LOGS / NEWS - NOVEMBER 2009 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
Personal Firsts this month =23 SO FAR
TIMES ARE IN GMT * FKR-UK = First Known Report in the UK |
WOBBLE ON 930: I was looking through a hard drive for something, and found one of my overnight files. Remember those days?? It is about 5 or 6 hours of 930. So I had a quick listen, and there as plain as day is the Cuban warbler. Exactly as we have heard in recent months. I don't even have the date listed in the log book of the day. I wonder if the file has gone unlistened to?? The date was 2nd April 2005.
That is another 18 clips of web streams added tonight to the audio page, Remember they are clearly marked with a red (WEB STREAM CLIP). Tnx to David Hamilton for 13 of the clips. The 14th has to be redone...
BLAST FROM THE PAST: Remember the ILR stations used to go off for the night, and they jammed the band with tones?? Remember the tests the IBA used to make, prior to handing over to the programmers? I have some in the archives, but here are just three I have found tonight.
810906_2341bst_96.2fm_ilr_ayr_test.mp3 811011_0929_bst_1035_ilr_ayr.mp3 810714_1748_1035_ilr_aberdeen_test_(long clip, 1.2 meg).mp3
MW TRANSATLANTIC DX - IS THAT IT THEN?? It is these words, I hear echoing around the shack this past week, as we enter the doldrums again. Is that the show over? Luckily we can not reliably predict MW propagation any better than NASA can predict the solar cycle. So we do not really know what is in front of us for December. Last winter, there was a long slump through most of December to late January that could be called very average at best. Never a day went past though, that there was nothing from across the Atlantic to be heard. Not one day. I don't mean a weak WBBR and WWKB, I mean signals were usually strong, but only the common so called "East Coasters" were being heard daily. AK was well heard however in early December, so surely the band has not simply died off already?? We are mere days away though from December. A few years ago we had a prolonged period of weeks when there was virtually no dx at all being heard. Was it 2004, 2005 or 2006, or more than once, I can't recall. I think in late 2007, just after I received the Perseus rx, the band took such a tumble, that it was many days before I could get a chance to use the receiver in anger. It may have stretched into weeks. And even then, I recall that the best of the season was by that time, well and truly over. I still have a number of the first recordings made with Perseus from that time. It seems strange now to hear RTE, ORF, BIG L, 560 CHVO, 920 CJCH, 780 KIX, and any others that have left the AM band or changed calls and names. These wideband recordings will become more and more interesting as the years tick past. But look on the bright side. If the present doledrums continue, I can get many hours of listening pleasure trawling through the files recorded on the very favourable days of the last few weeks. And think of the drive space I will save by quickly deleting all the overnight files I make when the band is poor. I seem to recall in years gone by, that mid winter was a traditionally exciting time, especially between Christmas and New Year for DX. I also remember missing the AK day heard by my DX neighbour Paul C in Troon around 1996, due to being away from the receivers. AK hrd on a standard box loop in mid winter here in SW Scotland, incredible. But the last few years have been barely worth listening to at the holiday season. Or maybe I am wearing those famous "rose tinted glasses", and really the facts are somewhat different. Was the good dx heard simply because some spare time was usually available for DXing during the holiday season, and the band was no different to that of today? There was no wideband recording technique then, and dxing was all "LIVE". Was the band lively with stations such as WJR and WMVP or WBBM and WYLL but we saw these as rarer dx stations back then and not the "common every day" stuff as I would describe them today?? Maybe aye, maybe no. But let's hope we can get some really hot dx conditions in the mid winter this year. It would be nice.
