LOGS / NEWS - AUGUST 2013 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
Tele Radio Digital | Ecuador |
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The dx has been poorish, though today, 31st, WZAN 970 was strong at 0500, and VOCM 1240 coming through. I have a short montage of stations heard on 27th at 0500, that hasn't yet made it on line... 1450
I noted the distinctive interval signal of Radio Japan last night at 2000, on 1386kHz. Although nice to hear a good old fashioned interval signal, this was only from Lithuania, via Radio Baltic Waves. (Memories of the days of the mega powerful signal from Kalliningrad on 1386. As a bonus, there is a station id from LPAM station, Anker Radio.
It will soon be 40 years since the Dutch government closed down the offshore stations. Phew. It was Radio North Sea that created the DXer Ken, listening in as a wee laddie of 10 in 1973. I used to enjoy the top 30 show, later becoming the RNI Toppers 20, and still have a few clips on old cassettes that I recorded up here in Scotland. Aye August is certainly the month for offshore radio nostalgia. As every reader here will know of course, when the Dutch brought in their new law, the Mi Amigo upped anquor, and sailed again for the English coast, broadcasting as she went, with Tony Allan at the healms. This old recording of RNI was enough for me to get a QSL card many years after the station closed...
I thought I had been over enthusiastic the other day and wiped the first signals I have heard from Radio Britannia, and Ken Creshendo in a number of years. In fact, I have not heard the stations since Spain landed on 1476. But now Spain has again vacated both 1386 and 1476, both frequencies are suitable for low power pirate operations, especially 1476. Actually I have never heard a Radio Britannia ID, and when I heard the station before on 1611, it always ided as Radio 186. On 1476 all I have ever heard is music and announcements with no ids. Anyway, my Perseus file from Sunday night 25th August caught the station on the 2100 recording, on 1476.
offshore_caroline_raid_august_1989.html offshore_caroline_returns_august_1983.html offshore_caroline_mi_amigo_sinks_1980.html
RADIO CAROLINE - REMEMBERING THE RAID, SATURDAY 19TH AUGUST 1989: August is certainly the month for commemorations. It was not only the month some 30 years ago this year, (2013) that the Ross Revenge arrived in the North Sea, but on the same date in 1989, the ship was raided on the high seas, in an illegal act of piracy by trigger happy drinking Dutch officials. The low life UK officials were also squandering public money by being involved in the procceedings at some level or another. Again I shall gather my own personal thoughts on the subject, as well as give some newspaper cuttings of the time, and recordings, and links to videos. The attack on the Ross has been the subject of much discussion over the years. The short wave service from the ship has always attracted attention because of the poor frequency choice, although it seems the Dutch just didn't want an offshore radio station broadcasting in Dutch. Back on 23rd Feb 1988, the first log was made of the SW service, on 6210. It was noted in Scotland on 3/3 on 6210, but on 4/3 had moved to 6215. By 8th March it was back on 6210, though on 13th April it was back on 6215. On 15-20th April we have it noted on 6205, and then by 27th April it was back on 6215, which was where it stayed. There are many long recordings made from the SW service in the downloads section. The frequency of 6215kHz was a concern. I recall at the time photocopying a few pages from respected utility expert, Jorg Klingenfuss, and trying to send them to Chicago via a friend down south. Whether these photo copies ever reached the ship is anyone's guess, as the station remained on 6215, a secondary emergency frequency. This was not a good idea, and dxers who had some knowledge of this tried to tell them not to use the channel. Even if the frequency wasn't really used, it was an excuse the authorities needed. A few selected pages from the KLINGENFUSS book, 1990 are included in the pdf file below. It would have been the previous years book I copied and tried to send to the ship, in the hope they may move.
This article will be written up here, and transferred to the dx archive area of this site as soon as some kind of a completion is made. As will the article on the Ross arriving in the North Sea, and the Mi Amigo sinking that was on the March pages.. ====================================================== The following audio files are from GH, CC in Cambridge, as well as my own recordings.
Listen to Nigel Harris and Johnny Lewis, as well as Caroline Martin etc discuss the raid in 1998. A very interesting discussion, although apologies if the audio is a little toppy. ======================================================
The signals from North America are certainly back, with many of the common stations putting in reasonable signals from time to time. But a couple of more interesting ones were heard, including Ecuador, see below..
Tele Radio Digitale, Ecuador 0431 24/8. ID at 31s.
