Irish Era - Offshore - Landbased - Official Stations - Downloads - Press - Other |
RADIO NOVA ARCHIVES: The recordings below are direct links to the recordings of Radio Nova, made on various cassette machines and reel to reels from various radio receivers. Hence the variable quality of the recordings. The red initials indicate the original source of the recordings, more for our own use, incase we want to look for the original tape again. KB = Ken's collection, and GH = Gary's collection. IB = Ian's collection The right hand column on this page shows file size approx, in Meg, or k (sometimes)! The recordings start in 1981, and go through to 1986 with Radio Nova. They also include KISS, Exidy, Magic 103, Energy 103, Nova Longwave, as well as Satellite transmissions, which also include "Club Music" recordings.. Note that as April 2016, we are not going to the trouble of listing the size of every file. This is mainly due to software like firefox effectively streaming audio files now, as well as modern fibre broadband speeds, so file size is of much less concern nowadays. File sizes range typically from a few meg for clips, to maybe a few hundred meg for a longer recording. An idea can be seen of the file sizes that are already listed. |
1982_01_01_nova_846_0040_c90_395_kb.mp3 | KB | 29M |
1982_01_01_nova_846_0123_rec_scotland_c90_394_kb.mp3 | KB | 32M |
1982_01_01_nova_846_0210_c90_397_kb.mp3 | KB | 30M |
1982_01_01_nova_846_1100-1230_hugh_obrien_via_ib.mp3 | IB | 68,824k |
1982_01_01_nova_846_1446_c90_397_kb.mp3 (Very short clip, ann mw only) | KB | 9M |
1982_01_10_sun_nova_846_1245-1415_colmhayes.mp3 | GH | 80,865k |
1982_02_05_fri_nova_846am_2003-2048-gh1067.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Brian Dobson on news at the strange time of 8:05pm, but the deejay who is announcing 'The Mighty 890' is not known. Recorded near Blackpool from 846kHz. | 42MB |
1982_03_03_nova_846_2055_john_clark_inc_5000_reward_for_capture_vandals.mp3 | ?? | |
1982_03_03_nova_846_2150_john_clark_inc_5000_reward_for_capture_vandals_c60_160_kb.mp3 | KB | |
1982_03_03_nova_846_various_anns_of_sabotage.mp3 | ?? | |
1982_03_03_2300-0000_sign_off_nova_846_part_airchecked_rec_sco_c90_416_kb.mp3 (£5000 reward for vandalism inf) | KB | 29,201k |
1982_04_01_nova_88.2_in_drogheda_0052_casey_casem_c90_441_kb.mp3 | KB | 34,639k |
1982_04_09_fri_radionova_846_1010-1110_andyarcher.mp3 New Feb 2016 gh | GH | |
1982_04_12_mon_nova_846am_1403-1706_beatles_bonanza_jasonmaine_mikeedgar-gh902.mp3 New May 2023 | Radio Nova did an Easter Monday 'Beatles Bonanza' 24 hour special starting at 6am on 11th April 1982. Although the programming had started earlier in the day, our first recording, which is three hours long starts from just after the 2pm news with Sybil Fennel to just after 5pm. This section starts with Jason Maine. He quickly hands over to Mike Edgar who interviews early Beatles manager Allan Williams. After 3pm, Mike then interviews Bob Wooller who was a deejay in the Cavern Club when The Beatles were playing live in the early 60s. Between 4pm and 5pm, both Allan Williams and Bob Wooller are in the studio together. They were running a 'mini Beatles Convention' that day in the Henry Grattan pub in Baggot Street. Recorded near Blackpool from 846kHz.There is a small amount of crackling and tv interference. |
171MB 186mins |
1982_04_12_mon_nova_846am_1703-2007_beatles_bonanza_donallen-gh902.mp3 New May 2023 | Here is another three hours of the 'Beatles Bonanza' continuing on from the above. This extract starts after 5pm and has Don Allen introducing the songs, including at 6pm playing the top 10 Beatles songs as voted for by Radio Nova listeners. At 7pm there is a story of Brian Epstein narrated by Brian Dobson, which is followed by a playing of the Hollywood Bowl album. After the news at 8pm with Siobhán Purcell, Sgt Pepper is played in full. This recording has a small amount of crackling and a fair amount of tv interference. |
170MB 186mins |
1982_04_12_mon_nova_846am_2016-2148_beatles_bonanza_johnclark-gh902.mp3 New May 2023 | This section of the 'Beatles Bonanza' between 8:16pm and 9:48pm includes a lot of nonstop music, starting with the last 30 minutes of Sargeant Pepper, and is followed by some of the Beatles earlier records from 1963 introduced by John Clark. News at 9pm is read by Siobhán Purcell. After the news, John Clark plays more of the Beatles early records from around 1964. As received near Blackpool on 846kHz wher there was a small amount of crackling and tv interference. |
75MB 82mins |
1982_04_12_mon_nova_846am_2354-0134_beatles_bonanza_johnclark_eddiewest-gh902.mp3 New May 2023 | Another three hours, this time starting as John Clark finishes his late night show at midnight and Eddie West takes over after the news with Siobhán Purcell, who also reads the news at 1am. There is mention on this news bulletin of a clandestine station in Poland called 'Radio Solidarity'. Recorded near Blackpool from 846kHz, where there was some late night fading and overnight foreign interference in the background. |
95MB 104mins |
1982_04_13_tue_nova_846am_0135-0440_beatles_bonanza_eddiewest-gh902.mp3 New May 2023 | Eddie West presented the final few hours of the 'Beatles Bonanza' in the early hours of Tuesday morning 13th April 1982. There is a repeat of the Brian Epstein Story during his show. This section is between 1:35am and 4:40am. Recorded near Blackpool from 846kHz. There is some overnight fading and foreign interference in the background. |
171MB 186mins |
1982_04_24_saturday_nova_846_882fm_2300-0900_airchecks__tonyallan_donallen_andyarcher.mp3 New Feb 2016 gh | GH | |
1982_04_30_fri_nova_846am_1750-1910_johnclark_news_with_sybil_and_tonyallan_airchecks.mp3 | * New 05/16 GH | |
1982_05_01_sat_nova_846am_1658-1704_hughobrian_briandobson_on_news.mp3 | * New 05/16 GH | |
1982_05_01_sat_nova_846am_1022-1230_colmhayes_sybil_on_news_airchecks.mp3 | * New 05/16 GH | |
1982_05_03_mon_nova_846am_1245-1350_tonyallan-gh863.mp3 New Mar 2021 | Tony Allan sits in for Andy Archer who was apparently ill. News at 1pm was read by Sybil Fennel and Ken Hammond. Recorded near Blackpool from 846kHz. | 61MB |
1982_05_05_wed_nova_846am_1247-1417_tonyallan_johnclark-gh863.mp3 New Mar 2021 | A lunchtime recording of Tony Allan who was still sitting in for Andy Archer, including the 1pm news with Sybil Fennel and Ken Hammond. Tony gets a bit confused with the 1pm on hour frequency announcement. John Clark follows at 2pm. Recorded from 846kHz near Blackpool. The recording is a little muffled from the original tape transfer many years ago. Sadly the original tape is no more. | 84MB |
1982_05_05_wed_nova_846am_1850-1920_johnclark_news_lindaconway-gh379.mp3 New Mar 2022 | 40 minutes from before and after the 7pm news. Here is the last 10 minutes of John Clark's show before the 7pm news. The news is then read by Sybil Fennel and Tony Allan. Following the news is Linda Conway with 'Wednesday Report'. The recording finishes at 7:30pm with the start of Jason Maine, although just his jingle. Recorded near Blackpool from 846kHz. The signal has some side splatter from BBC Lancashire which at the time was on the next channel of 855kHz. | 37MB |
1982_05_06_thu_nova_846am_1251-1321_tonyallan-gh863.mp3 New Mar 2021 | Another lunchtime recording of Tony Allan including the 1pm news with Sybil Fennel and Ken Hammond. Off the same tape as above, so a little muffled. | 27MB |
1982_05_07_fri_nova_846am_1150-1304_tonyallan_sybil_on_news_airchecks.mp3 | * New 05/16 GH | |
1982_05_07_fri_nova_846am_1247-1350_tonyallan-gh863.mp3 New Mar 2021 | A further lunchtime recording of Tony Allan including the 1pm news with Sybil Fennel and Ken Hammond. Off the same tape as 5th and 6th May so a little muffled. | 58MB |
1982_05_09_nova_88fm_date_approx_2042_sunday_stick_it_in_your_ear_tony_allan_stevie_dunn.mp3 | (NEW 0315) VIA BRIAN | 18,026k |
1982_05_15_sat_nova_846am_0735-0815_andyarcher_gh.mp3 New Feb 2016 gh | GH | |
1982_05_16_2235_nova_846_tony_allan_blades_interview_c90_463_kb.mp3 | KB | 19,037k |
1982_05_21_fri_nova_846am_1830-1930_operation_novacare_82_gh.mp3 New Feb 2016 gh | ||
1982_05_21_fri_nova_846_1830-1930_andyarcher_johnclark_fridayreport.mp3 | GH | 59MB |
1982_05_22_sat_nova_846am__0845-1050_operation_novacare_82_gh.mp3 New Feb 2016 gh | ||
1982_05_22_sat_nova_846am_1050-1255_operation_novacare_82_gh.mp3 New Feb 2016 gh | ||
1982_05_22_sat_nova_846am_1300-1515_operation_novacare_82_gh.mp3 New Feb 2016 gh | ||
1982_05_22_sat_nova_846am_1705-1840_operation_novacare_82_gh.mp3 New Feb 2016 gh | ||
1982_05_27_thu_nova_846_1130-1300_andyarcher_tonyallen.mp3 | GH | 91MB |
1982_05_28_nova_846_0959_andy_archer_tony_allan_nx_c90_466_kb_fair_bassy.mp3 | KB | 31M |
1982_05_28_1100_nova_846_andy_archer_tony_allan_nx_c90_467_fair_kb.mp3 | KB | 30M |
1982_06_13_sun_radionova_882fm_2130-2215_steviedunne_nightflight.mp3 | New 03/16 GH | |
1982_06_29_nova_846_1818_john_clark_inc_rte_jamming_c90_486_kb.mp3 | KB | |
1982_06_29_nova_846_1818_john_clark_inc_rte_jamming_news_report_c90_486_kb.mp3 | KB | |
1982_06_29_1902_nova_846_interview_cooke_c90_487_kb.mp3 | KB | 33,049k |
1982_06_29_nova_846_1947_1st_birthday_c90_488_kb_fair.mp3 | KB | 17M |
1982_07_05_mon_nova_846am_0602-0701_declanmeehan_first_show-gh1039.mp3 New Apr 2022 | Declan Meehan with the first hour of what is thought to be his first show on Radio Nova following his move from Sunshine Radio. Bob Gallico reads the 7am news. Recorded near Blackpool from 846kHz. | 55MB |
1982_07_13_nova_88fm_rock_show.mp3 | (NEW 0315) VIA BRIAN | 24,706K |
1982_07_18_nova_846_2131_sunday_stevie_dunn_c90_500_kb.mp3 | KB | |
1982_08_03_nova_846_0512_eddie_west_clip_very_poor_cuts_mid_link_c90_502_kb.mp3 | KB | |
1982_10_27_wed_nova_882fms_0750-0835_declanmeehan-ght2.mp3 New Apr 2022 | Declan Meehan and Bob Gallico on breakfast. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz in stereo, whilst visiting the station. | 103MB |
1982_10_27_wed_nova_882fms_0840-0908_declanmeehan-ght2.mp3 New Apr 2022 | A few more minutes of the above breakfast show with Declan and Bob. Recorded from 88.2MHz whilst in the car on the move, hence some crackling and multipath. | 64MB |
1982_12_14_1034-1120_88.2_andy_archer_via_anoraks_ireland.mp3 | IB | 69,260K |
1982_12_14_1124-1210_88.2_andy_archer_via_anoraks_ireland_part_airchecked.mp3 | IB | 76,097K |
1982_12_18_sat_nova_819am_1627-1837_daveharvey_tonygareth-gh444 New Nov 2024 | Over two hours of late Saturday afternoon 18th December 1982 starting just before 4:30pm with Dave Harvey and followed at 6pm by Tony Gareth. Siobhán Purcell reads the news and sport is reported by Colm Richards. As received near Blackpool on 819kHz. There are plenty of adverts leading up to Christmas. |
120MB 131mins |
1982_12_24_1115_819_nova_tony_garreth_some_splatter_bbc_810_c90_544_kb.mp3 | KB | 32MB |
1982_12_25_nova_819_25dec82_1135-1205_andyarcher_gh.mp3 | GH |
56M |
1982_12_26_sun_radionova_882fm_0025-0110_chriscarey_rolandburke.mp3 | New 03/16 GH | |
1982_12_27_mon_radionova_819_1215-1350_andyarcher.mp3 | New 03/16 GH | |
1982_12_31_fri_nova_819am_1002-1345_chriscary-gh745.mp3 | New 08/20 GH | 209M |
1982_12_31_nova_819_1148-1235_harry_[chris_cary]_splatter_from_810_c90_551_kb.mp3 | KB | 24M |
1983_02_14_mon_nova_819am_1103-1148_chriscary-gh644.mp3 New Apr 2022 | Station boss Chris Cary sits in for Andy Archer on the lunchtime show. Andy was apparently away for the day in County Clare. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. | 41MB |
1983_02_14_mon_nova_819am_1150-1235_chriscary-gh644.mp3 New Apr 2022 | A continuation of the above show from Chris Cary. News at mid-day is read by Bob Gallico and is followed by 'Phone a Favourite'. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. | 41MB |
1983_02_18_fri_nova_819am_1000-1156_andyarcher_final_show-gh901.mp3 New May 2023 | This is the first of three files totalling 6 hours of audio from Friday 18th February 1983 between 10am and 4pm. It includes the final show from Andy Archer followed by Tony Gareth. This recording starts with an aircheck of Declan talking to Andy just before 10am, and then jumps to the end of the news bulletin, and into first two hours of Andy Archer. News at 11am is read by Bob Gallico. It was as received near Blackpool from 819kHz, although the audio quaility is somewhat disappointing as it is a bit distorted. This is more likely to have been due to the original tape, rather than the normally excellent audio quality of Radio Nova. |
107MB 116mins |
1983_02_18_fri_nova_819am_1156-1358_andyarcher_final_show-gh901.mp3 New May 2023 | The final two hours from Andy Archer up to and including his final link just before 2pm. News at mid-day is from Bob Gallico, and at 1pm by both Bob and Sybil Fennel. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz and a little distorted. |
112MB 122mins |
1983_02_18_fri_nova_819am_1355-1605_andyarcher_tonygareth-gh901.mp3 New May 2023 | This final recording of over 2 hours, overlaps slightly with above and has the final link from Andy Archer, the news at 2pm from Sybil, and then two hours of Tony Gareth. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz, and a little distorted. |
123MB 135mins |
1983_03_01_tue_nova_819am_2357-0158_johnlewis-gh901.mp3 New May 2023 | The first of three files totalling six hours of overnight programming from Tuesday 1st March 1983. This first recording actually start just before midnight on 28th February, with Jason Maine signing off his 'Nova Nightcap' show for the night. Brian Dobson reads news at midnight and then John Lewis starts his 'All Night Nova' 6 hours shift. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. The last news bulletin of the night is at 1am, again read by Brian. There is some background interference from a European station also on 819kHz. |
115MB 125mins |
1983_03_01_tue_nova_819am_0158-0410_johnlewis-gh901.mp3 New May 2023 | Two more hours of John Lewis continuing 'All Night Nova' from Tuesday 1st March 1983. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
120MB 130mins |
1983_03_01_tue_nova_819am_0410-0620_johnlewis_declanmeehan-gh901.mp3 New May 2023 | The last two hour of John Lewis, who hands over to Declan Meehan at 6am, but not before mentioning that Scott Williams is on 102.7MHz. John makes a comments suggesting he will be back soon, so it might have been the last show of his current stint. He did return to the station in April however. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
121MB 132mins |
1983_04_22_fri_nova_819am_0000-0205_johnlewis_finalshow-gh901.mp3 New May 2023 | Here are three files of the final John Lewis 'All Night Nova' from Friday 22nd April 1983, starting with airchecks of the midnight news read by Brian Dobson, and the first two hours is the first two hours of John News at 1am is also read by Brian Dobson. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
114MB 125mins |
1983_04_22_fri_nova_819am_0205-0400_johnlewis_finalshow-gh901.mp3 New May 2023 | A continuation of John Lewis from above between 2am and 4am. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
106MB 115mins |
1983_04_22_fri_nova_819am_0400-0600_johnlewis_finalshow-gh901.mp3 New May 2023 | The final two hours of John Lewis between 4am and 6am. Afer saying goodbye he hands over to Declan Meehan for Breakfast on Radio Nova, and also Mike Moran on KISS FM 102.7MHz. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. There is some overnight interference and hum from the European station Sud Radio which also operated on 819kHz. |
115MB 125mins |
1983_04_22_fri_nova_fms_0515-0600_johnlewis_final_show-gh1134.mp3 New May 2023 | John Lewis with his last 45 minutes on Radio Nova before returning to the UK after two years on radio in Ireland. Following the raids of May, he decided to return to Ireland and ended up on South Coast Radio in Cork. Recorded in Dublin from FM, but not sure of the exact frequency. | 107MB |
1983_04_22_fri_nova_819am_0730-0752_declanmeehan-gh901.mp3 New May 2023 | A short section of Decan Meehan and Bob Gallico on breakfast from Friday 22nd April 1983. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
20MB 22mins |
raids_nova_819_sat14may83_0955-1155_novacare83.mp3 | GH | |
raids_nova_819_sat14may83_1155-1335_novacare83.mp3 | GH | |
raids_nova_819_sat14may83_1335-1500_novacare83.mp3 | GH | |
raids_nova_819_sat14may83_1610-1810_novacare83.mp3 | GH | |
830518_Radio Nova Raid, May 18th 1983 (45m Rec in Blackpool from 819) RAID - DECKIE & BOB ***RAID*** | GH | 21M |
raids_radio_nova_raid_180583_airchex.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_819_thu19may83_0655-0805_declanmeehan.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_819_thu19may83_0750-0930_declanmeehan.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_819_thu19may83_0930-1103_declan_tomhardy.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_819_thu19may83_1150-1235_tomhardy.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_closedown_0655-0805_190583.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_closedown_1150-1235_190583.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_closedown_1245-1330_190583.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_closedown_1415-1500_190583.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_closedown_1500-1630_190583.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_closedown_1630-1800_190583.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_closedownfm_190583.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_sunshine_raid_ann_190583.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_882_sun22may83_0735-0800_scottwilliams.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_819_sun22may83_0850-0920_scottwilliams.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_819_sun22may83_1640-1735_johnclark.mp3 | ||
