More unusual logs in bold
NB: A time of eg 0900 often means the 0900 recording,
and not necessary the exact time of the ID.
Well I can hardly say January has been a poor
month for DXing. I am still reverting back to the few days last weekend
when the band was at it's best. Sadly there has been regular high K's
to upset the rare DX, and things have not been what they were this time
last week.
I have a mountain of logs to include in these pages, but now that we
are into Feb, I have to add a new page. Hopefully I will have time to
write up these loggings soon.
Rough Notes:
20/1 0900
1470 wnyy
1360 vy weak. Sounds like Nashville's catholic radio wkr??
Celebrating the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns today in style, with
an amazing weekend of band conditions. I was a bit concerned in the
early part of the month that the band seemed to have died. I can well
and truly say I have never heard an opening to SK like I had this morning.
There may be more than this, but to begin with I list the following.
I had a corrupt file this morning, with a great ID from CKDM MB. The
reason it became corrupt, I suspect was that I was dxing live at 1054,
but had autohotkeys set from the previous night to come on at 1100 or
just before it. So Perseus never closed the file, but autohotkeys closed
it. I suspect this was the reason.
550 KFYR, BISMARCK, ND 25/1 0800, 24/1 0800 (TNKX PAUL
C FOR INITIAL 0800 TIP 24/1)
550 WSAU 0900 25/1
570 WNAX, Yankton, SD 0900 25/1
600 UNID Canadian press news, and country, so maybe CJWW, but no ID
25/1 0900
610 KDAL MN ADS AND INTO C/C 25/1 1034
650 CKOM SK. 0900 25/1
650 Greenland 0800 25/1
670 WSCR Chicago 0800, 0900 25/1 vg sigs
680 CJOB Winnipeg. 25/1 0800 LIKE A LOCAL, AND 1030,
1100 etc.
680 KBRW AK various times around 1800 and 1900 25/1
no id today here. nl splattery
720 WGN, Chicago vg 0800, 0900 25/1
730 CKDM, Dauphin, MB 1054, and poor id 1001 25/1
730 CKAC and another station sounding also FF. Is this possible?? 25/1
740 CBC (CBX) Edmonton, AB, 25/1 0900, 1000, 0800
750 CKJH Melfort, SK. From the greatest hits of rock
and roll (only slogan) 1000 25/1
770 CHQR, Calgary, AB 25/1 0800
790 Canadian press straight after country mx. no id. 0800 25/1. Rec
stops before end of news.
790 KFGO Fargo 0600 25/1
830 WCCO, MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 25/1 1000. VG 0800
860 CBKF Saskatoon, SK 25/1 0800
870 WWL New Orleans VG 0800 25/1
880 CKLQ MB 0858 25/1
920 KDHL, FAIRBAULT, MN 0300 25/1
920 CFRY, MB 25/1 most of the morning. Lotto 649 results
at 1000
930 CJCA, Edmonton, AB "THELIGHT.COM" At
last managed this one 1027 25/1
940 CKGX, SK 25/1 1000 GX-94 (ALSO 0800 MIX WITH MONTREAL
AND MEXICO, 0900).
950 CFAM MB. Classical Music Very good levels at 1000
25/1 ID 1048, 1031, 1006
980 UNID distinctive tune at toth, and Canadian Press news. Not CKRU.
0900 25/1
1000 KOMO 24/1 0800,
1010 CFRB. Canadian Press nx 0800. I thought they had their own news..
1010 CBC AND CBRB mix 0900 25/1 (CBR Calgary), 0800
1070 KNX Los Angeles 25/1 0800 surprisingly good
1080 UNID 0959 inc yl mumbling. not WTIC
1140 WQBA 24/1 0800
1150 WHBY Kimberly 0800 25/1
1160 KSL Salt Lake City, UT. 0800 25/1 mix WYLL today
1170 WWVA, WV 25/1 0800
1220 UNID, pres MB . Classical Music but no ID. 0900 25/1. Virgin too
splattery at wrong times.
