ACCURACY IN MW DXING A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
Why do dxers sometimes report hearing something they haven't? Are there a lot of liars and cheats out there? No, of course not, but we are all capable of mishearing, misinterpretation, and mistakes. We are also hopeful, excited, and wearing blinkers sometimes. So what are the main factors in making a wrong judgment of the identity of a dx station.
1. Trying to extract a signal out of splatter, noise and fades is no doubt the root of the problem. 2. Multiple call signs for networks and sister stations. 3. Call signs for the station's FM HD outlet. 4. Adverts that sounds like a call sign, especially initials. 5. Sports being carried on a station that doesn't have a sports format. 6. Call signs that repeatedly sound like something other that what they are. eg WFBL 1390, CKLW 800, WRIG 1390. 7. The call signs that are mumbled like part of the WABC id instead of loud and clear like WWKB. 8. Reception from multiple possibilities, eg CBC 1230, 990, 540 etc. Absolute Radio 1215 9. Being too quick to jump to conclusions, so much so that for example that ESPN id has convinced you that you have heard a distant rarity, and not a closer common station.
In this page, I include links to audio clips of many of the call signs that may cause a dxer to report the wrong ID, and discuss a common complaint in the dx world, assumed IDs. I will also include links to audio clips from confusing ads that sound like call signs. In modern times, many stations have additional HD outlets, with very different call signs. I don't know yet of any on line resource for call signs for the HD stations. One of the most confusing may be KDKA. Their HD stations are W calls!! The other confusion with calls, are the multi calls given at the top of the hour, for a network of sister stations. Examples are heard on 1050, 1280, 1470, 960 etc. Under extreme dx conditions, these strange calls can be mistaken for other rarer stations, when the dxer is hearing a common station. So if you hear a station that sounds like a call from a 2 watt station in Hawaii, the chances are it probably isn't.. lol.. !! But first, assumed ID's......
========================================================================= STATIONS
REPORTED WITHOUT HEARING AN ID: Many dxers make claims of logs without even hearing any ID's. Like all things in life, the grey areas rear their ugly head, and MW dxing is no exception. I have had many logs which I am certain to a degree greater than 99%, where I only require an id. Examples of stations in this category are included in the following list. ZIZ is an exception, as I have had good local ID's for this station:
555 ZIZ RADIO, ST KITTS: Who hears the BBC regularly here? Is that an ID. There is no doubt that anyone hearing the BBC on 555 is hearing ZIZ. It is the only station on that frequency in the world I believe. But we dxers, being a strange bunch, don't like to just have a BBC id. We prefer a local ID every time. But does the BBC on 555 constitute a proper AM log?? Probably yes, but a ZIZ local id would be far more desirable. (I personally have heard some good ID's of this station, though I used it as an example.) 071023_2355_555_ziz_vg_ids.mp3 (760k)
570 / 650/ 720 GREENLAND: What about Greenland? Who has had station ID's from them?? You know it is Greenland because of their language. Yet every log I have ever had of Greenland, from my first tentative logs in the 80's to the present day, I don't know if I can say I have heard an ID yet. Maybe some dxers are much better than I am at understanding languages, and know they have heard ID's. Greenland are capable of some really strong signals some evenings. Maybe someone should e mail them an English toth ID!!! The list logs in dx publications of 570 or 650 Greenland, I am sure will rarely be backed up with ID's. But there is never any doubt that it is them!! What do we do? Call them pres every time? Or just list them because we know it is them?? Who is right and who is wrong with the potential answers to these questions? Or is there no one answer correct? UPDATE: It doesn't much matter now as Greenland left MW in 2011 or 2010.
780 KNOM - AK: Slow music on 780 around 1340, the same day KBRW AK was coming through. Nothing else was in on the band at this time, and AK was the only possibility at this time. These stations ID about once an hour, resulting in the station having faded by the top of the hour. My judgment - UNID.
917 NIGERIA: Nigeria on 917 is regular here, always weak, in splatter. It is heard here in Europe most nights, yet has anyone in Northern Europe actually identified it?? Again it is the only station in the world on 917kHz.
