LOGS / NEWS - JANUARY 2014 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
West coast was in today, all be it very poorly. But the X band is still sounding like a graveyard channel!! Much of the rest of the band had that graveyard sound to it at certain times. NB: And I had to change every date on this page as it still read 2013.. LOL.
I think I will make a short survey in the logs of the so called X band, 1610-1710. The signals were roaring today, so I shall list what was heard. UPDATE: I became distracted listening to the files, I ran out of time to do a proper x band survey, but the band was jumping with strong signals.
WAPI Birmingham AL fair 0300 30/1 noted a few times this season.
WQFG 1710 TIS STATION HEARD: Official call, WQFG 689 was heard again today. It was noted yesterday only around the noise level. Today I managed to pick out a call. Call noted at 0103, and again after a YL was reading numbers out at 0257. Trying to piece together the weak peaks to make a full ann that some sense can be made of is not easy. Noted yesterday at 03 and 04, mixing with some of the pirates. Noted today at 01, 02, 03, 0430, 05. But at
least the signal was heard, and claimed as a log. Claimed power for this is 10 watts. It was surely working well for 10 watts!!!
MITCHIGAN DX BLOG: Another web site worth a read. I need to transfer the recent notes of web sites to my links pages one of these days. There is a good article on THE Big Q that showed up on 1710 sometimes. Not heard here though. http://midx.wordpress.com/2011/01/02/the-big-q-heard-again-on-1710-khz/
First glance the band seems quite lively and still open at 0900, 0930, and even 1000. I havent checked 1030 yet. 1300
WOOD loud and clear 0900 29/1
Former propagation beacon for mw dxers, CJYQ is off air due to a fire in the transmitter shed. I clicked on the link from VOCM news that was posted on our Skype DX chat, and gees it was a fire!!! http://www.vocm.com/newsarticle.asp?mn=2&id=42914&latest=1 CJYQ has been a shadow here in Europe of it's former self for years, although was often heard as one of the early fade in signals from NFLD, before usually being lost in the mix of CFBC and WBEN. Who knows what will happen to CJYQ now...
to report that the band has been pretty average over the weekend since
the last entry on this page. I had a few more interesting logs on
Saturday. No sign of the traffic station on 1710 Mark in the Borders
was hearing though. We are still no farther forward in identifying the station with the strange dalek sounding voice on 1390 and 1370. It was thought to be a txer operating on 1380 that was producing crud either side. Some US dxers suggested WABH Bath, but Paul C reports that the audio on his reception of 1380 today did not coincide with the sonovox voice on 1390. So the plot thickens.
TOP BAND CONTEST ON THE PERSEUS SCREEN... AMAZING: The screenshot below was from Top Band on Sat morning at 0400UTC. Talk about a busy contest!!!!
MORE AND MORE QRN TO LOOK FORWARD TO: Even here in the sticks, I have somewhat more local QRN than I had say 5 years ago. I don't really live in the sticks as such sadly. I have streets all around me. Some city slickers may think I am in the sticks, but I can think of many a better QTH in my local area that really is out in the sticks. And there is a development underway at the back of me, not to build a house for someone, but to build a street of 26!! These will overlook me, from the hillside to the south. My FM antennas in the summer will point straight at them!! Yes QRN is a subject that is sadly part of the modern day enthusiast. Unless you are lucky enough to be already in the sticks!! "Stu" pasted this long but very interesting article in our dx chat box the other day. I thought that as it has significance to all, it should be shared.
0800 25/1 Heard just before I deleted the files. Nothing else of note
seemed to be on the recording.
WKTP TN, ESPN for the Tri Cities 0700 24/1 (Full ID heard. NB - ESPN
only has many possibilities) Call heard best in LSB.
