LOGS: MARCH 2009 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
NB: A time of eg 0900 often means the 0900 recording, and not necessary the exact time of the ID. KEN'S
And his description of the amp half way down this page, and links to the DX ENGINEERING site
amp is perfectly suited to wideband recordings, ie it is not tuned like
for example an ATU, or a strandard MW loop. KEN'S
DX DIARY AND LOGS - WEDNESDAY 25th MARCH 2009: SPORADIC E SEASON: The sporadic E season is coming around again, and hopefully this year we will have some sporadic E on the TV as well as FM band. The main season is a few weeks away, but there can be good band 1 openings in April. We will be using the Skype DX chat and cluster to report sporadic E reception, although tropo reception is discouraged, and is of no significance to anyone outside their own immediate area. eg if I report Dublin FM stations, that has no bearing on someone's reception on the South Coast for example, who may be hearing France all over the band at the same time. Sporadic E had a wider "coverage area" normally. PERSEUS
RELEASE: Well another Perseus release has come and gone. Vs
2.1f was released yesterday. The upgrades mainly won't concern me I
don't think as a MW dxer, but I shall be experimenting with the Autonotch,
and the CW filter. 1660 KRZI: I had a good signal from KRZI Waco, Texas yesterday morning at 0600. KEN'S
couple of PERSEUS screenshots. CW left, clearly seen, and right, the
NOT A LOT OF DX TO REPORT: I have been relatively inactive this week. Not much to report. MWDX has been kind of average every time I have checked, which doesn't tend to hold my attention if it is the same old stations I am hearing every night. I am looking forward to the light nights and maybe even some warmer weather if that is possible, I feel I have been cooped up in a miserable old radio shack all winter.. I guess I have really.. . On Wed 18th I noted WEZE 590 @ 0300, and WKOX again 0600. 1250 CJYE has a better EE ID at 0600 these days. Also ann // 1320 CJMR. KEN'S
DX DIARY AND LOGS - MONDAY 9th MARCH 2009: COMMON STATIONS: I have created a new list of stations that I would consider to be common, and don't usually make notes or logs in my log book. This is not a list of stations that can be heard at armchair quality every night, but ones that I would expect to hear on a day when the band was average. (transatlantic_common_stations.html) OFF TOPIC, BBC ALBUM CHARTS: As some folks like to say, off topic. It has been pointed out to me just tonight by someone who follows the charts more than I do, this web link. In fact I never look at them any more, not for a long time. here is the BBC Radio 1 Album Chart for this week. Notice that there are ALL new entries, and ALL are either soundtracks or compilations. VERY ODD!!! RECENT LOGS: It has been a while since I have listed my AM logs, mainly because I haven't really heard anything of note recently. Coming into Mid March, and REBELDE is my only personal first for the month so far.. I tend not to note the common stations, even in my log book, and thus they don't appear on the SKYPE dx cluster either. In my ALL TIME LIST which is no where near complete, but at least quite respectable now, I have noted a lot of stations I see as common, and ones which rarely appear in my log book. 550 R Nac Columbia 0700 7/3 580 CFRA 0700 7/3 920 UNID CALL hrd. Snds like WHAL HD. Which stn has this HD call?? 0200 8/2 950 CKNB 7/3 0100 VG sig today 970 Radio Formula MEX. 0600 6/3 1160 WYLL 0600 + 0700 6/3 1250 CJYE 0600 7/3 Full call id inc ann // 1320 1280 China radio int sig = CFMB 0100 6/3 1300 WXRL Manchester / Buffalo id. (Unless Worchester is pronounced different from UK) 1320 CJMR 7/3 0100 Good ee call id 1330 WRCA Watertown/ Boston 0100 7/3 1360 WTAQ 0600 7/3 1390 WFBL 0600 7/3 INC CNN radio nx 1430 CHKT 3/3 0200 1440 WRED pres 0100 7/3. Despite this being WEEI Celtic Radio Network sports, I heard this before on WRED. TOTH local ID failed, only silence.!! Good ID on Sat 7/2 0100 though. 1600 WUNR Rare EE ids 6/3 0100 1620 WNRP FL 0700 3/3 1620 Rebelde, Cuba 0700 7/3 NEW?? LSB only, barely hrd USB. WTAW dominant. 1630 WRDW Augusta 0700 2/3 1630 KKGM 0200 8/2 1640 WTNI 0200 8/2 1660 KRZI 8/2 0200 1670 GA stn with new call. Fox Sports Radio 2/3 0700 KEN'S
DX DIARY AND LOGS - SUNDAY 8th MARCH 2009: KEN'S DX DIARY AND LOGS - FRIDAY 6th MARCH 2009: There were a few strong signals around today, although to be honest I would call them the average stations. Nothing particularly notable. WYLL 1160 would have been as good as it gets. OK I have been spoilt by the dx season this winter, and going back to drab average conditions may not be as easy as all that, and will certainly not hold my enthusiasm for the summer. I have been known to simply drift away to FM/ TVDX during the summer months, or outdoor activities, until the end of the summer. Of course I am not wishing the summer away already, far from it. I am simply saying that the band holds only a limited interest when you have to chase WBBR as DX. In days gone by, many years ago, MW dxing was seen as mid winter only hobby, as a general rule. But there is always DX to be had, even if it is during a very narrow dx window in the mid summer. I guess the farther North you go in mid summer, the worse the MW dx is, due to extended daylight. RADIO
QSL INFORMATION: 1$ to help defray return postage requested. You may send postal reports to: WHYL Thank you
to Bruce Collier for making this test possible!
DX: I have often mentioned in these pages that my Latin reception
in the 80's seems to have been far better than now. My North American
reception this winter has been nothing short of spectacular this winter,
but LA's. They just don't come through very well. Last summer I made
a half hearted attempt at improving things, and using 3 separate random
and terminated long wires, trying to mimic antennas of the past. They
are all torn down due to being pretty poor. I had an EWE for Latin's
but it was pretty poor as well, as was a flag Davie H and I put up last
week. Maybe I use too large a flag. Davie up the road can hear Latin's
I have lost in splatter, so I have to assume I need a smaller aerial,
so that at least the Euros are not as strong. MARTIN
HALLS DX: As mentioned in the Feb logs, Martin was in dire
need of a few extra sets of ears to assist with his huge amount of unchecked
recordings. He sent me a couple of DVD's, which of course really interested
me anyway, to hear his AM band. KEN'S
DX DIARY AND LOGS - MONDAY 2nd MARCH 2009: WINTER BEVERAGE AERIAL NOW DOWN: Yesterday David H and myself dug up the beverage I have been using for the winter. It is ploughing time, and Sanny the Fermer needs into his field. We were going to make a small mini movie, but were over in the field before we knew it, and had forgotton the camera!! I may well try and alter the old beverage a little, by putting the wire up higher on taller sticks. It does work absolutely fine as it stands, but the gain on the one through the open field especially on the hf part of the MW band was quite dramatically higher. No rush, but we will get on to this.
A list of common dx stations looking to move to FM include:
610 CHNC/ Frenchy, 780 CFDR/ KIX, 980 CKRU, 1140 CBI/ CBC, 1150 CHGM/
Frenchy, 1550 CBE/ CBC.
531 Switzerland |