1220 CJRB - MB: Classical Music // 950 and 1250. Lacked an ID, but still have the Perseus file of the recording. I can't bring myself to claim it as a log without more. So if stations like these appear in my all time list, they will be accompanied by comments and details of what was heard, and if NO id was heard, it will be stated so.
========================================================================= WEB
STREAMS IN // - DO YOU COUNT THIS KIND OF LOG AS 100%? Some dxers are satisfied with assumed stations, when they perhaps hear a parallel web stream. This has to be judged with common sense of course. What is the use of hearing a web stream, when it is carrying a sports match that many stations could be carrying, or top of the hour news. You may as well claim a Fox Sports News station in Hawaii for all the use that is. The task of proper identification is much more difficult when all these network shows are being aired on countless stations across the country. Some DXers have been watching the CFRW web site when they hear a piece of music on 1290kHz, and if the music heard corresponds to the tune on the web site, voila - then they have heard CFRW. Is this classed as a full proper ID? Is it OK for a station which may be heard on a semi regular basis, but not for an FKR-UK?? (First Known Report in the UK) Fair enough this does give 100% certainty of what is coming through on the air, but does not provide the elusive ID. How satisfied is a DXer who hears only parallel web streams? For me, I really desire the elusive ID's. For many however, this approach may be enough to satisfy themselves. But is it good enough to qualify for the FKR-UK listings?? Can this be somehow compared to an FM dxer seeing RDS, but not hearing a spoken ID??? Maybe? Maybe not? There is no element of doubt about the reception, but where is the treasured audio clip. Is it only going to be "man talking" or "country music"..? ========================================================================= FREQUENCY OFFSETS, PICTURES OF CARRIERS AND RDS In the case of FM dxing, I have many many short video clips of RDS, but I much prefer a good strong audio clip. Many dxers leave automated software logging RDS on a particular channel and then list their logs. They have NO audio clips or IDs, only a piece of text from a log file. The station obviously has come through the dxer's antenna, but I personally really prefer an audio clip that you can actually listen to. Is this the same as a dxer claiming reception of a MW station because he has seen a carrier trace on Perseus or Speclab etc on the correct and known offset?? Some would be happy with this, but again I personally don't claim reception on the strength of a carrier. I like to have an audio clip, to claim I have actually HEARD the station, and not simply "seen" it.
The ones we all desire are for example like AM 1520 - WWKB - BUFFALO. But in November 2009, even that had less meaning. For reasons better known to themselves, WWZN Boston began carrying ID's for WWKB Buffalo during their REVOLUTION BOSTON show!! The perfect ID is too often in our dreams however. Many stations make it difficult by only identifying once an hour. Some don't even bother. Often we have to rely on slogans. CFRB Toronto is a prime example of a poor ID, since September or October 2009. Only Newstalk 10-10 is announced now. They have dropped their call sign reference altogether, and I have yet to hear a so called legal id.. (UPDATE, On a few occasions in 2010/ 2011 winter, they have ann CFRB, not on the hour but during programmes. Maybe in error) AM 10-60, the country music station never gives their call. We have to be content with the slogan. You may find it even more difficult to scrape together an ID from some of the Spanish stations, or some of the other ethnic stations. They don't seem to like to be bothered with their legal ID in a lot of cases! One in particular on 1600 with strange repetative chanting has never been known to ID. It has been compared to their stream and ided this way, but although heard many times through out the last few years, no dxer has come up with a proper id to my knowledge. Therefore in my listings it is always unid, and certainly not in my all time lists.
CALL SIGNS NO LONGER REPORTED HERE: Traditional dxers who log their reception neatly every month will cringe at this. I am not one for listing call sign IDs if the stations don't use them. I can't even recall the call sign of AM 10-60 for example. Ditto AM 11-40 in Alberta. THEY never use it, so I see no point in using it. There are a number of other places on the band where the call sign of the station is never used. Canadian stations seem to have picked up on this vague style of ID. It's nice to have a full callsign at the top of the hour, but if all you get is "am 10-60" I guess that's it. A former well heard ID was The Carribean Beacon on 1610. They returned to the air in the last years, but they seem never to ID. I am certainly not comfortable making full logs of such, when all I hear is Dr Gene Scott. I know it's them, but ......
