LOGS / NEWS - JANUARY 2013 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
25th JANUARY - ANNIVERSARY: No, it isn't the Burns day celebrations I am talking about. It is the ann of 25/1/09, the great day in dxing. It is great to have Perseus files of years gone by nowadays. Nothing noted worthwhile today so far, bar Chicago on 1390 at 0802.
See top of this page for audio clips of the above two stations. The original links were not working, due to typo. (using caps by mistake for link) Tnx Alf for pointing this out. All repaired. The link plays on local PC, so problem only shows when playing files from the web!
At 0800, I had 1590 XEVOZ again, with a good id. Or just after 08 to be more precise. 0758 shows Mwxican with full id on 1650. I have still to check the files a bit closer.
I am not a movie buff. Well not really. I am more a geeky wirelessy, scanning old archives, recording old tapes to mp3 type of a chap. OK I do like an old movie all the same. A good old black and white war movie. Old Bazil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes, or even Bazil Fawlty, The Virginian, or Alias Smith and Jones!! I am not a modern day silly clapping show fan, like all the weekend stuff everyone seems to watch nowadays, with titles like stars in your eyes or x factor. To me, these all seem to be the same anyway... And I don't really dig what silly shows like Big Brother are even supposed to be about.... lol.. But I digress as always. . So please forgive me if I am commenting on something that never really caught my imagination before now. I was visiting a friend on Sunday night, who has just bought a new TV, which had 3D capability. It was not important, as he had nothing to watch 3D on until his DVD player packed in, so he bought a Blue Ray 3D player. I only saw a demo in a store last year. PC world or Dixons or whatever it was. Yes I was impressed by the technology. Yes some guys foot came right out the screen at me!! The specs are clearer than the bright red and bright green ones you used to have to wear for the 3D movies or comics or pictures of MARS!! But I never gave it much more thought!! 3D movies are not a new concept. So when one of my drinking buddies asks if I wanna have a look at his 3D, I obviously say "Aye OK, I'll be roon the noo." Right away the four of us sat in the living room were sitting like the time over 40 years ago, when I saw my first colour television. My old man took my mother and I to his workshop when I was only.... say about six years old I guess, to show us a colour television. It was remarkably like that time, watching the 3D on Sunday. No development in television has been as memorable since the introduction of BBC2 colour!! You wouldn't have had the level of concentration watching some kids animation in 3D for Nicam Stereo, or for digital as opposed to analogue, or flat screen (FST), or wide screen. Possibly there would have been some excitement around the introduction of the VCR, and "being able to record aff the telly". But I can still remember seeing vivid greens like country side scenes on BBC2 that night back in 1969 or whenever it was. It was not programme content we were there to see. It was the colour telly. It was the same on Sunday night. We had no interest in the content. There were four adults were sat around a screen glued to the snowflakes blowing out the screen, trains coming out the screen etc. It was quite amazing!! Programme content was unimportant. It was the 3D effect and depth that was important, and hypnotic. Only what was coming out the screen at you!! Amazing. But I am still not a movie convert or anything like it. Now a good wildlife documentary may just be more up my street in 3D. But I enjoyed the experience. As a footnote, I also remember having a colour tv in the house at one stage, and a wee lassie up the street going home from school, had a double take and reversed past the window and walked past again, to peek in the window. Only thing was that we saw her looking in ..lol
KIERAN MURRAY'S SITE CLOSING: Who is Keiran Murray I hear the MW dxers ask. For MW fans from a certain era, that name is very familiar. Keiran also presented a show on powerful SW station out of the Drogheda area in the 80's, Radio Rainbow International. Kieran also was an early knowledge base for early pirate radio activity in Ireland. The long established site of Irish radio veteran, Kieran Murray is to close. A large banner on the home page tells us that it closes in September 2013. There is no reason given.
MW LOGS FROM THE LAST WEEKS : There were lots of scattered logs here on the January page that I thought I might chuck into one log book here. So all of January's logs are now added to this ever expanding list. Remember stations I see as common place, are omitted, unless there is something unusual about the log. Below is a try at spacing throughout the logs, as on line, we don't need to worry about space or saving paper ..lol. Frequencies that sounded like they had something unusual on them, that couldn't be identified, included 1430, 1330.
Rebelde mix with pres Encyclopedia 4/1 0759 650 CKOM
SK 0800 10/1 970 unid
country music. Louisiana Sat Nite. 0500 8/1 toth too mushy 1250
WSSP Good id 0804 10/1 1390
WRIG inc ann FM W230BU 93.9 1000 11/1 1680
WPRR good ids.0800 12/1
MW ON LAST WEEKS FILES: Lots of listening still to do on files from xmas until last week. A few I would like deleted out the way, some I shall keep in the archives. More logs from last week are below. Further logs will be added..