AUDIO CLIPS PAGE: My old audio clips page has been taken off the main menu. It can still be found under the complete site index, but it will not be modified. Clips worthy of keeping on the site are transferred to the new page. Davie up the road and myself are both pushing on with the web stream recording project. As expected, offers of assistance have been almost zero. I have had an offer of help from another fellow Scot, and that's it. Maybe it's to do with that infamous game at Wembley?? lol. Anyway, the biggest difficulty is getting web streams that work. I almost feel like I am running out of stations to record already. If the web streams are not down, then they are not available here in the UK. It is an uphill battle. But the project is coming on. If anyone is wondering why the appeal for help the other day desired .wav files of CD quality, it is so that the MP3 files can all be made with the same high but variable bitrate and using the same software. Have a look around the web and see the shockingly poor bit rate many dxers use for clips. I know many streams sound like bad real audio anyway, but I simply want to preserve the best audio possible.
DX ON THE BANDS: I deleted many of the files from this week very quickly. Although the band has provided DX every day, it has been very poor and noisy compared to the opening of last week. There has been little to inspire, bar on Sunday night, when a few unusual stations popped up. Daytimer WCPC Houston, MS showed up again this season at 2300 on 940. Also there at 2300 was 1660 KXTR, and unid ee 1570 which I have yet to look into. There was another on 1470 with a twin ID. It sounded like WPEN / WSAN. There is a WSAN on 1470 in PA, but guess what. I can't get the stream to work to check their ID's!! Typical.
WDEA 1370: Common WDEA 1370 had been on the news. Their web site gives a link to a web stream of the news report of their anniversary. Well worth a look.
FIRST CLIPS UPLOADED: I have uploaded a few sample web stream clips, to the "TADX audio 2009 page". (Audio Downloads in the pop up menu). Check 630, 980, 1070, 1480, 1260 800, 930, 970, 1410 for the time being. Web streams are obvious, with the bright red (WEB STREAM CLIP)
APPEAL FOR HELP!!! This is an appeal for assistance with a rather large project. I intend to add an on line resource for MW dxers who hear a top of the hour ID and need an decent audio clip of the station to compare. I already have many of my best quality audio clips on line, although my old clip page incorporates many poor signals that need updating. This new resource I speak of will consist of audio clips from the web, or recorded locally in for example Seattle, with the help of Guy etc. Any clips will be identified as web or Guy etc, so as not to be confused with my own dx clips. There is often much confusion under dx conditions caused by the strange calls of both sister stations and FM HD calls. See my article called ACCURACY IN MW DXING. With this project, an instant top of the hour ID need only be a click away. This saves much effort waiting for the top of the hour to come around. The station streams can be difficult to access sometimes. Some are impossible. Many of the US streams claim to not be available outside the US, except to the military etc. It is possible to receive them through a proxy server though I believe, although I have not got around to trying this yet. Quality of the various web streams vary wildly. Some streams sound very nice. Some have absolutely no compression on the streams at all and the sound like a bad 1970's pirate. I wonder why they don' t feed the audio from their optimod? Of course, I think the answer may lie in the fact that the optimods are usually at the transmitter site, so the studio feed may well be uncompressed right up till it gets to the transmitter. This is often many miles away, out of town, and it will be more convenient to stream from the studio. But on the other hand a cheap compressor that would do for the www is hardly expensive. Free software versions are even available. Many of the station's web sites themselves are nothing more than a cluttered mess, with flashing lights everywhere. Many of the listen live pages are not much better, and can be huge cluttery pages with flashing lights and ads. Radio Newfoundland have a graphic which is bigger than a 600 by 800 page, and only shows part of the screen on that size of PC monitor setting. Some stations DO have a nice little small player of a similar size to WINAMP, but very few. At the time of writing, the KBRW 680 link has to be pasted into a player like VLC Player. They have some kind of a problem with the stream. What stations do we desire a web stream clip of?? My suggested starting place is the UK all time list. I have been told that it will be available in the public domain at long last very shortly. Obviously I can only listen to one stream per top of the hour, so it is a long term project, unless outside help is offered. I have no real requirement to add clips from WWKB or WCBS for example. Their top of the hours are so clear from the AM recordings, to not have any benefit from a stream clip. Probably a good time to start the streams is around 45m past the hour. It can take 15m to find a working one!! They are notoriously slow to kick in here. Once they do however, they are usually reliable streams. If you don't get a decent top of the hour due to for example a sports match, try again at another hour. I am trying to archive the usual top of the hour ids from as many as possible of the stations that are heard here in the UK / Europe. I know that the top of the hour announcements change regularly, but at least this project will be of some benefit to AM dxers. I know that this type of resource has never been attempted I don't think, and never by any DX clubs. (DX clubs in general tend to have poor on line representation, and seem only interested in hard sell for a fast buck, and not creating on line resources, that you might imagine a dx club would do)
TIME REQUIRED: Record about 30 seconds to a minute around the top of the hour. Please also include the start of the news, which has the additional benefit of being a resource for identifying which news services are carried where.