VOCM AND CBC NETWORKS: CKCM can hardly be called the name of the station that we hear here in Europe. It is mostly VOCM programmes we hear, so it is always referred to on these pages as VOCM 620 unless by some rarity there is a local programme logged, which will of course be referred to. Similarly I often refer to the CBC stations as the station ID, CBC. I am not guilty of using their calls, eg CBT, CBGY etc. And I have no interest in even looking up the call of the likes of Radio Coro 780 Venezuela, as the station ID is Radio Coro, or the calls of a multitude of Cubans who are all called either Reloj, or Rebelde!!.
========================================================================= WHAT
Is it good enough to log "talking about Seattle" to make a claim of a Seattle station?? Local commercials relating to Seattle may be enough to make a claim though. I really do prefer to listen again for an ID, and hope the station will fade in again the next night. But it may never fade in again!!. The dxer also has to judge whether the adverts heard were unique and local, or part of a national advertising campaign. I can give an example of a national ad which used to catch me out two or three years back. It was from some insurance firm in Oklahoma, poss Mid West Insurance. I heard this on a number of common stations before beginning to realise it was a national campaign. But if I say WWKB 1520 was one of the common stations that carried this ad, you can see where the confusion could lie. KOKC Oklahoma is also heard at times in Europe on 1520!! I will quote my old well worn phrase in retaliation to the statement "Talking about city xxxx". "I heard them mention Baghdad on one of the shows I was listening to, but I am sure it wasn't coming from Iraq". But of course there are times, for example during local programming, that it is obvious the talk is about the city of origin of the desired station, and you just know the fade out is going to be exactly at the top of the hour!!
SPORTS STATIONS: Sports stations by their very nature have a habit of mentioning every city in the USA in the one long sermon, without the commentator even stopping to draw breath. They also have a habit of mentioning the calls of other stations during these monotone commentaries. WRKO is a call heard often during the REDSOX matches. Beware of taking calls from these unless it is the legal ID or the signal is good enough to determine what is going on.
SPORTS BEING CARRIED ON MUSIC / BUSINESS STATIONS: If you hear a station that is an oldies station, don't ever assume it won't revert to sport during a big game. Let's name a few stations that do just that. CKDO 1580, WDEA 1370, CIWW 1310 all oldies, and WBBR New York 1130 which is Bloomberg / Business normally. Even Radio Disney on 1560 has been noted with a game!!
ESPN RADIO: ESPN Radio is NOT an ID. It is a clue, but there are many stations that carry ESPN programming, including some which may carry a special important game, when they normally have music. I have come across a few stations that are not exclusive ESPN relays. It would be well advised to look for the ESPN top of the hour ID's. All the ESPN stations have some kind of a unique ID at the top of the hour. I can think of one example from last Autumn, when ESPN was reported on 1260 as WNSS, but a few days later I heard WRIE 1260. Both are 1260 ESPN stations. In this case you need more than a hunch. 1660 is a good example of many ESPN stations on one frequency, but luckily they all have their own unique ID's. I had ESPN on 1080 with a game one morning only, which was lost to WTIC at the top of the hour, and the only chance of an ID. This had to be an UNID in my logs. I prefer not to clutch at straws simply to make a claim of a so called "UK first"!
SPANISH STATIONS: Remember that the USA has so many Spanish stations that we can't always assume LA or CA as the source. Look at the stations logged here for the first time last season (2008 - 2009).
I had an unid on 840 playing a Mexica Regiona jingle or similar, and saw that a 50kW daytimer in SC had this format, but I was told by a dxer in Norway, the Cuban has this format also. So we really must strive for a proper ID on these stations.
FORMATS AND NEWS: ABC News: Therefore it must be xxxx.. That is NOT an ID. Stns are known to carry other news than their normal from time to time (bad feeds maybe??) Country
Music, therefore it must be xxxx. That is NOT an ID. Religion, therefore it must be xxxx. That is NOT an ID. Sporting News Flash, therefore it must be xxxx. That is NOT an ID. Sports:
Therefore it must be xxxxx. That is NOT an ID. ESPN Radio , therefore it must be xxxx. That is NOT an ID.
