GOOD SIGNALS FROM PUERTO RICO: Yesterday morning I had a cracking
signal on 580 from PR at 0500. I have heard this station before, many
times, but the signals from WKAQ were simply exceptional at 0500. And
this morning. Virtually nothing!!!
HERE for a recording of WKAQ 580. Superb signal
HERE for a recording of WPAB 550
anyone with their 1st language as SS wants to give the 550 station a
listen, I would appreciate a second opinion, and is there anything like
an ID in there?? WPAB would be a personal first if confirmed.
UPDATE: Thanks to Alfie and Davie for listening to the 550
clip. Alfie came up with the 550 Ponce part, but thanks to Torgeir Nyen
in Norway for also listening to the clip, I can now hear a full WPAB
ID just before the 550 Ponce part.
"Aqui WPAB, 550 Ponce"
Wish I had recorded a bit longer than 3m at the top of the hour. There
were some other SS mx stations around that played through the hour on
other frequencies, more so at the lf end of the band.
- TYPO: One of the many stations which has been heard this
season on 920kHz was for a long time listed here as WKGA, but the real
call sign was WGKA!! I had it all over this web site on all the listings
and logs. Thanks to AB for pointing this out!!!
DX TEST SITE: Anyone else noticed the American DX TEST
web site is reading like a root folder?
AMP TESTS: Just been looking at the stats for my amp
test files. Looks like I have had about 60 downloads for AMPTEST2.ZIP.
Cool. Thanks for the interest guys.
TIME FIRSTS (UK): I have updated the
table from last week below, with the All Time Firsts (UK) that I managed
to pick up here this season. Thanks to AB for his continued work on
this. A job well done, and one some of us thought about trying to take
on recently, before Andy took up the challenge. There were a few stations
had to be removed from the listings I had on over the weekend because
they were heard in the UK in the past under their old calls. Some were
however quite rare anyway, and my personal first for 2008/ 9 can be
seen on a separate page, click on the logs index page.
SPRING LOGS: As a taster of Spring conditions here
at 55 and a half degrees north, I have listed the signals heard and
for that matter identified at 0500UTC today. There is nothing very exciting
here, and I would class all stations as the expected ones on the channel.
Most days I fear will be very similar, and as a result, the intensity
of my MW dxing is not what it was in mid winter. A welcome break in
530 CUBA/ Encyclopedia
540 CBGA
550 Unid SS poss Columbia
560 WGAN
570 CUBA
580 SS
590 VOCM
600 Heavy het
610 FF pres canada no id
620 VOCM
640 CBC
650 VOCM
660 WFAN
670 CUBA
680 CFTR
700 WLW
710 WOR
730 CKAC
740 VOCM
750 CBC
770 WABC
780 CFDR
790 MESS
800 VOWR
830 WCRN Roy Masters
840 WHAS
860 CJBC
870 WWL
880 WCBS
890 WLS
920 CKNX
950 Pres CKNB no id, just usual low audio and pops
960 WEAV
1000 Sports. Pres Chicago
1010 CFRB
1050 WEPN
1070 CHOK
1100 WTAM
1110 WBT
1130 WBBR
1140 CBC
1150 WHBY
1160 WYLL
1250 MESS
1290 MESS
1330 WRCA
1360 WDRC
1390 WEGP
1400 CBC
1500 WFED
1510 WWZN
1520 WWKB
1540 CHIN
1580 CKDO
1630 KCJJ
1640 WTNI
1660 WWRU +nasty het
1680 WOKB
1700 KVNS
24/4/09: It seems that someone has changed the name of the
MW1 Skype chat yet again to simply MW CHAT. Hopefully it will stay with
that name for at least a couple of weeks!!
Just a
note to any of the users of MW1 Skype chat. Some strange suggestions
have been made recently that only MW should be discussed. Where this
idea came from I haven't a clue. Although the title MW1 may suggest
that ONLY MW is discussed, the group of regulars often chat about other
subjects. Anything from other dx related topics such as antennas, feeders,
nulls, SW, FM, TV, SAT, hillwalking, pubs, football, movies, big chics,
in fact anything. The reason the topic is so diverse is because we are
known to each other, and are not so formal as some other groups. So
long as common decency is maintained, there is nothing wrong in asking
in the passing, "Where are you off to tonight, are you going down
the pub?", or similar.
