LOGS / NEWS - SEPTEMBER 2010 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
CHANGE OF URL: This web site will change URL very soon, to a more radio related address. I have been quite reluctant to alter anything because of the Google rankings. But I feel it is time to attempt to move on a bit. The current unrelated domain was used as a temporary address when one of the last service providers vanished overnight. Full details as they happen. It will still be the same web site I hasten to add, but the domain will change. Links will remain on main pages of this address till next year.
LATEST LOGS: I guess this month has been pretty dry reading in these pages. Lists of logs and that's about it. Not much else to report. So I shall continue in that fashion I guess.
830 Unid
with ABC News amongst the CBS output from WCRN. WCCO is also CBS.
0600 28/9
WKAQ PR 580: I have an amazing clip of WKAQ 610 from PR from Saturday morning at 0600. I had an amazing signal from this station last winter one morning, and Saturdays signal was of similar quality. 630 WUNO was also good at the same time. A few clips are below. Also new personal first was Formula on 780. Normally if it isn't WBBM it would be Coro.
100925_0600_580_wqaq_amazing.mp3 100926_0600_780_radio_formula.mp3
Yesterday marked the official end of summer, and the equinox. No harvest moon here though yesterday. Far too cloudy, though I had to chase noisey birds about 4am this morning and it was very light outside, but too cloudy to actually see the moon unfortunately. And into the bargain, a flock of geese came over today, flying south. They were a bit far away by the time I ran for the camera. This was quite a zoom, and freehand. I guess all we have to look forward to is the winter's DX!!
On 540,
there were no less than 4 stations audable. CBC ee, CBC Windsor (ff),
the other common ff CBC stn was echoing during nx, and a trace of
UPDATE: Just listened to my 0300 file and hearing two graveyarders. 1230
WECK Buffalo. Hometown 1230
100923_0005_620_and_590_vocm_storm_damage.mp3 100920_0605_1230_wtkg_grand_rapids_mi.mp3 100921_0600_1390_wegp_new_toth.mp3 100918_0200_1440_weird_tones_like_alarm.mp3 100923_0600_1580_unid_ss_columbia.mp3
CUBA / UNID pres Canadian mix. No ids.0600 The band was nowhere near as good on the hf side today. Most channels were noisier and weaker, or more of a mix or fade or something, but seeing as this is a list of stations heard on a fairly average September day here in Scotland, I will continue. 1310
WLOB Very poor in mix 0605. OLDIES 1310 0401 I was
losing patience by the end of the survey on X band with the seemingly
wideband fade at toth, which produced a mess on many channels on the
higher freq end of the band. The stations named as positive are all
ided around 0600 or 0605.
A good lot of strong signals today, and a mystery solved. The station I heard on 1470 yesterday was WRWV, West Virginia.
Also nice to hear a new one on 1310, from Detroit area. The other Detroit station on 1270, 97/1 The Ticket has such a poor muffled style of ID at the TOTH. Mumbled, low level unintelligible!!! The singing 97/1 jingle is all you can really make out. See montage below. I don't sit and make lists every day of common stations heard, but sometimes I make an audio montage of some nice signals, if there are any to be had. There were today. The following are relatively common stations, and one or two less common. File today is about 3 meg.
Last night whilst live dxing around 2350, I had Greenland mumbling away on 570kHz again. There were tales that they were closing down MW, though I don't know about fishermen or remote listeners in the country being able to use FM. Last winter the 570 transmitter broke down and was out of order for months. The audio died, and was never repaired. I guess someone has noticed the problem. WINS 1010 was booming in at 0600, and CFBC 930 had some kind of strange yodelling. It sounded like Johnny Weismuller / Tarzan. Reloj was good, alone on the channel of 570 at 0600.
WTLN 950 ORLANDO, FL: New station for me today at 0600, WTLN 950 Orlando FL. Quite good signal as well. Because my centre freq of the Perseus recordings is 960, 950 is often checked early on in my searches. But apart from this, no other stations of much interest heard.
100916_2358_570_pres_greenland_no_id.mp3 100917_0600_950_wtln_orlando_fl_id_only.mp3 100917_0600_1010_wins_booming.mp3
MW DX THIS LAST COUPLE OF DAYS: DX has been pretty good, and a little Latin orientated around 0530UTC, the peak at these lattitudes. Today I have a montage of recordings made between 0530 and 0600. Stations heard are as follows: 1620
I have a couple of recordings from over the last few days, inc the personal first at the top of the page on 970 on Saturday 11th - WKHM Jackson MI. The usual strong station WZAN was on a fade. I have a couple of other clips to share, inc the new TOTH for KCKK 1510. Listen to the odd call sign for the FM service!! There is yet another unid SS on 980, which may have a poss id within. I am just not good with SS and never have been when the signals are poor. In fact I am no use with SS when signals are good either..