1983_05_23_mon_nova_819am_0845-1035_declan_bob_tomhardy.mp3 | New 03/16 GH | |
raids_nova_230583_0852-1042_declanmeehan_tomhardy.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_230583_1050-1158_tomhardy.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_230583_1201-1329_johnclark.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_230583_1329-1501_johnclark.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_230583_1501-1636_greggaughran.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_230583_1654-1806_greggaughran.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_230583_1806-1949_colmhayes.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_230583_1949-2110_colmhayes_jasonmaine.mp3 | ||
1983_05_23_mon_nova_819am_2214-2422_jasonmaine_then_polishradio_signson_gh.mp3 | GH |
120M |
830524_nova_819_tue24may83_1005-1210_tomhardy.mp3 | GH |
119M |
1983_05_24_tue_nova_819am_1240-1555_johnclark_greggaughran-gh836.mp3 | New 08/20 GH |
178M |
1983_05_24_tue_nova_819am_1553-1644_greggaughran-gh836.mp3 | New 08/20 GH |
49M |
1983_05_24_tue_nova_819am_1658-1916_greggaughran_colmhayes_dublintoday-gh836.mp3 | New 08/20 GH |
128M |
1983_05_24_tue_nova_819am_1918-2100_dublintoday_colmhayes-gh837.mp3 | New 08/20 GH |
95M |
1983_05_25_wed_nova_819am_0722-1027_declanmeehan_tomhardy-gh815.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Declan and Bob from Wednesday 25th May 1983 when the station was on low power. This is three hours between 7:22am and 10:27am, and was received near Blackpool, so a bit better signal than the other ones here from the same day which were received in Leeds. Tom Hardy follows Declan at 9am. Interesting that the on-hour jingle wasn't played until 10am. |
171MB 186mins |
1983_05_25_wed_nova_819am_0745-0910_declanmeehan_tomhardy_leedspoor-ghT3.mp3 New Aug 2020 | As received in Leeds. |
79MB 86mins |
1983_05_25_wed_nova_819am_0910-1047_tomhardy_leedspoor-ghT3.mp3 New Aug 2020 | As received in Leeds. |
89MB 97mins |
1983_05_25_wed_nova_819am_1047-1223_tomhardy_johnclark_leedspoor-ghT3.mp3 New Aug 2020 | As received in Leeds. |
89MB 97mins |
1983_05_25_wed_nova_819am_1047-1403_tomhardy_johnclark-gh815.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Tom Hardy from 10:47am until mid-day then John Clark until 2pm. Bob reads news at 11am and mid-day, and is then joined by Sybil Fennel for the main news at 1pm. As received near Blackpool on 819kHz. |
178MB 194mins |
1983_05_25_wed_nova_819am_1223-1356_johnclark_leedspoor-ghT3.mp3 New Aug 2020 | As received in Leeds. |
85MB 93mins |
1983_05_25_wed_nova_819am_1501-1746_greggaughran-gh815.mp3 New Nov 2024 | This afternoon section from Wednesday 25th Amy 1983 starts during the 3pm news with Sybil. Greg Gaughran then follows with the 'Nova Cruise' from 1974 and the recording finishes around 5:45pm. Sybil has the 'What's On' around 4:15pm. As received near Blackpool on 819kHz. There are some dropouts and the audio is a bit muffled in places on this old damaged reel of tape which was re-used from the 1960s. |
151MB 165mins |
1983_05_25_wed_nova_819am_1830-2137_colmhayes_jasonmaine-gh815.mp3 New Nov 2024 | From 6:30pm Colm Hayes programmes with 'Dublin Today' sandwiched between at 7pm. Jason Maine hosts from 9pm and this recording finishes just after 9:30pm. As well as the evening tv interference and foreign interference starting to take hold, there are some dropouts and the audio is a bit muffled in places on this old damaged reel of tape which was re-used from the 1960s. Brian Dobson reads the 8pm and 9pm news bulletiins. As received near Blackpool on 819kHz. |
172MB 187mins |
1983_05_25_wed_nova_819am_1857-1918_dublin_today-gh205.mp3 New Jul 2022 | The news with Sybil followed by the first part of Dublin Today reporting on a new radio bill and proposed march for independent radio on Friday 27th. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. A lot of interference from other stations. | 18MB |
1983_05_25_wed_nova_819am_jasonmaine_airchecks_to_2300-gh205.mp3 New Jul 2022 | A few minutes of airchecks of Jason Maine later in the evening, playing the new Tony Allan promo for the radio march on Friday. Up to the start of the news with Brian Dobson at 11pm. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz which is very wobbly due to the low power signal. | 12MB |
830526_nova_819_thu26may83_0720-1030_declanmeehan_tomhardy_818.mp3 | GH | 175M |
830526_nova_819_thu26may83_1030-1215_tomhardy_818.mp3 | GH |
91M |
830526_nova_819_thu26may83_1215-1345_johnclark_818.mp3 | GH |
84M |
830526_nova_819_thu26may83_1345-1545_johnclark_greg_818.mp3 | GH |
107M |
1983_05_27_fri_nova_819am_0724-0857_declanmeehan_leedspoor-ghT3.mp3 | New 08/20 GH |
87M |
raids_nova_270583_0750-1100.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_270583_1100-1240.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_270583_1240-1420.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_270583_1420-1535.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_270583_1535-1720.mp3 | ||
raids_nova_270583_1730-1830.mp3 | ||
830530_nova_819_mon30may83_0850-1030_declanmeehan_tomhardy.mp3 | GH |
91M |
830530_nova_819_mon30may83_1030-1250_tomhardy_johnclark.mp3 | GH |
140M |
830530_nova_819_mon30may83_1300-1440_johnclark.mp3 | GH |
91M |
830530_nova_819_mon30may83_1445-1715_johnclark_greggaughran.mp3 | GH |
139M |
1983_05_31_tue_nova_828am_0715-1031_declanmeehan_tomhardy-gh814.mp3 New Aug 2022 | Tuesday 31st May 1983 was the morning that Radio Nova changed frequency from 819kHz to 828kHz which was believed to be a frequency allocated to Ireland for powers of 1kW. The 'on hour' jingle was also changed to say 'Broadcasting To Dublin on 828kHz' instead of the previous 'Broadcasting From Dublin on 819kHz'. The change in frequency did make listening in the UK difficult due to local stations there on the same channel. This is the first three hours of three files, totalling over 8 hours and begins at 7:15am during Declan Meehan's breakfast show with Bob Gallico. Tom Hardy takes over at 9am. Bob Reads the top of the hour news until 1pm. Recorded near Blackpool from 828kHz where UK local stations can be heard underneath. | 180MB |
1983_05_31_tue_nova_828am_1031-1346_tomhardy_johnclark-gh814.mp3 New Aug 2022 | The above recording continues with a further three hours of Tom Hardy and the 'Radio Nova Job Spot' at just after 1030. John Clark takes over at mid-day after Bob Gallico on news. Bob is joined by Sybil Fennel on the 'Nova News At One'. Recorded near Blackpool from 828kHz where UK local stations can be heard underneath. | 180MB |
1983_05_31_tue_nova_828am_1346-1537_johnclark_gregaughran-gh814.mp3 New Aug 2022 | The last part of this 8 hour recording is just under two hours and features John Clark, who finishes his afternoon show at 3pm, followed by Greg Gaughran with 'The Nova Cruise' featuring 1979. Sybil Fennel reads the news at 2pm and 3pm. Again recorded near Blackpool from 828kHz where UK local stations can be heard underneath, along with some local electrical crackling. | 104MB |
1983_06_01_wed_nova_828am_0753-0955_declanmeehan_tomhardy-gh835.mp3 | New 08/20 GH |
113M |
1983_06_01_wed_nova_828am_1000-1110_tomhardy-gh835.mp3 | New 08/20 GH |
64M |
1983_06_01_wed_nova_828am_1110-1206_tomhardy_johnclark-gh835.mp3 | New 08/20 GH |
54M |
1983_06_02_thu_nova_828am_0720-0927_declanmeehan_tomhardy-gh835.mp3 | New 08/20 GH |
118M |
1983_06_02_thu_nova_828am_0941-1016_tomhardy-gh835.mp3 | New 08/20 GH |
32M |
1983_06_03_fri_nova_828am_0752-0928_declanmeehan_tomhardy-gh835.mp3 | New 08/20 GH | 89M |
1983_06_03_fri_nova_828am_1540-1627_mikemoran.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | |
1983_06_03_fri_nova_828am_1628-1715_mikemoran.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | |
1983_06_03_fri_nova_828am_1700_news_sybilfennel_judges_ruling_on_pirates.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | |
1983_06_03_fri_nova_828am_1542_bobgallico_gives_judges_ruling_on_pirates.mp3 | NEW 04/16 gh | |
1983_06_04_saturday_nova_828_0710-0910_mikemoran_garyowens_chrisbarry_on_news.mp3 | NEW 01/13 gh | 111,468k |
1983_06_06_monday_nova_828_0800-0900_mikemoran.mp3 | NEW 01/13 gh | 59,911k |
1983_06_08_wed_nova_828am_0725-0925_declanmeehan_tomhardy-gh715.mp3 | New 08/20 GH | 112M |
1983_06_08_wed_nova_828am_0928-0940_tomhardy-gh715.mp3 | GH | 11M |
1983_06_08_wed_nova_828am_tonyallan_promo_for_local_radio_debate.mp3 | GH | 1M |
1983_06_09_0800_828_nova_dublin_inc_20_tune_in_bob_deckie_splat_ex_810_c90_627_kb.mp3 | KB | 30M |
1983_06_10_0821_828_nova_dublin_deckie_n_bob_inc_casy_casem_song_by_bob_c90_630_kb.mp3 | KB | 34M |
1983_06_10_1330_828_nova_dublin_john_clark_some_odd_crackles_c90_630_kb.mp3 | KB | 33M |
1983_06_17_sat_nova_828am_0700-0835_tomhardy_davidmalone_on_news.mp3 | * New 05/16 GH | |
1983_06_24_1800_828_nova_dublin_today_inc_svenn_interview_svenn.mp3 | 29M | |
830719_0611_828_nova_colm_hayes_c90_654_kb.mp3 | KB | 35M |
830726_1858_684_nova_dublin_inc_start_super_nova_dennis_murray_1903_c90_657_kb.mp3 | KB | 35M |
830726_1858_828_nova_inc_dublin_today_slight_breakthrough_other_ch_on_tape_c90_657_kb.mp3 | KB | 34M |
830727_1800_684_nova_5m_aircheck_around_news_time_inc_bad_nova_southside_id_c90_657_kb.mp3 | KB | 3.3M |
830727_1800_828_nova_5m_aircheck_around_news_time_c90_657_kb.mp3 | KB | 3.0M |
830727_1830_684_nova_dublin_inc_start_super_nova_1903_c90_657_kb.mp3 | KB | 32M |
830727_1830_828_nova_inc_start_dublin_today_1910_c90_657_kb.mp3 | KB | 30M |
830807_1557_828_nova_deckie_includes_jamming_rec_scotland_c90_663_kb.mp3 | new 04/16 KB | |
830809_2002_819_828_jamming_819_nova_nx_828_rec_scotland_c90_663_kb.mp3 (Clip only) | new 04/16 KB | |
1983_08_17_wed_supernova_882fms_1851-1941_dennismurray-mj.mp3 | MJ | 110M |
1983_08_17_wed_supernova_882fms_2241-2329_dennismurray_chrisbarry_mj.mp3 | MJ | 110M |
830824_1320_819_nova_ann_828_john_clarke_c90_688_kb.mp3 | KB | 25M |
1983_08_30_tue_nova_819am_0804-0851-declan_sybil_6k_giveaway-gh497.mp3 New Oct 2024 | From just after 8am on Tuesday 30th August 1983, this is the morning of the £6000 Giveaway which took place during the Declan Meehan Brekkie Trekkie. The three records are played, starting at around 8:17am and then Sybil starts to take the calls. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
44MB 47mins |
1983_08_30_tue_nova_819am_0852-0939_declan_sybil_6k_giveaway_tomhardy-gh497.mp3 New Oct 2024 | Continuing the breakfast show during the £6000 Giveaway. This is after 08:52am when the 50th caller is finally reached, a young lady who was located out at Trim. Not bad distance considering Radio Nova were still operating on low power since the raid in May. Tom Hardy follows the news with Bob Gallico at 9am. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
44MB 47mins |
1983_09_24_sunday_nova_819_ann_828_1600-1738_john_clark.mp3 (Martin Block on nx inc tech hitch) | NEW 01/13 gh | 92,760k |
1983_09_15_thu_nova_819am_0729-0816_declanmeehan-gh654.mp3 New Oct 2023 | Declan Meehan and Bob Gallico on an amusing breakfast show from Thursday 15th September 1983. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
43MB 47mins |
1983_09_15_thu_nova_819am_0817-0904_declanmeehan_tomhardy-gh654.mp3 New Oct 2023 | More of the above show until 9am and then the first link from Tom Hardy following news with Bob. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
43MB 47mins |
1983_09_30_fri_nova_819am_0959-1046_tonygareth-gh655.mp3 New Oct 2023 | Tony Gareth made a return to the Dublin airwaves on Friday 30th September 1983, after being on the new Radio Caroline during August and September 1983. This was the first 45 minutes of his first show back. News is read by Bob Gallico. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
43MB 47mins |
1983_09_30_fri_nova_819am_1046-1133_tonygareth-gh655.mp3 New Oct 2023 | Following on from the above recording, this is Tony Gareth between 1045 and 1130am. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
43MB 47mins |
1983_10_08_sat_nova_819am_1145-1412_garyowens_tonygareth_colmhayes-gh482.mp3 New Jul 2022 | Another Show from Tony Gareth following the syndicated Gary Owens after Saturday mid-day news with David Malone. The recording lasts until just after the 2pm news with Brian Dobson and the start of Colm Hayes with the sports programme. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool and about the time of the return of the high power transmitters taken in the raid in May. The on-the-hour jingle was still announcing 828kHz at this time, despite the station having moved back to 819kHz during August. | 135MB |
1983_10_29_sat_nova_882fms_0755-0857_jasonmaine-ght6.mp3 New Oct 2023 | Saturday morning, 29th October 1983 with Jason Maine, and David Malone on the 7am news. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz in stereo. |
145MB 63mins |
1983_10_31_mon_kissfm_1027fms_2202-2304_dennismurray_then_changeover_to_nova_ght6.mp3 New Mar 2016 | Mainly Dennis Murray on KISS FM at just after 10pm and from 102.7MHz, but KISS closes for the evening at 11pm and joins Radio Nova with Jason Maine following the news with Brian Dobson. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 148MB 62mins |
1983_11_01_tue_nova_882fms_1300-1403_news_at_one_tomhardy-ght6.mp3 New Oct 2023 | The 'Nova News at One' with Sybil Fennel and Bob Gallico on Tuesday 1st November 1983. Tom Hardy follows with the final hour of his show for the day. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz in stereo. |
146MB 64mins |
1983_11_02_wed_nova_882fms_0824-0909_declanmeehan-gh487.mp3 New Oct 2023 | The first of three files from Wednesday 2nd November 1983. This first one is with Declan Meehan and Bob Gallico on the 'Brekkie Trekkie' which includes the 'Wally' competition. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz in stereo. |
43MB 44mins |
1983_11_02_wed_nova_882fms_0953-1040_declanmeehan_tomhardy-gh487.mp3 New Oct 2023 | The last few minutes of Declan's show from 2nd November 1983, news at 10am with Bob Gallico and them Tom Hardy. The 'Nova Job Spot' is at 10:30am. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz in stereo. The station was still using the 828kHz jingle on the hour, even though they had been back on 819kHz for several weeks. |
43MB 48mins |
1983_11_02_wed_nova_882fms_1255-1340_tomhardy_news_at_one-gh487.mp3 New Oct 2023 | Tom Hardy up until 'Nova News at One' with Bob Gallico and Sybil Fennel. Tom follows the news. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz in stereo. |
43MB 46mins |
1983_11_05_sat_nova_819am_2145-2150_bonfire_request-gh309.mp3 New Oct 2023 | A short clip from Bonfire Night, Saturday 5th November 1983 featuring Tony Gareth giving out a mention for Robin Ross and friends who he was recently aboard Radio Caroline with, and playing a suitable 'anorak' record. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
5.3MB 6mins |
831120_0238_819_nova_mike_moran_tinny_audio_c90_723_kb.mp3 | KB | 17M |
831121_0325_819_nova_ann_828_all_night_nova_some_kind_of_pause_toth_c90_726_kb.mp3 | KB | 29M |
831123_0017_819_nova_lawrence_john_c90_727_kb.mp3 | KB | 28M |
831123_0444_819_nova_inc_sud_radio_s_on_c90_727_kb.mp3 | KB With the powerful Sud Radio switching on for the day you can just about hear Lawrence John still announcing 828kHz, and the 828kHz 'on the hour' jingle at 5am. In fact the Sud Radio, Andorra sign-on announcement can be clearly heard. This may have been the last day announcing 828kHz, and the switchover to a new 819kHz 'on the hour' jingle. | 12MB |
831123_2349_819_nova_jason_lawrence_john_better_after_0000_prob_unid_soff_c90_729_kb | KB This was probably the first day using a new 819kHz on the hour annuncement. Jason finishes his show at midnight and the new jingle is heard before Ken Hammond on the news. Lawrence John follows the news. | 24M |
831124_0037_819_nova_lawrence_john_night_time_nova_vg_c90_729_kb.mp3 | KB On the 1am news, Ken Hammond mentions about 88MHz being off the air for adjustments and asks everyone to retune to 102.7MHz. AM transmission were said to be unaffected. | 34M |
1983_11_25_fri_nova_819am_1153-1224_tomhardy-gh498.mp3 New Oct 2023 2021 | A recording made in Leeds after the 50kW transmitter had recently been put into operation. This is mid way through the Tom Hardy show up until the news at mid-day with Bob Gallico, followed by the 'phone a fiver' spot. As received in Leeds on 819kHz. |
28MB 31mins |
1983_11_25_fri_nova_819am_1247-1600_tomhardy-greggaughran-gh84.mp3 New Jun 2021 | More of the above recording made from 819kHz in Leeds from Friday 25th November 1983. Tom Hardy hosts until 2pm when Greg Gaughran takes over. The main 1pm news is from Bob Gallico and Sybil Fennel. Later on there is a foreign station breaking through at times as it was winter, but considering the local ILR station in Leeds was on the next channel of 828kHz, the signal is quite impressive. | 178MB 193mins |
1983_11_27_sun_nova_819am_1604-1651_tonyfenton_novagold-gh653.mp3 New Oct 2023 | Tony Fenton with 'Nova Gold' on Sunday 27th November 1983. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. There is a bit of wobbling from the foreign station at times as darkness approached. |
