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Listeners to the AM band on Merseyside began hearing Radio Elenore during November 1980. It seemed to have emerged following splits in staff at MAR shortly after their first birthday.  In its early days, the station broadcast around 1181kHz, announced as 254 metres and also 234m / 1299kHz. Although reception was good in the local area, the latter was not clear in fringe areas during the afternoon due to winter interference from the BBC World Service transmitter at Crowborough. 254m was better but still not a very suitable channel for distant reception, especially in winter and during the late evening because it was sandwiched between Radio Sweden (1179kHz) and Radio Dublin (1188kHz). It was however possible to receive the signal at times as far away as Leeds, especially after Radio Sweden signed off.  Some of the deejays heard over the Christmas 1980 period included Andy Davis, Phil Weston, Jimbo Jim Brown, David Jason, Peanut Kenny, Alan Stacey, Dave Simpson and Robin Blind.  In early 1981 the station became cystal controlled and moved permanently to the on-channel 1296kHz / 232m.  The new broadcast hours were from midnight to 0900 on Friday and Saturday nights, later extending to mid-day. During late 1981, transmissions moved to weekday evenings, 6pm to midnight,  possibly due to the number of stations operating at the weekends. Co-inciding with the changed schedule, Radio Elenore moved to 1125kHz / 266m. This frequency had been used by M.A.R. at the weekend, but they had disappeared around August 1981, and at night was a clearer channel than 1296kHz. In the next three years of operations, Radio Elenore were heard on other channels including, 1413kHz and 1449kHz during 1983, with 1170kHz and 1179kHz used during 1984. The station finally closed at the end of September 1984, with many of the presenters moving to Radio Merseywaves.


The Radio Elenore studio and transmitter believed to be from when the station was on 254m around Christmas 1980.
Photographs by kind courtesy of Dave Simpson.

Dave Simpson in the Radio Elenore studio during the winter of 1980/81


Above and below are items of station memorabilia from the days on 1125kHz.
For more details of the station and deejays, have a look at the two station information sheets linked below from,
July 1981 and then September 1981. 



In 1983, the station shared their frequency with Station M International and broadcast on 1413kHz, along with several other stations at different times of the week. 1449kHz was also used for a time.  Late in 1983, Elenore wanted to broadcast on a Sunday which clashed with Station M, so they moved to 1449kHz / 204m. By 1984 the station had moved back to 254m with the help of engineer Bert Williams, and was heard mainly on 1170kHz, but sometimes 1179kHz.  Broadcast hours were now during the day and only on a Sunday.   Radio Elenore were last monitored during September 1984, according to Tim Jackson's Merseyside Free Radio Newsheets.  At this time, they were sharing 1179kHz with Radio Merseywaves, who signed on after Elenore closed for the day. Following the closure of Radio Elenore, many of the deejays went to work on Radio Merseywaves.