1230 UNID stn with unique time signal or pips. Like e/e/n/e in CW. 0900
1250 CHSM MB Classical music very good levels 25/1
1000. ID 1006 as AM 12-50
1290 CFRW 25/1 1030, 0759, 0859
1320 WJAS USB/ WILS LSB @ 0000 24/1
1380 UNID SS. Poss Mexican. Poss identifiable to someone better at SS.
0300 25/1
1410 CFUN, Vancouver, BC. 25/1 0800
1470 UNID Like FF or SS Ecoute RCA or similar..
1640 Silence of WTNI 0800 25/1, but not much heard below.
1660 KQWB Fargo/ Moorhead 0900 25/1
Logs for today:
Highlights only just now. Full report over the weekend hopefully.
540 W Radio, Mexico, 0700
WDTW, Dearbourne, MI 0800 23/1
1340 CBC, UNID QTH. CBC Radio 1 ID 0900
1710 UNID FF stn poss Radio Soleil, pirate in USA. FF tk at 0700, quite
NRD 515 WORKING AGAIN: I was sitting in the shack one night
a couple of weeks ago, when there was a humm from somewhere, and the
smell of burning. I could not initially trace the smoke source, but
eventually found that the NRD 515 was smoking. Never a good sign. After
inspection, I found that one of the 2 15v regulators at the back of
the chassis, on the metalwork at the back, was burnt, and still smoking.
Was it simply a regulator that was tired, or did I have a chain of faults,
which I may never get to the root of???
After searching around the place in disbelief, I came to the conclusion
I just never had a 7815 lying around the shack or anywhere in fact.
Not even in any scrap boards of any kind, and anyone who knows me and
the qth here will also probably find that hard to believe. I just couldn't
find one. It was an NRD 515, and not some piece of home brew kit, so
I didn't want to use an old trick of using diodes in series with the
-ve side of the regulator, to increase the voltage. I was keen to find
the original part, a simple 7815. The company I placed the initial order
with, CHS, placed them on back order. Time went on. So I found a pack
of 4 on e bay for £2. You know what I am going to say I guess.
The 2 orders arrived today, on the same day!!! I used one of the regulators
, and tried it. Everything 100% again.
It is such a great old RX, I wouldn't like to be without it. It has
a feel of a proper receiver, decent signal meter, large freq readout,
and of course at about £1000 worth when new in 1979, obviously
is a first class receiver. I bought it second hand in 1995. Except for
the relays requiring drilling, and lubricating with "Servisol Super
40", it has been trouble free till now. What age will I be in another
14 years then?????
DIFFERENT DX, 20 MILES DISTANT: The difference of
20 miles: In years gone past, I would probably have presumed that if
a dxers in the same geographical area was listening to the same frequency
as another dxer, they would likely hear the same stations. This has
been disproved time and time again with myself and Paul C, who is approx
20 miles north east of me. Fine on FM during intense sporadic E openings
this will happen, but on MW?? It certainly does.
Yesterday was quite an amazing example. Also included are other examples
that come to mind..
850 |
22/1 |
0900 |
950 |
22/1 |
0900 |
1000 |
22/1 |
0900 |
1130 |
09 |
1140 |
AM 1140 AB |
Las Vegas |
24/1 |
1000 |
1160 |
vg |
mush |
24/1 |
1000 |
1240 |
22/1 |
0900 |
1280 |
22/1 |
0900 |
1320 |
only |
(in cjmr silence) |
2007-8 |
or 0000 |
1410 |
22/1 |
0900 |
1410 |
2008 |
1450 |
22/1 |
1000 |
1500 |
2008 |
1570 |
22/1 |
0900 |
1660 |
2007-8 |
22nd JANUARY 2009:
Quite a good morning this morning, and the 0900 recording sounded lively.
Very lively. In fact lively enough for logging West Coast DX again.