UNID UK LPAM - IDENTIFIED AS CARILLION RADIO: UPDATE: It seems there is no doubt that this is Carillion Radio, tnx Paul, Andra, Sterling etc. Well I wouldn't have got that from that singing jingle. See 3rd rec from 2003. I haven't yet identified the LPAM station that sounds llike Dawn Radio, or even Dog Radio...LOL.. Someone must live locally to this one and be able to explain the ID to me. They appear only to play these singing jingles that don't really match up to Anker or Carillion, or Blast or JCOM. Ideas anyone?? The same station is being heard by a dxer way down in the South of France!! 130823_0605_1386_unid_dawn_radio_again.mp3
UNID LATIN AS STATED IN THE OLD LOG OF 1985: I was looking through some old ID tapes just the other day, and found this particularly strong station id from 1985. I have never had any idea what it was, so it is included here... Help anyone?? 850104_0104_1580_unid_like_call.mp3
offshore_caroline_raid_august_1989.html offshore_caroline_returns_august_1983.html offshore_caroline_mi_amigo_sinks_1980.html
30 YEARS AGO - 1983: Commemoration time again on these pages. Everyone in the radio world will associate the dates around the 14th August with the date in 1967 that the Labour Government introduced the Marine Offences Act designed to scupper the offshore pirate stations. It did, all bar one station that carried on the fight, Radio Caroline of course. But we are not going into the MOA here. Instead we commemorate the fact that it is 30 years ago, August 1983, since the new Radio Caroline ship, the Ross Revenge arrived in the North Sea. There had been rumour and counter rumour since the Mi Amigo sank in March 1980, (see my March page) about the triumphant return of Radio Caroline. I well remember that there seemed to be a lot of disbelief around though. "Believe it when I hear it" or "They cried wolf once too often", that kind of thing. There had however been pictures of the ship seen in the anorak community, of a pinkish coloured Ross Revenge, with a very tall mast, and a portacabin on the deck, reputed to be for the studio, which would have given the presenters panoramic views of the sea. The photo collection I had seen was taken by Robin Ross, when he had been on board during the fitting out over in Spain. AUK used to sell these, after the Ross came to the North Sea, but we don't have a copy here unfortunately. I think I might have loved to be a fly on the wall when the final paper was signed and the ship was free to sail for the North Sea. The first we heard here was on Radio Nova from Dublin, on Wed 3rd August on the 1pm news. Tom Hardy made a few comments at the start of his afternoon show after the news, including the playing of "Do You Believe In Magic", and making reference to "Your All Day Music Station". Appropriate records were often played in those days.
Remember that the guys at Radio Nova would have been in the know for sure at that time. They were unlikely to have deliberately blown any security by the report, if the ship had still been in harbour for example, though a later Dublin Today report did suggest it would sail the following day. I just feel the news should have been held back a day if that was the reality, just incase somehow the UK nobbled Spain NOT to let the ship sail under any circumstances. There was some kind of loyalty and honour code in those days, amongst radio folks that you don't see today. A few photos are shown with the giant tower, though I must admit, my own old manky prints are looking very tired.. lol. I don't even recall the source of these to give credit, but it was possibly Anoraks UK. There was an incredible feeling generated amongst the enthusiasts at that time. It seemed like it really was coming back!! There were a number of reporters hearing rock music on 963kHz. Album music was heard below Dunlaoire Local Radio which was heard with a test transmission on 3rd August at around 9pm. We can only assume here that they had heard the news and wished to pick up a few listeners on the back of that report of the Caroline ship sailing. The album music station we believe turned out to be Radio Jackie North from Liverpool also picking up a few listeners, ided on Saturday 13th August!! There was plenty TV coverage, which was a little premature, as there had not even been any tests heard by this time, and the chance to gain listeners from the TV reports perhaps was not as massive a deal as it could have been. But if the ship wasn't quite ready to broadcast, then it wasn't ready. Simple. Questions were asked amongst enthusiasts. Who would make the first announcement. That dubious honour went to Robin Ross during the first morning of musical test transmissions. And of course the infamous "I'm Tom" opening, that enthusiasts still talk about thirty years on, as being such a damp squib. There