LOGS / NEWS - OCTOBER 2013 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
630 Radio
Progresso 0659 31/10 ============================================================ DAYTIMERS AT NIGHT HEARD IN OCTOBER: I had around 10 daytimers I think, for the month of October. A few are true daytimers, eg WCHP and WIZZ, that completely sign off at night. Others reduce their power significantly, and CFMB I believe have a very different antenna pattern at night. There are others that can hardly be called daytimers, that reduce power from say 5kw to 1kw and that kind of thing. The freq database shows some amazing day / night changes in their listings. This is the last day of daytimers this month. Tomorrow night WCHP for example doesn't close at 2215, but at 2130. Same goes for the new one heard last night on 760. 760 WCHP
2210 + 2215 and sign off ann good at times ==========================================================
RADIO ORIENT 1350 GONE - KEEP GOING WITH THE OTHERS!! The QRM on 1350 that calls itself Radio Orient has closed MW apparantly, as reported on Ydun's web pages. That is good news for us mw dxers. I am not sure if it is really bad news for anyone bar the pockets of the power supplier for 1350. Actually I see it is only listed as 10kW in WRTH 2012, I thought it might have been more. It used to be one of the large 300kw units in Nice!!. I heard a really good ID the other night on 1350 and remember thinking that I should record it, never imagining that it was going off. Well in all the Perseus files in the collection here, I must have hundreds of IDs.. Wouldn't
it be nice if France switched off the rest of their powerhouses!!
1377, 1404, 1278, 1557, etc etc.
At first glance, the band seems a little Mexican. 970, 1000 etc. But also Detroit coming through on 1270. The band sure is active this last few days.
ANOTHER POSSIBLE REASON TO REPORT WRONGLY: This hobby is littered with dxers not listening for proper IDs and making assumptions through sports games and news feeds. The clip below shows how a novice dxer, if there are any, could mistake WEGP for taking ABC NEWS in this clip, even though it's really on WFBL. The 2nd & 3rd recordings show superb examples of multi call ids, that often lead to dxers chasing ghosts. 1390
Radio 0700 30/10
QUICK NOTES: Unid Arab off channel, 1st noticed by Maurits. 611kHz 710 VOCM seems to have low audio. Worth a look incase something interesting comes through. 1640 WKSH Sussex is not broadcasting Disney any more, but seems back on the air with easy listening music and local ids. Keeping license alive??.
The post today brought me the RADIO FREE SCOTLAND QSL CARD that I bought the other day. The very kind dude that I bought the card from included a couple of extra old broadcast QSL Cards. I take this opportunity to reproduce them here..
MW DXING: Another morhing and night that signals were well above average. Many frequencies that are normally serverely splattered by Euros, had nice separation. I think my files from the last couple of days will be keepers.
750 WSB
0700 29/10
CRACKING CUBAN STATION LIST, INCLUDING MAP - BUT LOOK AT 1180!! UPDATE: This item published originally yesterday has been moved to today's entry because of the Cuban connection below. The link is also live this time!! When listing Cuban logs on these pages, I neither know calls not locations for ANY of the Cuban logs. But this web page may help in identification. Well done to whoever has compliled this listing. One thing that sticks out like a sore thumb, is the sheer number of transmitters on 1180!!! All to stop the silly American station, Radio Marti being heard. What an amazing investment to make, to swamp the country with transmitters on 1180!! Amazing. There is obviously at least one of significant power to be such a regular here in Europe that it is a pest. Obviously more than one actually as often echos are heard. It looks like Cuba links via digital means, whether it be web links, or digital radio feeds, because the sync on many of the frequencies is pretty poor. Listen at the top of the hour here in Europe to some of the powerful channels, especially if they use the mechanical bird thing at the top of the hour. These delayed streams stick out a mile. But even the UK multi site stations like 1089 at 1215 are not even synced properly these days. http://www.bamlog.com/cubalist.htm
REBELDE - CUBA: Rebelde cuckoo noted at 0301 on no less than 8 channels. Perseus is great for looping only the cuckoo!! 1620, 1180, 770, 710, 610, 600, 560, 530.
