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530 R Encyclopedia CUBA 2/12
920 XELE MEXICO 16/12 (Tnx Paul C for translating)
960 CFAC Calgary ESPN 1100 2/12
970 WNYM NY 2130 16/12 (Daytimer) "9-70 THE APPLE"
980 WCAP Lowell, MA 0300 5/12
1250 WNEM Bridgeport, MI 0900 16/12
1280 WEIM Fitchburg MA 0300 3/12
1280 WADO NY 0300 5/12 SS
1360 KKMO Tacoma/ Seattle WA 1100 2/12 SS
1360 KSCJ Sioux City, IA 0600 27/9 (Old Files)
1430 WNSW Newark, NJ 0300 3/12
1460 KXNO Des Moines, IA 23/11 0903 (Old rec )
1500 KSTP St Pauls, MN 2300 1/12 (also old rec 23/11 0900)
1600 WKKX Wheeling, WV 1000 2/12


More unusual logs in bold

NB: A time of eg 0900 often means the 0900 recording, and not necessary the exact time of the ID.


NEW YEAR: Well here we are a few hours before the New year, and the bells to ring out 2008. I shall be writing a lot more in this page in the next few days, inc the latest logs. Not that there is much exciting to talk about from across the Atlantic. I will also be looking at 2008 as a dx year. Hopefully I should get some nice spare time to myself over the next couple of days... Not tonight though.... I shall leave PERSEUS to record some top of the hours, incase there is anything exciting to report, but somehow I feel the high level of K's have ruined the DX for the night. I had high hopes of hearing some rarer daytimers leaving their transmitters on past their legal required time during the recent presidential elections. I heard nothing unusual, so maybe it will be too much to hope that there will be any around this new year....

Some old friends from the 1980's Irish radio scene have a temporary license for weekends until February, and also including these few days around New Year. I Bumped into these chaps at Amsterdam a few weeks ago at the annual radio day. I had not seen any of them since 1986, but every now and again their names cropped up in radio circles and I knew they were still around. They told me of their RSL Irish style. Personally I like these RSLs, where the freq is used at weekends, but the dx is not lost for ever if they are on a dx channel, eg the powerhouse 549 RSL from Monaghan area.

Anyway, I was pleasently surprised to hear their signals so strong here in Scotland in the evening. I had been trying to encourage them to use a clear channel at night, eg 1395, but in the end, the signal is quite remarkable here. Listenable on a portable radio at night!!! ZENITH CLASSIC ROCK is on 1584kHz.

It is good to hear someone using good old fashioned MW for fun. And with such high quality audio.

LINKS UPDATED: Both Jan's, and the Canadian solar forecast web sites have changed URL in the last days, so new links have been posted.


I have been updating my 2008 freq listings, and I am quite satisfied with the style. Check in the logs index. I have also made up a list of all the personal firsts this season, since August. It is quite a substantial list!! Again look in the logs index. . It is not so long back that only a few personal firsts in a whole season was something to behold!!

Band conditions have been pretty average this last week or so. I have a few logs, but remember I do not make any logs of most of the common stations, even in my own log book. See the updated 2008 list for what I now term common stations. Re the band conditions, the frequencies seem to be producing much the same old common stations, with very little extras. Hardly any West Coast, and in fact, with the high Ks, the band has been somewhat depressed. The odd gem sneaked in though. I had an id from a rare daytimer, AM 9-70 The Apple in New York (WNYM Hackensack, NJ). It is rare, yet 50kW till 2130 in Dec.