43MB 47mins |
1983_11_27_sun_nova_819am_1653-1740_tonyfenton_novagold-gh653.mp3 New Oct 2023 | Continuation of the above 'Nova Gold'. News is at 5pm with Bernie Jameson, but this is airchecked out for some reason. Sports news is at 5:30pm, but the reporter is not known. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. |
43MB 47mins |
1983_12_05_mon_nova_819am_1859-1945_dublintoday_news_on_novatv-gh.mp3 New Sep 2021 | The 7pm news with Sybil, during which there is a piece about Nova TV. Dublin Today follows the news with Ken Hammond. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. | 42MB |
1983_12_05_mon_nova_819am_newsclip_on_novatv-gh.mp3 New Sep 2021 | The news report from David Malone about Nova TV clipped out from the above recording. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool. | 1.5MB |
1983_12_22_thu_nova_819am_news_at_1700and1800_interference_ann-gh78.mp3 New Mar 2024 | Airchecks of the news with Ken Hammond at 5pm and 6pm on Thursday 22nd December 1983, with announcements of RTE jamming to the Radio Nova signals. Recorded from 819kHz in Leeds where the the signal was rather poor with a lot of signal wobbling and foreign interference. |
6MB 6mins |
1983_12_23_fri_nova_819am_0630-0930_declanmeehan-gh78.mp3 New Mar 2024 | Declan Meehan with Bob Gallico and three hours of the last breakfast show before Christmas 1983 on Friday 23rd December. Recorded from 819kHz in Leeds. Despite the 50kW transmitter being in operation, due to it being mid-winter, at the beginning there is some fading and background interfrence from the foreign station. |
162MB 176mins |
1983_12_23_fri_nova_882fm_2325-0130_hughobrien_mikemoran-gh78.mp3 New Mar 2024 | The 'Nova Nightcap' with Hugh O'Brien followed at midnight by Jason Maine. David Malone reads the midnight news. Recorded from 88.2MHz in mono near Blackpool. There are one or two fades on the FM signal where a BBC Radio 2 signal appears, but not bad for 140 miles away. |
114MB 124mins |
1983_12_24_sat_nova_819am_0657-0800_jasonmaine-gh78.mp3 New Mar 2024 | Saturday morning breakfast on Christmas Eve 1983 with Jason Maine, who said one drink led to another the previous night so was suffering a bit, and with news from Bernie Jameson at 7am. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool with the station operating the 50kW transmitter. |
57MB 62mins |
1983_12_24_sat_nova_819am_0800-1030_jasonmaine_garyowens-gh78.mp3 New Mar 2024 | Continuing the above Jason Maine show until 9am, and then after news with Bernie Jameson the first half of the syndicated 'Soundtrack of the 60s' from Gary Owens. There were plenty of Agfa adverts with Declan and Tom, and also a promo for Bob Gallico's Christmas Day shows. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool with the station operating the 50kW transmitter. |
134MB 165mins |
1983_12_24_sat_nova_819am_1240-1500_colmhayes_hughobrien-gh78.mp3 New Mar 2024 | More from Christmas Eve 1983 with Colm Hayes followed at 2pm by Hugh O'Brien. Bernie Jameson reads the news at 1pm and 2pm. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool with the station operating the 50kW transmitter. |
124MB 135mins |
831224_1434_819_nova_hugh_obrien_c90_757_kb.mp3 | More of Hugh O'Brien which overlaps with the above recording, but as received in Scotland, and some splatter from BBC Radio Scotland on 810kHz. News at 3pm is by Bernie Jameson. | 22MB 47mins |
831224_1717_819_nova_hugh_obrien_skywaving_badly_c90_757_kb.mp3 | The end of Hugh O'Brien's show as received in Scotland, but with a lot of bad skywaving and splatter from Radio Scotland on 810kHz. News at 6pm is read by David Malone. | 23MB 47mins |
1983_12_24_sat_nova_819am_2130-2307_tonyfenton-gh494.mp3 New Mar 2024 | Tony Fenton with a late Saturday evening show on Christmas Eve 1983. David Malone read the news at 10pm. David ends the news with an amusing piece about Santa and his sleigh going in wrong direction over Dublin due to interference to controls from Donnybrook! Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool. |
89MB 98mins |
1983_12_24_sat_nova_819am_2307-0039_tonyfenton-gh494.mp3 New Dec 2021 | Continuing the above Tony Fenton programme which finished at midnight. David Malone welcomes listeners into Christmas Day with the midnight news, and then it was continuous music. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool. |
86MB 93mins |
1983_12_25_sun_nova_819am_0817-0915_tomhardy_life_is_a_celebration-gh494.mp3 New Dec 2021 | Tom Hardy gives us a Christmas Day breakfast show, with at 9am 'Life Is A Celebration'. David Malone is back on news at 9am. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool. | 53MB |
1983_12_25_sun_nova_819am_1013-1227_tomhardy_greggaughran-gh494.mp3 New Dec 2021 | Tom Hardy completed his Christmas Day show after 'Life Is A Celebration'. Greg Gaughran takes over at 11am. There was no news at 11am, but David Malone returned at mid-day. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool. | 122MB |
1983_12_25_sun_nova_819am_1239-1405_greggaughran_bobgallico-gh494.mp3 New Dec 2021 | Greg Gaughran continues until 1pm, when David Malone reads the news. Bob Gallico then hosts a 25 minute Christmas Special featuring his comedy sketches. Greg carries on following the Bob Gallico Special. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool. | 78MB |
1983_12_31_sat_nova_882fms_2257-2345_jasonmaine_mikemoran-ai1013_via_ib.mp3 New Dec 2021 | Jason Maine and Mike Moran with a New Years Eve Party. David Malone reads the final news of 1983 at 11pm. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz in stereo. There are a lot of dropouts in the stereo of this tape due to tape problems. | 110MB |
1983_12_31_sat_nova_882fms_2338-0025_jasonmaine_mikemoran_into_newyear1984-gh1021.mp3 New Dec 2021 | Jason Maine and Mike Moran and occasionally others, with a New Years Eve Party as the time approaches midnight, and then into 1984. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz in stereo. | 106MB |
1983_12_31_sat_nova_882fms_2348-0036_jasonmaine_mikemoran-ai1013_via_ib.mp3 New Dec 2021 | Jason Maine and Mike Moran and occasionally others, with a New Years Eve Party as the time approaches midnight, and then into 1984. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz in stereo. | 109MB |
840109_1257_819_nova_change_rx_30m_c90_789_kb.mp3 | KB | 35M |
840109_1853_819_nova_jason_mayne_skywave_c90_789_kb.mp3 | KB | 26M |
840118_0743_819_nova_dublin_deckie_n_bob_skywaving_inc_pipes_of_peace_jibe_c1..> | KB | 30M |
1984_01_14_sat_nova_819am_kiss_closure_promo-gh95.mp3 New Sep 2021 | A promo heard on Radio Nova on 14th January, announcing the closure of KISS FM on the following day. The recording made in Leeds from 819kHz. |
890kB |
1984_01_14_sat_nova_819am_1059-1230_garyowens_colmhayes-gh95.mp3 New Sep 2021 | This recording starts with Bernie Jamieson reading the news at 11am and and is followed by the final hour of Gary Owens 'Soundtrack of the Sixties' sysndicated show. Following the midday news again with Bernie, we think is Colm Hayes. The recording made in Leeds from 819kHz with some splatter from Radio Aire on 828kHz and local electrical interference. |
82MB |
1984_01_14_sat_nova_819am_1230-1400_colmhayes-gh95.mp3 New Sep 2021 | A continuation of the above recording with Colm Hayes. It was the day before KISS FM closed, and a promo can be heard announcing this, during this programme. The recording made in Leeds from 819kHz, with some splatter from Radio Aire. |
89MB |
1984_01_15_sun_nova_819am_2310-0042_chrisbarry_mikemoran-gh77.mp3 New Sep 2021 | Chris Barry hosts his Sunday evening show on Radio Nova at the same time as Dennis Murray is presenting the final programme across on KISS FM. At the end of the midnight news read by David Malone, he pays tribute to everyone across on KISS. Mike Moran takes over after the news and plays some records for the former KISS FM staff. The recording made in Leeds from 819kHz suffers from a lot of foreign interference and atmosperic wobbling, along with some splatter from Radio Aire in Leeds who were on the next channel of 828kHz. |
85MB |
1984_01_16_mon_nova_819am_0042-0120_mikemoran-gh77.mp3 New Sep 2021 | A continuation of the above recording with Mike Moran. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz with 'Luxembourg Effect' fading. |
89MB |
1984_01_16_mon_nova_819am_0729-0858_declanmeehan-gh77.mp3 New Sep 2021 | Declan Meehan and Bob Gallico on the first breakast show after the merger with KISS FM. Frequencies now announced are 819kHz, 88.2MHz and 102.7MHz. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz which meant lot of wobbling and atomspheric fading as well as some splatter from Radio Aire on the next channel. |
80MB |
1984_01_16_mon_nova_819am_0858-1040_colmhayes-gh77.mp3 New Sep 2021 | A continuation of the above recording with the end of Declan Meehan's breakfast show at 9am, news with Bob Gallico and then Colm Hayes. At one point Colm makes a slip up and announces the AM frequency as 828kHz for some reason, although he does admit to being disorientated. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz with splatter from Radio Aire on 828kHz. |
93MB |
840119_0050_819_nova_tony_garreth_despite_hardy_jin_c120_129_kb.mp3 | KB | 35M |
1984_01_19_thu_nova_819am_0710-0840_declanmeehan-gh95.mp3 New Sep 2021 | Declan and Bob on breakfast with plenty of comments about the recent jamming which Radio Nova were suffering at the hands of RTE engineers. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz with winter fading of the signal along with splatter from Radio Aire on 828kHz. |
81MB |
1984_01_xx_nova_being_jammed_on_link_from_herbert_street_gh.mp3 | A short extract from Radio Nova recorded in Dublin when the UHF link was being jammed by RTE. |
6M |
1984_xx_xx_nova_rte_jam_rap_song.mp3 | The 'RTE Jam Rap Song', which poked fun at RTE for the attempted jamming of both Radio Nova and Sunshine Radio |
10M |
840119_1020_819_nova_jamming_anns_splat_810_c120_130_kb.mp3 | KB | 31M |
840119_1131_819_nova_jamming_anns_splat_810_c120_130_kb.mp3 | KB | 30M |
1984_01_23_mon_nova_819am_0726-0858_declanmeehan-ght8.mp3 New Oct 2023 | The first of five consecutive Radio Nova files totalling over 6 hours from the morning and lunchtime of Monday 24th January 1984. This recording starts just before 0730 with Declan and Bob. The entire recording was received on 819kHz in Leeds, and as it was January, suffers at the start from foreign interference and also some splatter from Radio Aire which was on the next channel. |
84MB 92mins |
1984_01_23_mon_nova_819am_0858-1009_colmhayes-ght8.mp3 New Oct 2023 | Continuing from Declan above, Colm Hayes takes over after the 0900 news with Bob Gallico. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz. |
65MB 71mins |
1984_01_23_mon_nova_819am_1009-1139_colmhayes-ght8.mp3 New Oct 2023 | More of Colm Hayes between 1009 and 1039 with Bob Gallico on news. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz. |
81MB 90mins |
1984_01_23_mon_nova_819am_1139-1243_colmhayes_johnclark-ght8.mp3 New Oct 2023 | The end of Colm Hayes for Monday 24th January 1984, with John Clark after the mid-day news with Bob Gallico. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz.. |
58MB 63mins |
1984_01_23_mon_nova_819am_1243-1347_johnclark-ght8.mp3 New Oct 2023 | Continuing with John Clark until 1:47pm. As received in Leeds on 819kHz. |
59MB 64mins |
1984_01_24_tue_nova_819am_0657-0828_declanmeehan-ght8.mp3 New Sep 2021 | The first part of an eight hour recording of Radio Nova made from 819kHz in Leeds. As it starts just before 7am and it is mid-winter, this initial file with Declan Meehan and Bob Gallico suffers from some foreign interference. We have tried to remove some of the hum, as for some reason at this time the station was slightly off channel. Not bad though for a distance of 200 miles. |
84MB |
1984_01_24_tue_nova_819am_0828-0955_declanmeehan_colmhayes-ght8.mp3 New Sep 2021 | Part 2 of this recording continues with Declan and Bob until 9am, when Colm Hayes takes over. |
80MB |
1984_01_24_tue_nova_819am_0955-1128_colmhayes-ght8.mp3 New Sep 2021 | Part 3 is the main part of the Colm Hayes morning show. There is some occasional electrical interference. News is read throughout the morning by Bob Gallico. |
84MB |
1984_01_24_tue_nova_819am_1128-1258_colmhayes_johnclark-ght8.mp3 New Sep 2021 | Part 4 features the end of Colm Hayes at mid-day when John Clark takes over. |
81MB |
1984_01_24_tue_nova_819am_1258-1515_johnclark-ght8.mp3 New Sep 2021 | The final two hours of this recording starts with 'The Nova News a One' with Bob Gallico and Ken Hammond. John Clark continues until 3:15pm with Ken Hammond on news through the afternoon. The foreign station starts to interfere towards the end. |
127MB |
1984_01_25_wed_nova_819am_0709-0850_declanmeehan-ght8.mp3 New Oct 2023 | Another lengthy recording split into several files, this time from Wednesday 25th January 1984. Foreign interference with a hum causes a lot of issues on this first section with Declan Meehan and Bob Gallico. As received in Leeds on 819kHz. |
93MB 101mins |
1984_01_25_wed_nova_819am_0850-1023_declanmeehan_colmhayes-ght8.mp3 New Oct 2023 | Continuing from above with the end of Declan Meehan, and Colm Hayes following the news with Bob Gallico at 9am. As received in Leeds on 819kHz. Reception had improved by this time, although there was still some splatter from Radio Aire who were on the next channel of 828kHz |
84MB 92mins |
1984_01_25_wed_nova_819am_1023-1152_colmhayes-ght8.mp3 New Oct 2023 | The last half of the Colm Hayes Wednesday show up until mid-day. As received in Leeds on 819kHz with some interference. |
82MB 90mins |
1984_01_25_wed_nova_819am_1154-1332_johnclark-ght8.mp3 New Nov 2023 | Up to mid-day with news at Bob Gallico, followed by John Clark. At 1pm the main news is with Bob and Ken Hammond. As received in Leeds on 819kHz with some crackling and interference. |
90MB 98mins |
1984_01_29_sun_nova_819am_0845-1025_chrisbarry-ght8.mp3 New Sep 2021 | Chris Barry with a Sunday morning show. News is read by Bernie Jamieson. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz with some interference. |
92MB |
1984_01_31_tue_nova_819am_0750-0958_declanmeehan_colmhayes-ght10.mp3 New Mar 2022 | The first part of a six hour recording from Tuesday 31st January 1984. Declan Meehan with Bob Gallico on news host until 9am, when Colm Hayes takes over. Recorded from 819kHz in Leeds. There is a hum at times due to some winter background interference from Sud Radio in Andorra, as well as some splatter from Radio Aire, also in Leeds, who were on the next channel of 828kHz. |
120MB |
1984_01_31_tue_nova_819am_0956-1216_colmhayes_johnclark-ght10.mp3 New Mar 2022 | A continuation of the above recording from just before the 10am news with Bob Gallico. Colm Hayes hosts until the mid-day news and John Clark follows. Recorded from 819kHz in Leeds. |
129MB |
1984_01_31_tue_nova_819am_1212-1415_johnclark-ght10.mp3 New Mar 2022 | The final part of the above 6 hour recording. John Clark is the deejay throughout and the news at 1pm is read by Bob Gallico and Ken Hammond. Ken takes over the hourly news from 2pm. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz, and being Winter, there is some interference creeping in from foreign stations. |
112MB |
1984_02_02_thu_nova_819am_0725-1040_declanmeehan_colmhayes-ght10.mp3 New Apr 2022 | The first part of a six hour recording from Thursday 2nd February 1984, starting with Declan meehan and Bob Gallico on breakfast. Colm Hayes takes over at 9am and Bob continues to read the on hour news. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz with some winter fades and foreign interference. | 177MB |
1984_02_02_thu_nova_819am_1042-1354_colmhayes_johnclark-ght10.mp3 New Apr 2022 | The second part of the above recording, continuing with Colm Hayes and then John Clark after the mid-day news with Bob Gallico. The 'Nova News At One' is hosted by Bob and Ken Hammond. As received in Leeds on 819kHz with some local electrical interference. | 176MB |
1984_02_04_sat_nova_819am_1257-1557_colmhayes_hughobrien-gh49.mp3 New Jun 2021 | The first part of a nine hour recording from a February 1984 Saturday afternoon and evening. Colm Hayes hosts from 1pm until 2pm, when Hugh O'Brien presents the sports afternoon. Bernie Jamieson is on news until 3pm. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool when the station was using 50kW. | 167MB |
1984_02_04_sat_nova_819am_1558-1905_hughobrien_mikemoran-gh49.mp3 New Jun 2021 | In the second part of the above recording, Hugh O'Brien presents a show with sports updates and results. Ken Hammond takes over news at 4pm. Mike Moran takes over after 7pm. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool when the station was using 50kW. As it was winter, there was some interference from a foreign station on the same frequency, probably Sud Radio in Andorra, but the signal holds up well. | 175MB |
1984_02_04_sat_nova_819am_1942-2347_mikemoran-gh49.mp3 New Jun 2021 | The final 3 hours of the above recording with Mike Moran hosting the Saturday evening show with Ken Hammond on news. Again recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. | 175MB |