Radio Elenore Audio Library

1980_11_22_sat_elenore_1290am-234m_davidjason_janice_andydavis-EM67.mp3 This is from an early broadcast from Radio Elenore featuring David Jason and Andy Davis with an announced frequency of 1290.3kHz. The first few minutes of Andy Davis are hosted by Janice the Tea Lady. This recording has a number of commercials and announces their earlier address in Bidston, before it changed to 71 Ashville Road. Andy Davis also mentiones that official broadcasts start on 29th November. Many thanks to Eric Monaghan for this recording made in Liverpool. 59M
December 1980 (Real Audio) Extracts from an Andy Davis afternoon show from around Christmas 1980, possibly the Sunday before.  This was in the early days of the station, and on this aircheck, Andy mentions the two wavelengths the station has been using, and future plans.  The recording was made in Wallasey, and it is not sure if the audio distortion was due to receiver overload (too close to TX) or the modulation. 1175k
1980_12_20_sat_elenore_1181am-254m_1945-2015_philweston_jimbrown-EM258.mp3 The station was off the air most of the day but resumed in the evening with Jim Brown for 30 minutes following a tape of Phil Weston who gave a run down of the schedule that should have been broadcast. Some whistles and noise on the signal on this one. Thanks go to Eric Monaghan for this recording made in Liverpool. 27M
1980_12_21_sun_elenore_1181am-254m_1754-1825_jimbrown_iandale-EM258.mp3 The end of Jim Brown and then Ian Dale. Again a lot of noise on the signal. Many thanks to Eric Monaghan for the recording 27M
1980_12_21_sun_elenore_254m_2100-2200_robinblind_studio_copy-gh042.mp3 New Aug 2022 Sunday night 9pm with Robin Blind playing his favourites of 1980. This a copy of a studio recording in stereo, but has a few dropouts at the start. 134MB
1980_12_25_thu_elenore_1181am-254m_1800-1900_philweston-EM21.mp3 An hour of Phil Weston on Christmas Day 1980 after his turkey dinner. Some whistles from the transmitter on this one. Thanks go to Eric Monaghan for this recording made in Liverpool. 55M
1980_12_26_fri_elenore_1181am_254m_1525-1610_jimbrown-EM107.mp3 Boxing Day afternoon show from Jimbo Jim Brown. Whistles were due to the frequency being in between two other stations. Thanks hanks go to Eric Monaghan for this recording. 43M
1980_12_26_fri_elenore_1181am_254m_1615-1700_jimbrown-EM107.mp3 More of the Boxing Day afternoon show from Jimbo Jim Brown. Whistles gradually getting worse as darkness approaches. 43M
1981_02_00_sat_elenore_254m_1200-1300_davesimpson_studio_copy-gh042.mp3 New Aug 2022 Saturday with Dave Simpson from mid-day to 1pm. This is a copy of a studio recording in stereo but there are a few dropouts at the start.  The date to be broadcast is not known, but the postal strike is mentioned, so is estimated as sometime during February 1981. 137MB
June 1981 (Real Audio) Still with the overnight schedule (although the station had extended its hours to mid-day), this clip features the station signing off at noon on Saturday 17th June, with Phil Weston.  The interference was due to receiver overload by being too close to the Merseyland Alternative Radio (1125kHz) aerial. 620k
1981_06_13_sat_elenore_1296am-232m_0730-0815-cliffmarsh_iandale-EM2.mp3 New Sep 2021 Saturday morning breakfast time with Cliff Marsh followed by Ian Dale. Recorded in Liverpool and courtesy of Eric Monaghan. 41M
1981_06_20_sat_elenore_1296am_232m_0700-0800_barrycullen.mp3 57M
1981_07_11_sat_elenore_1296am-232m_0830-0900_signoff_philweston-gh334.mp3 Recorded in the car whilst on the move in Liverpool as the station signed off at 9am. 27M
1981_09_14_mon_elenore_1125am_2006-2100_markwright-EM.mp3 New Nov 2021 Mark Wright hosts a Top 40 Show on a Monday night between 8pm and 9pm. There is some some interference and noise on this recording which was made from 1125kHz, 266m. At this time the station had begun operating Monday to Wednesday evening btetween 6pm and midnight. Thanks to Eric Monaghan for this tape. 43M
1981_12_25_fri_elenore_1125am-266m_1000-1130_barrycullen-EM79.mp3 Barry Cullen morning show from Christmas Day 1981. Thanks to Eric Monaghan for this tape. 83M
1981_12_25_fri_elenore_1125am-266m_1459-1545_nickjames_iandale-EM6.mp3 New Sep 2021 Nick James finishes his Christmas Day show at 3pm and hands over to Ian Dale.  A phone-in number is given out for requests, but had a fault on it. Many thanks to Eric Monaghan for supplying this tape. 40M
1981_12_25_fri_elenore_1125am-266m_1545-1600_iandale-EM6.mp3 New Sep 2021 A continuation of Ian Dale on Christmas Day from the above tape up to 4pm. 13M
1981_12_27_sat_elenore_1125am_0134-0220_pauljay_bertwilliams-EM203.mp3 New Nov 2021 After midnight, Paul Jay is followed by Bert Williams who continues one of his free radio documentaries. Thanks to Eric Monaghan for this tape. 41M
1981_12_27_sun_elenore_1125am-266m_signoff_with_trevorbenson_bertwilliams-EM203.mp3 Continuing the above recording, Trevor Benson and Bert Williams sign off an extended Boxing Day 1981 transmission in the early hours of Sunday 27th December. Bert had been doing one of his 'radio documentaries', although this recording only features his story from late 1981. Thanks to Eric Monaghan for this tape. 25M
1983_06_18_sat_elenore_1413am_1150-1310_barrycullen-gh468.mp3 New Jan 2022 This recording was made near Blackpool when Radio Elenore were broadcasting on 1413kHz, announced as 214 metres and has Barry Cullen from mid-day. 75M
1983_11_06_sun_elenore_1449am_1100-1245_tonyreeve_barrycullen-gh492.mp3 This recording was made near Blackpool when Radio Elenore were broadcasting on 1449kHz. This was an unusual channel, as it was right next to Radio Luxembourg on 1440kHz which used to splatter quite a lot, especially during winter months. 98M
1983_11_20_sat_elenore_1449am_1500-1600_paulrogers_elenore_history_part1-dw.mp3 New Apr 2023 Part 1 of a two hour documentary giving an excellent history Radio Elenore with plenty of airchecks and narrated by Paul Rogers.  This recording features the history between November 1980 and October 1982. It was supposed to be broadcast on the weekend of their 3rd birthday, 13th-14th November 1983, but transmission issues meant it was delayed until 20th-21st November. The tape was originally sent to Gary by kind courtesy of Dave Wilson. 61mins
1983_11_21_sun_elenore_1449am_1500-1600_paulrogers_elenore_history_part2-dw.mp3 New Apr 2023 Part 2 of the above documentary giving the history Radio Elenore and narrated by Paul Rogers.  This recording features the history between October 1982 and November 1983, including a history of LBC where a lot of the Elenore deejays broadcast for a few months. There are a lot of old airchecks at the end, and Mark Wright follows at 4pm. The tape was originally sent to Gary by kind courtesy of Dave Wilson. 63mins
1983_12_03_sat_elenore_1449am_1140-1225_tonyreeve_barrycullen-gh225.mp3 Another recording made near Blackpool when Radio Elenore were broadcasting on 1449kHz. There was some crackling on this recording of Tony Reeve and the start of Barry Cullen. 42MB
1983_12_03_sat_elenore_1449am_1250-1338_barrycullen-gh225.mp3 A continuation of the above recording with Barry Cullen, as recorded near Blackpool from 1449kHz / 204m. 42MB

