LOGS / NEWS - OCTOBER 2010 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
I had a concerned e mail from a chap in the States wondering if I had found a better SDR than the Perseus. Certainly NOT!! LOL. No I am happy with the Perseus performance, and don't know if and when I can do any better. The reason I am selling an 8 week old Perseus is that I now have three. I swapped the NRD 545 for a nearly new Perseus on Sunday. Hence - Perseus for sale, still under warranty.
RADIO SWEDEN MW TRANSMITTERS OFF AIR FOREVER: Remember that Radio Sweden are closing down all SW and MW transmissions at the end of this month. I would like to catch the sign off, but I have no idea when that will be. Would also like to catch the last English broadcast. Remember that Radio Sweden was the first or amongst the first of the international broadcasters that many of us dxers of a certain age listened to. Remember the Saturday Show??? Remember they used to send out posters to dxers. I have created some copies of a decent res, so that if anyone wants to take a jpeg to a poster printers, they could have a large sized poster made from the Saturday show. The first high res image is 15 meg, second is 26 meg, and the third 9 meg.
CANADIAN TRANSMITTER ON 610 DUE OFF AIR THIS WEEKEND: I read somewhere on the web, IRCA maybe, that the CHNC transmitter of FF rock music closes by 1st November. I also thought I may have seen it listed as 1st Dec, but hey, it was listed to go off last year!! As a selfish dxer, I can only hope so. It is one of the common Canadian powerhouses here, and who knows what may lie behind their signals. The // 1150 was also due off air. Will they or won't they. I am not a betting man.
PERSONAL FIRSTS UPDATED, AND MARKED ON / OFF THE LIST: Last month I had a nice recording of WDTW DEARBORN, MI. I had logged it as a personal first, but I have now updated my all time list, see ALL LOGS menu. I discovered that I had logged the station back on 23rd January 2009. Well never mind. It is not the only station that crops up where it shouldn't in the logs I'm sure.
TRYING TO WORK OUT PERSONAL FIRSTS WITH CUBANS: Just the other day, Sunday to be exact, there were a good number of rarer Cubans etc coming through on the band. And this morning I have also heard a new one on me. Maybe two, maybe not. Sometimes I have been thinking that I have heard some outlets of Radio Reloj, or Radio Progresso, or Rebelde, and not noted them down in the all time lists. So it is probably high time that I was more careful about this kind of log.
Below are a few logs from the last days of Cubans and Latins etc, as well as US stations. The FL station on 880 was first noted by Paul C. I had heard 2 stations mixing, but never noticed the station ID first time round.
0700 27/10
I can honestly say that without the Perseus, I wouldn't have had half the personal firsts. I feel this season has been a little lacking westerly dx, but look above and see that so far I have around 15 personal firsts this month already. Some calls are rarely reported in the UK, and it is nice to see some graveyard IDs. Back in the days of single channel dxing, you were lucky to get a handful of personal firsts, and of course we were never likley to waste time recording a common station's top of the hour when it is booming. If WWKB was booming, then there must be some lower power station on another frequency. But now we can save strong loud and powerful IDs from the common stations, and check for weaker graveyarders all at the same time. I just love the wideband recording facilities. One of my projects is to migrate last years personal firsts into my all time list. I started, and failed to finish yet another job!! That is the "work in progress" dept!!!!
WICH 1310 NORWICH, CT: A personal first today for me on 1310 was WICH Norwich. It is amazing that sometimes the band seems kind of poor, and then an unusual one pops up. Very fitting I suppose, coming up to Halloween. The other stations I have IDed on Sunday's recording are 900 Radio Progresso, and 1020 Guama. Thanks for Paul C for pointing out that even though the word radio was not used, it was a strong GUAMA ID. My SS is shockingly bad, and I seem to find anything that isn't obvious to a blind man kinda difficult.