FILE TYPES: The type of file I require is a 44kHz 16 bit .wav file. I have various reasons for wishing the files to be sent in the first place as .wav. Because these are .wav files, the file sizes are likely to be too big to e-mail me. So I would appreciate the old CD through the post routine.
FILE NAMES: I would appreciate file names to be like the following. 091120_1800_web_knx_1070.wav
Remember that many web streams lag real time by quite a bit. Please e mail me if you want to assist, or discuss software etc. I already have David Hamilton here in SW Scotland, as well as Paul C offering assistance. This could be extended to become a resource for top of the hour Euro IDs as well. I was tempted to create a new page for the clips, but then I began to consider using my existing audio clips page. I think it would be easier to have one single page with links to all audio clips in a frequency list. It is quite easy to change this in the future if things seem to become cluttered, but I feel it will be easy enough to use. By the time I have finished, the audio clip page will incorporate just about all the audio clips available on this site, in freq order.
SUM UP OF THE BAND TODAY: SUPERB. Not as superb as last week, but still very very good. I had a very nice fade in from KNX 1070, probably the best ever from them, and to go hand in hand with my recording of KJR Seattle from the 7th was it, I had a great top of the hour at 1100 today. The odd thing was, KJR was coming in at the strength they were, see audio clip below, yet there was only a much weaker AM 1060 Calgary, and 1130 Vancouver heard at the same time. Almost all the rest of the stations had gone, or were barely at audio level, while KJR was there like some kind of a loud beacon!! Completely unexpected.
A FEW AUDIO CLIPS: Here are a few audio clips from today and also a nice one of KOMO from a great peak on 7th which I found. I have included a web clip of KNX top of the hours below the off air one. This is an ongoing project here, to add ausio clips of many of the stations heard here in Europe. Anyone who wishes to assist this project, get in touch.
091120_1100_950_kjr_vg_inc_silly_sounding_commentator.mp3 091120_1800_web_knx_1070.mp3 < NB WEB CLIP OF TOTH ON KNX > 091107_0948_1000_komo_vg_long_clip (1,037k).mp3
BIG AIN'T ALWAYS BEST (SO THEY TELL ME): I have used beverages since discovering that I could run long feeders into the woods, and they would still work. That was in the 90's. Before that I had random wires, not always great for TADX. In the 80's there was very little thought put into the aerials. It was more a case of "stick it up, and hope for the best". These days, many dxers who lack space for beverages, do well with the flag / ewe family of aerials. I find the signal level low compared to beverages, but when Alaska was being heard the other day on 680 by my fellow SW Scotland dxers, I was struggling with splatter from the extreme wide bandwidth of Holland during their strange music programmes. This was on 675, when I was trying to hear Barrow on 680. The beverage gives a better signal when the Dutchie is quiet, but that is rare. So today I ripped down a useless flag which was meant for Latins, and recreated a flag facing slightly East of due North. (That's where the clothes poles are situated). This flag is much smaller than the useless Latin one, and initial tests have been encouraging. I have a dominant NRK on 675 now, NL is gone, and at night 1008 and 747 are much reduced. So if I can get the North of Norway good like that on the flag, with the flick of a switch in the shack, maybe this antenna will be just what I was after for AK. I have no room/ direction here for a Northern beverage antenna sadly. I would have to go straight across the bowling green, and the bowlers would hit my sticks with their bowls, and have to work around the wires. Even if a neighbour takes to do with the club, I can't see them being enthusiastic..!!! lol.