No doubt the keen philatelists amongst the radio dxers will be aware of the items below.
KPNP WATERTOWN / MINNEAPOLIS / ST PAULS: Has anyone in the UK ever properly identified the odd output you sometimes hear with the short chants on 1600kHz??? KPNP I thought was almost as difficult to ID as Greenland to the non language expert. I was under the impression it was first heard in the UK in relatively recent times, but I see there are reports going back to 1997 from up North at Sheigra. I heard it again this morning and was mucking around with their web stream when the chants stopped and they burst into chatter. Luckily I was able to record the web stream, and heard a full ID!!! Listen to the ID below, as well as a clip recorded off air. A lot of chatter was heard on 26th Oct, Sat morning around 0800, as well as 0700 but no sign of any id so far. I was unaware this was broadcasting to the Minneapolis / St Paul's market. I had a romantic vision of farmers in a hill village that lived simply, and grew corn, and herded goats ..LOL..
Another good morning so far by the looks of it... I must have knocked the USB lead from the Perseus in the way out the door on Sat night, so no Sunday files. But coming into the shack today, I find that the band was jumping around 0830!! So that tells me what I have to do timer wise tonight!! As a friend in NJ said on the dx chat the other day, the band's on fire... I am beginning to think the large list logs at the top of the page is a little cumbersome, and difficult to find anything that has been added in recent days etc... Maybe it is better to have a few of those interesting logs on a per entry basis. I am going to create the logs for today on this entry, and also add them to the main list, as the copy and paste basic pc commands will not take up too much extra time. UPDATE: Maybe it will take a while. The logs are good for today, and adding to a fair list. So I don't recon the logs for today will filter through to the top of the list after all.
LOGS FOR TODAY: 570 5-70
News 0656 28/10 CBS SPORTS Radio Good 0400 with WMCA and WSYR
ATTEMPTING TO RECEIVE ASIAN STATIONS ON A FLAG ANTENNA: I was messing around with a northerly flag antenna on Saturday afternoon. Wondering which station to try and null, I had a go at 1269 DLF, and 1377 France. I obtained a nice null on both at times, but the antenna was a low signal, and rf noisy affair. (So far). So there was no sign of the elusive Asian station that dx friend John F has been picking up. That includes excellent reception of Japan on 1413 for example. I have no idea what I am doing wrong at the minute. All I get is qrn or Euros!! The long beverage is better for Euros than Asians, so that has virtually no practical use. (Excellent for North American reception though, which is what it was built for of course)
DLF AND HISTORIC PROGRAMME ABOUT GERMAN RADIO: Anyway, it was while I was messing with the Northern flag on Saturday, that I kept hearing reference to old names of German broadcast stations on DLF 1269 to give it it's new freq. I was forever still referring to 1268..lol.. Anyway, this sounded like a very interesting documentary about German broadcasting. I wonder if Deutschewelle would consider making an English version??? I may email them.
A GREAT ID STOLEN FROM A 1200KW SIGNAL: What a little curiosity, that is so irrelevant really, but that's the way to steal an id. The big 208 was still broadcasting on 1440khz just before 2300, and a moments silence while the speaker drew breath was rewarded with an ID of WHKW. I have also included the same clip on AM mode, and then SSB to hear the massive difference that using SSB for AM reception can make.. Now the reason I say irrelevant, RTL go off air anyway, and WHKW is a very common station, heard anytime when RTL is off air, and even sometimes when it is on air. But imagine if that had been a rare ID from a station on 810, or 909, or maybe even 1040, all my channels that are snarled up 24/7 by local crap. I have also managed to ID NY on 810, and WHO 1040 that way!!