560 Rebelde, Cuba 11/12 0100
600 Rebelde, Cuba 11/12 0100
610 Rebelde, Cuba 11/12 0100
620 Rebelde, Cuba 11/12 0100
640 CFMJ, AM 6-40 Toronto 17/12 0800 Rarish call ID
670 Rebelde, Cuba 11/12 0100, 9/12 0800 VG
670 WSCR Chicago 15/12 0900
680 KBRW Barrow AK 14/12 1212 mx briefly during brief west coast opening. Also 13/12, 9/12 1138
710 Rebelde, Cuba 11/12 0100
720 WGN 17/12 0000
750 WSB Atlanta 17/12 0800 Dominant
760 WCHP Daytimer closing 16/12 2115 French before hand.
770 Rebelde, Cuba 11/12 0100
780 WBBM 17/12 0905
790 CFNW 16/12 2100 VOCM NEWS
870 CUBAN PIPS RELOJ pres. 9/12 0800
917 Nigeria still here fair pks, never id. 16/12 2119
920 XELE MEXICO 16/12 0100
920 CKNX 16/12 2300 Family/ slightly religious maybe style of show. Though something better initially
940 AM 9-40 Montreal. Ad for Casey's Coast To Coast. Casey Casem. Still Going!! 18/12 0958
950 KJR Seattle, WA PRES ESPN no ID. 18/12 1100
950 CFAM MB, 15/12 1100 WEAK MB opening.
960 KMA 15/12 0900

970 Radio Formula, MEX 17/12 0958
970 WNYM Hackensack, NJ 16/12 2130 ID as 9-70 The Apple
980 CKRU CRUISE Peterbrough, Ont 18/12 1000, 17/12 2100, 15/12 2200
980 CFPL, AM-9-80 London, Ont.16/12 2200
1050 CHUM, Toronto. 16/12 0700 good xmas jingle
1060 WLNO 16/12 2300
1070 CHOK 16/12 0900
1130 CKWX Vancouver 14/12 1212 during brief opening to the NW.
1150 CJRC FF ID 13/12 2300
1190 WOWO Fort Wayne, IN, 16/12 0700, 2200 Real good peak for this one
1220 WHKW 16/12 2300 RARE here due to Virgin
1230 WECK Buffalo, NY 18/12 2300
1250 CJYE JOY 12-50 ids 18/12 0300
1250 WNEM Bridgeport, MI 16/12 0900 Weak but readable to use an old phrase.
1250 WEAE, Pittsburgh. 16/12 2300 ESPN
1250 CHSM, MB 15/12 1100
1280 WFAU 19/12 1000, multi call ID
1280 CFMB 18/12 2100, 16/12 2102 antenna change.
1290 UNID. Not sure about this one, Sounds like WEMJ Gooska, Maybe 0. Req listening 16/12 0900
1290 UNID SS Stn 15/12 0900 Unsure if ID in here.. listening req.
1290 WKBK Keene, NH 9/12 0900
1300 WOOD 18/12 2300
1310 WCCW 18/12 2300
1310 WLOB 15/12 2200
1320 WILS Lancing, MI 18/12 0000, 17/12 0300
1320 WBOB FL 10/12 0100, 9/12 0200
1330 WFNN Erie, PA 18/12 0000, 16/12 2245
1380 CKPC 15/12 1000
1390 WPLM Plymouth, 11/12 2300
1400 WOND 19/12 0000, 9/12 0859
1410 WPOP 2202 15/12 traffic re between ESPN 15/12 2202
1420 WHK Cleveland, OH 18/12 1000 VG
1420 WOC 9/12 0900
1440 WRED 15/12 0300
1450 WENJ 16/12 0000 15/12 1000
1470 WNYY 16/12 2100
1480 WGVU 19/12 0000, and 0300 VG, 12/12 0900
1490 WBAE 17/12 0000
1500 WLQV 19/12 0000, 0300. Regularly Dominant these days 18/12 1030, 15/12 2200
1500 WFED 14/12 0800 Churchy thing on WFED, so they have religion too!!
1520 KOKC 14/12 0700 K-OKC ID in WWKB fade, 10/12 0300
1540 KXEL 19/12 0000
1600 WWRL 19/12 0000

1610 CHHA Toronto 17/12 0200
1620 WTAW 10/12 0300
1630 KCJJ 19/12 0000 Dittery guy on wx. Reg
1630 KKGM 10/12 0301
1630 WRDW, Augusta, GA 11/12 2300
1640 DISNEY 17/12 0300
1650 CJRS 16/12 2302 EE ID
1660 UNID with an ad for an OLDIES show. 16/12 2200 Just missed toth ID.
1670 WTDY, Madison, WI 16/12 0000 ABC NX
1700 KVNS 10/12 0300
1700 WEUP 10/12 0300

1700 KKLF 16/12 2300 Pres. Sports from 13-10 The Ticket. "Stick it up your tail pipe" traffic report!!! also 2300 15/12

and finally

1710 UNID 17/12 Heard during the night, and poss last night. Audio at 0502, but unable to determine even language, but seemed to be Transatlantic. It had been reported there was another religious station in the NY area, but no further info is known.


