LOGS / NEWS - JUNE 2013 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
LATICE TOWER / MAST FOR SALE: I may sell a mast that I have had lying around since 1984, and done nothing with. That's right, almost thirty years. The price would have to be right, and I think I will only be giving it two or three weeks max, and then I will either take it to the scrappie's and see what it is worth, or use it as part of another project. To see the mast, click the following link. There is no navigation menu on the page, so use the back button to return here.
BAND 1 ANTENNA REINSTATED: I had the band 1 antenna down when I was putting a 10m antenna up using the same mast. The 10m antenna has been up almost a year, but the band 1 antenna has remained on the ground until today. This is the one that Davie made. I have an old original 405 band 1 aerial up my other mast, but it has, I noticed today, become seriously overgrown in a Beech tree!!! A bit of trimming needed.
SUPERB SPORADIC E CONDITIONS: The FM band has been at last kind to us, and a few openings in the last week. This log list will probably start off with good intention of listing the FM dx this season, and peter out into a half hearted effort as other outside chores take over. Summer months are not good to sit indoors at dx receivers, though I am doing far better than last season at being able to hear dx. Last year was a dead loss. I have started typing at least!!!!
90.6 Cadena Dial Spain. Long local id Thursday 20th June 1419 87.7 FUN Radio RDS id Czech?? maybe missed RDS. ids poss in fades 1424, 1432
UPDATES TO THE DX ARCHIVE WEB PAGES: I have been hard at work again scanning a few old radio magazines for the dx archive section of this web site. The full res pdf files are not yet available, but for the moment I can share the original raw scans that will eventually be used to create the pdf files. Such is the job though, it is probably a good idea to offer these raw scans for the time being. There are a lot of vintage radio mags to get through!! In the collections are old Populare Wireless mags, Wireless Weekly, Wireless, Wireless World, Practical Wireless, Modern Wireless, Experimental Wireless, World Radio, Radio Pictorial and others. The articles within are fascinating, and really are worrth sharing here. Both GH and KB have collections of these vintage magazines they are keen to make available.
LACK OF SITE UPDATES: There has been very little activity on this site in the last month or so. But we are still here.... I seem to have been out the shack more than in in the last while and hence missing all the sporadic e that other dxers report, including Davie H up the street.
MW LOGS : 1250
Peru - Radio Mira Flores Lima. 0301 Tnx Paul C with help in ID, 4/6. |