were no jingles for a long time after the station opened. It was the strangest thing. There was Radio Nova from Dublin leading the way, and cleaning up in Dublin, while Caroline came on the air with a "Hello Tom" format. That first night, I stayed out the pub on a Saturday night, just to listen to the station. The idea of having a radio ship back in the North Sea for Europeans was just great, and everyone I think and their granny was tuned in that night to hear how it was going to go. Tony Gareth from Dublin was on the air from 10 till midnight, and then at midnight, on he came, Dixie Peach. Phew!!! Dave Simmons, photographed in the papers prior to the relaunch, never made it on the air. The reason was unknown. See below for Daily Express Centre page. NB: I will hopefully be adding to this paragraph shortly, and it should find its way into the dxarchive section, rather than only being lost in the blog. ======================================================== MY OWN CAROLINE 1980'S RECORDINGS FROM THE DOWNLOADS AREA ======================================================== AUDIO FILES FROM AUGUST 1983
======================================================== THE FOLLOWING PDF FILES ARE CREATED AT DECENT RES TO PRESERVE READABILITY
======================================================== EXTERNAL LINKS TO AZ ANORAK FILES
CHANNEL FOUR NEWS, BREAKFAST TV, ETC AUGUST 1983 ROSS REVENGE COVERAGE http://www.azanorak.com/pub/Documentaries&Tributes/Videos/Ross%20Revenge%20News%20Clips.avi
AZ ANORAK CAROLINE 80'S FOLDER, WHICH INCLUDES TESTS AS WELL AS OPENING DAY http://www.azanorak.com/pub/Stations/Caroline/1982-1990/
MI-AMIGO SINKING VIDEO REPORTS VIA A/Z ANORAK http://www.azanorak.com/pub/Documentaries&Tributes/Videos/Mi%20Amigo%20Sinking%20News%20Clips.avi
REPORT ON THE ROSS REVENGE ON YOUTUBE http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jZvjSJFJ-io
Last night, there were a few reasonable signals around, though nothing to get overly excited over. I have to admit I see KXEL as a common station, and don't list it much, but seemingly it is rarer elsewhere. Good signal today at 0400 here... Audio clip below. WNAM was ok on 1280 at 0400, and other common stuff, but WBBR and WWKB were not powerhouse today.. Band was still open for business at 0500, as can be heard from the WWRU recording. Receiver as ever, Perseus SDR, and 500m beverage pointing north west, towards North America.
LPAM UK STATIONS: A couple of LPAM stations have come in at this QTH I have classed as UNID. One was on 1350, while the other on 1386. I mentioned Radio JCOM a few weeks ago, on 1386. Since the clearance of the QRO SS stn off the freq, 1386 is again a good freq for QRP stations.
(UPDATE - Carillion Radio identified as 100%)
(UPDATE: Kingstown Radio, partial ID. A common station of 1350 until recent technical troubles, tnx AB. Serving the Hull Royal and Castle Hill Hospital. Clear when you know what it is... I was one of two dxers that thought it was "Serving the whole world and ???? Hospital", ie also had a web stream.)
On Friday night I was out quite early, at a Pink Floyd tribute band called Mac Floyd. They are bloody tight, and it could have been Big Dave Gilmour up there on stage. They really were hell of a good. But Davie up the road reports that the FM band was wide open to Italy, and even 2m hams were coming in. What a shame I missed an intense opening like that!!! Especially to the Italian private stations. I always had a soft spot for intense Italian openings, simply because of the sheer volume of stations in Italy, and any obscure little private station could pop through. On Sunday morning though I had a small opening to Spain and Portugal, and managed to be by the receivers, and recorded a few FM+ files. I really should get some audio clips from the FM+ up on line. It really is a very good receiver, and worth the extra few quid it costs, to be able to use the Perseus software. Log times below may be a mess, as my PC clock was wrong, and was an hour in front of UTC for some reason. I did set it recently as well..., but I have reset it again. This is only a start at logs. More to come.
SUNDAY 11th AUGUST 2013 87.9
Antenna 1 Portugal 1151 RDS ID only Portugal
MONDAY 12TH AUGUST 2013 87.6 COPE 1250 ===============================================================
49 METERE BAND DEAD: I was tuning around SW for a change today, just briefly after I was listening to some rough Scottish fishermen on 6221 USB. I was quite surprised by the booming signal on 6095 of a Dutch station, which I believe to be KBC. It signed off abruptly at 1000. I had a quick tune on the 49m band after that station closed down, and found there was only a very weak unid signal around 6005 coming through. Quite amazing considering the 49m band was a busy band here in North West Europe at one time.
