LOGS / NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
STEEP LEARNING CURVE OF MW BAND AND THE PERSEUS WIDEBAND RECORDER: I have been sorting through my old perseus files in recent weeks, and labeling hard drives with dates etc. This beats them simply lying around in a pile.
They are now on a shelf unit I made for the job, and labeled with dates. But I have spotted yet another Perseus phenomena that happens when you have used the Perseus for a number of years. I was not able to physically list all my old hard drives and dates, without getting itchy fingers and getting caught up in listening to the older files from the last 6 years. 6 Years since the Perseus changed MW dxing!! Wow. Time slips past. But back to the original question. Some of the older files I thought were really fantastic days of dx, turn out to be pretty average days, when compared to some of the REALLY good DX days I have experienced since. And looking at the logs that go with the blog entries say from November 2008, I was logging stations that I wouldn't even waste good pencil lead writing down now. Many of the stations I once thought of as rarer dx stations, and that were new to me perhaps in 2008, have become regular signals. Or regular ish. I am sure readers will know what I mean by this, especially Perseus users who record like myself, through the night. Yes, it has been a relatively steep learning curve to change old opinions of what is common nightly signals (assuming the band to be open) and what is real decent dx. I continue to refer to stations like WYLL 1160, and WMVP 1000. I used to think these were great dx!! They are in fact heard almost as nightly as WBBR, though of course at much lower signal levels!!
PERSEUS SERVERS - SILLY RADIO HAMS CHEATING: I don't have much to say about radio hams in general. I have no interest in that side of the hobby. Sure I have a call, MM0HSV, but rarely use it. And I do listen around the ham bands sometimes, but it is not an important part of the hobby for me. I am keener on broadcasting history, and broadcast band dxing to be real honest. Reading the very very messy and cluttered Perseus group recently, noticed THOR in Iceland coming on the group and complaining about hams cheating by listening to his server to complete a 2 way contact. There were threats to disallow unauthorised sessions, the name given to free to air public access. Personally, I would be tempted in that case to watch for THOR using my server, and any time I caught him on it, disconnect him. There was one on the Isle of Wight was it, that was pass worded at one time. Same goes for him. I am sometimes also tempted to disconnect anon users if I see them. If I am good enough to let dxers use my receiver, they can surely be mannerly enough to fill in their name and qth etc. For the sake of general interest. I am not sitting making notes..lol I remember being bemused by some idiot that sat on a completely clear channel on sw for about 40 minutes or so. Or maybe it was the full 60m of the session, before it disconnected itself. I had visions of the guy having collapsed and died at the receiver. There certainly was nothing worth listening to on the channel, verified by another receiver. Only noise.. Odd. Reading the entry from THOR reminded me that I have not have the server on in a while, so I shall try and keep it on when the web PC is on anyway. But back to radio hams cheating on Thor's server. Who are they kidding??? Themselves?? It is like some of the dxers that write to radio stations for QSL cards, because they have heard the signal on a remote tuner. How odd that is. The signal has not really been heard by the so called dxer. So I don't get the value in the QSL card. But listening to the manky noisy signals that I do, I am in a weak position to judge someone else's crazy ideas of dxing. LOL...
The band seemed rather depressed today, despite K0 and low A, and flat Canadian graph etc. Sunspot count has dropped dramatically, but the band is still so poor that it is uninspiring. So much for the old suggestion, that if the band is good at end of month x, try the end of the next month, due to rotation of the sun or whatever..etc!! It did work for Sept and Oct though.
The band seemed rather depressed today and this evening. At 2200, there was barely anything worthy, and virtually no WEGP or CJYQ.
A few logs from overnight: 650 WSM
Nashville gd wx 0603 26/11
This FF station was heard here again tonight around 2230, with no id, but a reasonable FF peak at 2240ish. My 2300 rec never worked and by 0000 all that was there was American sport.
99 NIGHTS ON MW: I haven't heard the name of this book banded around in years, so I went and looked out my very tatty old copy to have a look at. It is a book that would be historically interesting nowadays to mw dxers if it was reproduced as a complete pdf. But with a modern(ish) book like this, a nod from the author would be required. The 99 nights were from 1987. I have reproduced the front page as well as a random page as an example.