1984_02_05_sun_nova_819am_0822-1010_greggaughran_johnclark-ght10.mp3 New Dec 2022 | Sunday morning with Greg Gaughran until 10am, when John Clark takes over. Bernie Jamieson reads the news. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. | 100MB |
1984_02_15_wed_nova_819am_0710-0720_declanmeehan-gh10.mp3 New Apr 2022 | A short piece from Declan Meehan on his breakfast show. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz with some winter fades and foreign interference. |
9MB |
1984_02_16_thu_nova_819am_0716-1020_declanmeehan_colmhayes-gh10.mp3 New Apr 2022 | The first part of a six hour recording from Thursday 16th February 1984, starting with Declan meehan and Bob Gallico on breakfast. Colm Hayes takes over at 9am and Bob continues to read the on hour news. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz with some winter fades and foreign interference. | 170MB |
1984_02_16_thu_nova_819am_1024-1340_colmhayes_johnclark-gh10.mp3 New Jan 2024 | The final three hours of the above six hour recording. Colm Hayes continues until mid-day and is followed by John Clark. News is read by Bob Gallico, with the 'Nova News At One' rom both Bob and Bernie Jamieson. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz with some winter fades and foreign interference. | 178MB |
1984_02_20_mon_nova_819am_0725-0915_declanmeehan_bobgallico_colmhayes-gh52.mp3 New Jan 2024 | The Declan and Bob on breakfast from Monday 20th February 1984, followed by the start of Colm Hayes after the 9am news. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz with some crackling. | 101MB 110mins |
1984_02_24_fri_nova_819am_0745-0905_declanmeehan_bobgallico-gh52.mp3 New Jan 2024 | The Declan and Bob on breakfast from Friday 24th February 1984. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz with some crackling. |
74MB 81mins |
1984_03_10_sat_nova_819am_1218-1522_hughobrian-ght13.mp3 New Mar 2022 | Three hours of Saturday afternoon 10th March 1984 starting with continuous music and adverts up until Hugh O'Brian starts his show at 2pm. Bernie Jameson reads the news through the afternoon, and the headline is that Radio Nova will not be closing down despite reports following the jamming by RTE and NUJ dispute. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool. There is a brief tune away at around 22 minutes into the recording, which shows the signal strength and sidebands. |
169MB |
1984_03_11_sun_nova_819am_0818-1110_mikemoran_colmhayes-ght13.mp3 New Mar 2022 | Almost three hours of Sunday morning 11th March 1984 with Mike Moran followed at 10am by Colm Hayes. There are no news bulletins during this recording, possibly due to the recent NUJ action during which some news staff had left. Recorded from 819kHz near Blackpool. |
159MB |
1984_03_23_fri_nova_819am_0822-0917_declanmeehan-ght15.mp3 New Mar 2022 | Part of Declan Meehan's last breakfast show before he went off to London for a few weeks. Recorded from 819kHz in Leeds. |
52MB |
1984_04_23_mon_nova_819am_1530-1600_greggaughran_some_tvi_gh850.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Greg Gaughran on Easter Monday afternoon with Bernie Jamieson on news. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz and suffering from a lot of tv interferrence. | 28MB |
1984_04_23_mon_nova_819am_1900-1953_jasonmaine_gh850.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | The start of a Jason Maine evening show on Easter Monday. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. | 48MB |
1984_04_24_tue_nova_819am_0658-0845_declanmeehan_bobgallico_gh850.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Declan Meehan returns to breakfast after a few weeks away in London. Bob Gallico is on news. Recorded near Blackpool from 819kHz. | 98MB |
1984_04_26_thu_nova_819am_0640-1000_declanmeehan_colmhayes_first_day_729_gh76.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Declan Meehan and Bob Gallico with a breakfast show as Nova adds a second medium wave outlet on 729kHz to try and outwit the RTE jammers. Bob gives out news of the jamming in the bulletins. Colm Hayes follows Declan at 9am. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz with some splatter from Radio Aire on 828kHz. | 174MB |
840430_1820_819_nova_greg_jason_workmen_during_nx_rte_jam_nx_c90_855_856_kb.mp3 | KB | 81M |
840430_1900_819_nova_rte_jamming_nx_workmen_c90_855_kb.mp3 | KB | 667K |
1984_05_05_sat_nova_882fms_0820-0915_jasonmaine_garyowens_ght6.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Jason Maine on a Saturday breakfast show followed by the syndicated Gary Owens 'Soundtrack of the Sixties'. Bernie Jamieson reads the news at 9am. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz. | 132MB |
1984_05_07_mon_nova_882fms_0700-1010_declanmeehan_colmhayes_gh481.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Three hours of Radio Nova featuring Declan Meehan on breakfast with Bob Gallico on news. Colm Hayes follows Declan at 9am. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz in stereo. | 266MB |
1984_05_07_mon_nova_882fms_1750-2100_gregaughran_jasonmaine_gh481.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Another three hours of Nova featuring the end of a Greg Gaughran May Day afternoon show with Jason following at 7pm. Bernie Jamieson reads the news at 6pm and 7pm. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz in stereo. | 355MB |
840507_1747_729_nova_greg_g_c90_863_kb.mp3 | Recorded from 729kHz in Scotland | 31M |
1984_05_08_tue_nova_1027fms_0020-0155_mikemoran_gh772.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Mike Moran after midnight. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 173MB |
1984_05_08_tue_nova_1027fms_2350-0105_mikemoran_gh506.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Mike Moran follows Jason Maine after midnight with 'All Night Nova'. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 216MB |
1984_05_09_wed_nova_1027fm_0650-0810_declanmeehan_bobgallico_tx_cut_off_gh506.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Part of the Declan Meehan breakfast show with Bob Gallico. The recording was being made from 102.7MHz when the transmitter cuts off around 8:10am. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 174MB |
1984_05_09_wed_nova_1027fms_1805-1940_greggaughran_jasonmaine_gh74.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Greg Gaughran finishes his show and is followed by Jason Maine after the 7pm news with Bernie Jamieson. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 217MB |
1984_05_10_thu_nova_1027fm_0657-0948_declanmeehan_bobgallico_colmhayes_gh506.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Breakfast with Declan and Bob, followed by Colm Hayes. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 388MB |
1984_05_10_thu_nova_1027fms_0722-0809_declanmeehan_bobgallico_gh084.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Part of the same show as above but recorded on a different radio cassette recorder. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 108MB |
1984_05_10_thu_nova_1027fms_0818-0905_declanmeehan_bobgallico_gh084.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Side 2 of the above cassette. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 108MB |
1984_05_10_thu_nova_1027fms_0901-1035_colmhayes_gh770.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Colm Hayes morning show. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 217MB |
1984_05_10_thu_nova_1027fms_1407-1552_johnclark_greggaughran_gh771.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | John Clark followed by Greg in the afternoon, with Bernie Jamieson reading news at 3pm. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 217MB |
1984_05_11_fri_nova_1027fm_0715-0845_declanmeehan_bobgallico_gh504.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Declan and Bob on a Friday breakfast show. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 190MB |
1984_05_12_sat_nova_886fm_0900-0945_rickdees_first_show_gh773.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Jason Maine finishes his show and announces Rick Dees syndicated show which was possibly the first time it was broadcast. Airchecked and recorded in Dublin from 88.6MHz in stereo. This frequency was used as additional FM outlet during the time RTE was jamming Radio Nova and Sunshine Radio. | 43MB |
1984_05_14_mon_nova_738am_0735-1040_declanmeehan_bobgallico_colmhayes_ann729_gh250.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Three hours in the morning with Declan and Bob followed by Colm Hayes. Recorded from 738kHz in Leeds. The station was still announcing 819kHz and 88.2MHz, with additional frequencies of 729kHz and 102.7MHz. 729kHz had moved slightly to 738kHz this particular day | 286MB |
1984_05_15_mon_nova_819am_1858-1945_jasonmaine_gh773.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Bernie Jamieson and Sybil Fennel read the 7pm news and are followed by Jason Maine. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz. | 42MB |
1984_05_17_thu_nova_819am_0745-1055_declanmeehan_bobgallico_colmhayes-gh117.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Still announcing 729kHz, this 3 hours of morning shows was recorded from 819kHz in Leeds. Of interest is the on-hour announcement from Chris Cary, which had changed to 'Broadcasting To Dublin on 819kHz AM, 102.7 and 88 FM in stereo' | 174MB |
1984_05_19_sat_nova_819am_0800-0915_jasonmaine_johnclark_mentions_end_of_88fm_gh.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Saturday morning with Jason Maine, followed at 9am by John Clark. Mention is made about saying goodbye to an old friend, 88MHz, moving over for 102.7MHz. In fact Jason had only mentioned 102.7MHz earlier in the show, although on-hour jingle mentions both 88FM and 102.7FM. Recorded from 819kHz in Leeds. | 68MB |
1984_05_19_sat_nova_882fm_1102-1205_rickdees_gh159.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Part of the Rick Dees syndicated American show. News is read by Bernie Jamieson. Recorded in Dublin from 88.2MHz in stereo. | 57MB |
1984_05_20_sun_nova_819am_0644-0950_mikemoran_life_is_a_celebration_gh111.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Mike Moran on a Sunday morning followed by 'Life is a Celebration'. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz. | 173MB |
1984_05_20_sun_nova_819am_0950-1015_life_is_a_celebration_greggaughran_819signoff_gh111.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Following 'Life is a Celebration', Greg takes over at 10am, and asks listeners to tune to 738kHz as 819kHz will be leaving the air. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz until the transmitter is switched off. 102.7MHz jingles are now starting to be heard. | 27MB |
1984_05_21_mon_nova_819am_0740-1045_declanmeehan_bobgallico_colmhayes_gh118.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | Breakfast with Declan and Bob, followed by Colm Hayes. The on-hour announcement had strangely returned to 819kHz and 88MHz this morning. Recorded in Leeds from 819kHz. | 169MB |
840523_1259_819_nova_john_clark_audio_ropey_inc_exidy_breakthru_c90_870_kb.mp3 | KB | 24M |
1984_05_24_thu_nova_738am_0510-0820_mikemoran_declanmeehan_gh502.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | The day after Exidy, Nova returned to 738kHz only and 819kHz was never heard again. The pre-recorded on-hour announcements had been replaced with live id's. Recorded in Leeds from 738kHz. | 173MB |
1984_05_24_thu_nova_738am_0745-0905_declanmeehan_bobgallico_738_only_no_819_gh.mp3 Updated Jul 2021 | More breakfast with Declan and Bob. Recorded in Leeds from 738kHz. | 74MB |
840524_2104_738_nova_dublin_c90_872_kb.mp3 | KB | 33M |
840525_0949_738_nova_dublin_c90_872_kb.mp3 | KB | 34M |
840525_1255_738_nova_dublin_c90_873_kb.mp3 | KB | 34M |
840525_1350_738_nova_dublin_90m_workmen_3pm_nx_c90_873_874_kb.mp3 | KB | 62M |
840528_1258_738_nova_audio_variable_john_clarke_c90_878_kb.mp3 | KB | 18M |
840528_1434_738_nova_dublin_john_clarke_greg_g_odd_tx_breaks_c90_878_kb.mp3 | KB | 19M |
840528_1622_738_nova_vg_c90_879_kb.mp3 | KB | 33M |
840530_1500_738_nova_greg_g_90m_c90_882_kb.mp3 | KB | 43M |
840601_1700_738_nova_greg_g_c90_884_kb.mp3 | KB | 17M |
840603_1348_738_nova_casey_casem_c90_885_kb.mp3 | KB | 33M |
840604_1300_738_nova_john_clark_c90_886_kb.mp3 | KB | 31M |
1984_06_08_fri_nova_738am_0659-0835_declanmeehan_bobgallico-gh528.mp3 New Nov 2021 | A Friday breakfast show with Declan Meehan and Bob Gallico. Recorded in Leeds from 738kHz. | 86MB |
840621_0635_738_nova_deckie_and_bob_inc_auk_mentiion_c90_890_kb.mp3 | KB | 20M |
840622_1743_738_nova_inc_tx_break_c90_893_kb.mp3 | KB | 34M |
1984_07_09_nova_738_mon09jul84_0615-0920_declanmeehan-104_gh.mp3 | GH |
172M |
1984_07_10_tue_nova_738_1458-1604_greggaughran_sybil_news.mp3 | New 03/16 GH | |
1984_07_10_tue_nova_738_1728-2030_greggaughran_jasonmayne.mp3 | New 03/16 GH | |
1984_07_10_tue_nova_738_2230-2420_jasonmayne_chrisbarry.mp3 | New 03/16 GH | |
1984_07_11_wed_nova_0710-0820_declanmeehan_bobgallico.mp3 | New 03/16 GH | |
1984_07_11_wed_nova_738am_1847-2125_greggaughran_chriscary-gh510.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Greg Gaughran finishes his show just before 7pm on Wednesday 11th July 1984. 7pm news is from Sybil Fennel and Bernie Jameson and then Chris Cary hosts a marathon five hours until midnight. This is the first half of that show. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. |
144MB 157mins |
1984_07_11_wed_nova_738am_2315-2410_chriscary_chrisbarry-gh510.mp3 New Sep 2024 | The end of Chris Cary's 'marathon' show up to midnight on Wednesday 11th July 1984. News is then from Sybil and George Long, with Chris Barry following with his first link after midnight. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. |
49MB 54mins |
1984_07_12_thu_nova_738am_0715-0930_declanmeehan_colmhayes-gh510.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Declan Meehan with his penultimate 'Brekkie Trekkie' from Thursday 12th July 1984. Colm Hayes follows at 9am and Bob Gallico was on news. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. |
132MB 144mins |
1984_07_12_thu_nova_738am_1900-1945_chriscary-gh510.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Sybil Fennell with the 7pm news is followed by Chris Cary. This recording is partially airchecked, with at one point Chris asking for staff for the Liverpool office. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. |
48MB 52mins |
1984_07_13_fri_nova_738am_0633-0715_declanmeehan-gh510.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Declan Meehan with his final 'Brekkie Trekkie' from Friday 13th July 1984 with Bob Gallico. Unfortunately the 738kHz transmitter went off during the show. This is the part between 6:33am and when the transmitter cuts off at around 7:15am. Recorded in Leeds from 738kHz. After the transmitter goes off, you can hear the adjacent big Dutch station on 747kHz which was quite strong in Leeds. |
38MB 41mins |
1984_07_13_fri_nova_738am_0807-0933_declanmeehan_colmhayes-gh510.mp3 New Sep 2024 | The 738kHz transmitter comes back on at around 8:07am, and here is Declan Meehan with the final part of his final 'Brekkie Trekkie' from Friday 13th July 1984. Recorded in Leeds from 738kHz. The Dutch station on 747kHz can be heard just before the Radio Nova transmitter comes back on. Colm Hayes follows at 9am. |
79MB 86mins |
1984_07_16_0920_738_nova_tony_allan_howard_hughs_nx_c90_908_kb.mp3 | KB | 19M |
1984_07_19_0838_738_nova_colm_hays_earthquake_day.mp3 | 32M |
840825_nova_738_1915.mp3 | |
29M |
840827_1043_nova_738_dave_christrian_c90_944_exc_kb.mp3 | KB |
28M |
840827_1135_nova_738_dave_christrian_c90_944_exc_kb.mp3 | KB |
28M |
840827_1250_nova_738_dave_christian_c90_945_kb_exc.mp3 | KB |
29M |
840827_1344_nova_738_dave_christian_greg_gaughran_c90_945_kb_exc.mp3 | KB |
29M |
840827_nova_738_0719-0811_colm_hayes.mp3 | |
30M |
840827_nova_738_0811-0856_colm_hayes.mp3 | |
31M |
840827_nova_738_0949_colm_hayes_dave_christian.mp3 | |
28M |
840830_nova_738_1839_greg_gaughran_jason_mayne_3rd_ann.mp3 | |
28M |
840830_nova_738_2023_jason_mayne_3rd_ann_skywaves_at_end.mp3 | |
26M |
840831_1029_nova_738_dave_christian_c90_974_kb_exc.mp3 | KB |
30M |
840831_1331_nova_738_dave_christian_c90_974_kb_vg.mp3 | KB |
29M |
840831_nova_738_0747_colm_hayes.mp3 | |
30M |
840831_nova_738_0937_colm_hayes_dave_christian.mp3 | |
29M |
840902_nova_738_0930_chris_barry_greg_gaughran_sunday.mp3 | |
30M |
1984_09_03_mon_nova_738am_0753-1110_greggaughran_davechristian-gh518.mp3 New Sep 2024 | The breakfast show with Greg Gaughran on Monday 3rd September 1984. Dave Christian follows at 10am. As received in Leeds on 738kHz. |
180MB 197mins |
1984_09_08_sat_nova_738am_advert_for_generator-gh518.mp3 New Sep 2024 | There was a fire at electricity supply substation feeding Nova Park on Thursday 6th September and there were no generators available due to an ESB strike, so Radio Nova were forced to advertise for a generator. This is a short advert from the Saturday 8th September 1983 as received in Leeds on 738kHz. |
386kB 24secs |
840905_nova_738_1032_dave_christian_wed.mp3 | |
26M |
840905_nova_738_1328_dave_christian.mp3 | |
30M |
840905_nova_738_1428_greg_gaughran.mp3 | |
31M |
840907_0625_738_nova_john_clark_c90_981_kb.mp3 | KB | 32M |
840907_0951_738_nova_john_clark_dave_christian_slight_tvi_c90_981_kb.mp3 | KB | 28M |
840907_nova_738_1323_dave_christian.mp3 | |
30M |
840926_nova_738_1032_john_clark.mp3 | |
27M |