AMAZING CANADIAN WEATHER FORECASTS: On the dx chat on Skype yesterday, the subject of the cold came up. -25 was suggested as being chilly. But I knew I had heard more than one of these amazing Canadian forecasts. The best I can do for now is this one on the VOCM network, although I am sure I could find others given half the chance. Early -40's rings a bell, but which station I wonder?? 041227_0236_620_vocm_amazing_cold_forecast.mp3
WDXC QSL CARDS: Last month we mentioned all the closures at year end, including the World DX Club. I have a couple of QSL cards from the club. I thought I would share.
Logs have been poor today and yesterday, and files deleted very quickly. But I have been thinking what the "hot" frequencies have been this season. For a start, 1590 and 1290 seems hot. A few years ago during the good dx, 920 and 1380 were HOT.. The following below is a "study" of 1590 in the last few days of last weeks dx season!! The checks were done on the Perseus files, at the top of the hours. Remember, because the stations listed popped up at exactly the top of the hour, who knows what was heard before and after. Also of course, good signals can occur seconds after the toth is mush!! (toth = top of the hour) As your see, there were a few stations heard. WARV
RI, The two common ones in these parts, WARV RI, and WAKR OH. Seemingly we also have a new common one, WGBW Denmark / Greenbay, WI. We also hear WCGO Evanstown / Chicago and WHGT MD (Daytimer). It seems odd that when 1593 jammer was closed a few years ago for a number of weeks, the stns that were heard then eg KVGB Great Bend KS, and WVNA AL have not been heard since the freq was finally cleared of the DRM jamming. I should make a similar list of 1290, both very busy channels. 1290 perhaps more so? A few logs of 1590, with what is heard on the freq:
WHGT 09/01/13 0000
WAKR 2200
?? WARV + unid sports 11/01/13 0000
Too weak and mushy
12/01/13 0000
WAKR gong thru growl 13/01/13 0000
I mentioned last month about the clearout here in the messy shack. Below is a photo of some tin boxes, before they went to the recycler!! And that was nowhere near them all!!
Logs below under last Thursdays date. NB ALL LOGS FROM JANUARY NOW ABOVE Today and yesterday was a no go, and files already deleted. The good conditions have blown themselves out. A welcome bit of space as I have been bogged down for some time with the files. NB: Also working thru the typos, as some of this was typed in a hurry!!!! Tnx AB again for pointing out the deliberate mistakes!!!
If anyone
has heard the above call in the mush on 1400, and wondered what it
was, it was CBC Radio NFLD. I heard them ann programmes from this
source on 12/1 at 0500. WIRL 1290 : WIRL has been a target here for many years. Not because of the distance, or because of low power or anything, but very childishly, because I like the logo. It is a very similar logo to what Radio Nova Dublin used in the early 1980's. I guess Cary (Nova owner) must have seen the star style logos in the States way back. WIRL still use the same logo on their web page today. So imagine
my surprise when WIRL popped in on 10th Jan at 0600 on 1290. I think
it is a pers 1st, although something rings a bell about a poor id
heard in the past. I need to look back my poorly kept logs....
Yet another superb day with unusual dx coming through. i don't know really how long it's gonna take to get thru the files. My time has not been my own recently, but I have found some superb dx in the last days, and still it goes on!! I am used to conditions like this blowing themselves out after an exceptional day, but so far I have still kept filling hard drives. Some stations are personal firsts. For now I will continue to add logs to the list below, under Thursday 11th. NB
Another interesting day. Logs incorporated in the list below!!! NB
Another excellent morning and night. I have not quite proccessed the files as yet. But a couple of new ones, and some old favourites popping in, like KOMO etc.
An excellent morning by the looks of things, but no sign of a really late opening, like 25th Jan 2009 for example. But hey, who can grumble about west coast Mexico, and XEPE 1700 etc!! At good levels I hasten to add. Last night I was using a duff old 230 gig drive, which I tested before bed time. It worked flawlessly. But some files are a little stuttery this morning. All so far are playable, even if they have to be copied on to another free drive. I think the drive will be best used as a secondary back up of sorts, for items that don't require heavy use!! I have
incorporated the logs from the other day, into today's as well, and
will probably use the same list tomorrow, assuming the band is as
good as it's been.
I begin this new year of dxing by wishing everyone a very happy 2013, and may you have good dxing for the season. I have not really been able to call anything my own time in the last week and a bit, but thankfully the silly season is over and we can return to a little more normality. I have a lot more files to listen through, and hopefully extract the good dx!! I wish..lol
PIRATE BAD BOY FROM 1934: I came across an article in a vintage radio magazine which I shall be reproducing in full, but for the moment, I have reproduced this article only, from 1934 about a pirate station being raided!!! There are old movie footages in relation to this if you search the web.
MW DXING: Logs incorporated in the list above, for the 9th.
This last week, I have heard CBS news regularly on the freq of 1350, which never really matched up to any of the sports programmes. Now thanks to the keen ears of SNJMWDX, the station is KRNT. This was a station heard before, KRNT, DES MOINES!! I have heard this one before, but forgot about the distinctive toth jingle. |