PERSEUS AM vs SAM QUIZ - JUNE 2010 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
QUIZ TIME AGAIN - THE SAM / AM CHALLENGE: For a bit of fun, let's see who can tell the difference between SAM and AM in the following 10 tests. This "keen ear examination" was made up after some discussion on the Perseus group about the differences between SAM and AM. The answers should read for example: 2. SAM then AM The audio clips are of the same piece of audio, repeated again in the other mode, either SAM or AM. Maybe this wasn't clear in the first place. The clips below have been selected from today's mw band (9/6/10), from December from a really good dx day, and from a strong local, and whatever else at random. The biggest file is 396k, and the smallest 107k, so the file sizes are small. I haven't made up any automated stuff, similar to the polls that Guy made up a while back. Maybe that would have been the best way to go about it. But why not e mail me with your results. I am not sure if a lot of answers would be appreciated on the Perseus group.
It may be fun to leave the results on this public forum that was never used much, for everyone to read.
1. 100413_0500_710_vocm_sam_am_test.mp3 2. 091212_0905_770_chqr_sam_am_test.mp3 3. 100609_1000_846_radio_north_strong_local_sig_sam_am_test.mp3 4. 091212_0900_950_kjr_sam_am_test.mp3 5. 091212_0858_1060_am_10_60_calgary_sam_am_test.mp3 6. 100609_0300_1140_cbc_sam_am_test.mp3 7. 100112_0900_1180_wham_rebelde_busy_channel_sam_am_test.mp3 8. 100609_0300_1330_wrca_sam_am_test.mp3 9. 091212_0900_1520_wwkb_sam_am_test.mp3 10. 091212_0800_1700_kvns_sam_am_test.mp3