LOGS / NEWS - DECEMBER 2010 A site mainly dedicated to Mediumwave Dxing |
Well it has been a couple of weeks since I have made an entry here. The DX this season has been particularly uninspiring, and thus, I have been spending some considerable time working at the DX ARCHIVE web site, as stated below. In some respects, it is good that the DX has been so poor. Otherwise the other site would have been completely ignored, as it has been for many years. So luckily a little inspiration was gathered, and as stated below, work that has been overdue for many years has at least went part way to being completed. Between the guys that have input to the archive site, we must have an incredible volume of material lying around, some scanned, much of it probably not, much of it from the Irish Era of the 1980's. So the collections are well worth sharing and recording we all think, rather than become "lost". For anyone wishing to trawl through the extensive archives, there is a link at the top right of all the pages on this site. The return link is in "Other" of the dx archive site. Thanks to the input of others, I have added a whole new section of RADIO SCOTLAND material, ie the real Radio Scotland from the 1960's which was at one time off the west coast, and must have been visible from high ground up the road from me.
Because the band has not been quite as alive and kicking as the last couple of years, interest here is not so intense. But there have been odd days when thankfully the dx is not simply the "same old same old". A few logs are seen below including the odd personal first...
PAT Happy Xmas CW. Good Signal. Heard often over the festive season
23/12 1830
WEATHER REPORT: It has been a chilly December here in Western Scotland over all. The river at the back has just melted in spectacular form for the second time this year!! (3rd time if you count last winter's January freeze up). I spent the whole day with the video camera waiting for a break up on Monday, but unfortunately it must have happened during the night. There are certainly some massive ice sheets sitting on the river bank next door. So at least I have a few good photos.
NOT MUCH DXING DONE: I have not a real lot to say at this time. Dxing has been in general poor, with about 2 days exception. It was obvious when on the Skype DX chat the other day, there was talk of logs of CFRB and WINS on 1010, and KDKA 1020. To quote myself on these pages last season, when WBBR 1130 is classed as DX, it's time to work at other projects.
DX ARCHIVE WEB SITE - WEB WORK DONE: And work on other projects I have been doing. I have been updating the navigation on another project involving a few dxers, the DX Archive. There are links to the DX Archive at the top of each page, top right, as well as in the "Other" menu. Links back the way from the DX Archive to here are in "Other" menu as well. The DX Archive is a collection of radio material, originally set up around the 80's Irish pirates, but the site has mushroomed since then. The domain has been in use for some months, but the complete mess of the navigation on the archive site was such that pride was lacking. There were masses of obscure menus and sub menus from the early days of the site, and big baby 3d buttons and massive text in standard times new roman. All repaired now though and gradually becoming a little more professional looking. A lot of work is left to be done, especially on the old photographs and scans that were cut to small 8k etc files, designed for dial up connections. Nowadays though, we have been adding full sized posters and long audio recordings.
MW DXING: My log book is barely looking like a log book now. One page has a few stns on 14th of November, and then 24th November, and 7th Dec. Next entry is 1 stn on 8th Dec and then 13th Dec.
Some dxers reported better conds on 7th I think it was, although nothing worth wasting ink to write in the log book was noted here. When dx neighbour Paul C reported an obscurity on 1420 for example I only had regular WOC. There were a number of other examples on that day.
But on Monday 13th, 0900 I had the following.
ESPN Chicago belting in 0900 6/12 Heard a few times of late has been WDRJ Detroit's Christian talk on 1440.
here to hear WMVP Chicago booming in on Monday 13th Click
here to hear UNID on 600 at 0900 13th Dec