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Laoghaire Local Radio / DLR / DLR106
106MHz - 6220kHz
Dun Laoghaire Local Radio began in 1991 to South County Dublin and the station was soon known as DLR 106. For a period from 1992 onwards the station operated on 48mb shortwave and had many listeners in Europe, especially on a Sunday morning when they produced a DX Show. At one point they were reported testing on Medium Wave. In its later years the station changed its name to Hits 106, but by that time the shortwave frequency was thought to be no longer operating. |
DLR 106 Audio Library (From reception on FM or Shortwave)
1991_11_05_tue_dlr_106fms_1830-1915_davestone-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 | Dave Stone with an early evening show on a Tuesday which was due to finish at 8pm. | 106MB |
1991_11_05_tue_dlr_106fms_1923-2009_davestone_johnnyreb-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 | The end of the above Dave Stone show and the first few minutes of Johnny Reb who takes over at 8pm with his rockabilly show. | 106MB |
1992_07_15_wed_dlr_106fms_1710-1840_eddiemitcham_debbiemoore-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 | Eddie Mitcham on a Wednesday drive show until 6pm, when Debbie Moore takes over. | 216MB |
1992_04_05_sun_dlr_6220sw_1000-1040_dx_show-gh807.mp3 New Mar 2025 | From 10am, the first few minutes of the dx show with listeners letters as received near Blackpool on 6220kHz. Some shortwave fading and a little ssb interference as normal. |
37MB 40mins |
1992_08_30_sun_dlr_6220sw_1020-1105-signon_dx_show-gh268.mp3 New May 2022 | A late sign-on for the live dx show at 1017am as received near Blackpool on 6220kHz. Some shortwave fading as normal. | 43MB |
1993_03_07_sun_dlr_6221sw_1110-1300_frcshow_davestone-gh861.mp3 New Aug 2022 | The last part of an FRC show with Paul Murray and Dave King with reception reports from across Europe. The FRC Show finishes at mid-day when Dave Stone takes over for the next two hours. Frequency mentioned is 6221.5MHz. Recorded near Blackpool in Lancashire from 6221kHz. There is some SSB interference and the usual fading and electrical interference expected on shortwave, but the signal strength for DLR was usually very good. | 95MB |
1993_03_17_wed_dlr106_6221sw_0825-0955-gh672.mp3 New May 2022 | A breakfast show on St Patricks Day 1993 as received near Blackpool on 6221kHz. There is plenty of mentions of overseas listeners on shortwave, as well as the locals on 106MHz. The signal is variable and suffers from a lot of interference, notably from what sounds like some ship to shore conversations thought to be in a Nordic language. | 85MB |
1993_07_21_dlr_6226sw_0930-1100_gordonkelly_joeneill-gh839.mp3 New May 2022 | Gordon Kelly is on the first part of this Sunday morning recording, made from 6226kHz shortwave near Blackpool. Paul Murray fails to turn up for the DX Show, so Joe Neill hosts instead. There is a lot of local electrical crackling in the latter half of the recording, and some ssb interference. | 86MB |
1994_01_11_tue_dlr_106fm_1925-2010_alcurtis_johnnyreb-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 | Al Curtis is followed at 8pm by Johnny Reb. | 105MB |
1997_07_09_wed_hits106_106fm_1800-1930_chrisfoley-gh1106.mp3 New Aug 2021 | Chris Foley hosts a Wednesday early evening show. Recorded near Blackpool during an FM lift from 106.0MHz in mono. There are some crackles, fades and interference from other stations coming through during the FM lift. | 125MB |
1999_05_17_mon_hits106_1071fms_1959-2130_barryparkin-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 | Wednesday early evening with Barry Parkin. Recorded in stereo from the 107.1MHz transmitter which served Wicklow. | 214MB |
1999_05_17_mon_hits106_1071fms_2131-2304_robgee-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 | Wednesday night with Rob Gee who announced he was hosting until midnight. Recorded in stereo from the 107.1MHz transmitter which served Wicklow. | 208MB |
1999_05_20_tue_dlr_1071fms_1129-1303_non_stop_hits-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 | Recorded during the automated period of broadcasting from 107.1MHz. | 171MB |
2000_01_11_tue_hits106_106fms_2205-2250_barryclark-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 | Late Tuesday evening with Barry Clark playing a variety of music types. | 106MB |
2001_05_15_tue_hits106_106fms_1843-2015_jmc-ib.mp3 New Jun 2022 | Early evening with JMC playing mainly dance music. The recording is a little muffled. | 210MB |