Lets hope these band conditions continue. 1410 CFUN , 950 KJR and 1000
KOMO were all logged. Other channels gave some strong signals which
were well worth recording, including more unusual stations. There was
one which sounded interesting for sure.
970 had a country music station playing past the hour, but for a poor
wattery sounding singing jingle. Suggestions welcome, as this one may
be identifyable. ..
LEAVE A COMMENT: Like most Blog sites, I have decided
to post a "comments" link at the bottom of each article. This
is in reply to the lack of ability to leave comments now on the DX
TESTS web site. This site only has a log in type of thing now,
which is such a shame. After all, feedback from DX tests are very important.
They may wish to take a leaf out of the book of well known DXer and
fellow Perseus fan, Guy Atkins. His blog site is written in such a way
as to encourage comments, and he gets them.
The comment link here takes you to a message board, set up months ago
and never used. If it continues to be unused, I will probably close
it. It will be moderated, and IPs logged.
550 WSAU 0900 VG
710 WOR 0900
820 WBAP 0900 VG
950 KJR 0900
960 KMA 0900
980 UNID ESPN. The bubbling water carries thru the mud 0900
980 KKMS Richfield, MS 0300
1000 KOMO 0900
1270 UNID singing toth jingle. 0900
1280 WNAM 0900
1314 NRK CARRIER. OFF 0858
1320 WILS 0900
1330 WLOL 0900 GD ID
1360 WTAQ 0900
1370 WXXI PRES BBC NX 0900
1410 CFUN 0900
1480 WSAR 0900
1480 WHBC 0900
1540 KXEL 0800
1660 KQWB FARGO 0800
1670 WTDY 0800
TEST 1314 TODAY: Just before 0900 today, I have noted a carrier
only test from NRK in Norway on the old 1314 channel. I say NRK, I assume
a lot, but it was a very strong signal here. Hopefully they were just
blowing the dampmess out the valve bases..hi
Let's hope from a DX point of view they are not going to reactivate
this transmitter. It is only in recent years I have heard 1310 stations.
I know there were talks about using this tx a few years back to broadcast
a commercial service to Scotland!! It is a very powerful signal here,
as you would expect.
seems the SKYWAVES pages are now closed to the public, so I have removed
the link for now. This may not be the permanent, as I do know there
were problems with the server allowing hackers in last week. Watch this
space for an updated report.
I am not sure I understand the reason behind having a web site if you
dont want to anyone to see it ?? This is the case with so many dx groups
and clubs, who hide themselves behind passwords and secret members areas
etc. This is something I have always strived to avoid. I will never
have any secret members only areas. Neither shall I ever place begging
comments among these pages. Many web pages have Paypal buttons these
days to make contributions!! Anything published on line here is open
and available for public viewing. I am a firm believer of freedom of
information, especially in relation to MW dxing. Why the secrecy??.
- ANOTHER TRICK CALL SIGN: We as MW dxers, have to be continously
on the look out for what we could call trick call signs. They can be
heard every night on the airwaves, but I found a new one today. WFCU.
This was heard on 800, and might have left me scratching the head for
a while, if the band conditions had not been so good. This turned out
to be an advert on CKLW Windsor, ONT, for Windsor Family Credit Union,
WFCU..!! We also have to beware of other such adverts which are initials.
We must also be aware that for example CFRB carries the same programme
as CJAD 800 at certain times, and I have heard a CJAD jingle on 1010
in the past. This happened with CKNX 920 as well, when a 590 CJCL id
appeared during a sports game. And talking of sports, often station
ids other than what you are listening to, will appear on air. WRKO is
a common ID heard on WEGP 1390, due to the WRKO affiliation with the
BOSTON REDSOX team. (I have such a limited knowledge and interest of
sport, I don't even know what the REDSOX are, Football, Baseball, etc..