840926_nova_738_1325_john_clark_greg_gaughran.mp3 | |
28M |
840926_nova_738_1442_c90_1000_kb.mp3 | new 04/16 KB | |
840926_nova_738_1555_greg_gaughran.mp3 | |
28M |
840926_nova_738_1800_greg_gaughran.mp3 | |
25M |
840928_nova_738_1126_john_clark_day_of_5g_give_away.mp3 | KB |
27M |
840928_nova_738_1243_john_clark_day_of_5g_give_away.mp3 | KB |
25M |
840928_nova_738_1343_john_clark_greg_gaughran_tx_trouble.mp3 | KB |
31M |
840928_nova_738_1437_greg_gaughran.mp3 | KB |
29M |
840928_nova_738_1605_tony_allan_5g_giveaway_inc_tx_break.mp3 | KB |
61M |
840928_nova_738_1747_tony_allan_5g_giveaway_inc_winner.mp3 | KB |
37M |
841015_0725_738_nova_colm_hays_c90_1021_kb.mp3 | KB | 22M |
841024_1228_738_nova_greg_rosco_c90_1027_kb.mp3 | KB | 35M |
841031_0952_738_nova_john_clark_vg_c90_1034_kb.mp3 | KB | 31M |
1984_10_29_mon_nova_1027fms_1648-1734_greggaughran-ai1033_via_ib.mp3 New Sep 2021 | Greg Gaughran with part of the Bank Holiday Monday 'Listeners Top 100'. News is read at 5pm by Bernie Jamieson. Recorded from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 105MB |
1984_10_29_mon_nova_1027fms_1741-1827_greggaughran_emperor_rosco-ai1033_via_ib.mp3 New Sep 2021 | The Top 3 of 'The Listeners Top 100' with Greg Gaughran, and then The Emperor Rosko following news at 6pm with Bernie Jamieson. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 105MB |
1984_10_31_wed_nova_1027fms_2240-2325_jasonmaine-gh520.mp3 New Oct 2021 | A short recording of Jason Maine on Halloween evening. News at 11pm is read by David Johnson. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo | 105MB |
1984_11_01_thu_nova_1027fms_1656-1837_greggaughran_rosko-gh520.mp3 New Oct 2021 | The first part of a 3 hour recording made in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. This starts with Greg Gaughran just before 5pm. The news at 5pm and 6pm is read by Bernie Jamieson, and then at 7pm she is joined by George Long. The Rosko pre-recorded show followed the news. | 231MB |
1984_11_01_thu_nova_1027fms_1837-2008_rosko_jasonmaine-gh520.mp3 New Oct 2021 | The Rosko show continues from the above recording, with Jason Maine taking over after the news at 7pm with Bernie Jamieson and George Long. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 210MB |
841205_1254_738_nova_john_clark_bob_tony_news_c90_1055_kb.mp3 | KB | 33M |
841205_1346_738_nova_includes_power_hike_23m_c90_1055_kb.mp3 | KB | 30M |
841225_1426_738_nova_tony_allan_c90_1086_kb.mp3 | KB | 23M |
841225_1516_738_nova_tony_allan_c90_1086_kb.mp3 | KB | 24M |
1984_12_25_tue_nova_738am_1045-1358_dennismurray_davejohnson-gh528.mp3 New Nov 2021 | It's Christmas Day and this is the first three hours of an 8 hour recording of Radio Nava beginning with Dennis Murray. Dave Johnson reads the news at 11am and 1pm. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 176MB |
1984_12_25_tue_nova_738am_1358-1710_tonyallan-gh528.mp3 New Nov 2021 | Tony Allan takes over at 2pm with his 'Christmas in Rathfarnham Show'. The show includes a lot of funnies, including some clips from 'Bobs Brekkie Bits'. Mark Weller reads the news at 3pm. This three hour section follows on from the above, and was again recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 173MB |
1984_12_25_tue_nova_738am_1710-1853_tonyallan_markweller_daveharvey-gh528.mp3 New Nov 2021 | In the final part of this Christmas Day recording, Tony Allan is followed by Dave Harvey at 6pm after the news, which is read by Mark Weller. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 95MB |
1984_12_26_wed_nova_738am_2220-2320_dennismurray-EM21.mp3 | New May 2021 | 55MB |
841231_1414_738_nova_c90_1095_kb.mp3 | KB | 23M |
841231_1623_738_nova_winter_time_mw_reception_c90_1095_kb.mp3 | KB | 23M |
1984_12_31_mon_nova_1027fms_2100-2235_chriscary_tonyallen-ai1048_via_ib.mp3 New Sep 2021 | A New Years Eve programme with Chris Cary and Tony Allen, with some inserts from other deejays. Recorded from 102.7MHz in stereo with some random left and right dropouts at times. | 214MB |
850109wed_nova_738_0845-1155_colmhayes_petermadison_johnclark.mp3 | GH | 179M |
850115_1434_738_nova_dublin_tony_allan_c90_1106_kb.mp3 | KB | 26M |
850116_0826_738_nova_colm_hayes_peter_madison_c90_1107_kb.mp3 | KB | 21M |
850126_1420_738_nova_hugh_obrien_c90_1110_kb_vvg.mp3 | KB | 17M |
1985_01_27_sun_nova_738am_1255-1414_caseykasem-gh540.mp3 New Jan 2025 | Trevor James finishes his show at 1pm, and then the final Casey Kasem 'American Top 40' on Radio Nova follows the news with Dave Johnson. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. |
67MB 73mins |
1985_01_27_sun_nova_738am_1532-1612_caseykasem_greggaughran-gh540.mp3 New Jan 2025 | The last 30 minutes of the final Casey Kasem 'American Top 40' on Radio Nova on Sunday 27th January 1985. In future weeks, Casey would be replaced by Declan Meehan with the 'European Top 40'. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. |
36MB 40mins |
1985_03_25_mon_nova_738am_1250-1440_greggaughran_tonymckenzie_gh.mp3 | New 03/16 GH | |
850401_0656_738_nova_john_clark_c90_1146_kb.mp3 | KB | 35M |
850401_0801_738_nova_john_clark_c90_1146_kb.mp3 | KB | 21M |
850401_1351_nova_738_tony_mckenzie_monday_c90_1147_exc_kb.mp3 | KB |
29M |
850401_1437_nova_738_am_stereo_hoax_c90_1148_kb_exc.mp3 | KB |
32M |
1985_04_21_sun_nova_738am_0420-0733_georgetalbot_petermadison-gh538.mp3 New Jun 2023 | Early morning with George Talbot on Sunday 21st April 1985. In the days of the 'Funny Bubble Competition'. Peter Madision takes over at 6am. News starts at 7am with Bernie Jameson. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 110MB 196mins |
1985_04_21_sun_nova_738am_0800-1003_petermadison_life_is_a_celebration_tonymckenzie-gh538-gh538.mp3 Updated Jun 2023 | From the same Sunday morning Peter Madision show as above until 0930 when 'Life is a Celebration' is aired. After the 10am new with Bernie Jameson is one link from Tony McKenzie. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 110MB 122mins |
1985_04_29_mon_nova_738am_0745-1100_johnclark_rickdees_greggaughran-gh538.mp3 New Jun 2021 | John Clark presents breakfast with Bob Gallico on the morning of the start of Magic 103. Mention is made of the new station and that Bob Gallico would be hosting a programme at 10am. Rick Dees is on at 9am with the syndicated show, and Greg takes over at 10am. Bob Gallico reads the news from the newly named 'ABC Network News'. Recorded in Leeds from 738kHz. | 175MB |
1985_05_10_fri_nova_738am_1255-1405_tonymckenzie-gh538.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Tony McKenzie on a Friday lunchtime. ABC Network News at 1pm is from Mark Weller and Bob Gallico. Recorded in Leeds from 738kHz. | 65MB |
1985_06_29_sat_nova_738am_1515-1705_rickharris-gh549.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Rick Harris, from Laser 558, hosts a Friday afternoon show. ABC Network News is read by David Johnson and Aiden Cooney gives a sports news. Mentin is made of more Irish news across at Magic 103. Recorded in Leeds from 738kHz. | 101MB |
1985_06_30_sun_nova_738am_1203-1353_chriscary_euro_top_40-gh549.mp3 New Jun 2021 | The European Top 40 hosted by Chris Cary from London. News is read by George Long. Recorded in Leeds from 738kHz. | 101MB |
1985_07_27_sat_nova_738am_1746-2100_stuartvincent-gh550.mp3 New Oct 2024 | Three hours of Stuart Vincent's first show on Saturday 27th July 1985. There had been lineup changes that day, and Stuart appeared at 6pm having followed a marathon 6 hour show from Colm Hayes. ABC Network News is read by Bernie Jameson and sport is reported by Aiden Cooney. Recorded in Leeds from 738kHz with a few crackles. |
180MB 196mins |
1985_07_28_sun_nova_738am_1158-1512_eurotop40_chriscary_tonymckenzie-gh548.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Chris Cary hosts a full three hour European Top 40 in July 1985, and announcing as being live in Dublin. George Long reads the mid-day ABC Network News and from 2pm it is read by Bernie Jameson. At this time, Magic 103 was still on the air, which is where the news originated. Tony McKenzie follows at 3pm, mentioning that Chris will be live from London next week. The recording was made in Leeds and suffers from some splatter from the big Dutch transmitter on 747kHz. By this time, Nova was running reduced power and appeared to be concentrating to the local Dublin audience. | 170MB |
1985_08_11_sun_nova_738am_1135-1450_rickharris_sybilfennel_eurotop40-gh542.mp3 New Apr 2021 | The end of a Sunday morning show from Rick Harris, and after the mid-day news with George Long, Sybil Fennel hosts the European Top 40 show. Bernie Jameson reads the news at 2pm. This 3 hour recording was made near Blackpool on 738kHz. | 176MB |
1985_09_02_mon_nova_738am_1100-1345_tonyallan_airchecks-gh549.mp3 New Jun 2021 | A partially airchecked Tony Allan lunchtime show. The main 1pm ABC Network News is read by Mark Weller and Bob Gallico. Recorded in Leeds from 738kHz. | 89MB |
1985_09_03_tue_nova_738am_1049-1158_rickdees_daveharvey-gh500.mp3 New Jan 2025 | During a period when the schedule seemed to be changing weekly, here is the end of a Rick Dees programme, and then Dave Harvey follows the 11am news with Bob Gallico. Recorded in Leeds from 738kHz. |
63MB 68mins |
1985_10_19_sat_nova_1035fms_2115-2253_tonylewis-gh544.mp3 New Jun 2021 | A late Saturday evening show with Tony Lewis. This recording was made in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo. There is some multipath noise in places. | 222MB |
1985_10_19_sat_nova_1035fms_2253-0030_tonylewis_mikeduggan-gh544.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Continuing Tony Lewis from above until midnight when Mike Duggan takes over. Again recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo with some multipath noise in places. | 215MB |
1985_10_20_sun_nova_1035fms_1047-1207_paulkavanagh_jessiebrandon-gh543.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Sunday morning 20th October 1985 with Paul Kavanagh up until mid-day and then the first few minutes of Jessie Brandon filling in for Tony McKenzie on the Euro Top 40. There appeared to be no news service on this particular day. This recording was made in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo. |
189MB 82mins |
1985_10_20_sun_nova_1035fms_1835-2106_georgetalbot_tonyallan-gh545.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Sunday evening with the end of a George Talbot show. Tony Allan reads the 7pm news headlines, and then hosts the first 2 hours of his five hour show. This recording was made in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo. There is some multipath noise in places. | 350MB |
1985_10_20_sun_nova_1035fms_2108-2253_tonyallan-gh545.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Continung the above Tony Allan recording after 9pm. This recording was made in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo. There is some multipath noise in places. | 140MB |
1985_10_20_sun_nova_1035fms_2305-0025_tonyallan_mikeduggan-gh545.mp3 New Jun 2021 | The final part of the above Tony Allan show, who is followed at midnight by Mike Duggan. This recording was again made in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo. | 191MB |
1985_10_21_mon_nova_1035fms_1423-1720_tonymckenzie_jessiebrandon-gh543.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Tony McKenzie in the afternoon of Monday 21st October 1985 until 3pm. After the 3pm ABC Network News with Sybil Fennel is the 'Clutter Free Hour'. Jessie Brandon follows the 4pm news, again from Sybil. This recording was made in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo. |
407MB 178mins |
1985_10_22_tue_nova_1027fms_0738-0915_morning_zoo-gh373.mp3 New Jul 2021 | The Morning Breakfast Zoo with Colm Hayes, Bob Gallico and Cathy Byrne. This recording was made in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 215MB |
1986_01_09_thu_nova_254lw_1450-1620_georgetalbot_738relay.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz on 254kHz with Clutter Free Hour then George Talbot. Recorded in Blackpool. | 43,623k |
1986_01_10_fri_nova_254lw_1352-1450_tonymckenzie_738relay-scotland.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz on 254kHz with Tony McKenzie and Sybil Fennell on news. Recorded in West Scotland. Weak signal with a lot of European interference. | 32,211k |
1986_01_10_fri_nova_254lw_1540-1640_paulkavanagh_738relay-scotland.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz on 254kHz with Paul Kavanagh and Sybil Fennell on news. Recorded in West Scotland. Slighly better reception than above recording. | 29,038k |
1986_01_24_fri_nova_254lw_1413-1515_tonymckenzie_738relay-scotland.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz on 254kHz with Tony McKenzie and Sybil Fennell on news. Recorded in West Scotland. Much better signal than previous Friday. | 31,196k |
1986_01_26_sun_nova_254lw_0145-0325_richard_jackson_738relay.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz on 254kHz. Recorded in Blackpool. | 47,766k |
1986_01_26_sun_nova_254lw_0325-0455_richard_jackson_738relay.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz on 254kHz. Recorded in Blackpool. | 43,254k |
1986_01_28_tue_nova_254lw_chrisbarry_airchecks.mp3 | Airchecks of Chris Barry announcing the Long Wave tests on 254kHz. Recorded in Bradford. | 1,386k |
1986_01_28_tue_nova_254lw_1500-1545_chrisbarry.mp3 | Split 254kHz test transmission with Chris Barry. Recorded in Blackpool. | 21,883k |
1986_01_28_tue_nova_254lw_1500-1800_chrisbarry.mp3 | A combination of recordings from 28th January on 254kHz, starting in Bradford (received in a concrete building) and then Blackpool with the better signal. Chris Barry again on tests, before merging back with the main Nova service at 6pm. | 65,577k |
1986_01_29_wed_nova_254lw_chrisbarry_airchecks.mp3 | Airchecks of Chris Barry announcing the Long Wave tests on 254kHz. Recorded in Blackpool. | 945k |
1986_01_29_wed_nova_254lw_0740-0910_johnohara_738relay.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz on 254kHz with John O'Hara until 9am then Tony McKenzie. Recorded in Leeds. | 42,503k |
1986_01_29_wed_nova_254lw_0910-1200_tonymckenzie_738relay.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz on 254kHz with Tony McKenzie. Recorded in Leeds. | 82,963k |
1986_01_29_wed_nova_254lw_1200-1405_tonymckenzie_colmhayes_738relay.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz on 254kHz with Tony McKenzie then Colm Hayes at 1pm. Recorded in Leeds. | 58,190k |
1986_01_29_wed_nova_254lw_1430-1615_chrisbarry.mp3 | Split 254kHz test transmission with Chris Barry. Edited from tapes received in Bradford (weak signal) and Blackpool. | 48,123k |
1986_01_30_thu_nova_254lw_1355-1530_colmhayes_738relay_then_chrisbarry.mp3 | Relay of 738kHz as received on 254kHz with Dave Johnson on news and Colm Hayes until about 1425, then a split to Chris Barry and a separate Radio Nova Longwave test. Recorded in Bradford, inside a concrete building hence some electrical interference. | 43,115k |
1986_01_30_thu_nova_254lw_1538-1640_chrisbarry-EM144.mp3 New JAN 2021 | Chris Barry with separate Radio Nova Longwave test, includes Dave Johnson with news at 4pm and headlines at 4:30pm. Recorded in Liverpool. Many thanks to Eric Monaghan for this one. There are one or two transmission issues in this recording, which could have been due to storm conditions. The test went back to relaying the main Nova service at 6pm, and the longwave transmissions were switched off shortly after 11pm never to return. | 58M |
1986_02_22_sat_nova_1035fms_2310-0040_cathybyrne_richardjackson-gh689.mp3 New Jul 2021 | Cathy Byrne with a late Saturday evening show followed by Richard Jackson. The midnight news is read by Gary Hammill. Recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo. | 216M |
1986_03_11_tue_nova_1035fms_1535-1622_colmhayes_sybilfennel-gh468.mp3 New Mar 2021 | Part of a Colm Hayes afternoon show with Sybil Fennel on news at 4pm. Some dropouts and muffled in places. Recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz. | 111MB |
1986_03_12_wed_nova_1035fms_2145-2230_richardjackson_garyhamill-gh468.mp3 New Mar 2021 | Some of a late evening show from Richard Jackson. Starts with a lot of continous music and then news at 10pm is read by Gary Hamill.
Some dropouts. Recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz. |
111MB |
1986_03_13_thu_nova_1035fms_0947-1034_tonymckenzie_sybilfennel-gh466.mp3 New Mar 2021 |
Into the final 7 days of Radio Nova, here is part of
a Tony McKenzie morning show with Sybil Fennel on news. Recorded from 103.5MHz in Dublin. Includes some dropouts. |
110MB |
860314_nova_738_1258-1328_bob_gallico_colm_hayes_kb.mp3 | KB |
17M |
1986_03_14_fri_nova_1035fms_1555-1642_colmhayes_sybilfennel-gh466.mp3 New Mar 2021 | The final Friday afternoon show. Colm Hayes hosts with Sybil Fenell on news. Recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz. The recording is a bit muffled in places and has dropouts. |
110MB |
1986_03_15_sat_nova_1035fms_1159-1246_rickdees-gh841.mp3 New Mar 2021 | The start of the last Rick Dees American Top 40 show on Radio Nova. News at mid-day was read by
Gary Hamill. Recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz. |
110MB |
1986_03_16_sun_nova_1035fms_1205-1250_davejohnson_eurotop40-gh841.mp3 New Mar 2021 |
Some of the final European Top 40 show as presented by Dave Johnson. Recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz.