I read in the Perseus Yahoo group a while back about the chap whose Perseus software was opening on the secondary screen, which is no problem at home. But he was working with his laptop mobile, and couldn't find a way to bring it on to the first screen.

There is an easy way, to save messing around restarting in safe mode and opening and closing the Perseus software and rebooting, which works just the same. Often you can hold shift during boot up to bring up the safe mode option. Other machines are booted up in safe mode by holding F8 or F10 or similar at boot up. This does vary from PC to PC.

But I have recently learned a new trick. I have always used dual monitors here since the support was introduced back in Windows 98 days. Often while dxing with Perseus the secondary screen is switched off at the mains, due to my own attitude towards rf interference. But sometimes a window opens on the secondary monitor, and it is such a pain having to switch on and drag across to screen one. But there is an easy way around this.

On the bottom taskbar when a screen/ window is opened, the minimised window shows. There is the possibility for example to right click this and close. (This is the best way to close pop up crap on the web, incase you are clicking a trick screen and trick X to close.)

But on that right click menu, there is a MOVE command. This works so long as the window on the second screen is not maximised. So to move a window back to screen 1:

1) Right click the open window of your choice on the bottom taskbar.

2) Click (left) the MOVE command

3) Press any of the arrow keys on the keyboard briefly

4) Roll the mouse left (or right for that matter) without clicking anything, and the window should appear on the main screen.


2007 - 2009 TABLE AVAILABLE: i HAVE added a much better logs list for 2008 - 2009. I am really on my way to using this style to make my own all time list, which will have a few additions to this, but will look very similar. I am sure there are not too many to add except old calls, as I have had such a great DX season here. It now includes personal firsts for 2007 season, and should gradually be updated to an all time list.

If anyone wants to download the html file I use for my 2008 list to use as their own template, feel free.

Right click here and save target as.. etc..


This evening NICO released his latest PERSEUS software. It really is so smooth now, and a great playback bar again for the longer files. I made a small alteration to my own imaginary software. See below. I added a thicker playback bar, as I always seem to miss it, and whatever it is that clicks, large tones appear on screen and on the speakers. I also added a pause button, a button for 5 seconds advance and 5 seconds back, and buttons for next recorded file and previous recorded file. Alas it was only photo manipulation that added these items, which is the limit of my abilities !!!!

Click to enlarge

PHOTOS OF MY QTH: I did threaten to include some of the photos from the snow and frost a few days ago. Below are a selection. If you wonder why I don't mention the village name much here, it is so that the search engines do not pick up on the village. I prefer not to have any local kids seeing antenna wires in remote locations!!


Have been typing up my logs into the 2008 freq table this last couple of days. It is quite a job, but worth it in the end. Check out logs for 2008 season. This gives me the idea to try and complete an all time list of my own logs.

1520 KOKC 0300
1630 KKGM 0300
1700 WEUP 0300

Also noticed RTL was on 1440 all night last night.

KBRW Barrow was coming in on 680 again yesterday around 1300 but today it wasn't anything more than a carrier.


I have not managed to update these pages for a week or so, due to a high volume of DX. This past weekend was a bit of a blur too, as I wasn't by the receivers. Below are logs, listed in freq order. Not all stations are listed, and many are not even written in my log book. Common stations now include many which were seen as rare some years ago. A few examples are WYLL 1160, WJR 760, or WOC 1420, WBEN 930 to name but a few!!

FAROES INSTALL NEW TRANSMITTER: An email from Johan at the transmitter site on the Faroes says they have their new transmitter up and running. It certainly has a much sharper cut off than previously, see November logs page around 19th and 20th.