100912_0602_980_unid_ss_radio_monsanta_se.mp3 100914_0531_1120_kmox_inc_kezk_id.mp3 100911_0500_1510_kckk_new_toth.mp3 100914_0600_1520_wwkb_new_top_of_the_hour.mp3
0510 14/9 local ids and prg into BBC
XP vs VISTA: I often pass comment about windows Vista vs windows XP. i have always failed to see the attraction with VISTA / 7. It makes every machine I have ever seen with it behave like an old slow 386. And as if for no reason other than they can, every page of operating and control of Windows has been changed. I had one of these pre loaded laptops in for a check the other day. The ones that come loaded with junk and adverts already preinstalled. The guy couldn't get AVG to run on it for some reason. After install of 8.5 free, I scanned the complete PC. 3 hours !!!!!!! 3 hours to scan through all the crap that is involved with the wonderful Vista!! AVG used to scan Windows M.E. in about 15 minutes from memory. There was only a few hundred megs of files with M.E. It was a very fast, responsive, and reliable operating system which I used for a number of years. For any applications used here it was just great. That is before hard drive capacity overtook the FAT32 limitations. So time marched onwards, and XP and all its big baby icons and balloon tips etc came along as a replacement. Again, I was reluctant to move on. I still use XP on the machines here. I have no need to move on. I have no need for the clutter etc. XP is turned back to traditional windows settings in as many places as I can find, all the crap at startup disabled, and silly XP flashing light style text decorations etc disabled. But the day I am sure will come when some piece of new kit appears that is a "must have", which will only run on Windows 7. What do I do then. Well like before. Reluctantly start with another hard drive and a Windows 7 install and see how it goes. I am so so glad the Perseus was built around an XP platform originally.
Not brilliant today here, but the band had a slight latin feel to it. A few strong signals, including WINS 1010 again alone on the channel, as opposed to CFRB mix, or CFRB dominant. SS on 1020, but I don't think that there is an ID in the clip below. I also include the clip of WINS from 0600 yesterday morning. Rebelde 670. Rebelde was also heard on 1550 weakly as well. PR on 580 and 630 were both quite at 0600, progresso 640, and WSM 650. WJNO 1290 hrd at 06. FL on 940 and 610. Ham pal in Eire, Finbar EI0CF had his beacon on air again around 501khz. Good signals here.
100910_0100_501_ei0cf_finbar_beacon.mp3 100910_0500_670_rebelde_vg.mp3
I had a quick listen to this mornings files, and they are already deleted. I used the short westerly beverage last night, but signals at 0500 were rather noisy and poor. 0600 produced a good signal of 1010 WINS alone on the channel, but that was about it.
I noticed yesterday I had the wrong QRG in the 1440 station at the top of the page. Error repaired. I have included a few recordings below, including a rare CFRB call ID. Old voice over used??.
100904_0502_530_encyclopedia.mp3 100906_0500_750_cbc_vg.mp3 (See Item Below 3/9) 100904_0534_1010_cfrb_rare_call_voice_over.mp3
I list a few logs below.
530 Radio
Encyclopedia Cuba 0501 4/9. Good IDs. There are a lot of strong signals from common stations around at 0500 - 0540 roughly, at these lattitudes. This is an obvious peak, when you listen to the next hour etc.
DX AM HD: It will soon be time to get up and do some live dxing, and try the HD signals again. Last winter I had the HD light come on regularly, and a couple of times the receiver went silent as though HD was going to kick in, but it never did.
QRP CANADIANS: For a few days I have been hearing music on 1420 instead of the usual WHK and WOC. I wondered what it was, but had forgotten about the low power Canadians of the AVR COUNTRY network. An odd name for a station, but maybe it means something locally. I managed to drag out an ID on the 1420 station yesterday, and also 1350. But David H had another QRP Canadian. CFAB 1450. Incredible as it seems, Davie being 100 yards up the road, I had a fade just as he was getting the ID. Something rings a bell about music being heard on 1450, and I wonder if I have ever ided anything here? There is no entry in my all time list, but that really goes for nothing. It has only been kept this last few years, and the older entries were from looking in some old log books etc. There is a music station, "Gold" is it, from Bermuda?? (Working from memory here) Heard this tent, but again NO ids here. When the QRP Canadians are coming through, a good freq to check might be 1410. There is one on here also, which has been a target for years.