HERE'S WHY I DON'T LIKE TO MENTION MY QTH: I am a little reluctant to mention my QTH and details here on this web site. I have 500m of beverage out in the woods, as well as other wire antennas. Have a look at the recent press cutting below to see my reasons. This problem is from the next village, a mere two miles downstream from me, and in fact the end of the beverage is heading down that way!!! I just hope these characters don't discover photos of the beverages and recognise the qth..lol. Luckily the wood where my main antenna runs is very rough and steep and muddy, and has much fallen timber making the going tough. As a result it is a relatively quiet area as far as walkers goes. The local kids play in a flater area slightly higher up from the start of the antenna. But if I continually made reference to the location here, it would come up in google. So thats's why the village name is not mentioned anywhere... Thanks to Davie up the road for the cutting.
PERSEUS FOR SALE: Well today I made a horse trade and swapped my NRD 545 for a Perseus. Therefore, I have a Perseus for sale. Anyone who wants to contact me re this can reach me via the contact button top right.
WSBB, NEW SMYRNA BEACH FL / REBELDE - 1230 : One of seven stations listed for 1230 in Florida, WSBB was heard this am at 0700. And at 0701 tnx to a tip from Paul C, an unlisted Rebelde was noted. I suppose rebelde appearing all over the band is not surprising. In recent weeks it has been noted that there is more than one transmitter on 1620 as well. I also have a "something" Radio on 550 at 0702. SS. Have had quite a busy sched this weekend.... So more news and logs come the beginning of the week...
My unid
from the other day on 1340 turned out to be WMID, an 870 watt station.
Thanks to Mark in NJ for the help in IDing this personal first. Here
is my own recording. Click on the audio clip below to hear a web stream version of the id I have picked up.
IRN USA RADIO NEWS NOW ON 1520: I noticed yestarday that WWKB has been carrying IRN USA radio news instead of CNN. Unknown if a permanent change.
WKAQ PR 580: Again yesterday morning at 0700, WKAQ was absolutely hammering in. Yet today all I could hear was CFRA. I don't know why WKAQ thumps in as it does sometimes. I have a couple of recordings on here from WKAQ, and looking at the stats, seems to be a popular download for some reason. I couldn't find any link to the clip on line anywhere...??? Click
here to listen. Not quite as good as the other week. The other two recordings are below as well. One from April 2009, and the other from 25th September this season.
100925_0600_580_wqaq_amazing.mp3 090425_0500_wkaq_pr_super_strength.mp3
I had an unusual one today on 1340. I say unusual, because it is rare to have anything other than grumble on this graveyard channel. But there was a station playing old fashioned oldies, like 50's rock and roll at 0700 today. Sadly they had a singing jingle which is quite difficult, but I recon if I could trace an audio clip from someone close to the station, I should be able to ID. I was thinking WMSA. The top of the hour is something like... "Broadcasting from ???? capital of America... ??? ////,,,,.../.,,,, "then a Singing Jingle"
A couple of other logs are included below including one that catches me out sometimes, WFBL 1390. WSB on 750, and WHAS were also good yesterday, and the new 13-10 NEWS format for CIWW.
101019_0700_550_wgr_buffalo.mp3 101020_0700_1310_ciww_1310_news.mp3
OFF TOPIC (QUOTE / UNQUOTE: I was messing around last night with the camera and took the following two images. One of the moon, and the other of the moons on Jupiter. I know it's not exactly NASA style images we are dealing with, but it is a camera I have and not a telescope.
Like half the planet, I was up till about 3am the other morning watching the rescue workers bring up the 33 trapped Chilean miners. I found the international news services coverage was simply amazing. It was very very moving to see the guys come up to the surface after all the uncertainty. Why do Sky / BBC / CNN all have to wipe out a quarter of the picture with huge banners at the bottom. If they must have these flashing text banners, couldn't they simply adjust the picture so that you can see the whole scene above the clutter?? As it stands if something, eg the shaft in the miners case, is at the bottom of the shot, it is not visible due to all the clutter!! This is not a new thing either.... And while I am in a moaning mood.... I see the medical profession in Chile are as patronising as they are here in the UK with all that silly stretcher carry on. It is similar to the stupid nonsense you get in hospitals in this country when folk are not allowed to walk to the front door. They have to be taken on a silly wheelchair and then allowed to walk. Don't get me started!! But hats off to the Chilean president. I can't imagine the snotty nosed politicians from the UK standing at the head of a mine shaft all night in their old trousers. I guarantee if they were there in the first place which I doubt, they would have shown up in their sweaty suits and ties ...lol..