NB: Many dxers DO call the above examples an ID, and seem to be clutching at straws sometimes, to achieve a log, dubious and pretty much worthless may it be. I have seen many of these. "OM tk in ee" "ABC News" ...etc... For the record, any logs made on here are identified unless otherwise stated. I am pretty sure many would claim a lot of the catches which I have noted as unids.
I know we all want to have logs like the "guys with the fancy aerials" or "the guys out on the Northern tundra" but we all have to make do with what we have. But do we help matters by reporting "unid - man talking" ? Who can ever hope to be helpful in identifying that kind of log. The samples below mostly came from a single copy of a dx publication from early 2009. Each one is a genuine log, and was published within the dx community.
CKKW Windsor ON (tentative); 1940s/1950s style tunes and old time
CFCW Camrose AB; country mx followed by Canadian press news;
WCCO Minneapolis MN (pres); US football comments, sports talk F 2316
CFPR Prince Rupert BC; talk report & “CBC One” anns
24442 1245 30/12
CKDQ Drumheller AB (pres); C&W in splatter W 0707 30/12
UNID North American EE tlk 333 0355 26/9
WWDJ Hackensack NJ (pres); religious choir songs& later preaching
CKSB Winnipeg MB; OM in French talk; personal first F 0831 25/1
CHRB High River AB (presumed); country mx, mixing CBI also
CHLW St Paul-Bonnyville AB (pres); C&W under WLOB’s talk W/Fpks
0731 30/12
And finally 1640
WKSH Sussex WI; quick Radio Disney legal ID “This is WKSH and
WWZN BOSTON / KAGY: One of those dubious logs which sticks out in my mind as one I thought was some kind of a rarity, but was none other than WWZN is described here. I had listened to a clip over and over again, and decided the nearest thing it sounded like was KAGY 1510. I sent the recording to Paul C, who was reluctant to judge one night, but the next day with a different set of ears, the so called ID seemed obvious. The KAGY log did seem less than likely, but it did sound like this.
Listen to the link below and judge. 071111_0322_1510_kagy_wlac.mp3
But after listening to that, and satisfying myself that it was KAGY, I was tuned to WWZN one night when the signal was somewhat better, and heard the following:
All the time I had heard a common East Coaster!!!!
1400 WOND NJ / WCYN KY: Like the above, I had a weak call sign verified by another set of ears. Again, I was taught a valuable lesson. Listen for a decent ID, or use the phrase UNID. I had heard a weak call, which seemed to match up to WCYN in KY. This was lowish power, but not impossible. However, a little later, and long after I had the station logged and claimed, I noticed that the sister station to common WOND is WGYM!!! Again, far too presumptious with a poor id that should have been relegated to the bin!!
========================================================================= AUDIO CLIPS AND SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF POSSIBLE CONFUSION: WEBEX.COM ADVERT: Heard under the wrong conditions, this ad could sound like a call sign. See also 590.
VOCM / ESPN Under harsh dx conditions, VOCM can sound like ESPN and vice versa.
540 / 990 CBC : The early fade ins in the European evenings have us assume we hear CBC on 990 and 540 from the East coast. We do. But what about in the winter's mornings?? We should certainly tread wary when reporting that 990 was CBC Winnipeg, without a local ID, just because CJYQ 930 might be faded out
590 VOCM: This is an ad heard on VOCM on 1240. Luckily there was a // outlet coming thru at the same time. 091003_2300_1240_eg_of_vocm_ad_with_w_call_then_590_clip.mp3
800 CKLW: CKLW is an easy enough station to hear at these latitudes, although I once thought of it as DX. But sometimes under certain conditions, their call can sound distorted to such a degree that it sounds like CJAD, a rarity here in this part of the world. Virtually nothing of their signal comes in this direction. Maybe it is "tired splatter fatigued ears" that make these errors of judgment.
950 CFAM ALTONA, MB (AND 1250) This station on 950, and it's sister station on 1250 both have the same unique sound. They play a specific style of classical music which is easily identified on the air. Not so easy to identify however, is the station itself. Yes, we know it is them by the music, and often the parallel outlet on 1250 is strong too. If you are lucky, 1220 may be heard too. But they play long long classical tracks, seemingly for hours on end!! I know not if they have any pattern for their ID's. They DO both have separate ID's, and patient dxers will eventually hear these elusive announcements, but they are few and far between.