Anyone who has a problem with the Skype chat, doesn't have to join in.
Simply log out and don't come back. It is that simple.
We also can not and have no desire to try and control anyone who wishes
to be members of any other group or chat. What has that to do with me,
or any of the rest of the group? If dxers wish to be in any or every
other newsgroup or chat that's cool by me?? It is a free country. (Well
maybe I should rephrase that part of the statement and say it is a free
choice!!!) DXers are free to come and go between other chat rooms. Of
course they are. Why not. No one holds any monopoly over dxers. Likewise
with paper DX clubs. I suspect that there are no "noses out of
joint" when for example the editor of the World DX Club finds out
that one of his members put logs in the Danish Short Wave Clubs International!!!
That is the dxers choice. And thankfully always will be.
NB: We are in no way trying to "compete" or "replace"
Skywaves as a VHF dx group. If I do have any logs this season, I may
leave them on Skywaves, as well as here on these pages. This is provided
I get around to typing them in the first place.
This Skype DX chat history goes back to a C-BOX chat I had on these
pages some time ago. The freebie C-BOX was very unsatisfactory, and
didn't even refresh on it's own. This was also an open public chat,
although rogue IP's could be easily banned etc,
it was visible to anyone. The skype chat, although a pain at having
to install extra software, was started up from this site, after C-BOX
became too laborious. The regular guys who used the C-BOX, all installed
Skype and so began the Skype chatroom. The MW1 chat is not public, so
we tended to chat about other things in between the dx tips!!. The current
chat window is called MW1, simply because there were teething problems
with new members not bookmarking the same window, and we ended up having
about 5 different chat windows open at the same time!!!
I know the main focus of this web site is MW DXing. That is because
that is my main (winter) focus. But I have also reported many other
aspects of dxing here on these pages, including FM, TV, SW, ham radio,
offshore nostalgia, and just plain notes and odds and ends etc etc.
I will be active with TV and FM dx this season too, and since this web
site has included FM and TVDX clips and images since day one, I shall
continue to report what has been received, given time. And if anyone
doesn't like reading about FM or TV DX here, don't read it!!! Don't
e-mail me complaining that it is not all MW. I know it is not all MW.
So I shall be hopefully featuring photos of TVDX here this year, but
I have to say that if the sun is shining in the summer months, I will
more often be found out on the pushbike, or sitting in a beer garden
somewhere, or even sitting outside the shack enjoying the all too short
summers we have here. So often logs remain scribbles in a notebook.
It was many months afterwards when all the TVDX photos appeared on here
last year.
HOLIDAYS: I have been away for Easter and what nice weather
we had here in Scotland for the holiday weekend. It makes a pleasant
change!! I was over in the Mull of Kintyre, at Machrihanish, see the
bottom of this page. I did hope to go to the base of the former mast
site of the early TA tests. Sadly this was not achieved, due to one
of my friends having to rush back suddenly and unexpectedly. But I did
manage a pint or two with a fellow radio ham, Brian MM0GTX who was operating
from the mast site the time I worked him on 80m.
Machrihanish was a bit of a disappointment. When I was there 20 years
ago, there were pubs and a village shop. I was surprised to find out
that now there are neither. We tried to get a drink in a snotty nosed
golf club, but it seemed our faces didn't fit in as an unfriendly little
man refused us entry. Maybe our biker shirts were the wrong colour
Campbeltown on the other hand was a very different matter.
would like to eventually get back around to the mast site, but I doubt
if I will ever wish to spend any time in a dead village again!! My own
village has sadly gone down the same road as Machrihanish, and I now
have to travel for a pint!!
ALL TIME LISTS: I have been in touch with Andy Brade who has
spent some considerable time updating the UK all time logs listings.
This is the list that was formerly kept quite close to the chest of
a few dxers, but I am led to believe it is finally going to be made
public after all these years. Well done to all concerned.