THE PERSEUS SYNDROM: I believe I suffer from an ailment we will call THE PERSEUS SYNDROM. Symptoms of THE PERSEUS SYNDROM are quite simple to explain. The first experience I had of an SDR was in 2007, when the Perseus was released (unless you count various silly TV cards I have tried over the years). I was in awe at the ability to record the initial large 400khz chunks of the MW band, now 1600khz of course. It took a very short time to become used to the software, and the mousewheel of course was the powerful key. Since the Perseus came along, and of course being in use every day in Winter, I have become seriously used to the software. But the "syndrom" kicks in when I try out other SDR software. I really can't be bothered with anything else that has no advantage over the original Perseus. I sometimes hear other dxers trying Winrad and even talking about audio quality being better with Winrad. I have never had a problem with audio quality and the Perseus. It has always been a real good beefy AM radio sound, a RADIO NOVA / ORBAN OPTIMOD type sound almost!! I have never heard any A/B tests to demonstrate the great benefits of Winrad, so I have absolutely no idea where the audio failing is supposed to be. (Maybe SAM or SSB modes??) I have always found WINRAD very clumsy, and to have two frequency displays at different frequencies side by side is not any great achievement. Like having two clocks side by side. (Or two identical power connections side by side, 1 with 12v and 1 with 5v..lol). I even downloaded a sample file from the WINRADIO Excalabur, but found the software rather clumsy by comparison. In recent weeks I have really been enjoying using the FM+ software. I am glad I had the chance to use it during sporadic e openings. The software itself is just a dream to use. A completely different ball game than many of the other clunkier offerings. But I must give them all a try with the miserable little dongle some time, just so I have tried them. . BUT That is the Perseus Syndrome. Because I have worked with it since 2007 now, that is nearer 6 years than 5, it seems that anything else I try gets rejected possibly unfairly quickly. Unless of course it is a close relative and as smooth running as the Perseus to operate, it would probably make me sit up and take note, but I haven't tried one that does that!!. AND ANOTHER BUT. A fella on the dx chat the other day was telling me he has just bought a Perseus and FM+. Well done on your purchase OM. You will not be disappointed. But he has been using other SDR software, and I wonder if he will have the WINRAD SYNDROM for example. I wait eagerly to hear how quickly he gets into the Perseus software. I think a fair trial would have to be a complete novice to the SDR that has tried no software, and see how they get on with each in turn.
AND NORTH AMERICA FADES BACK IN: On MW this morning at 0400, there was a booming signal from 1130 WBBR, as well as signals along the band from many of the common stations. 1420 had WKCW, noted yesterday by Paul C. I guess in a few short weeks, the traditional start of the MW DX season will be with us.
I don't really expect much more sporadic e at this late stage in the season. Not impossible, but August here is never like May /June /July. A couple of times today, the receiver sat on 87.7 has produced RDS, but when I have tuned in, signals were gone, or near enough gone. It is the real openings I really like, when you never know what is gonna pop up, not the odd fluttery straggler. Och well, at least we are kitted up with the FM+ now in preparation. But yes I have to get my head around the fact that we are running out of summer. The kids start school again a week on Friday. Yes a Friday!! The middle of August here tends to begin to get chilly at nights, and the long summer day light days diminish a bit. As I type this though the sun is splitting the sky, and looks like another great day of the great 2013 summer. Mid August also brings back the North Americans in force on MW. Lets look forward to a good dx season, but let's enjoy the back end of the summer while we can first.
LOW POWERED AM STATION - JCOM: Radio JCOM a low powered station in Leeds was heard here the other night at 0200 for the first time. The name sounds like an Amateur Radio Shop or something, but it is a Jewish station it seems. The freq of 1386 is used. At least this time I managed to copy off an ID before I deleted the Perseus files. I heard a seemingly rare stn here a couple of years ago on 1350, called Radio Nightingale, but try as I might, I have yet to hear it again, and sadly, I was too keen to clear out the Perseus files. The recording was gone before I could copy the ID. Common here on 1350 is both Arabic sounding stuff, FF and USA, as well as Kingstown Radio in Hull. Something at the back of my mind says the file is a summer time file when I heard Radio Nightingale, and that it was probably deleted. But of course maybe it lies in the archives waiting to be rediscovered.
