Irish Era - Offshore - Landbased - Official Stations - Downloads - Press - Other |
Caroline North (1964-1968) - Caroline 1970's - Caroline 1980's - Caroline Satellite - Laser 558 / 576 - Radio Scotland - Voice of Peace - Old Text Entries
CAROLINE NORTH - (1964-1968)
Radio Caroline
North apparently arrived in Ramsey Bay, off the coast of the Isle of Man on
Tynwald Day, Monday 6th July
1964 after the mv Caroline / mv Fredericia sailed around the British coast from its
previous anchorage off the Essex coast. It followed the merger with
Radio Atlanta, after which the original Radio Caroline vessel, mv
Fredericia was chosen as the home of Radio Caroline North,
whilst the Radio Atlanta vessel, mv Mi Amigo remained off Essex and
became Radio Caroline South. Both ships were boarded on Sunday
3rd March 1968 and subsequently towed to Amsterdam. |
![]() A Daily Mail article about the on board wedding of Mick Luvsit, also from the collection of Frank. (Click image for full size - Size is 14MB) |
1966_09_20_tue_caroline_north_1520am_1648-1825_wedding-fg.mp3 New Sep 2024 | The wedding of Radio Caroline North DJ Mick Luvzit to Janet Terrett as broadcast live from the mv Caroline on Tuesday 20th September 1966. This section from 4:48pm is Tony Prince with the lead up to the wedding and the actual wedding, with commentary by Graham Webb. Don Allen follows at 6pm. Headlines are read by Gordon Cruze. |
89MB 97mins |
1966_09_20_tue_caroline_north_1520am_1825-1930_wedding-fg.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Don Allen with the follow up show after the wedding. The happy couple chat at the end of this recording. | 61MB 67mins |
1966_11_20_sun_caroline_north_1520am_0900-0927_donallen-fg.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Don Allen with the first part of his Sunday morning show on 20th November 1966. There are plenty of requests and at the end Don mentions the night time tests on 259m. |
25MB 27mins |
station is by far the most famous and oldest of the mainly short
lived offshore radio stations, which broadcast from the high seas,
off Europe. There is no end of offshore radio enthusiasts who have
produced web pages on the history of this world famous radio station..
2020 saw the 40th anniversary of the final broadcast from the Mi Amigo. We recently found a handful of historic short recordings in our collection from the 10 days before the Mi Amigo sank in March 1980. They were recorded near Blackpool and have the usual night-time fades and interference etc. which we all experienced in those days of listening to AM. The dates were estimated from the Caroline Roadshow promotions which have been extracted as shorter separate files. On the last recording, 16th March 1980, the Caroline Roadshow advertised date was after the Mi Amigo had sadly sunk. Some tapes and recordings have come from various sources. AW
- Andy W |
1973_05_14_mon_caroline389_773am_testing_dutch_language-ib.mp3 New Jul 2023 | An untimed test with mainly Dutch language links from Monday 14th May 1973. The transmission was announced as on 390m, with American jingles and references to 'Channel 77' being mentioned, with the address of Radio Caroline, Caroline House, The Hague, Holland. At one point the deejay changes from Dutch to English and says hello to Chris, Kate and Andy if you are listening in and says 'give us a call, we miss you'. This recording is courtesy of Ian. |
43MB 47mins |
1973_05_15_tue_caroline389_773am_0759-0844_normanbarrington_test_transmission_laser_anorak_show-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | The 'Anorak Hour' was a feature of Laser Shortwave and normally introduced by Colin Dixon, and was probably an extension of the old 'Gemini Gem' clips heard during the Radio Gemini Days. Colin had a large collection of offshore radio recordings to draw on and here he introduces an early test transmission of Radio Caroline on 389m / 773kHz from Tuesday 15th May 1973. He announces as 770kHz, channel 77. The test is announced by Norman Barrington and is between 0759 and 0844. This recording is courtesy of Ian. |
107MB 47mins |
1973_05_15_mon_caroline389_773am_dutch_test_transmission-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | An hour of test transmission in the Dutch language from Monday 15th May 1973. There is a lengthy live concert section before the deejay changes. Courtesy of Ian. |
57MB 62mins |
1973_06_03_sun_caroline389_773am_0925-1010_paulalexander_test_transmission-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Paul Alexander with a test transmission from Sunday morning 3rd June 1973. The start time on this recording is believed to be 0925 and is courtesy of Ian. |
43MB 47mins |
1973_06_03_sun_caroline389_773am_1013-1054_paulalexander_test_transmission_laser_anorak_show-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | The 'Anorak Hour' was a feature of Laser Shortwave and normally introduced by Colin Dixon, and was probably an extension of the old 'Gemini Gem' clips heard during the Radio Gemini Days. Colin had a large collection of offshore radio recordings to draw on and here he introduces Radio Caroline on 389m / 773kHz from Sunday 3rd June 1973. The show is from Paul Alexander from around 1013. At one point Colin tunes away to the Dutch tests on 1187kHz and then back to 773kHz. This recording is courtesy of Ian. |
107MB 47mins |
1973_06_04_mon_caroline389_773am_0728-0840_paulalexander-gh598.mp3 New Aug 2023 | On the first offical day, here is the end of Johan Maasbach followed at 0730 by Paul Alexander with the first breakfast show. |
64MB 70mins |
1973_06_04_mon_caroline389_773am_0858_1027_paulalexander_andyarcher-gh599.mp3 New Aug 2023 | The end of Paul Alexander and then at 9am is Andy Archer. There is quite a lot of clicking and crackling on this recording. |
85MB 92mins |
1973_06_04_mon_caroline389_773am_1001-1027_andyarcher-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Andy Archer overlapping with the above recording from 1001 to 1027 on the first official day of broadcasting, Monday 4th June 1973. The recording has some electrical clicking and popping and is courtesy of Ian. |
24MB 26mins |
1973_06_04_mon_caroline389_773am_1047-1100_andyarcher-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Another section of Andy Archer from 1047 until 11am. |
13MB 13mins |
1973_06_04_mon_caroline389_773am_1107-1200_andyarcher-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | The last 53 minutes of Andy Archer from the above first day programme up until mid-day when Spangles Muldoon does the announcement. This recording is courtesy of Ian. |
50MB 54mins |
1973_06_04_mon_caroline389_773am_1155-1240_andyarcher_spanglesmuldoon-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Overlapping the previous recording, and of better quality, this is the last few minutes of the Andy Archer show, and then the first 40 minutes of Spangles Muldoon. Again this recording is courtesy of Ian. |
42MB 46mins |
1973_06_09_sat_caroline389_773am_1215-1302_spanglesmuldoon-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Spangles Muldoon shortly after midday on Saturday 9th June 1973. The show may have been on tape as Paul Alexander does live announcements at 1pm. This recording is courtesy of Ian. |
43MB 47mins |
1973_06_09_sat_caroline389_773am_1315-1500_spanglesmuldoon_steveengland-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Partial airchecks of the last 45 minutes of the above Spangles Muldoon show and at 2pm Steve England from Saturday 9th June 1973. This recording is courtesy of Ian. |
83MB 90mins |
1973_06_10_sun_caroline389_773am_paulalexander-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Paul Alexander from Sunday 10th June 1973. This recording is courtesy of Ian. |
43MB 47mins |
1973_06_11_mon_caroline389_773am_0914-0945_paulalexander-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Paul Alexander with 30 minutes of his show from the morning of Monday 11th June 1973. This recording is courtesy of Ian. |
29MB 31mins |
1973_06_11_mon_caroline389_773am_1105-1150_andyarcher-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Andy Archer later the same morning of Monday 11th June 1973. This recording is courtesy of Ian. |
43MB 47mins |
1973_06_11_mon_caroline389_773am_1230-1300_spanglesmuldoon-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Again on Monday 11th June 1973, here is Spangles Muldoon between 1230 and 1pm. This recording is courtesy of Ian. |
29MB 31mins |
1973_06_15_fri_caroline389_773am_1110-1155_robinadcroft-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | A recording of Robin Adcroft from Saturday 16th June 1973 and courtesy of Ian. The signal on this one was a bit weak, so there is some band noise and interference. |
41MB 45mins |
1973_06_15_fri_caroline389_773am_1159-1244_robinadcroft_normanbarrington-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Continuing the above recording with the end of Robin Adcroft at mid-day and first part of Norman Barrington's show. Norman mentioned it was a Friday, so the information on the tape may be wrong. |
41MB 44mins |
1973_06_21_thu_caroline389_773am_1000-1130_johnnyjason_andyarcher-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Johnny Jason at 10am and followed at 11am by Andy Archer on the morning of Thursday 21st June 1973. This recording is courtesy of Ian. |
84MB 91mins |
1973_06_21_thu_caroline389_773am_1140-1200_andyarcher-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | The last 20 minutes of the above Andy Archer show from Thursday morning 21st June 1973. |
18MB 20mins |
1973_06_21_thu_caroline389_773am_1500-1604_johnnyjason-ib.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Following Paul Alexander with his last link, this is another show from Johnny Jason from later the same day as above, of Thursday 21st June 1973, this time in the afternoon and isourtesy of Ian. |
59MB 64mins |
1973_06_25_mon_caroline389_773am_steve_england_laser_anorak_show-ib.mp3 New Jul 2023 | The 'Anorak Hour' was a feature of Laser Shortwave and normally introduced by Colin Dixon, and was probably an extension of the old 'Gemini Gem' clips heard during the Radio Gemini Days. Colin had a large collection of offshore radio recordings to draw on and here he introduces Radio Caroline on 389m / 773kHz from Monday 25th June 1973. The show is from Steve England commencing around 6am. This recording is courtesy of Ian. |
116MB 63mins |
1973_06_25_mon_caroline389_773am_rogerday_laser_anorak_show-ib.mp3 New Jul 2023 | What was almost a continuation of the above 'Anorak Hour' featuring Caroline 389 from Monday 25th June 1973, this time with the first Roger Day breakfast show on Caroline since March 1968. The recording starts around 0730 and is courtesy of Ian. |
116MB 63mins |
750100_caroline_259_0300-0500_dave_owen_aw.mp3 (date unknown) | (aw) | (56,464k) |
780120_miamigo-caroline_962_1750-1900_includes_changeover_75.mp3 | (gh) | (57,779k) |
780120_caroline_962_2247-2320_brianmartin_75.mp3 | (gh) | (27,267k) |
780120_caroline_962_2320-0051_brianmartin_stuartrussell_75.mp3 | (gh) | (86,079k) |
780121_caroline_962_sat_0330-0500_rogermatthews_75.mp3 | (gh) | (88,855k) |
1978_01_29_sun_caroline319_962am_0038-0213_brianmartin-gh512.mp3 New Aug 2024 | Brian Martin from after midnight on Sunday 29th January 1978. Brian has to read the weather twice at 2am, as Roger Mathews was apparently tickling him at the first attempt. There is some night time fading as the signal was recorded in Leeds on 962kHz. | 87MB 95mins |
1978_07_12_wed_miamigo_962am_0907-1006cet_haikedubois_stuartrussel-gh107.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Radio Mi Amigo with Haike Dubois on we think Wednesday 12th July 1978. Haike is followed at 10am by the first 5 minutes of Stuart Russel in Dutch. Recorded in Leeds from 962kHz. | 54MB 58mins |
1978_07_14_fri_caroline319_962am_0042-0355_tomhardy_marklawrence-gh107.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Over three hours of early morning programming from Tom Hardy and Mark Lawrence on Friday 14th July 1978. Recorded in Leeds from 962kHz with the expected night-time fading. | 177MB 193mins |
1978_07_30_sun_caroline319_962am_1920-2001_brianmartin-gh107.mp3 New Sep 2024 | A relatively short recoding of Brian Martin on Sunday 30th July 1978 up to 8pm. Recorded in Leeds from 962kHz with a lot of crackling. | 33MB 35mins |
1978_07_31_mon_caroline-miamigo_962am_0440-0700_steviegordon_changeover-gh107.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Two and a half hours of early morning programming from the mv Mi Amigo on Monday 31st July 1978. The recording starts with Stevie Gordon up to an amusing changeover to Radio Mi Amigo at 0500 BST. There is then two hours of the early shows on Radio Mi Amigo, starting with Kees Borrel (0600-0700 CET), Johann Maasbach (0700-0730 CET) and finally Johann Visser (0730-0810 CET). Marc Jacobs reads news at 0800. Recorded in Leeds from 962kHz with some fading and a bit of lightning noise. | 138MB 150mins |
1978_08_13_sun_caroline319_962am_1800-1920_martinfisher-gh58.mp3 New Aug 2024 | Martin Fisher from just after the 6pm changeover from Radio Mi Amigo on Sunday 13th August 1978. Recorded in Leeds from 962kHz. | 68MB 73mins |
1978_08_14_mon_miamigo-caroline319_1745-1825_changeover_rogermatthews-gh58.mp3 New Aug 2024 | From Monday 14th August 1978 here is the few minutes before and after the change from Radio Mi Amigo to Radio Caroline. Roger Matthews is on Radio Caroline. Recorded in Leeds from 962kHz. | 37MB 40mins |
1978_08_14_mon_caroline319_1935-2040_rogermatthews-gh58.mp3 New Aug 2024 | Another section of the Roger Matthews show from the above broadcast on Monday 14th August 1978. Recorded in Leeds from 962kHz with some crackling and fading. | 69MB 75mins |
1978_08_14_sun_caroline319_962am_2324-0110_mikestevens_martinfisher-gh58.mp3 New Aug 2024 | More from the evening of Monday 14th August 1978 this time with Mike Stevens up until midnight, when there is a commemoration of the midnight 14th August 1967 broadcast from Johnnie Walker and Robber Dale. Martin Fisher follows after midnight. Recorded in Leeds from 962kHz where there was a lot of night time fading and interference. | 95MB 104mins |
1978_08_15tent_tue_miamigo-caroline319_962am_1747-1830_changeover_rogermatthews-gh58.mp3 New Aug 2024 | A changeover from Radio Mi Amigo to Radio Caroline on we think Tuesday 15th August 1977. Roger Matthews is the Radio Caroline deejay. Unfortunately there is horrendous static from a lightning storm on this recording which was made in Leeds from 962kHz. | 40MB 43mins |
1978_00_00_caroline319_962am_samantha_talks_to_chef-gh58.mp3 New Aug 2024 | A short chat between Samantha and the chef Kees from an unknown date. The recording was made in Leeds from 962kHz. | 1MB 72secs |