The list contains logs of stations reported in the UK dx press, and
by known dxers.
term UK FIRST was used in the past for a first reported station in the
UK. Personally I find the term a little too definitive. What it really
means is a first reported in the UK DX press. I can't really think of
a quick fire short phrase to describe the same thing.
time first"??
concern is the boldness of the statement UK first. Trivial perhaps,
but what if some other DXer somewhere has indeed logged stations not
on the list, but are not members of any DX club. I for one fit into
that category. I also personally know of one dxer here in Scotland who
had heard the station that Paul C has only just managed to ID on 1600
with the chants. This dxer never ided the chant station, but had a rather
good signal from it during the 2007 season.
are the stations Andy has returned to me mainly from this years logs,
as possible "all time" firsts. There are a number of them
have been reported with older call signs, 790 WTNY for example. This
is by no means final, but just listed as a rough guide for now. There
will be more to come from January and February.
UPDATE 20/4/09: I have removed the stations with the old calls and left
only the confirmed All Time Firsts (UK-ATF).
of these will be in the audio clips files. I need to get to work on
these clips as well though. I intend to have the clips listed in frequency
order, in separate folders for each freq.
630 |
0500 |
30.8.08 |
630 |
0530 |
7.9.08 |
820 |
0530 |
(Paul C had this at the same time, Paul's tip) |
870 |
0600 |
18.9.08 |
920 |
0600 |
(+0600 21.09.08) |
920 |
0300 |
920 |
2300 |
28.10.08 |
920 |
0600 |
18.9.08 |
950 |
0600 |
20.9.08 |
970 |
2130 |
16.12.08 |
1230 |
0600 |
22.9.08 |
1230 |
0600 |
23.9.08 |
1260 |
0538 |
27.9.08 |
1260 |
0800 |
19.11.08 |
1310 |
0840 |
9.12.07 |
1320 |
0300 |
17.4.08 |
1350 |
0700 |
4.11.08 |
1350 |
0700 |
15.11.08 |
1360 |
0800 |
1370 |
0600 |
23.9.08 |
1380 |
0600 |
23.9.08 |
1380 |
0900 |
15.11.08 |
1390 |
2200 |
2.2.09 |
1400 |
0900 |
23.11.08 |
1430 |
0930 |
24.11.08 |
1510 |
28.11.08 |
1650 |
0300 |
- testing |
My own personal
first list can be seen elsewhere on this site, and comes to around 160
for this past winter!!!
For me, this seems not bad for a reportedly duff aerial, see below !!!!!!!!
AMP RECORDINGS: As predicted here, my recordings with the RPA-1
preamp have caused some reaction in the Perseus Yahoo group. I am amazed
that some people believe my beverage antenna to have something seriously
wrong with it!!! It has been an amazing winter for transatlantic DX,
thanks to the excellent winter conditions, the Perseus, and the beverages.
I am not convinced by this so called serious fault, but I am certainly
willing to listen to others with constructive suggestions (not just
criticism for the sake of it). What do they see wrong from the recordings
I have put up. OK by day I have the odd bit of local QRN from the many
televisions operating close by. But even with them running, the improvement
using the beverage and preamp is quite awesome.
and a bit but. I have just returned from David Hamilton's QTH, where
we tried the preamp with an indoor flag. The results were rather disappointing,
and very average, like what the results may have been with average preamps
which I have used in the past. Noise floor increased in conjunction
with the signal strength. Not much difference to the ear, just stronger
signals and noise.
why the big difference on a 500m beverage???
don't really assume any major problems with the beverage. The guys who
see some kind of so called major problem, should listen to the 2 files
I have uploaded today, and have a look for any problems. They are the
top two on this table. The other three I have uploaded recently are
also linked from this table. Files 2 - 5 are zipped about 210 meg. File
1, Sylvain's is around 96meg.
5 is from today's average Spring day, nothing startling, but plenty
common strong Tadx Signals.
File 4 is taken from a day of good band conditions. Listen to CJOB Winnipeg
on 680 for example.
Perseus file of 0500 GMT on 9th April 2009. (Approx 210
( Listen for the TADX common stations on 10kHz channels. Some
strong signals for April) |
Perseus File of 0800 GMT on 25th January 2009 (Approx
210 meg NB: NO PREAMP)
(Check 550, 680 and others for more unusual stations) |
Perseus File of 0756 GMT on 8th April 2009 (Approx 210
(Long after usual fade out, the amp brings in weak common stations.