NEW LOCAL FM STATION: The new local station for Irvine on 107.2 is coming in here, though relatively weak thankfully. It won't have any effect on the sporadic e dxing. Tests broadcasts announced at this time, though I believe the station opens at some weird time on Monday next, but don't quote me on this. I am also led to believe that a host of ILR Ayr folks are involved. More of the same old, same old then. (I have never been an ILR fan) What a different band the FM band is now, compared to 1987 and 1988 when the Irish pirates were powering in, especially at my local high spot. If anyone is interested in old FM band lists, check out the Irish all time list, MW first, and FM at the foot of the article.
VICIOUS UNPROVOKED ATTACK ON POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS: In these troubled times of cut throats and rogue traders, I feel it is the duty of blog editors to make their readers aware of trading practices. I am glad I am not the only one that takes dubious trading practices seriously, and the UKDX web site has also issued this same warning. One Italian SDR software developer has been known to be particularly rude and abusive to potential customers on his own Yahoo group. (No, not the Perseus Group.. lol) I really must ask the question, who would buy his software after some of the outbursts at his punters on the Yahoo group, never mind the unbelievable outburst I read yesterday. Read on... I could not believe what I was reading, when Davie, my dx neighbour forwarded me an e mail completely unprovoked and out of the blue from this charming fellow. ====================================== Dear Mr. David Hamilton, let me introduce myself: I am Sandro Sfregola, CEO of SDR Applications; I'm also the developer of the SDR program WRplus and Studio 1. SDR Applications acquired WRplus in 2011 and it is the current owner of WRplus for all purposes. As you know, WRplus has been a free application until June 2012 (when Studio 1 has been released); WRplus expired the same period and we know that there are illegal, hacked versions of WRplus in circulation on the net: the use of such versions is illegal and so promoting their use. We noticed from some videos you recently published on YouTube that you are using WRplus: doing so you are violating at least two laws (international and local): (so is sending unsolicited mail / spamming, and fraud..kb) 1- Use of hacked/cracked or somewhat unauthorized version of a computer program. 2- Promoting the use of a computer program as for point 1. So we are demanding the following: 1- Remove from YouTube the following videos and any other video referencing the use of WRplus after the expiration date: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxB6PrADKoQ 2- Remove from your blog all references to the use of WRplus after the expiration date. If you will accomplish the above requests within a week, we will not proceed further; otherwise the issue will be passed to our lawyer and a legal action we be started. If you are interested in the natural evolution of WRplus, consider Studio 1: it provides much better performances than the (now obsolete) WRplus. Best
regards ====================================== Well, there you go. Phew.. This very intimidating email was written by a chap that tries hard to take you into his confidence, and buy his Studio 1 software. Would you encourage him?? After the glass of brandy required to take in the abuse poor Davie has been subjected to, I read again the last line. "Consider Studio 1" LOL..THIS IS SO LAUGHABLE... WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND IS GOING TO BUY ANYTHING FROM SOMEONE THAT SENDS OUT EMAILS LIKE THAT...LOL, NEVER MIND DAVIE HIMSELF. DOES HE REALLY BELIEVE DAVIE IS A POTENTIAL CUSTOMER, AFTER TRYING TO INTIMIDATE HIM WITH SUCH AN EMAIL?? What Davie seemingly has done is to still be using winrad+, which had WFM incorporated to listen to dx signals. He did not use a cracked version of Studio1, which is flogged at various prices, 99-150 Euro, or free with a new Perseus I believe. He used old WINRAD+ software that was freeware anyway. From memory, it was only the later versions that timed out, though quite why is anybody's guess. The original WINRAD was open source from Alberto, and various other software writers/ developers had a go at improving the original software. I don't remember all the derivatives of WINRAD, as I never really had any interest in it. I bought my first SDR in 2007, which was a Perseus, complete with the Perseus software and GUI. I found WINRAD hard to get to grips with, though I could see the attraction by the time WFM started to be added. This is obviously a great tool for Band 2 and OIRT dxers using appropriate receivers or converters. At that time WFM mode was point blank refused as a suggestion for the Perseus SDR software, and unfortunately still is WINRAD as software, as I stated above, I couldn't get to grips with. I found it pretty clumsy compared to the Perseus, but in all fairness, I never really gave it any time. The two frequencies side by side were very off putting, as was a weird spinning thing that never really did anything as far as I could see. The secondary