WTSN Dover 0800 23/1 =============================================== 1390 - FIRST CONTACT?? 1390
But NOT local, as Paul C noting it as well...., and Stu in London. So if it is on 1390ish and 1370ish, then the chances of it being a transmitter acting up on 1380 are pretty high. But who?? I have no trace earlier than the 0800 recording. Not even 0730. I don't have 0830, but there was a weak trace around 0900, not noticed initially. It is well underway at 0756 when my top of the hour recording starts. But what a strange way for a transmitter to sound.... A Perseus screen shot is given below. I tried reversing and inverting the sound, but I couldn't come up with anything near intelligable! 1380 is pretty poor here at that time, although someone is noted with tk at 0800. PS: Let it be known that if this is "FIRST CONTACT" I heard it first..LOL... I asked around if anyone had this signal in their 0800 files, but response so far has been nil on real dx and IRCA groups. (I thought that signal would have been widely heard, whatever it was. Jari commented that it sounded like Quoran reading. I wonder if the ethnic txer in the UK on 1377 was acting up??? It does
in fact sound as though could be a transmitter that is fed from a
web stream that has got corrupted, and went erratic. But a very interesting
signal never the less. I like a mystery that can not immediately be
ALIEN MESSAGE ON ITN NEWS IN 1977: The sound on 1390 today was so much like the famous hoax in the South of England in 1977, which was broadcast as a message from an alleged alien race, on top of ITN news!! This was obviously nothing other than a prankster. A bloody good prankster I must stress, who had quite some technical abilities. A good old fashioned transmitter hijacking of sorts. Actually I think the "alien" signal was simply competing with the local tv transmitter, rather than sitting close to the feedpoint of a relay transmitter and getting a perfect signal through the relay. (The old way to achieve a real hi jacking!!) But one thing's for sure. Someone somewhere was technically compitent anyway, and hats off to them!! And whoever posted the video originally around the web, having a video recorder in 1977 when they were mucho £$$££$£ was quite something, but to be recording the ITN news at that time, obviously it was someone in the know..LOL.. Come on now, its been 37 years... tell us more!!! I don't think there were any reports of people throwing themselves out windows etc on the South Coast in 1977 ..lol.. I think this has been mentioned before on this blog. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQNQEzsekHw ===============================================
CW ON 1470 - WAZN WATERTOWN, MA: Keep a look out for CW on 1470 during night hours. Paul C noted this yesterday. Nothing here though. Noted on the Perseus in CW mode, on 1469. ie a 1khz tone used. Nice log OM!! All I hear in high pitched musical notes now and again. I wonder what hours they broadcast this cw, and if it is always bang on the top of the hour (toth).
=============================================== WJDI 1620 - US PIRATE FROM 1989 / 1996 ETC: An entry on the IRCA list drew my attention the other day.. WJDI had the name of being a powerhouse MW pirate station. Someone on the IRCA list had managed to obtain a QSL card some 25 years later, from a broadcast heard in 1989!! A mention was made of Christmas 1996, when a MW broadcast was to be made with 15kw!! Would, conditions being favourable, be easily possible here in Europe. In December 1996 KIWI from New Zealand was getting into Europe on 41m, and Radio Metalica Worldwide SW was also putting in some very powerful signals from North America on 6955 at nights. This was another station rumoured to be using rather high power. I have nothing logged that year, but there was a tent log of "something" on 24/12/97 at 2155UTC on 1640.9 playing let it snow and walking in a winter wonderland, that sounded more American than Euro. I never managed to get to the bottom of this one. I am currently gainfully employed in a search for the tape!! Not on my ID tapes sadly, and nothing found yet. And oh for a Perseus in 1997. I log only one log in the morning of 25th Dec, AM 1140 from Canada. I was probably expected elsewhere.... I seem to recall being mad because I wan't at home much during this particular holiday period. ===============================================
SO CALLED CHRISTIAN MUSIC: This is the short article that was started as a note the other day to remind me. and I forgot!! Forgot to finish it that is. Has anyone ever noticed that the bible bashers are playing a crafty one these days. I hear it on AM radio from the States, and it is a big turn off for me on Radio Star and Radio North here in Europe. I speak of modern day christian music that is dressed up to suit the situation. Instead of sounding like a traditional hymn we used to get at school, they dress up their songs to even sound like Bon Jovi, to try and attract rock enthusiatsts for example. In the case of Radio North and Star, they play country sounding music, but the lyrics are really beefed up hymns. I also hate finding myself tuned to a receiver that plays this type of music if I am thinking am listening to Fiddlin' Tom for example on Radio North with the weekly country music show. I'd sooner turn off. Of course, the slots of hard core religion are what keeps bread on the table of many of the radio stations worldwide, including Radio North, Star and of course Radio Caroline when it was at sea. Perhaps
they will make more money this way, by attracting heithens like myself.