1978_09_27_wed_miamigo_962am_1300-1605_marcjacobs_ferryeden_news-gh58.mp3 New Aug 2024 | Three hours of Radio Mi Amigo from we believe Wednesday 27th September 1978 (date may be wrong). The recording starts just after mid-day (BST) with possibly Marc Jacobs then Johan Visser and Ferry Eden reading the news. The signal was received in Leeds on 962kHz. | 174MB 190mins |
1978_10_01_sun_caroline319_962am_2230-0200signoff_steviegordon_samantha-gh58.mp3 New Aug 2024 | Stevie Gordon is sitting in for Roger Matthew (who was apparently steaming from the drink) on the listeners Top 40 on Sunday 1st October 1978. This is the last 30 minutes or so before Samantha at midnight, who also sounded like she had had a few drinks. During Sanatha's show, the pumps can be heard in the background as water was swilling around her ankles. The station closed at 2am for transmitter and generator maintenance.The signal was received in Leeds on 962kHz, and the quality of this recording varies from decent to quite poor due to the night time fading and foreign interference which caused audio warbling, possibly from Radio Finland. | 87MB 156mins |
1978_10_14_sat_caroline319_962am_0045-0130_samantha-gh.mp3 New Mar 2024 | Samantha from after midnight on Saturday 14th October 1978. As received in Leeds on 962kHz. |
42MB 46mins |
1978_10_15_sun_caroline319_962am_2340-0010_brianmartin_samantha-gh.mp3 New Mar 2024 | Brian Martin with the end of a personal top 30 of Andrew Linton on Sunday night 15th October 1978. Samantha follows at midnight into Monday 16th October 1978. As received in Leeds on 962kHz. This is the last recording we have in our collection of Radio Caroline in 1978 before the generator failure on 20th October 1978. |
34MB 36mins |
790415_1700-1930_caroline_319_tom_hardy_dominee_airchecked_poorer_towards_end_(jp_tape).mp3 | (kb via jp) | (106.082k) |
790415_caroline_319_1930-2013_tom_hardy_bonnie_54.mp3 | (bonnie) | (60,971k) |
790415_caroline_319_2014-2059_tom_anderson_bonnie_55.mp3 | (bonnie) | (64,414k) |
790415_caroline_319_2059-2113_tom_anderson_bonnie_56.mp3 | (bonnie) | (19,698k) |
790415_caroline_319_2113-2144 Tom Anderson_bonnie_57.mp3 | (bonnie) | (43,729k) |
790415_caroline_319_2144-2231_tom_anderson_2200_tony_allan_bonnie_58.mp3 | (bonnie) | (66,217k) |
790420_caroline_319_2335-0000_tony_allan_including_s_off.mp3 | (kb) | (20,270k) |
790425_caroline_319_2200-2245_stephen_bishop_c90_1407_via_ac_kb.mp3 | (kb via ac) | (23,535k) |
790427_caroline_319_2330-0000_tony_allan_including_s_off.mp3 | (kb) | (15,403k) |
790428_caroline_319_2320-0000_tony_allan_including_s_off.mp3 | (kb) | (20,802k) |
790509_caroline_319_2000-2200_tony_allan_kb_via_jp.mp3 | (kb via jp) | (48,313k) |
790609_caroline_963_sat_09jun79_1900-2030_stephenbishop_tonyallen_gh.mp3 | (gh) | (83M) |
790615_caroline_963_fri_2030-2200_stephenbishop_signoff_gh.mp3 | (gh) | (83M) |
790801_caroline 319_1815_tony_allan_greenpeace_special_via_jp_kb.mp3 | (kb via jp) | (32,615k) |
790826_Caroline 319_2041-2200_stuart_russel_stephen_bishop_ships_tour_c60 37_c90 25_kb.mp3 | (kb) | (50,508k) |
790826_caroline_319_2038-2102_stuart_russell_stephen_bishop_ships_tour_bonnie_69.mp3 | (bonnie) | (34,742k) |
790826_caroline_319_2102-2128_stuart_russell_stephen_bishop_ships_tour_bonnie_70.mp3 | (bonnie) | (34,125k) |
790826_caroline_319_2128-2200_stuart_russell_stephen_bishop_ships_tour_bonnie_71.mp3 | (bonnie) | (67,212k) |
790902_caroline_319_2005_stephen_bishop_top30_mark_smith.mp3 | (kb) | (40,033k) |
790911_1700_963_caroline_tom_hardy_via_andy_c_reel_33_kb.mp3 | (ac) | (34M) |
791003_caroline_319_2238-2323_tom_hardy_skywaving_c90_35_kb.mp3 | (kb) | (26M) |
791026_1500_cet_963_caroline_stevie_gordon_buzby_via_andy_c_reel_33_kb.mp3 | (ac) | (40M) |
791125_caroline_319_2208-2323_nice_n_easy.mp3 | (kb) | (30,147k) |
791125_caroline_319_2323_stevie_gordon_nick_richards.mp3 | (kb) | (42,119k) |
791227_caroline_319_2158-2309_spaceplay_stuart_russel_rough_sea.mp3 | (kb) | (56,239k) |
800222_caroline 319_0056_inc_break_down_stevie_gordon_c90_58_kb.mp3 | (kb) | (7,875k) |
1980_03_09_sun_caroline_963am_0225-0315_nickrichards-gh917.mp3 | New 07/20 gh | (18,050k) |
1980_03_09_sun_caroline_963am_0300_caroline_roadshow_ad_nickrichards_on_hour_weather-gh917.mp3 | New 07/20 gh | (18,050k) |
1980_03_09_sun_caroline_963am_0512-0530_nickrichards_then_religious_prog-gh917.mp3 | New 07/20 gh | (18,050k) |
1980_03_14_fri_caroline_963am_0220-0305_steviegordon_to_sign_off_for_maintenance-gh917.mp3 | New 07/20 gh | (40,779k) |
1980_03_14_fri_caroline_963am_0300_steviegordon_signs_off_for_maintenance-gh917.mp3 | New 07/20 gh | (1,311k) |
1980_03_16_sun_caroline_963am_0325-0430_tomanderson-gh917.mp3 | New 07/20 gh | (63,110k) |
1980_03_16_sun_caroline_963am_0400_caroline_roadshow_ad_tomanderson_on_hour_weather-gh917.mp3 | New 07/20 gh | (1,238k) |
In 2013, an excellent chronological story, including news bulletins, newspaper images and audio clips up to the return Radio Caroline from the Ross Revenge in August 1983 was written, and can be read by clicking here. |
1983_08_00_caroline_return_itv_news_report-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | The audio of an ITV news bulletin from the week before the restart. The exact date was not noted on the tape. | 2.6MB 1min53 |
1983_08_00_caroline_return_tv_news_report_channel4-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | The audio of a Channel 4 tv bulletin from an unknown date in early August. | 6MB 4mins24 |
1983_08_10_caroline_963am_test_tone_tx_switchoff-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Test tones were heard on 963kHz at various times in the 2 week before Caroline's re-launch. Although no station ID on these, here is one as recorded in Leeds on we think 10th August 1983. It is interesting listening to the transmitter switch off which showed how strong the signal was as the foreign station comes up underneath. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. |
5.3MB 6mins |
1983_08_00_caroline_963am_test_alicesrestaurant-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Another brief recording from the early tests on 963kHz. This was the first time any of us at dxarchive heard music tests, and this was from around 5am one morning, again on an unknown date around 10th August. Although no ID was given, there was only one station that would be playing 'Alices Restaurant' from Arlo Guthrie. These two recordings are here for completeness and 'anorak' interest. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 4.1MB 4mins |
1983_08_17_wed_radio_finland_963am_2200.mp3 New Aug 2023 | If anyone wondered what was on 963kHz before Radio Caroline returned, here is the answer. This Radio Finland extract was recorded around 2200 on Wednesday 17th August 1983, the night before full music tests began from the Ross Revenge. It is nice to hear another long lost international station interval signal. Recorded in Scotland from 963kHz. Ironically, Radio Caroline had to move several years later due to Radio Finland increasing power to 600kW. Some University internal loop stations operating on 963kHz complained when they were wiped out at night. | 1.3MB 86secs |
1983_08_19_fri_caroline_963am_0730-0745_test_robinross-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | The first announcements we heard at dxarchive were on the morning of Friday 19th August 1983. This clip is between around 0730 and 0745, where Robin Ross announces a test and that regular programmes start at 'noon tomorrow'. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 110MB 17mins |
1983_08_19_fri_caroline_963am_0800-1000_test_tx_robinross-gh477.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Following on from above between 8am and 10am approx, the continuous music tests continue with Robin Ross doing occasional announcements. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. There is some local electrical interference. | 110MB 120mins |
1983_08_19_fri_caroline_963am_1000-1200_test_tx_tonygareth-gh477.mp3 New Aug 2023 | More continuous music tests between 10am and mid-day approx, with Robin Ross and the Toy Gareth doing occasional announcements. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz where there was some local electrical intereference. | 139MB 120mins |
1983_08_19_fri_caroline_963am_1200-1430_test_tx_tonygareth_andyarcher-gh477.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Following on from above from around mid-day to 2:15pm. Continuous music tests with Tony Gareth and Andy Archer doing occasional announcements. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz with some local electrical interference. | 96MB 151mins |
830819_2246_963_caroline_testing_dixie_peach_c90_678_kb.mp3 | Later on in the evening, here is Dixie Peach doing some tests. Recorded in Scotland. | 34MB 47mins |
1983_08_20_sat_caroline_963am_test_robinross_lots_of_static-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | A short extract from the continuous music tests early on Saturday morning 20th August. Robin Ross does one announcement on this recording to say that programmes would start at 12 mid-day. This recording is not not very easy to listen to due to the intensity of the static storm that day and is here for completeness. The storm caused a lot of interference in the Yorkshire area. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. |
22MB 23mins |
1983_08_20_sat_caroline_963am_1056-1255_officialopening_tomanderson-gh477.mp3 New Aug 2023 | The signal on these next three recordings from Radio Caroline on their first official day suffered not only from local electrical interference, but sadly also a lot of electrical storm static. This first 2 hour segment starts at 1056, and has Tony Gareth announcing full programmes starting at mid-day. Tom Anderson hosts the first show and this is his first hour. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 110MB 120mins |
1983_08_20_sat_caroline_963am_1255-1453_tomanderson-gh477.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Tom Anderson continues from the above recording until 3pm. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 110MB 120mins |
1983_08_20_sat_caroline_963am_1453-1722_andyarcher-gh477.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Andy Archer follows Tom Anderson at 3pm, and this recording lasts until 1720. The static seems to be lessening as the afternoon went on thankfully. Andy says hello to a number of TV and other media crews which had visited the ship to report on the return of Radio Caroline. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 139MB 150mins |
1983_08_20_sat_caroline_963am_1725-1925_andyarcher_robinross-gh477.mp3 New Aug 2023 | The last minutes of Andy Archer's show followed by Robin Ross at 6pm. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 110MB 120mins |
1983_08_20_sat_caroline_963am_1925-2125_robinross_tonygareth-gh477.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Robin Ross followed at 9pm by Tony Gareth. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 110MB 120mins |
830820_2016_963_caroline_robin_ross_tony_garreth_c90_680_kb.mp3 | Robin Ross from 8:16pm followed at 9pm by Tony Gareth on the first day of official programmes. Recorded in Scotland from 963kHz. | 121MB |
1983_08_20_sat_caroline_963am_2125-2350_tonygareth-gh477.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Tony Gareth between approx 9:25pm and 11:50pm. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 139MB 150mins |
830820_2325_963_caroline_tony_garreth_dixie_peach_c90_682.mp3 | Tony Gareth from 11:23pm followed by Dixie Peach at midnight from the first day of official programming. Recorded in Scotland from 963kHz. | 59MB 100mins |
830821_0156_963_caroline_dixie_peach_sign_off_1st_day_back_c90_683_kb.mp3 | Dixie Peach signs off the first official day of programming at 2am on Sunday morning. Recorded in Scotland from 963kHz. | 9mins 6.3MB |
1983_08_21_sun_caroline_963am_2050-2310_tomanderson_dixiepeach-gh477.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Tom Anderson until 10pm wth the last hour of his first evening show on Sunday 21st August. He is followed at 10pm by an hour of Dixie Peach who seemed to be having some issues with the equipment, so the links are minimal. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 127MB 140mins |
830821_2220_963_caroline_dixie_peach_struggles_with_controls_c90_686.mp3 | Dixie Peach on Sunday evening 21st August from 10:20pm, as received in Scotland. | 48mins 32MB |
1983_08_22_mon_caroline_963am_0700-0901_robinross-gh477.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Robin Ross signs on with the first weekday breakfast show at 7am on Monday 22nd August 1983. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz with some crackling and occasional 'Luxembourg' type fading. | 110MB 120mins |
1983_08_22_mon_caroline_963am_0901-1105_robinross_tonygareth-gh477.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Continuing the above recording from Monday 22nd August 1983 with Robin Ross followed at 10am by Tony Gareth. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 114MB 124mins |
830823_2000_963_caroline_tom_anderson_c90_687_kb.mp3 | kb | 15M |
1983_08_24_wed_caroline_963am_0755-1000_robinross-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | A rather crackly recording of Robin Ross from 7:55am to 10am the morning of Wednesday 24th August 1983. At 9am Robin comments on trips out to see the Ross Revenge, saying there are plenty of boat owners and fisherman with correct navigation equipment willing to bring out sightseers. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 113MB 125mins |
1983_08_24_wed_caroline_963am_1000-1215_tonygareth-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Following the above Robin Ross programme, Tony Gareth takes over at 10am. This recording is from 10am until lunchtime around 12:15pm. At one point Tony mentions Radio Nova's Bob Gallico who might be listening in Dublin. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 125MB 136mins |
830824_2215_963_caroline_dixie_peach_c90_689_kb.mp3 | kb | 20M |
830824_2250_963_caroline_dixie_peach_20m_c90_687_kb.mp3 | kb | 14M |
830824_2322_963_caroline_dixie_peach_inc_small_boats_ann_c90_687_kb.mp3 | kb | 32M |
830825_0130_963_caroline_dixie_peach_inc_sign_off_ann_at_0200_c90_686_kb.mp3 | kb | 24M |
1983_08_25_thu_caroline_963am_1146-1210_tonygareth-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | A short clip of Tony Gareth around midday on Thursday 25th August 1983. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 21MB 23mins |
