off at 1am on 8th May 1982. Recorded in Scotland from 1125kHz. 90MB
1982_05_08_carousel_dundalk_1125_eric_vaughan_sign_off_only_0047-0100_c90_456_kb.mp3 Just the sign off section of the above Eric Vaughan recording. Recorded in Scotland from 1125kHz. 90MB
1982_05_11_tue_carousel_navan_1386am_1900-2000_padraigwalshe_interviews_donallen-gh324.mp3 New Aug 2023 Don Allen had recently started on Radio Carousel in Navan hosting the breakfast show. Here he is being interviewed by Padraig Walshe. The recording is originally by kind courtesy of Kieran Murray. 140MB
1982_06_28_tue_carousel_navan_1386am_0724-0810_donallen-gh570.mp3 New Oct 2023 Don Allen on the breakfast show. There was a problem with news at 8am, which sounded like it was being received with difficulty from the main Dundalk service on FM. The tape was from a bit of a noisy signal as received near Blackpool on 1386kHz where it was suffering from a lot of background and electrical interference. 42MB
1982_06_28_tue_carousel_navan_1386am_0814-0900_donallen-gh570.mp3 New Oct 2023 A continuation of the above Don Allen breakfast as received near Blackpool on 1386kHz and up to 9am. 42MB
1982_07_03_sat_carousel_navan_1386am_0818-0854_donallen-gh550.mp3 New Dec 2023 A Saturday morning breakfast show with Don Allen on 3rd July 1982. As received near Blackpool on 1386kHz.  There is a station audible in the background which may be Kilkenny Community Radio. 34MB
1982_10_28_thu_carousel_navan_1386am_1144-1310_shanemullan_tina_kieranmurray-gh438.mp3 New Aug 2023 From the Navan studios, and across lunchtime on Thursday 28th October 1982 here is the end of Shane Mullen's show, and then at mid-day Tina Anderson, followed at 1pm by  Kieran Murray. Recorded in Navan from 1386kHz. 80MB
1983_05_20_fri_carousel_5th_birthday_congratulations_from_wlr-km_via_ai.mp3 New Oct 2023 On the 5th birthday of Radio Carousel, another early station Waterford Local Radio sent congratulations to the station.  This is a studio version of that message. This is a studio copy of Kieran's tape donated by Paul Davidson and forms part of the Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project. 1.7MB
1983_05_20_fri_carousel_navan_studio_0859-1003_kieranmurray_nickbutler-km_via_ai.mp3 New Oct 2023 Kieran Murray with the last hour of his breakfast show on Radio Carousel's Navan station, 20th May 1983.  This was the 5th birthday of Radio Carousel Network. This is a studio copy of Kieran's tape donated by Paul Davidson and forms part of the Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project. 143MB
1983_12_00_carousel_documentary_by_kieran_murray_pt1-km_via_ai.mp3 New Oct 2023 This is part one of an excellent documentary compiled by Kieran Murray, and covering the history of Radio Carousel between May 1978 and December 1983. As well as the history, there are plenty of Radio Carousel jingles and programme extracts.  This is a studio copy of the documentary donated by Paul Davidson and forms part of the Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project. 133MB
1983_12_00_carousel_documentary_by_kieran_murray_pt2-km_via_ai.mp3 New Oct 2023 Here is the second part of the above Radio Carousel documentary compiled and narrated by Kieran Murray in December 1983 and recorded in the Navan studios. It includes an interview with Hugh Hardy on BBC Radio Ulster regarding the recent raids in Dublin, and also extracts from the 5th birthday celebration the following day, 20th May 1983. 133MB
1984_07_11_wed_carousel_1125am_1000-1153_mikeahern-gh103.mp3 New Oct 2023 Almost two hours of a morning show from Mike Ahern on Wednesday 11th July 1984. Recorded from 1125kHz near Blackpool. The signal from the station at this time was very strong. 104MB
1984_07_12_thu_carousel_1125am_1200-1335_hughhardy.mp3 Updated Aug 2023 Hugh Hardy with his 'Country Call' which was regularly networked at mid-day from Dundalk across the other stations. Recorded from 1125kHz near Blackpool. 22MB
1984_10_31_wed_carousel_navan_1386am_1122-1313_tinaanderson_hughhardy-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2023 Tina Anderson with the last 35 minutes of the request show from the Navan station, followed at mid-day by Hugh Hardy and 'Country Call' linked from Dundalk. Kieran Murray reads the news and weather at 1pm from the Navan studio and is followed by more of Hugh Hardy with 'Lunch with a Punch' from Dundalk. One interesting listen during the networked 'Country Call' is that in the days before computers, local Navan commercials were manually inserted at specific points in the show. Presumably the listeners in Dundalk, Drogheda and the Northern Service all heard different commercials inserted at their local studios. Recorded from 1386kHz in Navan. 102MB
1985_05_29_wed_carousel_101fms_2238-2323_davescott-ds.mp3 New Aug 2023 Dave Scott with part of a late evening programme on Wednesday 29th May 1985. Recorded in Dundalk from 101MHz FM in stereo and courtesy of Dave Small. 103MB
1985_05_30_thu_carousel_101fms_0815-0900-ds.mp3 New Aug 2023 Breakfast on Thursday 30th May 1985 between 0815 and 0900. Recorded in Dundalk from 101MHz FM in stereo and courtesy of Dave Small. 103MB
1986_02_15_sat_carousel_1125am_0955-1105_tonyfarrelly_davescott-gh592.mp3 New Aug 2023 Tony Farrelly with the last few minutes of his morning show from the main Dundalk service on Saturday 15th February 1986. Tony is followed at 10am with a programme called the 'Best of Irish', hosted by Dave Scott. Recorded near Blackpool from 1125kHz / 265m with a strong signal. 66MB
1987_04_21_tue_carousel_1260am_1115-1200_steviemack-gh1071.mp3 New Aug 2023 From the Radio Carousel Northern Service, here is Stevie Mack from late Tuesday morning, 21st April 1987. His show finishes at mid-day.  Unfortunately the recording finishes before the top of the hour announcement.  Recorded near Blackpool from 1260kHz / 248m with some background noise. 47MB
1987_04_21_tue_carousel_1260am_1208-1253_hughhardy-gh1071.mp3 New Aug 2023 Following on from the above recording, there was some dead-air after mid-day before Hugh Hardy and his 'Country Call'. Recorded from 1260kHz near Blackpool with some background noise. 45MB
1988_05_03_mon_carousel-navan_1386am_1043-1355_tinaanderson-gh687.mp3 New Aug 2023 The Navan station of Radio Carousel was the last in the network. This three hour recording was made on Monday 3rd May 1988, around three weeks before it went off the air. Tina Anderson hosts the daily request show between 10am and 2pm. There is also a news bulletin at 1pm, but we are not sure of the newsreader. The signal was received near Blackpool on 1386kHz and suffered some local electrical interference and there was some static from lightning later on. Considering the distance however, this signal is quite reasonable. 176MB



1984_05_10_thu_castle_k_radio_968fm_2110_to_signoff-gh494.mp3 New Dec 2021 Here is a Thursday evening transmission of Castle K 96FM which appears to be the reincarnation of an earlier station Castle K 103FM, of which extracts were played during this show. It was announced that in future the station would operate through the weekend. Castle K operated from Castleknock, and this was recorded in the Sandymount area from 96.8MHz in mono. They also mentioned operating on 23 metres shortwave. 90MB



1984_05_07_mon_cavan_cr_747am_1215-1400_ollieclark-gh501.mp3 New Jan 2022 Ollie Clark presents a lunctime show on CCR when it was operating on 747kHz, the ' Jumbo' channel.  The station later changed to 819kHz due to Radio Nova in Dublin moving its big transmitter to 738kHz from 819kHz.  It could be that the splatter heard on this recording was the first day that Nova had put a second transmitter on 729kHz due to them being jamming by RTE.  Once Nova put their 50kW transmitter on 738kHz it would have made it difficult to listen to CCR in places, especially towards Dublin.  News is read at 1pm by Sally Reynolds.  Recorded some way from Cavan on 747kHz, and has some background interference. 94MB
1984_08_27_mon_cavan_819am_0734-0906_donallen-gh245.mp3 New Jul 2022 Don Allen with a Monday breakfast show, apologising for the station being off for the previous weekend. Don mentions the all new bigger, more powerful and mighty CCR on 747kHz and 98.1MHz FM, although they were actually now on 819kHz, which Don's jingle announces as 819 metres. Lynsey Shelbourne reads the news at 8am and 9am. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool. At some point the station had moved to this frequency from 747kHz to avoid interference from Nova who had moved next to them on 738kHz during May. The signal on this recording had a bit of side splatter from UK stations and some electrical crackling, but good for the distance. 85MB
1984_10_31_wed_cavan_cr_819am_1126-1226_seanbrady_ollieclark-gh527.mp3 New Jun 2023 Lunchtime on Wednesday 31st October 1984 with Sean Brady until mid-day. Following the news at mid-day which is read by Lynsey Shelbourne, Ollie Clark takes over.  Recorded from 819kHz whilst travelling around the Cavan area.  Sean mentions that they had been having issues with the AM transmitter. 55MB
1988_06_14_tue_cavan_cr_819am_1245-1705_tony_pathamil-gh756.mp3 New Jan 2022 Once Q102 moved to 819kHz in late 1985, the CCR signal to the West and in the UK was underneath Q102, and the only time it could be heard was when Q102 was off the air.  This was the case on the afternoon of 14th June 1988, when this four hour recording was made near Blackpool from 819kHz between 1245 and approx 1705. There is some crackling at times, but the signal was quite good considering the distance. 235MB
CavanCommunityRadio--Cavan819kHz--December31st1988--1336-rw.mp3 New JAN 2021 The final 90 minutes of the station up to closedown just after 3pm is courtesy of radiowaves.fm. 67M



1988_03_13_sun_centre_94fm_1630-1800_princeterry_daveevans-pt.mp3 New Oct 2021 Prince Terry hosts a Sunday afternoon show, followed by Dave Evans who mentions that the show would be re-broadcast the following Sunday on Westside Radio International. Community news is read out at 6pm. Many thanks to Prince Terry for originally sending this one. The station was being announced as 94FM, but the exact frequency of the recording is not known. 124MB



1985_10_21_mon_charisma_98fm_1730-1900-gh562.mp3 New Dec 2022 Charisma called itself 'The Sound Of Light' and is believed to have operated in late 1985 and into 1986.  The recording is from the afternoon of Monday 21st October. We could not make out the deejay name, but a promo for deejays gave the address as 11 North Circular Road, Dublin 7.  During his show, there was a relay of an Aerican Evangical Programme. This was received in Dublin on 98.0MHz and the signal on this recording was a bit crackly, and the audio quality was a bit poor. 151MB



1980_07_23_wed_city_dublin_1165am_1220-1400-gh263.mp3 New Apr 2024
Radio City in the early afternoon of Wednesday 23rd July 1980 as received in Leeds on 1165kHz. Suprisingly at this time in 1980, Radio City had probably the strongest, although highly modulated, signal received from Ireland in Leeds, although on this recording there was some crackling. Maybe it was due to its mid-channel location. It was the days before Sunshine Radio and the others station which used high power.  Radio City always had that high modulation level which could sound distorted at times.  We are not sure of the deejay on this early afternoon recording and unfortunately the microphone levels are also a bit low. There are quite a few adverts from Tony Allen.
1981_08_14_fri_city_dublin_1165am_0804-0856_stuartyoung-gh349.mp3 New Jan 2022
Radio City breakfast show with Stuart Young.  Recorded near Dun Laoighaire from 1165kHz.  Radio City always had high modulation levels giving a distorted sound on some radios.  The frequency was also mid-channel, which caused some issues at distance during the late evening, but also meant it could be heard a long way off.
1981_08_14_fri_city_dublin_1165am_1339-1425_paulkavanagh-gh349.mp3 New Jan 2022
Paul Kavanagh with his afternoon show as recorded at the Crofton Hotel during our visit to rival ARD. The signal from Radio City on 1165kHz had some slight splatter from the ARD signal on 1143kHz which was within a few yards of the car.
1981_08_14_fri_city_dublin_1165am_1448-1550_paulkavanagh-gh349.mp3 New Jan 2022
More of Paul Kavanagh from Friday afternoon recorded in the car at The Crofton Hotel underneath the ARD aerial.
1981_08_14_fri_city_dublin_1165am_1615-1700_paulkavanagh-gh349.mp3 New Jan 2022
The end of Paul Kavanagh, who seemed to have done a marathon show that afternoon.
1981_08_14_fri_city_dublin_1165am_1709-1755_raynevin-gh349.mp3 New Jan 2022
Ray Nevin takes over from Paul Kavanagh at 5pm. This was recorded from 1165kHz close to Capel Street during our visit to the station. There is some electrical interference for a couple of minutes.
1982_04_04_sun_city_dublin_1161am_1211-1242_tonyhart-gh414.mp3 New Apr 2024
A short extract of Tony Hart at lunchtime on Sunday 4th April 1982. Recorded in Dublin from 1161kHz with a few crackles.
1982_04_04_sun_city_dublin_1161am_1515-1545-gh414.mp3 New Apr 2024
More from Sunday afternoon 4th April 1982, but not sure of the presenter. Recorded in Dublin from 1161kHz with some crackles.
1982_04_08_thu_city_dublin_1161am_0745-0825_tommyflanagan-gh411.mp3 New Apr 2024
Tommy Flanagan on breakfast for Thursday 8th April 1982. Recorded in Dublin from 1161kHz.
1982_04_08_thu_city_dublin_1161am_0905-0940_tonyburke-gh411.mp3 New Feb 2016
Tony Burke on Thursday mid-morning 8th April 1982. Recorded in Dublin from 1161kHz.
1982_10_28_thu_city_dublin_1161am_0740-0842_joejones-gh438.mp3 New Mar 2016  
Joe Jones on Thursday morning breakfast, 28th October 1982. Recorded in Dublin from 1161kHz.
1982_10_28_thu_city_dublin_1161am_1005-1030_tonyburke-gh438.mp3 New Mar 2016
Tony Burke hosts Thursday mid-morning on 28th October 1982. Recorded in Dublin from 1161kHz.



1984_10_28_sun_city_centre_radio_limerick_1024fm_2348-0032_signoff-gh536.mp3 New Nov 2021 A station sign off at around half past midnight. Recorded in Limerick City from 102.4MHz in mono although the station was announcing 103MHz. This could have been an early transmission from the station judging by the comments and a few mis-announced frequencies. A line-up was given for the Monday, but the station didn't appear at the expected time. 62MB
1985_05_27_mon_city_centre_radio_limerick_101fms_2140-2310_gerhickey-ds.mp3 New Nov 2021 A late evening show from Ger Hickey.  Thanks to Dave Small for this recordings made in Limerick City from 101MHz in stereo.  The station was announcing 97FM as well 101FM at this point, but the exact frequencies are not known. 83MB
CityCentreRadio--Limerick102.97MHz--June6th1985--1326.mp3 New Nov 2021 Thanks to radiowaves.fm for originally converting this recording from Ian. 62MB
CityCentreRadio--Limerick100.93MHz--June10th1985--1206--PatMoloney.mp3 New Nov 2021 Pat Maloney at lunchtime on City Centre Radio. Many thanks to radiowaves.fm for originally converting this recording from Ian. 71MB
1985_08_30_fri_city_centre_radio_limerick_973fm_2150-2235_paulstevens_gersweeney-ai1825_via_ib.mp3 New Nov 2021 Paul Stevens followed at 10pm by Ger Sweeney.  Recorded from 97.3MHz in mono.  The station was announcing as 97FM and 103FM at this time. 63MB
1985_08_30_fri_city_centre_radio_limerick_973fm_2244-2329_gersweeney-ai1825_via_ib.mp3 New Nov 2021 Side 2 of the above tape continues the Ger Sweeney show during which he takes phone calls from listeners. 63MB



RadioClare--19840815--1143--Clare88.2MHz--TonyG--JoC.mp3 New Sep 2021 Recorded during the station's test broadcast phase on 88.2MHz. An interesting variation of music was played including the lengthy 'Alices Restaurant' from Arlo Guthrie. Recording is by kind courtesy of Joe Cashin via radiowaves.fm
RadioClare--19840815--1346--Clare88.2MHz--OllieBurns--JoC.mp3 New Sep 2021 More from the same day of test broadcasting from Radio Clare. Recording is by kind courtesy of Joe Cashin via radiowaves.fm
1984_10_28_sun_clare_966fm_1432-1503_fifi-gh517.mp3 New Oct 2021 Part of a Sunday afternoon show from Fi Fi. The station had moved to 96.6MHz by this time in October 1984. The microphone was a little low in places.
1984_10_28_sun_clare_966fm_1508-1546_simonsmith-gh517.mp3 New Oct 2021 From the same afternoon as the above recording, Simon Smith took over after 3pm. This recording was again made in Ennis from 96.6MHz in mono, although they were also announcing 100.6MHz.


(Post 1988 Legislation)

1997_10_28_wed_class107_1068fm_1745-1915_jamesbyrne-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022 James Byrne presents a teatime show on this Dublin station which was heard in 1997. They were announcing as Class 107 FM, and giving frequencies of both 106.8MHz and 107MHz. This recording was made near Blackpool from 106.8MHz and is mono.  There is some background interference and crackles as this was made during an FM 'lift'.  There is a discrepency with the time, as the label on the tape gives 5:45pm-7:15pm, but James says he is only on until 7pm. The station seems to have plenty of adverts. 127MB


COAST 103 / COAST 105  (DUBLIN -1990s)

1993_09_00_coast103_103fm-pt.mp3 New Aug 2021 Sadly no station ID's on this one, recorded from 103MHz in Dublin during early September 1993. Many thanks to Prince Terry for originally sending this one.
1995_11_03_sun_coast105_1300-1400_anorakshow-pt.mp3 New Oct 2021 This is one of the Anorak Shows from Ger Roe and Pete Reed, and in particular is dedidated to the 29th birthday of Radio Dublin.  There are many extracts and interviews from Radio Dublin deejays of the past. The exact frequency of the recording is not known, as the programme was relayed through many stations, but thanks go to Prince Terry for the original tape.



Coast 103 began operating in July 1987 and continued broadcasting up to legislation, closing on 31st December 1988. At some point they changed name slightly to Coast Hot Hits.


1987_07_25_sat_coast103_103fms_1618-1755_barrywilliams-ai1419_via_ib.mp3 New Sep 2021 The station had only been on the air for a short time when this was recorded. Barry Williams with a drivetime show. Recorded in Galway from 103.0MHz in stereo.
1987_11_10_tue_coast103_103fms_1028-1201_keithyork-ai1421_via_ib.mp3 New Sep 2021 Keith York with a weekday late morning show. Recorded in Galway from 103.0MHz in stereo.
Keith York in the afternoon of Tuesday 1st November 1988. Recorded from FM in Galway.
1988_11_06_sun_coast103_103fm_1159-1247_tonyallen-gh822.mp3 New Jul 2024 Tony Allen on Sunday afternoon 6th November 1988.
881106_1255_coast_103_galway_tony_allan_C90 1256.mp3
More from the above Tony Allen programme of Sunday 6th November 1988.
1988_12_31_sat_coast103_galway_103fm_2230-2315_final_evening-gh802.mp3 NEW DEC 2020
Leading up to the final hour of Coast Hot Hits
1988_12_31_sat_coast103_galway_103fm_2315-2400_final_broadcast_to_signoff-gh802.mp3 NEW DEC 2020
Final 45 minutes before legislation caused the station to close.