Who knows. So long as they keep away from my door, scrounging for
money and trying to brainwash me into signing up for whatever amount
of £££££.... lol..
My focus today was on the strong SS stations on 1350 at 0600 and 0700. Some dxers report Radio BBN Panama, Radio Ondas De La Montana Columbia, and a Cuban. I have yet to find an ID in any of the SS today!! There was some hint of SS music noted on 1130, 1390, and tk on 1430 at one stage. But things were very scarce as far as IDs are concerned. I had a mention of Montana and also a mention of Caracol in my 0600 recording.
Emm Atlantico Columbia 0600 21/1
CFMB 1280 HEARD ALL NIGHT LATELY: CFMB in Montreal is being heard all night. It has been noted for some time now nightly. They were in the habit of using a much tighter antenna pattern at night, and anyone here in Europe that has heard them change, it is like them going off abruptly. It is uncertain if they have a problem with the night antenna or just failed to switch over, or even are licenced to run all night now. 50kw day and night anyway with both antennas.
KZQZ 1430 St LOUIS, MO: This 50kw / 5kw station was heard overnight. I wonder if they were on day power?? I first noted them at 0400, but they were also heard 03. 02 and traces at other times. The singing jingles they use were not too clear if you don't know what you are looking for, but I recorded a few clips from the web, included here.. The two jingles at 0400 as well as the toth at 0200 are included in the web clip. The 2008 clip was obviously the all new Crazy Q, initially thought of as KCQ.
I heard this station back in 2008, identified by an American dxer I believe. ../downloads/mw_dxing/081124_0930_1430_all_new_kcq.mp3
CONFIRMED: WESTERN SCOTLAND BEACHES ARE THE SHITHOLE OF EUROPE: How would you like to walk your dog around a rubbish tip???? That's what the folks in the west of Scotland have to do. I was walking along the west coast shores on Sunday, and what a filthy disgusting place it is. Take a look at the photos below, and judge for yourself. No clean up effort by the local authorities can be seen, since my visit to the scene of the high tide some three weeks ago. What does this tell us about the local authorities, and the question of "where does our tax money go?" I can't believe that I dumped an ice cream tub and Irn Bru bottle in a bin, rather than just launch them onto the shite heap with the rest of it. But I just couldn't bring myself to do this. Littler is such a personal obsession, that I have mountains of photos of litter around the countrysides. Not helped by sick local authorities that make even taking rubbish to the tip an ordeal. Our local one is a joke. You have to sign in if you have a trailer or van!!! Who do these clowns think they are?? Yahoo or something??? So there is the reason for the countrysides being littered. But what of the beaches? Well this is obviously a diffferent story. What a disgrace to a nation that is trying to gain it's independence. What an embarrasment to any native walking the shores with foreign visitors. 2014 is supposed to be another homecoming year, for Scots abroad to return home for a visit. (I can'trecall the reason this time, I don't think it is Burns related) Why would anyone want to visit this mess? I visited Germany a few years ago and was impressed by Dusseldorf in the fact that the place seems such a clean city from the outside. I have often heard it said about much of continental Europe. Looking at the west coast of Scotland however is another matter. Apologies for the images below. They are only phone photos, so detail is a little scratchy.
DELETING A FEW HUNDRED GIG: I have finally got around to checking some files from December that have remained unchecked. Pretty uninspiring I have to say, so they get a quick check. A few IDs of note are listed. 950 WWJ
Detroit 0900 22/12/13
I noticed today at 0900 a silent carrier on 1320 from CJMR, the dominant station on the channel here in Europe. (Since CKEC closed). Audio was back by 0905. Audio was also working fine at 0800 though WILS Lancing, the most common secondary station on the channel was coming through as well. Other stations do come in from time to time. AB recently received a couple of rarities, when I had pretty average conditions. So it is always good to add to my own personal firsts. This is yet another benefit of wideband recordings. I can't imagine what the odds against noticing the carrier only at the top of the hour with a single channel receiver.