DXING ON THE BANDS: Nothing out of the ordinary to report from this end. PR on 580 / 630 a few times. Davie up the road alerted me to Nueva Esporto 920 am from Ven. 0400 on 13th. Personal first I think...
MW DEAD DUE TO AURORA: In the afternoon, there are still stations coming through from Ireland on the FM band, but last nights MW recordings are pretty much a dead loss. One point of interest from yesterday's entries in the "Personal First" part at the top of the page is the fact that the two stations I had on 1330 and 620, Paul C also heard. Many times in the past we experience wildly different fades. This occurance has really only been highlighted by the wideband Perseus recordings. But for a change, yesterday we had the same two rarer stations at 0700!!!
FM TROPO UPDATE: See yesterday's list for some added positive IDs from today. Some channels had two stations fading in and out. It has been a while since I have heard the FM band wide open like this. It is rather fun though, trying to find out what stations is on what frequency. I have no real interest in the legal Irish radio scene on FM, and it shows when trying to work out what is what. Many years ago, I knew all the frequencies of the pirates that used to come through during FM lifts. And of course I knew all the MW frequencies, and could easily spot a new station or a change etc.... But what confuses me today, the stations certainly have obscure names, and often seem to have two names, which seems kinda odd. I can remember similar things in the past. eg Boyneside / CRD, after an amalgamation between the two stations. Wasn't there an ID that once went - The combined broadcasts of Sonic Independent Radio and Dunlaoire Community Radio!!! What a mouthful that was. Radio Dublin, The Big D was once the ID of Radio Dublin I believe, until there WAS a split. Working from memory here, so don't quote me on that one!! But nowadays I have just logged i105-107 and some other i102-104 also. There was a station iding as Radio 7 / Q97 on 107. One of them Ided as 6FM / Q101. Then there is the ENERGY programme on Q102.9. Possibly also going out on 107FM. And then there is Sunshine 106.8 using an old name, but also id top of the hour as Country Mix. And perhaps the most unusual name I have heard. A Blast 106 from Belfast!!! Frequencies seem to also mean nothing. 103.3 has Newstalk 106-108!!! Q102 is on 102.9 in Derry. I was using the Sony HD set quite a lot for checking this FM lift. The SB920 is a better sounding set, better audio etc, but it was quite convenient using the remote to lounge around on the shack chair, tuning up and down the band. The SB920 is on a higher shelf. But I must again comment about the cheap and badly put together HD set. What is the point of having presets on a receiver if they don't hold the memories. Surely the Sony so called design engineers overlooked something here..... This reminds me of a crap model of Alba video recorder a few years ago, that could not memorise channels if the mains was disconnected. That model was basically a fancy word for crap. So if a customer disconnected at the mains, or had a power cut, it usually meant a call out to retune!!!
I had both a 40th and a 50th party to go to at the weekend and had a busy time.... But still managed to record the files. Been kinda listening on and off today, as well as listening to the FM band. Massive tropo lift to Ireland from here, giving much more unusual stations farther afield than is norm. I had some booming signals here this morning from some of the common d=stations. Sometimes I just can't help including audio clips, when signals are so strong. When I listen to powerhouse signals from pre Perseus days, I think that many of them sound pretty naff now. Because we were always stuck on the one channel at a time, you wouldn't record a booming WWKB, when other DX was coming through on other channels. Anyway here are some recordings from today here on the West of Scotland.