Well, the band has been a bit average this last few mornings, not helped by the high K index in the mornings. I have been a bit short on stories and memoirs recently because of the great band conditions. I am again in danger of becoming a recluse again because of the Perseus recordings!!!! We have had a great winter so far.
SO CALLED NOVEMBER ANOMALY: One thing I have been hearing nothing of this year is the so called November Anomaly. This man made expression has been used in MW DX circles for a few years, ever since there was a marked depressed time for mw for a few years in the month of November. Last winter did not have this problem, and neither has this season so far. If anything, this season has excelled so far over last year's excellent band conditions. I wonder if the phrase was conjured up after a couple of poor seasons? Is the MW propagation really so unpredictable? Seems it can be. I have in the past had good dx in deep mid winter, in mid December, but this last couple of years it has been very average. Let's hope for a long run of quiet A and K's this year during the holiday time. One thing is certain. You just never know what to expect, and no two nights are the same. If you hear a rare station at a given time on one day with a fair signal, the chances of it being there the following day at the same time is pretty remote. (Common powerhouses such as WWKB 1520 don't come into that category)
EI0CF BEACON ON 501kHz: My old pal Finbar has his beacon working again on 501kHz. Location is in Co Donegal, Eire. The text which is currently sending is as follows, and an audio clip is given below. < ei0cf qsl to ei0cf500 at gmail.com>
LOGS FROM THE LAST DAYS: Am I glad that's the logs typed up to date again. I really can't get into typing labourious logs of WBBR every day, so the common stations are not included very often unless they give a super signal or something. There are some UNID stations which are really for my own benefit, so I can look here with ease and go back for another look.
570 5-70
News 1000 18/11
EIRE CW Beacon mode 1920 18/11
I still have to type up logs from the last few days, and although there are a few goodies, I thought the band has been down on last weeks superb west coast reception. I will type up the most recent logs shortly. At the end of the month, the pdf of this month's logs and gossip will be available as ever, with a separate section for the logs, in freq order. I have at last taken only slightly more time to type up the logs to include dates, rather than simply have them listed every day. It is easy enough to follow on a daily basis, but a simple bit of copy/ paste routine will make them all available in one go, like a traditional dx publication. The only difference is that the list of contributors is only 1..!!! Me!!
WPUL PLATTEVILLE, WI 1590 - PERSONAL FIRST: At 2300 tonight, the above station was heard, ann as am 1280 WGLR Lancaster, and WPUL Platteville. 091117_2300_1590_wpul_platteville_wi_espn_ann_1280.mp3
CKWW 580 - PERSONAL FIRST: I took advantage of a duff audio feed today, or whatever the reason was. 580 CFRA had a rather powerful carrier at 0900, and at 0911, the lower powered CKWW came through, see audio clips. Also carrier only was CKAC 730 at the same time, but only weaker unid SS. Maybe Lider is it on that freq?? Who knows.
QRP MW BEACON FROM SWEDEN - SM6BHZ 508kHz: The Swedish test beacon has been logged here in Scotland, an audio clip it included. They even have an SSB ann. The stn ann 1w or poss as much as 10w!!! Not a bad dx catch. I was not aware that phone mode was ok on 500kHz.
AK 780 HEARD IN SW SCOTLAND: Dx neighbour Paul C logged 780 KNOM, Nome, AK Monday 16th Nov. I had no sign, although I did have KBRW 680 Barrow in and out the splatter. David H also logged KBRW with an indoor flag antenna. Well done to all concerned. My biggest problem with KBRW in the late afternoons, is the strength and excessive wide bandwidth of NL on 675. Last winter, they came in at noon and 1300, but there is time yet. The time of the logs last winter was December.