1983_08_26_fri_caroline_963am_0700-0900_robinross-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Sign on at 7am with Robin Ross on Friday 26th August 1983. Caroline by the Fortunes was played as the second track, and sounded a bit worse for wear . There is some crackling and also there were occasional trips on the signal, probably due to heavy seas. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 110MB 120mins |
1983_08_26_fri_caroline_963am_0900-1055_robinross_tonygareth-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Following the above Robin Ross programme, Tony Gareth takes over at 10am. This recording is from 10am until around 10:55am. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 106MB 115mins |
1983_08_26_fri_caroline_963am_1946-2145_tomanderson-gh478.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Tom Anderson on Friday evening 26th August 1983 between 7:45pm and 9:45pm. Recorded in Ickenham, West London from 963kHz. | 108MB 118mins |
1983_08_26_fri_caroline_963am_2145-2300_tomanderson_dixiepeach-gh478.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Following on from the above recording from Friday evening 26th August 1983, Tom Anderson finishes his show and Dixie Peach takes over at 10pm. Recorded in Ickenham, West London from 963kHz. | 70MB 76mins |
1983_08_27_sat_caroline_963am_1210-1410_tonygareth_andyarcher-gh478.mp3 New Aug 2023 | From Bank Holiday Saturday afternoon 27th August 1983 this is Tony Gareth from around 12:10pm until 2pm, followed by the start of Andy Archer. Recorded in Ickenham from 963kHz. | 109MB 120mins |
1983_08_27_sat_caroline_963am_1410-1520_andyarcher-gh478.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Just over an hour of Andy Archer from Saturday 27th August 1983 between 2:15pm and 3:25pm. Recorded in Ickenham from 963kHz. | 65MB 71mins |
830828_0700_963_caroline_sign_on_inc_carrier_robin_ross.mp3 | kb | 7.6M |
830829_0015_963_caroline_dixie_peach_do_it_to_the_music_c90_693_kb.mp3 | kb | 35M |
830829_0115_963_caroline_dixie_peach_inc_close_c90_693_kb.mp3 | kb | 28M |
1983_08_29_mon_caroline_963am_0019-0200_dixiepeach_signoff-gh480.mp3 New Sep 2022 | From the same night as the above recording made in Scotland, Dixie Peach with the last 90 minutes of his show until sign-off at 2am, on Bank Holiday Monday, 29th August 1983. Despite being recorded in Ickenham, West London the 'Luxembourg Effect' is still evident at times on 963kHz. The comparison between this one from London, and the above received in Scotland is interesting. | 96MB |
1983_08_29_mon_caroline_963am_0709-0835_robinross-gh480.mp3 New Sep 2022 | Robin Ross from just after sign-on on Bank Holiday Monday 29th August 1983. Recorded in Ickenham, West London. | 83MB |
8308xx_0036_963_caroline_2_airchecks_dixie_peach_about_small_boats.mp3 | kb | 1.1M |
8308xx_1800_963_caroline_nx_simon_barrat_poss_tues_27th_sept_c90_705_kb.mp3 | kb | 3.3M |
830910_0013_963_caroline_dixie_peach_c90_697_kb.mp3 | kb | 33M |
830910_0119_963_caroline_dixie_peach_c90_697_kb.mp3 | kb | 30M |
1983_09_10_sat_0953-1253_caroline_963am_robinross_peterclark_1st_show-gh473.mp3 New Aug 2023 | The last link from Robin Ross just before 10am, then Peter Clark with nearly three hours (partly airchecked) of his first show for Radio Caroline on Saturday 10th September 1983. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. There is a bit of clicking and lightning static at times. | 145MB 178mins |
1983_09_14_wed_caroline_963am_1040-1310_peterclark-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Two and a half hours of Peter Clark with a late morning / lunchtime show from Wednesday 14th September 1983. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 139MB 150mins |
1983_09_14_wed_caroline_963am_1324-1534_peterclark_andyarcher-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | The end of the above Peter Clark show and start of Andy Archer at 2pm. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 110MB 120mins |
1983_09_14_wed_caroline_963am_1535-1745_andyarcher-gh476.mp3 New Aug 2023 | Continuing the above Andy Archer show from 14th September 1983. Andy also reads news and weather at 5:30pm. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz with later on some 'Luxembourg' type fading. | 130MB 142mins |
830918_2315_963_caroline_dixie_peach_inc_tk_hendrix_at_start_c90_702_kb.mp3 | kb | 65M |
830920_2130_963_caroline_simon_barrat_1st_show_dixie_tk_on_cars_c90_699_kb.mp3 | kb | 30M |
1983_09_26_tuesday_caroline_963_1910-2225_simonbarrett_dixiepeach.mp3 | NEW 01/13 gh | 137,132k |
830928_1400_963_caroline_clip_archer_c90_705_kb.mp3 | kb | 195K |
830928_1756_963_caroline_simon_barret_weaker_than_night_rec_later_c90_705_kb.mp3 | kb | 31M |
830928_2030_963_caroline_simon_barret_inc_mention_chicago_c90_705_kb.mp3 | kb | 33M |
830929_0120_963_caroline_dixie_peach_inc_s_off_c90_706_kb.mp3 | kb | 31M |
1983_10_02_sunday_caroline_963_0600-0910_signon_robinross.mp3 | NEW 01/13 gh | 179,997k |
831005_2148_963_caroline_simon_barrat_carl_kingston_c90_712_kb.mp3 | kb | |
1983_10_06_thu_caroline319_963am_0600-0707_peterclark_signon-gh482.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Peter Clark signs on Radio Caroline at 6am on Thursday 6th October 1983. This is the first hour of his show until just after 7am. Despite veing 6am, there is some nightime fading on this one which was recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. There is a bit of a whistle at the start. | 61MB 67mins |
1983_10_07_thu_caroline319_963am_0600-0705_peterclark_signon-gh482.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Another 6am sign on from Peter Clark, this time Friday 7th October 1983. The recording last until just after 7am and suffers from some nightime fading despite it being in the morning. As received in Leeds on 963kHz. There is a bit of a whistle at the start. | 60MB 65mins |
1983_10_17_mon_caroline319_963am_0600-0647_tonyscott_signon-gh487.mp3 New Sep 2024 | A sign on from Monday 17th October 1983. Tony Scott eventually makes an announcement around 0616 saying the weather is blowing a 'hooligan' and he is hosting the first hour until Andy Archer at 7am. As received in Leeds on 963kHz which has some early morning fading. | 43MB 47mins |
1983_10_17_mon_caroline319_963am_0649-0734_tonyscott_andyarcher-gh487.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Following on from the above recording, Tony Scott is on until Andy Archer reads the news at 7am and starts his programme. Andy also mentions the rough sea and says he ran into a door earlier. He also reads headlines at 7:15am, but Grant Benson takes over for news at 7:30am. As received in Leeds on 963kHz with a bit of early morning fading. | 43MB 47mins |
1983_10_28_fri_caroline319_963am_0600-0805_peterclark_signon-gh487.mp3 New Sep 2024 | From later in the month, a further 6am sign on from Peter Clark, this time Friday 28th October 1983. The recording is two hours long and lasts until just after Grant Benson reads the 8am news. It suffers from a lot of atmospheric fading and distortion, as received in Leeds on 963kHz. | 115MB 125mins |
831117_2315_963_caroline_dixie_peach_c90_723.mp3 | kb | 24M |
831120_0238_963_caroline_tony_scott_c90_723_kb.mp3 | kb | 25M |
831121_0325_963_caroline_scottie_some_kind_of_pause_toth_c90_726_kb.mp3 | kb | |
831121_0415_963_caroline_scottie_45m_c90_726_kb.mp3 | kb | |
831123_2349_963_caroline_dixie_peach_c90_729_kb.mp3 | kb | 31M |
831123_0017_963_caroline_dixie_peach_c90_727_kb.mp3 | kb | |
831123_0444_963_caroline_scottie_c90_727_kb.mp3 | kb | |
831123_0825_963_caroline_peter_clark_peter_quinn_c90_727_kb.mp3 | kb | |
831124_0037_963_caroline_dixie_peach_inc_jingles_c90_729_kb.mp3 | kb | 30M |
1983_12_04_sun_caroline_963am_1432-1740_carlkingston_peterquinn-gh84.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Three hours on Sunday afternoon 4th December 1983 with the end of Carl Kingston playing the Album Top 10, followed at 3pm by Peter Quinn. This was recorded in Leeds and the day was particularly bad for the 963kHz signal fading up and down. | 175MB 191mins |
1983_12_10_sat_caroline319_963am_0927-1018_peterquinn_robinross-gh492.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Saturday morning 10th December 1983 starting at around 0930 with the end of the Peter Quinn show and Robin Ross following at 10am. Mention is made about the very rough seas during the night. As received in the West London area on 963kHz. | 47MB 51mins |
1983_12_10_sat_caroline319_963am_1037-1133_robinross-gh492.mp3 New Sep 2024 | More of Robin Ross from Saturday morning 10th December 1983 with 'Choice Cuts' from 10CC at 11am. As received in the West London area on 963kHz. | 52MB 57mins |
1983_12_10_sat_caroline319_963am_1151-1235_robinross-gh492.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Robin Ross again from Saturday morning 10th December 1983 with the 'Listeners Top 5' at mid-day, and mentioning Peter Quinn struggling to get on deck due to the high winds. Robin says hello to a helicopter hovering around the ship. As received in the West London area on 963kHz. | 41MB 45mins |
1983_12_10_sat_caroline319_963am_1320-1417_robinross_carlkingston-gh492.mp3 New Sep 2024 | The end of the above Robin Ross show and from 2pm first 20 minutes of Carl Kingston on Saturday 10th December 1983. As received in the West London area on 963kHz. | 54MB 58mins |
1983_12_10_sat_caroline319_963am_1500-1700_carlkingston-gh492.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Two more hours of Carl Kingston on Saturday 10th December 1983 between 3pm and 5pm. As received in the West London area on 963kHz. Background foreign interference can be heard on the quiet sections. | 108MB 118mins |
1983_12_11_sun_caroline319_963am_0720-0817_peterquinn-gh492.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Peter Quinn with the breakfast show on Sunday 11th December 1983. As received in West London on 963kHz. | 52MB 57mins |
1983_12_11_sun_caroline319_963am_0835-0937_peterquinn-gh492.mp3 New Sep 2024 | More of the above Peter Quinn breakfast show, this time between 8:35am and 9:37am., as recorded in West London. | 58MB 63mins |
1983_12_11_sun_caroline319_963am_1200-1230_robinross_tx_cuts_off-gh492.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Robin Ross from mid-day on Sunday 11th December 1983 until the transmitter cuts out around 12:30pm. As received in West London. | 27MB 30mins |
1983_12_11_sun_caroline319_963am_1250-1335_tx_back_robinross-gh492.mp3 New Sep 2024 | The station returned around 12:50pm but without any announcements. This recording made in West London has the carrier coming back on and then modulation a few seconds later. Robin mentions the sea as being very calm compared to the gales the previous night. | 42MB 46mins |
1983_12_20_mon_caroline_963am_0740-0920_peterquinn_robinross-gh77.mp3 New Nov 2021 | A Monday breakfast show in the week before Christmas with Peter Quinn, followed at 9am by Robin Ross. Simon Barrett reads the news at 8am and 9am. This is the first of 4 audio files from this day recorded in Leeds, and suffering from some interference underneath, which was possibly a spurious signal from BBC Radio 3 at Moorside Edge. Signals from that site seemed to be coming out on several places on the band, including on top of their own BBC Ulster on 1341kHz as well as 963kHz. There was also a lot of local electrical clicking along with the wintertime 'Luxembourg Effect' on 963kHz. | 93MB |
1983_12_20_mon_caroline_963am_0920-1050_robinross-gh77.mp3 New Nov 2021 | Following on from the above recording, this is Robin Ross. Recorded in Leeds, and suffer from a lot of clicking and the wintertime 'Luxembourg Effect' on 963kHz. | 82MB |
1983_12_20_mon_caroline_963am_2325-0108_robinross_carlkingston-gh77.mp3 New Nov 2021 | Later at night, Robin Ross returned to the air, and was followed at mdnight by Carl Kingston. Recorded in Leeds, and suffering from a lot of the wintertime 'Luxembourg Effect' on 963kHz. | 93MB |
1983_12_21_tue_caroline_963am_0108-0235_carlkingston-gh77.mp3 New Nov 2021 | A continuation of Carl Kingston in the early hours from the above recording. Received in Leeds, and as normal in those years suffering from a lot of wintertime 'Luxembourg Effect' on 963kHz. | 81MB |
831229_1730_963_caroline_barrat_benson_nx_anderson_skywaving_c90_766_kb.mp3 | kb | 31M |
831229_1846_963_caroline_tom_anderson_skywaving_c90_766_kb.mp3 | kb | 32M |
1983_12_31_sat_caroline319_963am_2035-2122_tomanderson-ght7.mp3 New Sep 2024 | New Years Eve Saturday 31st December 1983 with Tom Anderson. Despite being received in West London, the signal was suffering from a lot of wintertime 'Luxembourg Effect' on 963kHz. | 43MB 47mins |
1983_12_31_sat_caroline319_963am_2216-2305_robinross-ght7.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Robin Ross continuing the New Years Eve programming at 10:15pm with the 1983 favourite records of the deejays. The actual New Year was celebrated at 11pm BST, midnight Central European Time by Grant Benson in the Italian language, Tom Anderson in Dutch and French, and Simon Barrett in Spanish. As above, the signal had some 'Luxembourg Effect' on 963kHz despite being received in West London. | 43MB 47mins |
1984_01_22_sunday_caroline_963_2345-2400_dixiepeach_signoff.mp3 | gh | 14,258k |
1984_01_29_sunday_caroline_963_1030-1250_brian_allen.mp3 | gh | 130,206k |
1984_02_12_sun_caroline_963am_2324-0106_tonywhale-gh52.mp3 New Jan 2024 | A partly airchecked late night show from Tony Whale on Sunday 12th February 1984 and into Monday morning 13th February. Received in Leeds, and as normal in those years suffering from a lot of wintertime 'Luxembourg Effect' on 963kHz. | 80MB 88mins |
1984_02_20_mon_caroline_963am_0809-1052_tonywhale_stevephillips-gh106.mp3 New Feb 2024 | Breakfast programming from Tony Whale on Monday 20th February 1984 followed by an hour of Steve Phillips from 10am. Steve was only on the ship for a short period. As received in Leeds on 963kHz. |
149MB 162mins |
840305_2118_963_caroline_andy_howard_robin_ross_c90810_kb.mp3 | kb | 63MB |
1984_03_20_tue_caroline319_963am_0718-0934_robinross_dianelauren-ght13.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Robin Ross and his breakfast show from Tuesday 20th March 1984, followed at 9am by Diane Lauren. Jay Jackson reads the news. As received in Leeds on 963kHz. There is some slight early morning fading. |
125MB 137mins |
1984_03_20_tue_caroline319_963am_1346-1600_tonygareth_andyjohnson-ght13.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Tony Gareth returned to the Ross Revenge for a second stint on Tuesday 20th March 1984, and this is the last hour or so of his first show back on board. He mentions that he would be taking Diane's morning show as of tomorrow and also about the Top 500 over Easter Weekend. The recording of Tony is followed by the first hour of Andy Johnson at 3pm. As received in Leeds on 963kHz. |
