LOGS / NEWS - JANUARY 2011 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
Well the Perseus board has been buzzing since the weekend about the new release of the Perseus software. What is it all about? Well the much anticipated www button has finally came to being. And it is far more interesting and "cool" than had ever dared imagine!!!! What is the www button?? Well initially I was under the impression that it was primarily to allow dxers who live in the city, to site their Perseus at their friends farm, or at their holiday home etc. Since I had no holiday home, and am able to run long antennas through the woods at the back of me, I had no real interest. BUT....BUT.... When the software was released, mayhem occurred on the Perseus Yahoo board. At that stage I had a go at the software and checked it did all the MW dxing stuff OK, and made sure there were no new navigation buttons to navigate through recorded files. There wasn't. Same as vs 3.01b then??? Not quite.... So after the weekend was all over, and I began reading the Perseus reporters about listening to other guys receivers, I thought I would give it a try. No easy task as it turned out, but only for the reason that the Perseus sits beside my main PC which is never on line. To lead a longer USB cable over to the web PC might have been a 5 minute job I had wrongly assumed. Ha!!! Wrong again. I had a USB extension cable, which worked perfectly OK with the Perseus. But it was not long enough to go to the other PC, only a few feet across the shack. No problem. It was a short distance, so I whacked the lead I had, and joined up the 5 wires (4 and screen) with old phone cable I had lying around. No results. Odd I thought. Its cheap crap thin wire in the USB lead itself, so I thought I'd try thick twin and earth mains wire. No results again!!! I have read the USB cable lengths etc on line, but in all honesty I never expected the results I achieved. I resoldered the original lead back together and it worked perfect. So after this marathon, I am now tripping over a cable on a temporary basis to plug the Perseus into the web PC. ANYWAY. After that, I tried to connect to some of the remote receivers that were up and running, which I did so with surprising ease. WAH I thought. This HAS the potential of being a superb DX tool. Imagine hearing a station ID in a weak signal condition and you want to compare to the web stream. Too often you can't stream North American MW stations. The stupid copyright screen about listening outside the States comes up with many stations. So like using remote tuners to check ID's, you can now have the additional use of a worldwide network of Perseus receivers. Yes. That certainly is a benefit!! Lucky for me, I never had to alter anything on the modem etc. Everything went pretty much to plan!! I use ZONE ALARM as a firewall, which has a box ticked about hiding my ip when appropriate. That seemed to cause problems when other dxers tried to access my receiver. When I unticked that box, dxers seemed to be able to log into my receiver immediately. This release is a 100% freebie. At the last minute Nico announced that this release was a free update, and not the planned pay for plug in type release. I think NICO has made a good choice for himself here. Now he has no hassle of dxers that can't get the system to work, demanding money back and being irate. Now being a freebie, it is either take it or leave it!! Clever thinking I feel from Microtelecom. So there you go. I change from thinking "I have no real use for this www button", to thinking "wah, what a powerful dx tool!!!" All within a couple of hours!!! Well done to NICO for all the hard coding work to make this available at the click of a button. But of course I have already heard and seen the negativity from a few dxers. Surprisingly I may add, as it's not difficult to see where benefits are. A bit like the guys that think Perseus users are cheating or have an unfair advantage over them in the first place. In fact we are simply taking advantage of technology to assist in the mw dxing hobby.
PERSEUS SERVER NOT UPDATED YET: I had an anxious e mail from a dx friend who was concerned about a link to the new software he had, but it was not seen on the Microtelecom site. I think the yahoo group speaks for itself to say that it is 100% "safe". You don't need a crash helmet and yellow jacket on to download it. And you don't need pretty pictures on a sales site to try the latest release. I don't mind time being devoted to ironing out problems as opposed to updating sites. There are plenty on text files to read within the zip file anyway, as always.
USING MY PERSEUS AS A SERVER - E MAIL ME AND SAY HELLO: At the moment there is no chat box attached to the software, and thus no way of communicating with the dxer running the "server", or the client on the server. There is also no way to see (or hear for that matter) what the dxer tuning your server is doing, what frequency and mode he is using etc. That would be a welcome addition although it may not be possible??? So if anyone is using my server, send me an e mail sometime with what you were listening to etc. Use the address on the contact button on this site if possible. The yahoo address is only for joining groups... If I am sharing the Perseus at any time, the chances are I will be on a 500m beverage, along with an RPA1 Preamp, and hence signal levels are high. That's why the Perseus 10dB att is usually on, otherwise I may have clipping... The antenna is terminated at the far end, and has about 200m of coax running to meet the aerial itself. REMEMBER: Perseus sharing is a privilege, not a service. With the poor bandwidth here in the country areas of Scotland, I can not guarantee that if I happen to be downloading a file, or checking e mails, that it will not make the stream from my server stuttery, or even cut it off. I don't have city speed broadband here. But it seems to be adequate. I also may wish to take control of the receiver myself and use it especially at the top of the hour if TADX is coming in. If I disconnect anyone coming up to a top of the hour, that will most likely be the reason why. So in short, let me know how things are working etc, and if you experience any lock ups, stutters etc.... Other problems might be if AVG for example is updating. That slows the machine a bit when the updates are happening. Or I may be uploading files to this very web site!!!