1983_06_02_thu_cr_257_1134am_1030-1205_gordonsommerville-gh675.mp3  New Aug 2021 Received near Blackpool from 1134kHz, so with some background  noise.  The recording suffers splatter from Radio Carousel who were very strong at that time on the next channel of 1125kHz.  The microphone levels are a bit low which is a little unfortunate, as it makes the splatter during the links sound worse.  The station was advertising for presenters at this time.  84MB
1983_09_02_community_radio_257_94fm_1400-1450_markbyrne-ai1539.mp3  New Jan 2024 Mark Byrne from 2pm on Friday 2nd September 1983, with Feargal on news at 1430 and 1530 who also announces the station was going off the air at midnight for a couple of days to make things bigger and better. It is thought the closing down was to move studios from Dollymount to Portmarnock Country Club.  This recording was made by Paul Davidson in Dublin City from 94MHz in mono and forms part of the 'Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project'. 69MB
1983_09_02_community_radio_257_1116am_1452-1542_markbyrne-ai1539.mp3  New Jan 2024 Part two of the above recording with Mark Byrne was received in Dublin on 1116kHz and forms part of the 'Anoraks Ireland Digitisation Project'.  46MB
1983_11_02_wed_community_radio_257_fms_1704-1802_davidbaker_al_orourke-gh487.mp3  New Oct 2023 David Baker from just after 5pm with the 'bumper to bumper' show on Wednesday 2nd November 1983.  During the show, Al O'Rourke does an interview with Brigitte Clark from the National Association For Cerebral Palsy.  The recording is airchecked at the end. Recorded in Dublin from FM in stereo, but the actual frequency is not known, presumably 94MHz, as 1116kHz only is mentioned.  133MB



1985_11_28_thu_avalon_985fms_1513-1648_brucefoxton-gh09.mp3  New Dec 2022 Bruce Foxton and 'The Afternoon Groove'  on Thursday 28th November 1985. Community Radio Avalon was thought to be based somewhere around Dun Laoghaire, probably confirmed by the community notices.  Recorded from 98.6MHz in stereo. There was also a MW wavelength of 273m announced  but not an exact frequency. There were reports of it being heard on 1116kHz around December 1985 / January 1986 but KISS FM in Dublin were also apparently using this channel. 210MB
1986_01_06_mon_avalon_985fms_1243-1413_markstafford-gh07.mp3  New Dec 2022 Mark Stafford with a Monday lunchtime show from 6th January 1986. Mark thought he had finished his show at 2pm and was handing over to a new deejay. The new deejay did not turn up, so after some continuous music Mark ended up continuing the afternoon programming.  Recorded from 98.6MHz in stereo. 209MB



1981_08_13_thu_cr_drogheda_1305am_0813-0851_dermotfiglas-gh340.mp3  New Jul 2024 Dermot Finglas on breakfast from Thursday 13th August 1981. Gavin Duffy reads the news at 9am. Recorded from 1305kHz whilst driving from Dublin to Drogheda, so there are one or two fades. 35MB
1981_11_21_sat_cr_drogheda_1305am_overnight_show_kevinpaul_airchecks-gh324.mp3  New Jul 2024 Some airchecks of Kevin Paul with what sounded like a pre-recorded and repeated overnight show in the early hours of Saturday 15th November 1981.  From the announcements made, the show went on until 7am. Recorded from 1305kHz in Leeds with the usual overnight AM fading. 15MB
1982_01_06_wed_cr_drogheda_102fm_1241-1415_gavinduffy_headyeddie-gh.mp3 NEW 08/20 GH  
1982_04_01_crd_98.6_richard_kenny_gavin_duffy_1138_c90_444_kb.mp3 NEW 04/16 KB    
1982_04_07_wed_cr-drogheda_985fm_1245-1348_gavinduffy-gh416.mp3 NEW 10/20 GH    
1982_04_07_wed_cr-drogheda_985fm_switches_to_1305am_1353-1425_gavinduffy_niallmcgowan_airchecks-gh416.mp3 NEW 10/20 GH    
1982_06_19_sat_boyneside-crd-combined_1305am_1229-1316_dermotfinglas-gh416.mp3 NEW 08/20 GH  
1982_06_19_sat_boyneside-crd-combined_1305am_1340-1505_dermotfinglas_mikecluskie-gh416.mp3 NEW 08/20 GH  
1982_06_19_sat_boyneside-crd-combined_1305am_1540-1639_mikecluskie-gh416.mp3 NEW 08/20 GH  



1982_03_31_wed_cr_fingal_skerries_1584am_1415-1500_1st_day.mp3  NEW 02/16 gh Recorded near Blackpool from 1584kHz.
1982_07_17_sat_cr_fingal_1584am-189m_1150-1330_debbie_damien-gh424.mp3 New Oct 2021 A Saturday afternoon show during the early days of CRF when it was still broadcasting on 1584kHz and announcing 189 metres. There is brief break in the recording at around 20 minutes. Damien and Debbie host from 1230. Recorded near Blackpool. 90MB
1982_12_18_sat_fingal_1575am_1225-1330-gh444.mp3 New Nov 2024 Another Saturday lunchtime 18th December 1982. Whilst the signal was very strong on this hour long tape, unfortunately the microphone was very distorted which spoils the recording a bit. The music and adverts are all ok though.  Recorded near Blackpool from 1575kHz. In the middle, sadly there is also a few minutes of electrical interference. 59MB
1983_11_02_wed_fingal_898fm_1555-1620-gh490.mp3 New Nov 2024 A short recording around 4pm on the afternoon of Wednesday 2nd November 1983 from when CRF was in the Swords shopping centre. Recorded in Swords from 89.8MHz in mono. 23MB
1985_10_19_sat_fingal_1575am_1052-1205_gerry_lynn-gh572.mp3 New Oct 2022 An hour or so of Saturday morning programming from Commnity Radio Fingal.  The recording start with Gerry, who hands over to Lynn at mid-day and was received on 1575kHz around the Swords area. 67MB
1986_11_30_sun_pulsar98_988fm_test_tx_airchecks-gh866.mp3 New Feb 2023 A test transmission from Pulsar 98 as received in mono near Blackpool on 98.8MHz, Sunday 30th November 1986. The new station was being advertised as also broadcasting on 1575kHz which it shared with Community Radio Fingal, which was odd as Pulsar had already been operating for two weeks. 50MB
1987_12_30_wed_fingal-pulsar98_1575am_0901-1216_andymatthews-gh732.mp3 New Sep 2022 Three hours from 9am on Wednesday 30th December 1987 when Pulsar 98 was being relayed on 1575kHz.  Andy Matthews is the presenter, referenced the station as crf-pulsar98, and there was a live Mass at 10am.  Recorded near Blackpool from 1575kHz where the signal was particularly strong at that time. There is some normal background foreign interference heard in the winter months, but is quite good for the distance. 180MB
1988_12_30_fri_fingal-pulsar98_1575am_0945-1630_final_day.mp3 A six hour section from the final day of CRF. Recorded near Blackpool from 1575kHz. It suffers from foreign interference towards late afternoon. 349MB
1988_12_30_fri_fingal-pulsar98_1575am_1630-1700_final_afternoon-gh821.mp3 New DEC 2020 Recorded near Blackpool suffering some continental interference. 27MB
1988_12_30_fri_fingal-pulsar98_1575am_1710-1753_final_afternoon-gh821.mp3 New DEC 2020 Recorded near Blackpool suffering some continental interference. 41MB
1988_12_30_fri_fingal-pulsar98_1575am_1753-1804_tonyhealey-gh821.mp3 New DEC 2020 Changeover at 6pm, where Tony Healey takes over. 10MB



The files for COMMUNITY RADIO YOUGHAL are on a separate page.






1984_05_10_thu_diamond_1557am_1901-2032_mattstewart-gh501.mp3 New Jan 2022 An evening request show from Matt Stewart.  Recorded in Dublin from 1557kHz / 192m.  Towards the end of the recording the signal has a hum on it caused by evening foreign station interference. 83MB
1984_11_03_sat_diamond_1557am-192m_1342-1415_alanclark_owendempsey-gh536.mp3 New Dec 2021 This half hour recording was made in the car at the docks in Dun Laoghaire from 1557kHz / 192m.  There is a noticeable hum on the signal as the BBC had recently opened a relay in Morecambe Bay on 1557kHz. It meant that Diamond was not audible any more near Blackpool, or around the Lancashire Coast.  This was a Saturday afternoon and showed how the station had plenty of interraction with their listeners. 30MB



1986_10_02_thu_diamond_1065fm_pre2100_garylewis-pt.mp3 New Oct 2021 A recording of Gary Lewis on a Thursday evening. The time is not known, but seems to be his oldies section prior to 9pm. The signal is a little weak, with some hiss and fades in places. Many thanks to Prince Terry for this recording which was announced as 106.5MHz, however the station did operate on other channels such as 105.7MHz and 106.1MHz. 33MB
1986_10_02_thu_diamond_1065fm_2215-2400signoff_garylewis_airchecks-pt.mp3 New Oct 2021 A continuation of the above programme, but later in the evening and airchecked in places, from 2215 until station signoff at midnight. Mention was made by Gary Lewis that he had been on for 5 hours. There are fades in places and hiss. Many thanks to Prince Terry for this recording. 92MB
1987_01_24_sat_diamond106_1059fms_1500-1632_andylewis-gh711.mp3 New Feb 2022 Andy Lewis hosts a Saturday afternoon show in January 1987.  Recorded in Dublin from 105.9MHz in stereo. 211MB


DLR 106 / HITS 106 - CO DUBLIN

DLR 106, later Hits 106 was one of the stations which was on the air during the 1990's, in the years following the 1988 legislation. It operated on 106.0MHz with a relay for Wicklow on 107.1MHz, and also on shortwave at times in its early days.


1991_11_05_tue_dlr_106fms_1830-1915_davestone-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 Dave Stone with an early evening show on a Tuesday which was due to finish at 8pm. 106MB
1991_11_05_tue_dlr_106fms_1923-2009_davestone_johnnyreb-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 The end of the above Dave Stone show and the first few minutes of Johnny Reb who takes over at 8pm with his rockabilly show. 106MB
1992_07_15_wed_dlr_106fms_1710-1840_eddiemitcham_debbiemoore-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 Eddie Mitcham on a Wednesday drive show until 6pm, when Debbie Moore takes over. 216MB
1992_04_05_sun_dlr_6220sw_1000-1040_dx_show-gh807.mp3 New Mar 2025 From 10am, the first few minutes of the dx show with listeners letters as received near Blackpool on 6220kHz. Some shortwave fading and a little ssb interference as normal. 37MB
1992_08_30_sun_dlr_6220sw_1020-1105-signon_dx_show-gh268.mp3 New May 2022 A late sign-on for the live dx show at 1017am as received near Blackpool on 6220kHz. Some shortwave fading as normal. 43MB
1993_03_07_sun_dlr_6221sw_1110-1300_frcshow_davestone-gh861.mp3 New Aug 2022 The last part of an FRC show with Paul Murray and Dave King with reception reports from across Europe.  The FRC Show finishes at mid-day when Dave Stone takes over for the next two hours. Frequency mentioned is 6221.5MHz.  Recorded near Blackpool in Lancashire from 6221kHz.  There is some SSB interference and the usual fading and electrical interference expected on shortwave, but the signal strength for DLR was usually very good. 95MB
1993_03_17_wed_dlr106_6221sw_0825-0955-gh672.mp3 New May 2022 A breakfast show on St Patricks Day 1993 as received near Blackpool on 6221kHz.  There is plenty of mentions of overseas listeners on shortwave, as well as the locals on 106MHz.  The signal is variable and suffers from a lot of interference, notably from what sounds like some ship to shore conversations thought to be in a Nordic language. 85MB
1993_07_21_dlr_6226sw_0930-1100_gordonkelly_joeneill-gh839.mp3 New May 2022 Gordon Kelly is on the first part of this Sunday morning recording, made from 6226kHz shortwave near Blackpool. Paul Murray fails to turn up for the DX Show, so Joe Neill hosts instead. There is a lot of local electrical crackling in the latter half of the recording, and some ssb interference. 86MB
1994_01_11_tue_dlr_106fm_1925-2010_alcurtis_johnnyreb-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 Al Curtis is followed at 8pm by Johnny Reb. 105MB
1997_07_09_wed_hits106_106fm_1800-1930_chrisfoley-gh1106.mp3 New Aug 2021 Chris Foley hosts a Wednesday early evening show. Recorded near Blackpool during an FM lift from 106.0MHz in mono.  There are some crackles, fades and interference from other stations coming through during the FM lift. 125MB
1999_05_17_mon_hits106_1071fms_1959-2130_barryparkin-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 Wednesday early evening with Barry Parkin.  Recorded when Ian was visiting Wicklow Town, in stereo from the 107.1MHz transmitter which served that area. The main transmitter on 106.1MHz was not audible. 214MB
1999_05_17_mon_hits106_1071fms_2131-2304_robgee-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 Wednesday night with Rob Gee who announced he was hosting until midnight.  Recorded in Wicklow Town stereo from the 107.1MHz transmitter which served that area. 208MB
1999_05_20_tue_dlr_1071fms_1129-1303_non_stop_hits-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 Recorded during the automated period of broadcasting.  Again recorded in Wicklow Town from 107.1MHz in stereo. 171MB
2000_01_11_tue_hits106_106fms_2205-2250_barryclark-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 Late Tuesday evening with Barry Clark playing a variety of music types. 106MB
2001_05_15_tue_hits106_106fms_1843-2015_jmc-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 Early evening with JMC playing mainly dance music.  The recording is a little muffled. 210MB



1982_08_15_sun_dollymount_1600am-188m_1000-1045-gh428.mp3 New Oct 2021
A short recording of this festival station made near Blackpool from 1600kHz.  The station was also announcing 92.2MHz.  Due to the distance from the transmitter, there is some crackling on the signal.



1984_06_16_sat_donnybrook_981am_test_announcements-gh496.mp3 New Oct 2021
A brief recording of this festival station made near Blackpool from 981kHz.  This is simply a test announcement for the upcoming festival station which was due to start on 20th June 2024. The signal on this particular broadcast was particularly good.



1981_08_14_fri_doubler_1035am-290m_signoff_declangeorge-gh347.mp3 New Jan 2022
A test transmission heard during our 1981 tour, with Declan Deorge hosting, and then the station signing off.  Unfortunately the tape runs out during the sign off. The station is announcing an address at The Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Eden Quay.  The recording was made from 1035kHz at around 9pm, whilst we were visiting Dublin Community Radio in Lower Grand Canal Street.
1981_11_11_doubler_1035am-290m_alanking_airchecks-gh364.mp3 New MAR 2021
Airchecks of part of an Alan King show as recorded near Blackpool from 1035kHz. The  winter interference was causing some wobbling of the signal, but was still strong considering the distance. The station seemed to have recently returned to regular programming.



The files for Radio Dublin, are now included on the Radio Dublin download page.



1981_11_13_sat_eastcoast_1314am_0030-0205_stevenbishop_nigelroberts-gh717.mp3 New Dec 2021
This is an early hours airchecked recording of East Coast Radio with Steven Bishop and Nigel Roberts, we think located in South County Dublin.  The address given out was a PO Box in Glenageary. Little is known of this station.  It seems to have been something to do with Sonic Independent Radio which also operated on 1314kHz up until that point, however Steven Bishop was on Southside Radio not long before. An FM frequency of 101.5MHz was also being announced. Not long after this recording was made, 1314kHz carried the programmes of Island Radio.  The recording was made near Blackpool and suffers from night time fading and some splatter, possibly from Community Radio Drogheda on 1305kHz, along with what sounds like test tones from NRK in Norway.  The audio quality on the transmission was very good however.



1985_08_28_wed_echo_1071am_1759-1930_mikehammer_richardpotchell-gh237.mp3 New Jul 2022 A Wednesday teatime drive show from Mike Hammer until 7pm, when Richard Potchell (?) takes over. The audio quality on this station seemed very good, but the levels on the news bulletins read by Anne Shields at 6pm and Louise Grant at 7pm were unfortunately a little low. Recorded in North Dublin from 1071kHz with a few crackles. 84MB
1985_10_19_sat_echo_1071am_1427-1600_aaronburchell_paulbarrett-gh572.mp3 New Oct 2022 Saturday afternoon 19th October 1985 programming. The recording starts with Aaron Burchell from around 2:30pm, and then Paul Barrett takes over at 3pm. Recorded in the Sandymount area from 1071kHz with some co-channel interference towards the end, possibly from either Longford Community Radio or the Radio Carousel Northern Service.. 84MB




The files for ENERGY 103 , are included on the Radio Nova page.



Erneside Radio began operating on 1251kHz from Belturbet, County Cavan in February 1985. The station closed at 8pm on Saturday 31st December 1988.


1986_07_04_fri_erneside_1251am_1320-1453_ollieclark_briangold-gh1058.mp3 New Aug 2021 Early afternoon programming from Ollie Clark and Brian Gold. Recorded near Blackpool from 1251kHz. There is some co-channel interference from a UK station, but the signal holds up well for the distance. 85MB
1987_12_02_wed_erneside_1251am_0930-1245-donallen_briangold-gh723.mp3 New Jan 2024 A three hour recording of Erneside from Wednesday 2nd December 1987.  The signal was as received near Blackpool on 1251kHz, and although it starts off well with Don Allen on breakfast followed at 11am by Brian Gold, winter conditions means foreign interference (UK and Holland) creeps in and makes listening difficult later on. 176MB
1987_12_02_wed_erneside_1251am_station_promo_by_donallen-gh723.mp3 New Jan 2024 Extracted from the above recording, here is a nice Erneside Radio promo from Don Allen. 1.1MB
1987_12_02_wed_erneside_1251am_station_promo_by_linseyshelbourne-gh723.mp3 New Jan 2024 Again extracted from the above recording, here is a nice Erneside Radio promo from Linsey Shelbourne. 400kB
881222_thu_erneside_1251am_0942-1034.mp3   47,610k
1988_12_30_fri_erneside_1251am_1945-2000_final_closedown-pt.mp3 New JAN 2021 The final 15 minutes of Erneside from 1251kHz. Recording courtesy of Prince Terry. 34M
Erneside - Cavan 97.8MHz - December 30th 1988 - Closedown.mp3 New JAN 2021 This is much better quality audio of the final hour of Erneside recorded from 97.8MHz FM. Recording is courtesy of radiowaves.fm 70M
1988_12_31_sat_erneside_1251_final_day_0940-1050_larrybyrne_linseyshelbourne.mp3 Despite an 'official' closedown on Friday evening, Erneside Radio was heard on Saturday morning 31st.  These three recordings were made near Blackpool from 1251kHz.  According to 'Weekly Report' the station finally left the air on 31st between 1830 and 2000.  It could be that Erneside were expecting the case brought by Eamonn Cooke would succeed, so they kept the transmitters 'warm'.  In the end the case failed and legislation went ahead as planned. 64MB
1988_12_31_sat_erneside_1251_final_day_1053-1140_linseyshelbourne.mp3 More of Linsey Shelbourne from the 'final, final day' 43MB
1988_12_31_sat_erneside_1251_final_day_1140-1400_linseyshelbourne.mp3 Linsey Shelbourne hosts until 1pm when Pio Mcann takes over 132MB




Finglas Community Radio was one of many community and festival stations which operated in different parts of Dublin during the 1980s.


1983_04_14_thu_finglas_cr_977fm_1654-1754_tonygibson_declanmaloney-gh458.mp3 New Aug 2021 A Thursday afternoon recording of this community station from Finglas. The end of Tony Gibson's show up to 5pm is followed by Declan Mahoney.  Recorded in Dublin from 97.7MHz in mono, although announced as 98MHz. There was no AM frequency being announced at this time. 83MB
1983_04_14_thu_finglas_cr_977fm_1840-1938_declanmaloney-gh458.mp3 New Aug 2021 Another hour of Declan Mahoney from the same day, recorded in Dublin as above. 79MB




FM100 operated in the latter part of 1989. They were understood to have used the original studio and transmitting facilities of KITS FM which had previously closed on 30th December 1988 due to legislation outlawing the 'pirate' stations. FM100 were heard over a large area, intially on 100.0MHz in stereo but moved to 102.0MHz due to RTE tests and were also briefly on 1116kHz AM.


1989_09_29_fri_fm100_102fm_0840-1010_johnfriday_gh829.mp3 New Mar 2025 Recorded near Blackpool during FM 'lift' conditions, here is John Friday on Friday morning 29th September 1989. There are one or two fades. As received on 102.0MHz in mono.
1989_09_30_sat_fm100_102fm_0853-1118_paulthomas_thegooseman-gh829.mp3 New Mar 2025 Again recorded near Blackpool during an FM 'lift' here is a Saturday morning breakfast show with Paul Thomas from 30th September 1989.  'The Gooseman' takes over at 11am. There are one or two fades, but the signal is quite stable. As received on 102.0MHz in mono.
1989_09_30_sat_fm100_102fm_1154-1252_thegooseman-gh829.mp3 New Mar 2025 Another hour of 'The Gooseman' from the above programme, this time between around 11:55am and 12:55pm. As received near Blackpool on 102.0MHz on mono.
1989_10_02_mon_fm100_102fm_1754-2110_thegooseman-gh807.mp3 New Mar 2025 Recorded near Blackpool during an FM 'lift' and its resulting deep fades in places, here is over three hours of drivetime and early evening programming from just before 6pm on Monday 2nd October 1989. The initial presenter is possibly Graham Marks, but 'The Gooseman' takes over at 7pm.
1989_10_03_tue_fm100_102fm_0758-1110_johnfriday-gh829.mp3 New Mar 2025 During the good FM conditions into the UK West coast that brought the above recording, here is John Friday the following morning, Tuesday 3rd October 1989 with three hours from just before 8am until some continuous music after 11am. There are some deep fades at times.





Radio Galaxy had been running for many years and was operated by Tony Boylan. Tony had operated stations since World War 2, and during the 1980's specialized in a '78 Show' each Sunday, making his final broadcast on 21st September 1986 before retiring to the Isle of Man.


7galaxy_dublin_1970.mp3 An early sign off from Radio Galaxy in 1970 when they broadcast on 200m. Tony Boylan signs off and tells the listeners to tune to 217m where Radio Dublin would be on the air. Thanks to Prince Terry for sending this recording many years ago.  The original is a little longer, so we will update it in future. 1.2MB
1984_04_01_sun_galaxy-cbc_1134am_1225-1408_tonyboylan_franboylan_davidbaker-gh96.mp3 New APR 2021 An interesting recording of Radio Galaxy which starts with Tony Boylan being interviewed by Brian Dobson on BBC Northern Ireland about his 78 collection early days in radio. He then continues to host the '78 show' along with his wife Fran. At the end, the station changes to a CBC test transmission hosted by David Baker. The frequency is announced by David Baker as 1116kHz / 270m, but the tape is labelled as 1134kHz. Ken has Radio Galaxy and CBC logged as 1134kHz on the day of this recording, but on 1116kHz by 8th April.  So at some point in April they changed frequency. It was recorded near Blackpool, and suffers splatter from Radio Carousel, along with some clicks and electrical buzzes. 87MB
1986_05_11_sun_galaxy_1530am-195m_1205-1330_tonyboylan_78show-gh183.mp3 New APR 2021 This is a nice recording of Tony Boylan's Community Radio Galaxy as received in Ballymun. The recording finishes just before an early signoff at 1:30pm, but sadly the tape runs out before the closedown announcement. The frequency was announced as 1530kHz / 195m. There are a couple of adverts during the show. 80MB
1986_09_14_sun_galaxy_1512am_1335-1405_tonyboylan_to_signoff-gh521.mp3 New APR 2021 The last 30 minutes of the penultimate broadcast from Radio Galaxy. Tony Boylan was about to retire to the Isle of Man with his wife. Tony presented a regular Sunday '78 Programme'. This particular week he was operating on 1512kHz, announced as 196m.  Amongst the old records played on this show, was a recording of William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw) from World War 2.  It is believed this was one of many discs that Tony had recorded during the war on a cutting machine.  The recording was made near Blackpool, and suffered from some foreign interference.  At the end, the transmitter can be heard switching off. 30MB
1986_09_21_sun_galaxy_1512am-196m_1332-1405_tonyboylan_with_final_closedown-gh850.mp3 New APR 2021 The final 30 minutes from Radio Galaxy. This very poor recording was made near Blackpool, where sadly, compared to the previous week, the damp weather that day caused severe electrical noise from local power lines. Tony Boylan can just about be heard signing off the station for the last time with his wife Fran, and mentions during the show that he might do some spots in future on Manx Radio. The recording is poor but is included for completeness. 30MB




Glencoe Radio started as Westside Radio during 1987, but had to change name due to a station in County Sligo with the same name. It is thought they started on 1125kHz using the transmitter of the former Melvin Community Radio before moving to 1143kHz.


1987_10_17_sat_glencoe_1143am_kingofswing_paddyward-gh033.mp3 New Jan 2023 Saturday morning 17th October 1987 with The King Of Swing and Paddy Ward. Recorded from 1143kHz. 39MB





Heartbeat FM was the station which filled that 'easy listening and love songs' niche in the Dublin area. It operated on 105.5MHz from around 1986 until legislation, closing on Friday 30th December 1988.  During October 1987 the name was briefly changed to Cara 95 FM, but reverted to Heartbeat soon after. It could also occasionally be heard on 1116kHz medium wave.