UNID 1593: I had a strange station on 1593 Sunday at 1500. There was a partial EE id with "This is" and something unintelligible. Maybe it was something to do with either China or Japan?? They have been known to use EE from time to time.
091115_1500_1593_unid_e_call_maybe.mp3 091117_1600_1593_unid_chinese_or_eastern.mp3
LOCAL ID ON CBC 1230: Last night at 2059, I had a local id on 1230, for the CBC station in the North. They ann as 106.1, and something else.
ALL AUDIO CLIPS FROM THE LAST FEW DAYS: Below are a few clips from the last days. There is a lot more dx to come in the logs. Bear with me. I have been wondering the purpose of the RTTY on 570?? Anyone else hear this?? Heard a couple of days. There is also a beacon appears on about 1069, and can be quite strong. Anyone know the location of these? The logs of 1593 are interesting. Can anyone with better understanding of far eastern languages, help with the 1593 full id, and suggest anything for the English "This Is" id?? Normally that channel has been jammed by the Germans for a number of years, but we are in reprieve for now!!
091117_2020_508_sm6bhz_beacon.mp3 091117_0911_580_ckww_singing_jin_cfra_carrier_only.mp3 091111_1000_710_kiro_espn_gd.mp3 091111_1018_730_am_730_vancouver.mp3 091117_0758_980_wcub_most_powerful_ann.mp3 091107_0600_980_cjme_regina_sk.mp3 091115_2059_1230_cbc_local_id.mp3 091112_0900_1410_cfun_team_14_10.mp3 091117_1600_1593_unid_chinese_or_eastern.mp3 091115_1500_1593_unid_e_call_maybe.mp3
NEW WAN..!! I had a new personal first today, from my recordings of last Saturday. 980 CJME 0600 7/11. It sounded very like KJME at first, but after listening to a clip from Alfie in Norway, I could hear the proper ID.
WNKR - 1395: I have a nice ID this morning at 0200 from WNKR on 1395. This station runs at weekends only. This is the one that has proper shows. There is another station on the frequency from Dublin, but they only come on the air each weekend and play back to back music. Why they don't do any programmes is a mystery, and seems such a waste of a good AM signal. Both stations may find life much more difficult if the dreaded BIG L does return to 1395. The other clear channel of 1476 has been taken over by Spanish, as has 1386. The old Energy channel of 1593, while currently usable, is not exactly clear any longer. It once was free of all Euros at night.
COMMENTS (AS ALWAYS!!) : The band has been very good to us, although tailed off a little since Wednesday's extravaganza!! I still have files to listen to from last weekend and through the week. Davie "up the road" Hamilton passed comment today about hearing west coast stations 7 days on the trot!!! Roll them on!!! If this continues, I will have to take on an extra pair of ears!! I must apologise for the articles and projects here that have taken a back seat for the dxing!!! I am not sure, but I suspect the band is actually better this year than it was last winter, or certainly as exciting. I have never ever had KJR as loud and clear, and a few weeks ago I was happy because it scraped in!! Good to see Mark Bothwick of St Boswells on the Scottish borders with us on the Skype chat. Another dxer who has been enjoying the West Coast dx of late.
THE PATRIOT 1280: I had a log of 1280 The Patriot this morning at 0900. This is WWTC, Minneapolis, MN. The name rang bells, because I noted this a couple of times last season, I'm sure. But I don't see it on my all time list. Have to rectify this!! Just shows how the stations get through the net easily .......
ADS FOR PORTLAND ON 1190!!! I sat up and took note when I heard ads for Portland the other day on 1190. I thought I had finally caught KEX. But I nearly fell off the chair after the announcer said WOWO!! Better luck next time. There must be another Portland somewhere, or I picked up wrong.