THE HUMBLE IRC: I was chatting on the old Skype chat today to some dxers, and the term used for many many years in dxing circles came up. IRCs. What was an IRC?? Do you still get them?? Answer found on WIKI. They were abolished in the UK in Feb 2013, through lack of use. Below is the old familiar yellow efforts that were in circulation and never cashed in for stamps by many dxers that fell in with them. Rather they were used to send return post for QSL cards, or to buy magazines from abroad. The Post Office ripped you off for approximately 50% - 60% or so of the cost price Newer styled and much larger IRCs are seen below the old yellow sample.
I saw a posting of a good old recording from 1973 of CKLW 800 in Windsor, Ontario, that I thought I would share. This Dutch chap posts quite a lot of old recordings from time to time, but I wish he would supply a complete list of links that I could publish here... CKLW is included in yesterdays's montage. http://www.mijnbestand.nl/Bestand-DTVD6LYOI4XS.mp3
THOUGHTS ABOUT THE MID WINTER ANOMILY/ NOVEMBER AND FEB: Discussions on our little MW group's Skype chat box today brought up the subject of traditional poor dx in November and February. Sure, we are just thru with a bum reception period, and I am not sure it has reached down south yet, but every year is different. It has spurred me to investigate this, in my old logs and see if I see any pattern whatsoever... More later..
For casual readers, IBOC is the silly digital radio signals that the FCC allow to be broadcast alongside the main AM signal, 10khz beyond the main AM signal on either side of for example 1080 as seen on WTIC, or 1560 as seen on Disney. This gives the stations a whopping and disgusting 30khz bandwidth instead of a mere 10!! No wonder the QRM on MW is shocking sometimes!! Some days here in Europe, the signal is so strong on some channels, that you almost feel an HD radio would kick in to true HD. I have such a radio, a little Sony HD XDR. The USA were one of the countries that go on like crybabies when the Eastern block countries used to jam their American propaganda aimed at the East with white noise. And now they allow it to be broadcast in their own country in a broadcast band!! The USA was not alone. Many of the European countries broadcast white noise on the MW band, creating such a noise on the band.
UNIDS ON 927: I stuck on an unid station a while back from 927. The signal was booming at 0300 here in Europe. I have a couple of recordings here from last Saturday when signals at 0300 and from the 2nd station that now signs on at 0400 were strong. Is the 0300 Iran and 0400 Turkey anyone?? These kind of languages are not my strong point even in recognition. 131116_0300_927_unid_lingo.mp3 131116_0400_927_unid_lingo_s_on.mp3
A NO SMOKING ZONE//LOL: I have always been amused with the VOLMET stations that "seemed" to always be complaining after every reading of having no cigarettes. Listen to this clip made the other day and see if you should send Shannon Volmet a pack of Cigs... LOL... I seem to remember my old pal "Humphry" having a laugh at this years ago... 131119_1845_3413_shannon_volmet_no_cig.mp3
MW DXING : Ha! Finally managed a local ID on the SS ESPN station on 1280 WODT New Orleans. Heard this a few weeks ago, less the ID, though I may have it, now that I know how it sounds. A few clips are given for today, as well as a terrific WMYR 1660 ID the other day, 18th, see that entry. Some strong signals around today as well, so a montage of various signals from yesterday and today is now here. Not all WBBR and WWKB this time... (760 WJR, 780 WBBM, 680 NEWS, 670 THE SCORE, 680 NEWS, 700 WLW, 730 CKAC, 800 CKLW, 950 CKNB, 1100 WTAM, 1330 WRCA, 1700 KVNS, 570 CFCB
610 WIOD
Good 0700 21/11 960
signal from this regular 0800 21/11 1080
WTIC particularly
good, inc strong IBOC on 1070 0800 21/11 1320
WDER Derry
2130 20/11 More great Bible teaching to come on am 13-20, 92.1 FM,
WDER (DAYTIMER) 1490 Unid "Your listening to the station that plays... ..AM 14-90.....America's best music...2130 20/11 1540 KXEL 2130 20/11 Early for that!!
Rebelde 0658 20/11 2 sites listed
Some hefty signals around today. Not made any decent listings yet, but looks like the common stations are back with some force thankfully..
570 CFCB
0604 19/11, heard a few times lately, but WMCA is more regular.