1986_11_07_fri_heartbeat_955fms_1857-1957_davidbaker_test_transmission-pt.mp3 New Sep 2021 David Baker with a Friday test transmission from Heartbeat FM.  Recorded in Dublin from 95.5MHz in stereo.  Thanks to Prince Terry for the original tape. 142MB
1986_11_08_sat_heartbeat_955fms_1159-1302_davidbaker_test_transmission-pt.mp3 New Sep 2021 Another Heartbeat test transmission presented by David Baker from Saturday.  Recorded in Dublin from 95.5MHz in stereo.  Thanks again to Prince Terry for the original tape. 142MB
1987_02_21_sat_heartbeat_955fms_1635-1810_mikedoyle-gh987.mp3 New Aug 2021 A Mike Doyle show from a Saturday afternoon in February. Recorded in Dublin from 95.5MHz in stereo.  An AM frequency of 1116kHz is also announced during the programme. 213MB
1987_02_23_mon_heartbeat_955fm_0752-0928_chrismartin-gh673.mp3 New MAR 2021 Here is a continuous six hour section of Heartbeat programming split into four files. Starting off we have Chris Martin on the breakfast / early morning show. The recordings were made in mono from 95.5MHz, as received in Dublin City Centre.The station was also announcing 1116kHz AM at this time. 89MB
1987_02_23_mon_heartbeat_955fm_0928-1103_chrismartin-gh673.mp3 New MAR 2021 Chris Martin contiues on this second file up to 11am when Tracy Evans takes over. 89MB
1987_02_23_mon_heartbeat_955fm_1103-1239_tracyevans-gh673.mp3 New MAR 2021 This third file is the start of the Tracy Evans lunchtime show for a Monday. 89MB
1987_02_23_mon_heartbeat_955fm_1239-1415_tracyevans_mauricenevin-gh673.mp3 New MAR 2021 To complete the six hour recording, Tracey Evans finishes her show, and them there is around 15 minutes of Maurice Nevin. 89MB
1987_09_00_cara_955fms_undated_test_transmission-pt.mp3 New Nov 2021 A test broadcast from when Heartbeat was about to relaunch as Cara 95. The date of the tape is unknown but thought to be from late September 1987, and contains a few jingles and promotions for the new station. Recorded in Dublin from 95.5MHz in stereo. Many thanks to Prince Terry for this tape. 174MB
1987_10_09_fri_cara_955fms_0845-0930_lawrencejohn-gh988.mp3 New Aug 2021 This recording from Lawrence John is from the time Heartbeat made a name change to Cara 95 FM. Recorded in Dublin from 95.5MHz in stereo. 105MB
1987_10_09_fri_cara_955fms_1900-1945_mauricenevin-gh988.mp3 New Aug 2021 Maurice Nevin from the same day as the above Lawrence John programme.  Again recorded in Dublin from 95.5MHz in stereo. 105MB
881230_fri_heartbeat_955fm_1843-1930_robin_trevor_tracyevans.mp3   87,450k
881230_fri_heartbeat_955fm_1930-2018_tracyevans.mp3   87,670k
881230_fri_heartbeat_955fm_2244-2330_final_night.mp3   86,990k
881230_fri_heartbeat_955fm_2330-2420_final_closedown.mp3   109,240k
Heartbeat FM Dublin 30-12-88 Last 4 Hours Part Airchecked Until Midnight.mp3 (Courtesy of Rodney)   120,381k



Hits 954 began broadcasting to Limerick during June 1987 and closing under its own name in April 1988. It then merged with Coast 103 (Galway) later that month.


1987_07_23_thu_hits954_101fms_1707-1751_stuartclark-gh584.mp3 New Jun 2022 A drivetime show with Stuart Clark.  Recorded in Limerick from an announced 101MHz FM in stereo, although the exact frequency is not known. 107MB
1987_10_21_wed_hits954_fms_1711-1742-gh621.mp3 New Jun 2022 Part of another drivetime show, this time from October 1987. Recorded in stereo from FM, although again, the exact frequency is not known, possibly 97.6MHz. The recording is not the best quality with a lot of tape noise. 70MB
1987_10_23_fri_hits954_fms_0845-0915_daveellis-gh621.mp3 New Jun 2022 Side 2 of the above tape with Dave Ellis on the breakfast show from October 1987.  As above, the recording is a bit muffled and suffers from tape noise. 56MB
1988_03_02_wed_hits954_976fms_0658-0828_kevinnelson-gh971.mp3 New Jun 2022 Mid-week breakfast with Kevin Nelson, sitting in for Dave Shearer.  Recorded in Limerick from 97.6MHz in stereo. Donal Kavanagh reads news at 8am, when there is an engineering glitch which Kevin makes mention of afterwards. 207MB




Hometown Radio had been operating on 981kHz from Castleblayney, County Monaghan since April 1985. Reception of Hometown Radio towards the UK became difficult from May 1985 after ICBS in Dublin moved from 891kHz to 981kHz. Hometown Radio closed at 7pm on Saturday 31st December 1988.


1985_04_04_thu_hometown_981am_1145-1200_fatsam_test_tx-gh1068.mp3 New MAR 2021 A short extract from a test transmission in April 1985. Fat Sam gives out the station details and mentions the start of full broadcasts was on the following Sunday.  A bit crackly as it was recorded near Blackpool from 981kHz. 10MB
1985_05_30_thu_hometown_981am_0900-0915_julie_anne-ds.mp3 New Jul 2024 Julie Anne with what sounds like a sign-on at 9am from Thursday 30th May 1985. Only a short recording until around 0915. As recorded in Castleblayney from 981kHz and courtesy of Dave Small. 7MB
1985_07_08_mon_hometown_981am_1315-1430_fatsam_bigdan-ght31.mp3 New Jul 2024 The end of a Fat Sam lunchtime show on Monday 8th July 1985. Big Dan follows Sam at 2pm. Recorded near Blackpool from 981kHz. The microphone levels were low in places. 70MB
1988_12_31_sat_hometown_981am_0947-1033_final_day-kb.mp3 New DEC 2020 Part of the final breakfast show recorded from 981kHz in West Scotland on New Years Eve.  Unfortunately the microphone levels were low in places making the recording sound a bit noisy from the background interference. Hometown was more audible than normal on 31st December, as ICBS in Dublin, who also operated on 981kHz, had closed down on Friday night, leaving the channel clear during daylight hours 44MB
1988_12_31_sat_hometown_981am_1040-1127_tonydee_final_day-kb.mp3 New DEC 2020 Tony Dee takes over from the breakfast deejay at 10am, with his final show. Recorded in Western Scotland. 44MB
1988_12_31_sat_hometown_981am_1127-1218_tonydee_final_day-kb.mp3 New DEC 2020 More of Tony Dee into the final afternoon of Hometown Radio, again received in Scotland.  Unfortunately we do not have recording of the final minutes of the station. 44MB



Hospital Radio operated from late 1983, and is still on the air today with a license as St Ita's Hospital Radio in Portrane.

1984_10_30_tue_hospital_radio_968fm_1520-1600signoff-gh539.mp3 New Oct 2022 This is a recording in the afternoon up to the station signing off at 4pm with the National Anthem. They had one or two audio issues with the music, but sorted them out, and just before sign off at announced they would be next on at mid-day. Recorded from 96.8MHz in the Sandymount area with a few crackles. 56MB



Hot 107 was one of the stations which was on the air during the mid 1990's, in the years following legislation. It had a dance music format and operated on 106.8MHz.

1995_08_15_tue_hot107_1068fm_2000-2133_glenstevens_dararoberts-gh1040.mp3 New Apr 2022 Tuesday evening programming with we think Glen Stevens followed by Dara Roberts at 9pm. Recorded near Blackpool during good FM conditions from 106.8MHz in mono.  There are some crackles and fades on the signal during this FM lift. 128MB



1982_04_03_sat_icbs_1071am_test_announcement.mp3 NEW 02/16 gh A short test announcement complete with a low frequency hum. The address is given out. As received in Dublin on 1071kHz.
1982_10_28_thu_icbs_1071am_1730_signon_only.mp3 NEW 03/16 gh  

(Classic - even includes interval signal!!!)
Test tone followed by the ICBS interval signal, and then sign-on at 5:30pm on Thursday 28th October 1982. As received in Dublin on 1071kHz. 4MB
1982_10_28_thu_icbs_1071am_2230_signoff_nickcunningham.mp3 NEW 03/16 gh   Some of the schedule is annnounced during this brief sign off at 10:30pm with Nick Cunningham. As received in Dublin on 1071kHz on Thursday 28th October 1982. 2MB
1985_10_00_icbs_981am-gh572.mp3 New Oct 2022   A nice quality recording of 30 mins of a live show from an unknown date in October 1985, which then continues into what sounds like pre-recorded ministry programming with Brian Walsh. The unknown live presenter said that ICBS was now operating 24 hours during Monday to Friday, with some live evening programming, and live all day on Saturday.  The recording was made in the Sandymount area from 981kHz. There is some faint co-channel interference, possibly from Hometown Radio in Castleblayney. 65MB
1987_02_24_tue_icbs_981am_0855-1000_brianwalsh-gh672.mp3 New Jan 2024   On the morning of Tuesday 24th February 1987, here is a pre-recorded show from Brian Walsh at breakfast. There is then a live announcement with station ID at 10am before the recording cuts off. Recorded in Dublin city from 981kHz. 60MB
1987_02_26_thu_icbs_981am_1610-1758_barbaraotoole-gh670.mp3 NEW 11/20 GH   Recorded in Dublin from 981kHz. 99MB
1988_12_24_sat_icbs_305m-981am_mid-day_short_announcement_about_closedown-gh.mp3 NEW Dec 2020   A short recording of the station announcing closure details for the following week. This was heard during a 'continuity' link between shows. 2MB



1981_12_00_island_1314am_0825-0912_micktaylor-gh.mp3 New Dec 2021 Island Radio was a short lived station operating at the end of 1981.  It operated from the Cliff Castle Hotel in Dalkey on 98MHz, but this Mick Taylor breakfast show recording was made near Blackpool from 1314kHz / 229m, which may have come from the old Sonic site in Shankill.  As it was winter, it is rather poor as there was interference from some Spanish stations, as well as the megawatt station from Norway.  The modulation also seemed a little ropey in places.  There seemed to be plenty of adverts though. 43MB
1981_12_00_island_1314am_1440-1520_markboland-gh.mp3 New Dec 2021 A partially airchecked Mark Boland afternoon show from December 1981.  The date is not known but from Mark's comments, it could have been the first day of the FM service.  Recorded from 1314kHz near Blackpool and not very good quaility.  During the show the signal starts to be hammered by the NRK Norway megawatt transmitter. As with the above recording there seemed to be plenty of adverts. 31MB
1981_12_00_island_1314am_1525-1555_markboland-gh.mp3 New Dec 2021 A continuation of the above tape recorded near Blackpool, but sadly the distant winter AM signal starts wobbling and soon disappears underneath NRK Norway and becomes unlistenable.  There is also noise from TV interference. This recording is added here for completeness, as these are all the recordings we have of Island Radio. 31MB
1981_12_15_tue_island_982fm_1647-1742_keithyork-gh388.mp3 New Dec 2021 A Keith York hosts an afternoon drivetime show from around the first few days of the station.  There is a short break in transmission for essential maintenance, and clues for a station competition which was to be drawn on Christmas Eve.  Recorded in Dublin from 98.2MHz in mono. 73MB
1981_12_15_tue_island_982fm_1754-1856_keithyork-gh388.mp3 New Dec 2021 Another hour or so of Keith York from the above afternoon.  Other deejays mentioned for later in the evening are 7pm to 10pm Pete Morrison, and 10pm until 1am Nigel Roberts.  The audio compression on the FM signal was very similar to that later heard on South Coast Radio in Cork in March 1982, which would suggest the same FM equipment might have been used.  It is believed that Island Radio closed in January 1982. 86MB
1982_01_00_island_981fms_0122-0208_tonyross-gh1134.mp3 New Dec 2021 Tony Ross with an early hours album show from we think January 1982.  Recorded in Dublin from 98.1MHz in stereo.  There is no mention of 1314kHz or 229 metres medium wave on this recording, so perhaps by this time in early 1982 the station was only operatin on FM.  It is thought the station disappeared soon after this. 107MB



810315_1234-1338_1233_kelo_swords_last_test_c90_231_kb.mp3 Test transmission on 1233kHz as received in Scotland on 15th March 1981. Signal is a bit crackly due to the distance. 54MB
810317_1454_1233_kelo_john_clark_c90_232.mp3 An early show from John Clark on 17th March 1981 as received in Scotland. 32MB
1981_03_26_thu_kelo_1233am-244m_1400-1432_johnclark-gh991.mp3 New Mar 2021 Part of a John Clark show on the first few weeks of the station, as received in South Dublin. 30MB
1981_04_15_wed_kelo_1233am_1555-1655_colmhayes-gh141.mp3 New Jul 2024  Colm Hayes from the afternoon of 15th April 1981. As recorded in North Dublin from 1233kHz and originally from the Peter Madison collection. There is some crackling and splatter, possibly from Radio Dublin Channel 2 which was on an adjacent channel. 56MB
810504_1152_1233kc_kelo_swords_skip_cameron_davitt_kelly_rec_scotland_c90_271_kb.mp3 Skip Cameron (aka Peter Madison) followed at mid-day by Davitt Kelly.  As received in Scotland on 1233kHz. 31MB
810511_1233kc_kelo_cyril_walsh_rec_gerard_in_dublin_c90_282_kb.mp3   35MB
810528_1431_1233_kelo_john_clark_poor_later_c90_288_kb.mp3   33MB
810607_sun_0855_1233kc_kelo_opening_paul_king_c90_293_kb.mp3 Paul King opens up the station on Sunday morning 7th June 1981. Recorded in Scotland. 3.4MB
810706_1029_1115_1233kc_kelo_aiden_colm_hays_nx_rec_scotland_c90_306_kb.mp3   34MB
810707_0934_1233_kelo_last_day_244_rec_scotland_c90 305_kb.mp3 Colm Hayes followed by Aiden Hughes, who announces that the station would be moving up to 190m.  As received in Scotland on 1233kHz. 26MB
810707_1010_1233kc_kelo_poss_aiden_rec_scotland_c90_306kb.mp3 More of Aiden Hughes from Wednesday 7th July 1981, which was being announced as the final day on 1233kHz / 244m. The station would be leaving the air at 10pm and returning on 1584kHz / 190m on Thursday morning. As received in Scotland on 244m. 34MB
1981_08_05_wed_kelo_1233am_1327-1412_colmhayes_joejones-ds.mp3 New Jun 2024 Wednesday afternoon 5th August 1981 with Colm Hayes, followed at 2pm by Joe Jones. The recording was made in Southport and is by kind courtesy of Dave Simpson. 41MB
1981_08_05_wed_kelo_1233am_1421-1506_joejones-ds.mp3 New Jun 2024 More of Joe Jones on the afternoon of Wednesday afternoon 5th August 1981. The recording was made in Southport and is by kind courtesy of Dave Simpson. 42MB



1988_12_31_sat_kfm_galway_95fm_1050-1105_shanekeating_final_saturday_show-gh802.mp3 NEW DEC 2020
1988_12_31_sat_kfm_galway_95fm_2240-2400_shanekeating_final_broadcast-gh802.mp3 NEW DEC 2020   72MB



kildare_1400_sat150881_1630-.mp3 100,748k
kildare_1400_sat150881_1830-1900.mp3 25,585k
810819_1651-1721_1400_kildare_community_radio_(kb_tape).mp3 19,430k
kildare_1400_wed190881.mp3 49,736k
861017_fri_kildare_community_radio_1413_sign_on.mp3 NEW 02/16 gh   11,767k



1979_08_04_sat_kilkenny_cr_1384am_1953-2055_michaelobrian_peterward-ds.mp3 New Jul 2024
An early recording of Kilkenny Community Radio on Saturday 4th August 1979. Michael O'Brian hosts until 8pm when after some brief technical issues, Peter Ward starts his show. This recording is by kind courtesy of Dave Small. The exact frequency is not known. The tape says 1384kHz, but the deejay mentions 217m / 1383kHz and the QSL received a few months later has 1386kHz.
1981_08_19_wed_kilkenny_cr_1386am-100fm_1155-1455_michaelquinn_roddycleer_caroldooley-gh375.mp3 New Jul 2024
Starting at 11:55am here are almost three hours of Kilkenny Community Radio made in the car on a visit to the station on Wednesday 19th August 1981. Michael Quinn hosts until 12:30 with 'Morning Maniac Music' and is followed by a 30min talk from a local priest. Roddy Cleere hosts after news between 1pm and 2pm, and he was a guest deejay from Suirside Radio in Waterford. Carol Dooley continues the afternoon programming after 2pm. Recorded firstly from 1386kHz, but then 100MHz FM, and as it was partially in the moving car, there are one or two fades and crackles at the beginning and end.
1982_04_14_wed_kilkenny_cr_100fm_1647-1733_mikebreen-ds.mp3 New Jul 2024 Mike Breen at drivetime on Wednesday 14th April 1982. This recording is by kind courtesy of Dave Small. 63MB
1983_04_11_mon_kilkenny_100fm_1558-1647_mikebreen-gh1023.mp3 New Aug 2021 An afternoon show with Mike Breen recorded from 100MHz FM in mono whilst on a visit to Kilkenny. 63MB
1985_05_31_fri_kilkenny_cr_100fms-ds.mp3 New Jul 2024 Mainly continuous music with one or two jingles. This recording is by kind courtesy of Dave Small. 63MB
1988_07_31_sun_kilkenny_cr_968fm_0855-1025_gergriffin-gh685.mp3 New Jul 2024
Sunday morning 31st July 1988 with Ger Griffin.  As received in Ballycotton on 96.8MHz.
1988_07_31_sun_kilkenny_cr_968fm_1027-1115_gergriffin_joequigley-gh685.mp3 New Jul 2024
The end of the above Ger Griffin show and at 10:30am followed by Joe Quigley with country. As received in Ballycotton on 96.8MHz.
1988_07_31_sun_kilkenny_cr_968fm_1200-1235_joequigley_church_service-gh685.mp3 New Jul 2024
The last 30 minutes of Joe Quigley until and into the first few minutes of a church service. As received in Ballycotton on 96.8MHz
1988_08_02_tue_kilkenny_cr_968fm_1439-1703_tomdowling_patmarr-gh705.mp3 New Jul 2024
Slightly airchecked programming from Tuesday afternoon 8th August 1988 with Tom Dowling from about 2:40pm. Pat Marr follows at 4pm. Tom Dowling reads news at 4pm and 5pm.  As recorded from 96.8MHz in Ballycotton, with one or two crackles.
1988_08_03_wed_kilkenny_968fm_0817-0852_johnkinsler-gh665.mp3 New Nov 2020 A few minutes of John Kinsler (we think) on Wednesday breakfast 3rd August 1988, as received in Ballycotton on 96.8MHz.
1988_08_03_wed_kilkenny_968fm_1235-1315_tomdowling-gh665.mp3 New Nov 2020 Lunchtime with Tom Dowling on Wednesday 3rd August 1988 as received in Ballycotton on 96.8MHz.
1988_12_31_sat_kilkenny_cr_100fm_1823-2000_final_closedown-ai.mp3 New Jul 2024 The final broadcast from Kilkenny Community Radio on Saturday 31st December 1988. This recording is courtesy of radiowaves.fm and forms part of the 'Anoraks Ireland' collection donated to DCU by Paul Davidson.



1984_10_21_sun_kiss_parnellsquare_1134am_1348-1435-kb1009.mp3 New Oct 2024 From Sunday afternoon 21st October 1984, this is KISS AM/FM with mainly continuous music. There is a live timecheck at 2pm, along with some adverts and KISS jingles between the records.  As received in Scotland on 1134kHz, where the signal was a little noisy and there was some splatter from presumably Radio Carousel on 1125kHz. 43MB
1984_10_25_thu_kiss_parnellsquare_1019fm_1012-1100-ai1544_via_ib.mp3 New Dec 2022 Late Thursday morning programming from 25th October 1984 with what seems like a continuous music format station. The station did seem to have a reasonable number of commercials. Recorded in Dublin from 101.9MHz in mono, despite the old KISS 102.7 jingles. 64MB
1984_10_25_thu_kiss_parnellsquare_1019fm_1156-1244-ai1544_via_ib.mp3 New Dec 2022 More from the above morning / lunchtime programming with music, adverts and a sales staff promo for the 'KISS Computer Network'. Another station promotion was for a 'KISS Musical Love Letter Contest', and there are the odd 'live' timechecks which suggests there was actually a deejay in the studio dealing with all the music and adverts. Recorded in Dublin from 101.9MHz in mono. 64MB
1984_11_11_sun_kiss_parnellsquare_1134am_1415-1500_test_lj_c90_1042-kb.mp3 New Jan 2023 Despite full programming supposedly commencing the previous month, this was a test transmission with recorded announcements from Lawrence John giving 1116AM and 100FM as the station frequencies, but actually recorded from 1134kHz in Scotland.  The telephone number announced is different from the business card. It is believed there were no further broadcasts.  The signal starts off reasonably clear, but then winter foreign interference comes in towards the end. 34MB


KISS FM (DUBLIN - 1985/1986)

1985_10_21_mon_kiss_foleyst_1042fm_2008-2135_jeffconway_tomhayes-gh562.mp3 New Dec 2022 Late evening shows from Jeff Conway until 9pm followed by the rock show with Tom Hayes.  Recorded in Dublin from 104.2MHz in mono. 120MB
1985_10_21_mon_kiss_foleyst_1042fm_2235-0045_tomhayes_georgegott-gh562.mp3 New Dec 2022 The end of Tom Hayes rock show up until 11pm, an thtne George Gott until after midnight.  Recorded in Dublin from 104.2MHz in mono. 196MB
1985_12_06_fri_kiss_foleyst_1037fms_0805-0907_colm-gh03.mp3 New Dec 2022 Colm Mooney(?) on Friday breakfast 6th December 1985. Recorded from 103.7MHz in stereo.  The station was only on this frequency a short time as Q-102 returned to the adjacent 103.5MHz. 140MB
1986_01_11_sat_kiss_foleyst_1041fms_1740-1825_dave-gh05.mp3 New Dec 2022 Saturday teatime show with Dave Smith(?). Recorded in Dublin from 104.1MHz in stereo. 105MB
1986_01_11_sat_kiss_foleyst_1041fms_2000-2045_steveblake-gh05.mp3 New Dec 2022 Steve Blake with a late Saturday evening show from 11th January 1986. Ununually for an evening show, Steve reads out horoscopes. Recorded in Dublin from 104.1MHz in stereo 105MB
1986_01_11_sat_kiss_foleyst_1041fms_2050-2135_steveblake-gh04.mp3 New Dec 2022 A continuation of the above Steve Blake show. Recorded in Dublin from 104.1MHz. 105MB
1986_01_12_sun_kiss_foleyst_1041fms_0810-0855_tony_suzanne-gh04.mp3 New Dec 2022 Sunday morning breakfast with Tony Grant(?), and we believe Suzanne reading the news headlines. Recorded from 104.1MHz in stereo. 105MB



The files for KISS FM MONAGHAN, are on a separate page.