540 CBC
NFLD Exc long local ID 0928 12/11 ASIAN DX 1593 UNID Chinese / Far Eastern language thing?? 1600 11/11
ILR AYR SILENT BEFORE THE OFFICIAL 2m SILENCE: ILR AYR was silent for a technical break on 11/11 at 1016 for a good minute +, noticed by the keen ears of David Hamilton. There was a strong unid sports station noted on the difficult normally freq of 1040, and surprisingly nothing on 1030. No sign of WBZ. It is a shame they don't break down at the top of the hour!! Later that day at 1100 local time, the official 2m silence to honour the war veterans sounded more like DRM. ILR Ayr had some kind of a feed which was taken from some kind of a service. The background noise was seriously brought up by the compression. Sunday past was rememberance Sunday, and there was probably 2m silence as well. I failed to remember to record at 11am, as the band condx had by that time taken a nose dive from a dxers point of view. I'm sure it may have been more rewarding up north.
LOGS AND MORE LOGS: The prolonged excellent band conditions have given me 13 personal firsts this last few days, and counting. I still have many hours of recordings to go though, and the band being the way it was, there could easily be more. The band was again wide open to the west coast at 1000 and KOMO and KJR were both hammering in just before the hour. Sadly the signals were not there at ID time, but they were still there. At high noon, the only thing audable, and identifiable was KJR 950!!! Stay tuned for more logs from the band today.
AUDIO CLIPS - WORTH A LISTEN!! I have a small taster of the dx that has been coming through here in SW Scotland this last few days. I was chatting to DX friend, Paul C about todays KJR at 1000 GMT. Paul told me that his 1000 was good, while 1005 was mixing with CFAM. I was the exact opposite. Below are my clips from today. There are also a few others which are worth a listen from some of the less usual stations. My two KJR clips first. No particular order today.
091111_1005_950_kjr_superb.mp3 091111_1000_660_cffr_calgary.mp3 091107_0900_960_the_fan_calgary_vvg.mp3 091107_0900_770_chqr_superb.mp3 091111_1026_1260_team_1260_edmunton_vg.mp3
I am completely overwhealmed by logs. Here goes, in an effort to catch up...... Remember bold suggests either a personal first or a rarer station. I apologise if I am behind in keeping the all time list up to date. There are about 11 personal firsts to add to the table above, and a few of them are possible FRK-UK's. NB: A lot of unsure and unids are logged in this list for my own ease of finding them again. I have so many pages of logs from the last days. Many are simply reminders to go back and listen again, and not real worthy logs that would be sent to publications etc. Eg unid country on 600, may be logged so I can follow up and have a re listen. It is better than sifting through pages and pages of scribbles in a log book.
540 WFLA
FL 0800 8/11
Phillipines 1600 5/11
MAYHEM - CHAOS - HELP!!! So many hours of full band recordings to go through from the last few days, it looks as though these will be files for the future. The band has been great, open to the West Coast, Alaska coming through, and strong signals on some of the Calgary stations. It has been great, but will have to play catch up now to get a list of logs produced. Bear with me. There has been some seriously good DX conditions this last few days.
1st LOOK AT TODAYS LOGS: Trying to sort through my recordings from this morning. Had a brief look and had some super signals for this lattitude, from way out west. A lot of time lapse dxing to do tonight. 950 KJR, FAN 960 Calgary, 1160 KSL, UNID K stn 0800 1360, Team 1410 ESPN = CFUN 0800, CKBI Alberta 900, San Diego 1700 0600, 1640 Super Radio Utah 0600, KOMO 0600, KBRW 1655 680 AK. Mx only, Euro splatter in the way of a decent signal!! I wish those christians would close up shop on 675.