WHAT'S UP WITH THE CANADIAN GRAPH? Does anyone else use the Canadian space weather graph??? I use it a lot. http://www.spaceweather.gc.ca/generated_plots/zonstackr.png That takes you to the latest image, of the continous updates. In the last few days though, they have been predicting dreadful geomagnetic disturbances, and so far, they have been 100% wrong!! How odd... A few of their "forecasts" are listed below... Has their system gone corrupt or something, or is the level of forecasting just not that great in reality?? A kind of a Michael Fish type weather forecast..
(I may carry on adding to this section and keep it at the top of the page. Good idea?? Bad idea?? Couldn't care less??. I think it might be better with logs every few days, and maybe a large collection copied and pasted at the end of the month or something. And see below for normal diary of radio stuff.) 530 Radio
Encyclopedia 24/10 0700 no id, but familiar yl tk at times
good morning with some strong signals around although yesterday was
far more intersting I think. So far. Thats the thing with adding logs
to a single list, they don't become reported on this diary area. Good
station noted on 1070, KHMO Hannibal, MO. Also heard
again is the 830 stn, WFNO in LA. There were ids
around 0657 and 0633ish.
QSL FROM RADIO FREE SCOTLAND: I have recently bought an old Radio Free Scotland QSL card. It cost me more than I hoped, ie the fiver asked. I had to go to 25 quid!!! But I have it in the archives now. A real national treasure. See my page on the dx archive area for RADIO FREE SCOTLAND. It is such a shame that it is not for my own local area, where there was a service as well on the BBC sound channel, audio only. The station apparantley broadcast from high ground near the location of the now Darvel main tv tower, called locally, the "MUNT". The site is an amazingly high place, complete with a monument etc. I need to go up again and take some photos.
Well some good signals from common stuff today.. CFGO 0700 1200, XERF 0700 1570, WHIC 1460 0700, WTAW 1620 0700 (messed id), KCJJ 1630 0700 booming. Some audio clips from today are listed on the logs above from 1630 1650 1660, 1290, 1200. KCJJ is especially good.
Well MW dxing has been quite interesting this past weekend, with a couple of daytimers being heard. WIZZ 1520 was a target for a long time, although I heard it last season I think it was. But the ID the other night is much superior.
WFNO NORCO / NEW ORLEANS 830: I think he says New Orleans on the recording, this personal first heard with pres 5kw and not the night power on 17th, at 06, 0630 and 07 with SS mixing with WCRN. They must have been heard farther afield last night, as signals were very respectable, considering. Call is not particularly clear, but the NORCO part is good. Suspiciously ss sounding mx on 14th all night, but not heard any id so far, bar ss slogan around 01 I think it was. WCRN are guilty of running two streams on top of each other (Fault condx), but not usually ss mx!! Someone else reported this in North America on the same day. I don't see this one in the UK lists that I was looking at. 830 WFNO
Norco, LA id 0603, 0633, 0702 17/1 (poss 1st report known in the UK?)
TEST CARD BACK ON THE TELLY - 2013 UPDATE: Back last year, I gave you the channel number for the BBC Test Card F. The channel number has changed but the test card is still easily accessable. Below therefore, I repeat the original article with the channel number changed. Who of a certain vintage will not remember the good old test card and music. There are even web sites with old test cards. But did you know that the test card is available on Freeview in the UK?? It is available on most receivers as far as I am aware. OK then, where is it?? It is hidden behind a series of button presses. 1) Go to channel 200, (Formerly 105, BBC Red Button channel) and wait will the screen appears 2) Press the Yellow button within 30s, and then wait 5 seconds or so. 3) Switch to any other channel, eg 12, (or channel up then channel down or whatever) 4) Switch back to channel 200, and wait till the mainly green setup screen appears. Originally
the greenish screen came up itself, but I had to press the green button
to have the green screen appear the other day. 5) Press the Green button again, and the BBC Widescreen test card will appear, complete with the lassie and the clown. (The test card sometimes takes a little while to appear)
I recently bought a Radio Scotland 242 Showbeat magazine from ebay, and have included it on the dxarchive area of this site. I have also managed to get a decent res scan of the magazine / booklet, Radio Caroline And It's Stars, from 1965. Thanks to Paul Graham for his sterling efforts with this one. I think you have got to grips now Paul with scanning!!! OEF recently tried to reproduce this magazine, and the scans were of such poor res, the text was virtually unreadable.