The new waterfall view even shows cw on around 500khz, with no trace of audio splatter. Both screenshots made Monday evening around 2350utc.

Well done to all concerned..

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Last week, Alaska was heard on 5 or 6 consecutive days on 680, and another pres logging on 780, but annoyingly no IDs from KNOM, just light music.I have become aware of the fact that I was in the habit of looking for AK during West Coast openings, and yet on Sunday 30/11 there were no traces of West Coast DX, and the band seemed to die between 10 and 11. Then around 1310 I tuned to 680, and there it was!!! And I have checked the times all week, and that seems to be a great peak time here. I also had fast flutter on signals nearly/ just at at audio level on 970 and possibly 820 and 1080 at one point. Nothing to identify any though.


530 Radio Encyclopedia, Cuba id 0259 2/12
560 Cuba Rebelde 0700 5/12
570 Cuba Reloj. Pips etc 0700 5/12570 WSYR Syracuse, NY 0934 3/12
570 CKGL, Kitchener, ONT. ESPN 1/12 0800
600 Cuba Rebelde 0700 5/12
610 WIOD, FL 1/12 0900
670 WSCR Chicago (1/12 0300) (2/12 0800 VG)
670 Rebelde, Cuba VG 0700 2/12, 0700 5/12
680 CFTR Toronto's 6-80 News. VVG at 0700 5/12
680 CJOB Winnipeg 3/12 1058, 1105, 1109
680 KBRW Barrow, AK 1/12 1310 BBC @ 1400. Still there 1720
680 KBRW Barrow, AK 2/12 1100, 1400 with BBC, 1500, 1555 NPR, 1606
680 KBRW Barrow, AK 3/12 1250.