125MB 136mins |
1984_05_13_sun_caroline_963am_0035_signoff_blakewilliams.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_05_16_wed_caroline_963_2150-2320_stuartvincent_dianelauren.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_06_10_sun_caroline_963am_1131-1207_tomanderson_peterquinn-gh496.mp3 New Jun 2024 | The last 30 minutes of a rare morning show from Tom Anderson, who plays a listener Top 5 on Sunday 10th June 1984. Peter Quinn follows Jay Jackson on news at mid-day. As received in Leeds on 963kHz. |
33MB 35mins |
1984_06_10_sun_caroline_963am_1236-1315_peterquinn-gh496.mp3 New Jun 2024 | Another 40 minutes of Peter Quinn from the above show of Sunday 10th June 1984. As received in Leeds on 963kHz. |
36MB 39mins |
840716_2250_000_963_caroline_andy_johnstone_s_off_c90_908_kb.mp3 | kb | 7.2MB |
1984_08_12_sun_caroline_576am_1445-1515_johnlewis-gh518.mp3 New Oct 2024 | Half an hour of the first John Lewis show on Sunday 12th August 1984 between 2:45pm and 3:15pm. As received in London on 576kHz which was running in parallel with 963kHz. |
30MB 32mins |
1984_08_12_sun_caroline_576am_1537-1708_johnlewis-gh518.mp3 New Oct 2024 | More of the first John Lewis show on Sunday 12th August 1984. This time between 3:37pm and 5:08pm. The 5pm news is read by Jay Jackson. Also as received in London from 576kHz. |
83MB 91mins |
1984_08_14_tue_caroline_963am_0619-0903_johnlewis-gh116.mp3 New Mar 2024 | Nearly three hours of John Lewis on breakfast from Tuesday 14th August 1984. Jay Jackson reads the the news. As received in Leeds. Although the tape information says 963kHz, this frequency is not certain, and as there is some splattering it would suggest 576kHz rather than 963kHz. |
153MB 166mins |
1984_10_07_sun_caroline_963am_2338-0200signoff_tomanderson-gh107.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Over two hours of Tom Anderson from the late night of Sunday 7th October 1984, signing off at 2am on Monday 8th October 1984. There is some nightime fading on this one. | 134MB 146mins |
1984_10_11_thu_caroline319_963am_2256-0110_davewindsor_samantha-gh107.mp3 New Sep 2024 | An hour of Dave Windsor followed by an hour of Samantha on Thursday night 11th October 1984. Samantha misses the midnight changeover, but appears shortly after. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. There is a lot of 'Luxembourg Effect' type fading on this one, especially at the beginning. | 123MB 134mins |
1984_10_12_fri_caroline_963am_0645-0730_johnlewis-gh107.mp3 New Sep 2024 | A shortish recording of John Lewis on breakfast from Friday 12th October 1984. Jay Jackson reads the 7am news which was mainly about the Brighton bombing. As received in Leeds on 963kHz. | 42MB 45mins |
(tnx Philip in Belgium for time correction. Paul ann Dave Richards as Dave Lee Richards, in response to Dave Lee Stone who was on Laser!!) |
kb | 19MB |
841024_2050_963_caroline_dave_richards_dave_winsor_gd_night_am_c90_1027_kb.mp3 | kb | 34MB |
841031_0643_963_caroline_johnny_lewis_jj_nx_poorish_20m_only_c90_1034_kb.mp3 | kb | 13MB |
1984_11_05_mon_caroline_963am_0723-1040_johnlewis_daverichards-gh512.mp3 New Aug 2024 | Over three hours of programming from the morning of Monday 5th November 1984. John Lewis is on breakfast until 9am and then Dave Richard follows the news at 9am. News is read by Susan Charles at 8am and 9am, possibly for the first time. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 181MB 197mins |
1984_11_10_sat_caroline963_0850-1155_signon_johnlewis_susancharles.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_11_13_tue_caroline963_0445-0500_signoff_keithking.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_11_15_thu_caroline_963_0045-0315_stuartvincent_keithking.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_11_16_fri_caroline_963am_0755-0915_johnlewis_daverichards-gh115.mp3 New Jul 2024 | John Lewis on breakfast from Friday 16th November 1984. Dave Richards follows the news at 9am which was read by Susan Charles. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. |
74MB 80mins |
1984_11_17_sat_caroline963_0115-0430_stuartvincent_keithking.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_11_17_sat_caroline_963am_1148-1218_susancharles_brianallen-gh115.mp3 New Jun 2024 | The end of Susan Charles on a Saturday lunch with Brian Allen following the mid-day news with John Lewis. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. |
27MB 30mins |
1984_11_24_sat_caroline963_0135-0440_stuartvincent_keithking.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_11_24_sat_caroline_963am_1330-1515_brianallen_johnlewis_daverichards-gh518.mp3 New Oct 2024 | This recording from Saturday afternoon 24th November 1984 starts with Brian Allen doing a link to say that from 1:30pm the show would be a unique 'duet' with John Lewis until 3pm. The recording then runs from 1330 until 1515. Dave Richards follows 'Brian and Johnny' at 3pm. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. Ther was a lot of winter fading on 963kHz this particular day. |
98MB 106mins |
1984_11_25_sun_caroline963_0200-0335_keithking.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_12_01_sat_caroline963_1220-1530_keithking_daverichards.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_12_03_mon_caroline_963am_0730-0900_johnlewis_martiwright_news-gh518.mp3 New Oct 2024 | John Lewis with the part of his breakfast show from 7:30am until 9am on Monday 3rd December 1984. Da ve Richards does the 9am station ID. Marti Wright reads the news possibly for the first time on this show. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz with some winter fading. |
83MB 91mins |
1984_12_03_mon_caroline_963am_1200_mid-day_news_martiwright-gh518.mp3 New Oct 2024 | After the station ID, possibly from Keith King, Marti Wright reads the mid-day news on Monday 3rd December 1984. As received in Leeds on 963kHz. There is a bit of signal fading. |
7MB 8mins |
1984_12_08_sat_caroline963_0920-1230_martiwright_daverichards.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_12_09_sun_caroline_576_0900-0945_keithking_aircheck_martiwright.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_12_12_wed_caroline963_0655-1030_johnlewis_jayjackson.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_12_12_wed_caroline963_1030-1300_jayjackson_keithking.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
841214_0020_963_caroline_c90_1067_kb.mp3 | kb | 37MB |
841214_0716_963_caroline_john_lewis_steve_w_25m_p_lenton_47m_c90_1067_kb.mp3 | kb | 37MB |
1984_12_30_sun_caroline576_1040-1355_jayjackson_marti_tonyjames.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_12_31_mon_caroline963_0210-0525_jimmy_signon_radiomonique.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1984_12_31_mon_caroline963_2200-0200_daverichards_brucepurdy_newyearsparty.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh |
1985_01_01_tue_caroline576_0730-1045_simonbarrett_marti_jayjackson.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1985_01_08_tue_caroline_963am_1138-1220_test_tx_jimmy-gh527.mp3 New Jan 2025 | The Ross Revenge drifted on Sunday 6th January 1985 and as a result Radio Caroline left the air. Test transmissions were next heard on Tuesday 8th January on both 963kHz and 558kHz. This is a recording from 963kHz made in Leeds, with Jimmy doing the announcments and saying they are coming from the 'mv Imagine'. Following Jimmy reading out a set of numbers for the office on land, there were a couple of tracks and the transmitters left the air at around 12:20 after 'I'm Waiting For The Man' from The Velvet Undergorund. | 41MB 45mins |
1985_01_11_fri_caroline576_0830-1050_test_jayjackson_signon-gh500.mp3 New Jan 2025 | After being off the air due to drfiting around the Southern North Sea since Sunday 6th January, Radio Caroline officially returned with Jay Jackson at 9am on Friday 11th January. The recording is airchecked at the beginning during the test music and John Lewis does test announcements. As received in Leeds on 576kHz where there was bit of signal wobbling and a lot of background European interference. | 118MB 129mins |
1985_01_12_sat_caroline576_1140-1430_airchecks_jayjackson_johnlewis_altonandrews-gh512.mp3 New Aug 2024 | Airchecks from between 11:40am and 2:30pm on Saturday 12th January 1985, starting with Jay Jackson, then John Lewis (who also reads the mid-day news), with Alton Andrews after 2pm. As received in Leeds on 576kHz with some heavy co-channel interference, fading and wobbling in places. | 24MB 25mins |
850120_0217_963_caroline_nick_richards_rough_audio_2nd_half_c90_1107_kb.mp3 | KB | 23M |
1985_03_20_wed_caroline576_0737-1052_johnlewis_jayjackson-gh540.mp3 New Jan 2025 | From Wednesday 20th March 1985, here is over three hours of John Lewis and JayJackson starting at 7:37am until just before 11am. Peter Phillips reads the news. During John's show there is chat about the recent painting of the mess, and Raffles, and later on Jay Jackson was plugging Lotto 649 quite a lot. As received in Leeds on 576kHz where the signal was not too bad this particular morning. As always though, there was some background interference from the German station and splatter from RTE. | 179MB 195mins |
850322_1610_576_caroline_johnny_lewis_rec_in_leicester_c90_1142_kb.mp3 | KB | 19M |
850322_1700_576_caroline_johnny_lewis_rec_in_leicester_c90_1142_kb.mp3 | KB | 19M |
1985_04_07_sun_caroline_963am_1930-2030_johnlewis_21st_birthday-gh114.mp3 New Feb 2024 | John Lewis beween 7:30pm and 8:30pm, part of a several hour marathon on Easter Sunday 7th April 1985, celebrating the 21st birthday of Radio Caroline. John talks to Simon Barrett in the mess about the darts competition. As received in Leeds on 963kHz with some heavy co-channel interference, fading and wobbling in places. | 57MB 61mins |
1985_04_07_sun_caroline_963am_2030-2130_johnlewis_21st_birthday-gh114.mp3 New Feb 2024 | More of John Lewis between 8:30pm and 9:30pm celebrating Radio Caroline's 21st birthday. John mentions Fergy, who helped with the brewing of the GBH beer currently being drunk in the mess. As received in Leeds on 963kHz with co-channel interference and wobbling.. | 57MB 62mins |
1985_05_04_sat_caroline576_0648-1005_jamesday_jayjackson-gh538.mp3 New Jun 2023 | James Day with a Saturday morning breakfast show on 4th May 1985. Brian Marshall reads the news at 7am, 8am and 9am. Jay Jackson takes over at 9am. Mention was made of Raffles the ships dog snoring. Recorded in Leeds from 576kHz where there was a lot of splatter from RTE on the next channel, and some background whistles and with what sounds like tape 'print through' in the quieter sections. | 179MB 195mins |
1985_05_09_tue_caroline_963am_2100-2200_simonbarrett-gh114.mp3 New Feb 2024 | Simon Barrett on Tuesday evening 9th May 1985, playing the personal top 5 of Caroline in Sevenoaks. As received in Leeds on 963kHz. | 58MB 64mins |
1985_05_09_tue_caroline_963am_2200-2300_susancharles-gh114.mp3 New Feb 2024 | Susan Charles follows Simon Barrett at 10pm on Tuesday evening 9th May 1985. As received in Leeds on 963kHz. | 58MB 64mins |
1985_05_19_sun_caroline_576am_0957-1313_jayjackson_peterphilips-gh537.mp3 New Sep 2022 | Jay Jackson with two hours of his Sunday morning show, on which he was reading out plenty of letters, followed at mid-day by the first hour of Peter Phillips. This must have been deejay changeover day as Peter said it was his first day back. Recorded in Leeds, from 576kHz with some background interference from a German station. | 180MB |
1985_06_29_sat_caroline_576am_1035-1240_jayjackson_peterphillips-gh549.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Jay Jackson with part of his penultimate show on Caroline, followed at mid-day by Peter Phillips. Recorded in Leeds, from 576kHz which had interference from RTE on the next channel. | 120MB |
1985_06_29_sat_monique-jamming963_963am_1730-1850_delrogers-gh549.mp3 New Jun 2021 | The end of a day's broadcast from Radio Monique and then into 'Jamming 963' at 6pm with Del Rogers. Recorded from 963kHz in Leeds, with some interference and fades. | 75MB |
1985_06_30_sun_caroline_576am_1040-1200_jayjackson_final_show-gh549.mp3 New Jun 2021 | The final 80 minutes of Jay Jackson on Radio Caroline. Recorded in Leeds from 576kHz, with some interference from RTE on 567kHz. | 75MB |
1985_07_28_sun_caroline_963am_2357-0103_fergymcneil_to_signoff-gh548.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Fergy McNeil signs the station off for routine maintenance on a Sunday night / Monday morning. Recorded in Leeds, from 963kHz, when the station was also operating on 576kHz. | 60MB |
1985_08_27_tue_caroline576_0555-0912_johnlewis_peterphilips-gh558.mp3 New Jan 2024 | A full John Lewis breakfast show from Tuesday 27th August 1985, Peter Philips reads the news and also follows the 9am news with his own programme. Recorded from 576kHz in West London. | 180MB 196mins |
1985_08_27_tue_monique_963am_0655-1012cet-gh558.mp3 New Jan 2024 | Three hours of Radio Monique morning programming from Tuesday 27th Augist 1985. The deejay is not known but the International News at 0930 is read by Peter Philips. Recorded from 963kHz in West London. | 180MB 196mins |
1985_09_14_sat_caroline-monique_963am_0225-0540_johnford_waltersimmons-gh552.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Early morning programming from John Ford on Saturday 14th September 1985, and then at 4am John announces as Radio Caroline on 576kHz, but this was recorded from 963kHz, so slightly delayed, Radio Monique starts for the day with Walter Simmons. Recorded from 963kHz in Sevenoaks. | 179MB 195mins |
1985_09_14_sat_monique_963am_1259-1346bst_martindejong-gh560.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Maarten de Jong from Saturday afternoon 14th September 1985 from 1259-1346BST. Recorded from 963kHz in West London. | 44MB 48mins |
1985_09_14_sat_monique_963am_1350-1437bst_martindejong-gh560.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Continuing the same afternoon show as above, more Maarten de Jong between 1350 and 1437BST. Recorded from 963kHz in West London. | 44MB 48mins |
1985_09_14_sat_monique_963am_1722-1830bst_change_tojamming963-gh560.mp3 New Nov 2024 | The Radio Monique close down for the day on Saturday 14th September 1985, at 6pm BST, followed by a slightly airchecked 'Jamming 963' introduced by Fergy. Recorded from 963kHz in West London. | 50MB 54mins |
1985_09_14_sat_caroline576_1715-1915_susancharles_trevorjames-gh552.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Susan Charles on Saturday afternoon, 14th September 1985, followed at 6pm by Trevor James. Andy Johnson reads the news at 6pm. Recorded from 576kHz in Ickenham. | 111MB 121mins |
