LOGS / NEWS - JUNE 2014 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
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LATINS AGAIN TODAY: I had an enormous amount of carriers and weak mushy signals on the 10khz channels last night when I checked around dusk, 2230 here. Most never produced anything worthwhile, but I guess they were Latin in Origin as North America still well in Daylight.
0257 UNID snds like pp. quatre mil. ann freqs. 18/6 I
I have not had much to report in recent weeks, but an update is long over due. Alot of unid ss on the mw band today, but proper ids were like hens teeth, Capital 1470 is always a good ider. A lot of freqs had a rumble and weak stns on them but I always find the Latins difficult to id. 1270
unid 0300 11/6
HEY GUYS, THANKS FOR CARING: Had an email asking if everything was OK here. No updates since early May. The truth is I hadn't even updated the May page when there were new logs typed out, all be it very few!!. My reason was that I was seemingly not at the helms, was in fact because I was not at the helms!! (Is that how you spell helms..lol) I had become involved in a local Burns event, which took up more of my time than I would have liked. But all over. So at this time of year I hope for Latins on MW , and large sporadic e openings. It is also good on a late night to hear North American pirates around 6950 if you are lucky.