(All but one K.I.T.S. recordings below are by kind courtesy of Rodney)

KITS 101 FM Monaghan 27-04-88 Brian James From 4.21pm.mp3 New Feb 2023 Brian James on Monday afternoon 27th April 1988.  Recorded from 100.9MHz in stereo. 109MB
KITS 101 FM Monaghan 28-07-88 Kenny Davis From 1.21pm.mp3 New Feb 2023 Kenny Davis hosts Tuesday lunchtime 28th July 1988.  Recorded from 100.9MHz in stereo. 109MB
1988_07_30_thu_kits_1009fm_2250-0020_niterock_with_ricky_gooseman-sw.mp3 New Mar 2023 A slightly airchecked late night heavy rock show, with we think Ricky, and Noel helping on the phones. He is followed sometime after midnight by The Gooseman. Thanks to Steve West for this recording which was made from 100.9MHz. There is some hiss and dropouts. 215MB
KITS 101 FM Monaghan 18-11-88 Children In Need Special.mp3 New Feb 2023 A late night Friday Children In Need Special from 2330 until around 1am with we believe Peter Wright, Brian James, Ollie Clark, Gary Price, and Shane Adams.  Recorded from 100.9MHz in stereo. 109MB
KITS 101 FM Monaghan 18-12-88 Gary Price From 4pm.mp3 New Feb 2023 Sunday afternoon before Christmas 1988 with Gary Price. Recorded from 100.9MHz in stereo. 56MB
KITS 101 FM Monaghan 18-12-88 Paul Buckle From 6.14pm.mp3 New Feb 2023 More Sunday 18th December 1988 before Christmas, this time early evening with Paul Buckle. Recorded from 100.9MHz in stereo. 55MB
KITS 101 FM Monaghan 29-12-88 Paul Thomas From 8am.mp3 New Feb 2023 Paul Thomas host breakfast on Thursday 29th December 1988.  This section is between 8am and 9am. Recorded from 100.9MHz in stereo. 72MB
KITS 101 FM Monaghan 29-12-88 Frank McCarthy Interview.mp3 New Feb 2023 On Thursday 29th December, station owner Frank McCarthy was interviewed by David Drake and gave an excellent background and history of K.I.T.S., just two days before the station closed. Recorded from 100.9MHz in stereo between approximately 10:40pm and 12:30am. 105MB
KITS 101 FM Monaghan 31-12-88 Final Day From 0803 - 1101.mp3 Updated Feb 2023 The final day of K.I.T.S. on Saturday 31st December 1988. This recording starts just after 8am, and goes through until 11am. Recorded from 100.9MHz in stereo. 227MB
KITS 101 FM Monaghan 31-12-88 Final Day From 1100 - 1404.mp3 Updated Feb 2023 The final three hours of K.I.T.S which went off the air at shortly after 2pm on Saturday 31st December 1988. The final words were from station owner Frank McCarthy. Recorded from 100.9MHz in stereo. 223MB



1987_02_25_wed_klas_985fm_1435-1636_djlee-gh674.mp3 New NOV 2020 GH
1987_02_25_wed_klas_985fm_1638-1839_djlee_davidbaker-gh674.mp3 New NOV 2020 GH
1987_02_25_wed_klas_985fm_1839-2103_davidbaker_joedoherty-gh674.mp3 New NOV 2020 GH



1991_00_00_fri_klas_828am_ann819_test_tx_tonyhughes-gh888.mp3 New Jun 2023
Over three hours audio from a test transmission for KLAS Radio one Friday afternoon in 1991, with continuous music and Tony Hughes hosting for around two hours of the recording. Unfortunately there was no date on the tape, which was recorded near Blackpool from 828kHz.  The levels are up and down, suggesting they were working on the studio at the time, and Tony was announcing 819kHz. However the UK ILR stations on 828kHz can clearly be heard underneath, and there is splatter from BBC Radio Cumbria which was on the next channel of 837kHz, and only about 10 miles from where the recording was made.
1991_07_28_sun_klas_828am_0845-0947_roywilliams-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022
The first of eight recordings made near Blackpool at the end of July 1991. Recorded from 828kHz, all these recordings sadly suffer from intermittent TV interference of one level or another. We start with Roy Williams on a  Sunday morning.
1991_07_28_sun_klas_828am_0949-1051_roywilliams-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022
Continuing with Roy Williams from above, and with somewhat less interference as the morning goes on.
1991_07_29_mon_klas_828am_0848-0950_michaelbarry-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022
Monday morning breakfast with Michael Barry. The recording has a lot of TV interference.
1991_07_29_mon_klas_828am_1041-1152_michaelbarry-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022
Continuing the Michael Barry show later that morning of above, with a somewhat clearer signal on 828kHz.
1991_07_30_tue_klas_828am_1928-2028_fabian-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022
Tuesday evening with Fabian.
1991_07_31_wed_klas_828am_0845-0947_michaelbarry-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022
Another breakfast show from Michael Barry, this time, Wednesday, the last day of July.
1991_07_31_wed_klas_828am_1025-1127_michaelbarry-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022
A continuation of the above Wednesday breakfast show. A bit better signal quality than the previous recordings.
1991_07_31_wed_klas_828am_1158-1258_michaelbarry_lynseyshelbourne-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022
Michael Barry signs off his Wednesday show at mid-day and Linsey Shelbourne takes over and this is her first hour of the afternoon until 1pm. As received near Blackpool on 828kHz with some local interference due to the distance.
1993_02_14_sun_klas_828am_0931-1017_dj_nobby-gh710.mp3 New Feb 2022
Sunday morning wth DJ Nobby.  The audio levels on this recording from 828kHz were a bit variable with the microphone being very low in places and there was some background signal noise.
1993_02_14_sun_klas_828am_1018-1105_dj_nobby-gh710.mp3 New Feb 2022
Side 2 of the above recording, continuing with DJ Nobby.



KoveFM--Dublin--April10th1983--AndyStevens--0821.mp3 New Aug 2021 A morning show from Andy Stevens, including news at 9am with Jean Simmons.  There is some stereo noise on the signal. Recording is courtesy of radiowaves.fm
1983_04_15_fri_kove_96fms_2210-2255_declanjoyce-gh1025.mp3 New Aug 2021
Some late Friday evening alternative music programming from Declan Joyce as recorded in Dublin from 96.05MHz in stereo. There is some distortion at times, and also noise on one of the channels towards the end of the recording.
1983_04_15_fri_kove_96fms_2255-2340_declanjoyce_ianlacy-gh1025.mp3 New Aug 2021
A continuation of the above recording with Declan Joyce handing over to Ian Lacy at around 2330. Again recorded in Dublin from 96.05MHz in stereo, with distortion in places and noise on one channel.
1983_04_15_fri_kove_96fms_2340_to_signoff_ianlacy-gh1024.mp3 New Aug 2021
Ian Lacy and Declan Joyce signing off the above broadcast and giving the lineup for the following day, Saturday. Again recorded in Dublin from 96.05MHz in stereo, still with distortion in places and noise on one channel.



1987_11_07_sat_ktok_1039fms_1600-1647_genewilson-ai1409_via_ib.mp3 New Nov 2021 A Saturday afternoon with Gene Wilson and on John Breslin reading the 4pm news.  At the time KTOK were announcing 1566kHz AM as well as 96FM and 103FM.  Recorded from 103.9MHz in stereo.
1987_11_08_sun_ktok_1039fms_1345-1431_jj_davejames-ai1409_via_ib.mp3 New Nov 2021
Sunday afternoon with JJ, with Dave James following the 2pm news with John Breslin.  Recorded from 103.9MHz in stereo.
1988_12_31_sat_ktok_fm_1545-1600_russpadmore_final_closedown-pt.mp3 New Jan 2021 The final 15 minutes of the with Russ Padmore and other station staff station up to closedown. Thanks to Prince Terry for this tape. 37M



Lakeland Radio was one of the stations heard in the mid 1990s, post 1988 legislation, and announced as  broadcasting to the 'Heart of County Monaghan'. It is thought to have broadcast from the Clones area. The only recording we have is of a test transmission and it is not know if they ever commenced regular broadcasts.  Frequencies announced were 1413kHz and 105.9MHz.  There is a possibility it was linked to stations called Music City Radio and Starlight Radio which were also said to have operated on 1413kHz around this period.

1996_03_30_sat_lakeland_1413am_1005-1045_test_transmission-gh866.mp3 New Feb 2023 A test transmission heard on Saturday morning 30th March 1996. The recording was made at some distance near Blackpool and had background electrical and foreign interference.  The modulation was also variable in quality. The test was being announced for the heart of County Monaghan on 1413kHz and 105.9MHz. It is not known how long the station lasted, or indeed if it actually commenced regular broadcasts. A refereence was made to a business in Lisburn.



1982_10_31_sun_laios_cr_mountrath_888fm_1130-1150.mp3   22,000k
1986_09_30_tue_laois_1242am_1100-1130_maggiemay-gh.mp3 New Jul 2021 Maggie May hosts a late morning and lunchtime show. Recorded near Blackpool from 1242kHz using an old communications receiver, hence the very tinny sound. The recording shows how far the signal reached though. 28MB
1986_09_30_tue_laois_1242am_1230-1300_maggiemay-gh.mp3 New Jul 2021 The end of the Maggie May show from the same day as above. Again very tinny sound recordede from an old comminications receiver. 28MB



1981_04_28_radio_leinster_738_last_test_1823-1910_c90_265_kb.mp3 New MAR 2021 The final test transmission before the station opened the following morning. Recorded in the West of Scotland.  The signal suffers from a whistle and there is some interference due to the distance. 44MB
1981_04_29_radio_leinster_738_opening_0656_eugeneelliot_c90_265_kb.mp3 New MAR 2021 Some of the first official morning of programming as received in the West of Scotland. The signal suffered from a whistle. 41MB
1981_04_29_radio_leinster_738_opening_0736_eugeneelliot_c90_266_kb.mp3 New MAR 2021 More of the first official morning of programming as received in the West of Scotland. The signal suffered from a whistle. 42MB
1981_05_01_radio_leinster_738_1725_fake_steve_gordon_c90_266_kb.mp3 New MAR 2021 Signal received in the West of Scotland. 41MB
1981_06_12_radio_leinster_738_paul_vincent_0710_c90_295_kb.mp3 New MAR 2021 Signal received in the West of Scotland. 43MB
1981_07_06_radio_leinster_738_gordon_sommerville_c90_305_kb.mp3 New MAR 2021 Signal received in the West of Scotland. 41MB
1981_08_10_mon_leinster_738am_1005-1045_gordonsomerville-gh387.mp3 New MAR 2021 Part of a Gordon Sommerville weekday morning show, recorded from 738kHz in Dublin City. 43MB
1981_08_10_mon_leinster_738am_1101-1148_gordonsomerville-gh387.mp3 New MAR 2021 More of the above Gordon Sommerville weekday morning show, as recorded from 738kHz in Dublin City. 38MB
1981_08_15_sat_leinster_738am-406m_1417-1617_dannyhughes_dereknally-gh364.mp3 New MAR 2021 Recorded from 738kHz during a visit to the station. The recording starts whilst driving from Greenacres Country Club in Rathfarnham (where Radio Nova and Treble T R were operating from at that time) to the Radio Leinster studios in Sandyford. Danny Hughes and Derek Nally were on the air during our afternoon stop.  The recording finishes as we drove towards Naas, and Kildare Community Radio. 112MB
1981_08_29_radio_leinster_738_1637_justin_james_c90_342_kb.mp3 New MAR 2021 Signal received in the West of Scotland. 80MB
1981_radio_leinster_738_1310_c90_462_kb.mp3 New MAR 2021 Signal received in the West of Scotland. 23MB
1982_02_27_sat_leinster_738am_0850-0920_mikemoran-ds.mp3 New Jul 2022 Saturday morning breakfast with Mike Moran sitting in. Recorded in Dublin from 738kHz. Thanks to Dave Small for this recording. 13MB
1982_05_23_radio_leinster_opening_0902_c90_462_kb.mp3 New MAR 2021 Signal received in the West of Scotland. 1MB
1982_08_14_sat_leinster_738am_0935-1110_paulkavanagh_kieranphillips-gh428.mp3 New Oct 2021 Paul Kavanagh hosts a Saturday morning show and is followed at 11am by Kieran Phillips. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. 89MB
1982_09_07_tue_leinster_93fm-738am_1055-1125-gh753.mp3 New Oct 2021 A Tuesday morning show, with Margaret Baron reading the news at 11am, followed by 'Dial In Favourites' until 1130. Recorded in Dublin, initially from 93MHz but the signal then becomes noisy and the radio is changed to 738kHz. 42MB
1982_10_28_thu_leinster_929fm_0030-0200_mikemoran-gh436.mp3 New MAR 2021 'Late Night Leinster' with Mike Moran up to the end of his show at 2am. Recorded in Dublin from 92.9MHz in mono. 126MB
1982_10_28_thu_leinster_929fm_0738-0940_davidpaul_davidbaker-gh436.mp3 New MAR 2021 David Paul on breakfast followed by David Baker with the mid morning show. On the hour news is read by Ann Kent. Recorded in Dublin from 92.9MHz in mono. 165MB
1982_10_28_thu_leinster_929fm_1002-1030_davidbaker-gh436.mp3 New MAR 2021 A little more of David Baker from the same morning show as above. 39MB
1982_11_10_wed_leinster_738am_1204-1251_gavinduffy-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Aug 2021 Gavin Duffy with 'Lunchtime Special'. Recorded from 738kHz in Dublin. 42MB
1982_11_10_wed_leinster_738am_1254-1339_gavinduffy-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Aug 2021 A continuation of the above programme, also includes Anne Kent reading the news at 1pm.  Recorded from 738kHz in Dublin. 42MB
1982_11_12_radio_leinster_738_duffy_c90_534_535.mp3 New MAR 2021 Signal received in the West of Scotland. 65MB
1982_12_11_sat_leinster_93fm_2300-2347_lawrencejohn_davecooling-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Aug 2021 Lawrence John signs off at 11pm and is followed by Dave Cooling with 'Easy Listening'. Recorded in Dublin from 93MHz in mono.. 64MB
1983_04_15_fri_leinster_93fm_2133-2215-gh462.mp3 New AUG 2020 Recorded on a Friday evening in Dublin from 93MHz FM. 60MB
1983_05_09_mon_leinster_93fm_1700-1832_justinjames-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Aug 2021 'Bumper to Bumper' drivetime show from Justin James. 5pm news read is by Al Dunne and then at 6pm by Anna Craig. Recorded from 93MHz in Dublin. 125MB
1983_05_10_tue_leinster_738am_1320-1501_aldunne_annacraig-gh645.mp3 New AUG 2020 An afternoon show with Al Dunne, the week before the station closed down. Anna Craig reads the news. As received near Blackpool on 738kHz. There is some local electrical interference. 94,631k
1983_05_10_tue_leinster_738am_1502-1612_daphnemitchell-gh645.mp3 New AUG 2020 More from the above recording, with Daphne Mitchell following on from Al Dunne. 65,806k
1983_05_19_thu_leinster_738am_1240-1315 Sudden final closedown following raids on Nova and Sunshine (Lots of local electrical interference) The final 30 minutes of so of Radio Leinster as received near Blackpool. Sadly there was a lot of local electrical interference. 33,100k






1986_04_05_sat_llcr_104fm_1000-1045_skipcameron-gh010.mp3 New Dec 2022 Peter Madison in his guise as Skip Cameron playing some rock and roll music on Saturday morning 5th April 1986. The station was operating on 1035kHz AM, but this recording was made in Dublin from 104MHz. 104MB
1986_04_05_sat_llcr_104fm_1045-1205airchecks_skipcameron_joedoyle-gh010.mp3 New Dec 2022 Continuing the above Skip Cameron programme, but with some airchecks towards the end of his show. Joe Doyle carries on after mid-day. The station was operating on 1035kHz AM, but this recording was made in Dublin from 104MHz 104MB
1986_05_21_wed_llcr_967fm_1219-1305_petermadison-gh1412.mp3 New Jun 2022 Peter Madison with a Wednesday lunchtime show in the early months of LLCR. Interesting on this one is the 1pm news is relayed from Sunshine 101 with Justin McKenna.  The station was operating on 1035kHz AM, but this recording was made in Dublin from 96.7MHz. 85MB
1986_05_21_wed_llcr_967fm_1320-1406_petermadison-gh1412.mp3 New Jun 2022 A continuation of the above recording to the end of the show, and the start of John Keogh.  Recorded in Dublin from 96.7MHz. 85MB





1986_06_14_sat_longford_cr_1071am_1000-1138-gh113.mp3 New Jul 2022 Saturday morning on Longford Community Radio.  The local entertainments and advertisements noticeboard were read out shortly after 10am. There is also a nice station advertising promo with frequency. As received near Blackpool on 1071kHz where the signal on this particular day was quite incredible, considering the 200 mile distance. 90MB
1986_11_10_mon_longford_cr_1071am_1145-1233-gh462.mp3 New Jul 2021 A Monday lunchtime show from Longford Community Radio.  Thanks to Padraig for letting us know that the deejay was Pete Best. There were plenty of commercials on this station. This recording was received some distance away from the transmitter, in Dungannon on 1071kHz. 40M
1986_11_10_mon_longford_cr_1071am_1236-1323-gh462.mp3 New Jul 2021 A continuation of the above recording across lunchtime, again received in Dungannon. 40M



The files for RAIDIO LUIMNI are on a separate page.




The files for MAGIC 103 are included on the Radio Nova page.



midway_1494_tue24feb87_1300-1400_615.mp3 57,231k
midway_1494_tue24feb87_1400-1430-615.mp3 37,974k



1987_10_17_sat_midwest_fm_gerryglennon_1736-1820-gh033.mp3 New Jan 2023 Saturday teatime 17th October 1987 with a presenter thought to be Gerry Glennon, who was hosting an interesting show with lots of phone calls with listeners.  There was a 'radio hangman' competition with the deejay, and also a phone call from country music fans in Birmingham. Recorded from FM, but the actual frequency is not known, and the levels are a bit variable. 63MB
1988_12_30_fri_midwest_ballyhaunis_97fm_1445-1515_gerryglennon_johnnyoosten-gh228.mp3 New Dec 2020 30 minutes of the final afternoon shows with the changeover of deejays.  This tape copy has an issue as there was a problem with the original recording on playback, making the 'b' side audible backwards. We do not have the original. 28MB
1988_12_30_fri_midwest_ballyhaunis_97fm_evening_johnduggan-gh228.mp3 New Dec 2020 Half an hour of a John Duggan programme from the final evening.  Many thanks to Tommy Murphy for originally sending these to Gary in 1989. 26MB
1988_12_31_sat_midwest_ballyhaunis_97fm_2335-2400_live_from_midas_club_to_closedown-gh228.mp3 New Dec 2020 The final programme from Mid West Radio was live music from the Midas Club. A short history of the station origins was given, and then the staff of Mid West Radio were asked to get up on stage in the moments before the station was about to leave the air. 26MB
1996_03_17_sun_midwest_11715sw_1200-1237_special_broadcast-gh866.mp3 New Jan 2024 The legal Mid West Radio transmitted a special shortwave broadcast for St Patricks Day in 1996.  Here is the sign on and first 35 minutes of that broadcast as received on the UK Lancashire coast on 11715kHz.  The transmission was meant for listeners further afield than the UK, so the frequency chosen meant reception was not too clear and suffered from co-channel interference. 35MB



1984_10_30_tue_music_radio_1061fm_1605-1845_brianjohnson_tonystevens-gh539.mp3 New Oct 2022 Over two hours of afternoon programming from Music Radio on 30th October 1984 with Brian Johnson followed by Tony Stevens.  Recorded in the Sandymount area from 106.1MHz in mono.  The station was also announcing as 99MHz. 216MB



1984_05_09_wed_na_ngael_1350am_1000-1035_kathymullen-gh501.mp3 New Oct 2021 Not the best recording, with some strange noises at the start of this tape, which have been left on for completeness.  It appears to be the station sign-on at 10am, but there seems to be a problem with the microphone, so Kathy Mullen is not heard until well into the show. Recorded in Dublin from 1350kHz, but there is a lot of splatter from an adjacent station, which may be either Radio Wonderland on 1359kHz or the BBC on 1341kHz. 36MB
1984_05_09_wed_na_ngael_1350am_1500-1630_moira-gh501.mp3 New Oct 2021 By the time this recording was made later in the afternoon, from the same day as above, the microphone was much improved, although we are not sure of the presenter's name, which could be Moira. It also appeared from comments as though some technical work was going on with the record decks. Recorded in Dublin from 1350kHz, again with splatter from an adjacent station. At this time the station was announcing as 92.2MHz and 1350kHz. but not shortwave. 86MB
1984_09_21_fri_na_ngael_1350am_1007-1140_kathymullen-gh683.mp3 New Aug 2021 This recording appears to be the station signing on at just after 10am with Kathy Mullen. Recorded in Dublin from 1350kHz. 85MB
1984_11_03_sat_na_ngael_918fms_kathymullen-gh535.mp3 New Aug 2021 A Saturday morning music show with Kathy Mullen presented in the Irish language. Recorded close to the studio from 91.8MHz. The first 20 minutes is in mono, but then switches to stereo. 121MB
1985_10_19_sat_na_ngael_1350am_1050-1210-gh403.mp3 New Feb 2022 Another Saturday lunchtime show from a year later. Recorded from 1350kHz when the receiver was possibly near to the Sunshine Radio mast at the Sands Hotel in Portmarnock, as there is breakthrough from that station underneath as well as some splattering. 76MB



1990_09_15_sat_north_atlantic_1125am_0853-1204-gh845.mp3 New Aug 2022 Three hours from Saturday morning 15th September 1990.  We are not sure of the presenter. Recorded from 1125kHz in Troon, West Scotland.  There are some crackles, and a longer section of tv interference towards the end of the recording. 180MB






821030sat_nclr_954_talk-adverts.mp3 5,711k
831031mon_nclr_953_1115-1200_ben_osullivan.mp3 42,109k



1982_10_27_wed_concord_cr_1332am_2025-2145_donalsummerville_billyfitzimmons-gh438.mp3 New Feb 2024 Wednesday evening 27th October 1982 with Donal Summerville who was followed at 9pm by Billy Fitzsimmons. Recorded in Dublin from 1332kHz. 75MB
1983_05_22_sun_concord_cr_1332am_1250-1325_hospital_requests_bernie-mj.mp3 New Jan 2022 A hospital request show from Bernie on the Sunday following the raids on Radios Nova and Sunshine when many other stations were still nervous about being on the air. Recorded from 1332kHz in Dublin. 31MB
1983_11_01_tue_concord_cr_983fm_1815-1905_ericdean-gh497.mp3 New Oct 2024 A teatime programme from Eric Dean on Tuesday 1st November 1983. Recorded in Dublin from 98.3MHz. 69MB
1984_05_10_thu_ndcr_891am_0915-1000_davidchaney-gh501.mp3 New Jan 2022 The station changed its name from Concord Community Radio to North Dublin Community Radio and this is a Thursday mid-morning show from David Chaney after the name change. Recorded in Dublin from 891kHz. 43MB
1984_05_10_thu_ndcr_891am_1004-1050_davidchaney-gh501.mp3 New Jan 2022 A continuation of the above David Chaney programme, again received on 891kHz in Dublin. 43MB
1985_05_30_thu_ndcr_100fm_1840-1940_teenbeat-ds.mp3 New Jul 2022 The sides of this tape have been transferred in the wrong order. The first 30 minutes of the recording features Dave and Dermot with 'Teenbeat', an entertaining Thursday evening show for under 18's. The latter 30 minutes is from earlier in the evening and includes the start of 'Teenbeat' at 7pm. Recorded from 100MHz in Dublin, and courtesy of Dave Small. 63MB
1985_10_19_sat_ndcr_100fm_1725-1810_greg_damienstanley-gh251.mp3 New Jul 2022 A Saturday teatime show hosted by Greg with at 6pm Damien Stanley taking over. Recorded in Dublin from 100MHz in mono. 63MB
1985_10_19_sat_ndcr_100fm_1815-1900_damienstanley_markcourtney-gh251.mp3 New Jul 2022 More of Damien Stanley, with Mark Courtney reading our some community news and information.  Recorded in Dublin from 100MHz. 63MB
1985_10_22_tue_ndcr_100fm_0945-1310_frank_daraghmcarthy_johnbyrne-gh562.mp3 New Dec 2022 Over three hours of morning NDCR shows from Tuesday 22nd October 1985. Frank is on breakfast, and as Daragh McArthy was late, the breakfast show overran until around 10:45. At 11:30 John Byrne hosts the magazine programme until 1pm. Dave Peters follows at 1pm for the last few minutes of this recording. Recorded in Dublin from 100MHz. 282MB
1986_01_07_tue_ndcr_999fm_1357-1442_davepeters-gh12.mp3 New Dec 2022 Dave Peters with 'Lunchtime Spin' on Tuesday 7th January 1986.  Some community news is read at 2pm. Recorded in Dublin from 99.9MHz in mono, announced as 100FM. 63MB
1986_01_07_tue_ndcr_999fm_1650-1735_lucy_davechaney-gh12.mp3 New Dec 2022 From the same Tuesday as above is the end of a programme called 'Variations' from Lucy in the Irish language, followed at 4pm by Dave Chaney with 'Drivetime 100'.  Recorded in Dublin from 99.9MHz in mono, announced as 100FM. 63MB
NDCR Closedown 30December1988.mp3

The final hour of North Dublin Community Radio from 30th December 1988, courtesy of Dave O’Connor via radiowaves.fm where you can find the 1988 closedowns in chronological order.  This recording includes some history and an attempted linkup with BLB.




