LOGS / NEWS - DECEMBER 2011 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
Yesterday AB in Yorkshire contacted me re the station on 1230. After listening to the audio clip, I hear it is for sure WJOY, Burlington, VT and not WENY. Well done and thanks to Andra, and you beat at least two maybe three sets of ears on that one!! "I just listened to your 1230 recording from January http://www.dxarchive.com/mw/audio/110111_2205_1230_weny_ny_weak.mp3 - I feel that the station here is WJOY Burlington VT not WENY Elmira NY. If you listen carefully you will hear the call. Note that WENY 1230 is // WENI 1450. In your clip I hear an ad / PSA for the “Caregiver Resource Centre … is hosting a free discussion group for all unpaid caregivers at the United Way Building, 45 Tom Miller Road in Plattsburgh from 11.30 am to 1 pm. If you’d like more information call 565 4543, 565 4543. Register for … website … visit “. Unfortunately I can’t get the web address which sounds like CTZ something. Plattsburgh is just on the NY state side of the border a few miles away from Burlington. There’s a clue here too: http://www.wjoy.com/COMMUNITYCALENDAR.HTML"
AUDIO CLIPS UPLOADED: NB Audio clips updated. I did say here that the clips would be uploaded soonest, it's not that the audio buttons were not working, just the entry was incomplete. (I thought that was obvious)!!
ann // 105.9 0800 11/12 (For the FM // listings)
A FEW AUDIO CLIPS OF RECENT RECEPTION: 111119_0900_1130_newstalk_minneapolis.mp3 111120_0800_1230_wsoo_st_marie.mp3 111119_0905_1280_wwtc_fairly_gd.mp3 111106_0700_1390_unid_poss_wzhf_after_wegp_id.mp3 111119_0900_1470_kmnq_mn_la_invasora.mp3 111119_0900_1570_ckmw_also_0904.mp3 111119_0800_1600_unid_we_are_a_t_and_t_or_something.mp3 (initially thought maybe a k call)
A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE - A FEW LINKS FROM GOOGLE: Looking down memory lane, I was thinking about many of the lost great radio stations of the 1980's. I visited many of the Irish stations of the 1980's and often think about my trips to the former free state as it was once called. I looked up the locations of the following well heard radio stations:
Southside Radio - Dunlaoire, Co Dublin 999kHz as well as SW relays LINK
ARD - Crofton Airport Hotel, Dublin 1134 / 1143kHz LINK
KISS FM - Old Cross Square, Monaghan 1008kHz LINK
KITS - Market Street, Monaghan - 837kHz LINK
MARS ANOMALY RESEARCH WEB SITE: Below are a few links that take you to a very interesting web site called the Mars Anomaly Research site. The web pages show actual NASA images and are linked back to the master NASA image. Have a look at the discoveries made by the author and others from around the world. http://www.marsanomalyresearch.com/evidence-reports/2005/088/strange-colossi-5.htm http://www.marsanomalyresearch.com/evidence-reports/2009/169/dunes-or-life.htm http://www.marsanomalyresearch.com/evidence-reports/2010/177/dunes-trees-tech.htm http://www.marsanomalyresearch.com/evidence-reports/2004/072/opportunity-mixed.htm http://www.marsanomalyresearch.com/evidence-reports/2008/133/colossal-plants-revisit.htm http://www.marsanomalyresearch.com/evidence-reports/2005/090/mars-forests-lakes.htm http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/e01_e06/images/E01/E0101728.html
Did I only just add to my ramblings about MP3 and back ups etc?? Yes. And what about that cheap option of a pair of 2TB hard drives?? That is well and truly gone out the window. Along with the Christmas season. The drives seem to have almost doubled in price according to some web sites, due to the floods in Thailand. It is no doubt a man made shortage, to increase prices for the Christmas market. See below for a recent receipt. One only has to look at the current pless.co.uk web site to see the crazy price of the same drive!! £174!!! The hell I would!!!!
DX LOGS IN THE LAST WEEKS: There has not really been much decent dx in a couple of weeks. The band is all too often poor to useless at dawn. But long over due is a log list and also personal first listings and recordings. There are one or two interesting stations from the last month and a bit. Audio clips available soonest.
555 ZIZ
Local ids 0300 24/11