091106_1000_960_the_fan_960_calgary.mp3 091106_2100_1230_unid_eskimo_language_poss.mp3 091106_0600_1700_sandiego_1700.mp3
ACCURACY IN MW DXING: I have written a few lines about accuracy in the reporting with regards to MW dxing. This is accessable through the full site index, which I have recently completed. Below are links to some pages which have been added recently, or will be added soon.
WWZN WRONGLY REPORTED: No one is above errors!! I correctly reported yesterday WWZN Boston 1510, playing WWKB 1520 jingles. But my audio clips were titled as WBBR!!! Correction made!!
VINTAGE DX RECORDINGS FROM 1960'S: I was browsing the web just yesterday, and came across a Finnish guy's web page, with lots of old photographs and dx clips, pennents, as well as non radio related photos. This very interesting site is certainly worth a look. I tried the contact details, but the e mail was returned. It looks like it may be one of those sites that has been there for a number of years, and been abandoned. Download the clips when you can then.
WRTH DUE OUT SOON: The WRTH, or World Radio And TV Handbook is due out in early December. Often referred to as the radio listeners bible, or so the old advert years back on World Music Radio used to say. (That was in the Radio Andorra years). The cheapest I have seen the publication so far in the UK is WH SMITH'S. Amazon are also offering the WRTH now, preordered.
WHAT'S WITH 1510 - WWZN BOSTON? Are WWZN 1510 tring to be WWKB??? They will never manage it. They don't have the signal!! John Marsyla in NL pointed out on the Skype chat yesterday that WWZN had WWKB ids yesterday at 0730, or just after. On tuning in, sure enough, there was some kind of feed from WWKB!!! It didnt seem parallel to 1520. It was during the so called REVOLUTION BOSTON programme. I heard another similar BUFFALO id which only just missed out the WWKB call signs at 0700 today, but there was an ad for WWKB web site. At 0600 today a full blown ID of WWKB!! Surely not a legal ID. What is the reason for this?? Is the Revolution Boston programme somehow connected with WWKB?? This reminds me of when Radio Dublin used to nick the news from RTE and would often mess up the exact moment and have RTE announcements being broadcast. Radio Dublin were a rough and ready bunch of pirates though. Surely a feed can not be mixed up like this from big statios?? Mind you, look at WCRN. Does no one work at these stations with the dodgy automated systems, to monitor the output?? Mind you, could you sit and listen / monitor such dribble?? This must be the strangest hobby. How do you explain to someone down the pub that you willfully listen to American MW radio stations, whose programmes in general must be some of the worst in the English speaking world. (I may add that there are many exceptions). After all, how many listeners can Brother Stair really have, or the mouthy talk show hosts who want to ram politics down your neck, or the guy on Coast to Coast that has wee men running around the moon not unlike the Clangers, as well as in his own back yard.... Or even that dubious Spanish language station that has annoying time pips all the way through it's broadcasts!!! Who could believe it!! I suppose it shows who listens when the dodgy output of a 50kW station is never noticed by their staff or listeners, as perhaps was the case of WCRN 830. They are guilty of running with two audio feeds for news, or even for some of the following programming. Try telling the intrigued (or maybe bored) listener at the bar that into the bargain you went to a great deal of trouble to lay out a 500 metre beverage aerial in the woods, and buy expensive receivers, just especially to tune in to something which by their very programme output quality, is completely unlistenable, and he is sure to make a hastey exit. ....lol
Anyhow, I now have another couple of audio clips for my up and coming page with confusing ID's!!
091103_0733_1510_wwzn_inc_wwkb_ids.mp3 091104_0600_1510_wwzn_inc_wwkb_ids.mp3 091104_0700_1510_wwzn_inc_wwkb_ids.mp3
FRENCH QRM 1377 OFF AIR: The splattery
Frenchy that once was off air supposedly permanently some years ago,
was off last night briefly from tune in 2200, till sometime after 2235.
It was back on air by 2300. I was looking forward to a good nights dxing
with 1380 as well..