The other type of so called trick callsign that might bring some confusion,
are the multiple call IDs. There are a couple of variations, but the
end results are the same. Multiple calls on a channel and station which
bear no resemplance to the dxers lists. KDKA Pittsburgh announces a
string of calls where their HD service can be heard. KDKA are one of
the exceptions to the W and K callsign allocation rules, so the HD stations
are all W calls. (WZPT New Kensington, WZSY, AND WBZW Pittsburgh, or
similar) You can imagine the confusion of a weak signal. WLAC 1510 also
ann WNRQ HD3, or a similar call.
Other stations are running parallel broadcasts in different areas, and
therefore announce 2, 3 or more other calls which are associated with
the same station you are tuned to. WFAU 1280 is one, WEAV 960 used to
ann a string of calls last year, though they have changed slightly now
to a 960 only ann.
22nd JANUARY 2009:
AT LAST: Such has been the extent of
my care free attitude over the last few weeks, I have not updated the
logs on line. I have not been away from the radio or anything, but I
have not updated these pages properly since mid December. The old pipe
dream of having endless nights and mornings of great DX at the holiday
time never materialised. Nor as it happened did I get much in the way
of spare time to achieve the dream.. visitors etc... But I really don't
think the band was being kind to us. I had written some notes, about
getting the feeling the best of the dx seemed to have passed, though
I had never got around to publishing on line. Thankfully about a week
after that statement was written, the band did take an upward turn again.
SOFTWARE SCREENSHOTS: I was inspired a while back with some
screenshots Paul C here in Scotland made of carriers on 1400kHz. But
I don't think I was ready for the sheer amount that can be seen.
Two screenshots of 1400kHz. The first one shows a very
unique and odd carrier. It is a wanderer, and also includes a solid carrier
which seems to follow it. I was extremely surprised at the sheer number
of carriers making it across the Atlantc, when you consider that we only
ever seem to hear CBC and WOND. I personally have only one other US station
from 1400kHz, in NY state. Click to see full size JPEG.
left hand screenshot above shows signals fading out on 1400kHz at the
end of the scan. The time was 1143. This type of screen capture takes
approx half an hour with my PC. The image on the right shows they curious
type of fading I often get with distant MW stations, and it often shows
up on KBRW, Barrow, Alaska 680. KBRW has been seen as a carrier, and
also heard at audio level pretty regular this season.
had 2 personal firsts Tuesday 20th. 540 CBEF, Windsor, ONT.
This is also a French station, not to be confused with CBGA. The second
station was 550 KTRS, St Louis, MO. I also had a daytimer,
or semi daytimer as I call the ones that reduce power dramatically at
night. WDFM Detroit 1130, was a personal first on 15/1.
Note: KTRS is also an FM station in Casper, WY. !! The same
DX TEST MAKES IT TO SCOTLAND: The postponed DX test from RI
station, WOON made it to Scotland. The CW being the deciding factor.
The rescheduled test was aired on Sunday moring UTC 18th Jan at 07-0800UTC.
I noticed there was CW about 800hz below the carrier freq, and mentioned
this to Paul C, on out Skype MWDX chat. Paul then went on to produce
a recording, by narrowing the b/w in CW mode to extremely narrow. This
did the trick. I was listening to a much wider bandwidth, BUT I could
actually hear the CW, in the AM mode, and LSB.
DX TESTS WEB PAGE: If you noticed the lack of comments on the DX TESTS
web page after some DX tests, I found out why. They have blocked the
ability to post a comment.!!! Does this not completely defeat the purpose??
IRCA: I also attempted to post my log on the IRCA web site. I would
have thought that dx like this from an arranged DX test would have been
of interest in general, but the post never appeared. This happens time
and time again, and I guess I must assume that the moderators don't
want contributions from dxers, or maybe from non members??
SWEDISH VLF STATION TESTS ON 17.2 kHz: This station was heard
on Xmas eve 24th December at 0800, and for 10m before, when tuning up.
Signals were amazingly good here in Scotland, and is the lowest freq
signal I have ever identified, (bar maybe the bass guitarist from ACDC..HI..)
from 20th December to 22nd January...!!...... Like an on-line DX magazine..!!