1985_09_15_sun_caroline576_1717-1830_trevorjames_susancharles-gh552.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Trevor James until 6pm on Sunday 15th September 1985. Susan Charles follows the 6pm news read by Andy Johnson with the 'Knock Deep Tea Party'. Recorded from 576kHz in Ickenham. | 67MB 73mins |
1985_09_16_mon_caroline576_0654-1010_trevorjames_johnlewis-gh552.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Three hours of morning programming from Monday 16th September 1985. Trevor James hosts the breakfast show and John Lewis follows at 9am. Susan Charles reads the breakfast news at 7am, 8am and 9am. Recorded from 576kHz in Ickenham. | 179MB 195mins |
1985_10_19_sat_caroline576_1500-1602_susancharles-gh572.mp3 New Oct 2022 | Susan Charles with an hour from Saturday afternoon, 19th October 1985. Recorded from 576kHz. | 58MB |
1985_10_19_sat_caroline576_1605-1707_susancharles-gh572.mp3 New Oct 2022 | A continuation of Susan Charles for another hour from the above afternoon, with Andy Johnson on news. Susan was asking for tapes from new bands. As received on 576kHz. | 57MB |
1985_11_04_mon_monique_963am_0855-1210cet-gh567.mp3 New Oct 2022 | This is a three hour recording of Radio Monique from the morning of Monday 4th November 1985, the day before Laser 558 went off the air permanently. Recorded in Leeds, from 963kHz with some 'Luxembourg' type fading in places. The recording starts at 0855 cet. Not sure of the presenters, but the International News at 0930 was read by Susan Charles. | 181MB |
1985_11_07_thu_caroline558_0550-0753_nickrichards-gh571.mp3 New Oct 2022 | The day after the mv Communicator sailed into port, Radio Caroline changed frequency to 558kHz, announcing they were 'holding the frequency' for Laser. After some continuous music, here is Nick Richards with the theme tune and first sign on at 6am, where he announced they were broadcasting from 'The Free International Waters of The North Sea'. Andy Johnson reads the news. The recording was made in Leeds and the signal this early on a winter morning so far away, suffered a lot of foreign interference. At one point here is also a brief tunaway to RTE on 567kHz. The initial broadcasts were slightly off channel, causing a low frequency hum. This was fixed shortly afterwards. | 112MB |
1985_11_07_thu_caroline558_0753-1110_nickrichards_susancharles-gh571.mp3 New Oct 2022 | Another 3 hours from the first morning on 558kHz, continuing from above with Nick Richards. Susan Charles follows Nick at 9am. Andy Johnson is reading the news. As received in Leeds with some RTE splatter. | 181MB |
1985_11_12_tue_caroline558_0747-1105_nickrichards_susancharles-gh583.mp3 New Oct 2022 | A week after Laser 558 had gone off the air, Radio Caroline had already moved from 576kHz onto 558kHz and here is the first part of a six hour recording from Tuesday 12th November 1985. Nick Richards is on breakfast and is followed at 9am by Susan Charles. Andy Johnson is reading the news. By this time the frequency was exactly on-channel. Recorded in Leeds, from 558kHz and there is some splatter from RTE on 567kHz. | 185MB |
1985_11_12_tue_caroline558_1105-1415_susancharles_neilfrancis-gh583.mp3 New Oct 2022 | Continuing the above recording with Susan Charles until mid-day when Neil Francis takes over after the news read by David Andrews. The recording stops about 2:15pm. and was received in Leeds on 558kHz, with some splatter from RTE. | 175MB |
1985_11_15_fri_caroline558_0751-0931_nickrichards-gh568.mp3 New Oct 2022 | Nick Richards on Friday breakfast, with a new newsreader Graeme Vega. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz, with some splatter from RTE and a bit of background foreign interference in quiet sections. | 93MB |
1985_11_16_sat_caroline558_1113-1248_andyjohnson-gh568.mp3 New Oct 2022 | Andy Johnson with part of his Saturday lunchtime show. News is read by Graeme Vega. As received in Leeds on 558kHz, with some splatter from RTE. | 88MB |
851114_radio_caroline_1135-1345.mp3 | NEW 3/12 | 149M |
1985_11_25_mon_caroline_963am_0100signoff_andyjohnson-gh550.mp3 New Nov 2024 | A rather amusing 1am signoff from Andy Johnson on Monday 25th November 1985. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 5MB 5mins |
1985_12_01_sun_caroline_963am_0100-0300_airchecks_andyjohnson_jennymckenzie-gh550.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Airchecks of the end of Andy Johnson's show on Sunday 1st December 1985, followed by some of Jenny McKenzie until around 3am. Andy had mentioned shortwave test transmissions earlier in the evening, but not the frequency. According to Anoraks UK 'Weekly Report' of the time, Caroline was heard on 6273kHz. Recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 4MB 4mins |
1985_12_18_wed_caroline558_0755-0940_nickrichards_peterphilips-gh572.mp3 New Oct 2022 | The last hour of Nick Richards on Wednesday breakfast 18th December 1985 until 9am when Peter Philips takes over following Graham Vega on news. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 97MB |
1986_01_01_wed_monique_963am_1205-1310_waltersimmons-gh581.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Some lunchtime programming from Radio Monique on New Years Day 1986 with probably Walter Simmons. Recorded from 963kHz in Ickenham. |
59MB 64mins |
1986_01_01_wed_monique_963am_1337-1442_waltersimmons-gh581.mp3 New Dec 2024 | More of Walter Simmons from Wednesday 1st January 1986. Recorded from 963kHz in Ickenham. |
59MB 64mins |
1986_01_01_wed_caroline558_1951-2056_fergymcneil-gh580.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Fergy McNeil on the evening of Wednesday 1st January 1986. Recorded from 558kHz in Ickenham, where surprisingly there was some background foreign interference. |
60MB 65mins |
1986_01_01_wed_caroline_overdrive_963am_2059-2204_tomanderson_first_overdrive-gh580.mp3 New Dec 2024 | The end of 'Viewpoint' at 9pm on Wednesday 1st January 1986, then a few seconds of dead air before the first programme of the new 'Caroline Overdrive' service with Tom Anderson. Recorded from 963kHz in Ickenham. |
60MB 65mins |
1986_01_01_wed_caroline_overdrive_963am_2209-2314_tomanderson_first_overdrive-gh580.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Tom Anderson continues with the new 2nd service 'Caroline Overdrive'. Recorded in Ickenham, West London, where surprisingly there was a lot of fading on 963kHz. |
60MB 65mins |
1986_01_07_tue_caroline558_1920-2056_fergymcneil-gh597.mp3 New May 2023 | Fergy McNeil hosts on the evening of 7th January 1986 announcing the sea was a bit rough. Recorded from 558kHz in the East of England. |
79MB 86mins |
1986_03_01_sat_caroline558_0747-0925_markmatthews_susancharles-gh586.mp3 New May 2023 | Mark Matthews fills in for Dave Andrews on Saturday morning breakfast 1st March 1986. Susan Charles reads the news and follows with her own show at 9am. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 94MB 103mins |
1986_03_28_fri_caroline558_0927-1027_peterphilips-gh597.mp3 New May 2023 | Peter Philips from the morning of Good Friday 28th March 1986. Recorded in the East of England from 558kHz. | 57MB 61mins |
1986_04_07_caroline558_0740-1055_johnlewis_peterphillips-gh587.mp3 New Nov 2020 | John Lewis on the breakfast show on Monday 7th April 1986. News at 8am and 9am is read by Mark Matthews and Peter Philips follows after the 9am news. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 176MB 192mins |
1986_04_13_sun_caroline_overdrive_963am_0100-0200_stevielane-gh597.mp3 New May 2023 | Stevie Lane presents Caroline Overdrive from 1am Sunday 13th April 1986. This is an hour of her show as recorded in the East of England from 963kHz. | 57MB 62mins |
1986_04_19_sat_caroline558_1315-1400_ianakers-gh597.mp3 New May 2023 | Ian Akers on Saturday afternoon 19th April 1986. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 47MB 51mins |
1986_04_26_sat_caroline558_0958-1315_simonbarrett_daveandrews-gh597.mp3 New May 2023 | Simon Barrett with the final 3 hours of his first show on Caroline 558. Simon has a few issues with the equipment and comments it had been while and he is a bit 'rusty'. Dave Andrews is on news news at 1pm and follows with the first few minutes of his show. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 180MB 196mins |
1986_04_27_sun_caroline558_0830-1145_ianakers_simonbarrett-gh597.mp3 New May 2023 | Ian Akers is on Sunday breakfast until 9am when John Lewis reads the news. Simon Barrett follows with the first half of his second show on the Ross Revenge. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. |
180MB 196mins |
860429_0800_558_caroline_johnny_lewis_rec_cambridge_tandy_c60_kb.mp3 | kb | 35M |
860429_1645_558_caroline_simon_barrat_kevin_turner_rec_cambridge_tandy_c60_kb | kb | 36M |
1986_04_30_wed_caroline558_0546-0902_johnlewis-gh598.mp3 New Aug 2022 | Three hours of John Lewis on breakfast from Wednesday 30th April 1986. Andy Johnson reads the news on the hour. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 180MB |
1986_05_09_fri_caroline558_0708-0916_johnlewis_daveandrews-gh606.mp3 New Aug 2022 | Two hours of a John Lewis breakfast show from 9th May 1986. Kevin Turner reads the news, and Dave Andrews takes over at 9am. John mentions the latest batch of 'GBH' is ready, and so the pub will be open later on. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 118MB |
1986_06_06_fri_caroline558_1850-2100_johndwyer-gh598.mp3 New Aug 2022 | Two hours of John Dwyer from Friday 6th June 1986. John Lewis does the 9pm station ID. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 121MB |
1986_06_06_fri_caroline558_2130_johnlewis_reads_weather-gh598.mp3 New Aug 2022 | John Lewis reads the 9:30pm weather on Friday 6th June 1986. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 1.2MB |
1986_06_12_thu_caroline558_2300-2400_carolinemartin_signoff-gh113.mp3 New Feb 2024 | Caroline Martin with an hour up until midnight closedown on Thursday 12th June 1986. The closedown announcement is from John Lewis. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. |
60MB 65mins |
1986_07_23_wed_caroline558_0555-0730_johnlewis-gh951.mp3 New Apr 2024 | Breakfast with John Lewis on Wednesday 23rd July 1986. This section is from 0555 to 0730. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz with a few crackles and pops. |
87MB 94mins |
1986_07_23_wed_caroline558_0730-0905_johnlewis-gh951.mp3 New Apr 2024 | Continuing the above John Lewis show between 0730 and 0900, with news read by Kevin Turner. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz with a few crackles and pops. |
88MB 96mins |
1986_07_23_wed_caroline558_1845-2020_tonypeters-gh951.mp3 New Apr 2024 | Tony Peters with drive time on Wednesday 23rd July 1986. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. There is some crackling and static from lightning. |
87MB 94mins |
1986_07_23_wed_caroline558_2020-2115_tonypeters_jamieking-gh951.mp3 New Apr 2024 | Continuing the above recording of Tony Peters until 9pm, when Jamie King takes over. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. There is some static from lightning. |
48MB 52mins |
1986_07_24_thu_monique_963am_0700-0850cet-gh951.mp3 New Apr 2024 | Radio Monique breakfast show from Thursday 24th July 1986 between 0700-0850 cet, although not sure of the deejay. Elly van Amstel reads the news. As received in Leeds from 963kHz. There is some static and 'Luxembourg effect fading' in places. | 100MB 109mins |
1986_07_24_thu_monique_963am_0855-1030cet_elly_van_amstel-gh951.mp3 New Apr 2024 | Carrying on from the above recording on Thursday 24th July 1986, Elly van Amstel reads news at 0900cet and then hosts a programme until 1000cet. Kevin Turner reads the 'International News' in English at 0930cet. As received in Leeds from 963kHz. | 87MB 95mins |
1986_07_24_thu_monique_963am_1030-1205cet-gh951.mp3 New Apr 2024 | More of Radio Monique from Thursday 24th July 1986, this time between 1130-1205cet. As recorded in Leeds from 963kHz. | 88MB 95mins |
1986_07_26_sat_caroline558_0350-0600_davejames-gh113.mp3 New Feb 2024 | Two hours of Dave James in the early hours of Saturday 26th July 1986, finishing at 6am. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. |
114MB 124mins |
1986_07_26_sat_caroline558_0818-0955_tonypeters_johnlewis-gh949.mp3 New May 2024 | Tony Peters on breakfast from 0818 followed at 0900 by John Lewis on Saturday 26th July 1986. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. |
87MB 95mins |
1986_07_26_sat_caroline558_0955-1130_johnlewis-gh949.mp3 New May 2024 | Continuing the above John Lewis show from Saturday 26th July 1986. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. |
86MB 94mins |
1986_07_26_sat_caroline558_1130-1305_johnlewis-gh949.mp3 New May 2024 | The final part of the above John Lewis show from Saturday 26th July 1986, and up until the news at 1pm with Kevin Turner. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. |
87MB 95mins |
1986_07_26_sat_caroline558_1305-1440_peterphilips-gh949.mp3 New May 2024 | Following on from above is Peter Philips on the afternoon of Saturday 26th July 1986. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. |
87MB 95mins |
1986_07_27_sun_monique_963am_1550-1707_ellyvanamstel-gh949.mp3 New May 2024 | Radio Monique with Elly van Amstel on Sunday afternoon 27th July 1986. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. There is some background noise towards the end. |
71MB 77mins |
1986_07_27_sun_monique_963am_1707-1802_change_to_viewpoint-gh949.mp3 New May 2024 | Following on from the above recording, more Radio Monique, which seems to be part of the Monique Top 50 up until sign off for the day with Elly and changeover to Viewpoint 963 at 6pm (BST). Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. There is some background noise on this recording. |
49MB 53mins |
860828_caroline_558_thu28aug86_0630-0820_john_lewis[gh].mp3 | gh | 101M |
1986_09_06_sat_caroline558_1705-1750_davejames-gh521.mp3 New APR 2021 | Recorded near Blackpool, sadly with some electrical interference. | 42MB |
1986_10_01_wed_caroline558_1717-1836_dennisjason-gh837.mp3 New Jan 2024 | Dennis Jason on Wednesday 1st October 1987 drive time. Dennis mentions the fog and height of the mast. News at 6pm is read by Jamie King. Recorded in Leeds with some splatter from RTE on 567kHz. |
72MB 79mins |
1986_10_02_thu_caroline558_1230-1530_peterphillips_richardjackson-gh837.mp3 New Jan 2024 | Three hours of programming from Thursday 2nd October 1987 with Peter Phillips and Richard Jackson. Richard Jackson reads the 1pm news and then follows with his own show. Recorded in Leeds with some splatter from RTE on 567kHz. |