LINKS PAGE UPDATED: I have also been sorting out the dead links on my quite extensive links page. Gees, there were a lot that have fallen by the wayside, including quite a number of individual radio station historical sites, such as WKBW, WOWO, etc. I deleted quite a number. Maybe I should have kept them at the bottom of the page incase we find a new URL for them, or maybe even their server was down. And it also served as a reminder of sites that once were. I may still do a listing at the bottom.. It would be quite easy to copy and paste a few former links.... but now from one of the back up files, since I changed the links page last night.
Some signals around today, but band not exactly brilliant. Some good signals on X band, from WMYR 1660, especially at 0400.
Gd 0700, and 0400 18/11
OLD LOGS NOT IN MY ORIGINAL LISTS: I was having a listen to some older files and see if I have missed anything of significance. 850 WFTL
FL 0600 20/10/09
WLIB 1190 BOOMING IN: We have been chatting on our dx chat box sometimes this season about WLIB NY, though I haven't made much reference here, except to play really loud ids in some of the montages. WLIB 1190 is now one of the most regular New York stations, along with WINS and WFAN and WBBR etc. What is the reason the signal is so good this season?? Well a quick look at the TOPAZ web site tells us that WLIB is now 30kW day and night!! This was formerly 10k at night, and had sometimes been heard powering down. But now 30kw. No wonder it is loud. In fact when I first heard WLIB with it's rolling news format I think it was, the station was a daytimer!!
DAVIE'S BLOG CLOSED: DX Neighbour David H has deleted his blog. All his logs and such, all gone. I am not sure why, as he did have quite a few hits at one time I think. UPDATE: Davie provides us with the reason in one sentence. lol..... in his own familiar pen. "reason i closed my blog is since i stopped mw dx hits were very poor sometimes only 2 or 3 every couple of days so not worth the trouble i was getting in the 100"s each day !!! when i was doing mw so not worth the effort for 1 or 2 folk" I really need to go through my links page and delete the dead links. There are quite a few now. And also add a few interesting ones that I have found but not listed yet. Individual's personal blog sites do tend to come and go pretty rapidly. Many are real 5 minute wonders, others last a number of years. I can think of a number of web sites and blogs that I used to think of as worthwhile that have closed down. Many were freebie sites that cost the owners zero, which makes their demise more of a shame. Web space is pretty cheap these days. 5 gig for 23 quid a year can not be described as overly expensive, and therefore you don't have to live with basic on line freebie stuff.. Gone are:
1. Kieran Murray's web site (Irish broadcasting history) 2. Radiowaves.FM message board on Irish broadcasting 3. Davie's logs and blogs 4. Mark in NJ blogspot 5. AM dxer in the States used to provide a good list that could be used off line if you were not connected to the web. There was also an archive of old listings. 6. Skywaves web site gone, only yahoo groups left. 7. Media Network Blog 8. Guy Atkin's blog about the Perseus, sadly all gone. 9. World DX Club - Gone 10. WINAMP Almost gone at this time, 20/12/13 is D Day.
Again today, the band very depressed. There were a few SS around at 0000. But I deleted last two days of files. Signals are so poor.
680 WAPA
PR 0000 14/11
Again I have heard Radio Nightingale on 1350, seeing as the band was virtually empty of TADX today again. It is amazing that a 500m long antenna does not pull in anything other than Euros!! Radio Nightingale was heard peaking through the mush at 0707.. I think it was Kossuth Radio IDs AT 0600 from the Hungarian. I havent checked // 540 yet.
The band poor again today, but I did manage to hear LPAM Radio Nightingale on 1350 without any TADX over riding their small signals!! Very weak around 0700.
The band has been so very poor over the weekend that files are all already gone. I am in the middle of clearing files from drives anyway. What a load of free space I have again... lol... Sometimes I get bogged down and want to keep cart loads of files...... just to recheck when I have time.. 0300 1350 Sun 10/11 Eastern sounding stn, maybe just the Hungarian. Been watching for UK QRPs, but not so many make it through the mush.
OLD FILES WHILE DELETING CRAP: I have found a few interesting files I should keep a hold of, while doing the clearing of files. EG 0500 Sat 10th April 2010. I notice there is BBC World Service at 0500 on 700kHz. Also 0504 Radio Sucre, also on 700. I have some of this my logs page for that day but it may be worth a recheck!! Something I could easily get bogged down doing when the band is poor .