Many of the common stations are not even noted in my logs. Check the
2008 list to see the ones I class as common. Most interesting logs in
17.2 SAQ (24/12 - 0750) Lowest Freq I have ever IDed.
530 Radio Encyclopedia, Cuba (6/1 - 0200) Faroes, carrier only
540 "W" Mexico (20/12 - 0800)
540 CBEF Windsor, ONT (20/1 - 0900)
550 WSAU, Wausau, WI, (23/12 0900) (18/1- 0700) (19/1- 0800)
550 KTRS, St Louis, MO (20/1 - 0900)
560 WIND, Chicago, IL (20/1 - 0800)
560 WGAN, Portland. ME, (20/12 - 0000)(23/12 0900) (18/1- 0700) (19/1-
570 WMCA, NY, (20/12 - 0000)
570 WSYR, Syracuse, NY (18/1- 0300) (18/1- 0700) (21/1 - 0800)
570 Greenland (5/1 2300) (17/1- 2300)
580 CFRA, Ottowa, (20/12 - 0000) (14/1 - 0200) (18/1- 0700)
600 CUBA Over CBC at 0759, 19/1
610 WIOD, Miami, (20/12 - 0000) (18/1- 0500) (20/1 - 0500)
620 VOCM NWK (17/1- 2330)
630 Radio Moscow . (5/1 - 0600) not dx, but curiously still announce
650 WSM, Nashville, TN (18/1- 0500)
670 WSCR, Chicago, IL (5/1 - 0600) (19/1- 0900, 0800)
680 KBRW, Barrow, AK (9/1 - 1257) Audio today again. No ID.
700 WLW, Cincinatti, OH (19/1- 0905, 0800)
710 WOR, NY, (20/12 - 0000) (20/1 - 0500)
720 WGN, Chicago, IL, (20/12 - 0000) (18/1- 0500 amazing peak)
730 CKAC, Montreal, QC (13/1 - 0800)
750 WSB, Atlanta, GA (18/1- 0500)
760 WJR, Detroit, MI (19/1- 0905)
780 WBBM Chicago, IL, Mix 6-80 news (20/12 - 1030) (18/1- 0500)
800 CKLW, Windsor, ONT (5/1 - 0900) (13/1 - 0800) (19/1- 0905)
819 Arabic, with old clock chimes, like a domestic table clock, is this
morocco?? (20/1 - 0500)
820 CHAM, ONT. (18/1- 0500) (20/1 - 0800) Talk 8-20
820 WBAP, Fort Worth, TX (20/12 - 0900) (13/1 - 0800) (18/1- 0300) (19/1-
830 WCRN, Boston, MA, (20/12 - 0000) (13/1 - 0800)
840 WHAS, Louisville, KY (13/1 - 0800) (19/1- 0905)
850 WFTL, West Palm Beach, FL. (18/1- 0500)
870 WWL, New Orleans, LA (13/1 - 0800)
900 CHML, Hamilton, Ont (13/1 - 0800) (20/1 - 0800)
920 CKNX, ONT. (5/1 - 0900) Reg pest
930 CFBC, ST John, NB, (20/12 - 0000) (18/1- 2300)
930 WBEN, Buffalo, NY (15/1 - 0200) reg.
930 UNID Dedicated religion, Peoples Gospel Hour. AB?? (31/12
940 UNID SS, poss Mexico. (21/12 - 0900)
950 KJR Seattle, WA. (20/12 - 0800) (30/12 0900)
950 CFAM, Altona, MB. (21/12 - 0900 No ID today) (13/1 - 1100) (14/1
- 1005)
