PERSEUS AM vs SAM QUIZ - JUNE 2010 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
QUIZ TIME AGAIN - THE ANSWERS ============================================================= RESULTS: Guy Atkins did well with this quiz. Guy scored an amazing 60% ie 6/10 correct. I wouldn't have thought that kind of result would be possible. I couldn't have heard the difference between the files. Davie Hamilton up the street agreed, and couldn't really distinguish any major difference. So Guy wins the Thanks to Guido, Steve, Phil and Leif for their interest and comments. Appreciated. But that leads me to the next question. Where were the guys that talk of the "big difference" in SAM over AM?? There was an eerie silence from them. I suspect I know what that really tells me. Maybe we should compare to the ham operator that says he is going to test a different antenna, and asks for reports on any differences noted. Even if he remains with the same aerial, someone will "notice" a That is just the subject that was being discussed on the Perseus board. In my samples, there was a strong local station, strong mw dx, fadey mw dx, and a moderately busy channel. There were no graveyard channel recordings. My point being that for my ears, I can see no real advantage over AM using the SAM setting. For weak MW signals I use USB or LSB regular, or AM. The SAM usually takes a little time to lock, and can introduce whistles as it tries to lock. SSB does not have to lock on, and DOES have a big audio advantage over AM in some cases.
1. 100413_0500_710_vocm_sam_am_test.mp3 - AM THEN SAM 2. 091212_0905_770_chqr_sam_am_test.mp3 - SAM THEN SAM (TRICK QUESTION) 3. 100609_1000_846_adior_north_strong_local_sig_sam_am_test.mp3 - SAM THEN AM 4. 091212_0900_950_kjr_sam_am_test.mp3 - SAM THEN AM 5. 091212_0858_1060_am_10_60_calgary_sam_am_test.mp3 - AM THEN AM (TRICK QUESTION) 6. 100609_0300_1140_cbc_sam_am_test.mp3 - AM THEN SAM 7. 100112_0900_1180_wham_rebelde_busy_channel_sam_am_test.mp3 - SAM THEN AM 8. 100609_0300_1330_wrca_sam_am_test.mp3 - AM THEN SAM 9. 091212_0900_1520_wwkb_sam_am_test.mp3 - AM THEN SAM 10. 091212_0800_1700_kvns_sam_am_test.mp3 - SAM THEN AM