OTHER RUMOURS AND CHANGES: 594: What is going off this year? I think I read that the 594 German powerhouse is going off air. Get the flags out. I guess it will help dxers on the continent more than here, because it is not such a pest as many other splattery signals. But it is always good from a dxers point of view to see a powerhouse Euro go off. 610 / 1150: I believe 610 and 1150 Frenchies are due to be off air by 1st December. I don't know about 1150, but 610 may produce some more interesting DX. 1395: I am glad to see that BIG L never managed back on air on their promised 1st Nov. I see that they still ann November on line though. 1593: And we still see the very difficult channel of 1590 is still with us for the time being, although the jamming may be back at any time. I make all the above comments as a selfish DXer you understand...
UNID 1080: I have an UNID from 30/10 just before 2300. It seems to be on top of WTIC, though I couldn't say for sure. There was some kind of religious advert for goisrael.com. Sadly it was a mess by ID time. I don't think this was on WTIC, but not sure.
650 WSM
0100 4/11
TODAYS BAND: I haven't finished going through my recordings for today yet, but on first look I noticed that the Texan on 1560 was coming in very well for 100 watts!! (KGOW 50kW by Day..lol). I also had strong signals from WWVA on 1170, and had the HD light on with the Sony HD rx, but so far no stations have locked on to the HD. At 0900 again today, KJR 950 Seattle was heard, as was KOMO 1000. Both these were extermely poor. And thanks to a tip from DH, CHKT had a good ID at 0300. WTSN was heard on 1270 giving their web address (a typical radio station web site, a cluttered mess I hasten to add) as wtsnam1270.com.
ANOTHER MONTH'S LOGS: Another month, come and gone. The band has been good to us in general, though often many mornings were very much the same as the one before. But there has been quite a surprising number of personal firsts in October. As usual, the PDF file from the month of October is available for download from the logs index page.
Or click here for a direct download.
WEB SITE INDEX, AND NEW ARTICLES BEING ADDED: I have started a few new articles for these pages, although they are not quite finished. I have also added a site index, which is accessed by clicking the left hand "All DX Logs" pop up menu. This has links to all the index pages and articles on the whole site now. One or two of the pages were becoming lost or difficult to find within the logs and news sections.
920 - KARN LITTLE ROCK, AR: I had a pleasant surprise at 0000, just before turning in for the night last night, when I was checking 920. The usual pest, CKNX ONT was particularly strong, and I thought about making a nice audio clip of the station, seeing it was so strong. But at the toth, in the background, there was a sports station, and on playing back the recording, it turned out to be KARN!!! This is a personal first, and a possible *FKR-UK. It doesn't seem long ago when I was complaining on these pages about 920 being a rather dull freq this winter, compared to the gems it produced last season. 091102_0000_920_cknx_karn_little_rock_ar_shortened_wx.mp3
620 - WDAE St Petersbourg, FL: I had another new station at 0700 today. 620 WDAE FL. I have often heard sports, but never managed to hear a station ID until today. Not much gets through past VOCM. I need to update my all time list with the October firsts as well as the two for today.
POWERHOUSE SIGNALS AT 0700 1st NOVEMBER: Like David Hamilton reported yesterday on his blog, there were some really powerful signals around at 0700 from the common regulars. They were so good, that I have made a number of audio clips. Davie has also produced an impressive 8m clip of the stations as well. There were some strong signals around this morning too, but I think yesterday had the edge for sure. Here are a few of the stations heard.
Regular stations at 0700 here were 1010 WINS, 1590 WAKR, 1170 WWVA, 580 CFRA, 850 WEEI, and Rebelde were heard on at least 560, 600, 610, 670, 770
LOGS FROM THE LAST WEEK: I haven't really been typing up all the logs here quite as regularly as I would like to. A lot of time is being spent simply listening through the Perseus files. Sorry for any rough entries, but I am glad that typing is all over....
VOA Phillipines Personal First 1700 29/10
WFLA FL 0700 2/11