Check 1120, 1130, 1540, 1010, 1250, and others) |
Perseus File of 1600 GMT on 7th April 2009. (Approx 210
(Daytime signals. Check531 (amp gets rid
of local QRN!!), 621, 648, 765, 774, 927, 1179, 1332, 1350 (LPAM
Kingstown Radio), 1503, 1512) |
Perseus File of 1600 GMT March 2009. (approx 96 meg NB
(This test is from Sylvain in Quebec. Listen to the same
results as I have on the MW stations from Canada) |
I do appreciate all the comments, more so from those who have taken
time and listened to the wideband files I have uploaded. (Yes there
were comments from dxers who had not even listened to the files!!!!)
I have made one extra observation today, and that is that the leads
of the power source are much better completely isolated from the power
source when the preamp is being by passed. If the + lead is only disconnected,
the -ve lead adds slightly to background noise. Not a lot, but worthwhile
isolating both leads. A simple switch does that trick.
Someone asked me if the amp worked well on other receivers. The answer
a resounding yes. Just the same.
I had it reported by MAH that with high signal levels it can overload.
Yes that it true, it is easy to overload at night with a Euro antenna.
Signal strengths on my Inverted L are very high anyway, so yes it will
overload on that antenna. The 10dB att on Perseus cures, but at these
strengths there is no need for the amp in the first place..
Let's not forget what the amp is for, at least for me. It is for bringing
in low level dx stations in late mornings when the band is open hopefully
to the West Coast and AK. When the stations normally are faded out,
the amp may give another hour of dx. (Hopefully)
I was also asked about samples from the middle of the night. My signals
would be far too strong I fear to benefit from any amp at that time
of day. I will try it, but I suspect I would see overloading and nil
benefit at night, or as in the case of the recording at 0500 this morning,
that would have no benefit for a preamp.
AMP UNDER TEST DURING DX: At the request of Guy in the States,
I have made another recording this morning with amp off and amp on.
I must apologise in advance for making a mess of the frequencies. I
must have been tuning around just before I started recording and never
noticed the frequency had shifted. The LF end is about 725kHz. This
test may not be ideal, but I was using a 500m beverage pointing towards
North America, just before 0800. At 0800 the signals were weaker to
the likes of 1120 and 1130, therefore I used part of a recording from
0757. I think this would be about 3 hours after sunrise. I wouldn't
even record 0700 now, as the signals are fading away. So at these lattitudes
at this time of year, 0800 is completely faded. But as you can hear,
with the aid of this amp, one or two powerhouses are still hanging in
1120, 1130, 1540, 1010, 1250, and others. I haven't even checked the
Euros much on this recording. At this time of year the stations that
are being brought back from the fade out are common as muck, but think
of the stations heard during a winter morning fade out.
Think back Chuck of the signal from 730 SK on my corrupted file you
fixed!! It could have been like a local!!
I can't get over the difference this preamp makes to MW dxing. Despite
reports to the contrary, I personally find this to be "AM"-AZING...
The pony express could have delivered faster than Parcel Force, but
it arrived. 5 days to come from Glasgow to here... But after the delivery,
I hailed David H, to come and see the grand switch on. I never saw him
move so fast.
So what have we found.

Well the test that Sylvain in Quebec made and sent over a couple of
weeks ago was no joke. Poor Sylvain was accused on the Perseus group
for having all sorts of things wrong with his set up. Well I must have
the same "wrongs" with my set up!!! I have found that for
wideband recordings using a beverage, the RPA-1 seems to be as brilliant
a dx tool as the Perseus itself. This preamp is something else. I never
knew amps like this existed or I would have bought one a while ago.
But then I have never heard a practical demonstration until recently.
Any kind of amps I have used in the past were always mediocre. So I
never had much interest in preamps till I was pointed towards Sylvain's
mp3 of France on LW in Quebec. (Tnx to Alfie in Norway for steering
me in the right direction..hi)
I would advise any MW dxers who have not downloaded and listened to
either Sylvain's file or mine to download at least one. New link at
the bottom of this article. Just have a listen. Many of the stations
are not much more than carriers before the amp was switched on. Go ahead
and try it for yourself!!!! Like when I first recorded my early Perseus
files and became a Perseus nerd, I am certainly now converted to an
RPA1 nerd!!
or maybe it isn't to some readers, the preamp is not much use amongst
the high signal levels of night time Euros. I have plenty strong TADX
signals anyway with 500m of beverage out there. It it will surely come
into it's own though when there are late West Coast and AK openings
on a late winter's morning. I would have loved to have known about this
amp before the amazing MW dx season this winter!!! But I am certainly
not wishing the summer away, desperate to try it!! I hope to have some
outdoor activities this year, after all the months of rain we had last
can say that the amp is what it says it is. My antenna is bringing in
what I would expect by day in the power off/ through position. And this
would be the same on any of my receivers, whether NRD545, LOWE HF225E,
or AOR7030 (which I don't have now).