950 CKNB, Campbelton, NB (31/12 - 1100) Regular. Rather low audio.
960 WEAV, Plattsburgh, NY (21/12 - 0800) (25/12 - 0900 VG, 1000) (13/1
- 0800) Regular
980 WCUB Two Rivers, WI (22/12 - 0859)
980 WCAP, Lowell, MA (25/12 - 0000)
980 CKRU Peterbrough, ONT (20/12 - 1000)
990 CKGM Montreal's ESPN (25/12 - 0000) (13/1 - 0800) (16/1- 2300)
1000 WNVP, Chicago, IL, (20/12 - 1100) (12/1 - 0900) (13/1 - 0800)
1010 CFRB Toronto. Regular powerhouse. (25/12 - 1000) (13/1 - 0800)
(20/1 - 0904 VVG) (20/1 - 0800 CJAD 800 JINGLE !! some progs carried
on the 2 stations)
1020 KDKA Pittsburgh, PA (25/12 - 1000) (20/1 - 0900 VG )
1060 R Education, Mexico (20/12 - 0200 vg sig) (31/12 - 0900)
1060 WBIX, Boston. (20/12 - 2200)
1100 WTAM, Cleveland, OH (12/1 - 0900)
1110 WBT, Charlotte, NC, (12/1 - 0900)
1130 KFAN, Minneapolis, MN (21/12 - 1000) (18/1- 1000)
1130 WDFM, Detroit, MI. (15/1 - 2200)
1140 WQBA, Miami, FL (14/1 - 0100) SS
1150 WHBY, Kimberly, WI (5/1 - 0600) (13/1 - 0132)
1160 WYLL, Chicago, (12/1 - 0900)
1170 WWVA, Wheeling, WV. (12/1 - 0900) (19/1- 0856)
1180 WHAM, Rochester, NY (21/1 - 0300)
1190 WOWO, Fort Wayne, IA (20/1 - 0900 VG)
1200 WOAI, San Antonia, TX (1/1 - 0600)
1230 CBC (13/1 - 1100) (17/1- 2300) Is this NU?
1230 WSOO Sault Ste Marie, MI (20/12 - 1000)
1240 Unid sports 0901, but no id hrd in rumble at 0900. (12/1 - 0901)
1240 WOON, RI. (18/1- 0703, 0800) DX TEST. CW
1250 CHSM, Steimbach, MB (11/1 - 1000) (13/1 - 1100) (14/1 -
1250 CJYE, Oakville, ONT (12/1 - 2357)
1250 WEAE, Pittsburgh, PA (12/1 - 0900)
1260 WNSS, Syracusse, NY. (19/1- 0900)
1280 WFAU, Gardiner, ME (2/1 - 1000, 0900)
1280 WNAM, Neenah/ Menasha, WI (22/12 - 0900) (18/1- 0900)
1290 WCMS, Greenfield, WI (22/12 - 0900) (12/1 - 0900)
1290 WKBK Keane, NH. (31/12 - 1000) (2/1 - 1000)
1290 CJBK London, ONT. (31/12 - 0900) (20/1 - 0900 vg)
1290 CFRW, Winnipeg, MB (13/1 - 1100) (18/1- 0900)
1290 WJNO, FL (15/1 - 0200)
1300 WXRL, Lancaster, NY, (25/12 - 0000)
1300 WOOD, Grand Rapids, (20/12 - 0100) (11/1 - 1000) (18/1- 1101) (19/1-
1300 WJLO, Cleveland, OH (11/1 - 1000)
1310 WCCW, Traverse City, (20/12 - 1000) (18/1- 0900) (19/1- 0900)
1310 WIBA, Madison, WI (22/12 - 0858) (18/1- 1000)
1310 WLOB, Portland, ME (2/1 - 0900) (12/1 - 0900)
1320 WJAS, Pittsburgh, PA. (16/1- 2300) (19/1- 0000, 2307)
1320 WILS, Lansing, MI (18/1- 0500)
1330 WRCA, Watertown, NY (2/1 - 1000)
1330 WFNN, Erie, PA. (12/1 - 0900) (14/1 - 2358) (18/1- 0900) (18/1-
2300) Id spoken like W F N'ENN
1330 UNID SS Stn, like Radio Sultano, or similar. (2/1 - 0900)
1350 WARF, Akron, OH (12/1 - 0900)
1350 CHAD, Middleton, NS (20/1 - 0800)
1360 WYOS, Binghampton, NY. (31/12 - 1000)
1360 WKAT, North Miami (22/12 - 0300)
1370 WXXI, Rochester, NY, (20/12 - 0000) (31/12 - 1000)
1380 CKPC, Brantford, ONT (20/12 - 1000)
1380 WMYF, Portsmouth, NH (2/1 - 1000)
1380 KLIZ, Brainerd, MN. (14/1 - 0900)
1380 KOTA, Rapid City, SD. (11/1 1000) (14/1 - 1033)
1380 XECA, Mexico (11/1 - 0600) Tnx JF for tip. I couldn't make
it out.