163MB 179mins |
1986_10_02_thu_caroline558_1615-1820_richardjackson_dennisjason-gh837.mp3 New Jan 2024 | The same afternoon as above, with the last part of the Richard Jackson up until 5pm whan Dennis Jason takes over. Jamie King reads the 5pm news. Recorded in Leeds with some splatter from RTE on 567kHz and some electrical clicking. |
128MB 140mins |
1986_12_31_wednesday_caroline_overdrive_963_2130-2310_end_viewpoint_peterphilips.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1986_12_31_wednesday_caroline_overdrive_963_2310-0030_peterphilips_johntyler.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh |
870123_fri_1305-1430_caroline558_richard_staines_gh_.mp3 | gh | 81M |
870124_caroline_558_sat_24_jan_1987_1700-1758_richard_staines[gh].mp3 | gh | 54M |
870128_caroline558_wed28jan87_0750-0845_kevinturner[gh].mp3 | gh | 51M |
870128_caroline558_wed28jan87_0850-1045_kevinturner_robcharles[gh].mp3 | gh | 104M |
870128_caroline558_wed28jan87_1215-1325_robcharles_richardstaines[gh].mp3 | gh | 72M |
870128_caroline558_wed28jan87_1340-1510_richardstaines[gh].mp3 | gh | 88M |
870129_caroline558_thu29jan87_0755-0935_kevinturner_robcharles[gh].mp3 | gh | 91M |
870129_caroline558_thu29jan87_0935-1115_robcharles[gh].mp3 | gh | 91M |
870129_caroline558_thu29jan87_1115-1255_robcharles[gh].mp3 | gh | 91M |
870129_caroline558_thu29jan87_1255-1410_ricthardsaines[gh].mp3 | gh | 75M |
870129_caroline558_thu29jan87_1420-1520_richardstaines[gh].mp3 | gh | 58M |
870209_caroline558_mon09feb1987_1210-1410_robcharles_richardstaines[gh].mp3 | gh | 109M |
870209_caroline558_mon09feb1987_1410-1530_richardstaines[gh].mp3 | gh | 72M |
1987_03_01_sun_caroline558_1127-1300_markmatthews-gh626.mp3 New Jan 2024 | A late morning show from Mark Matthews on Sunday 1st March 1987. Recorded in Leeds, with some splatter from RTE. | 89MB 93mins |
1987_03_01_sun_caroline558_1300-1406_markwarner_1st_show-gh626.mp3 New Jan 2024 | Following on from the above Mark Mathews show and Steve Conway reading the news is Mark Warner with his first appearance on Radio Caroline. Recorded in Leeds, with some splatter from RTE. | 60MB 66mins |
1987_03_21_caroline558_1505-1630_markmatthews-gh857.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Afternoon show from Mark Mathews. Recorded in Leeds, with some splatter from RTE and later foreign interference. | 75MB |
870413_caroline558_mon13apr87_1545-1845_mick_williams_mark_matthews_615[gh].mp3 | gh | 159M |
1987_05_06_wed_caroline558_0100-0411_davefoster-gh644.mp3 | NEW 11/20 GH | 180M |
1987_05_06_wed_caroline558_0420-0510_davefoster_kevinturner-gh644.mp3 | NEW 11/20 GH | 47M |
1987_06_11_thu_caroline558_0810-0855_peterphilips-gh626.mp3 New Jan 2024 | The first breakfast show with Peter Philips from the new anchorage on Thursday 11th June 1987, after having moved the previous day. Peter reads the sea state as from 'The North Sea', as opposed to The Knock Deep', and announces the ship's new co-ordinates following the news headlines by Steve Conway. Recorded in Leeds, with some splatter from RTE. | 42MB 46mins |
1987_06_11_thu_caroline558_0859-0945-andyrobin-gh626.mp3 New Jan 2024 | Continuing programming from Thursday 11th June 1987 with Andy Robin who followed news at 9am with Steve Conway. Recorded in Leeds, with some splatter from RTE and some electrical clicking. | 42MB 46mins |
1987_07_01_wed_caroline558_1300-1433_andyrobin-gh647.mp3 | NEW 11/20 GH | 85M |
1987_07_03_fri_caroline558_0900-1033_jackielee-gh647.mp3 | NEW 11/20 GH | 85M |
1987_10_30_fri_caroline558_2100-2300_steveconway-gh666.mp3 | NEW 11/20 GH | 113M |
1987_07_07_tue_caroline558_0629-0716_kevinturner-gh639.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Breakfast show with Kevin Turner and John Tyler on news. Recorded in Suffolk. | 43M |
1987_07_07_tue_caroline558_0716-0801_kevinturner-gh639.mp3 New Feb 2021 | Continuation of the above Kevin Turner show recorded in Suffolk.. | 43M |
1987_07_07_tue_caroline558_0900-1032_davidbaker-gh639.mp3 New Feb 2021 | John Tyler on news followed by the first part of the David Baker morning show. Recorded in Suffolk. | 87M |
1987_08_24_mon_caroline558_2100-0100signoff_simonwest-gh624.mp3 New Feb 2023 | Simon West with his full four hour show from Monday evening 24th August 1987 until closedown at 1am on Tuesday. There was a storm at the time and the station left the air around 2120 for around 8 minutes due to a generator failure. The dead air has been left in the recording. Recorded in Essex but with a lot of background electrical noise, as is heard when the generator failed. |
229MB 250mins |
1987_08_25_tue_caroline558_1300-1720_keithfrancis-gh624.mp3 New Feb 2023 | Tuesday afternoon 25th August 1987 with a full show from Keith Francis, who comments about the storm the previous night. News is read by Steve Conway. The recording goes just past 5pm into the Paul Graham show. As received in Essex from 558kHz, but with a lot of background electrical noise in the location. | 238MB 260mins |
1987_10_30_fri_caroline558_2300-0100_mikewatts-gh666.mp3 | NEW 11/20 GH | 113M |
1987_10_31_sat_caroline558_0100-0320_patbrookes-gh666.mp3 | NEW 11/20 GH | 133M |
1987_10_31_sat_caroline558_0337-0541_patbrookes_timallen-gh666.mp3 | NEW 11/20 GH | 116M |
1987_10_31_sat_caroline558_0541-0745_timallen-gh666.mp3 | NEW 11/20 GH | 116M |
1987_10_31_sat_caroline558_0745-0930_timallen_peterphillips-gh666.mp3 | NEW 11/20 GH | 100M |
880223_caroline_6210_1250-1430_james_day_richard_lee_peter_philips_nx_1st_day_on_sw_kb | kb | 70M |
880225_caroline_6210_1304_steve_conway_pakistan_qrm_at_end_reel_2_kb.mp3 | kb | 170M |
880226_caroline_6210_0811-1435_robbie_jay_steve_conway_reel_2_kb.mp3 | kb | 291M |
880303_1130-1625_6210_caroline_robbie_j_steve_conway_engineer_at_end_reel_3_kb.mp3 | kb | 193M |
880304_fri_0850-1421_6215_caroline_robbie_j_steve_conway_reel_3_kb.mp3 | kb | 227M |
880308_tues_1026-1543_6210_caroline_lots_breaks_due_to_tx_audio_trouble_reel_3_kb.mp3 | kb | 234M |
880311_caroline_6210_0916-1220_robbie_jay_reel_3_kb.mp3 | kb | 137M |
880403_caroline_6210_1542-1759_paul_graham_chris_kennedy.mp3 | kb | 95M |
1988_04_03_sun_caroline558_2100-2225_adroberts-gh704.mp3 New Aug 2022 | Ad Roberts with the start of a late evening show on Sunday 3rd April 1988. Recorded in Essex from 558kHz. | 77MB |
1988_04_03_sun_caroline558_2330-2413_adroberts-gh704.mp3 New Aug 2022 | More of the above Ad Roberts show from 2330 until after midnight. Recorded in Essex from 558kHz. | 39MB |
1988_04_04_mon_caroline558_0020-0100signoff_adroberts-gh704.mp3 New Aug 2022 | The final 40 minutes of the above Ad Roberts show up until closedown at 1am for essential maintenance. Recorded in Essex from 558kHz. | 35MB |
880413_caroline_6215_0915-1321_james_day_richard_lee_paul_graham.mp3 | kb | 167M |
880415_fri_0016-0100_caroline_6205_paul_graham_couple_of_annoying_retunes_s_off_0100_reel_6_kb.mp3 | kb | 35M |
880416_sat_0955_6205_caroline_steve_conway_paul_graham_inc_tune_in_reel7_kb.mp3 | kb | 270M |
880420_wed_2227-0100_caroline_6205_rich_lee_paul_graham_off_0100_2250_q_on_air_reel_6_kb.mp3 | kb | 118M |
880427_1552-1735_wed_caroline_6215_ernie_ad_roberts_abrupt_off_reel_6_kb.mp3 | kb | 77M |
880428_thurs_0032-0100_caroline_6215_john_something_s_off_0100_reel_6_kb.mp3 | kb | 21M |
880429_caroline_6215_0915-1400_kb.mp3 | kb | 198M |
880429_caroline_6215_1523-1730_dutch_dj_43m_steve_conway_nx_ad_roberts_1700.mp3 | kb | 85M |
880430_caroline_6215_0725-1350_steve_conway_at_10_inc_tx_died_8am.mp3 | kb | 276M |
880708_radio_caroline_1756-1932.mp3 | new 3/12 | 43M |
1988_07_08_fri_caroline558_0630-0715_steveconway_last_daytime_before_dutch_service.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1988_07_08_fri_caroline558_0715-0930_steveconway_robharrison_last_daytime_before_dutch_service.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
880709_radio_caroline_0742-0826.mp3 | new 3/12 | 20M |
1988_07_09_sat_caroline558_0645-0730_ianmack.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1988_07_09_sat_caroline558_0730-0815_ianmack_signoff_then_radio558_signon.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1988_07_09_sat_caroline558_1730-1815_radio558_signoff_then_ianmack.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
1988_07_09_sat_radio558_0815-0900_erwinvanderblieck.mp3 | NEW 02/16 gh | |
880713_caroline_6215_0029-0200_ann_sw_reel_10_kb.mp3 | kb | 69M |
881105_1200_caroline_558_return_all_day_rec_in_cambridge_tandy_c60_kb.mp3 | kb | 23M |
881105_1231_caroline_558_return_all_day_rec_in_cambridge_tandy_c60_kb.mp3 | kb | 21M |
881106_radio_caroline_1259-1430.mp3 | new 3/12 | 70M |
881107_radio_caroline_0920-1320.mp3 | new 3/12 | 111M |
1988_12_10_sat_radio819_819am_1419-1601cet_raymond_balsink-gh777.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Dutch service Radio 819 from the afternoon of Saturday 10th December 1988. The programme seems to be the American Top 40 with Raymond Balsink. At just after 4pm CET the generators failed and you can hear the tape slowing down before the transmitter goes off. As received in Harwich on 819kHz. | 94MB 102mins |
1988_12_10_sat_caroline558_1535-1625_steveconway-gh777.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Steve Conway on the afternoon of Saturday 10th December 1988 when the station was having issues with the generators. This section from 3:35pm is the return after one genertor failure, and Steve then says 'Goodbye' just as the transmitter goes off 50 minutes later at 4:25pm. As received in Harwich on 558kHz. | 46MB 64mins |
1988_12_10_sat_caroline558_1626-1706_steveconway_kevinnelson-gh777.mp3 New Nov 2024 | After another brief generator failure, Steve Conway continues until 5pm. The recording finishes just after 5pm following the first link from Kevin Nelson. As received in Harwich on 558kHz on Saturday 10th December 1988. | 37MB 40mins |
1988_12_10_sat_caroline558_1709-2000_kevinnelson-gh777.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Continuing from above with nearly 3 hours of Kevin Nelson from Saturday evening 10th December 1988. There is a bit of a mishap with the 6pm news and the generator fails again during the show. As received in Harwich on 558kHz. | 151MB 164mins |
1988_12_10_sat_caroline558_2000-2315_kevinnelson_tonykirk-gh777.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Later in the evening from above after 8pm, over 3 hours of Caroline 558 from Saturday evening 10th December 1988 from Kevin Nelson and then Tony Kirk after 9pm. As received in Harwich on 558kHz. | 179MB 196mins |
1988_12_10_sat_caroline558_2328-0245_tonykirk_neilgates-gh777.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Three hours across midnight with the end of Tony Kirk at 1am, and then Neil Gates into the early morning of Sunday 11th December 1988. News at midnight is read by Nigel Harris. As received in Harwich on 558kHz, where there is still some background foreign interference. | 179MB 196mins |
1988_12_11_sun_caroline558_0343-0700_neilgates_kevinnelson-gh778.mp3 New Oct 2024 | Over three hours of early morning programming on Sunday 11th December 1988 with Neil Gates, followed at 5am by Kevin Nelson. As received in Harwich on 558kHz. | 180MB 196mins |
1988_12_11_sun_caroline558_0700-0955_kevinnelson_steverichards-gh778.mp3 New Oct 2024 | Kevin Nelson continues the above Sunday breakfast show on 11th December 1988. Ian Mack reads the 9am news and is followed by Steve Richards. As received in Harwich on 558kHz. | 161MB 176mins |
1988_12_11_sun_world_mission_6215sw_0955-1105_wmr_goes_dx-gh778.mp3 New Nov 2024 | World Mission Radio on Sunday morning 11th December 1988. After some Christmas music, Tom De Wit hosts WMR Goes DX. As received in Harwich on 6215kHz. | 70MB 73mins |
1988_12_11_sun_caroline558_1148-1335_steverichards_steveconway-gh778.mp3 New Oct 2024 | More Steve Richards from Sunday 11th Decmber 1988. Steve is followed at 1pm by Steve Conway. Ian Mack reads the news at 1pm. As received in Harwich on 558kHz. | 91MB 105mins |
1991_03_31_sun_caroline_astra_1105-1530_keithlewis-gh636.mp3 New May 2023 | Following the end of transmissions from the mv Ross Revenge at sea in November 1990, this was a return to the air using the Astra Satellite. Radio Nova had been using this transponeder, but had recently closed, and Chris Cary offered the remaining lease to Radio Caroline. On this recording Keith Lewis hosts the show from the Camberley studios on Easter Sunday 31st March 1991. This extract is between just after 11am and 3pm when the station closed and went into continuous music. |
362MB 283mins |
1998_08_14_radio_caroline_satellite_part_1_inc_ronan_johnny_walker.mp3 | 125MB | |
1998_08_14_radio_caroline_satellite_part_2_inc_ronan_johnny_walker.mp3 | 9MB | |
1998_08_14_radio_caroline_satellite_part_3_inc_ronan_johnny_walker.mp3 | 32MB |
1998_11_15_radio_caroline_raid_nigel_johnny_etc.mp3 | 60M |
Test transmission from the mv Communicator were heard on 729kHz on a
few days in January, February and early March 1984. |
1984_02_17_fri_laser_729am_1335-1645_johnlewis_blakewilliams_slow_at_end-gh106.mp3 New Feb 2024 | Three hours of a test transmission on 729kHz from Friday 17th February 1984 with John Lewis and Blake Williams alternating the shows. There is some splatter from BBC Radio 4 who at the time were on the adjacent channel of 720kHz from a transmitter at Lots Road, Chelsea. The aerial was strung between the two towers of the power station. Unfortunately this tape starts to sound slow towards the end. Recorded near Bromley from 729kHz. | 134MB 195mins |
1984_02_19_sun_laser_729am_1015-1210_johnlewis-gh106.mp3 New Feb 2024 | John Lewis with another 729kHz test transmission on Sunday 19th February 1984. This section is between 10:15am and 12:10pm. The recording was made near Bromley and is a little muffled and the tape has a bit of a speed problem. | 105MB 114mins |
1984_02_19_sun_laser_729am_1530-1600signoff_johnlewis_blakewilliams-gh106.mp3 New Feb 2024 | The last half hour of the 729kHz test on Sunday 19th February 1984 with sign off at 4pm. John Lewis and Blake Williams join together for this part. Recorded near Bromley from 729kHz. The recording is a little muffled. | 31MB 33mins |
1984_06_02_sat_laser558_1300-1530_pauldean_partly_airchecked-gh496.mp3 New Jun 2024 | Paul Dean on Saturday afternoon 2nd June 1984, on what sounded like a rough sea. The file is 93 minutes long and partially airchecked between 1pm and 3:30pm. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 86MB 93mins |
1984_06_28_thu_laser558_0500-0730_pauldean_signon-ght18.mp3 Updated Sep 2024 | A sign on at 5am with Paul Dean on Thursday 28th June 1984, and then the first 150 minutes of the breakfast show. David Lee Stone reads the news. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 138MB 151mins |