1988_12_25_sun_north_846_1200-1330_gospel_time_wes_lt.mp3 Recorded from 846kHz in West Scotland on Christmas Day. 99,097k
1988_12_31_sat_north_846am_0933_1559_last_day_fadey_towards_end_reel_24_kb.mp3 New DEC 2020 Six hours of daytime shows from what was supposed to be the final day, as recorded in Western Scotland from 846kHz. Some fading towards the end. 295M
1988_12_31_sat_north_846am_1519_2251_last_day_reel_20_kb.mp3 New DEC 2020 A continuation of the above recording with a further six hours. Much fading and interference as night approaches. Although it was announced as the last day, there is mention during this recording, of it carrying on. 292M
1988_12_31_sat_north_846am_2251_0000_846_last_day_inc_close_reel_25_kb.mp3 New DEC 2020 The last hour or so, recorded from 846kHz in Western Scotland. Suffers from interference and night time fading in places. 56M
Radio North Carndonagh 31-12-88 Last Programme with Mickey Henry From 11.02pm.mp3 (via Rodney) The final hour of Radio North before legislation and recorded from FM. 56,291k
1990_09_15_sat_north_846am_1425-1740_mickeymcdermott_neilsweeney-gh845.mp3 New Aug 2022 Three hours from Saturday afternoon 15th September 1990 with Mickey McDermott followed by Neil Sweeney.  Recorded from 846kHz in Troon, West Scotland.  There are one or two bits of electrical interference. 180MB
2009_03_10_tue_north_846am_1000_1350_paulburbank_from_perseus-kb.mp3 New Mar 2024 Paul Burbank with nearly 4 hours of 'Magic Oldies' on Tuesday 10th March 2009. Recorded from 846kHz in Scotland. 69MB
2011_12_15_thu_north_846am-kb.mp3 New Mar 2024 Over 4 hours of Radio North from Thursday 15th December 2011. This seemed almost like an 'automated programme' as there didn't sound to be any live links. An internet address was also given out. There were plenty of Christmas adverts however. Recorded from 846kHz in the West of Scotland. 89MB
2011_12_16_fri_north_846am_1000-1400_paulburbank-kb.mp3 New Mar 2024 Four hours of Paul Burbank from Friday 16th December 2011. This seemed more a live show compared to the previous day (above) which just sounded like Paul doing links and news along with lots of adverts for Christmas. Recorded from 846kHz in Scotland. 254MB
2011_12_19_mon_north_846am_1020-1320_paulburbank-kb.mp3 New Mar 2024 Another pre-Christmas Paul Burbank show from Monday 19th December 2011 with plenty of adverts.  Recorded from 846kHz in Scotland. 53MB
2012_01_26_thu_north_846am_1110-1300-kb.mp3 New Mar 2024 Nearly 2 hours of programming from lunchtime on Thursday 26th January 2012. Paul Burbank still seems to do everything presenting and commercials on this part of the broadcast. On the hour is from fsnews.  Recorded from 846kHz in Scotland. 34MB



890116mon_northside_846_2200-2318_first_day.mp3 39,148k
890117_0908_846_northside_john_watt_francis_callaghan_ann_846m_reel_25_kb.mp3 204,655k
890117_1300_846_northside_nice_aircheck_ann_846m_reel_25_kb.mp3 6,729k
890120_0923_846_northside_inc_1258_lost_white_goat_friday_reel_25_kb.mp3 303,085k
890120_1300_846_northside_aircheck_lost_white_goat_friday_reel_25_kb.mp3 3,009k
890207_tues_0918_1543_846_northside_r_inc_couple_tech_breaks_reel_26_kb.mp3 294,805k
890210_1414_2040_friday_846_northside_reel27_kb.mp3 302,544k
890217_0918_1220_846_northside_mickey_henry_john_watt_aerial_blew_down_reel_9_kb.mp3 138,434k
890217_1120_846_northside_john_watt_clip_on_aerial_blew_down_on_us_rel_9_kb.mp3 3,547k
890217_1247_1920_846_northside_radio_reel_28_kb.mp3 301,943k
890703_mon_1238_846_northside_in_kintyre_some_ticks_qrn_reel 31_kb.mp3 184,054k
890704_0733_1340_846_northside_radio_tues_rec_kintyre_reel_31_kb.mp3 288,642k
890704_2157-0100_846_northside_rec_kintyre_reel_32_kb.mp3 143,865k
890705_wed_0915-1240_846_northside_rec_kintyre_reel_32_kb.mp3 152,305k
890705_wed_1315-1720_morthside_radio_rec_kintyre_reel_32_kb.mp3 191.601k




1986_01_27_mon_nwcr_1116am_1508-1611_russpadmore-mj.mp3 New Dec 2021 Russ Padmore with an afternoon programme on NWCR in Buncrana.  News at 4pm is read by Caroline Hegarty. Recorded from 1116kHz. Many thanks to Miles for originally sending us this recording. 58MB
1986_01_27_mon_nwcr_1116am_981fm_1728-1831_russpadmore_seancrossan-mj.mp3 New Dec 2021 More of the above Russ Padmore afternoon programme until 6pm, and following the 6pm news with Caroline Hegarty is Sean Crossan. The recording was made on the move and starts on 1116kHz before switching to 98.1MHz FM and then back to 1116kHz. Thanks again to Miles for originally sending us this recording. 58MB
1988_06_08_wed_nwcr_103fm_0830-0915_brendanmurray_dannykelly-ai1406_via_ib.mp3 New Jan 2022 Breakfast with Brendan Murray until 9am, when Danny Kelly takes over following the news.  This recording starts on 96.8MHz and changes to 103.0MHz.  NWCR announced as operating on 1116kHz AM, 1170kHz AM and 103.5MHz FM at the time. 42MB
1988_06_08_wed_nwcr_103fm_1002-1048_dannykelly-ai1406_via_ib.mp3 New Jan 2022 This recording from the same day as above, starts part way through the 10am news, and then Danny Kelly continues his morning show.  Recorded from 103.0MHz. 42MB
North West Community Radio - Donegal1116kHz - 31December1988 - Closedown.mp3

The final minutes of North West Communnity Radio as it approached midnight on 31st December 1988, courtesy of  radiowaves.fm.




1984_10_03_wed_radio_northwest_sligo_982fm_2008-2110_martinfitzpatrick_mikelewis-gh508.mp3 New Nov 2021 Some evening mid-week programming from RNW. There are no commercials or news on this recording which features Martin Fitzpatrick with music anniversaries, and also includes some of the latest album chart. He is followed at 9pm by Mike Lewis.  Recorded in Sligo from 98.2MHz in mono. 87MB
1984_10_27_sat_radio_northwest_sligo_982fm_1202-1352_noelburke_davestevens-gh536.mp3 New Nov 2021 Almost two hours from a Saturday lunchtime with Noel Burke sitting in for Susan Brooks on the 'Hospital Request Show'. He is followed at 1pm by Dave Stevens. They seemed to have a fair number of commercials. Recorded in Sligo from 98.2MHz in mono.  The station was also announcing AM 214 metres / 1413kHz at this time, but the audio level was very low. 151MB



The files for Radio Nova Dublin, are on a separate page.



1987_11_08_sun_nova_fahan_1041fm_0900-0947_stevemarshall-ai1402_via_ib.mp3 New Nov 2021 Solid Gold Sunday with Steve Marshall.  Recorded from 104.1MHz in mono.  At the time the station also announced AM which was 1287kHz, as well as 98.2MHz on FM. 64MB
1987_11_08_sun_nova_fahan_1041fm_0948-1035_stevemarshall-ai1402_via_ib.mp3 New Nov 2021 More of the above Solid Gold Sunday with Steve Marshall.  Recorded from 104.1MHz in mono.  At the time the station also announced AM which was 1287kHz, as well as 98.2MHz on FM, as well as 98.2MHz and 107.5MHz on FM. 64MB
1988_03_30_wed_nova_fahan_987fm_1835-1920_stevemarshall-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Nov 2021 An evening programme with Steve Marshall playing the Top 40.  Recorded from 98.7MHz in mono.  At the time the station also announced AM which was 1287kHz, as well as 98.2MHz and 107.5MHz on FM. 65MB
1988_03_30_wed_nova_fahan_987fm_1925-2010_stevemarshall-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Nov 2021 A continuation of the above programme recorded from 98.7MHz. 65MB
1988_06_07_tue_nova_fahan_99fm_1940-2028_patthornton-ai1405_via_ib.mp3 New Nov 2021 Station manager Pat Thornton hosts a Tuesday evening show  This recording was made from 99MHz in mono. 65MB
1988_06_07_tue_nova_fahan_99fm_2030-2117_patthornton-ai1405_via_ib.mp3 New Nov 2021 Side 2 of the above tape recorded from 99MHz in mono. 65MB



1983_12_18_sun_nova_southside_684am_1310-1505_johnpower-gh493.mp3 New Mar 2025 John Power with 'Christmas Crack' on Sunday afternoon 18th December 1983. The on-hour news at 2pm and 3pm was being relayed from Radio Nova and featured Bernie Jameson, but then local news from the South of the city was read by Caroline. This recording from 684kHz was made near Blackpool and was a bit crackly, and suffered splatter from BBC Radio 2 on the adjacent 693kHz. Being a mid winter afternoon there was also foreign interference causing a heterodyne at the end of the recording. The station was also announcing as 98FM stereo at this time and seemed to have a few adverts.


NSR 105 (DUBLIN  - 1990s)

1992_09_20_sun_nsr_105fm_1550-1650_algibbs_airchecks-gh288.mp3 New Jul 2022 A partially airchecked recording of Al Gibbs on this early 90s dance music station on a Sunday afternoon as recorded from 105.1MHz. They were also announcing 107.2MHz. 63MB



1984_10_18_thu_ocean97_97fm_1017-1120-gh507.mp3 New Nov 2021 Little is known about this station from Sligo.  This sixty minute recording has some jingles promoting the station, but no commercials, and we are unsure of the name of the presenter.  It is recorded from FM in mono, but the exact frequency is not known, only around 97MHz from the announcements.  A visit to Sligo later in the month saw them measured as on 97.4MHz. 87MB
1984_10_27_sat_ocean_974fm_1225-1350_johnholland-gh525.mp3 New Nov 2021 This is a partly airchecked Saturday lunchtime show with John Holland. The microphone and jingle levels are all over the place sadly. This may have been as they were setting up for a guest in the studio later on. There were still o commercials at this time. Recorded in Sligo from 97.4MHz in mono. 118MB



1983_10_31_mon_radio_ormond_985fm_1350-1435_joedillon-gh487.mp3  New Oct 2024 A Monday afternoon show from Joe Dillon on 31st October 1983. The station had several adverts at this point. Recorded from 98.5MHz whilst driving through Nenagh. 60MB
1984_05_19_sat_ormond_99fm_airchecks_paulacurtain_desjohnson-ai1737_via_ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 Some partially airchecked programming from the Saturday afternoon and evening of 19th May 1984. The recording starts around 2:20pm with Paula Curtain and then Des Johnson at 2:30pm. There are some later airchecks from around 7:30pm with Pauline Clifford followed by Sam Davis. The recording was made from 99.0MHz in Nenagh, although the station also had a relay on an announced 89MHz in Roscrea. The recording is courtesy of Ian who originally received it from Anoraks Ireland. 83MB



PhoenixFM--19860823--1855--Dublin99FM_JR.mp3 New Jul 2022 An early recording from Phoenix FM when it was on 99MHz and announcing as a new station for South Dublin. Recording is courtesy of radiowaves.fm from Joe Rossa. 76MB
RW2035 PhoenixFM--19861014--1653--Dublin99FM_JR.mp3 New Jul 2022 Another early recording of Phoenix FM with Greg Edwards on afternoon drive, courtesy of radiowaves.fm from Joe Rossa. 224MB
1986_11_02_sun_phoenix_99fms_1730-1830-pt.mp3 New Oct 2021 An early recording of this station from Dublin as recorded from 99MHz in stereo, courtesy of Prince Terry.  The signal is quite noisy. 141MB
PhoenixRadio--Dublin--May28th1987--1100--TonyAllan-MO.mp3 New Jun 2022 A partly airchecked show from Tony Allan on Phoenix in its early days when it was broadcasting on 107MHz. Recording is courtesy of radiowaves.fm from Mike Ormonde. 130MB
1987_07_29_wed_phoenix_94fms_1559-1645_gregedwards-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022 A Greg Edwards drivetime on this station which served South Dublin.  Recorded in Dublin from 94MHz which is where the station seemed to finally settle, although the exact frequency is not known. 106MB
1987_07_29_wed_phoenix_94fms_1645-1725_gregedwards-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022 A continuation of the above Greg Edwards show. 98MB
1988_07_10_sun_cau_1043fm_2341-0114_brendanryan_then_clutter_free-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022 Up towards midnight on a Sunday evening with possibly Brendan Ryan and then 'clutter free' following him at midnight into Monday morning 11th July.  The clutter free includes jingles and promos in between the music.  Recorded in Dublin from 104.3MHz. 214MB
1988_07_11_mon_cau_1043fms_1045-1215_derekryan_fergal-gh966.mp3 New Jun 2022 Monday morning until mid-day with Derek Ryan including the 11am 'Coffee Break' and 1130 'Job Spot', then Fergal follows on with the start of his afternoon show. There is a small aircheck at the end with the Tony Allan 1pm 'on the hour' jingle.  Recorded in Dublin from 104.3MHz.  210MB
1988_07_16_sat_cau_104.2fms_airchecks_from_final_afternoon_then_7pm_closedown-gh234.mp3 New Jul 2022 Airchecks of many presenters from the afternoon that CAU FM closed down, starting at 1pm with Greg Edwards. Includes the final 45 minutes or so up to 7pm closedown.  Some test tones appear a few minutes after closedown. Recorded in Dublin from 104.2MHz in stereo.  211MB



1981_05_10_sun_premier_222m_1220-1300signoff_jimmystledger-gh1081.mp3 New Apr 2022 Jimmy St Ledger hosting a Sunday morning show on 222m.  He signs off at 1pm and mentions he will be back on Tuesday night at midnight.  Recorded from 222m in South Dublin, although the exact frequency is not known.  There is some band noise on the AM signal. 34MB


PREMIER 212 (DUBLIN - 1989)

1989_04_16_sun_premier212_1042fm_1500-1645_signon_gregtownsend.mp3 Updated Jul 2022 Sunday broadcast sign-on with Greg Townsend who announced he was on for two hours.  Recorded in Dublin from 104.2MHz. Apart from Radio Dublin, Premier 212 was probably the only AM station broadcasting from Dublin at this time and was audible on 1413kHz for some distance. 190MB
1989_04_16_sun_premier212_1042fm_1658-1742_gregtownsend_davejackson.mp3 Updated Jul 2022 More from the above broadcast with the end of Greg Townsend and start of Dave Jackson.  Recorded in Dublin from 104.2MHz. There is some crackling on the signal. 85MB
1989_04_16_sun_premier212_1042fm_1750-1805_signoff_davejackson.mp3 Updated Jul 2022 Dave Jackson finishes his hour long show, and signs off the broadcast for the week.  Recorded in Dublin from 104.2MHz, with some crackling.  The recording ends with a test tone and then the transmitter switching off. 32MB
1989_07_02_sun_premier212_1042fm_1710-1805_davejackson_signoff.mp3 Updated Jul 2022 Another Sunday Dave Jackson show, at the end of which he signs off the broadcast for the week.  Recorded in Dublin from 104.2MHz.  It was announced that the AM would be off for a few weeks, but would return soon. 40MB
1989_07_23_sun_premier212_103.5fm_1500signon-1632_gregtownsend.mp3 New Jul 2022 Two recordings making up a full 3 hour weekly Sunday broadcast from Premier 212. Sign on is at 3pm with Greg Townsend. Recorded in Dublin from 103.55MHz in mono. The new Capital Radio was testing near to the original 104.2MHz FM frequency of Premier, hence the shift of frequency. There is some fading and crackling on the recording. 127MB
1989_07_23_sun_premier212_103.5fm_1632-1800signoff_gregtownsend_davejackson.mp3 New Jul 2022 The follow on recording from above with the end of the Greg Townsend show and into Dave Jackson.  Sign off is at 6pm.  Recorded in DUblin from 103.55MHz in mono.  There is some fading and crackling. 123MB
1989_12_17_sun_premier212_102fms_1750-1906signoff_davejackson_rayjackson-pt.mp3 New Oct 2021 The last part of a Sunday afternoon broadcast from this station which re-appeared at the time of the 1988 legislation. The broadcast was before Christmas, possibly 17th December 1989 and features Dave Jackson, with Ray Jackson doing the sign off at 7pm.  Recorded from FM in stero, but the exact frequency is not known.  There is some hiss on the stereo.  The station also announced 212m medium wave which at times was audible on the UK West coast.  Thanks go to Prince Terry for supplying the original tape. 174M
1989_12_24_sun_premier212_102fms_1847-1934_davejackson_gregtownsend-pt.mp3 New Oct 2021 The last day of broadcast from the station after 52 weeks of regular Sundays.  Dave Jackson hosts until Greg Townsend arrives at the studio. There is some hiss on the stereo. Thanks go to Prince Terry for supplying the original tape.  The station announces as 102MHz, but the exact frequency of this recording is not known. 104M
1989_12_24_sun_premier212_102fms_1935-signoff_gregtownsend-pt.mp3 New Oct 2021 The final 30 minutes of the station with Greg Townsend, who signs off just after 8pm.  It was announced that the station was to come back on shortwave sometime in 1990, although we are not sure of the details.  There is some hiss on the tape from the stereo broadcast as the FM power at the time was reported to be just 10 watts.  Thanks go to Prince Terry for supplying the original tape. 75MB



1988_02_14_sun_premiercounty_1043fm_1727-1900_bennybrown_johnodonahue-gh464.mp3 New Jul 2021 A Valentines Day Sunday afternoon with Benny Brown and John O'Donahue. Recorded from 104.3MHz.  Unfortunately the microphone levels are quite variable on this recording, from low to distorted in places. 170M



1985_01_23_wed_q102_1021fms_2303-2349_johnkenny-ai579_via_ib.mp3 New Oct 2021 John Kenny on the first evening of broadcasting from Q102. Recorded in Dublin from 102.1MHz in stereo. 105MB
1985_02_20_wed_q102_1021fm_1130-1216_jasonmaine-gh533.mp3 New Feb 2025 Jason Maine on a late Wednesday morning, 20th February 1985, from the first few weeks of Q102. George Long reads the mid-day news. As received near Blackpool on 102.1MHz in mono. The FM transmitter had recently moved slightly from 102.0MHz to 102.1MHz making listening on the UK West coast a little easier. 63MB
1985_02_20_wed_q102_1021fm_1308-1356_jasonmaine-gh533.mp3 New Feb 2025 More of Jason Maine from the same show as above, this time between 1pm and 2pm. As received near Blackpool on 102.1MHz in mono. 63MB
1985_02_20_wed_q102_1021fm_1359-1445_scottwilliams-gh533.mp3 New Feb 2025 Following Jason Maine at 2pm from the same afternoon as above, 20th February 1985 is Scott Williams. Anne Cassin reads the 2pm news. As received near Blackpool on 102.1MHz in mono. 63MB
1985_02_20_wed_q102_1021fm_1503-1548_scottwilliams_teaforthetroops-gh533.mp3 New Feb 2025 Again from the afternoon of Wednesday 20th February 1985, after the 3pm news with Anne Cassin, Scott Williams with 'Tea For The Troops'. As received near Blackpool on 102.1MHz in mono. There is some fading towards the end due to the distance. 61MB
1985_02_23_sat_q102_1021fms_1038-1125_johnohara_jasonmaine-ai579_via_ib.mp3 New Oct 2021 The end of a John O'Hara Saturday morning show followed by Jason Maine.  Recorded in Dublin from 102.1MHz in stereo. 105MB
1985_10_19_sat_q102_1021fms_1345-1522_jasonmaine_johnkenny-gh544.mp3 NEW Jun 2021 Jason Maine on Saturday afternoon 19th October 1985, followed at 3pm by John Kenny. Recorded in Dublin from 102.1MHz in stereo. 221MB
1985_10_19_sat_q102_1021fms_1522-1700_johnkenny-gh544.mp3 NEW Jun 2021 John Kenny continues the above recording until 5pm. Brian Jennings continues on news. Again recorded in Dublin from 102.1MHz in stereo. 218MB
1985_10_20_sun_q102_1021fms_1250-1750_greggaughran_derekjones_gerrystevens-gh543.mp3 New Dec 2024 Almost 5 hours of Q102 from Sunday 21st October 1985. Starting with Greg Gaughran just before 1pm, Derek Jones follows at 2pm with Q-Gold, and then Gerry Stevens from 5pm. News is read at 1pm by Brian Jennings, and Mark Weller reads from 2pm onwards. Recorded in Dublin from 102.1MHz in stereo. 314MB
1985_10_21_mon_q102_1021fms_0757-1016_scottwilliams_jasonmaine-gh545.mp3 NEW Jun 2021 Two hours of a Scott Williams breakfast show with Anne Cassin reading news. Jason Maine follows at 10am. Recorded in Dublin from 102.1MHz in stereo. 314MB