BEVERAGE NULL ON DLF: I decided to take a walk on Sunday, down the length of the antenna. This was the main 500m beverage which runs through the woods at the back of me. It will have heavy branches and even trees down through the cable every now and again, especially after a storm. Part and parcel of having an antenna through thick woods. So I run along and check the full length of the wire every now and again. I had to remove a few branches, and one tree. that was holding the wire on the ground, though it was at a place where there was thick wire used, so there were no breaks. At the end of the antenna, a thick branch had come down through the cable, and ripped the resistor from the end of the line. As I was only checking out the aerial, i had to return later to make repairs. When reconnecting the earth, I had a receiver left on 1269 DLF, and I noticed that connecting the earth directly made crackling noises back in the shack, as well as making the signal disappear. This was interesting. I had never managed a null on this aerial. After connecting the resistor, I made the signal disappear and left it at that. I also has a big pot of black grease with me to protect the connections from the elements. So there I was, pleased that somehow I had a full run of wire, that I could actually get a null from. This verifies that the wire is conducting the full length, despite the multitude of "temporary" joins over the years. I got off lucky this year with the farmer hacking the hedges. There is usually some damage, but this year he missed all wires!!! But that is not the end of the story. I waited till dusk, and walked along to the end again, and tried to obtain a perfect null on the volume control. Nothing. No null obtained when the signal was very strong. Source though was a different receiver and included preamp. Is this set up having an effect??? I think I shall have to investigate a bit more. Initially I was using an instant receiver, HF225E, while the second time I used the Perseus, which has a slight delay on it. Tonight, Monday night, I also had a look along the shorter westerly beverage, which runs more or less due west, rather than north west like the longer antenna. The resistor at the end of that one was also broken off. I attached another 4.7k volume control and managed to null out Radio Forth on 1548. So only time will tell if any of the two antennas are quieter towards the Euros, as the theory states. Ideally it would be nice to be able to have adjustments to the resistor value remotely, but that would be quite an awkward thing to implement I think. One question I always ask about beverages. What would the advantages be of a twin cable spaced at a foot or a couple of feet?? I have seen pictures of the 1920's designs from QST where the beverages look like old telephone wires. I shall have to find the link to the pdf I was reading.
The band was jumping at bed time last night, though in the morning it was not quite so exciting. Yes signals were there at 0600. Yes the signals were also heard at 0700 and later. But nothing too exciting was heard. So things are looking up.. . Maybe.. The Canadian solar forecast / graph looks so disturbed tonight again!! I tried a crap portable radio upstairs in the house Sunday night, well away from the shack and the antennas. I did hear WBBR 1130 and Boston 1510 WUSC is it, or whatever it's called this week. Not bad for a sony and ferrite rod!! It was best in Sync AM mode though.
RADIO BRITANNIA: It was good being by the receivers on Friday when Radio Britannia was on the air of 1476. The signal was probably the best I had ever heard this station, and certainly the first time I had ever heard an ID of Radio Britannia. I always think of an old SW station called Britain Radio when I hear Kenny Crecendo. This is not long running BRI, Roger Davis and co, but a 1970's station of the same name. Probably the northern accent that does it, though a very similar name when you think on it. On the recording given, they were claiming to be test transmitting from the North Sea!!! Kenny used to call his station radio 189 when he was on 1611 a few years back. A recording is given below. No known contact details of Radio Britannia is known.