PERSEUS YAHOO GROUPS: I have seen complaints of too many e mails coming into the inbox because of the upsurge of interest in the remote Perseus network. I personally wouldn't dream of accepting e mails from these groups. I am happy reading on line. I get enough in the inbox without adding to that unnecessary clutter. The options are easily found in Yahoo.
MW DX QUITE GOOD AT 0800 TUESDAY 25th JAN: The band was more than good to us at 0800 yesterday. There were some really strong signals around from common stations like KMOX 1120, WBBM 780, as well as regulars, but less common stations like 820 WBAP, 670 The Score WSCR, and WSAU 550. Country music was mixing with 570 news, which turned out to be more likely CFCB, which ided at 0835. This is rather than the desired CKSW!! Davie H up the street reported a good signal from less common WDCD on 1450 0300 on 24th. (It certainly was). Also reasonable was KMA 960. The unids at 0800 - a FOX news station weak below WBEN (930 with CBS news). There was also a station on 580, not the usual CFRA. This carried ABC News. No matter what I did, I just couldn't pull the ID from the rec. The only one I have heard there with ABC news is Traverse City stn WTCM, heard pelting in one morning only. See rec below..
110117_0800_960_weav_new_toth.mp3 110125_0800_1120_kmox_booming.mp3 100226_0700_580_wtcm_traverse_city_vg.mp3 (1,208k) 100226_0700_580_wtcm_traverse_city_id_only.mp3
This morning had some strong signals, although not found anything too out of the ordinary yet. But what a signal on XERF on 1570, the old Mexican border blaster. The common station here is the Frenchie in Canada, but XERF were so dominant, I have made two files. There is a long 5m or so file, and a shorter file a couple of minutes long with the ids, and the start of the other programme that could be the cause of unids in the future, or dread to think, wrong ids.
not had a lot to boast about here in the last week. Had a particularly
massive WWKB signal at 0800 today,
BEING VAGUE ABOUT LOGS OF COMMON STATIONS: Incidentally, being vague about the KJR logs here is simply because I don't keep much of a log. Only if a common station is booming or a rare station is coming through, do I make any form of notes. As I type this I can't even find the log book in the shack. It is buried below a load of old publications that I am currently scanning. OK, found it and the last entry is last Friday when the WZON 620 was coming through. I heard the CW that Paul C heard the other morning on 1500, but even that never made it to the log book. There is however a sound recording dubbed off.
WTNI BILOXI: I was searching for the current TOTH id from WTNI on 1640. As you can hear, typical of many of these American stations, they don't like to have their station name loud and proud. How they ever sell airtime I don't know. Listen to the ID of WTNI being mumbled.
There are loads of audio clips that have been used this season on line here, that I have to include on the AUDIO CLIPS page. TIME TIME TIME.....
MONTAGE OF STRONG SIGNALS FROM YESTERDAY: As I often do on these pages, if there are a lot of strong signals around, I will make up a montage of some of the booming signals that come in at various times. Here is yesterdays. A 3770k file, but there are some great signals from the common stations. Click
here for montage of 13th Jan 2011 I also have a recording of KCKK on 6th. I think dx neighbour Paul C received them like this at the top of the hour. As I have reported here many times, we all seem to be on different fades, highlighted by the Perseus and the miracles of the wideband recordings!!!
I have a log of Radio Disney at 2200 on 1290. Unfortunately the only ID is Disney. The VA Col Heights station was due to go off at 2215, but the signal was in the mud before that. At 0001 Friday I managed to scrape the id for WZON IN Bangor, ME. This was on 620 under VOCM.
WARR 1520 - WARRENTON, NC: There
were some big signals around at 22 and 2300 tonight. I never heard
anything too startling until a rare dx station put in a sneaky appearance
due to a little cock up from WWKB. At 2300 they were silent for about
1m 45s, and this unheard personal first came through. WARR, WARRENTON,
// FM FREQUENCIES TO ASSIST WITH IDS: There are many of the regular MW stations now that ann a // FM frequency. There are a lot that ann strange calls for HD services as well, which can be confusing. But one may hear a partial ID, or catch an FM freq. I am not going to claim to make an up to date list here, as such a list would become outdated, or more likely I would make a start and never finish it. These types of resources are something that radio clubs could strive for as an on line resource, but I don't think there are any clubs here in Europe that would have any desire to create such a list. So I have at least made a start. This list would warrant a separate page if there is any more than the current handful of entries!! Maybe I could ideally start top add this on my all time list.
WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE ADDED TO PERSEUS? The imminent release of PERSEUS VS 4.0 has made me think about banging on the same old drum again. I have hoped and hoped that someday notice may be taken of requests to "finish" the navigation on the Perseus playback. It may not be possible of course, code wise. I personally feel that the exclusive selling point of the SDR is the wideband recording and playback facility. Bar for this, I would have had no interest whatsoever in using a rx in conjunction with a PC. I would rather have had the NRD or AOR. But the development of wideband recording has been such a step forward for MW dxers, that the Perseus has already left the traditional receivers far behind. On the Perseus group, no one seems to answer questions about updates anymore. One poor fellow was met by contempt when asking if there were plans for WFM on the Perseus GUI. Why is this?? Is the Perseus software at the end of the line?? I have no idea. But I do know that a few extra features would surely sell more receivers. Microtelecom (The Perseus Company) have recently been trying to sell an add on frequency correction plug in, to use along with frequency converters, in order to give the correct freq read out. But this is despite the refusal and rudeness in response to requests to add wfm. Sounds like wonderful public relations to me. After all, there are many band 2 dxers out there who may well benefit from a WFM addition to the Perseus GUI. On the other side of the coin though, many of the Perseus group contributors have been making rude and obnoxious entries about the Perseus software, and possibly that is the reason for the contempt within the group. Many of the entries are more of less unsigned, anon, and I have also noticed many comments from dxers that don't even use a Perseus!! It was noted that the Perseus software that is used in the AOR rx, can't recall which model, was WFM capable. But on a downside, only able to record 800kHz and not 1600kHz of spectrum. In response, "WINRAD +" by Sandro has come up with a WFM feature.
So if I knew how to programme hard code, I would be looking to add the following:
1.Backwards navigation. By this I mean ability to click back 20 seconds or so to a previous file in a set of recorded files. The software can automatically move on to the "next" file flawlessly, but moving back to the "previous" file is a chore. To move back 20 seconds to the start of an ID that may fall between files, means clicking file, wav, browse, and finding the right wav, and navigating towards the end of the file etc, all to go back 20 seconds. Luckily the terrible howling noise is now gone that used to plague the Perseus user before the latest BETA3/ 01 version. (NB: I don't mean the simple back 20 seconds on the same recorded file that one dxer claimed recently as backwards navigation on his SDR IQ..!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Create a slider (like the NB and volume control etc) on the front GUI for the "AM HI Pass filter", and have it change in real time, ie without "applying". This makes another variable for digging out that dx in the dirt.
3. WFM with various settings that suit both EU and US as well as Eastern European bands .Imagine being able to record 1.6 mhz at toth on OITR band during a lift.
4. MORE USEFUL MEMORY BANKS: I find I can navigate and tune faster using the direct tuning than I can by using the memories. If the memory banks were to be more useful, I would add the following. Clicking on the memory banks would bring up a small window, perhaps with Memory Number, Frequency etc and other details of stored data on the particular memory channel. But more importantly, the ability to scroll through memory banks in the same way that you scroll through the frequency counter when changing frequency. eg mouse over memory bank number, changes memory channel in the same way the frequency counter on the main screen works. I mean that you can change in 10's or hundreds by the turn of a mouse wheel. So say for example the memories for an AM dxer were for ease, 53 - 170, all fine tuned in the mode best suited for the dxers qth, and the appropriate sideband if necessary to avoid Euro QRM etc. The turn of the mouse wheel would scroll fast through the memory channels, as though tuning on the main screen. mouse over anywhere in memory sub window - mouse wheel jumps up or down 1 memory channel mouse wheel over the memory channel display - mouse wheel changes individual digits, like freq counter does now. (I am not sure if I would use memories, with the 10kHz step or 9kHz step on the mouse wheel making frequency change fast and furious anyway)
5. Extra notch for multi hets
Achieve this and the competition are left far behind.
ANOTHER UPDATE: In December 2011, AB in Yorkshire has contacted me re this station on 1230. I believe now that it is WJOY, Burlington, VT and not WENY. "I just listened to your 1230 recording from January http://www.dxarchive.com/mw/audio/110111_2205_1230_weny_ny_weak.mp3 - I feel that the station here is WJOY Burlington VT not WENY Elmira NY. If you listen carefully you will hear the call. Note that WENY 1230 is // WENI 1450. In your clip I hear an ad / PSA for the “Caregiver Resource Centre … is hosting a free discussion group for all unpaid caregivers at the United Way Building, 45 Tom Miller Road in Plattsburgh from 11.30 am to 1 pm. If you’d like more information call 565 4543, 565 4543. Register for … website … visit “. Unfortunately I can’t get the web address which sounds like CTZ something. Plattsburgh is just on the NY state side of the border a few miles away from Burlington. There’s a clue here too: http://www.wjoy.com/COMMUNITYCALENDAR.HTML" UPDATE: At 2205
tonight I had a new personal first, on the edge of illegible, WENY
1230. .