960 WEAV - THE ZONE 960 090909_0500_960_weav_vg_new_id_multiple_call.mp3
980 WTEM - WASHINGTON ESPN 091108_0900_980_wtem_exc_multiple_call.mp3
1020 KDKA: In the case of KDKA, the HD stations have W calls, yet KDKA is one of the old original K stations!!. 090826_0500_1020_kdka_vg_multiple_call.mp3
1050 WEPN NEW YORK: 081002_0600_wepn_ny_vg_1050_multiple_call.mp3
1050 CP24 TORONTO: This clip is a part of a programme on CP24, which sounded like a call initially. On reversing the recording a bit, the disclaimer was heard. 091005_0631_1050_ewtb_on_cp24_call_confusion_possibility.mp3
1130 KWKH : KWKH obviously takes its feed from WLW for one of the network trucking programmes. WLW id's were heard a couple of times on 1130 during the autumn of 2009. 090919_0600_1130_kwkh_inc_wlw_id.mp3
1215 VIRGIN/ ABSOLUTE: The signals of the multiple sites of the former Virgin Radio are heard far beyond our own shores, and are often reported in the States. This is a classic example of no identification being possible. DXers are hearing a signal from multiple sites, or any one of the sites, but trying to find an exact identification will be a fruitless task I would assume. The log has to be simply "multiple sites".
1230 / 1340 CBC: I had a response to logs from 2008-2009 season. I had heard CBC on both 1340 as well as 1230. Unfortunately these are unidentifiable, unless there is some kind of a local ID. There is more than one possibility with both frequencies. Same goes for a Radio Newfoundland ID heard on 1230.
1280 WFAU: This station has a multiple call, which has caused confusion in the past. 091011_0700_1280_wfau_multi_call.mp3
1290 BBC WORLD SERVICE: This id sounded like something else first listen. But it turned out to be the BBC probably via WRNI. There is a clip taken from local 198kHz as well.
1310 CIWW WITH SPORTS: 091030_0003_1310_ciww_inc_espn_.mp3 091029_2249_1310_ciww_sports_ann.mp3 091029_0800_1310_ciww_ottowa_vg.mp3
1330 WRCA AND WUNB: WRCA Watertown / Boston as they announce nowadays, carry a programme from an MA University station WUNB sometimes. I noted this in my logs on 15th Sept 2009 (Also a Thursday morning). Luckily I had a great fade in at that time. Often WRCA can be in the mush. It is one that could easily be mistaken for something else, if signal strengths are low. I have also included an mp3 of an ID from the former Waltham, MA station from 12th Sept during a great peak. 090915_0530_1330_wrca_inc_wunb_call.mp3
1370 WDEA: This was initially thought to be daytimer WGIV. 090913_0400_wdea_odd_toth_inc_redsox.mp3
1390 WFBL / WSPO: On 9th Nov 2009, I had what I thought was WSPO, the new call for the Charleston station on 1390. But my dx neighbour Paul C, had WFBL at the same time. Not unusual until we exchanged audio clips. Sure enough, the call was WFBL. This station has had me listening over and over again to various IDs over the years, to realise that it was only WFBL. It is one of those calls that seems to distort somehow over the air, and sound like something else. Beware of this one too!!
1390 WRIG: Do you think this sounds like WRIG?? Or more like WOIG/ WOID etc. Try this under much weaker signal conditions than this recording, and see how confusion starts. 091107_0700_1390_wrig_crazy_pronounced_call.mp3
1440 WEEI RELAY OR GAME?? I realised that the station that relays WEEI on 1440 is not identifiable as easy as I once thought. I have heard WJAB carry the WEEI sports games too!! So where does this leave us?? In a very difficult situation I have to say!!
1470 WLAM: On 1470, one has to watch out for the WCSH call sign, and realise it is TV news relayed on WLAM. WLAM also call themselves at the time of writing, THE OLDIES CHANNEL 870 AND 1470.