101011_0700_620_wtmj_milwalkee_poor_and_bad_id.mp3 101011_0700_680_crtr_booming.mp3 101011_0700_1390_wlcm_holt_lansing.mp3
THE FM BAND DURING A LIFT: Below is how the FM band sounded tonight around 2100. There were other stations around but making this type of listing becomes tedious. UPDATE: I have added a few more logs from Tuesday to the freq list. 107.9
Long boring dance dross for mentally deficient. (Well not my cup of
tea at any rate) Poss Lanarkshire, Scotland??.
UNIDS IDENTIFIED, AND TWO PERSONAL FIRSTS: The SS stuff I was about to bin yesterday, are identified tnx to DH, PC and Real DX. I honestly was sceptical about my 1550 Voz de Christianas, but they have a web site, with contact address in GA. That was heard the same night as other dxers were hearing it, all be it at 0600, so maybe power was up that day. I never had the EE id as they played through the hour. But anyway, 4 personal firsts in two days is sounding good to me!! And I still have files to check.
101007_0600_830_wtru_nc_lsb_then_usb.mp3 101006_0600_960_XEROO_unid_ss.mp3 101006_0600_1470_wlqr_toledo.mp3 101004_0302_1550_WAZX_LV_Christianas_ss_ann.mp3
Web address etc for station from Mexico on 960. "Mientras tu buscas emociones, nosotros las provocamos... La
Guadalupana... con los valores de nuestra tierra".
Address for the station on 1550 is as follows. (Topaz reports as silent, so must be reactivated) http://www.vozcristiana1550.com/index.php?option=com_ckforms&view=ckforms&id=4&Itemid=9
NEW WEB ADDRESS: I know not everyone is on the ball with their links, and that by the way includes me, but I would like to thank everyone who has changed their links on their blogs and web pages this week to accomodate the new address. Appreciated. KB.
AMUSING ENTRY ON DIGITAL SPY: I know we all begin somewhere, but the replies made it obvious that no one had searched google for "mw dxing" for example. .hi folks i have no loged for about 6 months on this site but every morning i listen from about 6am until 8am to wins 1010 new york AND also by turning the radio around a little newstalk 1010 from canada i have a sony pro80 with a gr5 amature aerial , tried last year and heard nothing, but this autumn is great also, dont't forget afn 873 kz very strong and clear most evenings, the americams stations are very strong at present , must be high pressure
I have not a whole lot to say today. The band has been OK, but seems to be having the same old same old feel to it. Davie up the street alerted me to some tones on WBBR at 0600, which was a test of the emergency alert system. Quite a good signal on that one. Also on audio below, are some Calgary stations from 4th. CHQR, and 660 News, as well as a mess on 540 when WFLA pops up very good for a moment. I have also two unid SS stations. One today at 0700, and the other on 4th at 0302.
101006_0600_960_XEROO_unid_ss.mp3 101006_0600_1130_wbbr_inc_monthly_test_of_national_emergency_network_only.mp3 101004_0302_1550_WAZX_unid_ss_ann.mp3
Other logs worthy of note. on 30th Sept, I had WDER at 2230, and WATR at 2300 both on 1320. As reported elsewhere, I have also heard the echo on Rebelde on 1620. I wonder if the weak signal we heard last year was added to by another higher power txer at another QTH?? There was also a kind of a weak top of the hour bird or whatever it's meant to be on 670 before the strong usual 670 signal came in. Not noticed that before.
MIGRATE THIS WEB SITE TO A NEW DOMAIN: Today the MW dxing web pages have been migrated to a new domain. dxarchive.com/mw This is more of a dxing domain, than the other one used previously. Let's hope this wil be on this domain for years to come. If other web site and blog owners could update their links it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks. KB
MW BAND TODAY: Some logs from today include CHQR 770, 660 News, and tonight I am hearing graveyard stuff on 1230, including a CBC news jingle at 2300. There was something on 1550 at 0302 in SS. No idea what the ID jingle was saying....