A LOOK AT THE LATEST DX LOGS: There have been a few quite good peaks over the last couple of weeks. WTVN has been heard another twice here on 610. Maybe that's the band picking up enough to be able to hear something other than WIOD since the closure of the dominant French Canadian. Last night after setting the Perseus files, the PC must have rebooted itself. Maybe a power dip, which sometimes happens here. The weather was a little wild, and the lights had been dimming earlier. But anyway, I was up to record 08 and 0900... Below are a few of the more interesting logs. NOTE: I don't scrawl down daily logs of the regulars. I don't even put most in the log book, as they can be heard every night almost. The stations I call regular will be seen on my all time list. Some dxers may find it a useful guide as to what's being heard, or if you can find a recent copy of the complete UK list, even better.
570 Unid
SS along with Reloj. 0828 6/1
TED WILLIAMS UPDATE: Whoever is whining about copyright now, after initially uploading his original file to youtube, has kicked up a stink about the replacement file that someone uploaded. Why upload something if you then don't want anyone to see it. Or have they sold out? That's more like it, and whoever has the rights want's to coin money in off of poor old Ted's back?? I can only hope Ted receives something for their greed.
LOGS: I need to catch up with the logs, especially from 6th when there was a good 0900 opening towards mid America. There are a couple of personal firsts I think in there for January, so bear with me. I have been doing a bit of walking and photographing the picturesque scenery we have here in Scotland at this time.
TED WILLIAMS UPDATE: UNBELIEVABLE as it may seem, YOUTUBE have removed the original video of the man with the golden voice. But thankfully, kind spirited folks have replaced the original.
1. ORIGINAL YOUTUBE MOVIE BANNED!!! So try this link, this is a replacement, and already had over 2 million hits!!!! Well done whoever said "sod youtube and silly copyrights" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6kI_u3ho_c&feature=related
TED WILLIAMS: Ted who?? A fellow that has touched the hearts of millions over the last couple of days. Ted was wandering an intersection in Columbus Ohio with a sign saying that he had a god given gift of a golden radio voice, but was homeless and hopeful. When I wrote this text, there were over six million hits on the YOUTUBE movie that discovered him.!!! To see what it's all about, see links below to:
(Unbelievable as it may seem, the original newspaper video has been removed due to copyright reasons!! How stupid is that!!)
So try this link, this is a replacement, and already had over 2 million hits!!!! Well done whoever said "sod youtube and silly copyrights" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6kI_u3ho_c&feature=related
PERSONAL FIRST TODAY FROM COLUMBUS OHIO: By sheer coincidence, I had a personal first today from Columbus, Ohio, home of Ted Williams!!! At 0830, AM 610 WTVN came through, but no sign of it at 0900.
SAQ HEARD WELL IN SCOTLAND: I forgot to reset my Perseus auto hotkeys file to include the VLF broadcast on 24th December, so thankfully I was by the receivers for the transmission tonight at 0000, which was an extra transmission especially for North America. Click below for a 794k recording of the VLF signal heard here in Scotland.
A FEW OTHER RECORDINGS FROM RECENT DAYS: I have a few other recordings to share here. A few rarer stations have made it at the end of December, inc a couple of crafty calls given during dominant station brief silence. I have yet to update the personal firsts at the top of the December pages with these stations, but I will have that job done soon. The 1290 unid Classic Country is interesting. Only one listed as Classic Country is WIRL, but it could be anything at this time of year I suppose, relaying their FM sister stations for example because there is no sport. KOKC is a really good ID in a WWKB silence. As is personal first WISN Milwaukee on 1130.
101231_0700_1130_wbbr_wisn_in_gap (pers 1st).mp3 101229_2200_1200_wxks_newton_boston.mp3 101231_0800_1290_unid_classic_country_mix_cjbk.mp3 101231_0800_1330_wspq_springville_ny (pers 1st).mp3 101231_0800_1360_wmny_pa (very weak, pers 1st) .mp3 101231_0700_1410_wqun_hamden_ct_via_wpop.mp3 101226_0900_1440_wmax_bay_city_mi (pers 1st).mp3
LOCAL RIVER ICE DAM: There are some photos of the local river where my antennas run across, with a massive ice dam. This lot was taken on 30th December. Have a look for yourself at the amazing scenes, that even made national press. There is no link back here, so use the back button. http://www.ayrshirehistory.com/ayr_river_ayr_ice_december_2010.html