110MB |
860316_1526_738_nova_eur_top_40_inc_ann_tech_break_for_30m_again_tandy_c60_kb | KB | 15M |
860316_1526_738_nova_inc_s_on_again_tandy_c60_kb.mp3 | KB | 23M |
860317_nova_738_1259-1329_tandy_c60_kb.mp3 |
A St Patricks Day afternoon show from Colm Hayes as received in Scotland by Ken on 738kHz. Bob Gallico reads the news at 1pm. |
17M |
1986_03_17_mon_nova_1035fms_1307-1354_colmhayes-gh894.mp3 New Mar 2021 |
Almost the same recording as the above but
started a little later and
missing the news at 1pm. Recorded from 103.5MHz in Dublin. |
110MB |
1986_03_17_mon_nova_738am_1903-1950_georgetalbot-gh894.mp3 New Mar 2021 |
An evening show from George Talbot recorded
from 738kHz in Dublin. |
44MB |
860318_nova_738_0803-0833_tandy_c60_kb.mp3 |
KB |
17M |
860319_0814_738_nova_inc_cw_breakthrough_0830.mp3 | KB |
42M |
1986_03_19_0814_738_nova_inc_cw_breakthrough_due_to_bad_radio_0830.mp3 | KB |
1986_03_19_wed_nova_1031fm_1450-1520_last_of_fm_then_cut_into_cont_music.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | |
1986_03_19_wed_nova_1031fm_1454_colm_asks_for_chris_or_tony.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | |
1986_03_19_wed_nova_738am_1735-closedown_tx_cut_off_then_poland.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | |
1986_03_19_wed_nova_738am_1730-1800_closedown_rec_in_blackpool_flicking_between_738_and_1031fm.mp3 | * New 05/16 GH | |
1986_03_19_wed_nova_738am_chriscary_closedown_announcement.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | |
1986_03_19_wed_nova_738am_1645-1805_colmheyes_then_final_closedown-gh957.mp3 New Mar 2021 |
The final 75 minutes of Radio Nova beginning
at 4:45pm with Colm Hayes. Chris Cary gives the final announcement at
6pm. The transmitter can be heard switching off afterwards when Poland
appears underneath. Recorded in Dublin from 738kHz. |
44MB |
1982_10_27_wed_kissfm_1027fms_0749-0918_johnclark-ght2.mp3 New Apr 2022 | John Clark on breakfast with news from Bob Gallico. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 205MB |
1982_10_27_wed_kissfm_1027fms_0918-1100_johnclark-ght2.mp3 New Apr 2022 | A continuation of the above John Clark breakfast show, with Bob on news at 10am. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 232MB |
1982_10_27_wed_kissfm_1027fms_1100-1126_tonyallen-ght2.mp3 New Apr 2022 | The start of Tony Allen on a KISS lunchtime show following the 11am news with Bob Gallico. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 60MB |
1982_10_27_wed_kissfm_1027fms_1158-1313_tonyallen-ght2.mp3 New Apr 2022 | More Tony Allen on KISS lunchtime with Bob Gallico on midday news. Bob is joined by Sybil for the 1pm news. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 171MB |
1982_10_27_wed_kissfm_1027fms_1203-1248_tonyallen-EM83.mp3 New Sep 2021 | Tony Allen on a KISS lunchtime show following the midday news with Bob Gallico. Recorded from 102.7MHz in stereo. Many thanks to Eric Monaghan for this tape. | 102MB |
1982_10_27_wed_kissfm_1027fms_1335-1401_tonyallen-ght2.mp3 New Apr 2022 | Another section of the above Tony Allen show following the 2pm news with Sybil Fennel. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 62MB |
1983_01_22_sat_kissfm_1027fm_1458-1545_hughobrien_siobhanpurcell_news.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | 44MB |
1983_02_07_mon_kissfm_1027fms_0703-0748_johnlewis-EM83.mp3 New Sep 2021 | After Bob Gallico finishes the 7am news, John Lewis hosts a Monday KISS breakfast show with Siobhán Purcell. Recorded from 102.7MHz in stereo. Many thanks to Eric Monaghan for this tape. | 103MB |
1983_04_03_sun_kissfm_1027fms_1005-1038_jimcotter_irish_language_show-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Aug 2021 | Jim Cotter hosts a Sunday morning music show in the Irish language. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 77MB |
1983_04_03_sun_kissfm_1027fms_1039-1112_jimcotter_irish_language_show-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Aug 2021 | A continuation of the above Jim Cotter Irish language show. News at 11am is read by Karon Miles. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 77MB |
1983_04_15_fri_kissfm_1027fms_1929-2048_dennismurray-gh.mp3 New Jul 2021 | Over an hour of Dennis Murray Rocks on KISS FM. Martin Block reads the 8pm news, although Dennis was expecting Brian Dobson. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 174MB |
1983_04_17_sun_kissfm_1027fms_1911-1957_chriscary-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Sep 2021 | Chris Cary with a Sunday evening show on KISS. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. | 106MB |
1983_04_17_sun_kissfm_1027fms_2012-2058_chriscary-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Sep 2021 | More of Chris Cary from the above Sunday evening show, although there is a gap and the news is missing from this recording as it continues well after 8pm. | 106MB |
1983_10_11_tue_kissfm_1027fms_1840-2010_mikemoran_dennismurray-gh642.mp3 New Apr 2022 | This was a recording of KISS FM thought to be from the day that Radio Nova had its equipment returned by the courts, following the raid on 18th May. It is not know if this was the first day KISS returned to the air, as there had been split evening service with 'SuperNova' in previous weeks. Recorded in Dublin from 102.7MHz in stereo. Mike Moran hosts until the news with Sybil Fennel at 7pm. Dennis Murray takes over with the rock show at 7pm, and David Malone reads news at 8pm. There are some reception issues meaning noisy stereo hiss at times during the tape. |
213MB 93mins |
1983_10_31_mon_kissfm_1027fms_2202-2304_dennismurray_then_changeover_to_nova_gh.mp3 | New 03/16 GH | 148 MB |
1983_11_01_tue_kiss_1027fms_0828-1025_colmhayes_berniejameson_chrisbarry_gh.mp3 | New 03/16 GH | 262 MB |
1983_12_24_sat_kiss_1027fms_1809-1856_tonygareth-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Sep 2021 | Christmas Eve with Tony Gareth (Gareth O'Callaghan), following his time out on Radio Caroline in August 1983. Recorded from 102.7MHz, in stereo but there are some random dropouts on left and right. | 109MB |
1983_12_24_sat_kiss_1027fms_1901-1949_tonygareth-ai_via_ib.mp3 New Sep 2021 | A continuation of the above Christmas Eve show with David Malone ending the 7pm news. Recorded from 102.7MHz, in stereo but there are some random dropouts on left and right. | 109MB |
840112_1027_819_kiss_fm_tony_garrath_c120_121_kb.mp3 | KB | 33M |
840112_1319_819_kiss_fm_dublin_tony_garrath_john_clarke_c120_122_kb.mp3 | KB | 29M |
840112_1445_819_kiss_fm_john_clark_c120_122_kb.mp3 | KB | 32M |
840112_2230_819_kiss_fm_jason_mayne_very_skywavey_c120_123_kb.mp3 | KB | 26M |
1984_01_15_sun_kissfm_1027fms_2201-2303_dennismurray_last_night-mj.mp3 New Sep 2021 | The penultimate hour of the final Dennis Murray 'KISS ROCK' show on KISS FM. Recorded from 102.7MHz, in stereo but quality is not the best. News at 11pm is read by David Malone. | 113MB |
1984_01_15_sun_kissfm_1027fms_2305-2405_dennismurray_last_night_closedown_poor_audio-mj.mp3 New Sep 2021 | The final hour of Dennis Murray, which was also the last hour of KISS FM. Chris Barry and Stephanie McAllister are in the studio as the station closes just before midnight. News at midnight is by David Malone. Recorded from 102.7MHz, but sadly the audio is not great in places, especially towards the end. The rest of the news including a mention of KISS closing can be heard on the Radio Nova 1984 download section. | 112MB |
1984_01_15_sun_kissfm_1027fms_midnight_closure_announcement-mj.mp3 New Sep 2021 | The promotion advertising the closure of KISS FM on 15th January 1984. This is the one broadcast at midnight to close the station and runs into the midnight news with David Malone. | 2.2MB |
1985_04_28_sun_magic103_1035fm_1800-1845_bobgallico_classical_collection-gh186.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Bob Gallico hosted a classical show on Sunday evening 28th April 1985,
which seemed to be a test transmission and the first programme on the new Magic 103.
This was recorded in Blackpool from 103.5Mhz, and suffers from much
fading and interference. As with other recordings with lots of interference, they are included for historical completeness.
Dave Johnson reads the ABC Network News at 6pm before Bob starts his
show. |
65MB |
1985_04_29_mon_magic103_1035fm_0900-0940_daveharvey-gh186.mp3 New Apr 2021 |
Dave Harvey
on Monday 29th April 1985, with part of the first official
programme on this new station. The 'Magic 103' jingle repeats on
the way up to station opening at 0900. Again recorded in Blackpool with
some fades. |
57MB |
Magic103--Dublin103.5MHz--April29th1985--0900--DaveHarvey.mp3 New Apr 2021 | This recording of the opening of Magic 103 with Dave Harvey is one hour and much clearer than our own, and is courtesy of |
54MB |
Magic103--Dublin103.5MHz--April29th1985--1001--BobGallico.mp3 New Apr 2021 | This clearer recording of the first 30 minutes of Bob Gallico is courtesy of |
28MB |
1985_04_29_mon_magic103_1035fm_1001-1133_bobgallico-gh187.mp3 New Apr 2021 | More of the first offical morning, with Bob Gallico hosting 'Morning Magic'. Recorded in Blackpool from 103.5MHz
with some fading, and breakthrough from a local station. Bob
quickly moves from reading the ABC Network News at 10am, to hosting
the show, where he seems to have one or two issues with the equipment. |
131MB |
1985_05_03_fri_magic103_1035fms_1128-1315_bobgallico_lindaconway-gh088.mp3 New May 2021 | Another recording of Bob Gallico hosting his 'Morning Magic' during the first week of broadcasting. This was recorded near Blackpool and suffers from a few fades and crackles, and is also partially airchecked. Linda Conway follows the news at 1pm, which is read by Bob himself and Mark Weller. |
176MB |
1985_05_04_sat_magic103_1035fm_1400-1600_petermadison_airchecks-gh076.mp3 New May 2021 | Airchecks of
the first Saturday afternoon show from Peter Madison, which consists
of a phone in discussion about radio, including Aiden Cooney talking
about Big D Radio and a phone call from Doctor Don. News is read by Dave Johnson. Recorded in Dublin. |
75MB |
1985_05_10_fri_magic103_1035fms_0730-0905_chrisbarry_georgelong_daveharvey-gh091.mp3 New May 2021 |
A nice quality recording of Chris Barry and George Long hosting a Friday breakfast show.
It is interesting that the news by George at 8am and 9am is announced
as 'Magic 103 News' and not the syndicated 'ABC Network News' used on
Nova. Dave Harvey follows the 9am news. Recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo. |
223MB |
Magic103-Dublin-July22nd1985-1000-PeterMadison-BobGallico.mp3 New Apr 2021 | This recording of Peter Madison on a joint morning show with Bob Gallico is courtesy of | 84MB |
magic103_310785_1800-1935_sybil.mp3 | GH |
129MB |
1985_08_02_fri_magic103_1035fms_1730-1901_markweller_sybilfennel_jennymcivor-gh001.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Mark Weller,
who reads the news, has also to cover for Sybil as she is delayed in traffic for her show. Sybil eventually arrives, and Jenny McIvor
interviews during the show. Recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo. |
221MB |
1985_08_09_fri_magic103_1521am_0957-1207_petermadison_bobgallico-gh553.mp3 Updated Apr 2021 |
Two hours of a
Friday mid mornng show from Peter Madison and Bob Gallico as recorded
near Blackpool from 1521kHz / 199m. The station lost its uhf link later that afternoon and 1521kHz carried Radio
Nova from 3pm. |
120MB |
1985_08_10_sat_magic103_1521am_0937-1249_hullabaloo_jennymcivor-gh553.mp3 Updated Apr 2021 | By Saturday morning the links had been restored and 'Magic Hullabaloo' was on the air in the morning. 'Hullabaloo' was a programme which was aimed at young people. At mid-day Jenny McIvor hosts a show of her own. News was read by David Johnson. Recorded from 1521kHz near Blackpool. | 175MB |
1985_08_10_sat_magic103_1521am_1253-1604_jennymcivor_lindaconway-gh553.mp3 Updated Apr 2021 | A continuation of the above Jenny McIvor show and then at 2pm Linda Conway hosts a two hour show. The recording finishes with Bernie Jameson reading the news at 4pm, and Aiden Cooney with the sports news. Again recorded from 1521kHz nea Blackpool. | 175MB |
1985_08_10_sat_magic103_1521am_1635-1950_tonymckenzie_berniejameson-gh542.mp3 Updated Apr 2021 | Saturday afternoon with Tony McKenzie and Bernie Jameson on news. Then Bernie does her own show from 6pm, whilst still reading the ABC Network News on the hour. Recorded near Blackpool from the 1521kHz AM outlet. | 180MB |
1985_08_11_sun_magic103_1521am_1213-1450_nova_relay_shanemcgowan-gh542.mp3 Updated Apr 2021 | On this particular Sunday, Magic were late on the air due to issues which had started on Friday afternoon and were now affecting the FM transmitter which was off the air. However 1521kHz relayed Radio Nova until around 1230, when there was continuous music until 1pm. George Long read the news and then Shane McGowan began Magic 103 programmes for the day, announcing AM only. Bernie Jameson reads the news at 2pm. Recorded near Blackpool from 1521kHz, with some local electrical interference. | 144MB |
magic103_220885_0900-1030.mp3 | GH | 149,199k |
1985_08_27_tue_magic103_1035fms_1930-2100_shanemcgowan_georgelong-gh083.mp3 New Apr 2021 |
The last
lengthy and unedited recording we have of Magic 103 before it closed on Sunday 22nd September 1985.
This includes parts of evening shows from Shane McGowan and George Long. Recorded in Dublin from 103.5MHz in stereo.
The news is read by Bernie Jameson. |
207MB |
1985_08_29_thu_magic103_1521am_petermadison_airchecks-gh194.mp3 New Apr 2021 |
This is
our last recording of Magic 103 before it closed on Sunday 22nd September 1985.
It contains a few airchecks of Peter Madison on a phone call with Dave
Windsor who was working on a station on the Mediterranean coast. Dave
had recently been on Radio Caroline, ABC Radio in Tramore, as well as
Sunshine Radio Dublin under the name of Oscar Murphy. Recorded in Blackpool from
1521kHz. |
11MB |
1986_04_28_mon_energy103_738am_1410-1755_cont_music_richardjackson_tonymckenzie_1st_day.mp3 | * New 05/16 GH | |
1986_04_28_1412_738_energy_103_richard_jackson_c120_193_kb.mp3 | KB | 47mb |
1986_04_28_1449_738_energy_103_richard_jackson_tony_mckenzie_tandy_c60_kb.mp3 | KB |
23mb |
1986_04_28_1534_738_energy_103_tony_mckenzie_tandy_c60_kb.mp3 | KB |
23mb |
1986_04_28_1755_738_energy_103_tony_mckenzie_tandy_c60_kb.mp3 | KB | 22mb |
1986_04_28_1825_738_energy_103_tony_mckenzie_tandy_c60_kb.mp3 | KB | 23mb |
1986_04_28_mon_energy103_103fms_2240-2410_garyhammil_mikeduggan.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | |
1986_04_29_tue_energy103_103fms_0630-0804_johnohara_1st_breakfast_show.mp3 | * New 05/16 GH | |
1986_04_29_tue_energy103_738am_0731-0817_johnohara_1st_breakfast_show.mp3 | * New 05/16 GH | |
1986_04_29_tue_energy103_738am_0818-0905_johnohara_1st_breakfast_show.mp3 | * New 05/16 GH | |
1986_04_29_tue_energy103_103fms_1020-1105_richard_jackson.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | |
1986_04_29_tue_energy103_738am_2220-2305_davejohnson.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | |
Energy103--Dublin--May2nd1986--1150--RichardJackson.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Recording kind courtesy of | 65MB |
1986_05_05_mon_energy103_738am_1330-1815_richardjackson_tonymckenzie_airchecks-gh601.mp3 New Jun 2021 | 3 hours of clips from over 5 hours of afternoon shows from Richard Jackson and Tony McKenzie. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. There is some static from a lightning storm towards the end. | 175MB |
1986_05_06_tue_energy103_738am_0720-0855_johnohara-gh601.mp3 New Jun 2021 | John O'Hara hosts Energy Breakfast with Gary Hamill on news. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 90MB |
19860506 Energy103--Dublin--May6th1986--1840--TonyMcKenzie--GR.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording kind courtesy Ger Roe via | 36MB |
1986_05_12_mon_energy103_103fms_0914-1000_johnohara_garyhamill_on_news_hissy_signal.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | |
1986_05_12_fri_energy103_103fms_1504-1605_tonymckenzie.mp3 | * New 05/16 GH | |
1986_05_12_mon_energy103_103fms_richardjackson.mp3 | New 04/16 GH | |
Energy103--Dublin103.0MHz--May22nd1986--0757--JohnOHara-192.mp3 New Mar 2021 | John O'Hara with Gary Hamill on 'Early Energy'. Recorded from 103.0MHz in stereo courtesy of | 27MB |
1986_06_03_tue_energy103_738am_1420-1710_tonymckenzie_garethocallaghan-gh598.mp3 New Aug 2022 | The return to Dublin's airwaves this week was Gareth O'Callaghan who took up the afternoon 3pm slot on Energy 103 following Tony McKenzie. Dave Johnson was reading the news at 3pm, 4pm and 5pm. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 155MB |
1986_06_03_tue_energy103_738am_1501-1635_garethocallaghan_davejohnson-gh430.mp3 New Mar 2021 | Another version of the return of Gareth O'Callaghan who took up the afternoon slot on Energy 103. Dave Johnson was reading the news at 4pm. Also recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 44MB |
19860604 Energy103 - Dublin 103.0MHz - June 4th 1986 - 0713 - Early Energy with John O'Hara and Gary Hamill.mp3 New Apr 2021 | John O'Hara with Gary Hamill on breakfast. Recorded from 103.0MHz in stereo courtesy of | 82MB |
19860607 Energy 103 - Dublin - June 7th 1986 - 2345 - Gary Hamill - Pure Energy.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 17MB |
1986_06_08_sun_energy103_103fms_2140-2227_bryanlambert-gh381.mp3 New Feb 2021 | 110MB | |
1986_06_08_sun_energy103_103fms_2240-2327_bryanlambert-gh381.mp3 New Feb 2021 | 109MB | |
Energy103--Dublin103.0MHz--June9th1986--1241--TonyMcKenzie-192.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Tony McKenzie hosting lunchtime with Dave Johnson reading the news. Recorded from 103.0MHz in stereo courtesy of | 130MB |
Energy103--Dublin103.0MHz--June11th1986--1456--GarethOCallaghan-192.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Gareth O'Callaghan in the afternoon with Dave Johnson on news. Recorded from 103.0MHz in stereo courtesy of | 130MB |
19860619 Energy 103 - Dublin - 19June1986 - 1909 - John O'Hara.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 53MB |
1986_07_04_fri_energy103_738am_0714-0845_tonymckenzie_davejohnson-gh1057.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Breakfast show with Tony McKenzie with Dave Johnson reading the news. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 89MB |
1986_07_04_fri_energy103_738am_1840-2010_garethocallaghan_johnohara_georgelong-gh1062.mp3 New Feb 2021 | The end of Gareth O'Callaghan Drive Time and into John O'Hara, with George Long reading the news. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 88MB |
1986_07_05_sat_energy103_738am_0718-0850_garyhamill-gh1046.mp3 New Mar 2021 | A Saturday morning breakfast show from Gary Hamill. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 88MB |
Energy103--Dublin103.0MHz--July16th1986--1455--GarethOCallaghan.mp3 New Jun 2021 | After George Long reads the 3pm news, Gareth O'Callaghan hosts the Energy Cruise. Recorded originally by Anoraks Ireland from 103MHz courtesy of | 128MB |
19860721 Energy 103 - Dublin - July 21st 1986 - 1501 - Gareth O'Callaghan.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording from 738kHz courtesy of | 13MB |
1986_08_04_mon_energy103_738am_1030-1200_derekjones_gerrystevens_kathykelly_on_news.mp3 | * New 05/16 GH | |