WWKB 1520 OFF AIR: WWKB seems to be off air today on the recordings at 0300 - 0900. There wasn't much in the way of other dx. Libertad Columbia, and KOKC. It was also off air at 0500 yesterday but only Columbian, LIBERTAD was coming through.
ann 106.4 FM 0600 17/1
RADIO RAG - UK LBP: I was reading on the web about a mw pirate that used to come on the air from the Manchester area in years gone by. Radio Rag was heard a few times here, including 1979 as well as 1985. (Was this the last known broadcast??) There was a great web site publicised. A clip is given from night time MW from 1985 on 1332, when Hereward Radio still went off air, though the IBA tones are heard. (This was to prevent piracy, which I have in writing from the IBA at the time, when complaining about the 1khz tones that used to jam the mw)
http://www.duncanwheelhouse.com/radiorag/index.html ===============================================
A FEW OTHER WEB LINKS: I keep on saving links and never putting them on my links page. It is a time thing, rather than a lack of interest thing. I shall have to initially check them all, but here are a few. Trouble is, many web links are linked to 5 minuite wonder sites that often vanish overnight, never to be seen again.
http://www.odxa.on.ca/ (ONTARIO DX CLUB) http://www.techspot.com/guides/tips-tricks/ http://www.apul64.dsl.pipex.com/enigma2000/ http://www.radiostarcountry.com/ http://www.numbersoddities.nl/
I was struggling yesterday to find an ID on a station on 1280 that Paul C had heard from Texas. I had a non EE stn, quite loud, that I initially thought to be SS. As I listened later to the recordings again, it became clear I was listening not to an SS station, but to CFMB, an ethnic broadcaster from Montreal pres on it's daytime antenna pattern. 1280 has been quite a "hot" freq worth watching this winter, if you can call any freq hot this year!! But after a while and referring to TOPAZ, I began to realise I had mis read Paul's original report as 1280, when in fact it was KFLC 1270!! So I began to listen for the station - the beauty of the Perseus SDR allowing playback of the files. And yes, there it was at 0800 yesterday, playing SS music, and having a very annoying fade at the top of the hour. But the same mx was heard from Paul's ID. Not a log though. So I tried from the previous day when the unusual TN stn was coming through on 1590, and there it was at 0800, as well as 0700. My recording below features first Paul's rec (to hear what to listen for), followed by two separate recordings of my own from 0800 on 14th at different settings on the Perseus, followed by 0700 on 14th where the call is better. And at the end a clip of music that was heard up to 0800 on 14th. I would probably never have been able to make head nor tail of this if it hadn't been for Paul's recording.
I noted a new one today at 0800, WKTP. It was odd that the first time I listened I only picked up on the 97.7FM part. I tried again and there was a full blown ID, in the clear. Update:
Ah it was 0700 that there was a partial ID, but at 0800 the signal
was quite good.
CAMERA WARNINGS IN THE MOORS OF SCOTLAND: LOL, This is funny. I walk these wild lands, especially in the good weather. I have meant to include these images in a while on this blog, merely from a technical point of view. I don't advertise this wireless / geeky techy blog as anything close to local interest, but every now and again I include a little ditty that has come my way. There are moorlands locally, networked with paths these days. Around the place are signs re video cameras to protect rare moorland bird species that inhabit the area. I came across one of the cameras. A stick on a pole!!!! LOL.. Not even the dumbest egg thief would be fooled by this I don't think!!! The initial warning signs are dotted around the place. Look at the camera though. A stick on a post!!!! And take a closer look. The antenna is like an Indian's wooden arrow!!!
I haven't anything worthy of note to report here. A quick listen to the files today, shows only really common stuff. Paul C, my dx neighbour reports that he had Brazil on 1600 at 0200. I had ee from WAAM. Not much else of note.
It was a better morning here for signals, and some less usual stations heard last night at 2300. Strong SS, suspected VA stn Radio Unida, on 920, as well as Syracuse sports stn on 1260, though during first play I am sure I also heard an ESPN id in the mess. Rechecking needed. A strange thing at 0000. No stations heard. Just Euros. Yet 2300 and 0100 and every other hour was perfectly normal. Was the antenna briefly disconnected, or was there a glitch in the Perseus software??? Who knows. Euros slightly down in signal levels that makes me think one of the temp joins was not 100% from the other day, yet every other hour was fine!! odd one. Update - Temp connections on main antenna soldered and greased and made permanent. I will begin to list the logs of the last days just shortly, as there is a back up of recordings that need listened to. ===============================================
MW DX LOGS: 920 Pres
WURA Arlington / DC market 2300 6/1 SS Strong, pres still day power.