But in the power on/ amp mode, gees, what a difference. I do at times
have some local QRN from flat panel TV's and the likes around me, but
the amp seems to also help reduce that!!!! Today's recording shows carrier
style QRN close to 531, but with the amp in, it vanishes almost. OK
by many other dxer's standards, I have negligible QRN, but the amp seems
really to have such a great s/n ratio. I am impressed.
benefits are obvious. I have had stronger carriers all the way from
AK as I have had from some of the stations on this recording today,
and if the amp can bring them up like that!!!!
benefits of this preamp, almost made me forget the very unhelpful supplier.
Not quite though. I would advise buying through a friend in the States
and have it send over by them, "properly labeled". ("Warranty
Repair" came to mind). This will save "someone" hanging
onto it for five days like I had, and hopefully save you money!!
only there were a way of "piping" the perseus recordings through
the amp. I still have my AK and West coast files at high noon and 1100
during the winter months.
NEW WIDEBAND RECORDING: Today I have made a recording
at 1600utc and uploaded it. It is a zip file of 210 meg, recording made
from Long Wave up to 1700kHz approx. The antenna is a 500m beverage
pointing away from Europe, ie in a NW direction towards North America.
Freq's to check on this recording are 531 (amp gets rid of local QRN!!),
621, 648, 765, 774, 927, 1179, 1332, 1350 (LPAM Kingstown Radio), 1503,
1512 (TCR Irish Pirate, barely carrier level before amp on!!)
I will make another recording tomorrow at high noon local time, or 1300.
This will be a good time to show the amp in action. Bear in mind this
is the time in mid winter that AK carriers are seen.
HERE to download today's sample file.
NB This is a 204 meg zipped Perseus file, of 1600kHz bandwidth.
The first test of the RPA-1 thrown together
for the test

The parasites that seized the box for 5 days in their Glasgow office!!!
This sticker from the side of the box the amp was delivered in.
that runs with the help of Skype has been relatively quiet with regards
to MW. But for the summer months for many of us who are also FM and
TV dxers, we have decided to include sporadic E tips. (NOT Tropo stuff
which has no bearing on a wider area. Some dxers become extatic when
they hear Classic FM from the next set of transmitters up the road for
I don't know if I will be able to keep up with the logs mind you. I
never seem to. There are always too many distractions in the summer
We have a good number of PERSEUS users on the MW dx chat. This is well
known, but it is certainly not an exclusive Perseus users chat. All
MW dxers are welcomed, so long as they observe basic manners.
One character has joined recently and proceeded to "get ripped
into Perseus users" for being cheats. Luckily this took place on
another chat, Skywaves had that honour I believe.
But I have to ask why would anyone want to come into a MW chat which
has a large percentage of Perseus users, if he doesn't like the way
in which we do our DXing. (It's OK you won't be asked on any dx peditions
to suffer watching our ways!!).
There must be anti perseus chats where these jumped up individuals would
be welcomed...... I certainly don't take orders from anyone on the ethics
of my MW dxing. I do happen to hear DX, so don't have the need to take
cheap shots at others who have better locations, aerials etc than I
have. In fact I enjoy reading the logs from "up north", to
see what I don't hear!! What is so unfair anyway?? Unfair to whom??
I am not in competition with anyone when MW dxing.
As I mentioned in these pages before, I do go to radio days. I would
be most interested in anyone who wants to come up to me in the bar and
discuss the ethics of my MW dxing in person. I suspect however they
would be somewhat less enthusiastic in real life!!
And while I remember, I better not play that old movie I recorded while
I was down the pub on Saturday night. It may not be ethical to watch
it on a DVD.
PARCEL FORCE SERVICE: No update yet on the RPA1 amp from the
States. Parcel force have taken 5 days to deliver from Glasgow to here.....