1986_06_14_sat_q102_1021fm_1950-2125_davekelly-gh113.mp3 New Jul 2022 Dave Kelly with a Saturday evening show as received near Blackpool on 102.1MHz.  Although recorded from FM the recording is in mono and suffers from some fading due to the distance. 105MB


1987_02_23_mon_q102_1035fms_0746-0833_scottwilliams-gh616.mp3 New Mar 2023 Scott Williams on the breakfast show, Monday 23rd February 1987.  He is joined by Bob Gallico discussing the papers, and who also reads the news. Recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo. 107MB
1987_02_23_mon_q102_1035fms_0836-0923_scottwilliams-gh616.mp3 New Mar 2023 Continuing the above Scott Williams show on Monday 23rd February 1987. This section of the programme includes Mike Hogan with live traffic news from the 'Fiat Q102 Eye in The Sky' helicopter.  Bob Gallico continues with chat and the news. Recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo. 107MB
1987_02_23_mon_q102_1035fms_0923-1056_scottwilliams_davekelly-gh616.mp3 New Mar 2023 The final part of the above Scott Williams show on Monday 23rd February 1987. At 10am, Dave Kelly follows Bob Gallico on news with his first hour of the day. Recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo. 214MB
1987_02_25_wed_q102_1035fm_2210-2345_jasonmaine-gh671.mp3 NEW FEB 2021   90M
1987_02_25_wed_q102_1035fm_2345-0120_jasonmaine_aldunne-gh671.mp3 NEW FEB 2021   90M
1987_02_26_thu_q102_1035fm_0120-0255_aldunne-gh671.mp3 NEW FEB 2021   90M
1987_02_26_thu_q102_1035fm_0255-0430_aldunne-gh671.mp3 NEW FEB 2021   90M
1987_02_26_thu_q102_1035fm_1945-2300_jasonmaine-gh670.mp3 NEW NOV 2020   270,210k
1987_04_29_wed_q102_819am_0815-1010_scottwilliams_bobgallico_davekelly-gh638.mp3   109,890k
1987_05_07_thu_q102_819am_0715-0920_scottwilliams_during_esb_dispute-gh662.mp3  NEW FEB 2021 During an ESB strike, power cuts caused stations to go off the air depending on the area they were in.  Having lost the signal from Energy on 738kHz, the radio was tuned up the band to Q102 who were still on the air.  Here is the Scott Williams breakfast show recorded from 819kHz. Bob Gallico is on news, and Mike Hogan is up in the 'Eye in the Sky' helicopter. Underneath you can hear Cavan Community Radio. As received near Blackpool. 117MB
1987_05_22_fri_q102_819am_0735-1115_scottwilliams_davekelly-gh628.mp3 Oct 2020   180,370k
1987_07_04_saturday_q102_819_1315-1520_live_from_xtravision.mp3 NEW 01/13 GH    117,387k
1987_11_25_wed_q102_819am_0851-0914_scottwilliams_jasonmaine-gh760.mp3 NEW Jun 2021  A short 25 minute extract from a Scott Williams breakfast show chatting with Mike Hogan in the 'Eye in the Sky'. Jason Maine follows news at 9am. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz, the strength of Cavan Community Radio, also on 819kHz can be heard underneath.  It wasn't until Q102 bought the old Energy 103 transmitter on 738kHz, that Q could be heard well on the UK West coast. 20MB
1987_12_26_thu_q102_1023fms_1700-1802_annecassin-gh515.mp3 NEW Nov 2021  Anne Cassin hosts her first show, a special for Saint Stephen's Day.  Recorded from 102.3MHz in stereo. 142MB


880415_0922_1550_730_q102_scott_williams_gareth_o_c_greg_g_reel_7_kb.mp3 Scott Williams and Mike Hogan. 10am Gareth O'Callaghan. 2pm Greg Gaughran. As received in the West of Scotland.
1988_05_04_wed_q102_819am_0802-1022_scottwilliams_johnpower-gh624.mp3  New Nov 2023 Scott Williams on breakfast on 4th May 1988 with  Mike Hogan from the 'Eye in the Sky'. John Power takes over after 10am. As recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. 130MB
1988_05_09_mon_q102_738am_0810-1132_scottwilliams_garethocallaghan-gh632.mp3  New Feb 2023 Here are a set of recordings made during the transition to the new Bill Cunnigham SuperQ format. This first recording is three hours from the morning of Monday 9th May 1988.  Scott Williams is on breakfast with Mike Hogan in the 'Star in the Sky' helicopter. Scott Williams reads the news headlines as there is no full time newsreader. Following Scott is Gareth O'Callaghan. As received near Blackpool on 738kHz. There is some background interference from Independent Radio Mayo, who were using the old Radio Leinster 738kHz transmitter. 186MB
1988_05_09_mon_q102_738am_1132-1432_garethocallaghan_greggaughran-gh632.mp3  New Feb 2023 More of Gareth O'Callaghan following on from the above recording on 9th May 1988. As received near Blackpool.  There is a bit of local electrical crackling in the seond half. 172MB
1988_05_11_wed_q102_738am_0707-0940_scottwilliams_mikehogan-gh632.mp3  Updated Feb 2023 Breakfast with Scott Williams and Mike Hogan in 'The Star in the Sky' helicopter on Wednesday 11th May 1988. As received near Blackpool on 738kHz. 141MB
1988_05_15_sun_q102_738am_1034-1350_aldunne_aidenleonard-gh632.mp3  New Feb 2023 Sunday morning 15th May 1988 with Al Dunne until 11am followed by Aiden Leonard. This was the final Sunday with the old format, and this recording contains plenty of on the hour promos by Bill Cunningham about the forthcoming changes.  He was cheeky in mentioning his voice still being heard on Sunshine 101 as being old hat. As received near Blackpool on 738kHz. 186MB
1988_05_15_sun_q102_738am_1350-1655_aidenleonard_henryowens-gh632.mp3  New Feb 2023 Another 3 hours of Sunday 15th May, following on from the above recording. Aiden Leaonard is followed at 4pm by Henry Owens with the Top 40.  On top of Independent Radio Mayo in the background, there is also a lot of electrical noise and clicks on this part of the recording which was received near Blackpool on 738kHz. 172MB
1988_05_16_mon_q102_738am_0808-1053_scottwilliams_jasonmaine-gh624.mp3  New Nov 2023 Scott Williams on breakfast, Monday 16th May 1988, followed at 10am by Jason Maine. This was the final week of the old Q102 format before it became 'Super Q' on Wednesdy 18th May. As received near Blackpool on 738kHz and there is some co-channel interference and local electrical noise. 151MB
1988_05_23_mon_q102_738am_0810-1020_scottwilliams_jasonmaine-gh649.mp3 New Feb 2022  The first of three files making up a six hour recording of the new Super Q 102 which had changed its format the previous week.  This section starts with Scott Williams on breakfast sitting in for Gareth O'Callaghan who was away to get married.  Jason Maine takes over at 10am.  Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz,  There is some local electrical crackling along with background interference from Independent Radio Mayo which used the same channel of 738kHz. 119MB
1988_05_23_mon_q102_738am_1020-1235_jasonmaine-gh649.mp3 New Feb 2022  Jason Maine continues this mornings programming. 123MB
1988_05_23_mon_q102_738am_1235-1435_jasonmaine_greggaughran-gh649.mp3 New Feb 2022  The last two hours of this six hour recording features Jason Maine until 2pm, and then Greg Gaughran continues for the afternoon.  Again recorded near Blackpool. 109MB
1988_05_27_fri_q102_738am_0707-0904_scottwilliams-gh649.mp3 New Feb 2022  Another six hour chunk of Super Q 102 from the Friday of the same week as above, and split into three files. This first section is Scott Williams on breakfast.  Again recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool with some crackles and Independent Radio Mayo heard faintly underneath. 106MB
1988_05_27_fri_q102_738am_0904-1118_scottwilliams_jasonmaine-gh649.mp3 New Feb 2022  Scott Williams continues the above recording until 10am, and is followed by Jason Maine.  Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. 123MB
1988_05_27_fri_q102_738am_1118-1332_jasonmaine-gh649.mp3 New Feb 2022  The last of the above six hour recording, continuing with Jason Maine.   Again recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. 123MB
1988_06_17_fri_q102_738am_0701_1016_garethocallaghan_scottwilliams-gh663.mp3 New Sep 2022  Three hours of breakfast on Friday 17th June 1988, which was the last programme on Q102 from Gareth O'Callaghan before he joined Millenium 88FM. There is also the first link from Scott Williams at 10am, who was also presenting his final weekday show on Q102.   Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. You can hear Independent Radio Mayo underneath in the quiet passages. 123MB
880725_1306-1931_738_q102_inc_long_break_and_ind_r_mayo_comes_in_reel_12_kb.mp3   293,511k
1988_12_30_friday_q102_738_0845-1310_final_day.mp3 NEW 01/13 GH    243,800k
881205_mon_q102_738am_1020-1335_henryowens.mp3   175,460k
1988_12_18_sun_q102_738am_0913-0950_thebopshop_then_tx_cuts_off-gh780.mp3 NEW Dec 2020   35,388k
881225_sun_q102_738_1040-1500_the_final_bop_shop.mp3   252,785k
1988_12_29_thursday_q102_738_1700-2120_boywonder_penultimate_day.mp3 NEW 01/13 GH   246,404k
881229_thu_q102_103fm_1845-1915_theboywonder_miles_interview.mp3   27,990k
1988_12_30_fri_q102_738am_0845-1310_final_day.mp3 NEW 01/13   243,800k
1988_12_30_fri_q102_738am_1310-1510_aidenleonard_aldunne-gh783.mp3 NEW 12/20   112M
1988_12_30_fri_q102_738am_1510-1700_davekelly_henryowens-gh783.mp3 NEW 12/20   100M
1988_12_30_fri_q102_738am_1700-1800_martinblock_to_closedown-gh783.mp3 NEW 12/20   57M
Q102 Dublin 30-12-88 Final Programme From 2.17pm to 6.03pm.mp3 (Courtesy of Rodney)   322,982k
Q102 Dublin 30-12-88 Station Closedown From 4.33pm to 6.03pm.mp3 (Courtesy of Rodney)   110,448k
Q102 Dublin 30-12-88 Continuous Music Mix From 6.22pm.mp3 (Courtesy of Rodney)   162,658k


Link to an externally hosted history of Radioactive
(Post 1988 Legislation)

1993_02_18_thu_radioactive_101fm_fergus-gh697.mp3 New Jun 2022 Fergus with a Thursday evenng show on this alternative music station.  Recorded from an announced 101MHz and courtesy of Prince Terry.  The exact frequency is not known, and the signal suffers from some FM hiss and multipath noise. 85MB
1993_02_18_thu_radioactive_101fm_fergus_continued-gh697.mp3 New Jun 2022 A continuation of the above show.  Recorded from 101.0MHz and courtesy of Prince Terry. 85MB
1993_09_00_radioactive_101fm-pt.mp3 New Aug 2021 A short recording of this Dublin station made during September 1993.  Recorded from 101.0MHz and courtesy of Prince Terry. 48MB



The files for audio from the 1983 raids are on a separate page



The files for RADIO RAINBOW INTERNATIONAL, are on a separate page.



1982_10_01_fri_royalcounty_245m_1235-1408_olivercallan_bigal-gh379.mp3 New Feb 2022  This is a rather muffled recording in places, but seems to be from early in the life of the station as a 'test' is mentioned at one point.  The deejay is Oliver Callan and is followed at 2pm by Big Al. Don Allen reads the news at 1pm and 2pm, with Caroline Carter reading some local news. There are one two ads by Don Allen, and on others refernces to the new station in town.  The actual frequency the recording was made from is not known, but they are announcing as being on 245m. 83MB
1982_10_28_thu_royalcounty_1000am_1145-1235_olivercallan_peterscott-gh438.mp3 New Feb 2022  By later in October when this recording was made, the station was on 1000kHz, announced as 305m.  Oliver Callan is again on at lunchtime and Peter Scott reads the news.  Recorded from 1000kHz in Navan. 45MB
1982_10_28_thu_royalcounty_1000am_1235-1309_olivercallan_peterscott-gh438.mp3 New Feb 2022  A continuation of the above recording from 1000kHz. 34MB
1983_03_18_fri_royalcounty_968fm_1122-airchecks_donallen_johnstevens-gh324.mp3 New Feb 2022  Some airchecks of Don Allen and John Stevens made from 96.8MHz. Thanks to Kieran for originally sending the tape back in the 80s. 41MB
RoyalCountyRadio--19830621--1306--MeathFM_MA.mp3 New Feb 2022  A recording from the Summer of 1983 made by Michael Andersson and kindly shared via radiowaves.fm. 43MB
1984_05_07_mon_royalcounty_958fms_1240-1315-gh504.mp3 New Feb 2022  Recorded in Navan when the station was believed to be in its latter days. Apparently many of the staff had left to join the newly started Cavan Community Radio.  There is little in the way of adverts, but there is still news at 2pm.  80MB
1984_05_07_mon_royalcounty_958fms_1325-1403-gh504.mp3 New Feb 2022  Part two of the above recording as received in Navan  The on hour announcement gives 96FM and 846AM as the outlets. 86MB



1983_10_23_sun_royal_dublin_cr_105fm_1000-1045_brianconlon-gh673.mp3  New Feb 2024 A short extract of Brian Conlon from Sunday morning 23rd October 1983. Recorded in Dublin from 105FM, although the exact frequency was not noted on the tape. 30MB
1983_11_01_tue_royal_dublin_cr_1049fm_1815-1917_davebarrett_keithbaron-gh490.mp3  New Feb 2024 Tuesday evening 1st November 1983 with Dave Barett followed at 7pm by Keith Baron. Recorded in Dublin from 104.9MHz in mono.  87MB
1984_05_05_sat_dublin_cr_105fm_1307-1620_johndrun_johnhall-gh250.mp3  New Feb 2024 By the time of this recording, made on Saturday 5th May 1984, the station had shortend its name to Dublin Community Radio.  Here is three hours of afternoon programming starting just after 1pm with a new deejay we think called John Drun followed by John Hall at 2pm. Features include 'Beat the Jock' and 'TV License Quiz'. Recorded in Dublin from 105MHz in mono.  273MB



Click the station home page link above for the page listing a number of RTE recordings from various stations of the past, including RTE Radio 2 and Millenium Radio.



Seagull FM was a station heard in North Dublin during 1988 and broadcast on 98MHz FM.




Signal 106 FM broadcast to Dublin from late 1987 and closed on 30th December 1988.


Signal106--Dublin--December30th1988--1830--GarvRigby-MO.mp3 New Sep 2021 Part of the final evening of Signal 106 with Garv Rigby courtesy of Mike Ormonde via radiowaves.fm. 42MB
Signal106--Dublin--December30th1988--1900--BennyRyan-MO.mp3 New Sep 2021 Benny Ryan on the final evening of Signal 106 courtesy of Mike Ormonde via radiowaves.fm. 71MB
Signal106--Dublin--December30th1988--2000--GrahamTurner-MO.mp3 New Sep 2021 Graham Turner on the final evening of Signal 106 courtesy of Mike Ormonde via radiowaves.fm. 39MB
Signal106--Dublin--December30th1988--2200--MikeOrmonde-MO.mp3 New Sep 2021 Mike Ormonde on the final evening of Signal 106 via radiowaves.fm. 77MB
Signal106--Dublin--December30th1988--2254-MO.mp3 New Sep 2021 The final closedown of Signal 106 at midnight courtesy of Mike Ormonde via radiowaves.fm. 94MB



1981_08_16_sun_sligo_1260am-237m_0810_0950_paulmartell-gh.mp3 New Nov 2021  This was a partially airchecked recording made on a Sunday morning after camping overnight at WABC in Ballaghaderreen. Recorded from 1260kHz with some crackling due to the distance from Sligo, this is Paul Martell, with later on, Elizabeth Burns reading poetry. The station announced as 237m. There were adverts for Paul Martell doing a charity broadcast Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd August. A newspaper advert regarding this can be seen on the Radio Sligo Home page. 89MB
1981_08_16_sun_sligo_1260am-237m_1115-1300_marvinhamilton_berniefallen_markmarkini_davidhamilton-gh.mp3 New Nov 2021  This recording starts as we were driving from Ballaghaderreen to Sligo and is partially airchecked. We arrived in the town as Marvin Hamilton was finishing his show and handing over to Mark Marquee for the ceili show until mid-day when there was some comedy followed by David Hamilton. Recorded in the car from 1260kHz. 98MB
1982_07_22_thu_sligo_1260am_0800-0832_johnohara-gh511.mp3 New Nov 2021  This is part of a breakfast show presented by John O'Hara. News and weather is also read by John O'Hara at 0830. The signal on 1260kHz / 237m is a bit noisy and the levels were a little low in places. It is not known where this was recorded. 30MB



1987_01_24_sat_smilefm_94fms_1115-1245-gh712.mp3 New Feb 2022  The last 45 minutes of a Saturday morning show finishing at 12 midday, after which is continuous music with a few station ids. The presenter is not known. Recorded in Dublin from around 94MHz in stereo, although the exact frequency is not known. 211MB
1987_02_25_wed_smile_941fm_1435-1635_joecurry_noelmooney-gh674.mp3 New Apr 2024  The first file of a six hour recording of Smile FM from Wednesday 25th February 1987. It starts with Joe Curry up until 4pm. Noel Mooney is supposed to follow, but there are no voice links on this section. Recorded in Dublin from 94.1MHz in mono. 165MB
1987_02_25_wed_smile_941fm_1635-1840_noelmooney_grahamturner-gh674.mp3 New Apr 2024  Continuing from above after 4:35pm this section is Noel Mooney but is mainly music with jingles, promos and adverts. Graham Turner takes over around 6pm, filling in, but doesn't say much. Recorded in Dublin from 94.1MHz in mono. 175MB
1987_02_25_wed_smile_941fm_1840-2103_grahamturner_cont_music_shaybyrne-gh674.mp3 New Apr 2024  The last part of the above six hour recording. It seems like Graham Turner was sitting in for somebody, but playing mainly continuous music, jingles and adverts. Shay Byrne comes on at 9pm but sadly the tape runs out almost straight away. Recorded in Dublin from 94.1MHz in mono. 187MB
SmileFM--Dublin94.3MHz--December30th1988--1710--Closedown.mp3 New Feb 2022  The final 50 minutes or so of Smile FM before legislation courtesy of radiowaves.fm. 70MB



Radio Snowflake was an annual station operating each December. It commenced broadcasting in 1982 and was part of the Community Broadcasting Co-operative operated by Dave Reddy.


1987_01_02_fri_snowflake_1045fms_0915-1000-gh1419.mp3 NEW Jul 2021  Part a morning show on the penultimate day of Radio Snowflake for the 1986/87 festive season. Recorded in Dublin from 104.5MHz in stereo.  The station was also broadcasting on 1530kHz / 196m at this time. 107MB
1987_01_02_fri_snowflake_1045fms_1330-1417_johndunne-gh1419.mp3 NEW Jul 2021  A continuation of the above tape but featuring John Dunne in the afternoon. The penultimate day of Radio Snowflake for the 1986/87 season. Recorded in Dublin from 104.5MHz in stereo. 107MB
1988_12_28_wed_snowflake_941fm_1609_to_closedown_with_davidbaker_and_davereddy-gh216.mp3 The final hour or so of Radio Snowflake recorded from 94.1MHz. David Baker, with interesting history from Dave Reddy, and his thoughts on the upcoming license scenario. His forecast of the national license did indeed come true. This recording was kindly sent to Gary by Bryan back in 1989. 134M




This station was a regular across Europe at night with their strong signal on 1314kHz. Sonic was first heard in early January 1981 in the UK. A few recordings are listed below from both dx recordings made in the UK, and from holidaying in Ireland.