680 UNID ESPN/ KBRW 2/12 1100 Mixing with Barrow KBRW. too wk for local ID. CA??
690 CINF 0800 2/12 Radio Canada FF id.
710 Cuba Rebelde 5/12 0700
710 WOR NY 0900 2/12
710 KIRO Seattle, WA 1/12 1100, 2/12 1000, 1100
720 WGN Chicago 0800 2/12 VG!!
770 WABC/ CHQR mix 0800 2/12 CHQR clear 1100
770 CHQR 3/12 1100 alone on the channel
780 WBBM Chicago 1/12 0300
800 CKLW Windsor, ONT 1000 2/12
820 CHAM, Hamilton, ONT. Talk 8-20 1/12 0900
850 WFTL FL 0800 2/12 g ID
850 WEEI Boston 0358 5/12
870 WWL 0900 2/12
880 WCBS NY Big signals 0900 2/12
890 WAMG ESPN stn 0800 5/12
920 CFRY Real Country Radio (1/12 0300) (2/12 0705)
930 CFBC 1000 3/12
930 UNID Poss AB stn. Sounded like dedicated religion rather than xmas carols. 0958 3/12
930 WBEN Buffalo, NY 2/12 0958 reg
940 UNID SS coming through sometimes. Mex? La Pantera in Utah? eg 0854 2/12.
950 WWJ Detroit 3/12 0900
950 KJR, Seattle, WA 1/12 1053 + 1100
950 KJR, Seattle, WA 2/12 0700, 1000
950 CFAM MB Hint of Classical mx 0956 3/12
960 CFAC Calgary AB. 2/12 EPSN 0854. No id.Also 0955 no id, vg 1030, and ID finally at 1100
960 KMA, Shenandoah, IA 2/12 0600
960 WEAV The Zone, Common Stn, but silly safety ad for setting wildfires by BBQ. IN DEC! 0930 8/12
970 WFLA FL 0700 2/12
980 WCAP, Lowell, MA 0300 5/12
1000 WMVP Chicago ESPN and local IDs 0600 5/12
1010 CBC Calgary, AB (CBR) 1/12 1100, 3/12 1000
1020 Unid SS mixing with KDKA 0800 2/12
1030 WBZ Boston. Using Persus splatter killer. 0600 5/12
1050 CHUM Toronto, ONT. Great pk 0928 3/12
1060 CKMX, AB. AM 10-60 1055 2/12 and other times
1060 WLNO New Orleans, LA In WBIX silence 0700 5/12
1080 WTIC Hartford. VG 0300 2/12 5/12 0200
1120 KMOX, St Louis. VG at 0900 2/12
1140 CHRB High River, AB. AM 11-40 2/12 1057 1100
1150 WHBY, Kimberly, WI 2/12 1100 (Using splatter killer to chk for w coast stuff, but only this)
1160 WYLL Reg 2/12 0200, 0900, also 1030 vg sig
1170 WWVA, Wheeling, WV 0700 2/12
1190 MEXICO W Radio (900 khz station) (1/12 0300) (0300 2/12)
1190 Poss Radio Disney. Maybe just an advert for Disney, poor sig. 1039 2/12
1200 WOAI TX 0300 2/12
1250 WSSB Milwalkee, WI (2/12 1000) (3/12 1100)
1270 UNID FF Tk, not really enough for ID. 4/12 1001
1280 WNAM, WI 0900 2/12, 0400 5/12
1280 WADO, NY SS but EE id toth 0300 5/12
1280 WEIM Fitchburg, MA 0300 3/12
1290 WRNI RI 3/12 0900
1290 WKBK Keane 0200 5/12
1300 WOOD, Grand Rapids, MI (1/12 0900 ) (vg 0958 2/12) (5/12 0200)
1320 CHMB Vancouver Call ID 1/12 0300 and logged other times
1330 WRCA Exc SS ann and EE ann 2134 2/12, 0401 5/12
1330 WFNN The Fan, Erie, PA 0356 5/12
1360 KKMO Tacoma, WA SS with MX, and echoy IDs 1102
1360 WTAQ Green Bay, WI 2/12 1000
1370 WXXI With a WHYY or very similar ID just after their own ID. 0000 2/12
1380 Unid ESPN stn. Could be one of many, was hoping for North Sound KRKO WA.
1390 WEGP Exceptionally gd 1/12 0400
1400 WOND, NJ 1/12 0900
1400 CBC / WOND mix as well as SS 0700 2/12
1400 CBC NFLD VG 0804 2/12
1410 CFUN, Vancouver, BC 0703 2/12 and other times
1410 WPOP Hartford 0258 5/12
1420 WHK 0930 3/12
1420 CKDY Digby, NS. AVR wx 1033 4/12
1430 CHKT Toronto 0300 2/12
1430 WNSW NJ 0300 3/12
1440 WHKZ 1/12 0300
1440 WRED / WJJB ids 0300 3/12
1460 WHIC, Rochester, NY 2300 1/12
1460 WDDY, Albany, NY 0258 5/12
1470 CJVB Vancouver 1/12 0300, 1100. Also 1430!!
1470 CJVB Vancouver 2/12 Gd pk 1330!! vg 1200, 3/12 1415
1470 UNID SS 0704. Poss mention Radio Formula, Mex 2/12 Also 0300
1480 WGVU Kentwood, MI BBC Relays 1/12 0300
1480 WHBC, Canton, OH 1000 2/12
1500 WFED DC Exc 0300 5/12
1500 WFIF Milford CT. 2200 1/12
1500 KSTP St Paul's, MN (2300 1/12) (1100 3/12)
1500 WLQV, Detroit 1000 2/12
1510 KCKK CO. 0800 2/12
1510 KGA Spokane, WA 2/12 1100, 3/12 1200, also 1415 3/12 and other times
1530 WCKY OH, 0000 2/12
1540 CHIN Toronto vg 0300 5/12
1550 CBC Windsor, ONT vg 1000 2/12
1570 XERF Mexico 0500 4/12
1600 WUNR 0301 5/12
1600 WKKX, Wheeling, WV 2/12 1000
1630 KCJJ 0300 5/12
1640 WTNI Biloxi 1/12 0300
1660 KQWD Fargo/ Moorhead 1/12 0300
1660 WFNA 0300 5/12

There will probably be more to add to this list, as I seemed to get bogged down in recordings at the time when the DX was at it's best.