1984_06_28_thu_laser558_1152-1352_davidleestone_tommyrivers-ght18.mp3 New Sep 2024 | David Lee Stone across lunchtime on Thursday 28th June 1984, with Tommy Rivers taking over at 1pm. Paul Dean reads the news headlines at mid-day. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. There is some splatter from RTE Radio 1 on 567kHz. | 109MB 120mins |
1984_06_28_thu_laser558_1352-1552_tommyrivers-ght18.mp3 New Sep 2024 | Following on from the above recording, two more hours of Tommy Rivers in the afternoon. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. There is some splatter from RTE Radio 1 on 567kHz. | 110MB 120mins |
1984_06_28_thu_laser558_1552-1730_tommyrivers_jessiebrandon-ght18.mp3 New Sep 2024 | The final part of the above Tommy Rivers show from Thursday 28th June 1984. Jessie Brandon follows the news at 5pm read by David Lee Stone. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. There is some splatter from RTE Radio 1 on 567kHz. | 90MB 98mins |
1984_09_12_wed_laser558_1740-1900_jessiebrandon-gh80.mp3 New Nov 2021 | Part of a mid-week teatime show from Jessie Brandon. Recorded in Leeds, with some splatter from RTE Radio 1 on 567kHz. | 76MB |
1984_10_22_mon_laser558_0743-1052_rickharris_davidleestone-gh89.mp3 New Oct 2024 | Breakfast with Rick Harris on Monday 22nd October 1984 and followed at 10am by David Lee Stone. News headlines at 8am is read by David Lee Stone. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 173MB 189mins |
1984_10_25_thu_laser558_0755-1105_rickharris_davechaney-gh519.mp3 New Mar 2024 | Rick Harris on Thursday breakfast 25th October 1984 until 9am and followed by Dave Chaney. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 174MB 190mins |
1984_10_25_thu_laser558_1120-1430_davechaney_davidleestone-gh519.mp3 New Mar 2024 | Continuing from the above recording from 25th October 1984 with Dave Chaney until 1pm when David Lee Stone takes over. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 174MB 190mins |
1984_11_11_sun_laser558_0210-0405_signoff_mariners_hour-gh115.mp3 New Jun 2024 | From the early hours of Sunday 11th November 1984, here is 'Mariners Hour', where members of the crew got a chance to go on the air. There was a bit of a party atmosphere on this show, and the station eventually signs off at just after 4am, with Rick Harris due back on in under an hour. There is some fading and foreign interference as the recording on 558kHz was made in Leeds during hours of darkness. | 104MB 113mins |
1984_11_11_sun_laser558_0753-1104_rickharris_davechaney-gh115.mp3 New Jun 2024 | Three hours of Sixties Sunday with Rick Harris followed at 9am by Dave Chaney on 11th November 1984. There is a two minutes silence at 11am for 'Remembrance Sunday'. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. There are one or two points where the transmitter sounds like it was tripping, maybe due to rough seas. | 178MB 194mins |
1984_11_13_tue_laser558_0750-0914_rickharris_davechaney-gh89.mp3 New Oct 2024 | Rick Harris followed at 9am by Dave Chaney on Tuesday 13th November 1984. News headlines at 8am are read by Jessie Brandon. As received in Leeds on 558kHz. | 77MB 84mins |
1984_12_07_fri_laser558_1109-1341_hollymichaels-ght17.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Holly Michaels from 11:09am on Friday 7th December 1984, the day of the Kon Tiki America Getaway Giveaway'. There is an announced break in transmission at around 11:40am. The foreign station can be clearly heard and the RTE splatter when the transmitter leaves the air. The signal seemed stronger after the transmitter is switched back on. As received in Leeds on 558kHz with some splatter from RTE on 567kHz. | 139MB 151mins |
1984_12_07_fri_laser558_1341-1612_hollymichaels_davidleestone-ght17.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Continuing on from above, Holly Michaels on Friday 7th December 1984 is followed at 3pm by David Lee Stone. The first winner of the Kon Tiki Giveaway is drawn at 2pm. As received in Leeds on 558kHz with some splatter from RTE on 567kHz. Winter night-time fades start during this file. | 139MB 152mins |
1984_12_07_fri_laser558_1612-1724_davidleestone-ght17.mp3 New Dec 2024 | More of David Lee Stone continuing from above on Friday 7th December 1984. until abot 5:25pm. Charlie Wolf joins Dave in the studio at one point. As received in Leeds on 558kHz with creeping in winter night-time background foreign interference and splatter from RTE on 567kHz. | 66MB 72mins |
1984_12_07_fri_laser558_1739-1941_davidleestone-ght17.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Two more hours of David Lee Stone between about 5:40pm and 7:40pm on the day of the KonTiki Giveaway. The night-time interference and fading becomes more apparent. | 111MB 121mins |
1984_12_07_fri_laser558_2140-2343_charliewolf-ght17.mp3 New Dec 2024 | Charlie Wolf later on in the evening of Friday 7th December 1984. The signal in Leeds was quite poor in places on this recording. The time may also be an hour out, as Charlie mentions it is 8th December across Europe at one point, but doesn't mention the UK time. Towards the end he also mentions had chosen the closedown song for the Mariners. | 113MB 123mins |
841225_laser_558.mp3 | new 3/12 | 128M 182mins |
841231_laser_558_2220-0520.mp3 | new 3/12 | 131M |
1985_01_10_thu_laser558_1520-1935_rickharris_holliemichaels_tommyrivers-gh500.mp3 New Jan 2025 | During storms in early January during which Radio Caroline drifted and were off the air for five days, Laser also went off but returned a little sooner. Here is the first 4 hours after Rick Harris signs back on at 3:25pm on Thursday 10th January 1985 and is followed at 5pm by Hollie Michaels and then at 7:30pm by Tommy Rivers. The recording is a little muffled and was recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. As it was winter, the signal was mainly received in darkness and suffered a lot of fading. | 234MB 255mins |
1985_01_10_thu_laser558_1935-2307_tommyrivers_charliewolf-gh500.mp3 New Jan 2025 | Continuing the Tommy Rivers show on the return after being off for 4 days. Tommy programmes until 10pm and then Charlie Wolf takes over. Charlie mentions about their neighbours on the Ross Revenge drifting and passing within a quarter of a mile. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz with a lot of fading and was a little muffled. The transmitter seems to cut off after 11pm, and we are not sure if it came back on later that evening. | 194MB 211mins |
1985_02_28_thu_laser558_0800-1000_rickharris_erinkelly-gh531.mp3 New Mar 2024 | Laser 558 had some antenna issues in early 1985 following a mast collapse, and they returned to full power at the end of February. Here is Rick Harris followed at 9am by Erin Kelly. Erin signs off the station at 10am for antenna maintenance. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. At the end of the recording are few airchecks from later in the day and which are not great as they were recorded in a concrete building. | 124MB 135mins |
1985_03_01_fri_laser558_0800-1120_rickharris_erinkelly-gh531.mp3 New Mar 2024 | Friday morning 1st March 1985 with Rick Harris from 8am until 9am, when Erin Kelly takes over. The station seemed to be back on full hours and high power. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 184MB 200mins |
1985_05_01_wed_laser558_1742-1900_laserchartaction_lizwest-gh537.mp3 New Sep 2022 | Liz West with Laser Chart Action on Wednesday 1st May 1985. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 72MB |
1985_05_13_mon_laser558_0745-1100_craignovak_chriscarson-gh537.mp3 New Sep 2022 | Three hours of Monday morning shows, with Craig Novak on breakfast, followed by Chris Carson. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 180MB |
850524_laser_558_0300-0635.mp3 1st Birthday | new 3/12 | 214M |
850524_laser_558_0645-0945.mp3 | new 3/12 | 215M |
850524_laser_558_1020-1330.mp3 | new 3/12 | 216M |
850524_laser_558_1335-1645.mp3 | new 3/12 | 216M |
850524_laser_558_1705-2015.mp3 | new 3/12 | 130M |
850524_laser_558_2020-2105.mp3 | new 3/12 | 32M |
1985_06_12_wed_laser558_1735-1915_laserchartaction_chriscarson_erinkelly-gh537.mp3 New Sep 2022 | Laser Chart Action from Wednesday 12th June 1985 with Erin Kelly and Chris Carson. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 93MB |
1985_07_25_thu_laser558_0706-1020_jonell_erinkelly-gh550.mp3 New Oct 2024 | Three hours of programming from just after 7am on Thursday 25th July 1985. Erin Kelly follows at 9am. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 180MB 196mins |
1985_07_30_tue_laser558_0658-0904_jonell_erinkelly-gh548.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Jonell on breakfast followed at 9am by Erin Kelly. Mention is made of the rough weather. Recorded in Leeds, with some splatter from RTE 1 on 567kHz. | 115MB |
1985_08_02_fri_laser558_0745-1100_signon_jonell_erinkelly-gh548.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Laser signed on late this morning at 0745 with Jonell hosting until 10 am when Erin Kelly took over. Recorded in Leeds with some splatter from RTE 1 on 567kHz. | 170MB |
1985_08_03_sat_laser558_0700-0820_signon_jonell_generator_fail-gh548.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Laser signed on late again this morning at 0700 with Jonell. At around 0820 the generator failed and the station went off the air, as can be heard by the slowing down of the record. Recorded in Leeds with some splatter from RTE 1 on 567kHz. | 70MB |
1985_08_03_sat_laser558_0834-1012_generator_back_on_jonell_erinkelly-gh548.mp3 New Jun 2021 | Laser were off for around 15 minutes before returning at 0834. Nothing was said by Jonell, except that the sea was a bit rough. Recorded in Leeds with some splatter from RTE 1 on 567kHz. | 90MB |
1985_08_05_mon_laser558_1825-2145_tommyrivers_lizwest-gh547.mp3 New Jan 2023 | Laser had been off since Saturday evening, but returned early evening on Monday 5th. On this recording Tommy Rivers hosted until 8pm and then Liz West took over. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz with some splatter from RTE 1 on 567kHz and cracking from a lightning storm. |
180MB 197mins |
1985_08_06_tue_laser558_0700-0938_jonell_signon-gh547.mp3 New Jan 2023 | Jonell with the late station signon for Tuesday 6th August 1985. Recorded in Leeds with some splatter from RTE 1 on 567kHz. |
145MB 158mins |
1985_08_07_wed_laser558_1958-2115_charliewolf-gh547.mp3 New Jan 2023 | An hour of Charlie Wolf from Wednesday 7th August 1985, where he mentions it would be his last month aboard. Little did he know that 'Eurosiege 85' was about to happen. Recorded in Leeds with some atmospheric fading towards the end. |
70MB 76mins |
1985_08_13_tue_laser558_2100-2202_charliewolf-ghe560.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Charlie Wolf on Tuesday 13th August 1985, with maybe his most classic show on Laser, having been wound up with newspaper and tv reports on the arrival of the DTI vessel 'Dioptric Surveyor. From 9pm Charlie pokes fun at the 'potential pirate and stealing allegations'. He is joined at times by Liz West. This section of the recording was made in Ipswich from 558kHz. |
58MB 63mins |
1985_08_13_tue_laser558_2203-2413_charliewolf-ghe560.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Continuing Charlie's show from above. This starts around 2205 with airchecks for about 10 minutes recorded in Leeds (night-time fading), before joining a full recording as made in Ipswich until just after midnight. Tommy Rivers also joins Charlie at the beginning, and then Liz West comes back to read out the Dioptric report from Ceefax. |
97MB 106mins |
1985_08_13_tue_laser558_2415-0100signoff_charliewolf_airchecks-ghe560.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Airchecks of the final part of Charlie Wolf's show up until sign off at 1am on Wednesday 14th August 1985. This was recorded in Leeds so a lot of night-time fading, hence being airchecked. |
19MB 20mins |
850822_laser_558_1525-1830.mp3 | new 3/12 | 219M |
1985_08_26_mon_laser558_2325-0100signoff_chriscarson-gh558.mp3 New Jan 2024 | A late Monday evening show from Chris Carson who had just returned from leave. The recording lasts until signoff at 1am Tuesday morning 27th August 1985. Recorded in West London from 558kHz. There is slight background co-channel interference from a European station. |
89MB 97mins |
850827_laser_558_0930-1540.mp3 | new 3/12 | 275M |
850827_laser_558_1615-1920.mp3 | new 3/12 | 220M |
850908_laser_558_1115-1725.mp3 | new 3/12 | 389M |
1985_09_19_thu_laser558_1739-1917_chriscarson_jaymack-gh558.mp3 New Jan 2024 | Thursday afternoon 19th September 1985 and the end of Chris Carson's show at 6pm, followed by the first show from Jay Mack. As received in Leeds o 558kHz. |
91MB 99mins |
851013_laser_558_0900-0945.mp3 New Mar 2012 | Sixties Sunday with John Leeds. | 32M |
1985_10_13_sun_laser558_0945-1120_johnleeds-gh536.mp3 New Nov 2021 | A continuation of the above 'Sixties Sunday' shows with relatively new deejay John Leeds. Laser was having a lot of periods off the air at this time. Here is the first part of a three hour recording as received in Leeds with some splatter from RTE 1 on 567kHz. | 86MB |
1985_10_13_sun_laser558_1120-1259_johnleeds-gh536.mp3 New Nov 2021 | Part two of the above John Leeds recording as received in Leeds with some splatter from RTE 1 on 567kHz. | 90MB |
1985_10_14_mon_laser558_0800-1122_craignovak_johnleeds-gh583.mp3 New Oct 2022 | The first 3 hours of a six hour recording from Monday morning 14th October 1985. Craig Novak hosts until 9am, when John Leeds takes over. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 185MB |
1985_10_14_mon_laser558_1122-1432_johnleeds_jeffdavis-gh583.mp3 New Oct 2022 | Part two of the above recording continuing with John Leeds until 1pm when Jeff Davis starts his first show aboard the mv Communicator. The recording has about 90 minutes of Jeff's first show and was recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. There is an advert for 'I Spy For The DTI' from the Moronic Surveyors just before mid-day. | 175MB |
1985_10_16_wed_laser558_2300-0100signoff_chuckcannon-gh572.mp3 New Oct 2022 | Chuck Cannon with two hours of a show from Wednesday night 16th October 1985 up to closedown at 1am on Thursday. Not sure of the recording location, but the signal was stable for this time of night. | 113MB |
1985_10_28_mon_laser558_0630-0750_craignovak-gh541.mp3 New Nov 2022 | After being off the air for nine days, Laser returned on Monday 28th October 1985. Here is Craig Novak on breakfast from 0630 until just before 8am. As received in Leeds from 558kHz, with some early morning atmospherics. | 76MB |