1986_08_26_tue_energy103_738am_1235-1410_gerrystevens-gh947.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Gerry Stevens on the lunchtime show with George Long reading the news at 1pm. David Johnson takes over newsreading at 2pm. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz with some local noise. | 91MB |
1986_08_26_tue_energy103_738am_1410-1545_gerrystevens_garethocallaghan-gh947.mp3 New Jun 2021 | A continuation of Gerry Stevens until 3pm, when Gareth O'Callaghan takes over. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz with some local electrical noise. | 85MB |
19860831 Energy103--103.1MHz--August31st1986--0300--MikeKingston.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Part of an overnight show from Mike Kingston. Recorded from 103.0MHz courtesy of | 143MB |
1986_09_18_thu_energy103_738am_0725-0900_tonymckenzie_georgelong-gh950.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Tony McKenzie on breakfast with George Long reading the news. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 89MB |
1986_09_18_thu_energy103_738am_0900-1035_tonymckenzie_georgelong-gh950.mp3 New Jun 2021 | A continuation of the above breakfast show with Tony McKenzie and George Long. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 86MB |
Energy103--Dublin103.0MHz--September15th1986--1500--GarethOCallaghan.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Gareth O'Callaghan hosts the Energy Cruise. Paul Clements reads the 3pm news. Recorded from 103MHz courtesy of | 43MB |
Energy103--Dublin103.0MHz--September21st1986--1600--GarethOCallaghan.mp3 New Jun 2021 | More from Gareth O'Callaghan. News is read by Michael Lewis. Recorded from 103MHz courtesy of | 43MB |
Energy103--Dublin103.0MHz--September24th1986--1255--GerryStevens.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Lunchtime with Gerry Stevens. George Long reads news at 1pm and then Sybil Fennel at 2pm. News is read by Michael Lewis. Recorded originally by Anoraks Ireland from 103MHz and supplied courtesy of | 129MB |
1986_10_07_tue_energy103_738am_0118-0425_mikekingston-gh50.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Three hours of a through the night show from Mike Kingston as recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. There is some atmospheric fading and whistles come in at times which would have probably been from Canadian stations on 740kHz. There is a request for someone listening in London which is interesting. | 175MB |
19861022 Energy103FM--Dublin103.MHz--October22nd1986--2028--TonyAllan.mp3 New Apr 2021 | This recording joins Tony halfway through the Park Leisure Complex Hour from 7.30pm. Recorded from 103.0MHz courtesy of | 138MB |
1986_10_26_sat_energy103_738am_1009-1322_derekjones_rickdees-gh853.mp3 New Mar 2021 | A Saturday morning show from Derek Jones on October Bank Holiday weekend. News is read by Michael Lewis. At mid-day Rick Dees hosts the American Top 40. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 180MB |
19861028 Energy103--738kHz--October28th1986--0730--GarethOCallaghan-CathyQuinn.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Gareth O'Callaghan with a new breakfast show and co-host Cathy Quinn. News is read at 8am by Michael Lewis. Recording is from 738kHz and courtesy of | 98MB |
Energy103--Dublin103.0MHz--November13th1986--0040--LiamQuigley-JR.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Lliam Quigley with a midnight night show. News at 1am is read by George Long. Recording is from Joe Rossa and courtesy of | 140MB |
Energy103--Dublin103FM--December27th1986--0200--ErnieGallagher-192.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Ernie Gallagher with a through the night show during the early hours of Saturday. Recording is from Emmet Hand and courtesy of | 126MB |
19870119 Energy103--Dublin--January19th1987--1925--JohnOHara.mp3 New Apr 2021 | John O'Hara on an evening show with Teena Gates on news at 8pm. Recording is from 103.0MHz courtesy of | 127MB |
Energy103--Dublin103.0MHz--February13th1987--0940--GarethOCallaghan.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Gareth O'Gallaghan during mid morning, with George Long on 10am news and followed by Tony McKenzie. Recording is from 103.0MHz courtesy of | 127MB |
1987_02_24_tue_energy103_103fm_1816-2015_patcourtenay_johnohara-gh672.mp3 New Feb 2021 | The first of three files creating a six hour continuous recording of the Energy 103 evening schedule. Here we start with the end of Pat Courtenay. On news at 7pm is Michael Lewis. Teena Gates reads the news at 8pm. John O'Hara follows the news at 7pm. Recorded in Dublin, but only in mono from 103.0MHz | 161MB |
1987_02_24_tue_energy103_103fm_2015-2225_johnohara-gh672.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Part two of the above recording continues with John O'Hara and Teena Gates on news for the rest of the evening. | 177MB |
1987_02_24_tue_energy103_103fm_2225-0042_johnohara_alanburns-gh672.mp3 New Feb 2021 | The final part of this six hour recording features the end of the John O'Hara show and the news at midnight with Teena Gates. Alan Burns follows with 40 minutes after midnight but with only the odd link. | 188MB |
1987_02_25_wed_energy103_103fm_0657-0857_colmhayes-gh674.mp3 | New 11/20 GH | 168MB |
1987_02_25_wed_energy103_103fm_0857-1109_colmhayes_tonymckenzie-gh674.mp3 | New 11/20 GH | 182MB |
1987_02_25_wed_energy103_103fm_1109-1320_tonymckenzie-gh674.mp3 | New 11/20 GH | 188MB |
1987_02_26_thu_energy103_103fm_0725-0900_colmhayes-gh671.mp3 New Feb 2021 | The first part of a six hour continuous recording. Here is Colm Hayes on breakfast. Recorded in Dublin from 103MHz, but in mono. | 87.6MB |
1987_02_26_thu_energy103_103fm_0900-1035_colmhayes_tonymckenzie-gh671.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Continuation of above Colm Hayes, into the Tony McKenzie mid-day show. | 87.6MB |
1987_02_26_thu_energy103_103fm_1035-1210_tonymckenzie_gh671 New Feb 2021 | Third part of this six hour recording, continuing with Tony McKenzie. | 87.6MB |
1987_02_26_thu_energy103_103fm_1210-1345_tonymckenzie-gh671.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Final part of the above recording with Tony McKenzie. | 87.6MB |
1987_02_26_thu_energy103_103fm_1800-1924_patcourtney_johnohara-gh670.mp3 | New 11/20 GH | 269MB |
1987_02_26_thu_energy103_103fm_1945-2300_johnohara-gh670.mp3 | New 11/20 GH | 118MB |
Energy103--Dublin103.0MHz--March4th1987--1702--ColmHayes.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Teatime with Colm Hayes, with Sybil Fennel reading the news. Recorded originally by Anoraks Ireland from 103MHz and supplied courtesy of | 129MB |
1987_03_05_thu_energy103_103fms_0726-0813_garethocallaghan-gh431.mp3 New Mar 2021 | Gareth O'Callaghan hosts the breakfast show with George Long on the 8am news. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz. | 108MB |
1987_03_05_thu_energy103_103fms_0813-0900_garethocallaghan-gh431.mp3 New Mar 2021 | Side two of the above recording with Gareth O'Callaghan. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz. | 108MB |
1987_04_17_fri_energy_738_0735-1015_colmhayes_erniegallagher.mp3 | GH | 149MB |
1987_05_01_friday_energy103_738am_0820-1000_colmhayes.mp3 | The final Colm Hayes breakfast show on Energy 103 before he moved to RTE. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 91MB |
1987_05_01_friday_energy103_738am_1000-1140_tonymckenzie.mp3 | A continuation of the above recording with Tony McKenzie. | 91MB |
1987_05_03_sun_energy103_738am_1415-1545_final_colmhayes_eurotop40_johnohara-gh638.mp3 | The end of the European Top 40 show with Colm Hayes. This would be his final appearance before moving to RTE. John O'Hara then takes over at 3pm. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 85MB |
1987_05_04_mon_energy103_738am_0702-0844_patcourtenay-gh638.mp3 | 93MB | |
19870505 Energy103--Dublin738kHz--May5th1987--0700--PatCourtenay-GH.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 141MB |
19870505 Energy103--Dublin738kHz--May5th1987--0930--AlanBurns-GH.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 26MB |
19870505 Energy103--Dublin738kHz--May5th1987--1200--AlanBurns-GH.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 60MB |
1987_05_05_tue_energy103_103fms_1527-1703_tonyallan_teenagates-gh163.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Tony Allan hosting the afternoon show, on the first day of the ESB strike. News is read by Teena Gates. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz. | 222MB |
1987_05_06_wed_energy103_738am_1630-1727_tonyallan_esb_tx_cuts-gh662.mp3 New Feb 2021 | An hour of Tony Allan when Energy seemed to be having a few power issues. There is a 2 minute break just before the 5pm news with George Long when the 738kHz transmitter stays on, but the audio from the studio disappears. Then at just before 5:30pm, the 738kHz transmitter cuts off. This was recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 54MB |
1987_05_07_thu_energy103_738am_0706-0715_esb_cuts_tx-gh662.mp3 New Feb 2021 | The station had a power break as the breakfast show was about to start, and the news with Lisa Moore was at 7 minutes past the hour. Then at around 7:15am before Pat Courtenay could get going, the 738kHz transmitter cuts off. | 8MB |
1987_05_07_thu_energy103_738am_1020-1332_alanburns-gh662.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Following the return to 738kHz after the power cut, here is 3 hours of Alan Burns which is part of the 1st birthday giveaway Thursday. This three hours was recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 180MB |
1987_05_07_thu_energy103_738am_1454-1806_alanburns_tonyallan-gh662.mp3 New Feb 2021 | More from during the ESB strike. Alan Burns and Tony Allan in the afternoon, with Teena Gates on news. At 4pm the news states that the strike is over. Again, this three hours was recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 180MB |
1987_05_07_energy_103_dublin_via_ds.mp3 New 04/16 DS | A 90 minute FM stereo recording of part of the Tony Allan show in the above recording. The news at 4pm is with Teena Gates who announces the end of the ESB strike. Many thanks to Dave Small for this tape. | |
1987_05_08_fri_energy103_738am_0713-1015_patcourtenay_alanburns-gh654.mp3 New Feb 2021 | 134MB | |
1987_05_08_fri_energy103_738am_1015-1335_alanburns-gh654.mp3 New Feb 2021 | 183MB | |
19870513 Energy 103 - May 13th 1987 - 0650 - PatC-AlanB-TonyMcK GH.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 834MB |
1987_05_14_thu_energy103_738am_0758-1058_patcourtenay_alanburns-gh654.mp3 New Feb 2021 | 164MB | |
1987_05_14_thu_energy103_738am_1058-1420_alanburns_tonymckenzie-gh654.mp3 New Feb 2021 | 186MB | |
19870520 Energy103--103.0MHz--May20th1987--1735--TonyAllan.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 109MB |
19870520 Energy103--103.0MHz--May20th1987--2030--JohnOHara.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 101MB |
1987_05_25_mon_energy103_738am_0640-0908_patcourtenay-gh687.mp3 New Feb 2021 | A Monday morning Pat Courtenay breakfast show. Pat ask us to listen out for a big surprise at 7am. This turns out to be Bob Gallico and Lisa Moore on news. Bob had moved from Q102. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 134MB |
1987_05_25_mon_energy103_1030fms_0727-0813_patcourtenay-gh167.mp3 New Feb 2021 | An FM stereo recording of the above Pat Courtenay breakfast show with Lisa Moore and Bob Gallico. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz. | 108MB |
1987_05_25_mon_energy103_1030fms_0814-0900_patcourtenay-gh167.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Side two of the above FM stereo cassette. | 108MB |
1987_06_19_fri_energy103_738am_0822-1136_patcourtenay_alanburns_last_show-gh634.mp3 New Oct 2020 | Pat Courtenay followed at 09:30am by the final Alan Burns programme on Energy 103. Alan left after 11 months to move to sunnier climes. News was with Bob Gallico and Lisa Moore. This is part one of a 6 hour recording, as recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 180MB |
1987_06_19_fri_energy103_738am_1145-1457_alanburns_last_show-gh634.mp3 New Oct 2020 | The second 3 hours of the above recording continues with the final part of the Alan Burns programme until 2pm and then into the 'Clutter Free Show' show. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 180MB |
Energy103Spoof--Dublin738kHz--July4th1987--2100.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Here is a recording of an amusing 'spoof' Energy 103 which appeared on 738kHz on 4th July 1987, following the theft of some transmitting components. The components were apparently returned soon afterwards. Recording courtesy of Michael Mahon via | 39MB |
19870731 Energy103--Dublin103FM--July31st1987--0731--BreakfastClub-JC.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of Jess Codd via | 205MB |
1987_08_05_wed _energy103_1035fms_1906-2040_johnohara_schools_out-gh115.mp3 New May 2021 | John O'Hara hosts an evening 'Schools Out' show with later on some kids from 'The Order of Malta'. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz. | 214MB |
19870909 Energy103--Dublin103FM--September9th1987--0935--BreakfastClubclip.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 4MB |
19870909 Energy103--Dublin103FM--September9th1987-1540--GarethOCallaghanclip.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 11MB |
19870910 Energy103--Dublin103FM--September10th1987--0820--BreakfastClubclip.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 28MB |
19870911 Energy103--Dublin103FM--September11th1987--0810--BreakfastClubclip.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 4MB |
1987_10_07_wed_energy103_738am_0813-1125_patcourtenay_tonymckenzie-gh669.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Breakfast Club with Pat Courtenay, Lisa Moore and Bob Gallico followed by the return of Tony McKenzie from holiday in the Canaries. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. There is an off channel hum on the signal which was unusual, and could have possibly been caused by Independent Radio Mayo on the same channel whilst Energy were on low power. | 180MB |
1987_10_08_thu_energy103_738am_1338-1544_tonymckenzie_cassidyjones_lisamoore-gh652.mp3 New Mar 2021 | The end of a Tony McKenzie show and start of Cassidy Jones marathon 5 hour programme. Lisa Morroe is on news. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. There is an off channel hum on the signal which was unusual, and could have possibly been caused by Independent Radio Mayo on the same channel whilst Energy were on low power. | 116MB |
1987_10_08_thu_energy103_738am_1544-1757_cassidyjones_lisamoore-gh652.mp3 New Mar 2021 | Continuation of the above Cassidy Jones show. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. There is an off channel hum on the signal especially towards the end, and could have possibly been caused by Independent Radio Mayo on the same channel whilst Energy were on low power. | 124MB |
1987_10_23_fri_energy103_103fms_0937-1025_patcourtenay_tonymckenzie-gh1072.mp3 New Feb 2021 | The end of a Pat Courtenay breakfast show and the start of Tony Mckenzie. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz in stereo. | 109MB |
1987_10_23_fri_energy103_103fms_1025-1112_tonymckenzie-gh1072.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Continuation of the above cassette with Tony McKenzie. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz in stereo. | 110MB |
1987_10_23_fri_energy103_103fms_1629-1805_cassidyjones_lisamoore-gh997.mp3 New Feb 2021 | A Drive Time show from Cassidy Jones with Lisa Moore on news. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz in stereo. | 222MB |
1987_11_05_thu_energy103_103fms_0750-0832_patcourtenay-gh613.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Breakfast Club with Pat Courtenay, Lisa Moore and Bob Gallico. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz in stereo. | 108MB |
19871111 Energy103--Dublin103FM--November11th1987---0832--BreakfastClub-JC.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of Jess Codd via | 205MB |
1987_11_18_wed_radio-nova-cd_999fms_0908-0955_niallmcgowan_first_day-gh618.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Following continuous music and jingles, after 9am Niall McGowan hosts what is presumably the first official show on the new Radio Nova. He also announces 19 Herbert Street as the new address. The station announces as 100FM, but was recorded in Dublin from 99.9MHz in stereo. | 111MB |
1987_11_18_wed_radio-nova-cd_999fms_1116-1132_niallmcgowan-gh024.mp3 New Feb 2021 | This recording is thought to be from the first official day of the New Radio Nova which played music only from CD's. It features Niall McGowan, but the links were few and far between, although the old Radio Nova jingles were played. The station announces as 100FM, but was recorded in Dublin from 99.9MHz in stereo. | 37MB |
1987_11_18_wed_radio-nova-cd_999fms_1138-1210_niallmcgowan-gh024.mp3 New Feb 2021 | More from the above tape, but again the links only appeared to be very 15 minutes. The station announces as 100FM, but was recorded in Dublin from 99.9MHz in stereo. | 74MB |
1987_11_18_wed_radio-nova-cd_999fms_1217-1233_niallmcgowan-gh024.mp3 New Feb 2021 | The final extract from Niall McGowan from the above tape. The station announces as 100FM, but was recorded in Dublin from 99.9MHz in stereo. | 37MB |
1987_11_19_thu_radio-nova-cd_999fms_0846-0930_niallmcgowan-gh986.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Niall McGowan hosts a breakfast show on the new Radio Nova, which plays everything from CD players, rather than records or carts. Listening carefully, you can just hear an Energy jingle in the background just before the 9am news with Lisa Moore and Bob Gallico. The station announces as 100FM, but was recorded in Dublin from 99.9MHz in stereo. | 100MB |
1987_11_19_thu_radio-nova-cd_999fms_1819-1907_brendandowling-gh986.mp3 New Feb 2021 | An early evening show from Brendan Dowling with Teena Gates on news. Recorded in Dublin from 99.9MHz in stereo. | 113MB |
1987_11_25_wed_energy103_738am_0834-0846_breakast_club-gh760.mp3 New Mar 2021 | A short 12 minute clip of the Breakfast Club from the day that Energy would change name to Nova. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 11MB |
1987_11_25_wed_energy103_738am_1120-1150_cont_music_ads_bobgallico_with_jobspot-gh886.mp3 New Mar 2021 | Tony McKenzie was missing from his mid-morning show, with Niall McGowan filling in. On this recording, there is just music and commercials, but Bon Gallico does read the jobspot at 11:30. Intereting that one of the cd's sticks and there is no comment about it. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 27MB |
1987_11_25_wed_energy103-novapower103_738am_1216-1406_energy_becomes_nova_at_1300-gh886.mp3 New Mar 2021 | By 12:15pm, Niall had been joined in the studio by Cassidy Jones and they were hinting at something happening at 1pm. This recording then has the merging announcement of Nova and Energy on the news at 1pm with Bob Gallico and Sybil Fennel. Also mentioned on the news is the overnight collapse of the 300 foot mast on Radio Caroline. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 100MB |
1987_11_25_wed_novapower103_738am_1406-1557_tonymckenzie-gh886.mp3 New Mar 2021 | Tony McKenzie with his new afternoon show on the renamed Nova Power 103, with Cassidy Jones in the studio with him. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 101MB |
1987_11_25_wed_novapower103_738am_1558-1737_tonymckenzie-gh886.mp3 New Mar 2021 | More of Tony McKenzie and Cassidy Jones on the first afternoon of Nova Power 103. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. The foreign interference on 738kHz starts to appear during this section causing wobbly audio. | 90MB |