Despite amazing AM band conditions, personal firsts are not exactly flowing. But hey, I have some amazing signals some days from the so called usual West Coasters. It has become obvious what the "common" West Coasters and Mid Western stations are around these lattitudes. These are stations which I hear here when the band is open to the West and can at least serve as a beacon for propagation. They are not all available at the one time of course.

680 CJOB Winnipeg
710 KIRO Seattle - Talk Station
950 KJR Seattle -ESPN
950 CFAM - Classical Music Stn
960 CFAC Calgary - ESPN
1000 KOMO 1000 Seattle - News
1060 CKMX Calgary - Classic Country, AM 10-60
1130 CKWX, Vancouver. News 11-30
1140 CHRB, High River, AB
1250 CHSM Steinbach, MB - AM 12-50 Classical Music
1290 CFRW MB
1320 CHMB Vancouver - Chinese / China Radio Int
1410 CFUN Vancouver Talk 14-10
1470 CJVB Vancouver Ethnic. Multicultural
1510 KGA Spokane, WA. Sports

I have read in World of Radio recently, some interesting comments about 940 Montreal, and its first class audio. I noticed that here on many signal peaks, that their audio had that "sound" to it of being set up by someone who knows how to operate a proper analogue AM ORBAN OPTIMOD. Remember the growl that Radio Nova from Dublin had on MW?? Remember the audio from the Ross Revenge in 1983?? Perhaps the Ross was even a little over the top?? AM radio has a great sound to it, when it is set up in such a manner.


Yes, 680 Barrow, KBRW has been in and out here during most of the day and last noted around 1810. Other East Coast stations have started to come in at this time, inc WEGP 1390, and 1400 CBC. Unfortunately their programmes even consisted of BBC World Service relays at one point. I had a nice peak then too. There was an ID when David and I were in the shack at 1400, although it was rather lost in the splatter at this point. The small video clip David has put up on UTUBE shows reception at 1355 or 1350 approx, during a peak.


David also has a video of his flag intenna in the loft, and a demonstration of a null on 1008 Holland. I wish I had a back null like that on all the wire across in the field, while still hearing AK.. lol..

Now I have to try and find the time to listen to last nights recordings!!!

A name familiar to many dxers has 4 new Perseus files up on line. These are various MW dx files from a DX pedition at Grayland, and also one from high noon in downtown Seattle, Washington State, on the US West Coast. I have just asked a friend in a more densely populated area to download them for me. His BB will reach 10 times the speed of mine, easily. But I haven't had time to check my own from the weekend, far less Guy's. But MW dxer's should find his files fascinating. I know I do. I am amazed at the amount of stations I have actually heard over here that comes in on the recordings. (Not nearly as many as Martin up north though..hi)

A DX friend in Holland recently commented that he would prefer to live in a good MWDX qth and bad broadband area, than vice versa. I must agree, even though sometimes on a Saturday night it is a bit of a struggle to reach civilisation for a few beers... and the long road home!! lol ...

Re Guy's files, it is a real help if you hear a station from that neck of the woods, and can refer to the Perseus file. After I had written this paragraph, I used one of Guy's new files to check for the ID of KKMO 1360. Sure enough, that was what I had heard, and thus I can now hear the ID on my own recording, coming through my own aerials.

Here we have poor Guy proudly sharing his Asian DX, and here I am using his DX files for listening to the US stations!!!

Some people here in Europe seem to be under the impression that anyone "sharing" a Perseus file is making some kind of a bizzare claim of reception they never had, or QSLing reception of a station they have never heard. I must say that is a very narrow minded and queer way to think. I find it as I said above, fascinating listening to someone else's AM band, in the same way as when you go on holiday and excitedly drag the SONY portable out to see what is on the bands!! It is no different, except for the fact that sadly I am not sitting in downtown Seattle drinking Budweiser!! I don't even manage to write to stations I do hear myself, far less station someone else hears. Why should I anyway. I don't understand that way of thinking.... I even find it amazing that some people write for QSLs to stations they hear on holiday. I have never done that sort of thing either. A dedicated DX pedition may be a different casebook altogether, but any QSL's from that would in my book, be only totaled for that expedition, and not for any all time lists etc...