I could have walked it in a day. They may not have delivered in 5 days
but they managed to send me a bill for £15 VAT/ CUSTOMS, and then
charge me and extra £8 for the privilege of holding my package
for 5 days. . This bill was paid, but even today I had another demand
of payment from them. So I had to ring a silly premium rate number,
as well as listen to automated
"If you want xxx press 1, if you want yyyy, press 2".
"O it's probably just a duplicate bill", I was eventually
What if I hadn't rang and been silly enough to pay again??
Anyway, seems it should be out on the road as I type this up.
The company in the states were less than helpful when it came to speedy
delivery, more on that full story when and if the Amp arrives, and I
get the chance to try it.
CX-610GB: David Hamilton and I both have a superb little TV
for band 1 DX during the summer months. The JVC CX-610GB is even a bit
better than my old Pye VHF set which I have used since the 1980's. The
main beauty for me is the video out/ in and switchable sound which the
older TV doesn't have. The bandspread on my old set however is far superior.
3 inches for band 1 as opposed to less than half an inch with the JVC.
I have not had much experience with the JVC during active bands, as
I managed to track it down from ebay just at the tail end of last years
season. But from the limited use I have had, it seems to lock with weaker
signals than the Pye TV. I wonder how the selectivity will compare during
an intense opening.
also have a great DVD recorder which records directly from the video
out, and does NOT go into some unwanted silly pause mode if there are
unstable signals. The LG RC1000 DVD/ VIDEO combi is the only model I
have used so far that doesn't pause at varying signals, which includes
during tape drop out if transferring old video tapes..The cheap ASDA
recorders in my experience ALL seem to PAUSE if the signal is less than
perfect, which is no use whatsoever for recording TVDX. Can anyone else
point me in the direction of any other current models that would let
a dxer record snow if he wanted??

I have noticed on line that often there are dxers asking for the manual
and circuits for this popular TVDX tool.
Therefore I have included these three items.
unoptimised file for the circuit diagram was over 30 meg, so a compromise
is used here. The large sheet was scanned in 4 sections each side, and
reduced to 2. I may try and see if the larger jpegs files will join
up easily
noticed somewhere recently a cheap shot about logs that are reported
on web sites will not be there in 40 years to look back on, whereas
they would be if they were reported in DX magazines. I actually PARTLY
agree in some ways, because there are currently no historical organisations
around to my knowledge with web space for archives. There are small
groups of enthusiasts, but what happens on death?? Or what has happened
to many of us when ISP's go down, are taken over etc. AOL recently removed
personal web sites from their servers without much in the way of warning.
The web is a great resource for the future, as long as there is some
kind of an organisation to assure continuity. To say that electronic
web sites will not be here in 40 years may be so, but hopefully not
Who can responsibility be passed to? There are no government backed
outfits even yet to my knowledge that would welcome storing historical
files. I have been through this in the last 10 years with the mountain
of local historical photographs and documents I have gathered. Rather
than encourage or assist, anyone in authority I have dealt with did
nothing but discourage and create false obstacles. This I must stress
was because they couldn't grasp the technology, and came nowhere near
in fact understanding even the basics of digital archives. In fact I
was sent from person to person to person and back again, as though they
enjoyed wasting peoples time. I would suspect this still stands to this
day, although I completely distanced myself from these people a few
years ago. This was for important local history files.
So how on earth would MW dxers convince any jumped up official that
there was a need to archive our geeky audio clips and strings of meaningless
(to them) logs and call signs!!
But on the other hand, stuffy dx clubs who refuse to archive all their
back issues on public web sites may end up with lost issues, when there
is no one left with original copies. One dx club I know of has gaps
in their older archives. . .
So with those thoughts, I have decided to produce the logs pages for
the last dx season in pdf format and they can be saved or even printed
out. I have made one so far, for January, and it does look OK.
2009 LOGS FROM SW Scotland in pdf format
Comments welcome though (Constructive comments that is)
I have removed the personal first table from the top of this months
page. There was only one lonely station last month, so I though I would
tidy the page up a bit. If I have a sudden upsurge of first time logs
however, it will be back.
AND THE RPA 1 PREAMP: I have not taken delivery yet of the
RPA 1 preamp as mentioned in last months logs pages. Boy did the thread
on the Perseus yahoo group generate some interest. I uploaded a full
MW band from Sylvain in the Quebec with Amp off/ Amp on, see March logs
page. We had everything on the group from "amazing" to almost
"disbelief". There were even comments from some dxers who
hadn't taken the time to listen to Sylvain's file, and others who baffled
us with theory and facts and figures, which for me personally are quite
meaningless without a sample such as Sylvain's to back it up. I am not
sure sometimes how some manufacturers sell their preamps without a proper
sample of amp on/ off.