1984_02_05_sun_elenore_1170am_1230-1500_barrycullen_markwright-ght10.mp3 New Mar 2022 Barry Cullen is followed at 1pm by Mark Wright.  Recorded near Blackpool from 1170kHz, announced as 254 metres.  There is a lot of crackling in places on this recording.  Also, the there were some aerial problems in the second hour of Barry Cullen causing some noises, and then just before he finishes his show the signal goes off for a minute or so. Whilst the signal is off, you can hear  Signal Radio in Stoke which was on the same frequency. 123MB
1984_02_05_sun_elenore_1170am_1715-1730signoff_paulrogers-ght10.mp3 New Mar 2022 Continuing the above day's broadcast, here is the sign off at 5:30pm by Paul Rogers. Paul comments on the aerial problems earlier on, where the station went off during the Barry Cullen show. He also mentioned some requests and also that they were looking for presenters. Paul lists the deejays who had been on that day which included Tony Reeve, Barry Cullen, Mark Wright as well as himself. Recorded near Blackpool from 1170kHz, announced as 254 metres.  There is some background interference from Signal Radio in Stoke which was on the same frequency. 14MB
1984_06_16_sat_elenore_1170am_1240-1325_tonyreeve_pauljay-gh.mp3 New Jun 2022 The last 20 minutes of the Tony Reeve show on a Saturday morning. Tony was sitting in for Barry Cullen who was away.  Following Tony at 1pm, Paul Jay makes a guest appearance to fill in for Mark Wright was was ill.  The station seemed to have a few commercials at this time. There is some background interference from Signal Radio in Stoke which was on the same frequency of 1170kHz, as the recording was made near Blackpool. 42MB
1984_06_17_sun_elenore_1170am_1400-1502_bertwilliams_documentary_part1-rd.mp3 New Jun 2023 Bert Williams with a story of Radio Elenore, starting with Bert's days operating Radio 252. Bert gives a lot of dates out, giving a good timeline of the stations of the early 1980s. This section of the documentary goes up to late 1983, but unfortunately we do not have the last piece. Radio Elenore had their equipment stolen at the start of June, and Bert also makes mention of this. The station had been operating on 1179kHz since around March, and that crystal was also lost, so the station was broadcasting on 1170kHz once again.  104MHz is also announced at this time. This recording is by kind courtesy of Rodger Dee. 86MB
1984_07_22_sun_elenore_1179am_1630-1717_johnfreeman_paulrogers-kb969.mp3 New Feb 2025 John Freeman from 4:30pm from Sunday 22nd July 1984 followed at 5pm by Paul Rogers. There are some modulation issues on the transmission causing distortion which Paul Rogers comments on. Recorded from 1179kHz in the West of Scotland with some crackles and splatter from adjacent stations, but not bad for the distance. There is a change in the recording audio about 15 minutes through when the receiver bandwidth is changed. 42MB
1984_07_29_sun_elenore_1179am_1655-1740_johnfreeman_paulrogers-kb914.mp3 New Dec 2023 The last few minutes of John Freeman and then Paul Rogers from Sunday 29th July 1984, with a lot of requests from the afternoon phone-in. Recorded from 1179kHz in the West of Scotland, so there is some band noise and splatter from an adjacent station. 43MB
1984_08_27_mon_elenore_1179am_1725-1810-gh102.mp3 New Oct 2022 A partially airchecked tea-time recording from August Bank Holiday Monday 1984. We are not sure of the name of the deejay. Recorded from 1179kHz near Blackpool. 27MB
1984_08_27_mon_elenore_1179am_station_id_and_promo-gh102.mp3 New Oct 2022 A nice station ID and listing of deejays extracted from the above recording on Monday 27th August 1984. The station went off the air a few weeks later, with most of the names re-appearing on sister station Radio Merseywaves.  600kB