1987_11_25_wed_novapower103_738am_1739-1759_tonymckenzie-gh886.mp3 New Mar 2021 | The end of Tony McKenzie up to just before the 6pm news. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool, with some foreign interference. | 17MB |
1987_11_25_wed_novapower103_738am_1803-1920_dublintoday-gh886.mp3 New Mar 2021 | The first 'Dublin Today' news programme on which Chris Cary is interviewed at the end about the new station. It is hosted by Teena Gates, Lisa Moore and Sybil Fennel. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool, sadly with a lot of winter foreign interference. | 78MB |
1987_11_25_wed_novapower103_738am_1920-2035_schoolsout_verypoorsignal-gh886.mp3 New Mar 2021 | This is a bit of the 'Schools Out' show with John O'Hara. It is only here for completeness on the first day, as sadly on this particular day the foreign interference is very bad. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 70MB |
1987_11_26_thu_novapower103_738am_0640-0953_liamcoburn_cassidyjones-gh723.mp3 New Jan 2021 | The end of the Liam Coburn overnight show, and then 3 hours of the first breakfast show on the renamed 'Nova Power 103' featuring Cassidy Jones, Lisa Moore and Bob Gallico. Recorded from 738kHz near Blackpool. | 175MB |
19871126 NovaPower103--Dublin--November26th1987--1111--PatCourtenay.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 55MB |
19871127 NovaPower103--Dublin--November27th1987--0834--CassidyJones-AC.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 7MB |
19871127 NovaPower103--Dublin--November27th1987--0907--CassidyJones-JC.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of Jess Codd via | 98MB |
19871127 NovaPower103--Dublin--November27th1987--0950--CassidyJones-AC.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 7MB |
19871203 NovaPower103--19871203--0858--Dublin103FM--PatCourtenay.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 105MB |
NovaPower103--19871207--1239--Dublin103.0MHz--PatCourtenay.mp3 New Sep 2021 | Pat Courtenay on lunchtime. Teena Gates and Bob Gallico are on news at 1pm. Recording is from 103.0MHz in stereo and by kind courtesy of Joe Cashin via |
65MB |
19871210 NovaPower103--19871210--1326--Dublin103FM--PatCourtenay-JC.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of Jess Codd via | 106MB |
1987_12_10_thu_novapower103_103fms_1722-1857_tonymckenzie_dublintoday-gh984.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Tony McKenzie finishes his afternoon show, and then at 6pm is 'Dublin Today' hosted by Lisa Moore, Teena Gates and Dennis Murray. The new on the hour station ID mentions 100FM, 103FM and 738am along with the Philips CD system. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz in stereo. | 220MB |
1987_12_10_thu_novapower103_103fms_1858-2031_liamcoburn-gh428.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Continuing from the above cassettee, the end of 'Dublin Today' and then into an evening show from Liam Coburn. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz in stereo. | 220MB |
1987_12_11_fri_novapower103_1945-2116_timkelly-gh425.mp3 New Feb 2021 | A Friday eveing show from Tim Kelly. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz in stereo. | 110MB |
1987_12_13_sun_novapower103_103fms_0033-0120_noelclancy-gh426.mp3 New Feb 2021 | The overnight show from Noel Clancy. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz in stereo. | 110MB |
1987_12_13_sun_novapower103_103fms_0202-0247_noelclancy-gh426.mp3 New Feb 2021 | More of the overnight show from Noel Clancy. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz in stereo. | 109MB |
19871214 Power103--19871214--1130--Dublin103FM--PatCourtenay.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 21MB |
1987_12_18_fri_energy103_738am_0901-1208_cassidyjones_patcourtenay-gh773.mp3 New Feb 2021 | After only a couple of weeks, the newly named 'Nova Power 103' was forced to drop reference to 'Nova' and revert to their old name of Energy. The first half of a 6 hour continuous recording, this part featuring Cassidy Jones followed by Pat Courtenay. Recorded near Blackpool from 738kHz. | 175MB |
1987_12_18_fri_energy103_738am_1208-1522_patcourtenay_tonymckenzie-gh773.mp3 New Feb 2021 | The final 3 hours of the above recording with Pat Courtenay followed by Tony McKenzie. | 175MB |
19871221 Energy103--19871221--1100--Dublin103FM--PatCourtnay--AC.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 10MB |
19871225 Energy103--19871225--0747--Dublin103FM--CassidyJones.mp3 New Apr 2021 | Recording courtesy of | 92MB |
1987_12_27_sun_energy103_103fms_1400-1447_cassidyjones_lisamoore-gh340.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Afternoon with Cassidy Jones and Lisa Moore on news. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz in stereo. | 107MB |
1987_12_27_sun_energy103_103fms_1450-1503_cassidyjones_lisamoore-gh340.mp3 New Feb 2021 | The end of the Cassidy Jones show up to 3pm, then Lisa Moore reading the news with Tony McKenzie trying to put her off reading it. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz in stereo. | 30MB |
1987_12_27_sun_energy103_103fms_1635-1710_tonymckenzie_lisamoore-gh340.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Tony McKenzie a little later, with Cassidy Jones in the background and Lisa Moore on news. Recorded in Dublin from 103.0MHz in stereo. | 79MB |
Energy103--Dublin--January1st1988--1130--PatCourtenay-BestofEnergy87.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Pat Courtenay presents ‘The Best of Energy ’87’ on New Year’s Day 1988 on the Dublin station. This is a selection of sketches from when he was the presenter of The Breakfast Club. Recording is courtesy of both Ian and | 117MB |
Energy103--Dublin--February13th1988--0850--ChrisCameron.mp3 New Jun 2021 | With only a month until Energy would close, this is a short extract of a Saturday morning breakfast show with Chris Cameron, with Michael Mahon reading the news at 9am. Recording is courtesy of Michael Mahon via | 17MB |
1988_03_10_thu_energy103_103fms_0759-0933_tonymckenzie_bobgallico-gh346.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Energy 103 closed suddenly on 11th March 1988. This is a recording of part of the breakfast show with Tony McKenzie and Bob Gallico the day before the closure. Recorded in Dublin in stereo from 103.0MHz. | 215MB |
1986_01_09_thu_nova_254lw_1450-1620_georgetalbot_738relay.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz with Clutter Free Hour, Sybil Fennell on news then George Talbot. Recorded in Blackpool. | 43,623k |
1986_01_10_fri_nova_254lw_1352-1450_tonymckenzie_738relay-scotland.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz with Tony McKenzie and Sybil Fennell on news. Recorded in West Scotland. Weak signal with a lot of European interference. | 32,211k |
1986_01_10_fri_nova_254lw_1540-1640_paulkavanagh_738relay-scotland.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz with Paul Kavanagh and Sybil Fennell on news. Recorded in West Scotland. Slighly better reception than above recording. | 29,038k |
1986_01_24_fri_nova_254lw_1413-1515_tonymckenzie_738relay-scotland.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz with Tony McKenzie and Sybil Fennell on news. Recorded in West Scotland. Much better signal than previous Friday. | 31,196k |
1986_01_26_sun_nova_254lw_0145-0325_richard_jackson_738relay.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz. Recorded in Blackpool. | 47,766k |
1986_01_26_sun_nova_254lw_0325-0455_richard_jackson_738relay.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz. Recorded in Blackpool. | 43,254k |
1986_01_28_tue_nova_254lw_chrisbarry_airchecks.mp3 | Airchecks of Chris Barry announcing the Long Wave tests on 254kHz. Recorded in Bradford. | 1,386k |
1986_01_28_tue_nova_254lw_1500-1545_chrisbarry.mp3 | Split 254kHz test transmission with Chris Barry. Recorded in Blackpool. | 21,883k |
1986_01_28_tue_nova_254lw_1500-1800_chrisbarry.mp3 | A combination of recordings from 28th January, starting in Bradford (received in a concrete building) and then Blackpool with the better signal. Chris Barry again on tests, before merging back with the main Nova service at 6pm. | 65,577k |
1986_01_29_wed_nova_254lw_chrisbarry_airchecks.mp3 | Airchecks of Chris Barry announcing the Long Wave tests on 254kHz. Recorded in Blackpool. | 945k |
1986_01_29_wed_nova_254lw_0740-0910_johnohara_738relay.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz on 254kHz with John O'Hara until 9am then Tony McKenzie. Recorded in Leeds. | 42,503k |
1986_01_29_wed_nova_254lw_0910-1200_tonymckenzie_738relay.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz on 254kHz with Tony McKenzie. Recorded in Leeds. | 82,963k |
1986_01_29_wed_nova_254lw_1200-1405_tonymckenzie_colmhayes_738relay.mp3 | Relay of Radio Nova 738kHz on 254kHz with Tony McKenzie then Colm Hayes at 1pm. Recorded in Leeds. | 58,190k |
1986_01_29_wed_nova_254lw_1430-1615_chrisbarry.mp3 | Split 254kHz test transmission with Chris Barry. Edited from tapes received in Bradford (weak signal) and Blackpool. | 48,123k |
1986_01_30_thu_nova_254lw_1355-1530_colmhayes_738relay_then_chrisbarry.mp3 | Relay of 738kHz with Dave Johnson on news and Colm Hayes until about 1425, then a split to Chris Barry and a separate Radio Nova Longwave test. Recorded in Bradford, inside a concrete building hence some electrical interference. | 43,115k |
1986_01_30_thu_nova_254lw_1538-1640_chrisbarry-EM144.mp3 New JAN 2021 | Chris Barry with separate Radio Nova Longwave test, includes Dave Johnson with news at 4pm and headlines at 4:30pm. Recorded in Liverpool. Many thanks to Eric Monaghan for this one. There are one or two transmission issues in this recording, which could have been due to storm conditions. The test went back to relaying the main Nova service at 6pm, and the longwave transmissions were switched off shortly after 11pm never to return. | 58M |
This is not really Irish, but lumped in with the Irish stuff because of the earlier NOVA Dublin station. (There was however a Radio Nova relay from Dublin of this satellite station). Some of these recordings are taken off air from ILR AYR when they used to relay NOVA during the night. The first clip is continous from ILR AYR closedown at 0000, until reopening again at 0600. NOVA is heard in between times for 6 hours. Files were recorded onto a single mono track from a mono radio, a grundig satellit 3400. Also included is a clip from Radio Nederland's Media Network about the new Radio Nova satellite service. Listen to a young Sybil talking about the satellite Radio Nova. By the time Astra direct to home satellite became common, Radio Nova was on transponder 5 of the Lifestyle channel for a time. There are recordings of Radio Nova from that era as well in the archives, which we will strive to find and upload. |
1988_05_04_wed_nova-satellite_1545-1647_patsharp_station_official_opening_gregedwards-gh631.mp3 New Mar 2021
The official opening of the station by Timothy Renton MP, Minister of State for Broadcasting, on 4th May 1988. The recording has Pat Sharp up to the news at 4pm with Sybil Fennel, followed by Greg Edwards which includes the official opening at 4:10pm. | 146MB |
New Sep 2023
Pat Sharp followed at 4pm by Greg Edwards on Wednesday 11th May 1988. Recording was made in the Camberley studio. |
114MB 47mins |
New Sep 2023
More of Greg Edwards from Wednesday afternoon, 11th May 1988. Recording was made in the Camberley studio. |
114MB 47mins |
New Sep 2023 |
Paul Burnett breakfast on Thursday 24th May 1988. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 108MB 47mins |
New Sep 2023
More of the above Paul Burnett show after 9am on Thursday 24th May 1988. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 108MB 47mins |
1988_05_24_tue_nova-satellite_1250-1423_chriscary_declanmeehan-gh572.mp3 New Mar 2021
The end of Chris Cary up to the 1pm news from IRN. This is followed by Declan Meehan with part of his 2 hour afternoon show. There are one or two channel dropouts on this recording. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 220MB |
New Sep 2023
Brian McKenzie on the morning of Thursday 26th May 1988. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish and there is some signal noise. | 216MB 94mins |
New Sep 2023
Greg Edwards on Friday afternoon 27th May 1988 heading for Bank Holiday Weekend. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 108MB 47mins |
New Sep 2023
A continuation of the above Greg Edwards show from Friday teatime. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 108MB 47mins |
New Sep 2023
Pete Semester from Sunday evening 12th June 1988. There is mention of Keith York listening in Galway as his station Coast FM was relaying Radio Nova for the evening. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 108MB 47mins |
New Sep 2023
More of Pete Semester from Sunday evening 12th June 1988. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 108MB 47mins |
New Sep 2023
Timmy Mallett followed at 2pm by Chris Cary on Monday 20th June 1988. The first link from the Tony Blackburn show is after the 3pm news. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 216MB 94mins |
New Sep 2023
From Wednesday afternoon 22nd June 1988 this is the end of a Paul Burnett show, and at 1pm Timmy Mallett. Following the 2pm news is the first few minutes of Chris Cary. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 217MB 94mins |
New Sep 2023
Timmy Mallett followed at 2pm by Chris Cary on Thursday 23rd June 1988. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 108MB 47mins |
New Sep 2023
Continuing the above programme from Chris Cary up to 3pm. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 108MB 47mins |
New Sep 2023
Mark Wesley on Sunday morning 3rd July 1988. This satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 227MB 94mins |
New Sep 2023
Paul Graham on Sunday morning 14th August 1988. The satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 227MB 94mins |
1988_08_19_fri_nova_satellite_0934-1107_paulburnett_patcourtenay-gh582.mp3 New Feb 2021
Paul Burnett followed by Pat Courtenay, who seemed to be having an issue with one of the 'new fangled' compact disc players. The satellite signal was received near Blackpool using a 1.5 metre dish. | 215MB |
880828_nova_96.7_0030-0330_via_ilr_ayr_reel_13_kb.mp3 (new May 08) | 118,140k | |
880829_nova_96.7_2355-0215_early_29th_tony_gillan_via_ilr_ayr_reel_13_kb.mp3 (new May 08) | 95,535k | |
294MB | |
880610_media_network_article_on_sat_radio_inc_nova.mp3 | 2,992k | |
900613_1920bst_club_music_ch5_19deg_e_c90_1482_ann_23m_poss_mono.mp3 | 117,795k | |
901020_2030bst_club_music_ch5_19deg_e_stereo_c120_262.mp3 | 82,172k | |
901021_1915bst_club_music_ch5_19deg_e_stereo_c120_262.mp3 | 79,220k | |
901030_2006-2106_club_music_ch5_19deg_e_tues_stereo_c120_265.mp3 | 80,445k | |
901030_2156-2256_club_music_ch5_19deg_e_tues_stereo_c120_265.mp3 | 81,640 |
(External link)
These recordings are for sharing and enjoyment but are subject to copyright,
and are not for resale. Anyone found selling any of this material on
e-bay will be given very negative feedback and e-bay informed. Commercial
use is strictly forbidden. |
Below is some old text written at the time specified. The text is left as is. MARCH 2010: After a long time, here are a load more recordings of Radio Nova, most recorded in Scotland from AM radio at some distance from the transmitter site. Many are really good AM quality, many are night time MW quality, when signals had the "Luxembourg" night time AM sound to them. When NOVA was on 819, my own local here in Scotland, BBC Radio Scotland used to give some grief. And it did depend on the receiver used, whether the selectivity was really enough, or whether you could actually hear the BBC at times too. One old valve receiver I used was very unstable, and tuning would drift, even on AM!! NB: Please read the comments on the "download index" regards the age and audio quality of these recordings.
MARCH 2008: Nova was started in the early summer of 1981 by ex Caroline / Northsea / Luxembourg / Radio Free London presenter, Chris Cary/ Spangles Muldoon. Initially
Nova was only on 88 FM, but in Sept 1981, the first MW frequency of 846kHz
was added. This channel was used for a time, but RAI were still on high
power on 846kHz, causing grief at night. After trials on 891, (remember
the mighty 8-90 jingles) Nova settled on 819kHz, followed by 828 after
their 1983 raid. Brief tests on 729kHz were made, before the final MW
frequency of 738kHz was chosen. At the time of the recordings, the rf
output power was a massive 50kW. In late 1985 Nova briefly tested on LW
254kHz. Nova even had a UHF TV station at one time, and a SW service on
6207. After leaving Dublin, Cary started Nova as a satellite radio station.
transmissions came from various sources around Dublin city, but the main
location, and certainly home to their 50kw MW transmitter, was Greenacres
Country Club, Rathfarnan, renamed Nova Park. See
article elsewhere on this site about a memorable visit to the
old site in 2004.
Many of the above recordings were recorded in the summer of 1984, and are in the main of excellent "AM" quality from 738kHz. Most of the tapes were typically made on an average weekday, and are a great insight into Radio Nova's daily programming from that era. Many recordings were made in Scotland, many in Blackpool. While I would love to travel back in time to 20 odd years ago, with my PC, and almost limitless time recording capabilities, it is a dream none of us can obviously hope to achieve. Thus we have to make do with what recordings there are. Back then I never had a reel to reel machine, which was capable of recording four tracks at six and a half hours each on triple play reels. I never had a video recorder which could have made recordings of 4 hours, or even 8 hours at slow speed. The length of the recordings therefore are mainly only 45m or so. This was simply due to "banging a C90 tape on in the passing" and somehow hope to return at the time when it was ready to turn over. Sadly this rarely happened, due to work commitments. My philosophy in 1984 was that 45m was better than nothing. I am now so glad that was the case! These unique recordings transferred in 2008 are taken from the master cassettes, most of which in all honesty probably had not been played back since they were recorded all those years ago. They have never seen the light of day, and no one else has copies of these tapes to my knowledge. They were just recorded and stuck in a box, and left. If tapes were plentiful at the time, there would be more recordings at that point in time. This was the case when Tandy would have sales of their cheap concertape C90s for example, or Woolies would have an offer of 10 for xxx££. At one time Pinnacle tapes were also sold off by the Pinnacle rep at the time. Pinnacle also used to specialize in valve sales in the early 80's. Personally speaking, if I am playing old radio tapes back, I tend to listen to 1970's Radio Caroline recordings, complete with the unique selection of music that once radiated from the North Sea from the Mi Amigo. My ageing cassettes from that era of offshore radio are well worn. The Nova tapes seem to be in rather better nick luckily. It
is hoped that these recordings will bring back fond memories of radio
"25 plus" years ago. If you weren't there, I am sure you may
still appreciate the historic content of these recordings.