filter window was not nearly as powerful for adjusting the filters as the Perseus was. But then again, Winrad was freeware, and Perseus was not. WINRAD/ WINRAD+ also has an annoying habit of hijacking the windows settings, and reinstating silly fading menus etc. But back to the point. The time out of the WINRAD+ I seem to remember reading, was said to be quite easy to overcome by shifting the date on the pc back a year. But such was the limited use I had of WINRAD, I have never used it except for short tests. Incidentally, if that was the level of date stamping the software, then you have to ask a few questions. That level of timeout was used in the 90's for free software with PC mags. And what if the software is something you like, and want to run? What if it is not available any longer, even for a modest price? What if it will work if you turn the clock back? What are you going to do??? Come on now, think? I wonder about Sandro's complaints. Does he have the jurisdiction to request what he has demanded? Does he have the right to demand such things outside Italy? I have no idea, but if someone else has modified the WINRAD+ software, and got rid of a silly date stamp, does that not give them at least some of the intellectual property rights, that he himself claims, since Winrad was open source anyway? Probably not with the "+" code segments written by the author. I have absolutely no idea about the answer to that one though. I am not a software developer unfortunately. That always seemed to delve into the black magic area of computers.. lol. But if I spent half an hour cleaning up and touching up an old damaged postcard that may still be within copyright, who does the intellectual property rights belong to of the cleaned up version?? Well at the end of the day I honestly believe the complaint is arrogant to the extreme, as the complainer certainly was not diddled out of any money. He will certainly need a new pair of Jack Boots after the verbal kicking poor Davie was given. Sandro is going on as though he was Mr Sony, Mr Gates or Mr MGM, writing to the Pirate Bay or something, and not just some jolly boring fellow trying to sell overpriced SDR software to dx hobbyists. I often wonder if these keyboard web trolls that you see posting obnoxious comments all over the web would come in to my local pub and start mouthing off the way they do on line. That could be quite amusing actually, and I feel I know who wouldn't need the new pair of Jack Boots on that occasion.. lol. I also wonder if any of Sandro's business partners, if he has any, are aware of his "loose cannon" attitude towards customers and potential customers?? This could reflect on anyone else that was in business with him. It is not as though Davie is a lone dxer. He has a blog, and is in touch with scores of dxers on a regular basis, so of course the dxing community will hear of his intimidating and threatening email. Bad for business for sure. Let's be honest, would you start up a wine bar and abuse the early customers as they came in the door?? Or perhaps wait till they bought your overpriced drinks and then start the torrents. (Abuse torrents that is, not any other torrents..lol) And finally, let's look at Sandro's last line. ...the (now obsolete) WRplus. Obselete!!!!! Yes OBSELETE!!! So why would anyone really get into a rage like that, enough to send out that kind of venim?? Do we have to appeal for a good recipe to bake Davie a cake with a file in it in preparation. (Not a Winrad+ file I hope, unless it was an old file predating June 2012....LOL) Perhaps there really is an opening for a piece of software that is somewhat cheaper than Studio 1. Perhaps if a working version of Winrad+ was made available it could be sold for 20 or 30 quid, and I am sure there would have been a small market. After all, many enthusiasts are using the small 10 quid dongles these days, and won't want to pay for software that is 15 times more costly than the receiver.
A few other comments appeared on the DX chatroom yesterday. "That d*** Sandro does need to contact his lawyers to take out a restraining order on himself - he's nortorious in his own Yahoo group for driving away customers" "I could easily buy his software - hell I spend that amount on wine each month! However with his attitude - no way." "It's interesting the email is from Sandro rather than his lawyers. "F*** off. Sue me" would be my reply." "Exactly - what monetary damages has he sustained?"
Read some interesting comments from other dxers on Davie's Blog
I have made a start to an article called YESTERDAY'S MW BAND. It is a list of the current trend to close many of the high powered transmitters in Europe, as well as lower powered AM outlets. See MW DXING ARTICLES in the ALL DX LOGS part of the main menu. I welcome updates for stations I have missed out. I know all the once common Polish channels are all gone as well.
NORTH AMERICAN DXING AGAIN: Not a particularly descriptive title really, as conditions are not particularly favourable. But WBBR and WWKB were both reasonable last night at 0400. At the same time Santa Rosa Peru off channnel lf of 1500, and Turbomix, Peru, both pres, hf of 1540 were coming through.