==================================== DAYTIMER ON 1470 FRIDAY NIGHT: There was an oddity with a talk format on 1470 around 2230 - 2300 Friday night. It seemed to sign off just before the top of the hour, cutting off mid ad. So annoying when they don't make a sign off ann when they power down. Maybe it was WWNN, which is full 50kw daytime?? Phew..
==================================== UNID SS SHIPPING STATION: UPDATE: "Big shaved heid" tells me it is Tarifa Radio... Thanks OM for the update. SS and me not too good. I noticed a strong shipping station Sunday night, 2303 on 1677khz USB. Many of these stations also have ee, but not this time. But what a signal!!!
I have not had a good week of dx. In fact the band was as bad as last October. Virtually nothing at 0600 on most of the days. I do remember last October, and the band was closed for most of the month, until 28th, when as though someone switched on the lights, up it came.... full signals again from the common 50kw stations etc. Really odd. ================================================================ ROB ASHARD'S COLLECTION: I have uploaded a large file of 380 meg, with scans of press cuttings from the 1980's offshore radio era. These come from the collection of Rob, who is still doing programmes on Caroline. Thanks for sharing. Remember these are the raw scans and not nice pdf files. I have good reason to want to scan original press, rather than only 1980's style photocopies. Check out the quality of the images below in this test. See if you can tell the difference. One is scanned from the original cutting and one is done from a particularly bad 80's photocopy, that is probably a photo copy of a photo copy. These were like VHS tapes, meaning that every copy generation got gradually worse. So anyone with a collection of original newspaper cuttings that wants to share, please feel free to contact me. Subjects of interest are certain UK 70's / 80's landbased pirates, Irish 70's/ 80's LBPs, and Offshore. Sadly many folks are content to sit on their old offshore cuttings and never let anyone see them / share / make public. Another opportunity wasted is how I would describe this attitude. How many collections have gone in the bin due to death?? I see this regularly in my local history archive work. Large A3 Epson workhorse scanner here ready and willing to do the donkey work. Many of the papers are too big for a4 scanners. Rather than scanning 2 halves, sometimes its as well scanning on the bigger machine. The scanner has already done a lot of work. ================================================================
IRISH PIRATE RADIO DOCUMENTARY: In ireland, Dublin Community Television have recently carried parts 1 - 5 of a series of short interviews with people involved in Irish pirate radio during the heyday. Some of the folks interviewed include Tracy Evans, Radio Dublin's DJ Angie, Deckie (Meehan), and others. Parts 1-5 are on the link below, with part 6 to be aired this coming Friday, so it's not on the web as yet. I am not sure the coverage of Dublin Community TV. Via terrestrial digital?? Not sure. I have reproduced their press release below... http://vimeo.com/channels/574044
DCTV’s volunteer led six part series that takes a glimpse into Dublin’s pirate radio past. On December 31st 2013 it will have been 25 years since the introduction of the new Wireless Telegraphy Act which significantly increased the penalties for illegal broadcasting in Ireland. With the introduction of the new law came the closure of the dozens of pirate radio stations who dominated the Irish airwaves for a decade previous. The six part series ‘Dublin’s Pirate Days’ premiered on Dublin Community Television (UPC Channel 802 & AerTV) on Wednesday August 28th 2013 looking back at those buccaneering days and the end of a broadcasting revolution. ‘Dublin’s Pirate Days’ features interviews with well known former pirate DJ’including Declan Meehan, Aidan Cooney, Garvan Rigby, Walter Hegarty, Tracy Evans, Martin Block, Mike Purcell and Andy Preston. Created and presented by Eddie Bohan, a broadcast historian and produced by a volunteer crew led by director Samantha Kernan, the series shines a light on those momentous final moments of pirate broadcasting in December 1988 and reveals some of the hidden history of Dublin Pirate Radio. Episode
6 (The Final Episode of the Series) to be broadcast Friday October
11th 2013 at 7.03pm featuring Ireland AM’s Aidan Cooney and
Christmas FM’s Walter Hegarty
I have uploaded the correct index for access to the latest additions, and also indexed the logs pages. Apologies if the links were missing the other day. ================================================================ A FEW OTHER LOGS FROM THE LAST DAYS: UPDATE - MOVED TO LOGS AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE Also booming on 28/9 were CFRB, KDKA, WTIC, WABC, etc.
