A list of common dx stations looking to move to FM include:
560 Now 103.9 KIX Country, 610 CHNC/ Frenchy, 780 CFDR/ KIX, 920 CJCH,
980 CKRU, 1070 CBA/ CBC (Closes April 7th), 1140 CBI/ CBC, 1150 CHGM/
Frenchy, 1550 CBE/ CBC. 560 KIX are already carrying the FM service,
which usually signals that the end is near!! Any more?? Many of these
are dominant on their channel, so their sign off will open the frequencies
up for further dx.
Recently gone: 550 CHLN, 630 CFCY, 950 CHER, 960 CHNS,
960 CFFX, 1320 CKEC, 1380 CKLC. I will keep this list at the top of
the next few months logs as things change. Updates welcome.
Notable logs now in bold.
31st: Added a couple of audio clips for inspection, to the Perseus
audio page. These are WATR, and WJAS hopefully. Just require a second
Last few nights have been a dead loss dx wise. Simply nothing to report.
28th 2008: Catching up on logs from most of March here. I still
have to trawl through loads of PERSEUS files yet....There have been
a few logs recently. Even some personal firsts!! This last couple of
weeks has seen some super strength signals from across the Atlantic.
A lot of very strong signals around!!!!!
TEST TONES ON 783kHz: May I take this opportunity to question
the comments recently about the so called test tones on 783. Can no
one tell the difference these days between a het and a test tone. A
tone would obviously be heard either side of the main freq, and not
only on one side of the freq only. There is a station on about 782kHz,
prob Syria according to reports, causing a het to the Euros.
March (Wednesday):
0200: 1390 WXTC (Heaven 13-90), 1500 WLQV
dominant, 1510 The Zone, 1520 WWKB, 1540 CHIN / WDCD mix, 1550 CBC,
1440 WJAE
0300: 930 WBEN, 1230 WCMC Wildwood, 1320 CJMR, 1440 WHK, 1450
0400: 1160 WYLL, 710 WOR
0500: 970 WZAN, 870 WWL, 850 WEEI, 800 CKLW, 950 CKNB
0530: WGAN 560
0600: 940 Montreal, 860 CBC F, 830 WCRN, 850 WEEI, 800 CKLW,
760 WJR, 730 CKAC, 660 WFAN, 640 CBC, 600 CBC, 590 VOCM, 620 VOCM, 580
CFRA, 560 KIX, 920 CKNX, 1020 KDKA, 1070 CBC, 1080 WTIC, 1120 KMOX,
1130 WBBR, 1140 CBC, 1170 WWVA, 1290 CJBK
Also note that Radio Moscow's / Vo Russia transmitter on 1323 at 0600,
10s before has hidden CW, just LF of the carrier.
25th March (Tuesday):
0400: Good Time Oldies 1320 stn,. WATR, id in
the mud. Need 2nd opinion but pretty sure!!, 1250 Unid ESPN sounding
like ESPN Charleston. (In fact on listening further, WEAE).
0500: Unid W station 1320 W?R?, poss WATR again, 1280
0600: 610 WIOD, 660 WFAN, 680 WRKO, 640 CBC, 600 CBC,
700 WLW, 730 CKAC, 760 WJR, 750 CBC, 850 WEEI, 890 WANG, 980 WOFX,
990 CBC, 1020 KDKA, 1050 WEPN, 1060 KYW, 1100 WTAM, 1120
Amazing splatter on channel from WBBR!!, 1130 WBBR like a local, 1170
WWVA, 1140 CBC, 1160 WSKW / espn, 1230 WHUC, 1290 WKBK
AND WHIO, 1310 WLOB, 1330 WRCA
0630: Coast 96.7 christian stuff. Poss associated with
0700: 1290 WRNI, 930 WBEN, 930 CFBC
March (Saturday):
0300: 1440 WHK, 850 WEEI, 830 WCRN, 1540 WDCD, UNID 1320 with CNN radio
news toth.
0400: 1320 WJAS tent. I have managed I think to extract
this ID from here. Will add up on line maybe tomorrow for other opinions.
0500: 1300 WOOD 0458 just before DRM began.
0600: 590 WEZE Boston. Personal first on a difficult
March (Thurs):
0300: 1430 WENE, 1550 CBC, 1540 CHIN, 1570 BOOMER, 1580 CKDO, 1370 WDEA,
1360 WDRC, 1290 WRNI, 1180 WHAM, 1140 CBC, 1080 WTIC, 1010 WINS, 890
WAMG, 880 WCBS, 1480 WSAR
0400: 560 KIX, 660 WFAN, 750 CBC, 780 CFTR, 800 FF, NO ID., 840 WHAS,
850 WEEI, 930 WBEN, 940 MONTREAL, 970 WZAN, 1010 CFRB, 1130 WBBR, 1200
CFGO, 1180 WHAM, 1310 WLOB, 1080 WTIC
0500: 1170 WWVA, 1010 CFRB, 970 WZAN, 890 WAMG, 730 CKAC, 660 WFAN,
600 CBC, 560 WGAN,
0530: 940 MONTREAL, 710 WOR, 1320 Unid with web site, todayschristianmusic.com.
