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Royal County Radio - Navan - Co Meath (1982)
846 - 244m




Royal County Radio was heard easily in the UK, especially on 846kHz. They were initially thought to broadcast around 245m, although the exact frequency is not known (one report mentioned 254m / 1175kHz), then used 1000kHz announced as 305m, before moving to 846kHz after NOVA left the channel. The flyer below reports the wavelength as 244m however.  Perhaps 244m was their originally planned wavelength,  but no exact frequency is given.  It is thought they closed around May 1984 after many of the station staff moved to the new Cavan Community Radio.

Photos of the Royal County Radio studio and transmitter taken in October 1982 when the station was located in the Trimgate Arcade.

1982_10_01_fri_royalcounty_245m_1235-1408_olivercallan_bigal-gh379.mp3 New Feb 2022  This is a rather muffled recording in places, but seems to be from early in the life of the station as a 'test' is mentioned at one point.  The deejay is Oliver Callan and is followed at 2pm by Big Al. Don Allen reads the news at 1pm and 2pm, with Caroline Carter reading some local news. There are one two ads by Don Allen, and on others refernces to the new station in town.  The actual frequency the recording was made from is not known, but they are announcing as being on 245m. 83MB
1982_10_28_thu_royalcounty_1000am_1145-1235_olivercallan_peterscott-gh438.mp3 New Feb 2022  By later in October when this recording was made, the station was on 1000kHz, announced as 305m.  Oliver Callan is again on at lunchtime and Peter Scott reads the news.  Recorded from 1000kHz in Navan. 45MB
1982_10_28_thu_royalcounty_1000am_1235-1309_olivercallan_peterscott-gh438.mp3 New Feb 2022  A continuation of the above recording from 1000kHz. 34MB
1983_03_18_fri_royalcounty_968fm_1122-airchecks_donallen_johnstevens-gh324.mp3 New Feb 2022  Some airchecks of Don Allen and John Stevens made from 96.8MHz. Thanks to Kieran for originally sending the tape back in the 80s. 41MB
RoyalCountyRadio--19830621--1306--MeathFM_MA.mp3 New Feb 2022  A recording from the Summer of 1983 made by Michael Andersson and kindly shared via radiowaves.fm. 43MB
1984_05_07_mon_royalcounty_958fms_1240-1315-gh504.mp3 New Feb 2022  Recorded in Navan when the station was believed to be in its latter days. Apparently many of the staff had left to join the newly started Cavan Community Radio.  There is little in the way of adverts, but there is still news at 2pm.  80MB
1984_05_07_mon_royalcounty_958fms_1325-1403-gh504.mp3 New Feb 2022  Part two of the above recording as received in Navan  The on hour announcement gives 96FM and 846AM as the outlets. 86MB