It certainly made a very interesting thread, and is still on going.
I keep waiting for the postman, as I am really keen to try the Amp here
to see if I can replicate Sylvain's recording in any way. I also intend
to upload a couple of wideband files from here at high noon to compare
to the results Sylvain has. I can't say I am waiting patiently for
NOT MUCH TO REPORT: Not much to report still on the
MWDX scene. There was no sign of the DX
test this weekend on 1400, and no logs even from the states. Maybe it
never took place. The summer months are rapidly approaching, and the
time is almost here for TVDX and sporadic E. But sometimes an interesting
surprise comes along, see below.
RADIO MACHRIHANISH: I heard a chappie on 80m yesterday
chatting from a mobile location that made me sit up and take note. His
antenna was at the very spot that a very old and early wireless station
used to be situated, in the Mull of Kintyre, at Machrihanish.
I visited that very spot 20 years ago this year when I was on holiday
with the then YL. I had specifically asked the people we were staying
with if they could take me to the spot where the radio tower once stood.
I don't seem to have any photos sadly from that time, and have a note
in an old photo album that the first 20 photos had been stuck and wasted
in the old Zenith camera I had at the time.
I had read about Radio Machrihanish and it's early involvement in wireless
in "The Scot's Magazine" of July 1989. The article is to be
found below. I have made it into a pdf file.
I had a very interesting chat with Brian MM0GTX, one of the local amateurs
who have the right to use the special event call GB1 FVT (First Voice
Transmission). Typing GB1FVT into will show a photo of the site.
Maybe I will have a few more recent photos of the old site shortly on
these pages??
One curiosity to come up during our conversation was that I couldn't
for the life of me remember the names of the friends we were staying
with at the time. Imagine staying for a few days with someone and not
even being able to remember their names!! Mind you I have not seen them
since, so I suppose that can be excused after 20 years!! Isn't it strange
that I was on holiday with a group of folks I don't even know nowadays!!!!
One treasure I do still have are some old recordings taken from 3rd
- 5th July 1989 from Northside Radio in Co Donegal from 846kHz. The
old Radio North closed because of the new Wireless Telegraphy act in
Eire on 31st Dec 1988, but returned "in
disguise" a few weeks later as Northside Radio. By March 1990 they
were back iding as Radio North. I must try and fine exact dates for
these changes to archive them.
I had taken my big reel to reel and Grundig satellit 3400 on holiday
to record the strong signals the Donegal stations had in Kintyre. Arran
is in the way from this location, and really does cut down the signals.
Even today on the other side of Arran from here, and on Western Kintyre,
Radio North is like a true local station on the crumbiest of radios.
I really must get the old reel to reel running again and transfer these
old tapes. I have just found an old note that shows how technology has
helped us over the years. One of my reels has a big space at the start
due to "accidentally wiping track 3" according to the note.
The number of TADX ids I have lost because of turning a cassette over
in the middle of the night that I had already recorded on is also an
annoying reality of old manky tapes !! Changed days.
I used to trail the big Grundig Satellit 3400 everywhere with me. Even
over to the Alps on ski holidays. It fell off a bus seat in Dublin once
as well thanks to a clumsy old woman, who I just had to smile at and
say "It'll be OK"..... Even to this day my "normal"
non radio cronies cringe if we are going on any long trips incase I
fill the cars. But it may be easier now. I take a Sony ICF 2001D which
is a very good portable although really disappointing on FM compared
to the Grundig. I expected much better on FM from SONY.
Anyway, I am becoming carried away in nostalgia here. Below are links
to the scans of the article on Radio Machrihanish, which appeared in
the "Scot's Magazine" of July 1989, purely by coincidence
the month I was going over there to visit. Lucky the magazine was like
most and dated a month in advance. I am sure it will be OK to use material
from this mag on a non profit making web page, but I will be e mailing
them later today to make sure. (So download the article quickly incase
it isn't, although I don't know why it shouldn't be when they are getting
a free plug!!)

Sunset at
Machrihanish 1989