1390 WEGP, Presque Isle, ME. (22/1 - 0004) Amazing clear mic during
basketball results
1390 WRIG Schofield, WI (22/12 - 0300) (29/12 0900) (13/1 - 0300) (14/1
- 0300)
1390 WLCM, Charlotte, MI (14/1 - 0600)
1390 WPLM, Plymouth, MA (14/1 - 0200) (15/1 - 0100) (18/1- 2300 easy
99.1 id) (21/1 - 0300)
1390 WFBL, Syracusse, NY (15/1 - 0101)
1400 WOND Pleasantsville, NJ (2/1 1000)
1400 CBG, NFLD. (13/1 - 1900) Amazing signal so early
1400 WSLB, Ogdensburg, NY. espn. (20/1 - 0900)
1410 CFUN, Vancouver, BC. (29/12 - 1120 weak)
1420 WHK, Cleveland, OH (20/12 - 1000, 1005)(2/1 - 0900) (12/1 - 1000)
1420 WOC Davenport, IA (29/12 - 0900) (12/1 - 1000)
1430 WENE, Endicot, NY (25/12 - 0000) (14/1 - 0200) (21/1 - 0300)Regular
1440 WHKZ Warren, OH (20/12 - 1000)
1460 WDDY, Albany, NY (30/12 - 0100) (2/1 - 1000) Disney
1470 WBKV, West Bend, WI (20/12 - 1000)
1470 CJVB Vancouver (29/12 - 1120 weak)
1470 WLAM, Lewisham, ME ((2/1 1000) Reg
1470 Radio Formula, Mexico (11/1 - 0600)
1470 UNID SS. AQUI ... ?? (14/1 - 0600) Loads of possibilities.
1470 WNYY, Ichaka, NY (18/1- 2300)
1480 WSAR, Fall River, MA (20/1 - 0700)
1480 WHBC, Canton, OH (12/1 - 0900)
1480 WLMV, Madison, WI (18/1- 0901)
1480 WGVU, Kentwood, MI (20/1 - 0200) BBC World Sce stn
1500 WLQV Detroit, MI. (20/12 - 0200) (25/12 - 1100 VVG) Often dominant
this month.
1500 WFED DC. (2/1 1000) Reg
1500 Radio Formula, Mexico (19/12 - 0900)
1500 Unid SS (11/1 - 0600)
1510 WRRD, Wauksesha, WI (9/1 - 0100) (14/1 - 2300) SS ESPN
1510 KGA Spokane, WA (29/12 - 1120) (12/1 - 0500)
1510 WLAC, Nashville, TN, (16/1- 2300) (18/1- 2300)
1520 KOKC, OK City, OK (5/1 - 0600)
1540 CHIN, Toronto (12/1 - 0900)
1580 CKDO, Oshawa, ONT. (2/1 - 1000)
1590 WAKR, Akkron, OH (20/12 - 1000) (20/1 - 0900)
1600 WWRL, NY, (20/12 - 0100)
1600 UNID ODD CHATTER. Poss the chant station heard from time
to time (30/12 - 1005)
1600 UNID. Fox nat sports report came from mush at toth, but nothing
before (12/1 - 0900) (14/1 - 1000)
1600 KLRZ Golden Meadow, LA Pres. Ad for boat supply stuff LA.
No ID.