PERSEUS YAHOO GROUP REDUCED TO A RABBLE: The Perseus Yahoo group has just turned into an unmoderated rabble of rubbish, instigated by a big mouthed American ham, and a big mouther Welsh ham. I suppose when one listens to the ham bands especially the carry on that goes on on 80m, we shouldn't be surprised. One of the guys on the 3697 net recently offered a £500 reward to trace a jammer that continually came on making animal noises etc. That is the state of the ham bands in the UK. I can recall similar dreadful loudmouths on 20m years back, when the hf band carried all night, and 20m was wide open across the Atlantic. The call there was KA4MUJ on 14313. I wonder if that mouth was ever stripped of his call. I suppose that's why I have no real interest in the ham bands. I use the call sometimes to chat to a few chaps on top band and that is that. I often wondered if there would ever be a possibility of a MW Dxers net on the ham bands, but I have never heard of anything like that. Anyway, back to the Perseus group. It was once a useful group of Perseus users. I would even say I have added some useful tips and contributions in the past. But possibly like many newsgroups these days on the web, and not just radio related boards, it has just become too big, and has attracted the unsavoury characters. I saw one useful member a few weeks ago being banned from the group for unknown reasons. Certainly I saw nothing in his entries to warrant the banning, yet the moderators have not banned the instigators of the crap that is going on now. They prefer to reply with similar sarcastic remarks that seems to add more fuel.. Odd. I posted an entry the other day to see if anyone wanted to start a new Perseus Users group, to be rid of the rubbish. Interestingly I had wrongly assumed the Perseus group was a paid group, as the ads are not in any way intrusive, unlike the ones that even float on top of the text on Skywaves. David H also had a group that you had to fight through the ads.
My recent thinking is that maybe we in the UK are being bombed by ads on YAHOO.CO.UK, but YAHOO.COM may somehow be a bid less "in your face". Just a thought. Or is it to do with activity and member list size and traffic??? I have no idea about these things. Maybe like me, the members are watching with interest.
I happened to tune past 750 at 0400 this morning, on my Perseus recordings. I saw in the secondary window, a massive signal filling the screen. So I had a closer look, and found that 747 from NL was the strongest station on the MW band. It shows you what band conditions can do. Below is a screen grab of the whole MW band. Have a close look at my locals, 1035, 810, 198. All are lower!!!! I know they do run very high power. Phew. Imagine living near this thing. I also include a screenshot from another time, when CBC was dominant and there was virtually no sign of the Cloggie. Thought:
It's a pity Radio 10 Gold or Arrow Classic Rock couldn't have got
their hands on this transmitter.
ALL TIME LIST AND AUDIO FILES: I have begun to update the listing on line of personal firsts from last season. I never thought I would ever get around to it, but I made a start. The file I am working from is all in chronological order ready to copy and paste into the list. Because of the design of the final file, I can't simply copy and paste the lot at once. Otherwise there would be no "nice" separators at each freq, so they have to be pasted one by one. The file is that horrible yellow colour because that is that season's "first" colour.
is taken from a Belfast station that used to send in a reasonable
signal here in Scotland at times, despite signals traveling over two
countries to reach here. Energy 106 is long since gone, but the great
jingle package and ads are still remembered. They used to broadcast
from the Co Monagham border area, very very close to the old KISS
1988 FM site (1008 / 103.7).
NEW STATION TODAY ON 1440 - WJJL, NIAGRA FALLS / BUFFALO: I noticed an unusual station at 0500 on 1440 today. It was also there at 0200. Assume this was on 1kw, and not the night power of 55watts.
UNID - 1430: I have another oddity today on 1430 at 0500. Just about too weak to ID, but if anyone wants to have a go, I thought it may be WMNC Morganton, NC, BUT. They are not streaming, and haven't been able to compare the toth ann with what I have received. This may be forever unid. It is certainly very weak. Sometimes I listen to the clip, and think I hear WMNC, then sometimes it sounds like something else!!! This probably sounds better on the 2nd part, which is LSB, while the first part is from AM. CNN News can also be heard. 100901_0500_1430_unid_can_it_be_wmnc_morganton.mp3
OTHER DX TODAY AND YESTERDAY: Other interesting stuff today?? Not a whole lot more, bar the slow music on 1420 through the hour at 0500. Not there 04 and gone by 0530. I forgot to check intensely for daytimers this last few nights, seeing is it is the months end. For some reason I recorded a few minutes around 0000, but I should have recorded more. There was music mixing with 1520, there seemed to be stations disappear from 1390, and 1290, etc etc. There may have been another one on 1540. Maybe other dxers remembered that last night was the last of August later sign offs, and September will reduce their airtime, if indeed there were any elusive daytimers lurking in there.
I had big signals from ESPN Montreal the other day on 990. Also here is the new TOTH for WEAV. No ann of the // 1320 now.
100828_0500_990_ckgm_montreal.mp3 100830_0500_960_weav_new_toth.mp3