Bike and dug not

UPDATE 12th JULY 2013:



UPDATE 4th JULY 2013:

I surprised myself last night by relisting on ebay for a chance of a quick three day sale, before I decide what I am doing with the mast. Search for 60 foot lattice tower. Initially I wasn't gonna bother relisting.

There was one on ebay complete with the winching gear a couple of weeks ago that went for 400 quid, and one I saw just the other night was listed as being there when the guy bought the house, and it seems to have vanished, at the buy now of 500 quid. So thats the reason I though of half price + 30 quid for the 15% auction fees originally, (£230), seeing as it's three 20 foot mast sections only.

This time I have tried a quick auction for 3 days at £!75 on bids, but this is really 150 after the 15% is deducted.

What I am saying is that if anyone buys direct from me at my door and not through the auction, they can have it for £150. I am not interested in anything less being honest. I'd sooner keep a hold of the tower, as I may well have a practical use for it. Whether it be myself or anyone else, I think a lick of black exterior paint wouldn't do it any harm.

Thanks to the guy from London who rang, who was also asking about wee Spike the dug...LOL..



The mast will remain up for sale for a week or two yet. The original plan was to fund some other radio kit that I am after, but after I had this on ebay and it never sold, I will probably just keep a hold of it. I was inspired by the same mast as mine that had the winching gear, going for 400 quid. I thought I would try for half price seeing as mine would have to have a bit of work done to it to if it was required to be telescopic. But anyway, I have a use for it anyway, which is weather permitting and will be a couple of weeks I guess before it is dry enough.


UPDATE 20th JUNE 2013:

I have stuck another few higher res images on line at the start of this article. Please do read down towards the other images.

I will have this item for sale only for a few weeks, and if no one is biting, I may either contact a scrappie, or use it for another project other than radio. (Could be used as a sturdy base for an outdoor bench / fence etc, though that seems a shame..!!)

I had a look on line, and heavier gear like this is pretty expensive, though this will need some work, depending on the project. There are as stated below, no ground base plates or winding gear or steel wires for winding up and down, but it could be put up as a permanent structure.

It was a free standing thing with floodlights at one time, although as a wireless buff, I would have had it well guyed as well... Even pro radio towers have been known to come down in storms, eg 1170 WWVA Wheeling, WV had free standing towers for their 50kW signal, and were downed in a storm. They now have a guyed structure I believe!!

As stated below, the top 4 feet is bent a little. This would not detract from any use I can think of, ie floodlights, radio tower, camera tower. It is not by much and a skilled welder could no doubt heat and straighten again, if desired. There is about a 18 inches that doesn't slip inside anyway, see where the middle section, 2 images below, sits, so it's only really three feet or less thats sticking out extra.

You can see the sections slide into each other teliscopically....

The top of the last section needs straightened as well, or whatever. It is a project and well do able.....


JUNE 2013:

I have had this tower lying around as a project waiting to happen since 1984!! Almost 30 years. I think it is time to try and get a shilling back on it. I guess scrap value would be quite high these days on something like this, though it would be a pity to see it scrapped. I am looking for a reasonable offer or I will probably see what the scrappie will give me.

It could be used for Amateur Radio, or a lighting or security mast, or whatever. It could easily be used as three 20 foot security / lighting towers.

As seen in the photos, (images expand) the top section at the last four feet or so has had a bang at some stage. It probably fell when being dismantled all those years ago, but I can't think of any problems with that no matter what use it was put to. I once had a top section that bolted on with a 2" mast, but can't see it kicking around anywhere.

Bike sat beside to give an idea of actual size.

Heavy galvanised steel I guess it will be, and made of three sections fitting inside each other, telescopic. It looks like it could have at one time been a crank up and down mast, though I don't have any winching gear, or steel wires, or base plates for that matter, these would have to be made up by whoever wants to put it in the air again.

Each section is 20 feet and a bit, or 6m 30. So you have a 60 foot tower here. There is a metal thing to click the first and second stages together. Not sure about 2nd and third stage.

Buyer would have to collect with a longish trailer of some kind. Contact details below. The number is probably more a daytime number, though some evenings I will be within signal. (Networks dont all work at all locations here in the sticks)