Back to the subject though. Any fool who uses these files to make their own pretend dx catches, is simply kidding only themselves. What's the point?? Why even bring the subject up, unless you have something to hide anyway?? I personally don't have to write for QSLs off the back of someone else. I have enough dx I have heard through my own antennas. If truth be told, I dont have the time to write for QSLs for the excellent DX I have already had off my own back this season, far less start kidding myself and using someone elses. My last TADX QSL was in the mid 80s I think.. I would be as well using a web stream to pretend I had reception. And I have to laugh at the characters who suggest such activity actually goes on?? I am sceptical. Having said that, a few years ago I had one character copy photographs from my local history web site, send them to some dubious Canadian Scottish heritage site, and credit himself!!!! In their favour, the Canadian outfit took the material off line straight away, when they were shown the origins of the images.

Back to the subject of the PERSEUS, and I heard about one dishonest character who despite his dubious past, was freely passing comments about Perseus users sharing files, and how this somehow in his eyes would encourage some kind of bizzare cheating. Exactly who was supposed to be cheated was not explained. I was on the floor laughing after hearing of this piffle, coming from the mouth of the reknowned joker!!

In the 80s we had all the backward folks rubbishing frequency counters, and tape recorders. The same type of people have also been rubbishing PERSEUS users. WHY?? What do they want us to do?? Go back to using a crystal set?? Why, the band is so full of DRM rubbish and splatter from Euros, that any piece of apparatus which assists in digging out the dx, be it directional aerials, or better receivers, is obviously going to be an added bonus. This is not the 60's and 70's when most of the Euros signed off for the night, leaving the band wide open. There is a dedicated group of serious dxers seem to enjoy using kids toy tranny's for dxing. I hasten to add I am certainly not one of them. I have strived to improve my dxing equipment over the years, not to make it worse. But maybe that is what the anti Perseus brigade want us all to revert back to. And maybe they even see external antennas as cheating.... Many MW dxers have had dreams for all these years about the ability to record the whole band during the peak of the dx around dawn, and play it back. Now that this is a reality, I just have to laugh at the backward thinking of some so called radio enthusiasts who say we are not real DXers.

Perhaps the strangest comments I have heard about were from one dxer who decided not to share his dx logs anymore (on a non public e list I hasten to add) incase any PERSEUS users saw them!! I have a vision of him sitting in a candle lit darkened room, curtains drawn, listening to WINS, but the volume not too loud incase anyone nearby should find out what he is really listening to!! But I have heard rumours that since then, the same dxer is now considering ..... yes.......wait for it..... buying a PERESUS.


A final note for now on this subject.

Do I use a receiver to pick up my dx on the MW band??

Answer YES.

Do I pick these signals up through my aerial over in the woods??

Answer YES. .

Where's the problem????

Going..Going.. A list of common dx stations looking to move to FM include: 610 CHNC/ Frenchy, 780 CFDR/ KIX, 980 CKRU, 1140 CBI/ CBC, 1150 CHGM/ Frenchy, 1550 CBE/ CBC.

Any more?? Many of these are/ were dominant on their channel, so their sign off will open the frequencies up for further dx. 920 here I think has been the best example by far.

Recently gone:

550 CHLN
560 CHVO/ KIXX 103.9
630 CFCY
920 CJCH
950 CHER
960 CHNS
960 CFFX
1070 CBA/ CBC
1320 CKEC
1380 CKLC

We should enjoy the novelty here in Europe that in recent times we have gained the following empty channels vacated by:

540 BRT
567 RTE
612 RTE
729 RTE
1188 BRT
1314 NRK
1395 BIG L
1440 RTL (No overnight jamming now)
1512 BRT

Updates welcome. This winter, off goes 531 Switzerland, and 1476 Austria. Keep the ball rolling I say... I thought 1008 was going to go off, but again, they have been appealing for money to stay on, and sadly, they are still on air.. Maybe they could save money by closing down from 6pm - 6am!!! Just for us DXers.

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