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'Medium' Newsletters

The 'Medium' Newsletter was produced by the Irish Radio Movement between 1973 and 1976. According to the first edition of the newsletter, initially the IRM was operated by Ken Sheehan (President), Mark Story (Secretary) and John Dowling (Editor).

The newsletter was edited by John Dowling and covered all aspects of radio and dxing, but also included a lot of information about the early 'Irish Pirates'.

The pdf files below were created from scanned images of older photocopies of the newsletters and courtesy of Ian. As a result the quality varies with each edition. We have tried to straighten up the pages the best we can and hope everything is legible. Enjoy reading about those early days.

'Medium' Newsletter     Edition 1    (Winter 1973) (5.3MB)
'Medium' Newsletter     Edition 2    (Spring 1974) (7.7MB)  
'Medium' Newsletter     Edition 3    (Summer 1974) (10.7MB)  
'Medium' Newsletter     Edition 4    (Autumn 1974) (13.8MB)  
'Medium' Newsletter     Edition 5    (Spring 1975) (12.3MB)
'Medium' Newsletter     Edition 6    (Summer 1975) (10.9MB)
'Medium' Newsletter     Edition 7    (Autumn 1975) (14.4MB)
'Medium' Newsletter     Edition 9    (Spring 1976) (13.3MB)
'Medium' Newsletter     Edition 10  (Autumn / Winter 1976) (19.4MB)

Issue 10 of 'Medium' was the final edition, as by that time The Irish Radio Movement had disbanded.
In April 1977 'Medium' returned as 'Ireland's Only Hi-Fi and Radio Magazine' and edited by Mark Story.
It is not known how many editions in this format were produced.

News about free radio stations in Ireland continued to be published via the FRC Ireland Newsletters and Sounds Alternative Magazines, which were edited and produced by Kieran Murray between 1975 and 1981.

The Irish Radio Movement issued a membership card and the above is Number One from founding member Ken Sheehan.


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