Poss CJMR.
0600: 1330 WRCA, 1290 WRNI, 560 WGAN
March (Wed):
0400: WLOB 1310, WHAM 1180, WOR 710
18th March ( Tues):
0200: CHIN 1540 Exc, WHAM 1180, WBIX 1060, WWL 870
I noticed the Garnock Valley FM is on air 87.9. RSL.
17th (Mon): St Patrick's Day, and the band was more lively..
0500: WZAN 970, WEEI 850, KIX 780, WLOB 1310, WRCA 1330 inc like poss
0600: WABC 770, 990 cbc, 1070 CBC, 1080 WTIC, 1170 WWVA
0630: WEGP 1390, CJCH 920 Such a superb signal, WCRN 830 really loud
and clear signal, WWL 870, CFBC 930, WINS 1010, WTIC 1080, WBT 1110
0700: WWVA 1170, CKDO 1580, CBC 1140, CBC 1070, WEPN 1050,
980 WOFX Troy new one for me, CKNB 950, WCRN 830
A few
nights where tha band was poor, TBN and a few common East Coasters....
March: Band condx not wonderful, but managed to hear last day
of CKEC. I have yet to hear an announcement on any of these stations
to the effect that the long time MW signal will close on such and such
a date.
0400: 1390 WXTC, 1370 WDEA, 1320 East Coast FM, CKEC last day, 920 CJCH.
0600: WFBL 850, TBN 820
March :
0400: WWL 870, 1020 KDKA, 1070 CBC
0500: WCRN 830, VOWR 800
0600: WCRN 830, CINW 940, WWL 870, WTIC 1080, WBT 1110
0700: WAMG 890
10th 2008: It is almost the time of year to catch up on the
logs from the winter months, and complete the logbook. I feel I could
have written this at the head of the page last month, and have been
reasonably accurate. The band conditions this year so far have been
rather disappointing, after the earlier very good DX season in Autumn
PERSEUS RECEIVER: I am lucky enough to have grabbed
a PERSEUS SDR receiver at the right time when there was one available
in the UK. Now there seems to be a backlog, due to lack of available
off the shelf components. This I fully understand, and though frustrating
to dxers who ordered in december, I think their wait will be worth while.
Because of the Perseus files, I have a lot of files still checked only
quickly, so I may have elusive rare ids hidden waiting to be discovered.
LA LOGS: My dx neighbour, Paul C has generally much
more success hearing Latin and Cental/ FL stations than I do, even with
my due west beverage. I will make it a premier job to try and install
an antenna specially for LA, for the up and coming spring/ summer season.
I seem to recall in the 80s I had a lot of success dxing LA/ CA with
much more modest antennas. I may try and remember exactly the antennas
used then.
PERSEUS TIMER: Mattias Zwoch has developed a superb
timer. It is a little fiddly to set up, when working in the dark, like
I was, but I got the jist of it. Now I can click on a text file, to
allow the PERSEUS to record at the top of the hour in the middle of
the night. Each text file is named 0100, 0200 etc. So therefore with
a few mouse clicks, the PERSEUS will switch on and record in the middle
of the night.. Superb. This very early dx window was always one of my
drawbacks of summer MWDX. Now I have no more excuses!!
DXING ON CHEAP TRANSISTORS: I am bemused by web pages
and magazine articles that have appeared recently in connection with
dxing on cheap trannys!! I personally am forever trying to improve my
DX shack, not go in reverse. Of course dx can be heard on a tranny,
especially on the frequency allocations of your own area, eg 9khz steps
for euros, or 10khz if living in the Americas. Selectivity factors on
cheap trannys certainly make life more difficult, but split channels
are certainly not impossible. True it would be more difficult hearing
for example 1520 WWKB in Europe on a cheapo, compared to say an NRD,
or for that matter a PERSEUS.
Radio Jackie North was a Liverpool pirate which used to run relatively
low power. In the very early 1980s, I used to enjoy showing some dx
friends stations like Radio Jackie North on a tin pot tranny, by sitting
it next to a loop/ long wire combo. The loop fairly helps with the selectivity.
What I am saying is that dxing on a "junk" portable is not
a new thing. But I for one prefer to operate my real receivers thank
you. Maybe I am missing something, and should go round to the local
council tip, and have a rummage around for an old transistor...hi.
What happens with modifications and upgrades?? ? Do you modify it to
make it even worse??