1985_10_28_mon_laser558_0759-1120_craignovak-gh583.mp3 New Oct 2022 | Following on from the above, here is a 6 hour chunk of recording starting with Craig Novak on breakfast at just before 8am. Craig hosted until mid-day and announed they were back to stay, so keep your fingers crossed! This section of the recording lasts until around 11:20am and was received in Leeds from 558kHz. | 185MB |
1985_10_28_mon_laser558_1120-1423_craignovak_jeffdavis-gh583.mp3 New Oct 2022 | This recording carries on from the above with the end of Craig Novak's show. Jeff Davis takes over at mid-day and the recording lasts until around 1423. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 175MB |
1985_10_28_mon_laser558_2245-0115_chuckcannon_to_signoff_then_numbers-gh567.mp3 New Oct 2022 | Chuck Cannon from 10:45pm until sign off at 1am. The recording has been left on after closedown, as at around 0115, Craig Novaks voice appears reading out some numbers for those listening on shore. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 133MB |
1985_10_29_tue_laser558_0741-1103_craignovak_johnleeds-gh583.mp3 New Oct 2022 | Another six hour recording, this time from Tuesday 29th October 1985 and starting at 0741 with Craig Novak. John Leeds is back this morning at 9am to his previous spot. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 185MB |
1985_10_29_tue_laser558_1103-1415_johnleeds_jeffdavis-gh583.mp3 New Oct 2022 | Continuing the above John Leeds show until 1pm when Jeff Davis takes over. The recording continues until about 1415. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 175MB |
1985_11_01_fri_laser558_0747-1102_craignovak_johnleeds-gh567.mp3 New Oct 2022 | A three hour recording of Craig Novak followed by John Leeds on Friday morning 1st November 1985, the day of a new government spy ship 'Gardline Tracker' appearing nearby to replace the 'Dioptric Surveyor, which was unsuitable for the heavy seas. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 180MB |
851102_laser_558_1055-1355.mp3 | new 3/12 | 219M |
1985_11_04_mon_laser558_2345-0100signoff_chuckcannon-gh567.mp3 New Oct 2022 | A pretty awful quality signal of part of the final Chuck Cannon show on 4th November 1985. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz, the foreign stations were very strong that night and Laser disappeared a lot under their signals. The Laser signal did come up as Chuck Cannon signed off at 1am on Tuesday 5th November. It was to be his final sign off as the ship sailed into port the following day. The recording is here for completeness and there are probably better quality extracts on other sites. | 71MB |
1985_11_05_tue_laser558_0753-1107_craignovak_johnleeds_final_morning-gh568.mp3 New Oct 2022 | Part of the final morning's broadcast from Laser 558. The recording starts at 7:53am with Craig Novak, who reads out some codes every 15 minutes between 8am and 9am, indicating that something was terribly wrong. John Leeds follows on and plays a few cryptic songs. There are some short gaps between records which sounded like he may not have been in the studio all the time. The recording lasts until just after 11am. An hour later at 1220, the station would leave the air and sail into port the following day. Recorded in Leeds from 558kHz. | 181MB |
851105_laser_558_0805-1115.mp3 | new 3/12 | 200M |
851105_laser_558_1118-1220.mp3 | new 3/12 | 71M |
1986_12_04_thu_laserhothits_576am_0850-0955_johnanthony-gh675.mp3 New Jan 2025 | John 'Rockn'Roll' Anthony on the breakfast show between 8:50am and 9:55am during test transmissions and asks for reception reports. Recorded in Kent from 576kHz. | 42MB 63mins |
1986_12_08_mon_laserhothits_576am_1649-1722_johnanthony_andrewturner-gh675.mp3 New Jan 2025 | On the first Monday of offical programming, here is John Anthony up to 5pm and the news with Andrew Turner. Andrew Turner follows with his own show. Recorded in Kent from 576kHz. | 42MB 31mins |
1986_12_08_mon_laserhothits_576am_1722-1754-andrewturner-gh675.mp3 New Jan 2025 | More of Andrew Turner following on from the above recording. Recorded in Kent from 576kHz. | 42MB 31mins |
1986_12_00_laserhothits_576am_johnlewis_announcement-gh675.mp3 New Jan 2025 | A short announcement by John Lewis from an unknown date. | 380kB 23secs |
861228_laser_576_1017-1250_1314-1503.mp3 | new 3/12 | 296M |
861228_laser_576_Tests.mp3 | new 3/12 | 25M |
870203_laser_576_0720-1400.mp3 | new 3/12 | 445M |
870204_laser_576_0740-1400.mp3 | new 3/12 | 438M |
870205_laser_576_0815-1500.mp3 | new 3/12 | 356M |
1987_02_17_tue_laserhothits_576am_0712-0758_brandylee-gh648.mp3 New Feb 2024 | Brandy Lee breakfast on Tuesday 17th February 1987. This section is between 0712 and the news with Andrew Turner leading up to 8am. | 42MB 46mins |
1987_02_17_tue_laserhothits_576am_0759-0845_brandylee-gh648.mp3 New Feb 2024 | Following on from the above Brandy Lee breakfast show, starting with the rest of the news with Andrew Turner. |
42MB 46mins |
recordings here were made by a friend of Gary's who worked as a navigator
on a ship which occasionally sailed from Israel. They were all
made in November 1978, and recorded when his ship was anchored near
Haifa. They are only short extracts of 30 minutes maximum and
the presenters on most are unknown, other than Crispian St John.
They do however show the nice audio quality on the AM transmitter. |
1978_11_16_thu_voice_of_peace_1539am_1700-1730_johnnycash_special.mp3 New Nov 2021 | Following the 5pm news, Crispian St John introduces a Johnny Cash Special. Recorded inear Haifa from 1539kHz. | 28MB |
1978_11_00_sat_voice_of_peace_1539am_0026-0041_1540partynight.mp3 New Nov 2021 | The 1540 Party Night from just after midnight on a Saturday morning. Recorded near Haifa from 1539kHz. | 12MB |
1978_11_00_voice_of_peace_0045-0120_1540partynight-airchecks.mp3 New Nov 2021 | More airchecks from the 1540 Party Night from 0045. Recorded near Haifa from 1539kHz. | 12MB |
1978_11_00_voice_of_peace_1539am_0930-0950.mp3 New Nov 2021 | Part of a morning show recorded near Haifa from 1539kHz. This recording suffers from a whistle. | 17MB |
1978_11_00_voice_of_peace_1539am_a_song_for_you-15mins.mp3 New Nov 2021 | Part of what appears to be a request show as received near Haifa from 1539kHz. This recording also suffers from a whistle. | 17MB |
1984_07_21_sat_voice_of_peace_100fms_1103-1200_daveasher-gh467.mp3 New Jun 2023 | The first of several recordings from July 1984. This first one features an hour of Dave Asher on Saturday morning 21st July 1984. The news from the official Kol Israel is relayed on the hour. The recordings were from FM in stereo on the announced 100MHz but from an unknown source. |
134MB 58mins |
1984_07_25_wed_voice_of_peace_100fms_0803-0903_robscott.mp3 New Jun 2023 | Rob Scott with breakfast on Wednesday 25th July 1984. The news from the official Kol Israel is relayed on the hour. The recording was from FM in stereo on the announced 100MHz. |
139MB 61mins |
1984_07_25_wed_voice_of_peace_100fms_1103-1203_davethomas-gh467.mp3 New Jun 2023 | Dave Thomas on late morning Wednesday 25th July 1984. The news from the official Kol Israel is relayed on the hour. The recording was from FM in stereo on the announced 100MHz. |
140MB 61mins |
1984_07_25_wed_voice_of_peace_100fms_1304-1405_kevinvangelden-gh467.mp3 New Jun 2023 | Here is an hour of Kevin van Gelden in the early afternoon from Wednesday 25th July 1984. The news from the official Kol Israel is relayed on the hour. The recording was from FM in stereo on the announced 100MHz. |
143MB 62mins |
1984_07_26_thu_voice_of_peace_100fms_0329-0431_quentinmartin-gh467.mp3 New Jun 2023 | An hour of early morning programming from Quentin Martin on Thursday 26th July 1984. The recording was from FM in stereo on the announced 100MHz. |
143MB 62mins |
1984_07_26_thu_voice_of_peace_100fms_1803-1905_davidfortune-gh467.mp3 New Jun 2023 | David Fortune with an hour of drive time on Thursday 26th July 1984. The recording was from FM in stereo on the announced 100MHz. |
143MB 62mins |
1985_06_13_thu_voice_of_peace_1539am_1035-1207_grantgoddard_sallycahm-gh550.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Morning show with Grant Goddard on Thursday 13th June 1985 with Sally Cahm taking over just after the mid-day news from KOL Israel. This set of recordings was believed to have been made in Cyprus from 1539kHz. The audio on this one is a bit variable with some tape deterioration on this one, which has a lot of dropouts, and there could well have also been signal level changes. |
86MB 93mins |
1985_06_13_thu_voice_of_peace_1539am_1210-1258_sallycahm-gh550.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Sally Cahm continuing from the above recording between 12:10pm and just before 1pm. As received in Cyprus. This recording is better quaility than the one above. |
44MB 48mins |
1985_06_13_thu_voice_of_peace_1539am_1503-1550_contmusic_donstevens-gh550.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Although this appears to be a Don Stevens afternoon show judging by the jingles, this section is mainly continuous music and adverts. As received in Cyprus on 1539kHz. |
44MB 48mins |
1985_06_13_thu_voice_of_peace_1539am_1616-1702_keithyork-gh550.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Keith York on the afternoon of Thursday 13th June 1985 between 4:15pm and 5pm. As received in Cyprus on 1539kHz. |
44MB 48mins |
1985_06_18_tue_voice_of_peace_1539am_1115-1201_davidfortune-gh550.mp3 New Nov 2024 | David Fortune up to mid-day on Tuesday morning 18th June 1985. Thought to have been received from 1539kHz in Cyprus. |
44MB 48mins |
1985_06_23_sun_voice_of_peace_1539am_1715-1801_donstevens-gh550.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Don Stevens with Sunday drivetime on 23rd June 1985, sitting in for Keith York who was now on leave. As heard in Cyprus on 1539kHz. |
41MB 45mins |
1985_06_23_sun_voice_of_peace_1539am_1803-1850_twilighttime_davidfortune-gh550.mp3 New Nov 2024 | Following on from the above Don Stevens show is 'Twilight Time' with David Fortune on Sunday evening 23rd June 1985. |
44MB 48mins |
1985_06_24_mon_voice_of_peace_1539am_1202-1505_grantgoddard-gh547.mp3 New Jan 2023 | Three hours of Grant Goddard with the 'clutter free' afternoon show on Monday 24th June 1985. There are not too many links, but it does include jingles and on the hour news bulletins. Don Stevens took over at 3pm following the news, but the recording runs out before his first link. This was received in Cyprus on 1539kHz. Apparently engineer Keith York had been doing some work on the transmitters and improved the signal immensely during 1985, which is why the signal was so good in Cyprus at this point. |
174MB 190mins |
1987_01_29_thu_voice_of_peace_100fms_2203-2250_timshepherd-gh616.mp3 New Mar 2023 | Tim Shepherd with Thursday Rock File on Thursday 29th January 1987. He announces this as his final rock show. This is in stereo and possibly recorded on the ship by Tim himself. |
107MB 47mins |
1987_01_29_thu_voice_of_peace_100fms_2306-2400_timshepherd-gh616.mp3 New Mar 2023 | Partial airchecks of the final hour of the above Tim Shepherd Thursday Rock File. This is in stereo and possibly recorded on the ship by Tim himself. |
99MB 43mins |
1987_02_01_sun_voice_of_peace_100fms_0746-0900_timshepherd-gh616.mp3 New Mar 2023 | Tim Shepherd on Sunday 1st February 1987 with the final part of his last breakfast show on his first stint on the Peace Ship. This is in stereo and possibly recorded on the ship by Tim himself. |
168MB 73mins |
Radio Scotland: Recordings of Radio Scotland are pretty scarce. They used to broadcast from off the coast of Ayrshire at in the 1960's, as well as off the East Coast. A
selection of unique recordings have came our way in 2005. They were
recorded by "Alistair" at the time when the future of the
station was doomed. They were made onto an old reel to reel recorder
and kept for old times sake. Discovered by "Alex", and copied,
they are here in all their glory. The last of the "Fireside Chats"
with station owner Tommy Shields are particularly interesting. There
are no real dates, but if it was said they are mainly from August 1967
as an estimate, it would not be far out. |
NB: These recordings are for sharing and enjoyment but are subject to copyright, and are not for resale. Anyone found selling any of this material on e-bay will be given very negative feedback and e-bay WILL BE informed. I have not spent time making these old recordings available to the public for muppets to try and profit from. Commercial use is strictly forbidden. |
TIMELINE OF ADDITIONS FOR THIS PAGE: Added a few files from the day of the illegal raid on Radio Caroline in 1989. The reel this came from was a copy of the master, which may be slightly better, but of course I don't have it. I initially thought that this was recorded in Blackpool, but seemingly it is more likely to have been recorded in the SE of England. It runs almost continously from 0530 through to the last words during the raid just after 1300. There are a couple of gaps. (Hence 3 separate files, I don't mean gaps on the recording) Added about four files of late night Caroline from SW, 1988, including sign offs, as well as four new long recordings from the SW. It seems I recorded a lot from the SW service then, as we knew the transmitter was going to be for religion in the long run. I just made a check. I have made available about 65 hours of SW alone here. Not bad at all.
MARCH 2010: Have updated the Caroline 1980's files dramatically, with many recordings from the time just after the Ross Revenge arrived in the North Sea. Scroll down to view files, or click here
MAY 2008: Reloaded
the late 1980s Caroline SW files with direct links, and not split
rar files through RAPIDSHARE. Much easier. Also some new and unique
recordings from 1978 from gh. Direct links. EASTER 2008: Radio
Caroline is doing some fantastic broadcasts this weekend, and I
e mailed this old photo from 1980 off to them for a laugh. The lads
are: Back Row: Martin Fisher, Robb Eden, James Kaye, Mike Stevens.
Front Row: Stevie Gordon, Steven Bishop, Tom Hardy, Tom Anderson,
Brian Martin, and unid listener?? Click to enlarge.
another 700 meg of Radio Caroline SW from the Ross Revenge in 1988.
These are direct downloads this time and not via RAPIDSHARE. The
files should download OK. Some are large files are around 300 meg,
so make sure you have a reliable connection! I may be able to upload
the rapidshare stuff to the same server for ease of download.
section began after some inspiration from sites like AZ Anorak,
and John Patrick's superb downloads on I have
a ton of manky old tapes in dire need of MP3ing. I am gradually
working through them. |