810110_0208_1314kc_sonic_independent_radio_c90_199_kb.mp3 35,636k
810114_0228_1314kc_sonic_independent_radio_rick_davenport_unid_behind_sonic_c90_199_kb.mp3 27,325k
810215_0230_approx_1314kc_sonic_independent_radio_jenny_lowe_mark_bradey_rec_sco_c60_122_kb.mp3 31,015k
810329_0145-0310_1314_sonic_independent_radio_1314_jennylowe_then_norway_tx_switchon.mp3 (part airchecked rec in Leeds - gh) 38,611k
810503_0157_1314kc_sonic_independent_radio_rec_scotland_c90_267_kb.mp3 31,552k
810523_0127-0200_1314_sonic_independent_radio_c90_283_kb.mp3 (rec in Scotland - kb)
810802_9237-0310_1314kc_sonic_independent_radio_rec_scotland_c60_141_kb.mp3 (rec in Scotland - kb) 22,089k
810813_2020_1314kc_sonic_independent_radio_thu_sign_off_mark_jackson_gh.mp3 (rec in Dublin - gh) 11,208k
810814_0722_1314kc_sonic_independent_radio_bob_nailor_c120_rec_dublin_kb.mp3 36,813k
810814_0915_1314kc_sonic_independent_radio_fri gh.mp3 (rec in Dublin - gh) 135,580k
810814_1031_1314kc_sonic_independent_radio_inc_guest_from_scotland.mp3 (rec in Dublin - kb) 31,546k



1982_07_17_sat_southcity_999am_0946-1125_kevingleeson-gh424.mp3 New Oct 2021 Kevin Gleeson is on this Saturday morning show. Mention is made of a South City Radio information desk on the ground floor of the Dun Laoghaire Shopping Centre. Recorded near Blackpool from 999kHz. There are a few whistles on the frequency which we have tried to clean up and which sounded as though they were caused by other stations operating off-channel. 90MB



1984_05_05_sat_south_dublin_cr_1021fm_1846-2030_eddiehughes_john-gh250.mp3  New Feb 2024 Saturday evening 5th May 1984 with Eddie Hughes which includes the gig guide at 7pm. John follows Eddie Hughes at 8pm with some old rock 'n'roll music. Recorded in Dublin from 102.1MHz in mono. One thing of interest on these two recordings, is the occasional use of a Q102 jingle.  This would be 8 months before the launch of the super pirate Q102. 146MB
1984_05_10_thu_south_dublin_cr_1021fm_1748-1935_petercampbell_mikelee-gh250.mp3  New Feb 2024 The last hour of drivetime on Thursday 10th May 1984 with Peter Campbell. Mike Lee follows at 7pm with some rock 'n' roll. Recorded in Dublin from 102.1MHz in mono. 927kHz / 324 metres was also being announced. 151MB
1984_11_03_sat_south_dublin_cr_906fm_0925-1000-gh512.mp3  New Aug 2024 The end of the breakfast show on Saturday 3rd November 1984 between 9:25am and 10am. We are not sure of the name of the young lady presenting the show, although she does give her name at the end. Recorded in Dublin from 90.6MHz in mono. 48MB



1987_12_11_fri_southside95fm_949fms_1215-1410_paulvincent_tommygreene-gh424.mp3 New Aug 2021 Paul Vincent hosts a lunchtime show during the first week of this short lived FM station and is followed at 2pm by Tommy Greene.  The recording is partly airchecked as received in Dublin from 94.9MHz in stereo.  211MB
1988_06_16_thu_southside95fm_949fm_1438-1525_djlee-gh140.mp3 New Sep 2024 DJ Lee on the afternoon of Thursday 16th June 1988. Recorded in Dublin from 94.9MHz. The old cassette tape was originally from the Peter Madison collection, and had one channel missing, so it has been transferred in mono. 65MB
1988_06_16_thu_southside95fm_949fm_1526-1613_djlee_davidhynes-gh140.mp3 New Sep 2024 Following on from the above recording, DJ Lee signs off his show at 3:30pm and followed by David Hynes.  Recorded in Dublin from 94.9MHz in mono.  65MB



1980_01_09_wed_southside_999am-300m_2100-2110_hughobrian-gh213.mp3 New Nov 2021 An short extract of Hugh O'Brian starting his evening show.  Recorded from 999kHz in South Dublin.  8MB
810708_1343-1430_999_southside_keith_york_c90_308.mp3   35,002k
810708_1830bst_999_southside_jason_mayne_david_paul_c90_308.mp3   35,125k
1980_10_19_sun_southside_999am_1020-1325_frcshow_markboland_paulnicholas-gh836.mp3 New APR 2021 An FRC Show from Mark Boland beginning 20 minutes into the programme, and followed at 1pm by Paul Nicholas with the start of the Top 40.  It was recorded near Blackpool from 999kHz and suffers from a lot of local electrical interference.  172MB
1981_10_04_sun_southside_999am_1104-1306_markboland_frcshow_paulnicholas-gh645.mp3 New MAR 2021 An FRC Show from Mark Boland from October 1981, followed by a few minutes of Paul Nicholas.  It was recorded in North Dublin from 999kHz and suffers from some local interference.  112MB




Spectrum 105 was one of the stations which appeared during the late 1990's, in the years following legislation. It was an alternative music station and operated on 105.3MHz.  After closing down in the summer of 1997, the station returned as Phantom FM later that year.


1997_07_09_wed_spectrum_1053fm_1930-2100_petereed_sinisterpete-gh1105.mp3 New Aug 2021 Recorded in mono from 105.3MHz near Blackpool during an FM lift, this is a Wednesday early evening show from Pete Reed. At 9pm Sinister Pete takes over. This recording only has the first link from Sinister Pete and part of his last link. There are one or two crackles, fades and breakthough from other stations which were also coming through during the lift. 125M



Radio Star Country was the last free radio station which offshore broadcaster Don Allen worked on before he died. Apart from Radio Dublin, Radio Star Country was the only other station to defy the Irish broadcasting bill 1988, which came into force on 1/1/89. Don Allen and Gerry Byrne were recorded a lot around that time, as it was thought they could be taken off air at any time. Star is still on the air today (2025)!!


1988_05_12_thu_star_927am_gerrybyrne_test_tape-gh624.mp3 New Jan 2023 A recording of Radio Star Country during their testing period when there was continuous music and station announcements from Gerry Byrne every few records.  This recording was made near Blackpool from 927kHz on Thursday 12th May 1988 and suffers from a lot of crackling due to the distance from the transmitter, and also the audio was low in places.  On this early transmission, 927am, 324m MW and 103.5MHz was announced, but later on the tape, the FM frequency announced had changed to 103.3MHz. 119MB
1988_06_09_thu_star_927am_0823-1140_gerrybyrne-gh.mp3 New Jan 2023 Gerry Byrne with three hours of his morning show from Thursday 9th June 1988 when the station was still on 927kHz.  Recorded near Blackpool, the signal had some background interference from BRT in Belgium and also a strange 'growling' noise on the modulation, which was probably not audible in the main service area.  FM frequencies of 96.3MHz and 103.3MHz were also announced. 180MB
1989_01_01_star_1415-1505_891_reel_25_kb.mp3 New Jan 2023 Radio Star Country during their first day of operation after the legislation. This was recorded from the old freq of 891, in Scotland, so reception isn't great. 50MB
1989_01_02_star_1025-1228_891_reel_25_kb.mp3 New Jan 2023 Radio Star Country during their second day of operation after the legislation. This was recorded from the old freq of 891, in Scotland, so reception isn't great. 111MB
1989_08_23_wed_star_1074fm_1514-1617_gerrybyrne-gh829.mp3 New Mar 2025 Gerry Byrne with 'All American Country' on Wednesday afternoon 23rd August 1989. According to the tape description, this recording was made from 107.4MHz FM in mono. The receiving location is not known. 87MB
1990_02_21_wed_star_981am_1356-1600_gerrybyrne_allamericancountry-gh840.mp3 New Oct 2022 Gerry Byrne with a midweek afternoon 'All American Country Show'. There seemed to be plenty of adverts, even in their second year of 'illegality' since the 1988 closures. Recorded near Blackpool from 981kHz with some background tv interference.
1992_12_20_sun_star_981am_1000-1135_johnbenson-gh960.mp3 New Jul 2024 The first of two consecutive recordings from Sunday morning 20th December 1992, with we think John Benson. These two recordings are interesting as it was just before Christmas and there are a large number of commercials. The station was being received near Blackpool on 981kHz and there is a some splatter from Red Rose Radio in Preston on 999kHz.
1992_12_20_sun_star_981am_1135-1310_johnbenson_seanbrady-gh960.mp3 New Jul 2024 Continuing from above, this is the end of the John Benson show, with Sean Brady taking over at 1pm. Also recorded near Blackpool from 981kHz.
1993_02_19_fri_star_country_981am_0857-0944_patsyjordan-gh709.mp3 New Feb 2022 Patsy Jordan with a morning show from just before 9am. Recorded from 981kHz with some slight background interference.
1993_02_19_fri_star_country_981am_0945-1030_patsyjordan-gh709.mp3 New Feb 2022 A continuation of the above Patsy Jordan morning show as recorded from 981kHz.



STYCRadio--19860824--1418--Dublin88.0MHz--GregManahan_JoC.mp3 New Oct 2021 This was part of the last day of broadcast from St Teresa's Youth Club Radio, which operated for the Summer Festival in 1986. Recorded from 88MHz in Dublin. Original recording by kind courtesy of Joe Cashin via radiowaves.fm



1992_09_20_sun_sunset107_1068fm-gh288.mp3 New Jul 2022 A short recording of Sunset from 20th September 1992. We are unsure of the deejay. Recorded from 106.8MHz.
1994_06_12_sun_sunset107_1068fm_1945-2026_garymatthews_jay-gh716.mp3 New Jul 2022 Gary Matthews with the end of the 'Abbey Discs Weekly Top 10 Dance Chart' until 8pm followed by 'Retro Mix' with plenty of requests.  Jay takes over at 9pm with the 'Ambient Show'. Recorded from 106.8MHz in mono near Blackpool during FM lift conditions.  The signalgoes a bit noisy at around 9pm, but is still audible.
1994_06_13_mon_sunset107_1068fm_1250-1425_tracylee_djdove-gh603.mp3 New Nov 2021 Sunset 107 was one of the few stations whose signal regularly reached the UK West coast post 1988 legislation.  Here is the first of four files of this dance station making up of six hours from a day in June 1994. The shows start with a chart with Tracy Lee at just before 1pm.  Recorded near Blackpool from 106.8MHz in mono.  There are some fades, but not too many considering the distance from the transmitter.
1994_06_13_mon_sunset107_1068fm_1425-1600_djdove-gh603.mp3 New Nov 2021 A continuation of the above recording.  Recorded near Blackpool from 106.8MHz in mono with occasional fades.
1994_06_13_mon_sunset107_1068fm_1700-1835-gh603.mp3 New Nov 2021 From 5pm, more of Sunset from the same afternoon as above as received near Blackpool from 106.8MHz in mono with the odd fade.
1994_06_13_mon_sunset107_1068fm_1835-1940-gh603.mp3 New Nov 2021 The last hour of the above recording made near Blackpool from 106.8MHz in mono with occasional fading.



(Supplied by Kevin in Eire October 2012)
1981_08_18_tues_1457_suirside_waterford_1332_eddie_codey_dave_hunt_derek_davis_gh.mp3   110MB
1981_08_18_tuesday_suirside_1947_mike_kenny_jj_c120_88_kb.mp3   14MB
1982_03_29_monday_suirside_waterford_98.6_1557-1642_eddie_codey_dave_hunt_(c90_430_kb).mp3   37MB
1982_03_29_monday_suirside_waterford_98.7_2159_roddy_cleere_c90 434_kb.mp3   37MB
1982_03_30_tuesday_suirside_waterford_98.7_0625_rae_sarsfield_dickie_danes_c90 434_kb.mp3   37MB
1982_03_30_tuesday_suirside_waterford_98.6_1050_richard_staines_paul_power_11am_(c90_435_kb).mp3   39MB
1982_03_30_tuesday_1124-1143_98.7_suirside_radio_waterford_paul_power_inc_long_winded_politics_lol_c90_438_kb.mp3   14MB
1982_03_30_tuesday_suirside_waterford_98.6_1147_paul_power_richard_staines_news_(c90_435_kb).mp3   39MBk
1982_03_31_wednesday_suirside_waterford_98.6_0214-0303_ray_sarsfield_(c90_436_kb).mp3   37MB
1982_03_31_wednesday_suirside_waterford_1007_98.7_dickie_danes.mp3   35MB
1984_10_29_mon_suirside_98fm_1415-1545_seamus-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2021 A Bank Holiday Monday afternoon show. The presenter is not known, but maybe called Seamus, who also reads the news at 3pm. Recorded in Waterford from 98MHz in mono.
1984_10_29_mon_suirside_98fm_1724-1835_johnsavage-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2021 John Savage with a teatime show on Bank Holiday Monday. Recorded in Waterford from 98MHz in mono.
1984_10_30_tue_suirside_98fm_0727-0747-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2021 A short extract from a Tuesday morning breakfast show. Recorded in Waterford from 98MHz in mono.
1984_10_30_tue_suirside_98fm_0752-0901-gh524.mp3 New Oct 2021 A continuation of the above breakfast show. Recorded in Waterford from 98MHz in mono.
1985_03_05_suirside_mike_grant_via_ib_&_anoraks_ireland.mp3   7MB
1985_03_17_suriside_2664_1700_1718_1725_harmonic_in_scotland_c90_1141_kb.mp3   2.3MB
1985_09_27_2153_last_suirside-ai_via_ib.mp3   35MB
1985_09_27_2325_last_suirside-ai_via_ib.mp3   26MB




The files for SUNSHINE RADIO , are on a separate page.



1984_05_05_sat_wonderland_1359am_1900-1945-gh780.mp3 New Feb 2022 An early recording of this community station, from a Saturday evening.  Recorded in Dublin from 1359kHz, but there was a lot of local electrcial interference.
1984_05_09_wed_wonderland_1359am_1655-1825_steveobrian_joecarney_tonyadams-ght18.mp3 New Feb 2022 Teatime shows from Wonderland Radio including Steve O'Brian, Joe Carney and Tony Adams, with news at 6pm. The station was also calling itself Tallaght Community Broadcasting on this recording. The signal was received around the Merrion area of Dublin and suffers from splattering from Manx Radio on the next channel.  You can also hear hear a station underneath which at the time would probably have been Big M Community Radio in Monaghan.
1984_11_01_thu_wonderland_1359am_0753-0825_seanquinn-gh517.mp3 New Oct 2021 A short 25 minute recording of a breakfast show from Sean Quinn. This was recorded from 1359kHz in Dublin City centre, and even there, there were reception problems from Manx Radio on the next frequency. At some point during the next two years, the station seemed to change names to Tallaght Community Radio.
1984_11_03_sat_wonderland_1359am_1445-1527_jamesgoulding-gh.mp3 New Mar 2022 Part of an afternoon show, with possibly James Goulding. Recorded on the move in Dublin from 1359kHz. Some interference can be heard from Manx Radio on the adjacent 1368kHz and Big M underneath.
1984_11_03_sat_wonderland_1359am_carolblake-gh.mp3 New Mar 2022 Carol Blake on the same afternoon as above with her programme which followed James Goulding.  Recorded in the car whilst on the move.  Some interference can be heard from Manx Radio on the adjacent 1368kHz and Big M underneath. There is also some overlap from another recording at the start.
1985_10_22_tue_wonderland_1359am_1250-1410_colm_richard-gh386.mp3 New Jun 2022 Tuesday lunchtime show with Colm (Kintolah?) followed at 2pm by Richard (Potchell?).  Recorded in Dublin from 1359kHz but with some adjacent interference from Manx Radio.
1986_05_11_sun_wonderland_1359am_1150-1205_stevenobrian-gh222.mp3 New Jun 2022 Steven O'Brian around mid-day on a Sunday.  He was still announcing the station as Woderland Radio at this time.  Recorded in Ballymun from 1359kHz,  suffering from splatter from Manx Radio.
1986_05_11_sun_wonderland_1359am_1457-1527-gh222.mp3 New Jun 2022 Recorded from later the same afternoon as above.
1986_05_11_sun_wonderland_1359am_1533-1619-gh222.mp3 New Jun 2022 More from the same afternoon as above as eceived on 1359kHz in Ballymun.



1981_08_18_2355_1197_telstar_dundalk_rec_in_waterford_when_wlr_off_air_c120_89_kb.mp3 A midnight sign off from Telstar recorded in Waterford. WLR were off the air on 1197kHz that evening as they were moving the transmitter to a new mast to improve the signal. 6.9MB
1982_08_14_sat_telstar_1197am_1338-1515_eamonndoyle-gh428.mp3 New Oct 2021 Saturday afternoon with Eamonn Doyle. Recorded near Blackpool from 1197kHz.  There is some local electrical interference in the form of a few buzzes. 89MB
1982_12_18_sat_telstar_1197am_0821-0921-gh444.mp3 New Nov 2024 Saturday morning breakfast on Telstar. We are not sure of the presenter, but he has an excellent radio voice. Recorded from 1197kHz near Blackpool. Reception is very good for the time of year, but there is a station wobbling in towards the end. 55MB
1983_03_26_sat_telstar_885fm_1439-1528_eamonndoyle-ai1485_via_ib.mp3 New Nov 2021 Saturday afternoon with Eamonn Doyle. Recorded from 88.5MHz. 67MB
1983_03_26_sat_telstar_885fm_1531-1619_eamonndoyle_owenbarry-ai1485_via_ib.mp3 New Nov 2021 Side two of the above cassette Owen Barry following Eamon  Doyle at 4pm. Recorded from 88.5MHz. 67MB
1986_02_15_sat_telstar_cr_1197am_1115-1125-gh592.mp3 New FEB 2021 Recorded near Blackpool 56MB
1988_10_06_thu_telstar_1197am_1058-1246_raystone-gh785.mp3 New Sep 2022 The first of two files totalling over 4 hours of audio from Thursday 6th October 1988.  This first one starts with the news just before 11am and includes a relay from a local church. Ray Stone takes over after the church relay at 11:45am, and programmes until 2pm. Recorded near Blackpool from 1197kHz with some background noise.  Other stations can be heard underneath which were probably a mix of WLR in Waterford and BBC Radio 3 in Enniskillen. 103MB
1988_10_06_thu_telstar_1197am_1246-1517_raystone-gh785.mp3 New Sep 2022 Following on the the above recording at 12:46pm, is a further two hours, including the the last hour or so for the day of Ray Stone and then into the afternoon show. We are not sure of the presenter, but Damien reads the sports news at 2:30pm. Recorded near Blackpool from 1197kHz with some crackling. 141MB
1988_12_17_sat_telstar_1197am_0915-1230_eamonnduffy_alec.mp3   183MB
1988_12_31_sat_telstar_1197am_closedown_promo-gh783.mp3 New DEC 2020   600kB
1988_12_31_sat_telstar_1197am_0903-1054_final_morning-gh783.mp3 New DEC 2020   104MB
1988_12_31_sat_telstar_1197am_1054-1302_final_show_and_closedown-gh783.mp3 New DEC 2020   118MB
1988_12_31_sat_telstar_dundalk_1197_1135-1300_final_day_signoff.mp3   86MB



1981_08_13_thu_tttr_945am_1840-1941_mickodoherty_bj-gh376.mp3 New Feb 2024 Mick O'Doherty on Thursday 13th August 1981, who then hands over to BJ at 7pm. Recorded in Dublin from 945kHz and being announced as 317m. The recording suffers from some clicking and also the agc on the original radio-cassette recorder causes brief audio drops at times.
1981_08_15_sat_tttr_945am_1109-1420_alanwalsh_mickodoherty-gh363.mp3 New Feb 2024 Over three hours of Treble T R Radio from Saturday 15th August 1981. The recording starts at 11:09am with Alan Walsh and 'The Golden Oldie Show'. Mick O'Doherty takes over at mid-day with 'Doc's Country Clinic'. As received in the car whilst on the move around Dublin, so the reception is variable.
1983_11_01_tue_tttr_995fm_1025-1225_joanmorgan_tonylumsden-gh490.mp3 New Feb 2024 Joan Morgan hosts until mid-day on Tuesday 1st November 1983, and is followed by Tony Lumsden. Recorded in Dublin from 99.5MHz in mono.
1983_11_01_tue_tttr_995fm_2050-2400_con-gh490.mp3 New Feb 2024 Three hours of late night programming with Con on Tuesday 1st November 1983. Recorded in Dublin from 99.5MHz in mono.
1985_10_21_mon_tttr_995fms_1015-1150-gh543.mp3 New Feb 2024 Some mid Monday morning prgramming from an unknown lady presenter on 21st October 1985. Recorded in Dublin from 99.5MHz in stereo with nice quality.
1985_10_21_mon_tttr_995fms_1150-1340_patbutler-gh543.mp3 New Feb 2024 Continuing the above show up until mid-day when Pat Butler takes over.  Recorded in Dublin from 99.5MHz in stereo with nice quality.
1987_02_25_wed_tttr_995fm_0657-0857_davestewart-gh674.mp3 New Nov 2020 The first of three files totalling over 6 hours of continuous programming from Wednesday 25th February 1987. It begins with Dave Stewart on breakfast. Recorded in Dublin from 99.5MHz in mono. 164MB
1987_02_25_wed_tttr_995fm_0857-1100_davestewart_piercebutler-gh674.mp3 New Nov 2020 Dave Stewart finishes his breakfast show and is followed by with think Pierce Butler. Recorded in Dublin from 99.5MHz in mono.
1987_02_25_wed_tttr_995fm_1100-1320_piercebutler_christine-gh674.mp3 New Nov 2020 The last of this long piece of programming finishes with Christine. Recorded in Dublin from 99.5MHz in mono.
1987_02_26_thu_tttr_995fms_1615-1745_piercebutler-gh616.mp3 New Mar 2023 Some pop oldies orientated programming from Thursday 26th February 1987.  The time and presenter was not listed on the tape, but we think it was Pierce Butler on afternoon drivetime.  Recorded in Dublin from 99.5MHz in stereo with nice quality.
1988_06_13_mon_tttr_936am_0845-1305_patbutler_christine_bobgallico-gh756.mp3 New Jan 2022 Breakfast show followed by Christine and then Bob Gallico. This four hour recording was made near Blackpool from 936kHz and suffers from some background noise and other electrical interference.
1988_07_11_mon_tttr_995fms_2300-0034_bobgallico-gh1091.mp3 New Jan 2025 'Nightshades' with Bob Gallico on Monday evening 11th July 1988. This was Bob's jazz music show. Following Bob at midnight is the first thirty minutes of a seven hour overnight show, but we are not sure of the presenter. As received in Dublin on 99.5MHz in stereo.
1988_12_23_fri_tttr_936am_1120-1320_bobgallico_news_german_interference-gh743.mp3 Two hours over Friday lunchtime on 23rd December 1988. Bob Gallico reads the news at 1pm. There is a lot of co-channel interference from Europe as this was recorded from 936kHz near Blackpool. 111MB
1988_12_29_thu_tttr_995fm_2330-2400.mp3   28MB
1988_12_30_fri_tttr_995fm_final_day_2340-2400.mp3 The last few minutes of Treble T R prior to closing down due to legislation. 18MB



1987_07_01_wed_twiggs_98fms_2322-0008_test_tx_kieranwilson-ai1427_via_ib.mp3 New Oct 2021 This was apparently a test transmission from this new station operating from  Galway.  The odd announcement is from Kieran Wilson, and there are a couple of jingles. The tape has 1st and 2nd July listed as the date, but an announcement on the recording mentions tonight in Twiggs as 1st September. Recorded in Galway from 98.0MHz in stereo. 104MB
1987_07_02_thu_twiggs_98fms_0016-0041_test_tx_kieranwilson-ai1427_via_ib.mp3 New Oct 2021 Some live music from Twiggs Night Club from the 'Century Steel Band' as broadcast on Twiggs FM. Then a short interview with a member of 'Winters Reign' who were on live at the club shortly afterwards from 1pm. Recorded in Galway from 98.0MHz. 55MB
1987_07_02_thu_twiggs_98fms_0102-0123_live_from_nightclub-ai1427_via_ib.mp3 New Oct 2021 A short piece from 'Winters Reign' as broadcast live on Twiggs FM from Twiggs Night Club at the Eglington Hotel. No announcements as such, but the band did mention they were being broadcast live on the radio. Recorded in Galway from 98.0MHz FM in stereo. 49MB
1987_11_10_tue_twiggs_981fms_1758-1845_darraghmurphy-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Oct 2021 Darragh Murphy stands in for Kieran Wilson on this early evening Tuesday show. Recorded in Galway from 98.1MHz. 107MB
1987_11_10_tue_twiggs_981fms_2003-2051_darraghmurphy-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Oct 2021 A continuation of Darragh Murphy from the above programme. Recorded in Galway from 98.1MHz.
1988_02_08_mon_westcoast_981fms_1145-1315_mikeoneill_alanrussell-ai1426_via_ib.mp3 New Oct 2021 A Monday lunchtime recording of West Coast with the end of Mike O'Neill followed at midday by Alan Russell who was sitting in for Kieran Wilson.  Recorded in Galway from 98.1MHz in stereo.  There are a few dropouts on the rape, mainly at the start during the Mike O'Neill show.