WHAT A PRICE FOR RADIO SCOTLAND 242 MAGAZINE: I was on ebay trying to get another 242 mag the other night. I decided to have a healthy bet as I called it earlier in the day... At 43 quid, I lost!!! Considering these things are so rare, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But not bad considering they were a shilling in 1966!! As stated in the past on these pages, I was offered a few, no idea how many, back in the 80's from a dealer for 50 quid. And there I am almost paying near to 50 quid for 1 these days!! I wonder what the winners top bid really was. Have a look at the links below to ebay. They will time out in 90 days from the end of the sale. It is such a pity that most of the collectors in general don't want to share / make public the scans of these old magazines. They are such rarities.
The MW band seems very poor here today... Very poor.
920 (Initially
typo as 820!!) Unid SS 2230 7/11 with ads / tel number of 940 area
code = Texas, if a Stateside station. Not definitive ID though sadly.
SS 2230 time 8/11 as well, but no ids. Of course there may be Mexican
border blasters on the long Texas border area.
RADIO FREE SCOTLAND STAMP: Maybe, maybe not, I have bought a curiosity. It was only a couple of quid. I have not got the item yet to bring a decent scan, but this is the image on the sale advert. I find it curious. When is it from?? The seller had no real idea. Was it one of these stickers that you stuck on the envelope in the 60's if you were an SNP man? If so, why does it not say RADIO FREE SCOTLAND?? Perhaps to be less blunt and less likely the letter would be intercepted?? The SNP supporters remember also used to blow up pillar boxes at one time!!! Maybe they like the "Christmas stamps" that you used to get to stick on the envelopes along with the normal real stamps, but these had pictures of Santa and Christmasy things on them?? More info as we get it I guess. Or have I bought some more recent thing??? Was this the sticker of some CB club from the 80's maybe???? I have as yet no idea.
A few pages are included in a pdf file as an example of what the magazine consisted of. This would suggest that this is nothing really to do with the Radio Free Scotland of earlier years then????
Link to the site where the archive of the magazine can be found. http://www.scottishrepublicansocialistmovement.org/Pages/default.aspx
And a direct link to the publication in question, which is split up into three parts.
1470 WMBD Dave Ramsay ad and id, which was in the mush. 0000 7/11. Sadly same at 0100, but 0200 gave WMBD, Peroria, Il. You can hear the type of id in an old file from 2010.
Not heard since 14/11/2008 (see clip) and 2009 when it was KXTR Classical .
A FEW RECORDINGS ADDED: I have added a few recordings of the last few days in amongst the logs. They are linked from here as well, incase they get lost in the dx. CKGM 690 is surprisingly good, remember the Euros on 693. In the past 690 was not an ideal freq for dxing in the UK, but the signal on this occasion surprised me. On the same subject of booming signals, I included CJBK 1290 and WOOD 1300 both at very good levels, see 6/11 entry below..
CKGM Booming
with very little euro trouble!! 0700 1/11
Unid SS
0800 Es Ta Esce ??? in SS at 0800 6/11
DXING HABITS - AND THE POWER OF THE PERSEUS: Again, I will explain a few of my own dxing habits for 2013. It has been a gradual transformation from the dxing of years ago, when I kept mountains of notes in a log book. Now I have virtually no log book. I have a page a day diary, to make any notes I see fit, including non radio appointments etc. But some times I can have a quick listen to a file and the drive with this web site is not even attached. Therefore, I scribble a few notes down, to log and check out at a later time. But the log book today is these pages. Yes, perfectly printable of course, especially the annual pdf if I so desire. Although I have to admit to never having printed anything off like this in years. Too much paper lying around if I kept on printing. I have no idea who all is downloading my annual pdfs though, and finding my radio chatter interesting. But month after month there are downloads. Not just 1 or 2. I haven't bothered to investigate farther. Of course, this is the power of the Perseus that has created this 2013 dxer. I recently read reports from a dxpedition up north, still using single channel receivers. I would simply love the trip. The great outdoors. The hills. The local pub. Yes. My idea would have to be coming home with a drive or two full of wideband recordings that I could check out at my leisure. Since the Perseus was introduced back in 2007, my own personal style of dxing had changed dramatically. Hopefully I will never have to go back to single channel dxing again. I would find myself at a complete loss at the top of the hour!! Where would I start??? I'd be going stir crazy with the controls!! The experienced dxers that visit the dx site up north have continued to use only their single channel receivers. I see no problems in that if that is their equipment of choice. But oh is there a whole new world out there of Perseus SDRs. I have single channel receivers for general listening. But for serious mw dxing, gees, I would hate the restrictions of the past. Especially on a dxpedition. One receiver I do wish I had kept was the AOR 7030 though. Maybe one day I will find another one. A truly great receiver. But I swapped it for a ICOM 7000 VHF receiver one summer, for the sporadic e season.