1600 WUNR, Brookline, MA. (16/1- 0800)
1620 WNRP, Gulf Breeze, FL, (22/12 - 0300) (14/1 - 0400) (19/1- 0800)
1620 KOZN, Bellevue, NE (16/1- 2300) (18/1- 0500) THE ZONE,
1620 WDHP, VIRGIN ISLES, (20/1 - 0700)
1630 KKGM, Fort Worth, TX (14/1 - 0400)
1630 WRDW, Augusta, GA (18/1- 0700)
1640 WTNI, Biloxi, MS (19/1- 0800)
1640 WKSH, Sussex, WI (21/1 - 0300)
ONT, (23/12 - 0300)
1650 KCNZ, Cedar Falls, IA, (5/1 - 0600) The Fan.
1660 KQWB Fargo, ND, (20/12 - 0000)
1660 WFNA, Charlotte, NC (20/12 - 0900)
1660 WQLR, Kalamazoo, MI (14/1 - 0400) (16/1- 2300)
1660 WCNZ FL, (18/1- 0700) (21/1 - 0300) RELEVANT RADIO
1670 WVVM, Warner Robins, GA (14/1 - 0400) (18/1- 0700)
1670 WTDY, Madison, WI (20/1 - 0700) (21/1 - 0300)
1680 WPRR, ADA, MI, (5/1 - 0600)
1690 CJLO, Montreal, (20/12 - 0000) (30/12 0100) (17/1- 0600) (22/1
- 0000)
1690 CHTO, Toronto, ONT. (18/1- 0500)
1700 KBGG, Des Moines, IA (16/1- 2300) ESPN, THE CHAMP
1710 UNID Music and speech noted, TADX. (30/12 - 0000) (20/1
- 0700) (21/1 - 0050) (21/1 - 0600)
1710 UNIDs 2, poss 3 stations coming through. (3/1 0100, 0130) Best
signals from these stns so far
at the next village, at a party. When I landed back in around 0500,
I discovered a silly timeout screen on my perseus recordings. My "HAPPY
NEW YEAR" recordings of US and Canadian MWDX stations at UTC +4
and +5 for were not recorded. What any time out message was doing in
the first place on any commercial software is beyond me. By commercial,
I mean sold with a product, which one would expect to work forever.
The problem raised many questions on the Perseus Yahoo group. First
and foremost, were we going to one day be left with another piece of
junk which wont work, if and when the hardware is no longer supported???
Other organisations who are known to enforce expensive hardware upgrades
at a time which suits them include SKY TELEVISION, BT etc. I think thoughts
along these lines were going through the heads of many users, including
PRO users who may require to be able to depend on the software they
bought the right to use when they bought the hardware. My own confidence
levels went way down when I saw this unwanted message. Way down.
Was there some kind of unknown plan in the wind?? I don't remember the
software, but back a number of years ago a similar thing happened with
a piece of software I used at the time. I was forced to upgrade to an
unwanted version, or do without. I can not for the life of me remeber
which software this was now.

I found out quickly that setting the date back was enough
to return the software to a working condition, but of course the date
on the recordings read wrong too. So I did manage a happy new year celebration
from WWL 870 at 0600, UTC -6...
The very robust version 1.1c still worked very well, and I was so glad
I was that I had not deleted this.
Versions 2.1a, and 2.1c both timed out.
Nico, the designer of the Perseus was fast to provide a non time out
version. But the question remained. Why was this pointless "trick"
there in the first place?? This was certainly not a great confidence
booster for any potential new customers.
In the end though, NICO presented the timeout / expired message as a
simple human error. There were timeouts on earlier non public beta versions,
and he had simply forgotten to take the line of code out. Nico also
went on to say that it was never and will never be his intention to
include any time out in any future version of the software.
My confidence was restored in the Perseus once again.