7valleri_dublin_story74_pt2.mp3 20,090k



A rather crackly recording of a test transmission from Sunday 24th August 1986 on 1449kHz, although announced as 1448kHz / 206m. According to the announcements, The Voice of Hope were also on shortwave 6310kHz and would return in mid September for regular broadcasts. On sign off at 11:30am, they said that Radio Ireland International will continue on the same shortwave frequency with their own programmes and transmitter. As received on the Lancashire coast on 1449kHz, where there was some splattering from a local station, probably BBC Radio Manchester on 1458kHz.



This station used MW, SW as well as FM in it's lifetime, and all were well heard. Even studio links which were very low power FM transmitters made it to Scotland during a good lift.

871029_thurs_1852-1940_wabc_hot_107_dougie_dee_rec_scotland.mp3   34,630k
880615_wabc 101.7_0911-1535_reel_10_kb.mp3   291,395k
881220_tue_wabc_donegal_1102-1232_chrissy.mp3   86,718k
WABC Donegal 30-12-88 Final Programme with Barry Owler & Paul Bentley From 2.28pm.mp3 (Courtesy of Rodney) The final closedown from WABC at 4pm with Barry Owler and Paul Bentley. Courtesy of Rodney. 85,526k
881230_2027_101.7_wabc_rec_mauchline_hill_loop_tape_re_cookes_appeal_friday_reel_24_kb.mp3 A looped announcement that was broadcast after the WABC closedown, relating to the Radio Dublin appeal against the new act.  WABC would return during 1989. 9,839k
1989_12_09_sat_wabc_1017fm_0949-1300_paulbentley_glenroberts_naughtynorman-gh890.mp3 New Oct 2022 Three hours of Saturday morning programming from 9th December 1989. Received in mono from 101.7MHz during FM lift conditions near Blackpool, this recording starts with Paul Bentley. At 10am, Swedish host Glen Roberts takes over 'by satellite' and then at mid-day is Naughty Norman. There are one or two crackles, but the lift was fairly steady for December. There were also plenty of ads for Christmas. 270MB
1989_12_10_sun_wabc_1017fm_1045-1135_paulbentley-gh807.mp3 New Mar 2025 A short recording of Paul Bentley playing oldies from Sunday morning 10th December 1989. Sunday was 'All Gold All Day'. This reception on 101.7MHz was made near Blackpool during an FM lift and suffers some fading. But there are plenty of ads for Christmas. 45MB
1989_12_10_sun_wabc_1017fm_1220-1230_chrissie-gh807.mp3 New Mar 2025 From the same day as above, just 10 minutes of Chrissie at 12:20PM.  Again with plenty of Christmas ads before the signal received on 101.7MHz near Blackpool completely fades out. 9MB
1990_09_13_thu_wabc_gold_1012fm_0830-1011_paulbentley-gh845.mp3 New Sep 2022 Recorded from 101.2MHz during FM lift conditions near Blackpool on 13th September 1990, this is Paul Bentley on the WABC Gold service.  There are one or two deep fades. 140MB
1990_09_13_thu_wabc_gold_1012fm_1011-1143_paulbentley_chrissie-gh845.mp3 New Sep 2022 Continuing the above recording of Paul Bentley from 101.2MHz during FM lift conditions as received near Blackpool.  Chrissie takes over at 11am.  There are a few more deep fades in this section. 130MB
1990_09_13_thu_wabc_gold_1012fm_1345-1700_chrissie_barryowler-gh845.mp3 New Sep 2022 Here is another three hours from later in the same day as above,  Chrissie complete her show at 2pm, and Barry Owler takes over. Recorded from 101.2MHz during FM lift conditions near Blackpool, but the deep fades are increasing in frequency. 180MB
910210_1146-1316_954_wabc_greencastle_co_donegal_paul_chrissie_1st_day_mw_c90_1550_kb.mp3   64,435k
910217_1347-1447_954_wabc_co_donegal_chrissie_mike_wilson_rec_sco_c120_288_kb.mp3   43,806k
910217_1454-1554_954_wabc_co_donegal_rec_sco_c120_288_kb.mp3   43,844k



WLCB / WCR began it's humble life as Wicklow Regatta Radio in the summer of 1982 on 1512kHz. This was a festival week type station for the Wicklow Regatta festival. The broadcast was so successsful, they became a full time operation. They called themselves Wicklow Community Radio for a time before a slight name change to WLCB, with a new transmitter on 1602kHz. By 1988 they had changed name again to Viking 105.

1983_01_23_sun_wicklow_cr_1512am_0957-1045_signon_johnmooney.mp3 44MB
1983_10_31_sat_wcr_1512am_1053-1156_saturday_spin-gh487.mp3 New Sep 2024 We are not sure of the presenter on this recording of 'Saturday Spin' from 31st October 1983. As received from 1512kHz in Wicklow Town during a visit to the station.  The audio is a little distorted. 58MB
1984_07_12_thu_wcr_1512am_1409-1536_mickduggan-gh68.mp3 New Jul 2022 Mick Duggan on a Thursday afternoon in July 1984. It was announced the station was only on AM at that particular time. Leslie reads the news at 3pm. Recorded from 1512kHz near Blackpool, where the signal was quite strong at that time.  There are a few crackles, and the music is a little distorted at times. 80MB
1984_08_31_0937_wcr_1512_c90_973_kb_a_bit_noisy.mp3 (Leo Doyle, rec in Scotland) 29MB
1985_05_31_wlcb_wicklow_101.8_stereo_via_ds.mp3 42MB
1985_08_09_fri_wlcb_1602am_1225-1422_kathyquinn_martinoneil-gh553.mp3 New May 2021 This is a nice recording of Kathy Quinn on WLCB as received near Blackpool on 1602kHz. The signal at that time was very strong.  Eileen Whelan was reading the news and Martin O'Neil took over at 2pm. 103MB
1985_10_21_mon_wlcb_1048fms_1125-1210_jackiescott_eileen_news_radio_drifted_off_channel.mp3 68MB
1985_10_21_mon_wlcb_1048fms_1215-1245_jackiescott.mp3 (plays I spy for the DTI) 60MB
1987_06_01_mon_viking105_1048fm_tonyallan_1st_day.mp3 45MB
1987_08_29_sat_viking105_1048fm_1810-1947.mp3 114MB



WLR was the first of the three main pirate stations in Waterford, and was run by Des and Rick Whelan. The 1197kHz MW frequency used to be heard in Scotland and elsewhere especially signing off at nights. The 18/8 recording at 1540 was made on the move, on the approach to Waterford, so will vary from poor MW to very good FM quality.

WLR were in the proccess of moving FM sites during our time in Waterford, as can be heard from the recordings from 18th / 19th August 1981.


1981_08_18_tuesday_wlr_1445-1545_rick_wheelan_helen_o'brian_c120_87_kb.mp3 43,565k
1981_08_18_tuesday_1913_88.8_wlr_aiden_tracey_arts_for_all_show_c120_88_kb.mp3 16,398k
1981_08_18_tues_wlr_1197_2100-2200_gh.mp3 57,479k
1981_08_18_tues_wlr_88fm_2248_approx_martin_hart_mention_fm_only_c120_89_kb.mp3 45,316k
1981_08_19_wed_wlr_88_fm_only_0800-0900_tommy_o'keef_gh.mp3 57,277k

1984_10_30_tue_wlr_waterford_888fms_0853-1014_rickwhelan-gh535.mp3 New Aug 2021 The end of the breakfast show and then into a morning show from Rick Whelan. 10am news is read by Susan Kelly. Recoded in Waterford from 88.8MHz in stereo. 183MB

1986_10_01_wlr_waterford_1140-1225_(via_sw).mp3 62,683k


1988_08_02_tue_wlr_waterford_1197am_1440-1602_paulbyrne-gh665.mp3 New NOV 2020 GH An afternoon show recorded down the coast in Ballycotton 75,488k
1988_08_03_wed_wlr_waterford_1197am_0712-0835-gh665.mp3 New NOV 2020 GH Part of a breakfast show as received in Ballycotton 80,218k
1988_12_24_sat_wlr_waterford_886fm_1734-1822_bobhueston_lizreddy-gh249.mp3 New DEC 2020 Part 1 of Christmas Eve recording of Bob Hueston, with Liz Reddy on news. Recorded from the station's FM outlet and originally sent to Gary by Joe Vincent of Jolly Roger Radio in 1989 66M
1988_12_24_sat_wlr_waterford_886fm_1839-1926_bobhueston_lizreddy-gh249.mp3 New DEC 2020 Part 2 of the above cassette 66M
1988_12_30_fri_wlr_waterford_889fm_final_day_1635-1720.mp3 Part 1 of the final closedown recorded from the station's FM outlet and originally sent to Gary by Joe Vincent of Jolly Roger Radio in 1989 114,746k
1988_12_30_fri_wlr_waterford_889fm_1720-1804_final_day_signoff.mp3 Part 2 of the above recording, leading to the final closedown of WLR 108,923k
WLR Waterford 31-12-88 The Last Hour From 5.05pm.mp3 (Courtesy of Rodney) 79,450k

WLR Advertising Promo tape, running time approx 17m (via Steve West, poss from 1986/7 time) 23.507k

1981_05_02_0030gmt_0130bst_1197_waterford_local_radio_sign_off_c90_267_kb (Recorded_in_scotland).mp3



The files for RADIO WEST, MULLINGAR, are on a separate page.



1982_04_07_wed_westside_1035am_0055-0140_garylewis-gh.mp3 New Jul 2022
Gary Lewis with a midnight show on Westside Radio announcing as 290m and as coming from James Street. He also gives a rundown of the shows for the following day. Recorded in Whitehall from 1035kHz.
1982_04_07_wed_westside_1035am_1040-1135_alanjackson-gh415.mp3 New Jan 2024
Alan Jackson sitting in for Gerry Marsden on Wednesday morning 7th April 1982. Recorded in Whitehall from 1035kHz. The receiver was suffering from overload from the RTE Radio 2 mast on 1278kHz which was local to the taping location, hence the background interference.
Programming up to sign off at 2am with Valerie, as recorded in Whitehall from 1035kHz.
1983_05_22_sun_westsideradio_1035am_aircheck_during_bandscan-mj.mp3 New Jul 2022
A short aircheck with station announcement whilst tuning around the band from the Sunday after the raids on Radio Nova and Sunshine Radio. Recorded in Dublin from 1035kHz.
1983_06_06_monday_westside_1035_0945-1225.mp3 New Jan 2013
Two and a half hours from John Martin on a Bank Holiday Monday morning in early June 1983. The station closed a few weeks later in July. Recorded near Blackpool from 1035kHz, with the signal having some background interference from West Sound in Ayr along with a few crackles..



1978_05_14_sun_westside_6280sw_princeterry-gh80.mp3 New Oct 2021 Here are three short files from the same Sunday with Prince Terry testing some crystals. Prince Terry signs off 6280kHz and performs some tests on other frequencies, asking listeners to tune down to 6243.33kHz.  Recorded in Leeds from 6280kHz. 4MB
1978_05_14_sun_westside_6243sw_princeterry_test-gh80.mp3 New Oct 2021 Prince Terry does a short test on 6243.33kHz and then asks listeners to tune to 6090kHz, but this wasn't heard.  Recorded in Leeds from 6243.33kHz. 7MB
1978_05_14_sun_westside_5800sw_then_6280sw_princeterry_tests_to_signoff-gh80.mp3 New Oct 2021 Prince Terry goes back to 6280kHz after a failed test on 6090kHz, and then  asks listeners to tune down to 5800kHz.  Recorded in Leeds from 6280kHz and 5800kHz.  On this short clip, The Prince mentions about Doctor Don taking his output valve during the previous week, and says they are currently using an 807 instead. 8MB
1978_00_00_sun_westside_6243sw_1305-1430signoff_princeterry_doctordon-gh80.mp3 New Oct 2021 The station carried on a little later on this particular Sunday in mid 1978, with Prince Terry playing his usual rock music.  Doctor Don, who was the original operator of Westside Radio, makes a short appearance and mentions about his new station ARD.  Recorded in Leeds from 6243.33kHz. 77MB
1986_08_31_sun_westside_1040-1205_6280sw_princeterry-pt.mp3 New Oct 2021 Westside with their regular Sunday morning show, starting with a relay of the New Zealand pirate 4IFR, and then into a heavy music show from Prince Terry.  At mid-day Prince Terry starts the free radio show giving lists of shortwave stations heard the previous week.  The tape runs out before he finishes the show.  Recorded in Dublin from ground wave on 6280kHz. 81MB
1986_09_28_sun_westside_6280sw_1130-1300_princeterry-pt.mp3 New Sep 2021 Prince Terry with a Sunday morning show from September 1986 with his regular rock music selections.  Just at 1pm is the start of the free radio show, but the recording finishes at this point. This recording came from Prince Terry himself, and for shortwave is very good quality as it was done local to the transmitter, although does suffer from some studio feedback and crackles in places. 84MB
1987_05_12_sun_westside-centre-valleri_linkup-pt.mp3 New Oct 2021 Here is an interesting linkup between Westside Radio on shortwave and Centre Radio, a local FM station in Dublin.  Along the way, Radio Valleri is also heard.  The recording starts with Prince Terry on Westside Radio, who then makes contact with Centre Radio.  Prince Terry switches off, and Radio Valleri is then briefly contacted on 6326kHz. Which frequency the actual recording is made from is not known, although some seems to be ground wave 6280kHz.   An interesting partly airchecked collaboration from stations on different bands, which gave Centre Radio access to listeners in Europe. 82MB
1988_12_18_sun_westside_6280sw_1000-signoff_garylewis_princeterry.mp3 Recorded in Scotland from 6280kHz 179MB
1988_12_25_sun_westside_6280sw_0840-signoff_prince_terry_variable_signal.mp3 Recorded in Scotland from 6280kHz 123MB
1988_12_28_wed_westside_6280sw_1025-1110_signon_princeterry-pt.mp3 New JAN 2021 Westside were on every day for a few hours during the final week. On Wednesday, Prince Terry signed on around 1030 and during the show replayed the final station news from Radio Dublin from the previous Sunday during which the coming legislation was a major feature. 46MB
1988_12_28_wed_westside_6280sw_1110-1155_princeterry-pt.mp3 New JAN 2021 Prince Terry had been digging through old tapes, and following the replay of Radio Dublin station news, he played some old Radio Dublin. 46M
1988_12_31_sat_westside_6280sw_0846-1200_final_radio_limit_gary_lewis.mp3   171MB
1988_12_31_sat_westside_6280sw_1200-1347_final_closedown_prince_terry.mp3   92MB



This station used to run a dx show on a Saturday night on the off channel frequency on 1250kHz. The station is the only known Irish Pirate station to have made the Guinness book of records. This was for Robert W Morgan's record breaking marathon broadcast in January 1982, see home page for details.




XFM was a station which broadcast a wide variety of musical types. It began broadcasting to Dublin as Alices Restaurant in late 1991. The exact date of the name change to XFM is not known, but was in the mid-1990s.  XFM continued broadcasting on FM until 2005.  Further history of the station can be found at radiowaves.fm

1992_09_20_sun_alices_restaurant_1075fms_world_music_special-gh285.mp3 New Jul 2022 Part of a 'World Music Special' from 20th September 1992.  Recorded in Dublin from 107.5MHz in stereo.
2000_12_15_xfm_941fms_2218-2305-gh.mp3 New Aug 2021 A recording made of this alternative 'laid back' music station in late 2000. As received in Dublin on 94.1MHz in stereo, although announcing 107.9MHz and originally courtesy of radiowaves.fm
2000_12_15_xfm_941fms_2305-2355-gh.mp3 New Aug 2021 A continuation of the above recording originally courtesy of radiowaves.fm



ZEE 103 began tests from Ardaghy House in October 1986 and broadcast on FM only, 103.25MHz in stereo, beaming towards Northern Ireland. The station made its final broadcast on 30th December 1988 prior to legislation. The station re-launched for a short period in January 1989.

1986_11_00_zee103_10325fm_airchecks_test_transmission-gh866.mp3 New Jan 2023 Airchecks of a ZEE 103 test transmission from early November 1986. The exact date of the recording is not known.  A PO Box address in Portadown was being announced. It was received near Blackpool on 103.25MHz in mono, and has one or two fades due to the distance.
Zee 103.3 Omeath 11-11-86 First Programme From 7.30am.mp3 Part of the opening broadcast from ZEE 103 on 11th November 1986 with Donagh McKeown. The recording starts ot 0730 and is by kind courtesy of Rodney.
1987_01_22_thu_zee103_10325fm_0915-1000_grahammarks-gh127.mp3 New Oct 2023 The last section of the Graham Marks breakfast show of Thursday 22nd January 1987. The levels are a bit variable and there is also some distortion on this recording which was received near Blackpool on 103.25MHz in mono.
1987_01_22_thu_zee103_10325fm_1143-1157_kennytosh-gh127.mp3 New Oct 2023 A short few minutes of Kenny Tosh just before mid-day on Thursday 22nd January 1987.  It was received near Blackpool on 103.25MHz in mono.
1987_01_22_thu_zee103_10325fm_1240-1310_kennytosh_andrewgold-gh837.mp3 New Jan 2023 A half hour of lunchtime programming from Kenny Tosh followed at 1pm by Andrew Gold.  It was received near Blackpool on 103.25MHz in mono, and has some distorted pieces and starts to fade at the end as it was on the edge of the station reception area.
1987_03_08_sun_zee103_10325fm_1415-1551_roymckee-ai.mp3 New Dec 2023 A Roy McKee with a Sunday afternoon show, including the start of the weeks 'Listener's Chart' at 3:30pm.  The recording was made from 103.25MHz in the Dundalk area and suffers from some crackling on the signal.
Zee 103 Omeath Good Friday 1987 Radio Caroline Tribute.mp3 A tribute to Radio Caroline with Kenny Tosh from Friday 17th April 1987. The recording is courtesy of Rodney. 64MB
1987_05_07_thu_zee103_10325fm_1230-1402_kennytosh-gh833.mp3 New Jan 2023 Kenny Tosh with his lunchtime show up until 2pm. News at 1pm and 2pm is read by Georgina Clinton. Recorded near Blackpool from 103.25mHz in mono.  One or two slight fades, but not too bad for the distance.
Zee 103 Omeath 27-06-87 Brian Johnson From 4.59pm.mp3 A Saturday afternoon show with Brian Johnson. The recording is courtesy of Rodney. 134MB
1987_08_23_sun_zee103_10325fms_2333-0110_mikemiller-gh111.mp3 New Dec 2023 Late on Sunday night 23rd August 1987 with Mike Miller.  Recorded somewhere in the primary reception area from 103.25MHz in stereo.
Zee 103 Omeath 26-08-87 Kenny Tosh From 12.36pm.mp3 Kenny Tosh on Wednesday lunchtime, 26th August 1987. The recording is courtesy of Ian. 67MB
Zee 103 Omeath 26-08-87 Graham Marks From 3.13pm.mp3 Graham Marks from mid afternoon, the same day as the above Kenny Tosh show. The recording is courtesy of Ian. 70MB
Zee 103 Omeath 27-08-87 Stuart Scott From 7.40am.mp3 From Thursday 27th August 1987, here is Stuart Scott with his last guest breakfast show on ZEE 103. The recording is by kind courtesy of Ian. 214MB
Zee 103 Omeath 27-08-87 Kenny Tosh From 10am.mp3 Kenny Tosh follows on from Stuart Scott after the 10am news, and has a short chat with Stuart as it was his last show and was about to head off for Cork. The recording is courtesy of Ian. 45MB
1987_11_02_mon_zee103_10325fm_1550-1940_andrewgold_roymckee-gh624.mp3 New Jan 2023 Almost four hours of afternoon programming from Monday 2nd November 1987 including the end of 'The Golden Hour', 'Drive' from Andrew Gold followed at 7pm by Roy McKee. News on the hour is read by Lorraine Duncan.  Recorded near Blackpool from 103.25MHz in mono.  There are one or two slight fades, but otherwise not bad for the distance of the receiver.
1987_11_07_sat_zee103_10325fm_1315-1400_top10countdown-gh658.mp3 New Jan 2023 The last 45 minutes of the chart show from Saturday afternoon 7th November 1987. As received near Blackpool on 103.25MHz in mono.
Zee 103 Omeath 30-12-88 Final Programme with Noel McStay 2127 - 2359.mp3 The final two and half hours broadcast from ZEE 103 courtesy of Rodney. 190MB


Zee 103 Omeath 19-01-89 Re-Opening with Noel McStay.mp3 Thursday evening 19th January 1989 saw ZEE 103 return to the air.  Here is a recording of first programme with Noel McStay from 8pm. The recording from 103.25MHz in stereo is by kind courtesy of Rodney. 115MB
Zee 103 Omeath 22-01-89 Roy McKee (owner) From 3pm.mp3 Sunday 22nd January 1989 with a show from station owner Roy KcKee. The recording is by kind courtesy of Rodney. 117MB
Zee 103 Omeath 23-01-89 Owen Barry From 11am.mp3 Owen Barry with a morning show from 11am on Monday 23rd January 1989. The recording is by kind courtesy of Rodney. 123MB
Zee 103 Omeath 23-01-89 Graham Marks From 3pm.mp3 More of the first full day back on Monday 23rd January 1989 with Graham Marks from 3pm. The recording is by kind courtesy of Rodney. 116MB
Zee 103 Omeath 29-01-89 Mike Miller From 10.59pm.mp3 Mike Miller with a late night show from Sunday 29th January 1989. This is our last recording of ZEE 103, which went off the air a week or so later on 7th February 1989, following a raid on Radio Dublin. The recording is by kind courtesy of Rodney. 122MB



THE BIG SWINGER - Short 16 minute movie made in 1989 about a ficticious Irish pirate radio station in the country area of Ireland. Interference ends up being a problem and the authorities are sent for from Dublin. 196,260k