Again, MW was a wee bit noisy, and dull today, 5th November. But then the Frenchie that has been showing itself occasionally over the last days on 1350 comes up trumps. It is Radio Ville Marie, from Canada, CIRA. My recording is rather poor, but 100% identifiable, especially when compared to the web stream clip. I also heard it at 0000 on 3/11, 2230 2/11 (not ided at this time), and heard French at other times. Not in
the UK all time listing that I have, so maybe first known UK. 131103_0000_1350_radio_ville_marie.mp3 131105_0400_1350_radio_ville_marie_cira.mp3 131105_0400_1350_radio_ville_marie_cira_b.mp3 131105_1800_web_radio_ville_marie_1350.mp3
CKNB SILENT 0700 SUNDAY: The powerful CKNB was heard with carrier only yesterday am, on 950kHz. Such was the conditions that all that was heard below it was Radio Reloj from Cuba, complete with their warbling.
ESPN DEPORTES - 1280: UPDATE: This was also heard on 29/10 at just before 2200, but again, no ids.. After relistening to my file from Friday, ESPN Deportes 1280 was heard here on 1/11, Friday at 0700 and 0730, but annoyingly, there was no local ID at the top of the hour. Just a big gap. I checked this against WEPN NY on 1050 and the same big gap is heard there, with no local IDs. At 0730, CHUM was dominant on 1050. I could not hear the station at 08 or 0600, or any other hour. I know there are dxers out there that would list log such reception as WODT New Orleans, and maybe even claim a personal first, or even try a UK first, or as I would say, 1st known report in the UK. The publications have been full of these kind of "ids" or should I say non IDs for decades. I think I would call that some kind of desperation attempt to claim unids!! What I heard, an ESPN ID can certainly not be classed as a proper ID though. Not on these pages at any rate. Maybe some dxers like to hear a trace of country music and claim it as a personal first. Hmm. Not me at least not any more. I have some recordings of past French Canadians that lacked IDs, but at one time claimed them, and still have them on my all time list. I really should investigate the ones in question and state so in the all time list, and look for the old recordings. Check my comments on this subject in my article accurate_mw_dxing.html I feel I just have to take this one in the chin, and forget about it for now. But keep a watchful ear open on 1280 for SS ESPN stations.
Again, some fine signals today from common stuff. Not that I have been able to check all the files by the time this was written up at 2000 GMT Saturday. 570 WCMA
NY good peak 0459 2/11
EXTRACT FROM NOVEMBER 2009!!! THE PATRIOT 1280: I had a log of 1280 The Patriot this morning at 0900. This is WWTC, Minneapolis, MN. The name rang bells, because I noted this a couple of times last season, I'm sure. But I don't see it on my all time list. Have to rectify this!! Just shows how the stations get through the net easily ....... UPDATE 2013... I still have not got this station in the all time lists as of today.... though doing it now...Things move very slowly in Hazard County..LOL..
MW LOGS FOR TODAY: Some very big signals around from the regulars today at 0700
610 WIOD
FL good 0700 1/11
1230 WMML GLEN FALLS, NY - NEW STATION, OLD FILE: I had an unid up on my page headers some time ago, November 2011 to be exact. I thought it sounded vaguely like the old SW station call WRNO. But on closer inspection by Mark in NJ, it turned out to be WMML. Mark was not only 50% confident, but 100%. Well it is on his doorstep, not mine..lol..
1280 WPKZ FITCHBURG, MA - NOT A NEW STATION AFTER ALL: UPDATE: After a more careful check of my all time log / list, it seems it is only the call that is new. EX WEIM!! Fitchburg has indeed been heard here 3/12/08..I have now deleted this from October personal firsts. Rare station nevertheless. But it did raise my awareness that I have a 1280 The Patriot missing from my all time lists. I need to try and find this now.. Ah yes, 0911 13/11/09..WWTC.. I have also heard a new station today, but only from the files of 29th October, 2130 and 2133. See October page for details. I have not got the audio up yet, but will do so over the weekend at some point.