1470 UNIDS: I had a station on 1470 in October 2009, with the Business Talk Radio Network. It was probably WWGG from FL, but it vanished before there were any ID's. Signal was good in peaks, but I assume it powered down before the top of the hour ID. I had NO id on this, so felt I had to resign that one to the bin for now.
1470 CJVB VANCOUVER, OR JUST PIPS? The three audio clips below are of CJVB Vancouver. Does the first clip constitute an ID?? It certainly contains the three unique pips used on the station, most of the time, but not always. Check the second clip, which is made during better conditions, and then the third clip. For some reason the third clip did not have pips on that day!!! Even they are only human!! 091001_0600_1470_cjvb_pips.mp3 081124_0900_1470_cjvb_vancouver_vg.mp3 081202_1201_1470_cjvb_vancouver.mp3
1510 WWZN BOSTON: A few audio clips from November 2009 showing some kind of a feed from WWKB 1520 getting in to the system!! Quite how this worked out on a big 50kw station, I have no idea.
091103_0733_1510_wwzn_inc_wwkb_ids.mp3 091104_0600_1510_wwzn_inc_wwkb_ids.mp3 091104_0700_1510_wwzn_inc_wwkb_ids.mp3
And from a couple of years ago, an announcer that was confused!! 071210_0100_1510_wwzn_irish_wrong_call_perseus.mp3
1540 KXEL: I have had KXEL 1540 with the KCRG weather forecast on 10/9
1540 CHIN RADIO, TORONTO: CHIN not only carries Chinese, and Italian, but they have a West Indian style programme. So don't assume Bahamas if you hear an accented OM one day!!
1600 KPNP Watertown, MN: This station has not produced an ID so far, but Paul C identified it as // to their web stream. Does this mean we haven't really logged, or id'ed the station properly?? If this presumed logging is accepted, then the first log I saw of this chanting was from a fellow Scottish DXer, who was not a member of any radio clubs, and thus raises the old question of the term UK First again. 091020_0700_1600_pres_kpnp_watertown_mn.mp3
========================================================================= SPECIFIC JIBES FROM DX EDITORS I have been jibed at by DX editors in the past for some of my logs. Why, I have no idea. A classic example was from WHYL 960, heard here just after CHNS went off the air. I wrote a few comments on my February 2011 logs page on this subject.
UK FIRSTS vs FIRST KNOWN UK LOG: I have never been a fan of the well used phrase UK FIRST. I never make these claims here. I find it too arrogant. These reports are FIRST KNOWN UK LOGS (FKR-UK), not FIRSTS. Not every dxer is a member of a radio club. In fact the non acceptance of logs by some radio clubs, sort of puts me off these groups altogether. I am content to bumble away, and publish logs of any significance on here. I do believe however that listings have to be verified somehow for a countries' first dx club loggings, if records are to be kept. But records are one thing. Availability of such records is another sad story. It seems that you have to pay to see the latest listings in the UK, ie join up to a dx club. Sad in these days of information technology at your fingertips, these lists are kept secret. Look at how a log of mine was not accepted a few years ago. I'd say taking things to extreme. I don't know quite what's supposed to be dodgy about hearing a daytimer on the air late or forgetting to turn the power down??? I have quite often heard this type of signal, and anyone who reads the IRCA messages will have seen the same. At the time of the log, I reported it to an e group. I was also met by a snide comment that "WHYL" is a daytimer. Yes, I can also read the same listings Sherlock. What of it??? LOL. Incidentally,
the audio clip has been on this site for years. Something seems to have
been a miss with the recorder of the day, levels too high, but signal
is easily heard.
I had similar comments re a first log of KRZI 1660, now a relatively common Texan sports station. KRZI ROCKs was a comment I received on an e mail group, from a reputed experienced dxer. I did think that this was probably a modern day phrase, like "That new Tom Hanks movie rocks", meaning it's brilliant, good log om, all that kind of thing. But NO. Seems it meant that the log was in doubt, because the writer wrongly was convinced KRZI was a rock station!! Again,
what's unusual about stations changing format? Nothing unusual hearing
music stations carrying sport either!! In any case, a quick GOOGLE search
would have revealed that KRZI was indeed Central Texas Sports Leader!!!!.
Some dxers I think dispute logs for the sake of it, even before hearing
any recordings.