I have finally completed my all time lists update, last done in 2010!! A job I was needing to do for a long time. The all time lists are available through the main logs menu. To see the stations that have been added, click on the following link. firsts_2010_2013.html In my work, I can't help but notice that many frequencies that I believe I should have logs from, are missing. eg Mira Flores Peru I think it is on 1250, Apollo on 1320, 1580 I am sure I had two Columbians mixing, and 1690 has had more SS than 1 Mexican, I'm sure. I really must have a closer look through my logs and stuff. In the all time lists, I have marked the REGULAR stations in red. There are many more that can be called regular I guess, but those marked are a reasonable guide to what comes through on a regular basis. transatlantic_all_time_logs.html I have also created a pdf of the file for possible ease. transatlantic_all_time_logs.pdf As I reported yesterday, the annual dxing pdf is now available from the last couple of years as well. UPDATE: NOW THEY ARE AVAILABLE. I HAD NOT UPLOADED THE UP TO DATE INDEX TILL NOW!!!! ================================================================ A FEW OTHER LOGS FROM THE LAST DAYS: (Transferred above) ================================================================
MORE PRESS CUTTINGS COMING SOON: I have been sent a pile of press cuttings of Offshore Radio in the 80's from Rob Ashard to include in the archive here. There is a bit of scanning work to be done, but give me a week or so and I should have a start made. Especially since the weather is breaking here and the rain is on!!
The sad news of the month is that Radio Caroline have gone since 30th September from the airwaves of the Astra satellite. The station continues only on the Internet as a web stream. The satellite service has been with us in one form or another since the last days of the ship in the North Sea. They were gifted airspace from Chris Carey of Radio Nova who had capacity that was unused but contract not run out. They started for real in about 1999 and gradually built up to 24/7 hours of broadcasting again. It had been an uphill battle to gather the money required to hire airtime on the Astra birds. I really need to look for the dates etc of all the various services, which included via the Nova transponders on TP5 of Astra, via QEFM TP 16, via EKR transponder, was that on TP 36 or 38??, and digital on both Hotbird and Astra 28 deg.
UPDATE: NOW THEY ARE AVAILABLE. I HAD NOT UPLOADED THE UP TO DATE INDEX TILL NOW!!!! I have produced a pdf in the past of a year in dxing. This year and last years was not done, but I took some time the other day to compile these pdf files, so they can be saved as one. They are not indexed, but rather a chronological listing of my monthly ramblings. External and indeed internal links are disabled, as they would not work properly in the pdf file. Currently there are 6 years worth available.
====================================================== The MW band has been good for a long period of time but this morning, well.... bang.. All gone.... A few earlier in the evening, but a look at the Canadian graph shows why!! Because of the blow out, not much to report. But I did hear a couple of note, see below. ====================================================== RADIO 700: I think it was, German on 1611 all night. It seemed non stop music till o400, then relaying Radio 700. I would imagine this would be a Dutch pirate testing a rig or something???? I don't think 1611 would be given to a legal station, or would it?? Remember 2402khz or there abouts test and development a few years ago.
I like to try and list this at this time of year. I have heard of dxers chasing ghosts with weaker signals of the following programme on WLAM relaying channel 6 news from WCSH TV.
I have not done any updating to my all time lists since 2010!!! So I spent some time making a healthy start, only last night. Watch this space. There are a large number of additions, and already I have noticed some that I have heard and haven't made it to the new station box at the top of each monthly page. The html file with the listing for the last couple of years is to be found here... ======================================================
Stu on our DX chat has a new blog site. Let's hope this lasts the pace. I do need to update my links page, as some of the 5 minute wonder pages have vanished.