703 tel ad ===============================================
AND DAE YE KEN THIS YIN.." DAH - DAH - DI - DAH - DAH - DI - DAH - DAHHH" ? I had a great conversation in the pub the other night. I have known the fellow concerned for a few years now. He plays keyboards in a couple of my favourite rock cover bands. We were standing at the bar having a pint, when the YL struck up a casual conversation about day jobs. The conversation started with TV repairs, and radio transmitters, and dxing was mentioned. Dxing?? Now a lot of folk knew about CB radio dxing back in the day. But no. I was enlightened about good old interval signals!! You know about Interval signals I ask? The green web site of Dave Kenrick was mentioned. That casual conversation developed to the extent that at the break we were chanting interval signals!!!! A few were even played on the keyboards!! It must have looked strange to hear one grown man chanting the Radio RSA interval signal, and at the right moment, the other grown man whistling the wee bird that is between the bars of music...LOL... Never have I met up with any local broadcast dx enthusiasts. I don't think even fellow local dxer Davie H was ever a fan of the international broadcasters, or their interval signals. As a schoolboy, I used to go on about SW to a few of my class mates. A few of them (maybe 2) used to come in of a morning and discuss some of the common powerhouses that they had heard on their radio cassettes or whatever radio had sw on it. None of them collected QSL cards though, to my knowledge. I had discovered the SW bands in about 1973, when I used to tune around on a domestic radio gram. But my own proper dxing history in a few brief lines stems from 1977, when I began to write down loggings. (That's when I class myself as starting dxing properly) An enthusiast at the time who lived in the next valley called Electric Wullie educated me as a 14 year old about QSL collecting, and gave me his old 1976 WRTH, which I still have. Electric Wullie was so called because he was an electrician I hasten to add!!! Wullie went on to become more interested in the ham radio side of things. Unlike myself, who stayed with the broadcast dxing. Incidentally, I have been meaning to get my own recordings of interval signals and QSLs from International Broadcasters up on line for a long time, so I hope to find a little spare time soon to get back to work on the dx archive site, and maybe a little inspiration was gathered from chanting interval signals down the pub!!. I have recently been copying all my old ID tapes to MP3, and have found some other gems amongst the old recordings. ===============================================
THE 10 YEAR FLOOD: The flood just before the New Year here in Scotland was like the 10 year flood. It was of a level not seen since about 2000 or 2001, but no records were broken at this qth despite the high water level. I had meant to add a few photos here of the flood, but this update may find it's way on line before I dig out the photos. But the big stane is away, or moved, that I used to look at the river levels. It seems it appeared in the 1966 flood!! And has been moved in the Decembert 2013 flood!! Levels have not fallen low enough to check out what has changed yet. It may be like another big stane upstream a little, that has become buried with rocks. You can see the little summer house that normally sits way above the water level was turned into an island very briefly thankfully. I was ready for moving stuff out of it, just incase.
ARE BEACHES IN WESTERN SCOTLAND THE SHITHOLE OF EUROPE?? Gees, I had a walk along our beach just the other day, and a subject close to my heart could not fail to be seen. On the beach I was on, I saw tons and tons of plastic bottles and rubbish, washed up. I must admit I was on the lookout for something old perhaps. Something that had come across the Atlantic maybe. Something that had washed up out a wreck. Something however that could no doubt also be classified as litter. But maybe an old glass bottle from the 1800's, a stone jar, or .. just something. But NO. All I saw was modern day plastic waste. The beach was like a rubbish tip. Now I know that the people in Scotland are not the cleanest. In fact there are so many black bastards around that litter our countyside, I have a large collection of "littering" photos. I have published a few on this blog from time to time. But what I saw on the beech is a shocker. This to me really highlights a bigger picture problem!! What have we as a race done to our shores and seas. I doubt if we will ever have any council backed clean up campaign. So what of all this crap?? Will it just be left to be washed back out to sea?? Where does it come from? Did it all come from the sea, or was it on the beach anyway?? I see no reason why there can't be work teams from the local nick out doing this kind of clean up work. If I happened to be stuck in one of those places, I surely would prefer to be out in the fresh air doing some form of work duty. I don't think I would be so proud to go a walk along our Scottish beaches with any visiting tourists....
It was a bit of luck, but water levels dropped by about 6 feet or so overnight, see last entry of 2013, which allowed me to make repairs to the antenna cable I had to cut.